१२ ऑक्टोबर, २०१२

Baldwin 51%, Thompson 47%.

A new Rasmussen poll on the Senate race in Wisconsin.

How did Tommy lose so much ground? Did Tammy's DNC speech elevate her? Was it all her negative ads? Is it Tommy not trying enough, thinking he could coast to victory?

Are people looking at pictures of the 2 of them and picking the prettier one?

Are Republicans kicking themselves for passing up the very pretty Eric Hovde?

२१ टिप्पण्या:

Andy म्हणाले...

Maybe it was Thompson's gay-baiting.

People don't like bigots.

Jake म्हणाले...

Tammy's running more effective ads (or at least was). Period. I don't know who's running Thompson's campaign, but they are blowing it. It will be a real shame if Romney somehow wins Wisconsin, but we're saddled with Tammy Baldwin as the Junior Senator from Wisconsin.

Tim म्हणाले...

Some voters, not being all that smart, could be splitting their ballots: Romney for President, Baldwin for Senate.

That, or Thompson thought he had it in the bag, and did what tired old men do: mailed it in (so far).

Mr. D म्हणाले...

They've started running some Baldwin ads on the television stations in Minneapolis to catch viewers in western Wisconsin. The Baldwin ads I've seen are very good. I don't know what Tommy is doing to counter them.

alan markus म्हणाले...

Before the Republican Senate primary, Mark Belling cautioned that during previous Presidential elections in Wisconsin, the Senate races have typically mirrored the Presidential race, and that if Obama wins, most likely the Democratic candidate will win. Currently RCP average has Obama over Romney @ 2.3 in Wisconsin.

Toby म्हणाले...

Perhaps those independent Wisconsinites who value the state's progressive history but are planning to vote for Romney are trying to balance things out (and convince themselves of their own good-heartedness) by supporting Baldwin.

garage mahal म्हणाले...

Are Republicans kicking themselves for passing up the very pretty Eric Hovde?


Farmer म्हणाले...

Vote Scott Walker in, twice, then go for Tammy Baldwin. I live here, I love it here, but I don't understand it, at all.

AlphaLiberal म्हणाले...

Tommy Thompson was George Bush's man and he sold us out to enrich himself.

Tommy Thompson is not even sure how many homes he owns! A real man of the people!

ha ha!

Oh, also Tommy has a habit of public speaking while drunk as a skunk.

Known Unknown म्हणाले...

Oh, also Tommy has a habit of public speaking while drunk as a skunk.

That is something he has in common with a majority of Wisconsinites!

Known Unknown म्हणाले...

Thompson is a crap candidate. Past-his-prime. He was already Governor ... why does he need to be a Senator now?

I hate these parasitic career politicians who don't have enough talent or self-determination to do something in the private sector.

mccullough म्हणाले...

Thompson is pretty old and pretty much a career politician. He's a Washington insider. Dick Lugar redux.

George म्हणाले...

There's an old book by Straus and Howe called Generations that I recommend you read, Ann. It is a history of America using a framework of generational transitions. One of the things that you find looking at the country that way is that once the power of a generation begins to wane those changes can cascade pretty quickly. I suspect with Thompson it is really a case of "His time has passed."

Michael म्हणाले...

Unfortunately we get the politicians we deserve.

Known Unknown म्हणाले...

Hovde might still have lost, but he would have run a better campaign.

AlphaLiberal म्हणाले...

Also, Tommy's comments 'Who Better Than Me... To Do Away With Medicaid and Medicare?' are not helping him.

Republicans may hate Medicare but millions more Americans love it, including not only seniors but their children who know they can get medical care without being ripped off by insurance companies.


jimspice म्हणाले...

Did you catch Tommy yesterday in the NYT? "Mr. Thompson, usually gregarious, sounds anything but upbeat as he talks about his reason for running now. Is he having fun? No, he says twice. 'I don’t need this,' he said." (http://bit.ly/IDontNeedThis)

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

The GOP in Wisconsin should have told old man Thompson to forego this useless last hurrah. The self centered fool has done great damage if he loses the Senate for Romney over his ego needs.

Curious George म्हणाले...

The gaps closing. Tommy is out there working hard. I think he will prevail.

BobDD म्हणाले...

Well I hope he wins, but he sounds like a tired establishment guy and that is hard to get excited about. I think he only won because the primary had more than one valid alternative and he was expected to be the most sure winner; too many voters did not notice how uninspiring he is nowadays. This is shaping up to be a painful loss and now we are in the position of hoping the polls are as crooked here as in MN.

a psychiatrist who learned from veterans म्हणाले...

One of the legacies of the one party states of the South is the primary run-off election. This race was, at first, a counter example where an 'old reliable' moderate electable candidate in a 'first past the post primary' would be the best candidate, now not so much. Another example where 'first past the post' gave an unfortunate result was the current Arizona congressman Republican Quayle. As the son of the former vise president he had better name recognition but most people in the primary preferred someone else. He never had to face however a single alternative, the second place primary finisher.