MEXICO CITY — Mexican tomato growers have made what they say is an unprecedented proposal to the U.S. Commerce Department to salvage a 16-year-old pricing agreement for exports to the United States.
The proposal would extend the current accord to cover 100 percent of Mexican tomatoes instead of the current 85 percent, Martin Ley, a representative for the growers from Mexico, said in an interview after meeting with Commerce Department officials Thursday in Washington. His group is also offering to add 18 percent to 25 percent to the floor price, depending on the type of tomato....
Those look like nice tomatoes, yes, they do indeed, but I refuse to look at them any further and imagine the taste of their delicious organic tomatoey goodness. Why? Nikon neglect, that's why. When the thing is sitting right there with a charged battery and fitted with a perfectly good lens.
I put glass fish on a bottle take that for segue.
It took awhile to figure out how to do that. I want it to look like fish are swimming around the bottle suspended in space.
My own fish really like weeds. They love living in the grasses. They find little hidey spaces and then later collect together in the open areas. So the bottle will have weeds too, growing up the side.
But I need the bottle positioned upside down so the fish swim under and around the bulge of the bottle, amongst weeds. The glass fish had to be positioned in mid air to epoxy them onto little copper arms extending from the neck like the spokes of a wagon wheel, the neck of the bottle the wheel axle. Once I figured out how to do that it all went fairly well. I have to wait between each little application so it goes, arrange the application, mix a spot of epoxy, apply, steady until cured, remove steadification, repeat repeat repeat repeat, so it takes a long time. I used a cardboard box. Cut it to be the right depth and hole for the bottle neck. I hope it's the right depth because I'm locked in now. The spokes can be bent to make the fish swirl or compress them together tighter around the neck. It's adjustable. Care to see?
Now the weeds are going on and I think it'll be done. And bubbles. I haven't decided, but I think the weeds will not be gathered at the top so that it's obvious the weeds are holding the bottle, rather, the weeds are attached to the bottle, and could support it, but wastefully do not. It could be much more economical and direct but for stylistic and artistic reasons they are not. And they're all poor, unsupportable choices too, seriously flawed in terms of production, and that's the thing that makes them so frivolous. If you see it finished I'm expecting you to think, "Shit, man, you just wasted all all that wire."
I am despairing for my own tomatoes, because there are a lot of set fruit, some full size, but they aren't ripe, and this time of year there's no sunshine to speak of.
The Democrats must take that Benghazi kerfluffle in the debate seriously. It was almost painful to watch CBS and NBC contort themselves to spin it in this evening's newscasts!
I've heard that if you bring green tomatoes in and wrap them separately in newspaper they last till Thanksgiving and taste good. This year I may try it because so many are left. By Thanksgiving they will be heirlooms of the summer, maybe.
Did anyone hear Mark Shields and David Brooks on NewsHour doubling-down on the claim that the Obama admin (Susan Rice, et al.) was only speaking based on available intelligence?
And that it would be a huge mistake for Romney to bring the subject up because Hillary stepped-up to take responsibility and she and Bill are much beloved.
An argument that really doesn't follow, because Hillary took responsibility for the security failure, not the cover-up.
Could we get everyone to commit to a position on the Electoral College and the popular vote before we know the outcome of the election?
Should Obama win the Electoral College but lose the popular vote, by whatever margin, I fully expect John Stewart will have a near limitless supply of footage of partisans saying the opposite of what they said back in 2000.
I don't like the fact that the E.C. math means that the race narrows down to a small handful of states, but I suspect that there are downsides that I can't perceive about a popular vote, so I'm inclined to keep things the way they are.
It was almost painful to watch CBS and NBC contort themselves to spin it in this evening's newscasts!
I watched the CBS one..
They strained to put the best face to a series of events where had Obama chosen at any time to say what he knew would probably been the end of it...
Except for what appears to be clear now... somebody turned down repeated requests for more security... The appearance of a cover up has reluctantly forced the spotlight to be turned on and the election is making it stay on.
Has anybody spotted any similarities between what we know about Fast and Furious and Benghazi?
It seems as if in both of these... short term political ends were allowed to overshadow their (Justice/State) mission to the point were possible crimes were committed.
Not at all a fair representation of what Romney said IMO, but I'm sure the Obama ad is a "fair" representation of Romney under the analysis Althouse used that the Obama "Romney will make abortion illegal" ad was "fair," -- or am I missing the reasoning?
I think Hillary! just "took responsibility" for removing the "Acme Security, Inc." that the State Dept. had in Libya earlier, but she still did not explain why that was done, nor why the embassy's subsequent protests and pleas for more security was ignored.
I call the Libyan mess our "Sergeant Schultz War," because it seem we just cannot get any straight stories about just what has happened there or just who were - or are - responsible for what - not even how it all got started back when, and who ordered that.
Inga I think almost all points of view have validity until proven not to have it. But, please give it a rest. You aren't persuading me, and, I suspect, nor anyone else. I for one am tired of the hype and spin. I'll bet the people at HufPo would love to hear your point of view.
Inga said... No evidence found of Al Qaeda role in Libya attack, apperas [sic] to be an opportunistic attack, not long planned operation. The attackers launched the assault after learning about the violence at Cairo embassy against anti Islam video, initial assessment appears to be correct.
Yet Amb Stevens was telegraphing the threat for months?
CIA station chief in Libya reported within 24 hours that there was evidence US consulate attack was not carried out by a mob
The two US officials said the CIA station chief in Libya compiled intelligence reports from eyewitnesses within 24 hours of the assault on the consulate that indicated militants had launched the violence, using the pretext of demonstrations against US facilities in Egypt against the film to cover their intent. The report from the station chief was written late Wednesday 12 September and reached intelligence agencies in Washington the next day, intelligence officials said.
However, on Saturday of that week, briefing points sent by the CIA to Congress said "demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the US embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault".
The briefing points, obtained by the AP, added that "there are indications that extremists participated in the violent demonstrations" but did not mention eyewitness accounts that blamed militants alone.
Such raw intelligence reports by the CIA on the ground would normally be sent first to analysts at the headquarters in Langley, Virginia, for vetting and comparing against other intelligence derived from eavesdropping drones and satellite images. Only then would such intelligence generally be shared with the White House and later, Congress, a process that can take hours or days if the intelligence is coming only from one or two sources who may or may not be trusted.
US intelligence officials say in this case the delay was due in part to the time it took to analyze various conflicting accounts. One official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to discuss the incident publicly, explained that "it was clear a group of people gathered that evening" in Benghazi, but that the early question was "whether extremists took over a crowd or they were the crowd".
But that explanation has been met with concern in Congress.
"The early sense from the intelligence community differs from what we are hearing now," Democratic representative Adam Schiff said. "It ended up being pretty far afield, so we want to figure out why... though we don't want to deter the intelligence community from sharing their best first impressions" after such events in the future.
"The intelligence briefings we got a week to 10 days after were consistent with what the administration was saying," said William Thornberry, a Republican member of the House Intelligence and Armed Services committees. Thornberry would not confirm the existence of the early CIA report but voiced skepticism over how sure intelligence officials, including CIA director David Petraeus, seemed of their original account when they briefed lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
"How could they be so certain immediately after such events, I just don't know," he said. "That raises suspicions that there was political motivation."
National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor declined comment. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence did not respond to requests for comment.
And Wyo Sis, why do you think I'm trying to persuade anybody? It is what it is. If Fox is reporting it, surely they aren't covering for the Obama administration.
The Obama Administration has direct responsibility for security for American officials. Dodging that responsibility by blaming someone for exercising their free speech rights is really un-American.
The information, provided to Fox News by a U.S. intelligence official, is subject to change but could end up providing fodder to both sides in what has become a politically charged fight in Washington and on the presidential campaign trail.
Of course she had to say it in a British newspaper because the mainstream media will cover up anything that makes the Jug Eared Jesus look bad.
She just doesn't want to be lied to anymore. Just like the rest of us. Or at least those of us that care about the people overseas who at risk from the barbarians and terrorists.
Did you even read the article from Fox, Tim? Also Tim, I'm not in disagreement with you that the lack of security was a major fuck up, responsibility on Obama administration. No dodge from me, I want the truth, same as you.
"She just doesn't want to be lied to anymore. Just like the rest of us. Or at least those of us that care about the people overseas who at risk from the barbarians and terrorists."
Inga is committed to blaming the video rather than the gross negligence of the Obama Administration.
What the Obama administration did, and what Obama himself did in the wake of the events is the issue for me here. The response was to hide, obfuscate, sleep, party and refuse to take it seriously. Only the outrage of the American people forced them to even acknowledge it happened. Whatever happens now and whatever spin is created around the events will never change the disgusting response from Obama and his administration. He can't live it down and history will be hard on him. And it should be.
...the race narrows down to a small handful of states...
Oh the choice narrows down To a small precious few, September...November... And these few precious states Will tell the tale, These precious states Will tell the tale.
Blaming the video was stupid, weak and, in the end, irresponsible.
These assholes are our enemies.
What provokes them is beyond my concern.
Ramping up an entire Administration to create, in effect, an excuse for this attack (and then having the film maker arrested) is weak, shortsighted, and just plain wrong.
Whatever Weevil, go eat some cotton, make yourself useful. And I know most here read my comments, because every single one of them gets numerous responses, unlike yours.
"Did anyone hear Mark Shields and David Brooks on NewsHour..."
Defunding of PBS/NPR can start in the Romney Administration by pulling all of their press passes to the Executive Branch. But leave one pass available for Big Bird, since he's what PBS is really about anyway.
I mean.. even when garage has dialed back his defence... Ellie soldiers on alone... scaling every wall with a moribund Obama on her back... while evading hostile fire.
Should Obama win... harrumph... she should get a medal.
Yep, Lem, for a while after the convention I thought I'd vote for the devil I knew, but have decided to take Father Fox's lead and vote my conscience, which is not to vote for either devil. Doesn't mean I won't vote Democrat though, just not voting for Prez.
The only third party candidate who could have hurt Romney would have been a Palin Tea Party ticket. But Romney pretty skillfully defused that by picking Ryan for VP. Of course the kooky feminists and gays also fought Palin tooth and nail, ensuring that no effective 3rd party effort would surface to help their dream date.
"Romney drinks coffee in secret. that make your puerile comments so difficult to take seriously and at the same time so irritating and self-defeating.
I watch for your comments, because they validate my suspicion that liberals are usually not at all serious, but are stuck on stupid.
I think the things you say about your children indicate you're not as frivolous and frankly unlikeable as your own words make you seem. And, it's even a little sad that you apparently like being a source of irritation. But, ultimately you always invalidate your own good points if you ever manage to have them.
I'm waiting for you to tell me to do something to myself that's physically impossible, because that seems to be where you keep your deepest thoughts. It's OK, but you should be told how you come across, and realize that much of the negative reaction you get here is of your own making.
But, maybe you do know that and you do it on purpose. In any case I suspect I'm not the only one here who thinks you're irritating and even your obvious beauty doesn't override the unpleasantness.
Wyo Sis, the coffee remark was a J.O.K.E. Wyo sis, it OK if you find me irritating. You can skip my comments, right? I find quite a few people here irritating too.
Also, Wyo Sis, I never measure my self worth against what other people say about me, especially strangers who mean nothing to me personally. I generally like you and even Erika, but you two ladies really need to..... Relax. See I didn't say what you thought I was going to, you know, that thing that's where my "deepest thoughts" are.
My favorite female commenters here are Synova, Yashu and Exiledonmainstreet, they are strong, succinct, yet seem to have a sense of humor.
Obama may have had nothing specifically to do with it, or he may be the root cause, I don't know, but what is coming out about how those people at the embassy were basically abandoned and left to die by someone is looking pretty awful.
I agree Bagoh, in an attempt to have a presence in Libya, even after every other western nation left, there was a huge miscalculation of risk vs. reward. No reward was worth risking these people's lives.
" you're irritating and even your obvious beauty doesn't override the unpleasantness."
It's about time someone mentions the tomatoes. They always look good, but piss me off when I bite into one. I don't like tomatoes. I want to, but I just can't do it.
bagoh20 said... Obama may have had nothing specifically to do with it, or he may be the root cause, I don't know, but what is coming out about how those people at the embassy were basically abandoned and left to die by someone is looking pretty awful.
Could someone have done this on purpose to make Obama look bad? Why doesn't he fight back?
I think that perhaps the Obama administration thought they would have an easy "victory" in Libya, with no military intervention besides the assistance they gave in bombing earlier in the war. IMO, they should've recalled the embassy staff, when the Brits did, or even before.
"I think that perhaps the Obama administration thought they would have an easy "victory" in Libya..."
You know that reminds me. Isn't Bill Clinton the luckiest S.O.B. that ever got his coffee first in the oval office. A Republican congress, two chance economic bubbles in a row, ends a war with air power alone, two terms despite being impeached and disbarred, and gets out just in time to miss 9/11. Except for one unwashed dress, he was teflon.
Sometimes, I puff up thinking: hey succeeding in business must take some special smarts, right? Then, like tonight, I watch an interview with Ted Turner and realize, no, anybody could do it.
Tomatoes are they? They're red, they're round, they're lined up like properly behaved tomatoes, yes, so I suppose, they are probably most likely tomatoes.
I challenge you.
))) WHAP (((
Oof. This big metal glove here is too heavy. Dropped it. *kicks away gauntlet* Sorry about that. It's nothing. Ignore it.
As I was saying. I challenge you with my own picture of a tomato. I call it ... wait a minute. This is art. What do I call it? I call it ... wait for it ... I call it ... this is not a tomato.
As a corollary (because averages always require outliers), I strongly suspect that bagoh20 is an exception. I'd bet a whole lot that he's worked his ass off, and no damn overestimating, much less cheating, about it.
This animated GIF cracks me up, and I mean CRACK, like this /\/\/^v/\^\v/> those are cracks, because the anim is so completely random, and because the guy is British and you don't expect a British guy to be thinking about John Wayne and because the bird is properly cooked.
bagoh20, pro contrario, con permiso, not worth seeing, I beg to differ there, all review, all exceedingly annoying review, gave me a headache. The portion I sat for was like the most dreary lecture, while simultaneously conversely on another channel with a lot of letters in it there was an excellent array of exerts assembled and they gave their tight professional knowledgeable facts devoid of opinion and conclusion, all three danced around the facts never mentioning the video, the guy in jail, the brownshirts arresting him at midnight for parole violation, attack on free speech or the concerted effort to propound a false narrative, SURPRISE! It's October entirely missing the central issue and so likewise utterly headachingly intolerable.
Chicken, Turkey, Goose, Duck or what?--is the question. Seems rather generic to me. Not that you asked. I surely do acknowledge that.
Looking at it from another point of view, could that be, arguably, more interesting had it involved some various sorts of small fowl, as opposed to what was on offer there?
rcommal, I appreciate that, and yes, I've put in my time, but now to prevent disasters and general mayhem, I've been asked by the employees to put in no more than 12 minutes a day, preferably without talking to anyone, but since I give it 4000% effort, it's just like full time. I don't even take a break.
bagoh20, pro contrario, con permiso, not worth seeing, I beg to differ there, all review, all exceedingly annoying review, gave me a headache. The portion I sat for was like the most dreary lecture, while simultaneously conversely on another channel with a lot of letters in it there was an excellent array of exerts assembled and they gave their tight professional knowledgeable facts devoid of opinion and conclusion, all three danced around the facts never mentioning the video, the guy in jail, the brownshirts arresting him at midnight for parole violation, attack on free speech or the concerted effort to propound a false narrative, SURPRISE! It's October entirely missing the central issue and so likewise utterly headachingly intolerable.
My very favorite word in that whole comment is exert[s].
So how many people must google "Is Obama paying bills?"
So I checked. Apparently many people think so.
"..., a United Way employee was on an RTA bus when a rider stood up and announced to fellow passengers that Obama was paying people's bills. The rider told people they could use the red numbers on the backs of their Social Security cards to tap into the government money."
There are endless versions of this running now for 4 years. I may have to vote for this very nice Obama man.
I know what you mean. When my husband got laid off quite a bit of a while back, we got to a decision point. What that decision required was forgoing [not to be confused with foregoing] various benefits for which he and we were eligible at the moment in time which is precisely *on* point, and the vast majority of which benefits we could still be receiving to this very day. Instead, we chose to go forth in a different direction, and we are surviving it.
We could stay in that country for a thousand years and the Afghans would still be howling barbarians. It's becoming increasingly apparent that there is no hope for them or the rest of their tribal co-religionists.
Then again, I don't get a lot of things. I might have got it if it somehow tied into an earlier coffee theme, or what have you. Maybe I missed that from another thread.
(In my experience, non sequitur jokes are usually funny only to the tellers. I speak as a frequent teller of them.)
We could stay in that country for a thousand years and the Afghans would still be howling barbarians.
In the most tragic sense, this isn't true. If you look at photos taken in Afghanistan in the 1950's and 1960's you see a fairly prosperous country for the region and time, the people wearing western business attire and casual clothing, women interacting freely in society (including university life) wearing western clothes.
The true tragedy is that the Afghans nearly made it before returning to the Middle Ages.
I've just spent the night cruisin' all the various websites that struck my fancy, tryin' to get a read on the countries mood. And I come away with just one question...
Are all liberals as retarded as their representatives in the media? They can't be, can they? I mean it. Some of these people shouldn't be allowed sharp scissors. Restrict their eating utensils to spoons.
Like Whoopi Goldberg... I;ve seen her take some unpopular stances against the left before. But her defense of the way she treated Ann Romney was basically limited to "You shut up."
I saw instance after instance of people calling for riots, assassinations, and general mayhem, if Romney wins. I will grant that there are some nut jobs on the right who feel the same way about Zero, but I also see the Secret Service investigating a guy who hung an empty chair from a tree. The SS issued a statement that they were aware of the death threats against Romney, and they will investigate if there is ever a need. I guess need is an actual attempt? Or does it have to be a successful attempt?
Zero and his cadre of misanthropes has poisoned the well of American democracy. They should all be charged with treason. Too bad the Republicans are too chicken shit to actually fight for our country.
Zero and the Democrats have yet to produce a budget(as required by law). They have also stopped issuing reports for the last four quarters about Stimulus Projects and Expenditures(as required by law). And the DOJ has said they will not enforce certain laws of this country(as required by law).
How is it that so many people can flagrantly break the law, and not suffer any consequences?
More and more, we are reaching the point Jefferson warned about. "The tree of liberty is watered with the blood of tyrants" We have tyrants in DC as I type this.
Carniflex -- I agree with everything you've written. All I'd add is: People will say that both sides do it, that power corrupts whoever holds the office.
I don't think so.
When republicans are corrupt, the press calls them on it. By protecting their guy for the last four years, the press has created a situation where the body politic was defenseless and open to corruption on a massive scale. F&F, Solyndra, they're too numerous to mention.
This is easily the most corrupt administration in history. Who could even compare? US Grant? That's silly. Government was so much smaller then, even if POTUS had been a comic book arch villain, he couldn't have put his fingers in half the pies that this administration has.
One irony: anyone who actually believes that "fourth estate" stuff, that the press has a role as a quasi branch of government, serving as a check on the other three, should vote republican; because the only time the press ever acts that way is when a republican is in office. But I'm sure the vast majority vote D.
We were talking about tomatoes, right? That's a picture of tomatoes, not terrorists.
Anyhow, when I first saw that photo I thought "What? Restoration Hardware makes tomato-shaped coat hooks? I need those. And why didn't Meade stain the board before he mounted the hooks?"
But that's just me. You can go back to talking about terrorists now. I'm going to the farmer's market for tomatoes. And to the new Duluth Trading Company store in Port Washington.
At that, thinking back on it, was there not some speculation in the press that "the Libyan war of liberation" was cooked up by Hillary!, Susan Rice, and Mary Robinson (former President of Eire and now someething at the U.N.)?
It soon died away, and maybe it was just that press could not find anyone else to pin it on, but then, here is Susan Rice again!
Poor stupid boring Inga just can't stop lying. She claims (9:06pm) that "every single one" of her own comments "gets numerous responses". That's not even mathematically possible: nearly 1/6 of the comments here (19/115 so far) are by her, including at least one (9:03pm) begging for someone to reply to something stupid she'd written. If they all had "numerous" replies, and if "numerous" has its usual meaning, rather than some special Inga meaning like "between 0 and 2", there wouldn't be room for comments by anyone else. It is obvious that there are still plenty of comments by others on this thread.
Surely Inga must know that if Althouse readers were ever asked to vote for the Most Useless Commenter on Althouse, with no multiple voting allowed, she would certainly be in the top 10, and would be a strong candidate for Number One, despite an abundance of strong competition. I mean, she can't possibly be so lacking in self-awareness as to not know that, can she?
And why was our ambassador to the U.N. be the one to go on TV about the attack on our consulate anyway? I could see the White House needing to answer, the State Dept., the NSA or CIA, even the Pentagon, but why the ambassador to the U.N.?
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११९ टिप्पण्या:
Beautiful. Are those black krims?
Nice! On our homestead, we're currently averaging ten eggs per day from a dozen hens.
Store bought tomato season is about over. Expect the typical hot-house stuff: chalky texture after refrigeration, apple-like density, minimal flavor.
Looking forward to July when sun ripened one make it back to north America.
Do they still taste like tomatoes?
MEXICO CITY — Mexican tomato growers have made what they say is an unprecedented proposal to the U.S. Commerce Department to salvage a 16-year-old pricing agreement for exports to the United States.
The proposal would extend the current accord to cover 100 percent of Mexican tomatoes instead of the current 85 percent, Martin Ley, a representative for the growers from Mexico, said in an interview after meeting with Commerce Department officials Thursday in Washington. His group is also offering to add 18 percent to 25 percent to the floor price, depending on the type of tomato....
Those look like nice tomatoes, yes, they do indeed, but I refuse to look at them any further and imagine the taste of their delicious organic tomatoey goodness. Why? Nikon neglect, that's why. When the thing is sitting right there with a charged battery and fitted with a perfectly good lens.
I put glass fish on a bottle take that for segue.
It took awhile to figure out how to do that. I want it to look like fish are swimming around the bottle suspended in space.
My own fish really like weeds. They love living in the grasses. They find little hidey spaces and then later collect together in the open areas. So the bottle will have weeds too, growing up the side.
But I need the bottle positioned upside down so the fish swim under and around the bulge of the bottle, amongst weeds. The glass fish had to be positioned in mid air to epoxy them onto little copper arms extending from the neck like the spokes of a wagon wheel, the neck of the bottle the wheel axle. Once I figured out how to do that it all went fairly well. I have to wait between each little application so it goes, arrange the application, mix a spot of epoxy, apply, steady until cured, remove steadification, repeat repeat repeat repeat, so it takes a long time. I used a cardboard box. Cut it to be the right depth and hole for the bottle neck. I hope it's the right depth because I'm locked in now. The spokes can be bent to make the fish swirl or compress them together tighter around the neck. It's adjustable. Care to see?
fish post
bottle neck spacing box
'nuther neck spacing box showing the posts attached to bottle neck.
Now the weeds are going on and I think it'll be done. And bubbles. I haven't decided, but I think the weeds will not be gathered at the top so that it's obvious the weeds are holding the bottle, rather, the weeds are attached to the bottle, and could support it, but wastefully do not. It could be much more economical and direct but for stylistic and artistic reasons they are not. And they're all poor, unsupportable choices too, seriously flawed in terms of production, and that's the thing that makes them so frivolous. If you see it finished I'm expecting you to think, "Shit, man, you just wasted all all that wire."
" Are those black krims? "
Not this year, Wally.
This year they're OXBLOOD krims.
They look like old tits mounted on a board.
But at least they are erect.
But at least they are erect.
The nipples look invaginated, Titus. Look again.
"Locavoracious"? Hmmm: 'loca' + 'voracious'. Wouldn't that mean you would like to eat a crazy Spanish woman? Is that even legal?
So, "Romnesia" is apparently the new "binders".....
They look like butts to me.
Peter Griffin's "Back scratcher? Back scratcher?" could serve well here if changed to "Butt scratcher? Butt scratcher?"
Am I right, Titus? Don't hold back now.
Romnesia is when you can't remember whether you're in Romania or Indonesia.
Easy, Dr. Weevil.
Oh, man, I want those.
I am despairing for my own tomatoes, because there are a lot of set fruit, some full size, but they aren't ripe, and this time of year there's no sunshine to speak of.
Lie back, and think of marshmallows, Michelle Dulak Thomson.
Surely, s'more will come?
But what I would really like to talk about is our "favorite" here.
Chip, with a period, Chip.
I wasn't aware it's Tomato Season.
What does the taxidermist charge?
You gotta look at his first picture!
Five fishes, and ONE seems to be bleeding?
Heirloom tomatoes in odd colors are fine. But the mayonnaise still has to be new and white.
"I wasn't aware it's Tomato Season."
No, it's wabbit season.
My dad calls women "sweet tomatoes" or just "tomato".
Is that sexist.
"Five fishes, and ONE seems to be bleeding?"
"Tourniquet" or "Turn 'n gut"?
Ketchup.. catch up.. catcher
El Ingles es un problema grande.
The Democrats must take that Benghazi kerfluffle in the debate seriously. It was almost painful to watch CBS and NBC contort themselves to spin it in this evening's newscasts!
Here's America's next Obama.
Because it's not to early to look for the next one.
I've heard that if you bring green tomatoes in and wrap them separately in newspaper they last till Thanksgiving and taste good. This year I may try it because so many are left. By Thanksgiving they will be heirlooms of the summer, maybe.
Did anyone hear Mark Shields and David Brooks on NewsHour doubling-down on the claim that the Obama admin (Susan Rice, et al.) was only speaking based on available intelligence?
And that it would be a huge mistake for Romney to bring the subject up because Hillary stepped-up to take responsibility and she and Bill are much beloved.
An argument that really doesn't follow, because Hillary took responsibility for the security failure, not the cover-up.
Busy liberals and conservatives go to public television for what they believe is "inbiased" reporting.
If you give a shit about how well busy people sleep at night? PBS may be just "the ticket".
Could we get everyone to commit to a position on the Electoral College and the popular vote before we know the outcome of the election?
Should Obama win the Electoral College but lose the popular vote, by whatever margin, I fully expect John Stewart will have a near limitless supply of footage of partisans saying the opposite of what they said back in 2000.
I don't like the fact that the E.C. math means that the race narrows down to a small handful of states, but I suspect that there are downsides that I can't perceive about a popular vote, so I'm inclined to keep things the way they are.
It was almost painful to watch CBS and NBC contort themselves to spin it in this evening's newscasts!
I watched the CBS one..
They strained to put the best face to a series of events where had Obama chosen at any time to say what he knew would probably been the end of it...
Except for what appears to be clear now... somebody turned down repeated requests for more security... The appearance of a cover up has reluctantly forced the spotlight to be turned on and the election is making it stay on.
Here's the Shields and Brooks NewsHour Video, starting @4:25 thru 6:52.
No, Peter.
Not this year. Not four years from now.
Can't you see that Voter ID's are even MORE "ripe" than those heirloom tomatoes?
Has anybody spotted any similarities between what we know about Fast and Furious and Benghazi?
It seems as if in both of these... short term political ends were allowed to overshadow their (Justice/State) mission to the point were possible crimes were committed.
Here's a new Obama ad with a Romney soundbite completely taken out of context re: GM:
And here is the actual interview from which the Romney soundbite is taken:
Not at all a fair representation of what Romney said IMO, but I'm sure the Obama ad is a "fair" representation of Romney under the analysis Althouse used that the Obama "Romney will make abortion illegal" ad was "fair," -- or am I missing the reasoning?
No evidence found of Al Qaeda role in Libya attack, apperas to be an opportunistic attack, not long planned operation. The attackers launched the assault after learning about the violence at Cairo embassy against anti Islam video, initial assessment appears to be correct
Latest news about Libya attack.
The independent council law should have never been allowed to expire.
Changing intelligence on Libya, from Fox News. Focus turns back to anti Islam film.
I think Hillary! just "took responsibility" for removing the "Acme Security, Inc." that the State Dept. had in Libya earlier, but she still did not explain why that was done, nor why the embassy's subsequent protests and pleas for more security was ignored.
I call the Libyan mess our "Sergeant Schultz War," because it seem we just cannot get any straight stories about just what has happened there or just who were - or are - responsible for what - not even how it all got started back when, and who ordered that.
I think almost all points of view have validity until proven not to have it. But, please give it a rest. You aren't persuading me, and, I suspect, nor anyone else. I for one am tired of the hype and spin. I'll bet the people at HufPo would love to hear your point of view.
The attack was "carried out following a minimum amount of planning," said a U.S. intelligence official,
The death of four Americans deserve better than speculative leaks.
Wyo Sis, don't be ignorant. This news is from FOX, surely you trust them.
Inga said...
No evidence found of Al Qaeda role in Libya attack, apperas [sic] to be an opportunistic attack, not long planned operation. The attackers launched the assault after learning about the violence at Cairo embassy against anti Islam video, initial assessment appears to be correct.
Yet Amb Stevens was telegraphing the threat for months?
CIA report at time of Benghazi attack placed blame on militants, sources say
CIA station chief in Libya reported within 24 hours that there was evidence US consulate attack was not carried out by a mob
The two US officials said the CIA station chief in Libya compiled intelligence reports from eyewitnesses within 24 hours of the assault on the consulate that indicated militants had launched the violence, using the pretext of demonstrations against US facilities in Egypt against the film to cover their intent. The report from the station chief was written late Wednesday 12 September and reached intelligence agencies in Washington the next day, intelligence officials said.
However, on Saturday of that week, briefing points sent by the CIA to Congress said "demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the US embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault".
The briefing points, obtained by the AP, added that "there are indications that extremists participated in the violent demonstrations" but did not mention eyewitness accounts that blamed militants alone.
Such raw intelligence reports by the CIA on the ground would normally be sent first to analysts at the headquarters in Langley, Virginia, for vetting and comparing against other intelligence derived from eavesdropping drones and satellite images. Only then would such intelligence generally be shared with the White House and later, Congress, a process that can take hours or days if the intelligence is coming only from one or two sources who may or may not be trusted.
US intelligence officials say in this case the delay was due in part to the time it took to analyze various conflicting accounts. One official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to discuss the incident publicly, explained that "it was clear a group of people gathered that evening" in Benghazi, but that the early question was "whether extremists took over a crowd or they were the crowd".
But that explanation has been met with concern in Congress.
"The early sense from the intelligence community differs from what we are hearing now," Democratic representative Adam Schiff said. "It ended up being pretty far afield, so we want to figure out why... though we don't want to deter the intelligence community from sharing their best first impressions" after such events in the future.
"The intelligence briefings we got a week to 10 days after were consistent with what the administration was saying," said William Thornberry, a Republican member of the House Intelligence and Armed Services committees. Thornberry would not confirm the existence of the early CIA report but voiced skepticism over how sure intelligence officials, including CIA director David Petraeus, seemed of their original account when they briefed lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
"How could they be so certain immediately after such events, I just don't know," he said. "That raises suspicions that there was political motivation."
National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor declined comment. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence did not respond to requests for comment.
And Wyo Sis, why do you think I'm trying to persuade anybody? It is what it is. If Fox is reporting it, surely they aren't covering for the Obama administration.
Nice dodge, Inga, but the video is not the issue. The issue is an American Ambassador and three security personnel are dead, even though in the weeks before his death, U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens sent the State Department several requests for increased security for diplomats in Libya.
The Obama Administration has direct responsibility for security for American officials. Dodging that responsibility by blaming someone for exercising their free speech rights is really un-American.
The information, provided to Fox News by a U.S. intelligence official, is subject to change but could end up providing fodder to both sides in what has become a politically charged fight in Washington and on the presidential campaign trail.
The Obama bailout is effect.
The mother of Sean Smith said "My son is not very optimal - he is also very dead."
Of course she had to say it in a British newspaper because the mainstream media will cover up anything that makes the Jug Eared Jesus look bad.
She just doesn't want to be lied to anymore. Just like the rest of us. Or at least those of us that care about the people overseas who at risk from the barbarians and terrorists.
Did you even read the article from Fox, Tim? Also Tim, I'm not in disagreement with you that the lack of security was a major fuck up, responsibility on Obama administration. No dodge from me, I want the truth, same as you.
If you are depending on Obama and his ilk to stand strong to defend those brave americans who are in harms are depending a very thin reed.
His views are different.
"The future does not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam."
"She just doesn't want to be lied to anymore. Just like the rest of us. Or at least those of us that care about the people overseas who at risk from the barbarians and terrorists."
Inga is committed to blaming the video rather than the gross negligence of the Obama Administration.
Who turned down the ambassador and on whose authority?
When are those answers going to leak?
What the Obama administration did, and what Obama himself did in the wake of the events is the issue for me here. The response was to hide, obfuscate, sleep, party and refuse to take it seriously. Only the outrage of the American people forced them to even acknowledge it happened. Whatever happens now and whatever spin is created around the events will never change the disgusting response from Obama and his administration. He can't live it down and history will be hard on him. And it should be.
Did you not read what I just wrote at 8:56?
...the race narrows down to a small handful of states...
Oh the choice narrows down
To a small precious few,
And these few precious states
Will tell the tale,
These precious states
Will tell the tale.
Yes Inga, I read both news reports you posted.
I don't care about the video.
I makes no difference to me.
Blaming the video was stupid, weak and, in the end, irresponsible.
These assholes are our enemies.
What provokes them is beyond my concern.
Ramping up an entire Administration to create, in effect, an excuse for this attack (and then having the film maker arrested) is weak, shortsighted, and just plain wrong.
No one is as blind as those who refuse to see.
This is a failed administration. On every front. Domestic. Foreign Policy. Taxation. Everything.
But there were a lot of cool vacations and time to go on Letterman and the Daily Show.
And by assholes, I mean the Islamicists.
Tim, did you read my COMMENT at 8:56?
No one here reads what you write, because all of us have tried doing so in the past, and found it a total waste of time and attention.
Whatever Weevil, go eat some cotton, make yourself useful.
And I know most here read my comments, because every single one of them gets numerous responses, unlike yours.
Hey, hey, ho, ho, BHO has got to go!
Hey, hey, ho, ho, BHO has got to go!
Hey, hey, ho, ho, BHO has got to go!
"Did anyone hear Mark Shields and David Brooks on NewsHour..."
Defunding of PBS/NPR can start in the Romney Administration by pulling all of their press passes to the Executive Branch. But leave one pass available for Big Bird, since he's what PBS is really about anyway.
I wonder if Inga actually read the ENTIRE article in her haste to post her skewed interpretation of it.
Yes Petunia I did, don't presume I disagree with it.
You need some bongos Chickelit.
Does Mitt Romney golf? A cursory image search in Google gets pretty much nothing.
I bet Romney spends the more time helping the handicapped than Obama spent honing his golf handicap in office.
I admire Ellie.. somewhat..
I mean.. even when garage has dialed back his defence... Ellie soldiers on alone... scaling every wall with a moribund Obama on her back... while evading hostile fire.
Should Obama win... harrumph... she should get a medal.
Why Lem? I've said I'm not voting for Obama several times now. However I'm not voting for Romney either.
Why Lem? I've said I'm not voting for Obama several times now.
Why.. just about a moth ago you were singing a different tune?
AllieOop said...
Big win, bigger than 53% this time, my prediction.
9/5/12 10:24 PM
What happened in one month that's so compelling and different from the last 3 and a half years?
Oh wait..
Romney happened.
Romney drinks coffee in secret.
Yep, Lem, for a while after the convention I thought I'd vote for the devil I knew, but have decided to take Father Fox's lead and vote my conscience, which is not to vote for either devil. Doesn't mean I won't vote Democrat though, just not voting for Prez.
The only third party candidate who could have hurt Romney would have been a Palin Tea Party ticket.
But Romney pretty skillfully defused that by picking Ryan for VP. Of course the kooky feminists and gays also fought Palin tooth and nail, ensuring that no effective 3rd party effort would surface to help their dream date.
It's just this sort of thing:
"Romney drinks coffee in secret.
that make your puerile comments so difficult to take seriously and at the same time so irritating and self-defeating.
I watch for your comments, because they validate my suspicion that liberals are usually not at all serious, but are stuck on stupid.
I think the things you say about your children indicate you're not as frivolous and frankly unlikeable as your own words make you seem. And, it's even a little sad that you apparently like being a source of irritation. But, ultimately you always invalidate your own good points if you ever manage to have them.
I'm waiting for you to tell me to do something to myself that's physically impossible, because that seems to be where you keep your deepest thoughts. It's OK, but you should be told how you come across, and realize that much of the negative reaction you get here is of your own making.
But, maybe you do know that and you do it on purpose. In any case I suspect I'm not the only one here who thinks you're irritating and even your obvious beauty doesn't override the unpleasantness.
The cards are down to their last out..
Wyo Sis, the coffee remark was a J.O.K.E. Wyo sis, it OK if you find me irritating. You can skip my comments, right? I find quite a few people here irritating too.
San Francisco is not going quietly.
Hope for Ellie.
Also, Wyo Sis, I never measure my self worth against what other people say about me, especially strangers who mean nothing to me personally. I generally like you and even Erika, but you two ladies really need to..... Relax. See I didn't say what you thought I was going to, you know, that thing that's where my "deepest thoughts" are.
My favorite female commenters here are Synova, Yashu and Exiledonmainstreet, they are strong, succinct, yet seem to have a sense of humor.
Gas prices drop in swing states, unexpectedly.
Lemmy, well that's interesting, I wonder what the big surprise is supposed to be?
As I try to go to sleep tonight, I'm listening to Nina Simone singing "Cotton-Eyed Joe".
Snapshot of current top issues on cable news networks right now:
FOX: Analysis of breaking developments from congressional hearing on the final communications from Benghazi before and during the attacks.
MSNBC: Scratch & sniff campaign flyer used in the 2010 NY gubernatorial race.
CNN: Interview with Tyler Perry.
HNN: Britney Spears sex tape.
In any case I suspect I'm not the only one here who thinks you're irritating and even your obvious beauty doesn't override the unpleasantness.
I second that.
Obama may have had nothing specifically to do with it, or he may be the root cause, I don't know, but what is coming out about how those people at the embassy were basically abandoned and left to die by someone is looking pretty awful.
I agree Bagoh, in an attempt to have a presence in Libya, even after every other western nation left, there was a huge miscalculation of risk vs. reward. No reward was worth risking these people's lives.
" you're irritating and even your obvious beauty doesn't override the unpleasantness."
It's about time someone mentions the tomatoes. They always look good, but piss me off when I bite into one. I don't like tomatoes. I want to, but I just can't do it.
bagoh20 said...
Obama may have had nothing specifically to do with it, or he may be the root cause, I don't know, but what is coming out about how those people at the embassy were basically abandoned and left to die by someone is looking pretty awful.
Could someone have done this on purpose to make Obama look bad? Why doesn't he fight back?
"No reward was worth risking these people's lives.
I hope I'm wrong, but it looks like they were considered props, expendable campaign signs on the frontier.
BTW, Tyler Perry is an articulate, open, and interesting man. Single, rich, never used drugs or got in trouble, religious. A rare movie star.
"Could someone have done this on purpose to make Obama look bad?"
Al Qaeda. I'm sure they don't prefer Romney, they hate whoever we elect.
I think that perhaps the Obama administration thought they would have an easy "victory" in Libya, with no military intervention besides the assistance they gave in bombing earlier in the war. IMO, they should've recalled the embassy staff, when the Brits did, or even before.
"I think that perhaps the Obama administration thought they would have an easy "victory" in Libya..."
You know that reminds me. Isn't Bill Clinton the luckiest S.O.B. that ever got his coffee first in the oval office. A Republican congress, two chance economic bubbles in a row, ends a war with air power alone, two terms despite being impeached and disbarred, and gets out just in time to miss 9/11. Except for one unwashed dress, he was teflon.
Sometimes, I puff up thinking: hey succeeding in business must take some special smarts, right? Then, like tonight, I watch an interview with Ted Turner and realize, no, anybody could do it.
Fox, with graphics and reports is reenacting the night of the attacks. Worth seeing.
Tomatoes are they? They're red, they're round, they're lined up like properly behaved tomatoes, yes, so I suppose, they are probably most likely tomatoes.
I challenge you.
))) WHAP (((
Oof. This big metal glove here is too heavy. Dropped it. *kicks away gauntlet* Sorry about that. It's nothing. Ignore it.
As I was saying. I challenge you with my own picture of a tomato. I call it ... wait a minute. This is art. What do I call it? I call it ... wait for it ... I call it ... this is not a tomato.
Most interesting, primarily because it tracks along the rails of experience.
As a corollary (because averages always require outliers), I strongly suspect that bagoh20 is an exception. I'd bet a whole lot that he's worked his ass off, and no damn overestimating, much less cheating, about it.
This animated GIF cracks me up, and I mean CRACK, like this /\/\/^v/\^\v/> those are cracks, because the anim is so completely random, and because the guy is British and you don't expect a British guy to be thinking about John Wayne and because the bird is properly cooked.
bagoh20, pro contrario, con permiso, not worth seeing, I beg to differ there, all review, all exceedingly annoying review, gave me a headache. The portion I sat for was like the most dreary lecture, while simultaneously conversely on another channel with a lot of letters in it there was an excellent array of exerts assembled and they gave their tight professional knowledgeable facts devoid of opinion and conclusion, all three danced around the facts never mentioning the video, the guy in jail, the brownshirts arresting him at midnight for parole violation, attack on free speech or the concerted effort to propound a false narrative, SURPRISE! It's October entirely missing the central issue and so likewise utterly headachingly intolerable.
I was curious as to what would a Google bias of "is Obama" return.
I got my answer.
I imagine it doesn't differ that much from computer to computer... I mean, this is what Google is seeing/receiving from the public.
Chip Ahoy:
Chicken, Turkey, Goose, Duck or what?--is the question. Seems rather generic to me. Not that you asked. I surely do acknowledge that.
Looking at it from another point of view, could that be, arguably, more interesting had it involved some various sorts of small fowl, as opposed to what was on offer there?
I appreciate that, and yes, I've put in my time, but now to prevent disasters and general mayhem, I've been asked by the employees to put in no more than 12 minutes a day, preferably without talking to anyone, but since I give it 4000% effort, it's just like full time. I don't even take a break.
bagoh20, pro contrario, con permiso, not worth seeing, I beg to differ there, all review, all exceedingly annoying review, gave me a headache. The portion I sat for was like the most dreary lecture, while simultaneously conversely on another channel with a lot of letters in it there was an excellent array of exerts assembled and they gave their tight professional knowledgeable facts devoid of opinion and conclusion, all three danced around the facts never mentioning the video, the guy in jail, the brownshirts arresting him at midnight for parole violation, attack on free speech or the concerted effort to propound a false narrative, SURPRISE! It's October entirely missing the central issue and so likewise utterly headachingly intolerable.
My very favorite word in that whole comment is exert[s].
So how many people must google "Is Obama paying bills?"
So I checked. Apparently many people think so.
"..., a United Way employee was on an RTA bus when a rider stood up and announced to fellow passengers that Obama was paying people's bills. The rider told people they could use the red numbers on the backs of their Social Security cards to tap into the government money."
There are endless versions of this running now for 4 years. I may have to vote for this very nice Obama man.
I know what you mean. When my husband got laid off quite a bit of a while back, we got to a decision point. What that decision required was forgoing [not to be confused with foregoing] various benefits for which he and we were eligible at the moment in time which is precisely *on* point, and the vast majority of which benefits we could still be receiving to this very day. Instead, we chose to go forth in a different direction, and we are surviving it.
More news from the "Religion of Peace":
Newlywed Afghan beheaded for her refusal to become prostitute
We could stay in that country for a thousand years and the Afghans would still be howling barbarians. It's becoming increasingly apparent that there is no hope for them or the rest of their tribal co-religionists.
the coffee remark was a J.O.K.E.
I don't get it :-/
Then again, I don't get a lot of things. I might have got it if it somehow tied into an earlier coffee theme, or what have you. Maybe I missed that from another thread.
(In my experience, non sequitur jokes are usually funny only to the tellers. I speak as a frequent teller of them.)
We could stay in that country for a thousand years and the Afghans would still be howling barbarians.
In the most tragic sense, this isn't true. If you look at photos taken in Afghanistan in the 1950's and 1960's you see a fairly prosperous country for the region and time, the people wearing western business attire and casual clothing, women interacting freely in society (including university life) wearing western clothes.
The true tragedy is that the Afghans nearly made it before returning to the Middle Ages.
I've just spent the night cruisin' all the various websites that struck my fancy, tryin' to get a read on the countries mood. And I come away with just one question...
Are all liberals as retarded as their representatives in the media? They can't be, can they? I mean it. Some of these people shouldn't be allowed sharp scissors. Restrict their eating utensils to spoons.
Like Whoopi Goldberg... I;ve seen her take some unpopular stances against the left before. But her defense of the way she treated Ann Romney was basically limited to "You shut up."
I saw instance after instance of people calling for riots, assassinations, and general mayhem, if Romney wins. I will grant that there are some nut jobs on the right who feel the same way about Zero, but I also see the Secret Service investigating a guy who hung an empty chair from a tree. The SS issued a statement that they were aware of the death threats against Romney, and they will investigate if there is ever a need. I guess need is an actual attempt? Or does it have to be a successful attempt?
Zero and his cadre of misanthropes has poisoned the well of American democracy. They should all be charged with treason. Too bad the Republicans are too chicken shit to actually fight for our country.
Zero and the Democrats have yet to produce a budget(as required by law). They have also stopped issuing reports for the last four quarters about Stimulus Projects and Expenditures(as required by law). And the DOJ has said they will not enforce certain laws of this country(as required by law).
How is it that so many people can flagrantly break the law, and not suffer any consequences?
More and more, we are reaching the point Jefferson warned about. "The tree of liberty is watered with the blood of tyrants" We have tyrants in DC as I type this.
Fuck 'em all.
Carniflex -- I agree with everything you've written. All I'd add is: People will say that both sides do it, that power corrupts whoever holds the office.
I don't think so.
When republicans are corrupt, the press calls them on it. By protecting their guy for the last four years, the press has created a situation where the body politic was defenseless and open to corruption on a massive scale. F&F, Solyndra, they're too numerous to mention.
This is easily the most corrupt administration in history. Who could even compare? US Grant? That's silly. Government was so much smaller then, even if POTUS had been a comic book arch villain, he couldn't have put his fingers in half the pies that this administration has.
One irony: anyone who actually believes that "fourth estate" stuff, that the press has a role as a quasi branch of government, serving as a check on the other three, should vote republican; because the only time the press ever acts that way is when a republican is in office. But I'm sure the vast majority vote D.
We were talking about tomatoes, right? That's a picture of tomatoes, not terrorists.
Anyhow, when I first saw that photo I thought "What? Restoration Hardware makes tomato-shaped coat hooks? I need those. And why didn't Meade stain the board before he mounted the hooks?"
But that's just me. You can go back to talking about terrorists now. I'm going to the farmer's market for tomatoes. And to the new Duluth Trading Company store in Port Washington.
Inga said...
"Tim, did you read my COMMENT at 8:56?"
It isn't credible, because you've been riding the blame the video hobby horse like it has a vibrating saddle.
The video is entirely beside the point.
It is nothing but a distraction.
You want the truth?
Start by stop lying to yourself.
The video is not the point.
At that, thinking back on it, was there not some speculation in the press that "the Libyan war of liberation" was cooked up by Hillary!, Susan Rice, and Mary Robinson (former President of Eire and now someething at the U.N.)?
It soon died away, and maybe it was just that press could not find anyone else to pin it on, but then, here is Susan Rice again!
Poor stupid boring Inga just can't stop lying. She claims (9:06pm) that "every single one" of her own comments "gets numerous responses". That's not even mathematically possible: nearly 1/6 of the comments here (19/115 so far) are by her, including at least one (9:03pm) begging for someone to reply to something stupid she'd written. If they all had "numerous" replies, and if "numerous" has its usual meaning, rather than some special Inga meaning like "between 0 and 2", there wouldn't be room for comments by anyone else. It is obvious that there are still plenty of comments by others on this thread.
Surely Inga must know that if Althouse readers were ever asked to vote for the Most Useless Commenter on Althouse, with no multiple voting allowed, she would certainly be in the top 10, and would be a strong candidate for Number One, despite an abundance of strong competition. I mean, she can't possibly be so lacking in self-awareness as to not know that, can she?
And why was our ambassador to the U.N. be the one to go on TV about the attack on our consulate anyway?
I could see the White House needing to answer, the State Dept., the NSA or CIA, even the Pentagon, but why the ambassador to the U.N.?
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