১১ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Live-blogging the big VP debate.

6:45 Central Time: Get ready!

7:18: "Paul Ryan's very attractive to a lot of women," opines David Gergen on the CNN pre-show. I have the DVR set to play the debate on CNN, but I'm thinking of changing because they're going to display focus group reactions on screen — colored lines — through the whole thing. I want to form my own opinion!

7:47: CNN commentators are finding a hundred different ways to say that the debate will be affected by having the candidates sitting and physically close together. Somehow, it will be harder to fight, at least in a personal way.

8:03: Game on. First question is about Libya and the absence of protests. Biden goes first, not focusing on the question asked, the massive failure of intelligence. Ryan takes notes.

8:06: Biden talks about tracking down terrorists to the "gates of Hell," as Ryan smiles. Ryan immediately attacks the President for blaming the YouTube video. We should have had a Marine detachment protecting Chris Stevens. We've been "projecting weakness abroad." We're witnessing "the unraveling of Obama foreign policy."

8:09: Biden is being rude, laughing and mouthing words.  And Ryan is talking about serious national security matters. Biden mutters an interruption. When Biden is given a turn, he calls what Ryan said "malarky." Biden stutters and falters and has to say "uh" about 5 times before he can come up with the word "Iran."

8:12: "We weren't told they wanted more security," Biden says, and now it's Ryan who laughs — a little scoff.

8:13: Should the U.S. apologize? Ryan says "yes" re urinating on Korans — which the moderator (Raddatz) mentioned — but not "for standing up for our values."

8:15: Ryan is speaking earnestly about preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons, and Biden is chuckling toothily, his body shaking like Santa Claus. Biden says if Republicans had had control of the sanctions, the rest of the world wouldn't have followed us. These were "the most crippling sanctions." Biden goes on and on assuring us that Iran is far from being able to deliver a nuclear bomb. He accuses the Republicans of "loose talk."

8:19: Biden talks to "Bibi" all the time and so does Obama. What Ryan says is "a bunch of stuff." When Ryan speaks, Biden is laughing clownishly again. It looks just awful. Ryan isn't rattled by it. I think he knows Biden looks foolish.

8:23: Biden is acting as though he cannot physically tolerate Ryan having a turn to speak!

8:25: Economics. Biden grabs the opportunity to push the 47% theme. He's "had it up to here," he says, with wealthy people not paying their fair share.  He sounds really cranky and angry. Ryan: "Joe and I are from similar towns." And in Janesville, his home town, unemployment has gone from 8.5% to 10%. Biden busts out another big grin.

8:29: "The Vice President very well knows that the words don't always come out the right way," Ryan says, getting a laugh, defending Romney from the 47% charge. Instead of taking this graciously, Biden mutters something about how he believes everything he says. Ryan tells some stories about Romney's charity toward the unfortunate, which includes someone that was in a car accident, and Biden takes the opportunity to remind us that his own wife died in a car crash, which is sad, but oddly misplaced.

8:33: Ryan talks about "green pork" in the stimulus, and Biden gets all cranked up about how Ryan sought stimulus money for his district. Biden continually interrupts Ryan in a way I find incredibly annoying.

8:36: While Ryan is talking about Medicare helping his mother and grandmother, Biden sighs long and loud. Sighing! Remember when Gore got in no end of trouble for sighing? How can Biden not know that?!

8:39: "They got caught with their hands in the cookie jar, turning Medicare into a piggy bank for Obamacare," says Ryan. Biden interrupts. Ryan says: "Mr. Vice President, I know you're under a lot of duress to make up for lost ground, but I think everyone will be better served if we don't keep interrupting each other." I love the politeness of "if we don't keep" — we — when Biden has been an interruption machine and Ryan has barely interrupted and only occasionally has talked over to keep from losing his turn. The moderator, Martha Raddatz has done nothing at all to control Biden, who is, I think, hurting himself. Biden says: "Well, don't take all 4 minutes then." He should have said, "All right" or something reasonably conciliatory.

8:51: The stress level is rising. Biden is so angry. Why is he yelling? Ryan needs nerves of steel not to lose his cool. I'm impressed that Ryan, when he gets his turn, is able to speak in an even, natural voice. It's hard to concentrate on the policy itself, because the emotional static is so strong.

9:11: Biden has been yelling at Martha Raddatz for the last 15 minutes (as the subject is war). It's so inappropriate!

9:21: They're asked to talk about how their Catholicism has informed their position on abortion. Ryan isn't pro-life "simply because of" his Catholicism. It's also about science and reason. He talks of seeing his bean-shaped unborn child on a sonogram. Biden says "My religion informs who I am." He accepts the Catholic position on abortion that life begins at conception, but he refuses to impose that on others.

9:27: The last question is about negative campaigning. Biden rambles. Paul Ryan attributes the negativity to Obama's failures: he has nothing to run on.

9:34: Wait. That wasn't the last question. There's a question about character: What do you bring as a man? Nothing particularly interesting was extracted by that question.

9:35: Now, closing statements.

9:48: That debate was so annoying! Some of the CNN commentators are talking about how Biden did what he came to do, to fire up the Democrats. "This was not for the independents," says Van Jones. Okay, well, but independents were watching, and Biden was horribly rude. He created this disturbing atmosphere of anxiety.

১,১০১টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   1101 এর 801 – থেকে 1000   আরও নতুন»   সবচেয়ে নতুন»
cubanbob বলেছেন...

AReasonableMan said...
cubanbob said...
Tell us about his democrat opponent whose husband has made forty million in sweetheart government contracts. Talk about raping the taxpayers.........

So I guess you voted against Dick Cheney?

10/11/12 10:48 PM

Halliburton isa legitimate company that has unique and special services or would you have preferred that Bush had given the contract to Schlumberger, a French company? As for Cheney, you bet I voted for him. His turds are 10x smarter than Zero and Slow Joe combined. Speaking of cheap bastards, what about Joe, less than 1% of his income to charity versus Cheney's 75% while VP. Speaking of thievery, if 40 mill isn't enough for you how about the IRS now going after Solyndra and it's democrat venture capitalist Obama funders for bankruptcy and tax fraud? But you are voting for these thieves, thieves that deliberately take credit card donations that are unverifiable. Keep digging.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Racism defines our host; hence us, defined as you and I, were it as.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

cubanbob said...
there never was a time Bush had a filibuster proof senate.

So a bunch of limp-wristed, panty waisted, gun-hating Democrat senators stopped Bush from doing the right thing. Doesn't say a lot for his resolve on the issue does it?

What happened to that bully pulpit?

furious_a বলেছেন...

Don't any of you other commenters have moderate spouses?"

Yes, and mine (Clinton/Clinton/Gore/Bush/McCain) threw up her hands w/about 35 mins to go over Biden's antics. Bi-partisanally, she faulted Ryan for getting sucked into Biden's antics.

She also thought Raddatz did a good job, even the closing If-you-could-be-at-tree-which-one-andy-why questions. WTF?

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

your comments, ritmo. U and AR.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

41 he who writes the rules, or would you prefer he wrote executive orders?

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Biden Interrupted Ryan 82 Times?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

It was humor, Seeing Red. Didn't mean it literally. Except the part about what went where the head should be.

Seven Machos বলেছেন...

Ritmo is still talking about oral sex with me. Hilarious.

You should move on, dude. It's sort of weird now.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

AReasonableMan said...
cubanbob said...
there never was a time Bush had a filibuster proof senate.

So a bunch of limp-wristed, panty waisted, gun-hating Democrat senators stopped Bush from doing the right thing. Doesn't say a lot for his resolve on the issue does it?

What happened to that bully pulpit?

10/11/12 10:58 PM

And what did the metrosexual Zero do with his filibuster proof congress? Maybe the country will get luck and give Romney a filibuster proof senate and then we can see him doing the right thing, starting by kicking the Obamaphone bitch off the welfare roll and getting big Bird to pay his fair share of taxes on his fifty million dollar a year income. As Senator Dirksen once said, a billion here and a billion there and soon it adds up to real money.

Blue@9 বলেছেন...


"It must take some heavy indoctrination in a third world dictatorship like Cuba to cause one to believe that Democrats made Republicans unbalance the budget from 2000 - 2006."

You're correct, but the political makeup of the Republican Party is considerably different now, due to the emergence of the Tea Party. A Republican leadership that displays fiscal irresponsibility will get bitchslapped during primaries. On the other hand, Obama has moved away from the policies that made Clinton successful (welfare reform? low capital gains rate?).


"My issue is one of trust, but that's just me, I don't trust either candidate."

So how does this differ from any other election? Politics are worse than any reality show. People see snippets of speeches or debates or edited highlight reels and are convinced that "I know this guy. I trust him. He cares about me." So weird.

But hey, that's democracy.


"Sorry, but Biden was just so off-putting from the beginning that it was a real struggle to watch. He was downright unethical. I found it hard to listen to anything, he was so disruptive. What a jackass."

You really are a right-brained person! But yeah, I felt the same cringe-yness as when Gore did his schtick and whenever Bush opened his mouth.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

It's sort of weird now.

We all know that the thrills you get are as short as they are cheap.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

From a planned group-strategic point of view, Plagiarizing Joe's debate demeanor and behavior only makes sense one way

The Democrat strategy was to portray Ryan as the foolish young man while Plagiarizing Joe would be the avuncular grandfather type, mature and just laughing at the "foolishness" of his young upstart.

In other words, they looked to Reagan-Mondale as a model.

But Reagan deployed the condescending grandfather bit sparingly, and only on lighter issues or on facts he could quickly refute. He listened with a serious face to most of his opponents points and interrupted less than Plagiarizing Joe, while not making light of more serious issues.

Then the Democrat's mistake would have been deploying it too much.

However, the alternative reading is that Plagiarzing Joe just went off the reservation, too stupid to know he wasn't smarter than Ryan, and thinking the cheap campaign gimmicks that work on the dumb, corrupt yokels in Delaware who elected him to the senate would work in a V.P. debate.

Likely the latter. Like Obama, Plagiarizing Joe is a cheap local corrupt pol at heart who only has cheap campaign tactics to use--like race pandering/blaming whitey by Obama, or casual dismissal of serious accusations because "hey, who hasn't gone to an America-hating preacher for 20 years? AmIright?".

It worked the first time for the Affirmative Action President due to a country mad at the opposing party and lefty guilt.

Not working so well now, huh, guys?

The lefties thought they had light-bringers. Turns out they just have ward bosses.

Thanks for electing them, Abortion-loving Easy Annie A.!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Ryan Wins CNN's Poll of Undecided Likely Voters, 48-44%
Also Wins on Likability, Ryan 53% Biden 43%
AP Poll: Ryan 51%, Biden 43%

Heh. The MSM can spin til they're dizzy. It was clear - Ryan is an adult. Biden is a giggling asshole.

BTW, Tobin Ryan, Paul's (obviously) big brother, was being interviewed just now on Fox. Tobin is a hottie too. Damn, there's some great genes in that family.

john বলেছেন...

bagoh20 said...
"Have you met Inga? I think you two could hit it off"

I could become collateral damage. And if the crew here didn't kill me, I might disappear like Allie Oop did. All they ever found was her disembodied chakra preserved in a mason jar

Me too. You know, when Inga called Obama Hitler I felt a little tingle in my leg.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Thanks Blue. I really feel like waiting ten years (about the learning curve for Republicans and the electorate) to discover that the Tea Party's demand to increase military spending and decrease top marginal tax rates while doing nothing with entitlements and SSI REALLY DO augment the same damn budget deficit that they caused over the last ten years.

Chip S. বলেছেন...


bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"I'm missing the part of the brain that says that a tax cut is a form of revenue increase."

Oh, then you must not be a taxpayer. A 47%er.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Relax John I was using hyperbole.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Oh, then you must not be a taxpayer. A 47%er.

If you hate government so much then get the hell out of the country and go someplace that does without it.

john বলেছেন...

Damn tease.

JohnJ বলেছেন...

Disappointed with Ryan.

How could he not be prepared for a Biden “Village Idiot” act? He should have politely noted every interruption and just as politely asked WTF the VP was grinning & mugging about. CNN poll has Ryan wining 48% to 44%, which is reassuring, but this could have been another body slam, if Ryan had played it better. As it is, it’s left to Romney to follow-up next week and finish things off the week after.

john বলেছেন...

So Ritmo, who IYO won the debate tonite? What criteria did you use?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Like Abu Dhabi, maybe. Oh, wait...

Blue@9 বলেছেন...


"Thanks Blue. I really feel like waiting ten years (about the learning curve for Republicans and the electorate) to discover that the Tea Party's demand to increase military spending and decrease top marginal tax rates while doing nothing with entitlements and SSI REALLY DO augment the same damn budget deficit that they caused over the last ten years"

Seriously? Have you paid any attention at all to the Tea Party?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

It doesn't matter, john. Democrats say Biden. Rethuglicans say Ron Paul Ryan -- I mean, Paul Ryan. It's all dependent on the observer.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Have you paid any attention at all to the Tea Party?

I've heard their ignorant, self-serving, selective rants. I've heard the one about demanding the government get its hands off their Medicare. I've heard the one where they increase the other huge (and obviously bloated) budget component - defense.

Paul Ryan's weird balancing act where he opposes cutting waste from Medicare while campaigning to voucherize gives new meaning to "Theater of the Absurd".

Republicans - Don't let mathematics get in the way of your dreams. Never.

PianoLessons বলেছেন...

Erik said...I'm pro-choice, but I found martha's abortion question (Should women seeking an abortion be afraid of a Romney administration? Or something like that) a teensy bit biased. How come she didn't ask Biden: Should the unborn be afraid of a second Obama administration?

Me: You are so cute in being a bit timid. If you endorse abortion (taxpayer supported or not) - you support infanticide. End of story. Own it or not.

I would love a SNL show that exposed the way the Obama Campaign got George Stephanopoulos to carry water for the Obama campaign by introducing the imaginary GOP war on women in the Romney primary debate. It was palace guard water-carrying to an amazing extreme and yet it became part of the narrative with the sheep who do not discern.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

cubanbob said...
And what did the metrosexual Zero do with his filibuster proof congress?

He passed no-fault medical insurance for most of the country, so we now can feel all grown up, just like plucky little Israel and countries with thriving economies like Canada and Australia. And let's not forget, of course, the great state of Massachusetts.

Erik বলেছেন...

Alternate explanation for Biden's grin-o-rama: He was paid to smile by a company that makes a teeth whitening product.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

And let's not forget, of course, the great state of Massachusetts.

To which a Republican covers his ears, hides under the couch, and says, "Didn't happen".

hombre বলেছেন...

He has to continue to speak strongly to women and Latinos.

Telling women what? That they can screw whomever they please and the gov't will either pay for their birth control or their abortions. Telling Latinos what? That their relatives can stay in the country even if they came here illegally.

Perfect. He sure as hell can't say to either group that their children will have jobs or a manageable national debt under Obamanomics.

Michelle Dulak Thomson বলেছেন...

If I never see Biden grin again, it'll be too soon.

I do wish that Ryan had been able to get in, somehow, Mr. "foreign policy gravitas" Biden's boldest idea of a decade back, that of partitioning Iraq into three states.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

O Ritmo Segundo said...
Oh, then you must not be a taxpayer. A 47%er.

If you hate government so much then get the hell out of the country and go someplace that does without it.

10/11/12 11:15 PM

Yes its so important to have a government that makes it a top priority to give money to slugs instead of national defense. No do the country a favor moocher and get the hell out.

Tim বলেছেন...

"Okay, well, but independents were watching, and Biden was horribly rude. He created this disturbing atmosphere of anxiety."

If one has voted for Obama previously, how "independent" is one truly?

B বলেছেন...

The more I think about what I saw tonight the more convinced I am that Joey Giggles blew it big time.

After listening to my wife chat herself more and more offended as she thought more about what she saw in Biden's performance, I think the first impression focus groups and instant polls may not be telling the story. Biden's deportment was so unexpected and over the top that it may take a bit for people to fully process it.

PianoLessons বলেছেন...

O Ritmo Segundo said... Have you paid any attention at all to the Tea Party?

" I've heard their ignorant, self-serving, selective rants. I've heard the one about demanding the government get its hands off their Medicare. I've heard the one where they increase the other huge (and obviously bloated) budget component - defense. "

Me: Joe Biden called the Tea Party "terrorists" and "barbarians at the gate" (Google it - he did). Funny how Obama's administration has had so much lexical, langue related problems calling Benghazi murders of our ambassador and three others "terrorism". It's history man - happening right in front of your eyes.

Pay attention!

bagoh20 বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Blue@9 বলেছেন...


"I've heard their ignorant..."

Oh, okay, so you just read the propaganda that confirmed your selective bias. Got it.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"If you hate government so much then get the hell out of the country and go someplace that does without it."

You are really weak tonight. Maybe you can discuss oral sex with me, You miss the old days when you used to talk about my balls with abandon. Those were good times. I'm detecting a pattern with you, and you are spreading yourself pretty thin attending to both me and Seven, but Hey, you go girl!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Birth control isn't the issue, it's Personhood bills, a candidate who tells liberals and moderate women that he would veto such a bill will get their vote. Yes, Dreamers need to know they won't be deported. Those two issues are HUGE.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I see hombre's just enough of a fuddy duddy to see some profit in making vaginal responsibility his political cause celebre.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Biden lied!

Vice President Joe Biden claimed that the administration wasn't aware of requests for more security in Libya before the Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi during Thursday night's debate, contradicting two State Department officials and the former head of diplomatic security in Libya.

"We weren't told they wanted more security. We did not know they wanted more security there," Biden said.

In fact, two security officials who worked for the State Department in Libya at the time testified Thursday that they repeatedly requested more security and two State Department officials admitted they had denied those requests.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

cubanbob, I think Ritmo has let it slip that he's a trustfunder. A member of the 1%.

He didn't create any wealth, has no idea how to create wealth, he simply takes it for granted that his own personal bank account will never run dry and has complete comtempt for people who have, you know, actually worked for their wealth.

But he feels for The People. Terribly. Just like the ladies of the court of Versailles felt for The People when they went to their country estates and played milkmaid for a weekend.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I'm not weak. Your comment about 47% just wasn't worth dignifying. I pay taxes, and at a much higher percentage than the chief liar Romney does. So if you want a country with rates that make you feel better about your anti-social self, go to Abu Dhabi, like I said.

Or a deserted island.

No one will bother you with all those references to the troubling (and free) things that make life fun.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

" Dreamers need to know they won't be deported. "

Obama already holds the record for deportations. His pandering to Hispanics just before the election after three years of heavy deportations was an embarrassing insult.

B বলেছেন...

It doesn't matter, john. Democrats say Biden. Rethuglicans say Ron Paul Ryan -- I mean, Paul Ryan. It's all dependent on the observer.

Dead wrong. The two parties provide the candidates but it's how independents break that decides presidential elections. It does matter.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

So does turnout.

Erik বলেছেন...

Erik said...I'm pro-choice, but I found martha's abortion question (Should women seeking an abortion be afraid of a Romney administration? Or something like that) a teensy bit biased. How come she didn't ask Biden: Should the unborn be afraid of a second Obama administration?

Me: You are so cute in being a bit timid. If you endorse abortion (taxpayer supported or not) - you support infanticide. End of story. Own it or not.

To which I could baldly assert: abortion isn't infanticide, because a fetus isn't a person. End of story.

Wow, this whole debating this is easier than I thought!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I think Ritmo has let it slip that he's a trustfunder. A member of the 1%.

I was adopted by Mitt Romney?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Ritmo, continue to enlighten us. From your rent-controlled loft in Manhattan. 'Cause you've really got your pulse on the suffering of the Working Class, I'm sure. Your heart bleeds for the travails of your cleaning lady.

As does leslyn's, another 1 percenter who pretends to feel for the guy who cuts her lawn.

Tim বলেছেন...

Inga said...

"Birth control isn't the issue, it's Personhood bills, a candidate who tells liberals and moderate women that he would veto such a bill will get their vote. Yes, Dreamers need to know they won't be deported. Those two issues are HUGE."

What is moderate about supporting in-utero infanticide on demand and breaking federal immigration laws?

Explain, if you can?

Seven Machos বলেছেন...

I don't think Ritmo is a trustafarian. I think he works at a convenience store. However, it is clear to me from his comments tonight that he is very concerned at some gut, primal level that Romney will be president-elect in a month.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

" I pay taxes, and at a much higher percentage than the chief liar Romney does.".

Probably not, since much of Romeny's tax burden is on money that was already taxed (double taxation). And of course you have to add his 30% charity donation. I bet you don't do that. And you know what? He does that voluntarily. You have no choice but to pay your taxes. So you should just worship Romney for doing what you and most libs only give lip service to.

Hey, has that Biden character ever donated more than $500 to charity? Why not? Is he some kind of dick, or what?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Exiled, Leslyn and Ritmo 1% ers? Somehow I don't think so.

PianoLessons বলেছেন...

Erik - you are completely correct when you say "To which I could baldly assert: abortion isn't infanticide, because a fetus isn't a person. End of story."

What readers now need to focus on is this author's word choice "baldly".

So since when was he appointed to the Supreme Court? Because those Big Legal Cheeses never made it clear. As if we need them to tell us that abortion is infanticide.

It's biology, folks. End of story.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

However, it is clear to me from his comments tonight that he is very concerned at some gut, primal level that Romney will be president-elect in a month.

Why should I be. According to the Outsourcer in Chief he's all for the middle class and the wealthy will be ok.

I'm concerned about the country, not myself. But you're too good to care about that, right?

Seven Machos বলেছেন...

What is moderate about supporting in-utero infanticide on demand and breaking federal immigration laws?

You are both wrong on this issue, Inga and Tim, for various reasons. But, Tim, your question is exactly like asking: what is moderate about bashing in someone's skull on demand and putting people in jail for failing to have a proper marriage license?

chickelit বলেছেন...

Inga said...
Smirk on Ryan's face, he's in over his head. Ryan coming off as naive.

Most naive comment of 800 plus contributions.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

And of course you have to add his 30% charity donation.

No I don't. Nor do I have to accept that institutional support of the LDS is as charitable as other forms of giving.

Matt বলেছেন...

So rude! HAHA. Bunch of cry babies. Obama is too polite and you sneer. Biden is too tough and you cry.

Tim বলেছেন...

"To which I could baldly assert: abortion isn't infanticide, because a fetus isn't a person. End of story.

Wow, this whole debating this is easier than I thought!

Isn't a person.


So what is "it?"

Is its status static?

If not, why not?

If "it" becomes a person, when is that?

How do you know it isn't a person before then?

If one was interested in protecting human life (granted you aren't, but just for arguments' sake, pretend), would the precautionary principle apply?

If not, why not?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Hey, has that Biden character ever donated more than $500 to charity? Why not? Is he some kind of dick, or what?

Good luck trying to brand Biden as an elitist.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

A Good song, which talked about border-town lost and found.

By a not-nonidea it was my concurrness that I approved.

It was and is. Good. Brooks/Du

gk1 বলেছেন...

After watching some of this debate its truly frightening this doofus is the backup if obama goes down. He's a fucking joke and we are in a tough spot now. Go back to bed, grandpa. And take that chamber pot off your head, its not funny anymore.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Inga said...
This is easy for Biden.

Inga, you sure you aren't drunk on Mt. Gay Rum and transposed the names Biden and Ryan?

Seven Machos বলেছেন...

I'm concerned about the country, not myself.

Yes. You understand at a real, subconscious level that Romney will be the president of the country and it bothers you.

But you're too good to care

I am very excited about the Romney administration. It's high time we got this country turned around. When unemployment is reasonable, the deficit is massively improved, and good times are rolling again, the country will have time for your litany of goofball, secondary complaints.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Inga, leslyn has said she is independently wealthy.

I must have confused Ritmo with leslyn. My apologies, Ritmo. It is so hard to keep you estrogen-driven types straight.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

The GOP is not waiting until Obama gives them the OK.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Matt said...
So rude! HAHA. Bunch of cry babies. Obama is too polite and you sneer. Biden is too tough and you cry.

Matt's unhappy and so he lashes out.

Tim বলেছেন...

"But, Tim, your question is exactly like asking: what is moderate about bashing in someone's skull on demand and putting people in jail for failing to have a proper marriage license?"

1) How so?

2) Who supports that?

3) Try harder. It looks like you're trying to make a point. I'll pay attention if you can.

Seven Machos বলেছেন...

Matt -- Obama and Biden lost their respective debates. Romney will be president.

Will you sneer or cry?

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

" Nor do I have to accept that institutional support of the LDS is as charitable as other forms of giving."

I think we can agree that it's better than giving it to Solyndra. Or how about the $350K per job created? That's what happened to your tax money. You proud of that? Think that's a real good use of it. You couldn't do better with it yourself?

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Like lo$t and found. On a border toen. Askin noit r oi ngs of diamonds

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Tim, Moderates are not in favor of deporting the children of illegal immigrants, if they were they wouldnt be moderate most likely. As for abortion, moderates most likely are not members of the Religious Right, which means they most likely are not anti choice. Many people even liberals are anti abortion, but won't go so far as to say it should be outlawed by Personhood bills , or overturned by a Conservative majority SCOTUS.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

When unemployment is reasonable, the deficit is massively improved, and good times are rolling again, the country will have time for your litany of goofball, secondary complaints.

Which you won't (and never) hear. Unlike you, I actually look at the record and circumstances of politicians, including what they have to contend with in the legislature.

So this means I looked at Romney's failed job creation record as governor of Massachusetts, which you also studiously and characteristically ignored.

Seven Machos বলেছেন...

Tim -- The point, I think obviously, is that you can't equate abortion, which is infanticide, and illegal immigration, which is not having proper paperwork signed by some official. The issues are not remotely on par with each other. One is moral; the other, clerical at best.

Perhaps I misread you.

Tim বলেছেন...


So then, "moderates" aren't moderate.

Just so we're clear on that.


chickelit বলেছেন...

Biden has bellicose veins...I can see them on his neck.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Exiled, oh really, I didn't know that about Leslyn, ha, maybe I should be friendlier to her;)

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Ritmo, promise me one thing. If Romney wins next month, will you please show up here and have a total meltdown?

'Cause your epic brain explosion here on the night of the Walker recall election was, truly, one of the funniest things I've ever seen online. I thought you were even better than the crying "Democracy is Dead" boy in Madison.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Bag O' has now been reduced to believing that contributions to the LDS are a form of job-creation.

Sputtering, man. Leave the slickness to your snake-oil selling candidate and the shamelessness to Seven Minstrels.

Erik বলেছেন...

AmericanWoman said of abortion being infanticide: "It's biology, folks. End of story." I guess she really thinks argument-by-assertion is persuasive. No matter. The point of my original post was not to start a debate about abortion (if one can call her posts "arguments"), but simply to point out one way in which the moderator was obviously not being neutral, cruelly or otherwise.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

If Romney wins next month, will you please show up here and have a total meltdown?

Not at all. If you're dumb enough to vote for a total convictionless liar, you'll get what you deserve.

I will wait till he has a record (and apparently, no Congress) to comment on.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Tim, we both are guessing what most moderates think, it boils down to if there are more left leaning moderates or right leaning. As I said earlier, we will have to wait and see which ones finally wander over to which side on Nov.6th.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"Good luck trying to brand Biden as an elitist."

No, I said he might be a dick. It's similar, but you can be a dick and not very elite at all. Joe Biden: dick.

Tim বলেছেন...

"Perhaps I misread you."

Yes, I think you did, slightly.

I think your characterization of the two issues is correct.

I (hey Inga, pay attention here) was drawing a contrast to the political use of the term "moderate" with the real meaning of >moderate<, to point out that supporting abortion on demand and illegal immigration are not really >moderate<.

My complaint is with the base-stealing under the cover of "moderate," as used in our political lexicon.

Hope this clears it up.

Seven Machos বলেছেন...

So Romney is going to win and -- AND Ritmo is going to leave!

Too good to be true. I am quite sure Romney is going to win, but I don't believe for a second Ritmo can quit this place. I know he can't quit me -- the thought of oral sex with me.

chickelit বলেছেন...

I'll bet Joe Biden is shit-faced somewhere by now...just trying to forget tonight and asking "why me?"

Seven Machos বলেছেন...

Sorry Tim. My bad.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Ritmo is estrogen driven?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

So what if he loses? You're the one who needs someone to have a meltdown about, not me.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Seven Machos said...
So Romney is going to win and -- AND Ritmo is going to leave!

I want Romney to win but I don't want Ritmo to leave. I want him to hang around and take responsibility for the idea which he help conceive regarding the arrangement of the elements.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Far be it for me to crow... but lets take a look at what I said just before the debate started.

Lem said...
Pay attention to body language.

10/11/12 7:59 PM

Mike Tanis বলেছেন...

Biden is reduced to saying "trust us" while the objective evidence permeating our society is that they aren't to be trusted. Ryan's is the fresh approach, perhaps a bit dangerous but disarmingly innocent and open.

Col Mustard বলেছেন...

Biden was a clown. The mod. was a hack who interupted almost as much as Biden. Ryan appeared 'sober'.

The pundits will have their say, just as they did calling every Romney statement a gaffe.

I belive the people saw the debate differently.

Still, it's interesting to speculate on the ways Gingrich would have ripped the veep and the mod a couple of new ones re the interupt-a-thon.

Tim বলেছেন...

"Tim, we both are guessing what most moderates think, it boils down to if there are more left leaning moderates or right leaning. As I said earlier, we will have to wait and see which ones finally wander over to which side on Nov.6th."

Actually, no, I have a pretty good idea what "moderates" think, knowing more than quite a few - they are all over the map and, depending upon what they care about individually, will not break en masse on one single issue save but the economy.

Which is, of course, a bad sign for Obama, and a good sign for Romney.

Who isn't the threat to abortion rights many pro-lifers wish he was.

But it's a good dog whistle for the abortion on demand crowd.

Funding for illegal aliens, on the other hand...

chickelit বলেছেন...

O Ritmo Segundo said...

Not at all. If you're dumb enough to vote for a total convictionless liar, you'll get what you deserve.

Stop channeling Crack. Stop.It

I Have Misplaced My Pants বলেছেন...

I think moderates care a lot more about whether their paycheck (if they have one) will simultaneously cover the light bill and keep gas in the car than your oooga-boooga "personhood bills" nonsense, Inga. I bet if you polled 100 people on the street about how afraid they are of personhood bills 97 of them would have no clue what you were talking about and really wouldn't give a crap if you explained it.

Please understand that because something is personally threatening to you that does not make it relevant to others (recall our conversation about fundamentalism).

But what I do know; I'm not a moderate.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I'll take credit for the idea about the elements but definitely not about the idea that Obama operated in a congressional opposition-free environment.

It's funny how little responsibility the Tea Party will take. What exactly in this election season ARE they responsible for, I wonder? Other than the 7% approval rating...

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"Bag O' has now been reduced to believing that contributions to the LDS are a form of job-creation"

There's the old Ritmo. Nonsequitur, straw men, basic trolling 101. Nice to see you again. I look forward to us walking into our future together with a new President. Someone who is actually qualified for the job. Forward!

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

all we can know for sure is that at all times this racist and froze space on racism

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Exiled, oh really, I didn't know that about Leslyn, ha, maybe I should be friendlier to her;)

10/11/12 11:51 PM

Inga, I have a different strategy in mind. If my current relationship hits the rocks, I'm thinking of heading over to Janesville and checking out the Ryan clan. From what I understand, Paul's related to half the town. If any of them are half as smart and good-looking and pleasant as Paul (and single - and at least 10 years older than Paul!), I'd consider them quite the catch.

john বলেছেন...

chickelit said...
I'll bet Joe Biden is shit-faced somewhere by now...just trying to forget tonight and asking "why me?"

I don't think he yet realizes that his smugness, condescenion, smirks, interruptions, and boorish behavior cost him the debate in the eyes of most who watched.

His only hope is that there was a large radio audience.

Tim বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

As a man approaching 43 I wonder, in comfort, what cunt Althouse did at age 43 that SEN. MCCARTHY (sp?) did not do to advance liberty?

Cunt is the easiezt of zlurs to overcome; If libs dont kill you next.

নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Stop channeling Crack.

Dude, read the guy's body language - Mittens' that is. Why does he change what he says so frequently?

Why are you so willing to believe that commenters you disagree with don't mean what they say, but that Mitt Romney, whose campaign manager called him an "Etch-a-Sketch", who changes what he says within days, if not minutes, is not disingenuous?

How does that make any sense?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Ritmo said: " If you're dumb enough to vote for a total convictionless liar, you'll get what you deserve."

But I'm not going to vote for Obama.

Tim বলেছেন...

Seven Machos said...

"Sorry Tim. My bad."


No worries. We're cool.

Romney's ahead, Ryan won, the S.F. Giant's advanced, my Niners are going to break the NY Giants on Sunday: Life is Good.

And I think it's about to get better.

For most of us.

Stupid voters still bug me though.

How many are there?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Erika, maybe conservative women wouldn't know what a Personhood bill was, which doesn't say much for being informed. I guarantee you liberal women know damn well what a Personhood bill is.

I wouldn't be so smug about being ignorant Erika.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Dude, it's not a straw man if in response to your comparison of giving to a religious organization in reference to the jobs created by government.

It's your own comparison. Take responsibility for it, man. Personal responsibility and all that jazz from the crowd that says (and defends the saying of) anything.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Ritmo said: " If you're dumb enough to vote for a total convictionless liar, you'll get what you deserve."

But I'm not going to vote for Obama.

This is funny. And quite easily refuted. Tell me one political idea - ONE THING - about which Mittens Romney has any conviction whatsoever.

I rest my case.

chickelit বলেছেন...

John notes: His only hope is that there was a large radio audience.

That's interesting because I listened to the first half hour on the radio driving home and was absolutely convinced that Biden was dominating and "winning." I presumed that those long silences were thoughtful pauses. I was absolutely shocked when I watched the same sequence on TV and saw that those "thoughtful pauses" was smirk-filled clowning.

Epic bad optics on Biden's part.

I Have Misplaced My Pants বলেছেন...

Yes, Inga, I know liberal women like you know what a personhood bill is. I was referring to people OUTSIDE your own personal circle jerk. You know, moderates. Who are not, by definition, liberals. Moderates don't give a shit about scare tactics from the left OR right.

And I am neither smug nor ignorant. Please don't start calling names. It's childish and annnoying.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Ritmo is estrogen driven?"

Yep. And I know that he is male. Technically.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

So where do we stand?

I thought Biden, though I despise him, carried his spear well enough.

Ryan, whom I thought had the better arguments, did not dispatch Biden as Romney did Obama last week, through Obama's laziness and arrogance.

I doubt Biden turned back the tide from Obama's demolition, but Biden did stanch the loss of blood.

Tim বলেছেন...

"Other than the 7% approval rating..."

Uh, yeah.

Because, before the Tea Party, Congress's approval rating averaged a stunning 34%:

"Congress approval was 30% in Gallup's first measure using this question wording in April 1974, and has averaged 34% across the more than 230 times it has been measured since. Congress approval has been below 40% since early 2005, and below 20% every month since June 2011 -- dropping to 10% in February of this year and again now."


Yet over 90% of Congress will be reelected.

Definitely the Tea Party's fault.


PianoLessons বলেছেন...

I now endorse Tim to be a candidate for the Supreme Court.

He actually got very close to the arguments in Roe v Wade.

It's just awesome to sign on to Catholic dogma - they have been very clear in their dogma (for like centuries):

Nature says sex is to procreate. Not God or our God or their God. We are biological creatures as humans. Sex is the way we reproduce like so many other biological organisms.

Thanks to many great and awesome thinkers over the ages, many in our post-human era - yeah folks - that's what the critical theorists call us all now days on campus - there are many of us of all kinds of thought who resist the idea that we can be bigger than nature - or God - to make human biology irrelevant.

If you support abortion (taxpayer funded or not) or cloning using fetus genetic material or birth control or death panels/suicide help from the state- it's just your choice to control human biology.

All you need to do to defend your position is own it.

And hardly anyone who supports infanticide and senicide (killing off the old folks) ever does.

All I desire is for people to own their beliefs.

B বলেছেন...

B said...Dead wrong. The two parties provide the candidates but it's how independents break that decides presidential elections. It does matter.

O Ritmo Segundo said...So does turnout.

Granted, and rainy weather can depress that. And so on.

The subject under discussion is the debate though and the specific point was the impact of the dedicated democrat predisposed to seeing a win for Biden and the dedicated republican predisposed to see the win for Ryan.

It's the independent that matters and if at this point they are undecided or their decision is soft, Biden did his ticket no favors. Give it a few days.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Ritmo rhymes with Sullivan: Why are you so willing to believe that commenters you disagree with don't mean what they say, but that Mitt Romney, whose campaign manager called him an "Etch-a-Sketch", who changes what he says within days, if not minutes, is not disingenuous?

Etch-a-Sketch and 47% don't resonate, dude. Get over them. Invent something new!

Need help?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Erika, Althouse is a moderate, I know she is well aware of what a Personhood bill is, there are more moderate women out there in this country, just as intelligent as Althouse. Being moderate doesn't mean being uninformed.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Dude, I never said anything about the LDS creating jobs. Just read, then absorb, then think. Giving to LDS, even if they only rescue kitten with it, is better than giving it to Solyndra or spending $350K to create 1 job. It's not that tough a concept. That's YOUR money they wasted. I'll repeat my question: Don't you think you could have accomplished more with that money if you kept it? Would you be able to create more than one job with $350K? I repeat: That was your money, dude!

I Have Misplaced My Pants বলেছেন...

Inga, it seems you are equating knowing what personhood is with being emotionally moved by the notion. You seem to be claiming that the threat of personhood bills is, in general, an important issue to moderates. Am I understanding your position correctly?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Don't you think you could have accomplished more with that money if you kept it?

Maybe I could have but who knows if everyone could have. Even individual people have good days and bad days, or payoffs that go beyond the immediate impact of a transaction. Hell, I'm sure even Gamblin' Mitt had bad picks, picks where he couldn't just outsource the company to Chinese sweatshops. Things that kept him up nights before refusing to offer aid to needy fellow parishioners for being insufficiently religious.

And so it goes.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Exiled, ah, so Ritmo is only technically a male?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

It's the independent that matters and if at this point they are undecided or their decision is soft, Biden did his ticket no favors. Give it a few days.

B: Brother, I'm with you and I'd like to believe, but I don't.

Biden's shtick worked. I'll have to see the polls this coming week, but I suspect Biden did what he was supposed to do -- stop the hemorraghing from the base and put the independents on notice that Obama/Biden weren't bitches.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

But my point is that Mitt is a man of very strong belief who believes strongly in very strong things.

Like, for instance, nothing.

Nothing is a very strong concept in which to believe. If you believe strongly in nothing, then you can't let everything bring you down, like concern for half the country, etc., whether you make any allies to shoulder the burden of your empire building adventures, etc. You start to worry about whether opportunity here is as important as the opportunity in China to enhance your profit from raiding the company. And that's a bad thing.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Erika, every woman who is not anti choice should be concerned about Personhood bills.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Inga said...
Exiled, ah, so Ritmo is only technically a male?

"Technically" and "artificially" are interchangeable terms. Technetium was the first artificial element.

Tim বলেছেন...

"And I am neither smug nor ignorant. Please don't start calling names. It's childish and annnoying."


Good luck with that. It's the first fifteen pages of her sixteen page playbook. Heavy emphasis on snark.

She probably get CE units for snark in union run CE courses.

The last page is government social welfare programs and acquiescing to al Queda and the Taliban in Afghanistan.

That's it. Not much more.

A little light sexual innuendo now and again, but I think that follows the rum.

And who drinks rum, when there is so much excellent single malt scotches available?


Dante বলেছেন...

Talk about FAST:

Biden Laughing at the Issues

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Yes I was snarky, sorry Erika.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Wasn't the Emancipation Proclamation a "Personhood Bill"? Or was it an Executive Order? Or was it just a speech?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Tell me one political idea - ONE THING - about which Mittens Romney has any conviction whatsoever."

He understands what Ryan pointed out tonight - that you can tax the rich at 100% and that won't cover 3 weeks of government spending.

It's not because Romney is trying to cover for his fellow 1 percenters. It's because he knows what I -hardly a 1 percenter- know and you can't grasp. Class warfare, and punishing the rich, will not solve the problem of runaway spending and a frightening deficit.

chickelit বলেছেন...

And who drinks rum, when there is so much excellent single malt scotches available?

Rum is an honest drink with a long history. I'll defend it. Sodomy and the lash are a different story.

Seven Machos বলেছেন...

Taxing the rich at 100 percent won't cover one second of government spending in a free economy.

In a free economy, no one would do any work at a 100 percent tax rate, and there be, therefore, nothing to tax. What's 100 percent of nothing?

Think hard, lefties...

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Exiled, ah, so Ritmo is only technically a male?"


নামহীন বলেছেন...

Biden Laughing at the Issues

Dante: Yeah, I get it. But did it work? It looked to me like it worked.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Talk about FAST:

Romney is jumping the gun again..

Oh noooo.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

He understands what Ryan pointed out tonight - that you can tax the rich at 100% and that won't cover 3 weeks of government spending.

Interesting. Does it compare to the money "saved" by laying off enough government employees to keep unemployment a full percentage point higher than it would have been otherwise?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Edutcher likes the lash. And no I have not imbibed in rummy drinks.

Tim বলেছেন...

Inga said...

"Erika, every woman who is not anti choice should be concerned about Personhood bills."

Where "not anti choice" really means abortion, which really means killing human life in-utero, on demand, funded by taxpayers.

Because the distinction between "not anti choice" and "pro-abortion" on a theoretical, constitutional, statutorial, programmatical, practical, every day reality basis is exactly nil.

And those who deny the distinction is nil are lying; either to everyone or, worse yet, themselves.

chickelit বলেছেন...

That Biden grin? I called it back in August: link

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

"Moments before walking onstage for tonight’s vice presidential debate, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) was handed a revised list of his running mate Mitt Romney’s most up-to-date political principles and stances on various issues. “So our agenda no longer includes legislation that would restrict women’s access to abortion ... —got it. Do we still believe health insurance providers should have the right to deny contraceptive coverage? Hold on a sec,” Ryan said to advisers," - The Onion.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Exiled, how do you know? Have you seen it?

Tim বলেছেন...

"Rum is an honest drink with a long history. I'll defend it. Sodomy and the lash are a different story."

Indeed so. Honest, with a long history.

Still, at very best, a distant second to the Whiskies.

I've no practical experience with sodomy or the lash, so I am unable to speak to them at any but a conceptual level.

I Have Misplaced My Pants বলেছেন...

Oh, the hell with it Inga; I will never get you to reexamine

*A* your Deeply Cemented Belief that a big bad Christian boogeyman is just an election or two away from banning female literacy and chaining women to tables and forcing them to bear fifteen babies to grow the theocracy


*B* whether maybe you should consider how rational *A* is.

It's been fun, folks; it always is. I have to have four kids at the dentist in seven hours. I'm out.

Tim বলেছেন...

I misspoke.

I do have some experience with sodomy.

Within the, uh, more or less traditional heterosexual sense.

That is all.

I will not speak of this again.

Until the next time, that is.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

What I want to know, is what is Mitt Romney scheduled to believe in on January 20th, 2013? And how about on March 7th of 2014? Will it depend on whether he's elected president or not?

I'm interested in getting a program for this thing. You get one at the opera, and that's an event not half as staged as the Theater of Willard's Convictions.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Classic "Rum, Sodomy, And The Lash": link

Seven Machos বলেছেন...

Ritmo doesn't understand that The Onion is not actually real. Just like Iran.


নামহীন বলেছেন...

Whoa TMI Tim.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Erik wrote:
To which I could baldly assert: abortion isn't infanticide, because a fetus isn't a person. End of story.

so are you saying its a different entity inside the woman's birth canal than when it comes out? Or are you simply using a different word to describe the same thing to justify why you can kill that same thing?

Cedarford বলেছেন...

JohnJ said...
Disappointed with Ryan.

How could he not be prepared for a Biden “Village Idiot” act? He should have politely noted every interruption and just as politely asked WTF the VP was grinning & mugging about. CNN poll has Ryan wining 48% to 44%, which is reassuring, but this could have been another body slam, if Ryan had played it better.

There is also a lot to be said for giving a fool enough rope to hang himself.

The target audience is not Code Pink or CHristian Zionist Fundie rubes. It's Independents and moderate women.
They saw one guy who appeared likable, temperate, in control of himself and not someone that you would deeply fear if something happened to the President and he had control of the nuclear "football".

The other guy was a sneering buffoon. The sitting VP, Joe Biden. I am sure Code Pink loved it. And loved every second of Biden's time.
I am guessing that he did not help himself or Obama's cause with moderate women and Independents.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Dear Constituent:

We regret to inform you that Mitt Romney can no longer share in your belief in the importance of the middle class as of February 25th. That day he is scheduled to meet with Grover Norquist. We also anticipate conflicting difficulties with people who don't agree with making women carry their rapist's baby during the week of May 7th through the 14th. He will, however, be happy to change his position during the following week, assuming that there are enough office suites available for closed-door sessions with the lobbyist of your choosing.

Thank you -

Seven Machos বলেছেন...

I told you guys. It's hitting Ritmo that Romney will win.

On a serious note: despite his goofballery, Ritmo is pretty representative of the left in this instance. It is beginning to set in that Romney will win. The freaking out, the various last-ditch efforts at changing the outcome (lies! servitude! religion!) are already becoming more frantic. Soon, the deluge.

Then, the next four stages of grief. It's going to be ugly.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Mitt Romney is to a ventriloquist's dummy what Seven Minnows is to Charlie Sheen. Platonic ideals.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I care about the job done, not the person.

This makes me different from a cocksucker and aspiring auto-fellatrix like Seven Menstruals, but I couldn't care less.

Cedarford বলেছেন...

Tomorrow, I think the discussions will be about:

1. Behavior by Biden not tolerated in most people's families or in the workplace.

2. Biden's assertion that the intelligence community misled the Obamites for a week with false intel on Libya will be looked at very, very closely.

3. Experts in Israel and the US will challenge Biden's assertion that even if the Iranians get enough weapons grade fissile material, they don't know how to build nuke bombs from it.

নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
McTriumph বলেছেন...

Charlie Sheen, so that's who Ryan was debating, makes sense now. Man, Sheen looks old.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

When Mitt Romney is getting his fancy haircut, they put a screen around him so that you can't see the paper data feed roll that is being fed into the back of his head.

It's a fancy device, sort of like an old fashioned cash register, or ticker tape.

I'm having a blast with this. Macho's robo-candidate is fascinatingly dull and endlessly inhuman.

McTriumph বলেছেন...


4. Biden lying about not voting for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Seven Machos বলেছেন...

fascinatingly dull

1000 comments into a single thread.

Good night, Meadowlark. Sorry you don't have fiendish conservative John Paul Stevens to kick around any more.

Tim বলেছেন...

O Ritmo Segundo said...

"Dear Constituent:

We regret to inform you that Mitt Romney can no longer share in your belief in the importance of the middle class as of February 25th. That day he is scheduled to meet with Grover Norquist. We also anticipate conflicting difficulties with people who don't agree with making women carry their rapist's baby during the week of May 7th through the 14th. He will, however, be happy to change his position during the following week, assuming that there are enough office suites available for closed-door sessions with the lobbyist of your choosing.

Thank you -

I can't be the only one who enjoys watching trolls run themselves right off the rails into the swamps of insanity, can I?

PianoLessons বলেছেন...

I end my visit to Althouseland tonight by saying how amused I am at the very eager - complying, following and sheepish - folks here who advocate for a new language for "Personhood".

Man - have any of them ever really read and fully engaged in Orwell's great novel 1984?

Let's call it something else. Let's create a new language. Let's create new words. Why not?

Fascism 101. MANY here need to just read Orwell to educate themselves a bit. He is the language ninja. Read all of him.

Sitting ducks city. Sheep. That's pretty much what I often feel when I visit Althouseland.

But Tim - tonight - rose to my esteem. Now there is a person who is willing to think. I care less what his outcome is.

I just love his solid critical thinking.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Geez Tim. Your sense of humor is so degraded that you call all the fun poked at Mitt's inability to think for himself insanity?

Good luck if you have to live with four years of this guy.

William বলেছেন...

I don't think Limbaugh's comments--about one third of the way down--concerning the Althouse post were fair. But for that matter neither was her response about two thirds of the way down. And I don't know what aim that commenter who linked to Kate Middleton's nude photos about half way through the comment section was attempting to prove.

Cosmic Conservative বলেছেন...

One of the things I used to enjoy about Althouse's blog was that the comments were usually halfway intelligent and worth reading.

Now it's just another loony bin.

jr565 বলেছেন...

O ritmo wrote:

I care about the job done, not the person.

and yet you are voting for Obama. How's he done when it come to lowering the unemployment rate? How's he doing with those shovel ready jobs? How's he doing with closing Girmo? Or giving al Qaeda members civilian trials?
How's he doing on healing the planet and lowering the water levels?
How's that hope and change working out? I mean, here you are talking about Romneys changing positions. How about defending your candidates actual policies? kind of hard to do I'll admit. 53 months of non recovery after raising the national debt to levels undreamt of by former presidents is not really a record to run on.
Hope and change indeed.
And what he going to do for an encore? Raise the debt level some more? set the record for most numbers of months where our economy flatlines and nothing is done but demagogue rich people? Funneling money to yet more companies that will go bankrupt and produce yet more nonexistent green jobs? Have the democrats set the record for the number of years one party doesn't produce a budget, despite being mandated to by law?
Let a few more embassies get sacked and trying to scapegoat it on filmmakers rahter than acknowledging that it was a terrorist attack? Ignore yet more calls for security from embassies in dangerous countries so our ambassadors can be murdered?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Exiled, how do you know? Have you seen it?

10/12/12 12:27 AM

Nope. I doubt many women have.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Exiled, oh that would be so sad.

Geraldus Maximus বলেছেন...

Ok, so debate 1: "Too nice."
Debate 2: Too Rude
Will Obama get get debate three just right? At this point can he recover? Tune in next week to find out. Also, loved the Politico stories about all the media kudos for the moderator. She really "took control" and did a fantastic job! Wow.

jr565 বলেছেন...

4. Biden lying about not voting for Afganistan and the Iraq war.

Not to mention that Obama ESCALATED in Afghanistan.

wyo sis বলেছেন...

The reason Mitt can so called flip flop and retain the loyalty of the right is the same reason Obama can retain the loyalty of the left in spite of his massive failure rate. We look at the totality of their lives and recognize their real values. We can do this because of the way their lives are lived and the results they have produced. Articulation is all well and good, but results are what matter.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"When Mitt Romney is getting his fancy haircut"

Hmmm, who was the guy who held up traffic for 2 hours at a major airport because he was getting his haircut onboard the plane? A clue to the clueless: it wasn't Mitt.

Tim said:

"I can't be the only one who enjoys watching trolls run themselves right off the rails into the swamps of insanity, can I?"

No, I'm enjoying it too.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Oh, excuse me, I should have said "A clue FOR the clueless."

'Cause I know that when Ritmo can't think up an argument and feels like a cornered rat, he'll start picking on typos, grammar errors, or even people's avatars.

PianoLessons বলেছেন...

Oh - can't leave Althouseland without the funniest and tragic Biden story:

Oct. 2001 : Joe Biden was meeting with staffers to discuss that nasty perennial Iran situation.

He said "We should send Iran a $200 million check - no strings attached - to show the Arab world we support them"

So pathetic on so many levels.

First, Iran is not an Arab nation. They're Persian. And the Arab nations are not so much in love with Iran.

Second - what a moronic moment of bribery and appeasement.

BTW - Biden came up with this "idea" on October 22, 2001. Forty days after 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks in NYC, the Pentagon and Pennsylvania.

Following Senator Biden’s Suggestion, Senate Staffers Sat “In Silence.” “The staffers sit in silence. Finally somebody ventures a response: ‘I think they'd send it back.’ Then another aide speaks up delicately: ‘The thing I would worry about is that it would almost look like a publicity stunt.’ Still another reminds Biden that an Iranian delegation is in Moscow that very day to discuss a $300 million arms deal with Vladimir Putin that the United States has strongly condemned.” (Michael Crowley, “Rhetorical Question,” The New Republic, 10/22/01)


নামহীন বলেছেন...

Oh that Ritmo sounds like a meanie.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Althouse was right.

wyo sis বলেছেন...

Come on Inga. You can get this to 1000 if you really try.
Ritmo, Macho?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I'm tryin'!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Lem could do it in under a minute:)

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Cover up. Say goodnight. Don't you fucks ever say Grace...

Christoph Dollis বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse:

Biden said he voted against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He voted for both.

How can the sitting Vice President now know which wars he voted for? Is he even fit for office?

Also, Biden's position is that intelligence told the administration the video was the cause of Benghazig, 'causing Sec State, POTUS, and Ambass. to UN to go on for days/weeks about the video, but ...

... intelligence was unaware that State Department (now says they) never believed the video caused the attack? That they knew it was a terrorist attack, but US intelligence didn't?

And that this same intelligence can be counted on for Iran nuclear weapon intel?

Seriously, these are Biden's positions?

Christoph Dollis বলেছেন...

*not know

Christoph Dollis বলেছেন...


Christoph Dollis বলেছেন...

Is Biden claiming that US intelligence didn't know that State --- the Department attacked! --- believed it was a pre-planned terrorist attack?

Or does Biden claim that US intelligence discounted State's opinion out of hand?

but I am a robot বলেছেন...

I can't get over Biden contradicting himself in his answer on abortion and religion. He accepts the Church's stance on life beginning at conception, but he doesn't want to impose his values on other people (which sounds to me like excusing murder).

But just before that he talked about Christian teachings on compassion and caring for the unfortunate. He's acting as if coercing people into compassion isn't a cornerstone of his platform.

Dante বলেছেন...

Listening to the debate in the car again, Biden definitely comes off much better than when watching the debate.

Darrell বলেছেন...

Glad that Biden "schooled" Sarah Palin in their debate about her use of "death panels" when it wasn't even discussed then. She first used that term in her August 2009 Facebook post. The revised Bill was actually signed into law in March of 2010. The health care summit that kicked the whole thing off wasn't until March 2009.

Darrell বলেছেন...

Listening to the debate in the car again, Biden definitely comes off much better than when watching the debate.

What's more, people reading the debate on their stock market ticker tapes overwhelmingly thought that Joe Biden won.

sdharms বলেছেন...

Now, Ann, NOW will you vote for Romney?

Unknown বলেছেন...

Biden was horribly rude.

Most people believe lying is exceptionally rude. Therefore it would be nearly impossible to be ruder than marathon man Pinocchio Ryan.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

Cite a lie Jake.

Boston Bunker বলেছেন...

But Jake- Biden lied about his votes on the Iraq War and the Afghanistan War. So you have not only rude sighs, you have a person lying about what he did that lead to the death of thousands of Americans. So Biden mush have been even more rude than you thought!

"Then Sen. Biden voted for the Afghanistan resolution on Sept. 14, 2001 which authorized “the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the United States.”

And on Oct. 11, 2002, Biden voted for a resolution authorizing unilateral military action in Iraq, according to the Washington Post."

test বলেছেন...

Therefore it would be nearly impossible to be ruder than marathon man Pinocchio Ryan.

We need a better class of troll. Repeating the lefts desperate accusations ad naseum is just boring.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

Jake, wake up Jake. Jake? You there Jake?

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