I couldn't be prouder to represent you out there.Represent me?! Read this morning, it sounds like an outrageous excuse. Like it's my fault. That's representation of me? I didn't know I was so tired and grouchy.
४ ऑक्टोबर, २०१२
"In just a little while, I'll go on stage to meet Mitt Romney in the first presidential debate here in Denver."
Obama emailed last night.
६१ टिप्पण्या:
Could you be tired and grouchy? Perhaps. The debate showed up your former pick for President. The 2007 Obama video and associated discussion was unsettling. Your campus life has been disrupted by a campaign stop. Meade, the only man who can comment directly, is well-advised to keep silent.
If I was one of the more dismissive or angry commenters, I'd say that he did represent you quite accurately. I might even add something like it's hard to see such an accurate representation of yourself.
But, I like to stay above the fray so I wouldn't write anything like that.
Did he ask for money?
Well, yeah, you have been kinda tired and grouchy lately.
You've been accusing us of being angry old white men.
That's kinda grumpy, ain't it?
I think Joe Biden's "Did you guys just see that?" Tweet about the debate was even better. I wish I had the exact wording.
Enjoy the canned stump speech delivered with going-through-the-motions enthusiasm, Madison.
Epic failure by the coddled and protected elitist covering his butt ahead of time. The king has no clothes without his binky teleprompter. Embrace the suck!
Not feeling as protective of him?
I can't help but think of the Righteous Brothers and You've Lost That Loving Feeling.
Look...you have to face it....your imaginary boyfriend....he is just not into you.
I didn't know I was so tired and grouchy.
It's a multi-leveled excuse. Not only was you the one tired and grouchy, but ManBearPig says it's to be expected because of Denver's altitude.
"I couldn't be prouder to represent you out there."
Confused after four years, denying the failures of the last four years, uncertain as to which direction to take for the next four years, emoting; I'd say Barry did a pretty solid job of representing himself and, yes, you.
Yeah, I know.
Vote Obama!
Doubling down on Failure can't be nearly as bad as admitting failure.
We wanted a street fighter and we got a professor. If people learned from reason we would be OK. But people react to emotion and looking like the teacher that gave you the C is not a way to sway voters. Btu Mittens has still not explained the fuzzy math. How do you deliver yet another massive tax cut, increase defense spending and balance the budget? Reagan could not do it. Bush the Son could not do it. How is Mittens going to do it? Lowering a nominal rate while eliminating deductions and calling it a tax "cut" is smoke and mirrors math. If you are dumb enough to believe it,it works. Someone has to pay the debt down. If it is not the wealthy, who is it going to be? Romeny claims it is not going to be the middle class, that kids are not going to be thrown off of school lunches, seniors will not have to pay more for medicare, social security will be protected, millions of unemployed will not be thrown off of UI. So who pays?? Suppy siders say a rising tide lifts all boats. Reagan tried that and ran up the largest deficits we had ever seen. Bush cut taxes in 2000-2001 and ran up even bigger deficits. How is Mittens plan going to be different from theirs? And how would his results be different? Obama may be boring but boring is not bad when the alternative is a disaster. I do not think Romney is as nutty as his vocal supporters (most of which do not like him for equally nutty reasons but hate O more) but he is just another example of the "cutting taxes heals all wounds" method of governing. And that he and his people would benefit the most from that particular theory is of course not a co-incidence.
I guess that's the question...who do you want to represent you and our country?
Which man would you want to be the executor of your estate?
Which man would you hire to run your company?
Which man would you rather be with in an emergency?
Heck which man would you trust to water your flowers at your house if you went out of town?
Who seemed competent, in control of himself and his story, energetic and ready to work with others and who seemed petulant and uninterested?
All this debate talk should give you even more information to ponder as you continue to plod towards your decision. #ProfessingThemselvesToBeWiseThey BecameFools,
"How do you deliver yet another massive tax cut, increase defense spending and balance the budget?"
-- You missed the debate then, because Romney explained that all.
I can see a "Oh, he's so tired and worn out, he's dispirited, give him a pat on the back." theme developing. More excuses for the incompetent. We just hate to see people fail when they're trying their best.
He's phoning it in. The American people are being played. He may actually be trying his best, but he's not the man for the job. We can't allow our country to be co-opted by leftists because we feel sorry for the person they set up as their figurehead.
"Obama may be boring but boring is not bad when the alternative is a disaster."
-- Romney in Mass reduced unemployment and improved education drastically. America under Obama has suffered radically increased debt and unemployment while getting nothing from it. The alternative IS boring, but competent, with disaster. You've just mixed up who is who.
Not so much tired and grouchy as unprepared.
Ok, maybe stunned, too. Somebody actually let him know he isn't the smartest guy in the room.
Tired from all those rounds of golf?
Of all those vacations?
Of being away from Moochie, Sushi, and Mongolia?
Of NOT meeting with other world leaders?
Of NOT attending Presidential briefings?
Of appearing on the View?
Of a fawning press?
Of Not answering a question of substance in more than 4 years?
Of attending funerals for dead ambassadors?
Should I continue?
What the fuck does he have to be tired about?
Or should I not ask that in fear that you'll be offended, and driven to vote for the POS?
"How do you deliver yet another massive tax cut
Define massive. Kennedy and Reagan delivered massive tax cuts.
If anyone still thinks opposition to Obama is based on race, they've chosen to believe that as a matter of fait. The doubling of gas prices, doubling of the US A-Stan casualties, the spike in unemployment, massive addition to the debt, etc. are self-evident and undeniable. The race canard is the last refuge of the harcore partisan warriors and the wide-eyed naifs whoi can't let go of their fantastical version of BO without questioning their own judgment. Declaring "Racism!" gives them an internal license to not think.
Althouse: Speculating, I'm able to come up with only 2 ideas: 1. He has some burdensome real emotions behind that smile, and 2. He actually doesn't want to win.
On his 20th wedding anniversary.
In a little while
In a little while
Surely you'll be mine
In a little while I'll be there
In a little while
This hurt will hurt no more
I'll be home, love!
When the night takes a deep breath
And the daylight has no air
If I crawl, if I come crawling home
Will you be there
In a little while
I won't be blown by every breeze
Friday night running
To Sunday on my knees
That girl, that girl
She's mine
And I've know her since
Since she was a little girl
With Spanish eyes
Oh, when I saw her
In a pram they pushed her by
My, how you've grown
Well it's been, yeah
It's been a little while
Slow down my beating heart
Man dreams one day to fly
A man takes a rocketship into the skies
He lives on a star that's dying in the night
And follows in the trail
The scatter of light
Turn it on
Turn it on
You turn me on
Slow down my beating heart
Slowly, slowly love
Slow down my beating heart
Slowly, slowly love
Slow down my beating heart
The deficit could easily be reigned in if we simply returned to 2008 spending levels.
Maybe the question should be why we are spending a trillion more than we were four years ago and where is that money going?
Tosa: Enjoy the canned stump speech delivered with going-through-the-motions enthusiasm, Madison...
...while standing out in a thunderstorm, to boot.
How do you deliver yet another massive tax cut, increase defense spending and balance the budget
Romney is not proposing a "massive tax cut"
That's how.
He is the President of the United States. You are an American. He represents you, us; because I'm an American too. I don't understand your problem here. This is the representation you wanted.
Bush cut taxes in 2000-2001 and ran up even bigger deficits
The deficit declined for 3 FY until 2008.
Your run on paragraph is a profile in factlessness.
Perhaps a Professor of law can explain to a simple man of the people, me, if I may be so bold, as how a president can claim documents having executive privilege, so are exempt from congressional scrutiny, at the same time, claiming that the documents in question never reached the presidential level...ie the Fast and Furious documents holder withholds.
Or maybe they were just too tired to provide them.
Quit making excuses.
The deficit could easily be reigned in if we simply returned to 2008 spending levels.
or, if we could get rid of Big Bird and Sesame Street!
Althouse: Represent me?! Read this morning, it sounds like an outrageous excuse.
"What do you mean 'we', White Eyes?" -- Tonto.
"Frailty, thy name is woman." -- Hamlet (1, ii, 146).
He is our President. You did vote for him. A little late for buyer's remorse, but not too late.
Big Bird and Sesame Street will do just fine. Anyone of the 250 other TV channels would be happy to pay for them and make tons of money.
Why should we pay for them when we can use that money for the needy 47% so they can get their Obamaphones.
"or, if we could get rid of Big Bird and Sesame Street!"
-- The money spent on Sesame Street could be used to keep people from dying. So, yeah. Priorities.
Obama got to where he is not through hard work but force of character. Kind of like the no names who win American Idol who rely on someone else to write their songs for them.
Our first clean, articulate, storybook African American President brought charm and oratory to the White House but nothing else. Romney won the debate hands down because even Obama can't make a shit sandwich taste good. His policies are failures, his plans are more of the same and Romney deftly pointed that out.
If he was hammered like this on domestic policy, he is in real trouble on the foreign policy debate.
This morning (Thursday) I received an email from the Obama Campaign with the very professional subject line "Hey". It read:
I hope I made you proud out there explaining the vision we share for this country.
Now we need to go win this election -- the most important thing that will happen tonight is what you do (or don't do) to help in the little time we have left:
Thank you,
I guess the less said about the debate the better, eh?
-- The money spent on Sesame Street could be used to keep people from dying. So, yeah. Priorities.
Put Elmo to work generating royatlies - little red f*cker's been coasting for years on 'Tickle Me.'
Anybody seen shiloh today?
Can't wait to hear what a train wreck mittens was last night.
or, if we could get rid of Big Bird and Sesame Street!
That's right up there with taxing 'millionaires and billionaires'
Why would Obama be "grouchy and tired?" After hearing about the terrorist attack on our consulate in Benghazi he went to bed, then flew to Las Vegas the next day for a fundraiser. He should be plenty rested.
I don't care why he sucks. This isn't group therapy. Go work for someone else.
The deficit could easily be reigned in if we simply returned to 2008 spending levels.
or, if we could get rid of Big Bird and Sesame Street!
Now this is the garage I know. Reduced to sputtering inanities because his precious Obamessiah got his ass kicked so hard last night he's got "Florsheim" tattooed on the underside of his tongue.
Go on, garage, tell us how going back to 2008 spending levels is going to wreak economic disaster on the country.
Or keep channeling Baghdad Bob. Your choice.
Note how this was supposed to be a debate focused on domestic issues. Somehow social issues like as abortion and gay marriage, etc did not come up once. The debate was almost entirely focused on economic issues -- which is where Mitt has the most in common with Americans and American independent voters -- and I'm sure Mitt couldn't have been happier with the discussion points.
Note how this was supposed to be a debate focused on domestic issues. Somehow social issues like as abortion and gay marriage, etc did not come up once. The debate was almost entirely focused on economic issues -- which is where Mitt has the most in common with Americans and American independent voters -- and I'm sure Mitt couldn't have been happier with the discussion points.
or, if we could get rid of Big Bird and Sesame Street!
You could fund PBS just with the click thru ads on the Big Bird Nest Cam website.
MPH said...
Note how this was supposed to be a debate focused on domestic issues. Somehow social issues like as abortion and gay marriage, etc did not come up once.
There are enough blacks and Hispanics staying home as it is.
If that stuff comes up in the last debate, the Romster is the one who will bring it up.
And watch the look of horror on Choomie's face.
Photo says it all.
When you spend your life surrounded by sycophants and are constantly told how great you are, you are not prepared for any real competition.
When your scheduled campaign event audiences are full of people selected to be favorable to you, who applaud and laugh on command and you are surrounded by a glow of artificial love, any opposition is a shock to your system.
Obama has spent his life in a bubble, a cocoon of white liberals like Althouse who reflexively want to try to assuage their indoctrinated white guilt and who bend over backwards to wish away anything 'ugly'.
Obama is just not prepared for "real life much less for being President of the United States. And....it showed in his pitiful, woe is me, debate performance.
Ann, here is your representative for you. Embrace the wild side. LOL
garage mahal said...
or, if we could get rid of Big Bird and Sesame Street!
Except nobody is talking about "getting rid of Big Bird" you idiot.
Disney owns Big Bird. Why do you favor giving Big Bird a subsidy?
What the fuck does he have to be tired about?
He forgot what all the other Kenyans and Mitt Romney, who arrived days earlier to prepare IN Denver, know. If you're going to be running in high altitude venues, you have to practice in them to get ready.
POTUS thought of it as just another airport, just another campaign stop, thus highlighting in stark contrast the differences in the two men. And Kenyans. Or something.
Did Obama really use John Kerry as his debate coach?
Who is Biden going to use, Barney Frank?
Did Obama really use John Kerry as his debate coach?
Who is Biden going to use, Barney Frank?
Neil Kinnock.
--or, if we could get rid of Big Bird and Sesame Street!-
Big Bird is owned by Disney, he can stand on his own.
In 2001 there were over 120 million viewers of various international versions of Sesame Street, and by the show's 40th anniversary in 2009, it was broadcast in more than 140 countries
Dr. Raymond Stantz: Personally, I liked the University; they gave us money and facilities, we didn't have to produce anything. You've never been out of college. You don't know what it's like out there. I've worked in the private sector--they expect results
garage mahal said...
or, if we could get rid of Big Bird and Sesame Street!
From 2003 to 2006, “Sesame Street” made more than $211 million from toy and consumer product sales.
You are a fucking moron.
First heard about this on Rush, but Gateway Pundit is on the story. Algore has his debate analysis:
“Obama arrived in Denver at 2 p.m. today, just a few hours before the debate started. Romney did his debate prep in Denver. When you go to 5,000 feet and you only have a few hours to adjust — I don’t know.”
" I didn't know I was so tired and grouchy." You were definitely grouchy. You were saying that airing an Obama campaign speech in its entirety was a very ugly thing for some to be doing.
If he's "representing" me, I want other players on the team. Looked like the football team from Bethany Bible College in Kansas going up against the New York Giants. Time to change players.
Now who's the president of 47%
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