He turned the Ford into a Chevy. Maybe that was intentional, since he saved General Motors and not Ford.
Or did he pick Suburban because he hates suburbia? Stanley Kurtz has written a whole book on that subject, which he summarizes here. Excerpt:
The centerpiece of the Obama administration’s anti-suburban plans is a little-known and seemingly modest program called the Sustainable Communities Initiative. The “regional planning grants” funded under this initiative — many of them in battleground states like Florida, Virginia, and Ohio — are set to recommend redistributive policies, as well as transportation and development plans, designed to undercut America’s suburbs. Few have noticed this because the program’s goals are muffled in the impenetrable jargon of “sustainability,” while its recommendations are to be unveiled only in a possible second Obama term.But jokes about "Sesame Street" characters are so much more fun to play around with right now... la la la... as we run up to the election.
Obama’s former community-organizing mentors and colleagues want the administration to condition future federal aid on state adherence to the recommendations served up by these anti-suburban planning commissions. That would quickly turn an apparently modest set of regional-planning grants into a lever for sweeping social change.Big Bird... tee hee... Elmo... ha ha... woman with a slashed throat... blood everywhere....
७२ टिप्पण्या:
Did I say he's just not that smart?
Just like Lurch, when he visited Green Bay and praised Lambert Field.
Ann Althouse said...
Big Bird... tee hee... Elmo... ha ha... woman with a slashed throat... blood everywhere....
Sounds just like shi...
Oh, NO!
Say it ain't so!
"Sustainability," so far as I can tell, is the left's term for what I would call it's Luddite point of view.
Hard to translate, but it seems to mean that economic conditions should be frozen in time so as to accommodate, as the leftist's like to say "people's needs over corporate greed."
The notion that PBS would suffer a fatal collapse if not for Fed subsidies sounds strange to me. I suspect that PBS would quickly replace that funding with other sources of funding and proceed as before.
Sesame Street is awash in corporate and foundation funding, and makes a fortune in paraphrenalia sales. Its producers rake in mega-buck salaries.
"I see Big Bird, he be slouching down"
so much depends
a red Elmo
glazed with poll
inside the white
Romney told a group of school children, "Big Bird can kiss my..."
Obama's "sweeping social change" - has been such success!
Orenthal James (Was A Mighty Bad Man) - Mojo Nixon with video of the slow white Bronco.
(All the time, I thought that was John Elway!)
Ann Coulter, in her new book on liberal race demagoguery, says that the O.J. Simpson trial was a watershed event because whites observed blacks celebrating revenge against whitey.
After that, the era of white guilt ended.
Or, so says Coulter.
Obama’s former community-organizing mentors and colleagues want the administration to condition future federal aid on state adherence to the recommendations served up by these anti-suburban planning commissions.
One plan I'd like to see the Reps develop is drastically reducing federal income taxes - in a rough magnitude of half - with the taxing authority and related spending responsibility passing to the states. The feds ability to control states with pursestrings and punish them with unfunded mandates has to stop. It's incredibly wasteful and is a major contributor to overall ineffectiveness.
Democrats, the Reality Based Community, national policy based on Sesame Street.
Of course.
In the 90's we had the OJ trial, where I watched a bunch of students cheer when a murderer was set free, and the LA riots. I think that probably had an impact on people in some way.
If Obama had a son, he'd look like O.J.
After that, the era of white guilt ended.
That's silly.
That's like saying once Obama was elected he would usher in a new era of race relations.
Sadly, the scars are far too deep. It won't be a few generations until it can begin to heal, after those who were raised around institutional racism have died.
Actually, Strelnikov, Obama's problem is the other way around -- "daddy issues." And if he had a daddy, he'd look like...
Oh, Bama.
So if somehow Sesame Street gets cancelled, will children run outside and "riot"? Might be good for them.
I want to see Big Bird's tax returns.
I've been told that Big Bird makes more money than Romney and pays a lower rate.
The other thing the OJ trial showed (aside from the incompetence of the local prosecutors) was the white racism of the DA who shifted the trial from Santa Monica, the appropriate venue, to downtown LA so they could get a black jury.
Obama's promoting GM products and not Ford's because Ford didn't need to be bailed out.
Affirmative Action President shows that he is nothing more than a sub-normal-I.Q. quota case who thinks black people murdering white people is hilarious.
Good job electing him, Easy Annie A.!
I'm convinced the Big Bird line was quite intentional and designed to lure the Obama campaign into just this sort of petty response that won't move votes.
Sustainability doesn't mean what most think it means. In Obama World it means, it doesn't just mean clean air and water, it means ecological justice, economic justice and social justice all combined. Go to this Fox News report, at 26:25 in the video.
Just saw the new Obama Big Bird ad. I guess the Romney is a preppy bully, murderer, vampire capitalist, tax cheat, bad Mormon, debate cheat and liar memes didn't work. Big Bird meme? Smell like desperation, sounds like Limbo music.
In related news, our incompetent narcissistic President does a interview with Nickelodeon's Nick News.
This is weird, like his "red pill/blue pill" thing.
But jokes about "Sesame Street" characters are so much more fun to play around with right now... la la la... as we run up to the election.
The Obama administration/campaign (same same) once again displayed its incompetence by including Big Bird in a campaign ad.
The Sesame Street Workshop was quick to give POTUS the smackdown, telling the campaign to take the ad down.
I really want to know what your revelation was, Ms. Althouse...
OK, so let's fix it, at least for comedy's sake. We want to tie Romney's PBS cuts to racially charged crime stories? Bam.
"BREAKING NEWS: Forensics shows that Big Bird shot Trayvon"
Big Bird is not amused . . .
Sesame Workshop is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization and we do not endorse candidates or participate in political campaigns. We have approved no campaign ads, and as is our general practice, have requested that the ad be taken down.
When you have no fear of being questioned by the dinosaur media, you don't have to be factual. Say whatever you want, excuses will be made, when the other side calls you on it, they will be ridiculed.
Strange -- I was in DC during the OJ verdict and the black people in our office erupted in cheers while the white people sat in stunned silence.
My sister was driving out of DC and a woman came up to her car and grinned and said, "We won."
Are OJ jokes popular with black people now?
"Shouting Thomas said...
Ann Coulter, in her new book on liberal race demagoguery, says that the O.J. Simpson trial was a watershed event because whites observed blacks celebrating revenge against whitey.
After that, the era of white guilt ended.
Or, so says Coulter."
Coulda been, Read something like that at hillbuzz.org:
while its recommendations are to be unveiled only in a possible second Obama term.
You have to reelect Obama to find out what's in it and after the election he will have more flexiblity.
It could be that Obama is not very knowledgeable about car/truck brands.
Obama is the kind of guy who wouldn't take time to double-check his knowledge. Or to think too heavily before he speaks.
Because he thinks that he is smart. And he doesn't recognize the difference between intelligence and ability to remember details.
(I think that's how he made the "57 States" mistake. And the "Egypt is not our ally" mistake. And the mistake about pronouncing the word "corpsman".)
Did OJ have to borrow from China to call Al Cowlings to come pick him up?
Jane, I had a really similar experience--I was in the student lounge at the LBJ School of Public Affairs when the verdict was announed and that's exactly what happened there as well. That reaction--and the reaction across the country--permanently changed my views on race relations.
Ann Coulter, in her new book on liberal race demagoguery, says that the O.J. Simpson trial was a watershed event because whites observed blacks celebrating revenge against whitey.
After that, the era of white guilt ended.
Or, so says Coulter."
No way, dude. There is no cure for white guilt, other than actually living among black people for a few years. And sometimes not even then, lol.
Sesame Street has asked the campaign to ceast & desist.
There is no cure for white guilt,
White guilt's a sham anyway. I'm not responsible for slavery or Jim Crow and I reject any system that disadvantes my children because they happen to share the skin color of people who do bear that responsibility. I'm sure Obama believes, and I agree, that his children should not be disadvanted because they share the skin color with people who have committed crimes.
"Strange -- I was in DC during the OJ verdict and the black people in our office erupted in cheers while the white people sat in stunned silence."
On the channel I was watching the producer had chosen to film a college student audience, blacks on one side, whites on the other. My reaction mirrored the whites', stunned disbelief. I was certain of a guilty verdict. The black students cheered. What a singular moment in race relations.
A very tasteless and confusing joke by Obama. And using a Suburban instead of a Bronco had to be intentional, as they were prepared remarks.
Mostly I'm just sick of the stupid, stupid furor about Sesame Street I've been seeing on Facebook for the last week.
Evidently people:
A) Don't realize that Sesame Workshop is not part of PBS, and is quite capable of making Sesame Street without PBS.
B) Don't think that anything but other people's money could ever provide educational content for "the children".
This also reminds me of the Other Narrative for PBS's defense when things like this come up, which is that "it barely gets any Federal money at all, so why are you complaining?" - the counter to which is "so why not just hold some fundraisers to pay for it"?
State-sponsored media inside the country is bad; I suppose what it'll take for the Progressives to see that is Conservatives using PBS to further their own agenda...
"But jokes about "Sesame Street" characters are so much more fun to play around with right now... la la la... as we run up to the election."
That's been my sentiment for the last several days when browsing my Facebook page. And every time I try to engage one of those people with details or numbers, it's dismissively brushed off.
Therefore on Nov 6th I'll update my FB page to encourage those who'd like a second Obama term to spend the day creating lady-part eCards and Sesame Street gifs on MemeGenerator, while the grownups go out to the polls to address our country'ss future.
Tee hee haa haa, let's just starve those people in the suburbs. That would be fucking hilarious. Haa haa suckers, how are they going to drive to work when the 50mpg never materializes? They aren't. That's a knee slapper folks.
I recently saw footage on Fox of Obama giving a 2002 sermon at Trinity UCC. It doesn't seem to have made as big an impact as the 2007 New Orleans speech, although the part I saw was almost identical.
How sick are these social engineers. Bwa ha ha, let's force people to move out of their communities, pull up their roots, leave their famiies so they can be clusterfucked up on the urban plantation. I guess I will have to put my children up for adoption, I know for sure I could not afford enough city space to raise them properly.
Wow, HillBuzz has a hell of a conspiracy theory about Libya.
If only five year olds could vote.
I was a juror on a murder trial in Burlington VT when the OJ verdict came down.
I was not really all that shocked--the jury was all black, the defense was superb and the prosecution sucked.
This being Vermont, the only people around were whites and I was shocked by how angry a good portion of them were.
It was jury nullification and probably happens all the time. What was different was that this was a case everybody was paying attention to.
Clyde said: And if he had a daddy, he'd look like...
...Robert Mugabe.
Ugly! I may become sick.
Everybody knows John Elway was the slow, white Bronco.
Here in my area the powers that be have started the rumblings about building 'multi-family' housing near transit centers. So, condos built on top of a BART station. Wonderful. People move out here for the schools, the houses, and the opportunity for your kids to walk to school or the store or the ice cream place. No one with kids will want to buy a condo on top of a noisy train station, and single people want to live in San Francisco where it's hip and happening. Old people might possibly want to live on top of BART but that's about it. And yet we are being told we really don't have a choice: in order to qualify for federal dollars for various things, we have to have higher density housing.
I wonder if President Obama understands that most adults harbor a deep-seated aversion to Big Bird and all things Sesame Street. You don't tickle me, Elmo.
Obama just doesn't understand American culture. It's like he's from a different planet. Can't pronounce Comiskey Park correctly but he's always been a White Sox fan! Doesn't know that OJ was in a white Bronco, but he'll drop a mention just the same! Can't throw like a man, but thinks he smoked one down the middle at the All Star game!
"All the womens is gonna vote for me!" Except now, Mitt has erased that lead to. Well I guess there's always more leading from behind to get himself ahead again.
Obama just let slip that he still believes O.J. was innocent, a victim of some conspiracy against him. How else to explain using O.J. as a symbol to defend Elmo like this?
This would be the lead story on the news if it were Sarah Palin in 2008. Hell, it would make the news now.
"White guilt's a sham anyway."
Of course it's a sham. It only ostensibly has anything to do with race. It's all about leveraging progressive power.
Also, the default to "Obama Meant To Do That" every time he fucks it up was always tedious and is now not credible. Obama did not mean to say "Suburban" instead of "Bronco" because he "saved" GM and is promoting a GM product. Or because he's hung up about suburbia. Jaysus. Consider the strong probability that he's Just Not All That. Consider the strong probability that a Suburban is the chariot that lesser mortals use to transport his exalted ass so that's what came to mind. Durrh, I was just sitting in one of those.
Really stupid of Obama and his handlers....
Romney made him look small.
So instead of doing stuff that would leave the impression he is Presidential, will wade into the serious stuff, and is a man and not a boy??
And most importantly, try to put his godawful job in the 1st debate behind him and change the focus?? Is Obama's narcissism at such pathological heights and his adorer's faith in The Black Messiah so blind they cannot see they need to move on past that fuck up???
Obama leaves the media nothing but juicy soundbites about him gibbling about his mocking Romney about Big Bird, clumsy sophomoric analogies to throat slitting OJ??
Has the Obama campaign gone nuts???
This is like the 5th strategy they have tried deploying, Denvers altitude and Romney being a "lying liar who lies! lies! lies!" being the last that failed miserably.
And all this just keeps last weeks debate front and center..
What the hell is wrong with the Obama campaign?
This is a serious election, and they're making ads about Big Bird. It's just sad.
I also think it's hilarious that the Left wants Obama to attack Romney on tax returns, Bain, and 47%. Don't they get it? If Obama brings those up and Romney responds with real policy points, Obama will look like a tool.
I'm sure Romney is just gleefully waiting for Obama to start making personal attacks--the contrast will make the first debate look like it was close.
And yeah, some people in the undecided or barely leaning Obama groups will read this incredibly stupid soundbites about Big Bird and OJ as:
1. Obama supporting OJ's acquittal and ginding his crimes funny.
2. Obama is with the blacks that jumped up and cheered "Our Side Won against Whitey!"
3. Obama is shockingly stupider than I thought. I used to believe he was some sort of genius! - EVERYONE knows it was a Ford Bronco! Maybe he and his wife DID get into the Ivies purely on Affirmative Action.
4. Why is Obama so petulant and little resentful child about losing a debate and still bringing up and making excuses?
5. Is he being an infant conflating Big Bird with a murderer? Or somehow trying to tie Romney to it?
Big Bird... tee hee... Elmo... ha ha... woman with a slashed throat... blood everywhere....
HAHAHAHA! James Ellroy in the house! Can I get a Captain Dudley siting?!
Add -
"Gas prices just hit 4.38, no Obama economic plan, big problems abroad and all I see or hear for the last week - is that flaming jerk whining endlessly and make excuses for himself getting bitch slapped."
Excuse me, laughing too much so I didn't complete the last sentence. Should read, "Can I get a Captain Dudley Smith siting?!" Crazy Hollywood, cartoon characters and slashed throats, makes me want to put everything aside and re-read LA Confidential....
Perhaps there is a nice gay couple who will adopt my children when my family is forced to live in a closet on the urban plantation.
Do the math.
O.J. Simpson verdict + joyous Black reaction = Welfare Reform Act.
Whites riot too. They just do it slower, quietly and better targeted. Only fools burn down their own neighborhoods.
I suspect that the reason Obama brought up the, er, Ford Bronco car chase was to subtly remind people that the First African-American President is in the fight of his life and needs the support of every single person in the black community.
What better way to remind people of the stakes than to subtly mention the time a black man killed two white people and got away with it, with the collusion of a mostly black jury?
Hot Air: Obamateurism of the Day
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