[M]any seem to forget that one needn't be a card-carrying white supremacist to make a choice that imagines racialized communities as "other"; that plays upon a history of inequalities and stereotypes; that instigates, mocks and offends.And by the way, this means you don't get to wear a Barack Obama mask even if you love Barack Obama. If you think you do, you need to reconsider your relative privilege and listen.
"There's this sense of 'I don't know why people have to make it a big deal,' " says Leslie Picca, associate professor of sociology at the University of Dayton in Ohio....
But [David J. Leonard, associate professor in and chair of the department of critical culture, gender and race studies at Washington State University, Pullam] hopes those who have problematic attire brought to their attention will, at the very least, reconsider using their relative privilege to dismiss criticism, and choose to listen rather than "hiding behind a mask of ignorance about racism in America."
AND: Wearing any mask might get you arrested in New York.
The ban on masks in New York State dates to 1845, when it was adopted in response to events in the Hudson Valley, where local tenant farmers disguised as American Indians had attacked and killed landlords. The law includes exceptions for masquerade parties and similar events.
The police have periodically used the law during political demonstrations....
The law has been litigated several times over the past decade or so, with state courts, federal courts and appeals panels seesawing back and forth over whether it can be fairly applied.
Perhaps the most vigorous challenge came in 1999, after police officials said Ku Klux Klan members could not wear masks during a rally in Lower Manhattan....
११६ टिप्पण्या:
"department of critical culture, gender and race studies"
Further proof that any job or department title with more than three words is most likely bogus.
This weekend I saw a Mitt Romney mask in the Halloween section of the local Target. The label didn't say "Mitt Romney", tho. It said "Mr. President".
There is an acronym for this, Ann:
Black Run America.
The definition of BRA is a country run by insanely guilt ridden whites, on behalf of blacks.
I got bored part way through the first sentence.
And by the way, this means you don't get to wear a Barack Obama mask even if you love Barack Obama. If you think you do, you need to reconsider your relative privilege and listen.
And by "you," Ann means the current President.
OMG, relative privilege!!!! You know it is not about the amount of privilege you have. We have to do something about the privilege inequality in this country- even if it means we ALL have less privilege. We must do it in the name of fairness.
There's already Improv Everywhere!
These concerned citizens should form Injustice Everywhere!
(In the left photo on the linked article, it appears the poorly-implemented Jamaican bobsled team includes an African-American painted white as the "coach". Is he racist, too?)
The problem started when the first kid went trick-or-treating dressed as a hobo.
My avatar is racist.
I apologize.
C. Thomas Howell is racist, too.
Again, I apologize.
It's so helpful when the race-baiters come right out and admit that the goal is absolute equality of outcomes, any deviation from which is motivated by (unconscious, even!) racism. It would be laughable if these lunatics weren't so successful in achieving positions of influence in academia and politics (but I repeat myself).
I was going to say that Jenee Desmond-Harris needs a hot cup of STFU (and she does), but on reflection, I think her cri de coeur should be shouted from the rooftops. She's doing more to smash her precious academia's reputation for seriousness than she imagines with this "racist! Racist! You're all RACISTS!" routine.
To paraphrase The Gondoliers, when everything is racist, then nothing is racist.
"David J. Leonard, associate professor in and chair of the department of critical culture, gender and race studies at Washington State University ..."
Indeed. The drumbeat/dumbeat of academic mediocrity never ceases to worship the only tripartite Ghod it knows. Race, Culture, Gender "explanations" are the answer it knows, and therefore must be the answer to all questions.
Do these people even know they're hacks?
What if you have privileged relatives? Is that a bad thing?
1. No pale person may darken their skin.
2. No male person may cross dress unless they are a "legitimate" cross dresser.
3. A dark person may lighten their skin, especially to make fun of a middle-aged pale person. Their greater relative privilege makes them fair game.
Godawful shit!
Why does the state of Washington pay somebody to act like an asshole in this fashion?
My wife and I once went to a Halloween party dressed as Milli Vanilla. We wore no blackface, as we were the white version.
Again, apologies.
The "other" in modern culture is the conservative, as witnessed by the most absurd caricatures, demonic hatred, and naked bigotry displayed in the left's most routine behavior.
Meanwhile white liberals treat blacks as the noblest race, and grovel at their feet in an abject attempt to atone for the sins of the evil white oppressor.
Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.
The powerful College Presidents in their feifdoms seem to be the last ones who get the memo that racism is over and done with as a fund raiser.
Obama did do two good things: 1)his election emptied the cup of white racial guilt, and 2)he convinced our enemies in the world not to attack us but wait until he surrendered to them first.
I never realized lesbians were mocking me every day.
I think we ought to cut the 9-year-olds some slack on their racism.
Does this mean I can't wear my Simon Legree outfit, complete with lawn jockey?
Jeez, it's not just 'culture, gender and race studies', oh no, it's 'CRITICAL culture, gender and race studies'...
What makes them 'critical'; that the're critically bent of shape over bullcrap, or that they're scared bleepless that people are onto them?
If this is wrong I don't want to be right.
And don't even think about dressing as a cow or a horse. Think of the relative privilege gap THERE. You will be reported to PETA and sent to a camp for re-education. You may dress as an inanimate object UNLESS said object is generally associated with a racial group, ethnic group, or gender which has less relative privilege (than YOUR racial group, ethic group or gender) For a chart of those associations,see 14 USAC 713.62(A)(b)iii.
(Don't look up the code cite, I made it up, duh.)
Thank you President Obama for leading us into the post-racial utopia we now enjoy.
I now realize my Laverne DeFazio costume was part of my one-man War on Women.
I understand if my continuing apologies are not accepted, for some crimes are beyond the pale.
I hereby apologize for using the term "beyond the pale."
It is a racially-privileged term. I am sincerely sorry.
This is why all professors except for math and science should be fired.
The rest of it is pure bullshit.
This is what is all about:
Critical race theory (CRT) is an academic discipline focused upon the application of critical theory,[1][2] a critical examination of society and culture, to the intersection of race, law, and power.[1][2] According to the UCLA School of Public Affairs:
CRT recognizes that racism is engrained [sic] in the fabric and system of the American society. The individual racist need not exist to note that institutional racism is pervasive in the dominant culture. This is the analytical lens that CRT uses in examining existing power structures. CRT identifies that these power structures are based on white privilege and white supremacy, which perpetuates the marginalization of people of color.[3]
The movement is loosely unified by two common themes. First, CRT proposes that white supremacy and racial power are maintained over time, and in particular, that the law may play a role in this process. Second, CRT work has investigated the possibility of transforming the relationship between law and racial power, and more broadly, pursues a project of achieving racial emancipation and anti-subordination.[4]
And there is nothing racist about this costume.
1) It's not racist. Unless you think "green card" or "illegal alien" only applies to some races and not others.
2) It's funny.
We need to burst the higher education bubble and start apprenticeship programs.
For example. No more law schools. People should "read" the law.
If it was good enough for Abe Lincoln it is good enough for you.
Plus maybe you can get to be a vampire hunter.
She already disqualifies herself with her idiotic hyphenated name. I generally don't take any woman seriously when they hyphenate their names. They are nothing but fence straddling hedgers of matrimony.
Cripes, out of their three links to racist costumes, 1 is awesome sexy and not racist, and 1 is awesome funny and not racist. And the other is racist.
If I scored a 33 on a test I'd be a little embarrassed.
By the way, it's Pullman, Washington. That's where WSU is. If they can't spell why believe anything they say ?
CRT? Space Trader costumes?
chair of the department of critical culture, gender and race studies
Simplify: "Department of Grievance Studies".
"Critical" ought to be a plague-flag warning to anyone contemplating college loan debt.
Baron Zemo said...
This is why all professors except for math and science should be fired.
The rest of it is pure bullshit.
Wait, what about engineering professors? Not them too.
Saint Croix said...
I think we ought to cut the 9-year-olds some slack on their racism.
Well, cr*p, the Ninja costumes are RIGHT OUT, then.
I hereby call on the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to cease their war on women.
The irony is that the defenders of civil rights are actively promoting civil rights violations. They don't seem to recognize individual dignity and they fail to arbitrate between reason and profit. Their selective regard for history and human rights is unbecoming their vaunted status in civilized society. Perhaps the next generation of activists will address this generation's opportunistic enterprises.
Meanwhile white liberals treat blacks as the noblest race, and grovel at their feet in an abject attempt to atone for the sins of the evil white oppressor.
Only liberal blacks, please note. Conservative blacks like Mia Love are "niggers." Read John Hinderaker's latest column at the Powerline blog.
My relatives deny any responsibility whatever for anything I may, or may not, do, think, or feel!
furious_a said...
chair of the department of critical culture, gender and race studies
Simplify: "Department of Grievance Studies".
If I saw someone with an "Angry Studies" degree applying for a job in my company, I would spike that resume. Who wants to bring in a certified malcontent into the organization? I suspect the only employment option for people with those degrees are in academia, government and sensitivity training programs.
Is Jenee Desmond-Harris aware of tired we are of her?
The exit off I-75 for the University of Dayton is Edwin Moses Blvd. This plays into the stereotype that blacks can run fast and are only good at sports. The professor at UD needs to clean up his own backyard. Racist pig.
I plan to dress up as the patron saint of dunces.
Who wants to bring in a certified malcontent into the organization?
Who wants to bring in someone dumb enough to incur college debt for such a bogus discipline into the organization?
So...is there anything or anyone the root thinks you are allowed to dress as on halloween? Animals and white people are it, it sounds like.
Why would anyone want to wear a costume anyway?
That is kind of stupid!
Not entirely OT, since voter fraud is the only way Obama (I wonder if it will be racist for white people to even mention His name by election day?) will return to office:
James O’Keefe Bombshell: VA Rep Jim Moran’s Son Caught on Tape Facilitating Voter Fraud!
October, 24, 2012 — nicedeb
Jim Moran’s son, Pat, the field director for his campaign is the subject of the latest O’Keefe sting operation on voter fraud. This one proves once and for all, that voter fraud is real – Democrats know it’s real – and Democrats are happy to help it along, whenever possible. Pat was caught on tape giving the reporter ideas on how to get away with voting 100 times in northern Virginia, and was 100% supportive of the effort.
Transcript from the video:
Reporter: Do you know two people … Can you give me two names to help us with that? Two names of people who are fervent, who maybe I can trust?
Moran: I don’t know. It’s going to be tough. It’s going to be tough with the … you got to stuff that card.
Reporter: Okay. He actually double voted in 2008 and got away with it.
Moran: Did he?
Reporter: Yeah.
Moran: (Laughs) So it’s going to be with the new voter ID laws as well…
Reporter: He’s got a few in D.C. He’s got some in Maryland as well.
Moran: And I imagine he’ll be using…
Reporter: You and me.
Moran: Yeah. But like utility bills or something like that. He’ll need bills. He’ll need something with the name and their address on it.
Reporter: He’s telling me if they’re going to be hesitant to enforce it. He’s telling me it’s a law but there’s law and then there’s enforcement.
Moran: And there will be a lot of voter protection. So if they just have the utility bill or a statement (inaud.) will obviously be tough … but they can fake a utility bill with ease.
Reporter: How would you do that?
Moran: I mean I would just buy (inaud.)
Reporter: Microsoft Word and type it up.
Moran: Yeah, something like that. I don’t know, but that’s tough man. I mean, like … I feel like all the energy that you’re going to be putting into this, I think it would be much better suited finding out with just the in place GOTB (ph.) stuff, because all that stuff you’re kind of getting people that haven’t voted in a long time and that energy that you’d be putting in in trying to like ensure that it went through without a hitch and the risk to your name, I feel like plug it in and going to some underperforming districts.
There’s a push down in Mount Vernon and like Prince William and places like that where OFA is trying to get it going, but they, you know, it’s largely minority population, people that just haven’t been plugged in and people that have been plugged in like Republican districts and they’re just not enthused.
Reporter: If we get some people to help us. We won’t have to go, maybe someone else will and we’ll scale up elsewhere. But he’s got name and address, that’s the best bet?
Moran: Well, no, you need … it has to be … look at the law.
Reporter: Okay.
M: But it has to be like a utility bill or something like that. So you have to forge it.
He encouraged them to pretend to be pollsters and call the people they’re planning on voting for ahead of time.
R: Pretend to be a pollster?
M: Yeah. Do you guys plan on voting, on November 6th? And go on from there and then depending on their answer just … if they say yes, then go through and just find out if they’re Dems or what. (Noise) (Background conversations) (Walking)
R: Call first? Call them? Okay. That can get pretty awkward if they’ve already early voted, really awkward. Be ready to run.
M: (Laughs) (Background conversations) I respect your initiative.
R: I’m glad you respect it.
I can't wait for Baghdad Jake Diamond and Baghdad Garage Mahal to spin this one:
"There is NO voter fraud in America! And if there is, it's Republicans! RACIST Rethuglicans!" (insert patented Howard Dean Scream here)
What should I do with my RGIII Redskins' jersey?
I've read a few stories at The Root and they can find racism anywhere.
In Georgia it is a criminal offense to wear a mask, hood or device which conceals the identity of the wearer in public with the exception of holiday garb. We never liked the KKK thugs anyway.
It is still okay for whites to wear sackcloth and ashes, however.
And by okay I mean it's required.
Here's a list of insulting costumes grievance studies departments across America will soon be approving.
Scotsmen---OK especially kilts
Drunk Irishmen---OK
Spanish---OK unless brown with black hair
Christopher Columbus---OK
Tea Partier---OK the more insulting the better
Angry white wealthy entitled founders of America---OK
Mothers of large families---OK
Mothers of large families---OK
Oh come on, you know that's code for Puerto Rican.
(This joke was approved by my Puerto Rican co-worker currently looking over my shoulder. He has already accepted my apology.)
Just by typing you are assisting in the continued subjugation of non-priveleged persons.
How you ask?
Have you not noticed the extraordinary and suffocating expanse of priveleged white space surrounding the helpless black text of your posts?
Of course you haven't noticed it.
You are privileged.
Methadras said...
Baron Zemo said...
This is why all professors except for math and science should be fired.
The rest of it is pure bullshit.
Wait, what about engineering professors? Not them too!
There are Math Professors, there are Science Professors, then there are 'Math and Science' Professors. Those are the Engineering Professors.
Ugh. Too many typos....
(note to self: must slow down, must slow down.....oooh, cupcakes...)
Racially divisive racist projection and the "white hoodie".
Police: Black Woman Lied About KKK Setting Her On Fire
Forensic evidence indicates that a 20-year woman suffering from extensive burns set herself on fire then invented a story about being doused in flammable liquid by three men who she said also wrote the initials KKK and a racial slur on her car, state police said Tuesday.
On Sunday at 8 p.m., Sharmeka Moffitt called 911 from a walking trail in Winnsboro and told authorities she had been doused in flammable liquid by three men wearing white hoodies. She suffered extensive burns on more than half her body and was taken to LSU Health Sciences Center in Shreveport for treatment.
What about vagina masks?
I was thinking of that reality show about that family with 19 kids (or something like that) or octomom, but I can see I'm a novice at this code word thing.
I need to look for typos before posting.
vagina masks are OK but they must be pink.
On ESPN right now: "Is the criticism of Cam Newton racial?"
'nuff said.
Facinating how the lefty journalists call on secular progressive college professors to advise us on everything including how to behave. Why not call on Christian profs or pastors instead. Many of them are as well or better educated than the s/p profs.
They are no more predictable and are not burdened with the stigma of moral relativism.
When I was a kid, I dressed up as a KKK member. I combined a ghost costume with a witch's hat.
And I don't see the problem with it. Aren't you supposed to dress up as something scary on Halloween? Something evil?
Paul, yes white liberals see blacks as gods. I was at a restaurant one day and overheard a conversation by a group of late middle aged white radical professor types. They were discussing a speech that Cory Booker had given and one man referred to him as a modern day Jesus. Now I think Cory Booker is a great guy. He has done some fantastic things, he is intelligent and level headed. He gets an A+ for his job as mayor, but to compare him to Jesus? Really? Something
is not right in their heads.
I don't believe in race. I am biologically human with an American cultural identity.
Has this New York law been tested against women wearing a veil in ID-card pictures?
If five or six black teenagers ring your bell on Halloween do you open the door? Of course this is no problem for me, but then I'm not evolved. But for all of the absolutely positively beyond racism thoroughly evolved it'll be a helluva problem. Because to not open the door means THE VERY WORST THING! But to open the door - even in the back of the minds of the goodiest good people of all - might mean a home break-in, a thorough beating or worse. What to do? What to do? What to do?
Wyo sis- hahaha, pink vagina costumes check.
What about vagina masks?
What happens if someone with a penis mask comes along?
Is criticism of Cam Newton racial? No more than praise of him is (er was).
And I don't see the problem with it. Aren't you supposed to dress up as something scary on Halloween? Something evil?
I've always wondered that, too. People dress as the devil all the time, don't they? I know not everyone believes in him, but a large portion of the population certainly does.
What to do? What to do? What to do?
We never have trick or treat kids in our area. Too far between houses. No street lights. None. Long dark driveway. Usually snow on the ground and definitely below freezing. Mountain lions, coyotes, foxes and bobcats at night. No one in their right mind goes wandering around at night.
However, IF I did have that scenario, I would not open the door or if forced to open the door: they can say hello to my little friend. 12 gauge Mossberg Persuader 500.
Cam Newton is a smart young man from suburban Atlanta with good work habits and great self discipline.
He is a success because he is a smart football player. His slightly tan skin is not what has made him a success.
His problems will go away the day the Panthers get a competant and some wide receivers in the draft.
A competent offensive co-ordinator, that is.
tradguy, too bad cam isn't a leader to go with his skills like RG3, who I tipped you guys to years ago. perhaps he can learn.
The sort of people who would wear these costumes are probably not the sort of people who would read this article. Therefore, I assume the purpose of the article is to make readers feel happily self-righteous.
"Oh! Who would wear this trashy stuff? How awful!"
But I'll raise the writer one tick of self-righteousness:
"Who are these people who associate with the sort of people who wear such costumes enough that they know they wear them?"
Somewhere Mitt Romney ticks higher as he thinks, "Blogs? Yes, I've heard of them. Charming these things people do."
Last night the news people told me that a costume store said that the Obama mask is outselling the Romney mask and this means that Obama is going to win. But, today I learn that it just means people are racist.
Some characters on "True Blood" wore Obama masks when they went around killing shifters this past season. I wasn't sure why at the time but in the light of this article I can see that it was just supposed to symbolize their racism against supernatural people. Or something.
" Geoff Matthews said...
When I was a kid, I dressed up as a KKK member. I combined a ghost costume with a witch's hat.
And I don't see the problem with it. Aren't you supposed to dress up as something scary on Halloween? Something evil? "
When I was in college in the 50s, my fraternity was called "Fijis." We used to dress up as Fiji Islanders for the Homecoming parade. That included coloring our skin black and so forth. In 1956, the university told us we couldn't do that anymore so that year we dressed as KKK.
I have denounced myself many times but I did note that they didn't object to that costume.
Why should I care about opinions of people who made carrer out of finding ways to call others racist?
The key here is to recognize that white people are bad, especially the men, no matter what they are doing.
Halloween, PB&J sammitches, school, work, etc. Your mere existence is anathema to the world.
So I say to hell with it and party on, Garth.
I dressed up as Carmen Miranda one year. Fake fruit on the top of a turban, ruffled sleeves and all
Chica Chica Boom Chic
Was that racist? Who cares. It was fun!!!
But [David J. Leonard, associate professor in and chair of the department of critical culture, gender and race studies at Washington State University, Pullam]
The government should not pay the salary of someone with that title.
"10 percent were "really negative and rooted in ignorance and white privilege."
These goofy liberals/ professional victims are the real racists. How come so many of them are getting paid for it?
"Two Faced Racism: Whites in the Backstage and Frontstage examines inconsistencies in the presentation of white racial attitudes, ..."
"White racial attitudes"?
Are they not interested in the attitudes of non-white people, or - far more likely - did they not like the answers they got?
Like I said above, these clowns are the real racists.
Twelve years ago or so, I asked two friends, who didn't know each other, to join me at a Halloween Party at a local watering hole that had booked some great live music.
Frankly, I was matchmaking.
The guy arrived first .. as Al Jolson. The woman arrived next .. as Aunt Jemima.
I noted three things to "self".
One, that both were insensitive to appearing in blackface in the heart of an area with a deep KKK history.
Two, that there were no black people in the room.
And three? My matchmaking instincts seemed pretty damned good!
Except for the chemistry.
Funny how I kept my thoughts to "self", yet both friends yammered on about how EYE should be ashamed for showing up sans constume.
I bet she laughs at black comedians who imitate stereo-typical 'stuffy/uptight' white people and sees nothing wrong with doing so.
What a shallow-minded racist.
Does her premise mean I'm racist if I get a tan?
Ha ha I LOVE little moments of irony.
The world .. It's a grand stage.
And I just thank my lucky stars that we don't need to pay for every "performance".
Blah, blah, blah, buh blah, blah, blah. Do as I say. Blah, blah, blah, buh blah, blah, blah.
I was going to leave this post alone until I reread "using their relative privilege to dismiss criticism." Seriously, how do you do that? The only one I see who is attempting to dismiss criticism is the person quoted.
I understand what the two steps above a community college associate professor of grievance studies is trying to say, but outside his classroom, it doesn't stand the laugh test.
I've been told that the term 'cotton pickin' is horribly racist. The mascot of the high school a couple towns over from me is the Cotton Pickers. The town is surrounded by cotton fields and apparently they are proud of that fact. I'm so confused!
This is part of what the outrageous tuition you pay for your kids' education goes to. Makes you really feel the money was well spent, wasn't it? Both these "professors" deserve a punch in the mouth as the first lesson in the curriculum towards getting them some decency.
When I was in college in the 50s, my fraternity was called "Fijis." We used to dress up as Fiji Islanders for the Homecoming parade. That included coloring our skin black and so forth. In 1956, the university told us we couldn't do that anymore so that year we dressed as KKK.
I have denounced myself many times but I did note that they didn't object to that costume.
In the mid-60s, the announcer at a University of Tennessee basketball game, upon orders from higher ups, told the fraternities to quit doing the "Rip 'em up, Tear 'em up, Give 'em Hell, Vols!" cheer or be kicked out.
The frats got together at half time and came up with a new cheer.
Cat's ass, rat's ass,
Kick 'em in the balls.
Cock suck, molly fuck,
Give 'em Hell, Vols.
You tell college kids what to do at your own peril.
Love the upstate New York rent wars info.
A Meeting of the friends of Equal Rights will be held on
Let the opponents of Patroonry rally in their strength. A great crisis is approaching. Now is the time to strike. The minions of Patroonry are at work. No time is to be lost. Awake! Arouse! and
Strike till the last armed foe expires,
Strike for your altars and your fires-
Strike for the green graves of your sires,
God and your happy homes!
Broadside call to anti-rent meeting
Tin Horns and Calico by Henry Christman (1945, p. 109)
No more racist costumes? What's a gay guy to do? All the good blaxploitation femme fatale costumes were sold out weeks ago. It was either Harriet Tubman or Mrs. Butterworth, and fuck you if you think I'm wearing that plastic cap hat all night long. And fuck you doubley if you think I'm going as anything BUT a black female.
Hahahaha. Just kidding. I'm going as Winnie the Pooh. It's so kitschy. My date can be my hunny. Hahaha, that's so funny. The best part is I don't have to wear pants.
And I hate to crash the party, but people who aren't your ethnicity are "others." Even Italians think the Irish are "others." Everyone is the other. When we're individuals, we're all others. But if we're the children of God, we're not all others; we are all one communion of souls, and souls are souls--souls are not others. But that kind of talk is passe. We're not children of God and we're not others. Allegedly we all share one supreme commonality, but nobody lecturing others on "otherness" can identify what that is, because they hate the others as much as racists hate the others. When the foundation of our communion transcends the material--the artifice that segregates one from the others, whatever its manifestation, whether wealth or race or politics or sex--there will be no others.
There will be no others, and there will be no shame when you in your Mrs. Butterworth costume hit the punch bowl at the same time as Foxxy Brown--and rather than jealousy you feel serene peace. You are both others, which means neither is the other.
Wait, I hosted Japanese exchange students for several years ...one of them presenting me a gift of a beautiful yukata
So if I wear that to give out candy on Halloween that makes me a racist?
When I was a kid, I dressed up as a KKK member.
When I was an adult, I went to a party as a ghost. Not just a party, but a work party. I bought a ghost costume. From a store.
I looked like the fucking Klan.
The whole night I was going up to black people. "I look like a ghost, right?"
I don't know if it was my head or what. The damn thing was pointy. You're in a bad place when you have to explain your costume. That's #1. But #2 is trying to explain how you're not the klan.
Coketown is one of the reasons I follow this blog. Dang if he can cut through it all.
Coketown, please bring back your racist avatar if only for Holloween.
Relative privilege...
The best way to shore up a failed philosophy built on nonsense is evidently more nonsense, but a century compounded failure hasn't moved the leftist intelligentsia yet so why expect anything novel from the likes of Jenée Desmond-Harris (Don't just love that phony-baloney francophone name? Being just another Jenny isn't cosmopolitan enough.)
Curiosity lead me to this unlikely site. Evidently wearing of masks on public property, or on the streets or sidewalks is a criminal act in many states, yet I have not heard of a single case of a burka-clad female being run in on a charge of wearing a disguise in public in any of the states mentioned. Let's clean up our streets before worrying about what goes on indoors on private property.
BTW, in case you're wondering about what anapsid.org refers to, an anapsid is an amniote without temporal fenestra in the skull -- in today's world that's a turtle. Speaking as a synapsid I find the website offensive, and I demand the domain name be banned and removed from all DNS servers ASAP.
This is America. We have the right to free expression. There is no such thing as "inappropriate attire". This political correct nonsense must stop.
Is a black guy dressed as a Viking a racist? Just asking.
Jenée Desmond-Harris also illustrates her thesis with a photo of a cute kid wearing an "Indian" headdress. The kid is black, so I supposed that's Miss Harris's way of sidestepping the "only whites can be racists" meme. With my own experience as a guide I surmise that most children choose their Halloween costumes based on quality they deem as admirable in context. Halloween being a celebration of scariness a scary persona is admirable, the scarier the better. Hence monster costumes, vampires and witches being favorites. Behind scary is heroic and majestic, superheroes, knights and princess filling the bill in this category. Kids generally don't want to go trick-or-treating dressed as a despicable character. Halloween for them is a night of fantasy and imagination -- a night to express one's dream life. Thus the kid dressed as an Indian (or what is the new, new PC euphemism de jour? Oh yes... First Nations person) chose his costume because he liked the fantasy of being an Lakota warrior, not because he despises aboriginals.
Adults at Halloween parties choose their costumes for very different reasons. Women (if they have the bod for it) choose based on the sexual allure of the get-up. Sexy devils, sexy witches, sexy Alice-in-Wonderlands, sexy what have you. Men like clever costumes, the walking talking pun being a favorite. Some disguises do push the bounds of good taste, and a few are "transgressive" (Hurrah for all things transgressive! Hurrah!), but what is Halloween for if not bad taste and offensive attire?
Thank you, Jenée Desmond-Harris. The brilliance of your essay has convinced me in equal measure. This year's party costume inspiration: Tah-Dah! I think I'll replace the spoon with a slice of watermelon.
Coketown, please bring back your racist avatar if only for Holloween.
That thing took hours! It tested the very limits of my Microsoft Paint skills. And it was undoubtedly a potential piece of Yellowism. We're all acutely aware of Althouse's severe aversion to Yellowism.
If five or six black teenagers ring your bell on Halloween do you open the door?
Yep. It's probably one of the kids from down the street and his friends.
Aren't you supposed to dress up as something scary on Halloween? Something evil?
That's why every year I dress up as a tourist. Golf cap. Hawaiian shirt. Cocktail. Pretty much how I dress every weekend.
where can i buy such a custome ?hehehe
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