... it seems like chaos, but there's opportunity for those who know how to take it.
"Café" = open thread. And if you happen to have any shopping you need to do, entering Amazon through this link is a way to send me some love... for what I've done for you. Have you noticed? You've noticed! Haven't you?
५१ टिप्पण्या:
This week: Biden will destroy/dismember Ryan.
Next week: Obama will destroy/dismember Romney.
Then the Press will call the election is over/ended.
ERGO: No need to vote; do not register. On 10/16, the Press will call our victory (BHO) and then you can all go home and sleep.
The "very essence of America" is "providing a helping hand to those in genuine need"? I thought that the very essence of America, the purpose for which the counterrevolution (for such it must be called) was fought, the foundation on which it was built, was the security of the ancient liberties of free Englishmen insofar as they were perceived by the colonists.
What do you think to be the essence of America?
That picture does evoke early autumn quite nicely, Madame.
America's Politico said...
The Obama campaign, then and now.
Many a true word, as they say
Simon said...
The "very essence of America" is "providing a helping hand to those in genuine need"? I thought that the very essence of America, the purpose for which the counterrevolution (for such it must be called) was fought, the foundation on which it was built, was the security of the ancient liberties of free Englishmen insofar as they were perceived by the colonists.
Nicely put.
Sorry, no using your link to Amazon because I have noticed what you did, not just to me but to the country. and You will be doing it again on election day 2012.
Deliciously absurd. via Hotair (then again you guys probably seen it already.)
This is major. Hillary is throwing Obama under the bus for a change. Maybe she finally got tired of playing charades with Obama. Here is the bombshell.
pm317 said...
Deliciously absurd. via Hotair (then again you guys probably seen it already.)
Yeah, I'm still pissing myself when it first came out. BLR is awesome. Save a pretzel for the gas jets!!!
Oh pm317, I was just about to post that! I was crying from laughter. Best debate ever.
No need to waste your Sundays in church, or even believe in God, if you want to go to heaven. (No need to kill infidels either).
I always figured God was secure enough to not need "worship" from his little ant farms.
'Bout to test the new ClearPlay DVD player. I figure this should cut the movie down to half an hour, and I'll have time to read for an hour afterward before going to bed.
Seriously, everyone, watch pm317's "deliciously absurd" link.
It will add years to your life.
Sorun, near death experiences and recollections like this and many others with similar stories tend to make me believe in an afterlife far more than anything I ever learned in church.
What's fun to do in Providence RI w kidz?
The State Department is definitely defending itself, but Hillary does not necessarily have anything much to do with it.
We do not know how much influence - if any - she has over the doings at Foggy Bottom.
That video made this whole sorry election season worthwhile. Thanks pm317!
We do not know how much influence - if any - she has over the doings at Foggy Bottom.
LOL. You're being sarcastic, right? This is Hillary world (aka Foggy Bottom) up against Obama world.
The most important song of 2012 is "Some Nights" by fun.
Coming on the heels of a civil war between the State dept and the WH, Iowahawk is pretty funny.
Here is the link to Iowahawk. That guy is one hell of a creative fellow.
pm317, that was freegin' hilarious! Creative indeed! Site bookmarked.
and P is for Pandering and S is for shameless.
PS Ann
"far more than anything I ever learned in church." - Inga
Maybe you should have tried the Reformed tradition; reading intellectual titans like Edwards, Gill, Calvin, Machen, Van Til or Plantinga is WAY different than the crap you see on TBN.
Choose who you study under wisely. :)
Reformed Trucker, I didn't choose, my parents chose for me. When I turned 18 I chose not to attend church at all. Funny for generations my ancestors were Reformed, then Lutheran. It was American Fundamentalist Evangelical missionaries that came to war torn Europe, Austrian DP camps and converted thousands of formerly Reformed and Lutheran ethnic German Eastern European refugees to Pentecostalism.
Also, I never watched TBN, turned my stomach.
In other news, the State Department announced that there was in fact no protest whatsoever outside the United States consulate in Bengazhi the night of the attack. The first hint of any trouble was a large explosion followed by gunfire. Embassy personnel immediately observed a large number of armed men within the compound.
State also indicated that the attack was "unprecedented" in scope, organization and intensity and that security could not have deflected the attack.
The still have no idea how the ambassador got to the hospital or what his condition was when he arrived there.
Also unknown is where the fuck Ambassador Rice and the White House Press Office got the information they were giving out.
Reporters could ask the press secretary this at a briefing but he has not held one for 15 days.
President Obama had no comment.
I can hardly contain my anger about the Bengazhi attack. Every new thing I hear about it makes me more angry. The facts of the attack are bad enough. The spin after it is beyond unforgivable. It's the most purely disgusting partisan politics played by the media I have ever seen.
The facts of the attack are bad enough. The spin after it is beyond unforgivable. It's the most purely disgusting partisan politics played by the media I have ever seen.
The Denver debate debacle is the admitted reason for Obama's current trouble at the polls. I hope that history is more honest, and, in the name of the fallen Ambassador and others, the Bengazhi incident becomes Obama's downfall and his lasting legacy in the Middle East--just as the Teheran Embassy was for Carter'. I am not projecting bad here--just reacting to the revolting and apparent cover-up which is still unfolding.
So, my daughter, on the advice of classmates, watched a youtube video on the "Illuminati."
How do I tell her it's a load of shit without "feeling repulsive and toxic to her?"
Any advice?
Freeman, more details about the Clear Play. What's it like?
Tim, use the word "poop" or "excrement" instead.
"I didn't choose, my parents chose for me." - Inga
Ugg, same here. I was raised Catholic. I have no use for Catholic theologians, but Catholic philosophers are worth a read. Who doesn't enjoy Chesterton? Just finishing up a 24 lecture series on Natural Law and Human Rights by a Catholic philosopher that was really good, and one of my favorite new sites is a Catholic professor of philosophy (http;//edwardfeser.blogspot.com/) who does an outstanding job of pole axing atheism.
"war torn Europe, Austrian DP camps"
I recall you mentioning that; my grandparents came over from Germany after WW1 because the Versailles treaty tanked the economy so bad, and my mother-in-law came here from Austria after fleeing the communist invasion of Yugoslavia.
"and converted thousands of formerly Reformed and Lutheran ethnic German Eastern Europe refugees to Pentecostalism."
The bastards! ;) If they were well rooted in their theology from proper teaching, that might not have happened. I find Pentecostalism to be the same as mainstream Evangelical Christianity in America... a mile wide and 2 inches deep. Shallow thinkers that thrive on emotionalism.
"Also, I never watched TBN, turned my stomach."
You don't look like you put on your makeup with a trowel, so you probably wouldn't fit in. ;)
I find the preachers on there to be unbiblical, but sometimes late Sunday night they'll show a good movie. Otherwise, don't waste your time there.
Thought this was interesting.
Via George Will
The Independent Payment Advisory Board perfectly illustrates liberalism's itch to remove choices from individuals, and from their elected representatives, and to repose the power to choose in supposed experts liberated from democratic accountability. Beginning in 2014, IPAB would consist of 15 unelected technocrats whose recommendations for reducing Medicare costs must be enacted by Congress by Aug. 15 of each year. If Congress does not enact them, or other measures achieving the same level of cost containment, IPAB's proposals automatically are transformed from recommendations into law. Without being approved by Congress. Without being signed by the president.
These facts refute Obama's Denver assurance that IPAB "can't make decisions about what treatments are given." It can and will by controlling payments to doctors and hospitals. Hence the emptiness of Obamacare's language that IPAB's proposals "shall not include any recommendation to ration health care."
Unconstitutional on the face of it.
"I find Pentecostalism to be the same as mainstream Evangelical Christianity in America... a mile wide and 2 inches deep."
Very much the case for much of its history, though this is changing.
They're making a lot of strides on the deep side. Amos Yong, Frank Macchia, Veli-Matti Karkkainen, among others are Pentecostal theologians doing some very interesting work. Gordon Fee has long been a very well-respected Biblical scholar.
James K.A. Smith is Reformed (philosophy prof at Calvin) with Pentecostal roots and maintains strong connections with Pentecostal scholarship.
I recently noticed this, though I suppose I'm late to the party: President Obama named his dog after himself (BO -- initials and twitter name). Does anyone else think that's a little weird? (And don't tell me your dog's name is LAMA.)
Sowell is prescient
Maybe it's time to rethink what kind of president we need. Maybe the CRA was bad for blacks (I read something like 18/20 of those blacks who qualified for those kinds of loans are no longer in their home).
Maybe Bill Cosby has it right. Maybe the government should remove its culture of dependence. Maybe "got my cell phone, gonna vote for obama" is good to popularize, not for laughing at the person, but to highlight the ludicrousness of wealthy people taking advantage of a dependent underclass.
Paddy O., it just mutes or skips past whatever you decide to filter out. We got it so that we wouldn't have to be quick on the draw with the remote during family movie night. My husband and I will still watch movies the regular way.
Based on last night's test using Total Recall, it works very well.
There is one goofy thing about the ClearPlay player though. If you hook it up right out of the box with an HDMI cable, you'll see nothing, and the player will appear to be broken. You have to hook it up with composite cables, change the output to HD, and then hook it up with HDMI.
Sorun said...
I always figured God was secure enough to not need "worship" from his little ant farms.
The "worship" is not for God's benefit. Much like the 10 commandments.
reformed trucker said...
I have no use for Catholic theologians,
I can't imagine having no use for Thomas Aquinas and Augustine, even if I weren't Catholic.
Our pope is a fine theologian, too.
Freeman, so it doesn't use the pre-edited disks? You say it filters or mutes. How does it do it differently than a forward or mute button. You can choose ahead of time what to filter during the viewing?
I'm planning ahead, you see. :-)
"I can't imagine having no use for Thomas Aquinas and Augustine, even if I weren't Catholic."
And, of course, Catholic theologians inform Catholic philosophers.
Funny how that works...
Frank Macchia
The Karate Kid is a Pentecostal?
Oh ... wait ....
pm317, that BLR video made my day.
Martha Raddatz is to be the impartial moderator of the next debate, but it turns out Obama was an invited guest at her wedding 22 years ago.
These people do not have much self-awareness, do they?
Freeman Hunt said...
Based on last night's test using Total Recall, it works very well.
God help me if I ever decide to deprive my son of the sight of the three-boobed lady.
reformed trucker said...
'"I didn't choose, my parents chose for me." - Inga Ugg, same here. I was raised Catholic. I have no use for Catholic theologians….'
Not very well, apparently. Well, maybe it's unfair to blame them, it sounds like the apple did its best to fall away from the tree.
Hagar said...
"Raddatz is to be the impartial moderator of the next debate, but it turns out Obama was an invited guest at her wedding 22 years ago."
And her husband works for Obama, no? No conflict of interest there.
Freeman, so it doesn't use the pre-edited disks? You say it filters or mutes. How does it do it differently than a forward or mute button. You can choose ahead of time what to filter during the viewing?
When it mutes, it goes silent, just as though it's been muted. When it skips ahead, it skips, whereas fast forward would still show the content, only faster.
You set your player to the filter settings you want. They are very specific. You can, of course, filter language, violence, and sex at the levels you choose (no at all, a little, a moderate amount, a lot.) But there are also a lot of other categories you can filter for like disturbing, mushiness, etc.
You download the current filters onto a USB stick that comes with the player. You only have to do this once as you get all the filters in one download. You don't have to download again until a new movie comes out that you want a filter for.
You put the USB stick in the player and use regular DVDs. (This is nice because you can use the DVDs from your own collection, Redbox, Netflix, whatever.)
A menu comes up asking if you want the movie filtered or played the regular way. You pick and you're off. It filters the movie to your specifications.
You do have to pay a monthly membership fee. You can buy a year in advance for something like $80.
Just to be clear, our boys did not watch Total Recall with us. We used it as the test movie because we know it well, and there is plenty of kid-unfriendly content to test their filtering.
Here I'm going to sound insanely old-fashioned, but even though we bought it to watch family movies with young children, I think it would be excellent for teenagers who are trying to keep control on their normal but formidable teenage urges. They could watch all the popular movies with the gratuitous sexual content taken out.
Right now we plan to use it so that we can watch E.T. without having to manually mute things like "penis breath" and "douchebag" for our five and three year olds. When you have to do the muting and skipping yourself, you're limited to watching movies you know nearly by heart.
I must also add we found out last night that I know Total Recall much better than my husband. This has never happened with any movie before. I count this as a great victory aside from the fact that it points to his better taste.
"I can't imagine having no use for Thomas Aquinas and Augustine, even if I weren't Catholic." - The Farmer
Actually, I LOVE Aquinas and Augustine, but I consider them more as philosophers. Maybe I should have said Catholic theologians after the 13th century.
Even though Augustine was a Catholic bishop, some Protestants like to claim him as one of their own because of his views on free will/predestination, which doesn't jibe with modern Catholic theology.
The thing that sucks about Althouse is that she throws up so many posts, if you don't comment within a 12 hour window it's a dead thread (unless there is a protest in Madison). I'm sure nobody will read this.
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