"... threatened a volunteer for Pocan’s Republican opponent days before the volunteer was found beaten. Last Wednesday, Kyle Wood, a full-time volunteer with Republican Chad Lee’s Congressional campaign, was beaten inside his home in Madison by a yet-unidentified attacker who claimed that as a gay man Wood should be supporting the gay candidate for Congress."
This is an extremely disturbing story that appears at Media Trackers, which describes itself as "a conservative non-profit, non-partisan investigative watchdog." This elaborates on the report which we discussed here, 3 days ago. At the time, I said: "Real or hoax? I don't know, but I remember Ashley Todd from the '08 election season."
ADDED: If these really are texts from Pocan's partner, we ought to know more about the whole context. Maybe these 2 men have been exchanging playful texts that would make this material feel more like joking. Releasing this texting conversation makes it fair for the other side to release other conversations, and yet it's not in Pocan's interest to draw attention to any of this.
UPDATE: Media Trackers has taken down the long text conversation it previously posted.
UPDATE 2: "Kyle Wood, a campaign worker for the Republican congressional candidate Chad Lee, today recanted his statements about being assaulted and choked at his home on Oct. 24, according to Madison police." Recanted?! That's not enough. Either it was a false report or it wasn't. If it was false, Wood has committed a crime.
१०२ टिप्पण्या:
Funny how the violence in American politics has been all one way for some time.
Even you, Madame, were a victim of it.
Extremely disturbing is right.
Ugh. Pocan's husband seems off the rails based on this exchange.
It's racist not to support gay candidates.
Ahhh the party of tolerance.
Can anyone imagine the front page headlines and round the clock coverage if the man who was attacked was a Democrat?
If he actually wrote those texts, that is.
In either event, that will be the defense. My phone has been hacked.
Ehh, not surprising really. People who go out of their way to flout standards of decency seem to go all crazy with vitriol as time goes on.
Oh, these violent gays.
It's nice, though, how PF thinks of the minority vote as a commodity. He's charitable enough to share some of it. It's only portable property, after all.
This Philip Frank character certainly seems like an unstable violent sociopath.
It is important that we wait until after the election to investigate this matter. Waaaay after the election.
These asshole conservatives are always whining about something or other; a beaten-up fag, a gunned-down Ambassador-level fag, three American warmongers... whatever... crap excuses just to attack President Obama (PBUH), our First Black President(tm).
Obama (PBUH) is our President people! He's not your slave! He doesn't have to answer to you!
It is none of your business.
Fucking conservatives.
Gay bashing takes a sharp left turn.
Camille Paglia's basic lesson in Sexual Personae was that sexual restraint by social morality acts as a necessary restraint of male violence.
These days it's once again open season on both.
I see that the guy who usually posts first on certain threads hasn't posted yet.
Professor, I'm a little surprised you have yet to blog about this story: a Wisconsin senator's son was beaten by vandals who were destroying his Romney sign. It's local and relevant, I think. Is it possible you missed it?
Where is Andy R, the first to post on all things gay hating?
If he actually wrote those texts, that is....My phone has been hacked.
Funny, former Cong. Weiner said the same thing.
Does Andy R live in the northeast?
Georgia, IIRC.
"MadisonMan said...
Does Andy R live in the northeast?"
Last he said here on althouse is Atlanta. That was about the time he was discussing he was a bottom...that he likes to take it in the ass. You learn so much here on the blog.
Democrat beat up a Republican?
Nah.. say it ain't so, Joe.
Mindful of numerous and recent hate-crime hoaxes, time will tell.
"Professor, I'm a little surprised you have yet to blog about this story: a Wisconsin senator's son was beaten by vandals who were destroying his Romney sign. It's local and relevant, I think. Is it possible you missed it?"
I saw it, but it was already getting attention, and it seemed to be the sort of idiot, low-level violence that doesn't mean much. People steal yard signs. People smash pumpkins. It could just as well be a random drunk. Confronted, he committed an assault. Not enough meaning there to me.
I hesitated to report this one, because I don't know whether it's a hoax.
Leftism is by definition thuggery. This is just a natural extension of it.
The article focuses on the wrong story and does not recognize the reality that is Madison.
Because you see, in Madison, it's gaybashing to point out the vile ways a husband supports his political husband. Telling of what happened denies such spousal support and, therefore, the story is a bigoted attack on Pocan and gay marriage.
This attitude is what is what make leftist political enclaves such ugly places to live.
What do you expect? The party he supports has preached hate as a political tool its entire existence. Sure they change targets now and then, but the hate remains. If anything it burns brighter now with the zeal of the self-righteous.
Yup, as I said, there's a special kind of rage directed by left-wing gays at gay conservatives.
It's partly because the left doesn't comprehend political belief not founded on race, gender and sexual identity. Identity politics is the dissolving acid of E Pluribus Unum and any constitutional republic based on equal rights under the law. On the left, it's all just a power struggle based on the group they decide you belong to, which is why you need centralized government to micromanage redistribution of resources that don't belong to you, even if your false consciousness has deluded you into believing you earned what you have.
It makes sense, if you're batshit crazy.
TosaGuy said...
This attitude is what is what make leftist political enclaves such ugly places to live.
Dane County is a great place to live.
I'm sure Wauwautosa is nice too.
And just to clarify, Philip Frank is not Mark Pocan's husband. We don't have SSM here in Wisconsin.
It certainly deserves investigation. My uninformed hunch:
Text messages real.
Beating real, but an inside set up for attention.
It's too convenient and too many of these are hoaxes done to promote the greater cause.
You learn so much here on the blog.
I learn lots of things I choose to forget.
I smell a rat. Just from the texts, KW obviously knew Frank from before. And clearly, this Wood character is out pushing the story aggressively in the conservative media, which doesn't necessarily means he's lying, but certainly provides a motivation for doing so. I would wait for some word from the police before jumping to any conclusions.
"Dane County is a great place to live.
I'm sure Wauwautosa is nice too."
Both are nice from a physical perspective. One is a 50/50 town where each side has a modicum of respect for each other and tosses their kooks overboard before they get too powerful and the other is about to elect Mark Pocan.
Front the Professor's intro: 'that appears at Media Trackers, which describes itself as "a conservative non-profit, non-partisan investigative watchdog."'
Why was in necessary to mention the report was from a 'C,NP,NO,IW'?
This is the first time I recall you going out of your way to mention the affiliation of a reporting source; was there a reason for doing so, and if there was, why, and why hasn't it been necessary to mention the affiliations of other reporting sources?
AF said...
I would wait for some word from the police before jumping to any conclusions.
Standard delay tactic. Ignore, delay, then when confirmation comes immediately pivot to "old news".
I DO remember Ashley Todd from the '08 election. I remember her because she stands out as one of the few recent instances of a Republican engaged in filthy campaign publicity trix. Her bullshit was quickly debunked, mainly because (1) it sounded fake and (2) that photo. 'Nuff said.
On the other hand, it's hard to keep track of the scores of progressive freaks who feel free to lie, cheat, make up fake martyr stories starring themselves, beat up conservatives, verbally abuse and threaten dissenters, key cars, slash the tires of competing campaigners, drop a truckload of nails in the parking lot at a Tea Party events (remember that from just last week?), etc. etc. etc. Cheating and lying for the Greater Good is institutionalized in the Democrat Party these days, it's baked in the cake which they have and eat. All the Democrat Party pets (Womyn, Gays, Blacks, "Hispanics," Native tribes) better beware what happens to those who stray from the cause of the Greater Good: The dog catcher will round your ass up! (And who knows what else.)
P.S. Ashley Todd's story was obviously fake, especially after that photo came out. In this instance, is there reason to disbelieve the threatening text messages? If the text messages are real, is it not at least more likely than not that this man was beaten up by a Pocan supporter?
As I recall, Andy R lives in Atlanta.
Amartel said...
If the text messages are real, is it not at least more likely than not that this man was beaten up by a Pocan supporter?
I think the texts make it less likely that it's a hoax than I thought originally. But the texts could have triggered the hoax.
The target could have realized the texts would lend credence to his story. Plus there's a greater reason for the attack to damage the candidate, since there's a link to his partner rather then a random unidentified "supporter". I don't know whether I'd say which is more likely.
AF said...
" I would wait for some word from the police before jumping to any conclusions."
Every breath you take
And every move you make
Every bond you break, every step you take
I'll be watching you
Every single day
And every word you say
Every game you play, every night you stay
I'll be watching you
Oh can't you see
You belong to me
How my poor heart aches
With every step you take
Why was in necessary to mention the report was from a 'C,NP,NO,IW'?
I'm guessing because she is uncertain of whether this is a hoax or not, and is trying to provide as much of the basis for posting this as possible.
That way, if it turns out to be a hoax, she has been as even-handed as she can.
Of course, when it was the Duke Lacrosse players, there was no such attempt at equanimity by much of the leftist press.
If it's left wing on right wing violence, it must be a hoax. It just couldn't be.
"Madison police are still looking for the perpetrator of Wednesday’s beating of Wood."
It's nice to know that they're looking. I was afraid that they took the report and then ignored it.
If the press didn't pay any attention to the accusations that Pocan engaged in sex with Costa Rican minors, it certainly isn't about to give any time or credence to mere gay-on-gay violence by his campaign.
TosaGuy said...
Both are nice from a physical perspective. One is a 50/50 town where each side has a modicum of respect for each other and tosses their kooks overboard before they get too powerful and the other is about to elect Mark Pocan.
It's still a great place to live. There's a lot more to life than politics. Like pretty much everything.
I am disturbed by the amount of Left on Right violence there is in this campaign.
Does it mean the Left has lost it? (in more ways than one)
"It's still a great place to live. There's a lot more to life than politics. Like pretty much everything."
I agree with the last point. Too bad Madison types insisted on sticking their politics in everyone's face for the past two years.
TosaGuy said...
Too bad Madison types insisted on sticking their politics in everyone's face for the past two years.
I'm not sure what that has to do with the quality of life here in Dane County, but from where I'm sitting, it's pretty great.
I remember the first time I heard a gay rights activist call heterosexual women "breeders." And I remember the second time. In fact, after hearing it several times, I challenged it and was astonished to be greeted with an actual argument that heterosexuals WERE breeders so I shouldn't object to such language.
Using "bitch" was also normative. But you didn't dare criticize it.
This was in the hate crimes movement, of course, a cause I was required by my job to participate in -- on behalf of these types of men.
It was an excellent learning experience.
There's a gay Republican running for mayor of San Diego. He gets harassed by the gay community on a regular basis. Just like feminism is not about women but about liberalism, the same holds true for gay politics.
One time when Andy was all bragging on his big you gotta GO to occupy Atlanta cause they were givin Information brother. I remember cause GA Tech was drilling Clemson. I just happened to be working at the Ritz, right next to the Occupy Peacenicks and was all "Hey man, I'm here, lets talk", but Andy did not talk. Cause he probably wasn't there.
I saw it, but it was already getting attention, and it seemed to be the sort of idiot, low-level violence that doesn't mean much. People steal yard signs. People smash pumpkins. It could just as well be a random drunk. Confronted, he committed an assault. Not enough meaning there to me.
Translation: He was a Republican, so...meh.
That was a year ago last Saturday I thing cause Georgia beat Florida that same day.
Dane County is a great place to live.
It's great, if you're the right kind of person. It sucks pretty hard if you're not.
I have no opinion on the beating incident, hoax or no hoax. However, the text messages are disturbing enough on their own. Imagine Ann Romney threatening Steffanie Cutter. Imagine Michelle Obama doing the same to Romney's volunteers. This is smaller scale, but no different.
Unless Pocan has provided counter evidence or disavowed this in no uncertain terms, he's as dirty as the man who sent them. This is not politics as usual. This is gangster rule.
Sorry Ann A, I didn't see your update when I posted. Nonetheless, I don't see anything particularly "playful" in the texts that were quoted. If that passes for playful, than I wouldn't want him for a playmate.
Sofa King said...
It's great, if you're the right kind of person. It sucks pretty hard if you're not.
Yeah, I guess if your life revolves around politics and liberals make steam pour out of your ears it could be an awful experience.
Most of us aren't that hysterical.
Yeah, I guess if your life revolves around politics and liberals make steam pour out of your ears it could be an awful experience.
Most of us aren't that hysterical.
Most, but not enough. Don't you dare try to deny my own personal experiences at the UW.
@Tina Trent
The useful response to the "breeders" slur is this: "The future belongs to those who show up."
(Sorry, I'm too lazy to Google for the source. Maybe Mark Steyn?)
If Pocan's boyfriend did send the texts, he's a contemptible piece of trash, and so is Pocan for being with him.
Won't stop the brain-dead useful idiots who voted for Baldwin every time she ran, from voting for Pocan anyway.
Pocan's deleting and blocking anyone who dares to post anything about this on his Facebook page, BTW.
"It's still a great place to live. There's a lot more to life than politics. Like pretty much everything."
That you say it's "still" a great place to live is very telling.
If you live amongst people for whom "politics is personal" you end up paying for their politics. 'Cause its personal; their bills are your bills, their concerns are your concerns, their need to loot and destroy property after the baseball team wins is ... subsidized by you. (Apparently if you're a Costa Rican minor you do a whole lot more than pay. Now that's personal.) Pretty soon, the politics of the personal becomes too expensive. (See, e.g., Greece, Spain, California.)
Marshall at 12:23, I agree the texts, which are pretty raw, could have triggered a revenge hoax. I'm just saying the texts would make a beating more likely than not, ie., this is not an Ashley Todd situation.
Chad Lee recants his story here.
Nobody could have predicted!
"Those cruel, violent, and intolerant thugs from Madison! Whaaaaa!"
OK, Garage.
Now what about the texts. As I said above, they are what I considered disgusting.
garage mahal said...
Chad Lee recants his story here.
Nobody could have predicted!
"Those cruel, violent, and intolerant thugs from Madison! Whaaaaa!"
Revealing garage would say this, since most people have been saying it's likely a hoax from the first minute. But evidence garage is such a hack he's simply incapable of making an honest point is akin to discovering new evidence the earth is flat.
Don't let the stars get in your eyes if you got water on the brain.
Your eyes will start to gleaming and your ears will start to steaming,
and you will percolate yourself to death.
Homer and Jethrow
Revealing garage would say this, since most people have been saying it's likely a hoax from the first minuteg
You must be reading a different thread. Media Trackers makes shit up, and Republicans in this state have a habit of making outlandish claims against liberals that later turn out to be complete bullshit.
Revealing garage would say this, since most people have been saying it's likely a hoax from the first minute.
According to Isthmus, Lee is a Republican and a Mormon. I'm sure garage's wet dream is that Lee somehow smears the Romney vote in Wisconsin.
Wait for it.
Glad he wasn't the victim of assault.
Glad others weren't guilty of committing the assault.
Now, as to those who make these false accusations, may I suggest that they have to serve the sentence they would have imposed on their innocent victim(s)?
Revealing garage would say this, since most people have been saying it's likely a hoax from the first minute
Like you can't even read the thread you are posting in. Start at the top...
Wait for it.
So no comment the scurrilous smear attempt from this GOP'er and Media Trackers? Granted, I'm only a little bit surprised. But I'm holding out some hope.
This story has been tweeted/retweeted thousands of times and almost nobody will know it was a hoax. That's how these cretins operate.
Typical rush to poor judgment and from some of the usual sober, upstanding Althouse citizens.
This story has been tweeted/retweeted thousands of times and almost nobody will know it was a hoax. That's how these cretins operate.
garage, I don't read other Madison media. Go back to Althouse's first story on this. It had hoax written all over it.
IMO, the guy should be investigated further.
Typical rush to poor judgment and from some of the usual sober, upstanding Althouse citizens.
Hey, leave poor Inga and Benghazi to the other threads.
Ah, and I see the Teachers Pet got suckered, again. "Disgusting!"
Not that Lee had any chance of winning away, but his dunce campaign worker just cost him my family's vote.
garage mahal said...
Ah, and I see the Teachers Pet got suckered, again. 'Disgusting!'
What do you mean? Andy S wasn't even here.
Amartel said...
"It's still a great place to live. There's a lot more to life than politics. Like pretty much everything."
That you say it's "still" a great place to live is very telling.
If you live amongst people for whom "politics is personal" you end up paying for their politics. 'Cause its personal; their bills are your bills, their concerns are your concerns, their need to loot and destroy property after the baseball team wins is ... subsidized by you. (Apparently if you're a Costa Rican minor you do a whole lot more than pay. Now that's personal.) Pretty soon, the politics of the personal becomes too expensive. (See, e.g., Greece, Spain, California.)
As far as I know, nobody's ever rioted after a Mallards win. But thanks to you, if anyone ever does, I'll know to blame the liberals.
Great work today, gang!
edutcher said...
Funny how the violence in American politics has been all one way for some time.
gmama3 said...
Ahhh the party of tolerance.
Dante said...
Oh, these violent gays.
It's nice, though, how PF thinks of the minority vote as a commodity. He's charitable enough to share some of it. It's only portable property, after all.
ndspinelli said...
Gay bashing takes a sharp left turn.
Methadras said...
Leftism is by definition thuggery. This is just a natural extension of it.
Marshal said...
What do you expect? The party he supports has preached hate as a political tool its entire existence. Sure they change targets now and then, but the hate remains. If anything it burns brighter now with the zeal of the self-righteous.
Christopher said...
Yup, as I said, there's a special kind of rage directed by left-wing gays at gay conservatives.
FleetUSA said...
I am disturbed by the amount of Left on Right violence there is in this campaign.
Does it mean the Left has lost it? (in more ways than one)
DADvocate said...
If it's left wing on right wing violence, it must be a hoax. It just couldn't be.
I swear, you guys never fail to deliver. You can't put a price on this kind of comedy.
Why don't you believe these guys on Benghazi?
Of course none of them would ever say THEY bore false witness against someone.
"Does Andy R live in the northeast?"
Tell you what, Farmer. If it's a hoax, we won't drag it out for a year like you leftists did with Gail Mangum and the Duke Lacrosse players.
Even when your boy Bill Clinton was accused of Rape, you didn't put any "I believe you Juanita" bumper stickers on your Mini-vans, like for the lesser crime of asking a co-worker out, alla Clarence Thomas. But he was a Black man elected to the Supreme court by Republicans. That's not allowed, so all those "I believe you Anita" volvo bumper stickers. You would think Leftists would be sensitized to making stereotypical claims after they read "too kill a mockingbird."
Oh yeah, this is totally relevant to the goings-on in Libya becase...uh...racism?
Dante said...
Tell you what, Farmer. If it's a hoax, we won't drag it out for a year like you leftists did with Gail Mangum and the Duke Lacrosse players.
Even when your boy Bill Clinton was accused of Rape, you didn't put any "I believe you Juanita" bumper stickers on your Mini-vans, like for the lesser crime of asking a co-worker out, alla Clarence Thomas. But he was a Black man elected to the Supreme court by Republicans. That's not allowed, so all those "I believe you Anita" volvo bumper stickers. You would think Leftists would be sensitized to making stereotypical claims after they read "too kill a mockingbird."
Yes, if it turns out to be a hoax.
And I'm not a leftist. That you think that's the only possible reason anybody might be inclined to point and laugh at you right now only adds to the comedy.
That you think that's the only possible reason anybody might be inclined to point and laugh at you right now only adds to the comedy.
I do think you are a lefty. Is that funny? I derive that because here you are throwing monkey feces at people who reacted in good faith to an article. Anyway, what's funny is writing "All these reactions are funny," and I take it you mean in that superior way that lefties like to do. How about this, add some content.
Then us sub-humans will be able to see whether there is something behind what you are saying, or if you are hiding behind your supposed intellectual superiority.
As it stands, you look like one of those smirkers, trying to draw vapid applause and group agreement from your same lefty non-thinkers.
Gee, given the recanting, you think any apologies will be forthcoming from the commenters here? Yeah, me either.
Kyle Wood... is he a moby?
Chad Lee recants his story here.
Not Chad Lee, who never filed a report, but his campaign worker.
First 4 comments from Althouse's post about the report:
mccullough said...
How many goons deliver a message beating at 8 am on a Wednesday morning?
10/26/12 6:46 AM
Matthew Sablan said...
I'm hesitant to believe it because there have been hoaxes lately.
10/26/12 6:47 AM
Drago said...
I'm going to have see alot more before I even begin to believe this story.
It's possible it is true, but to me it's like the Brits say: "a little too on the nose".
Maybe I'm just cynical.
10/26/12 6:54 AM
Shouting Thomas said...
Who knows? If it is a hoax, it will probably unravel quickly.
And many more follow. Now, as to the texts ... faked too? We'll see, eh?
In the meantime, I still want Dr. Barry's accusations about Pocan refuted or else every paper in the state that published Barry's accusations against Scott Walker to apologize.
Gee, given the recanting, you think any apologies will be forthcoming from the commenters here? Yeah, me either.
Huh. Why should there be any apologies? People reacted to information. Some were careful, like me. I specifically didn't add a name, merely the initials PF, when reacting to the post.
The violent gays thing is on account of a study on Homophobes who are violent towards gays, but turn out to be sexually excited by gay porn.
Garage et al. are itching for a hoax sting: late-in-the-game bunk which gets debunked in favor of Obama. They would love to "take out" a conservative voice like Drudge, Fox News or Limbaugh. Failing that, their jollies could be gotten by targeting conservative commenters on Althouse.
Tread carefully this next week, ye who will not be tread upon.
jimspice looses: Gee, given the recanting, you think any apologies will be forthcoming from the commenters here? Yeah, me either.
Eppure si muove (vowels)
eau de humanity
Jesus gay dudes are crazy! Woods must have been texting the different voices in his head.
Let this be a lesson to, always, be hesitant to believe things that are just too on the nose that confirm your political beliefs. I actually hadn't even remembered the story till I saw it again, and I barely remember even posting in the initial thread, that's how far this fell off my radar.
Kyle Wood: The Ashley Todd of 2012
What a freak!
(Incidentally, per Wikipedia, Todd was charged with filing a false police report, and entered a probation program for first time offenders which required her to undergo mental health counseling.)
Althouse's instincts were correct. Commentariat led astray by overwhelming weight of other lefty gay-baiting and bashing incidents.
The Farmer is a pretend friend and insufficiently taxed. Attention Dane County Officials: Be on the lookout for a Gentleman Farmer of the liberal persuasion, posing as politically "independent," "middle of the road," "reasonable," "no labels" "intellectual." Last seen setting a strawman on fire. His bank account is available for additional plundering and abuse in exchange for the privilege of still living in Dane County.
Dante said...
I do think you are a lefty. Is that funny?
I derive that because here you are throwing monkey feces at people who reacted in good faith to an article.
No, I'm not - I'm laughing. It feels like monkey feces to you? Ouch!
Anyway, what's funny is writing "All these reactions are funny," and I take it you mean in that superior way that lefties like to do. How about this, add some content.
You should take it as me laughing at you because you made a horse's ass of yourself.
Then us sub-humans will be able to see whether there is something behind what you are saying, or if you are hiding behind your supposed intellectual superiority.
As it stands, you look like one of those smirkers, trying to draw vapid applause and group agreement from your same lefty non-thinkers.
Sounds like you'll say anything to avoid admitting that you acted like a sanctimonious blowhard.
Another content free post from you.
phx said...
Revealing garage would say this, since most people have been saying it's likely a hoax from the first minute
Like you can't even read the thread you are posting in. Start at the top
How disappointing to see you're one of the nuts. This thread is about the texts, not the assault. Maybe if you could think you'd spend less time pretending others can't read. If you look at the original thread on the assualt you'll find the comments running several to 1 in favor of hoax.
Even when they're whining about conservatives not saving their candidates from the leftist machine our trolls still can't find a nugget of honesty.
Dante said...
Another content free post from you.
Counterpoint: Ha ha!
furious_a said...
Mindful of numerous and recent hate-crime hoaxes, time will tell.
10/29/12 11:50 AM
Why do people fall for these stories? When the Iraqi mother was beaten to death to wear the Hijab and claim "we are all..."
when the Islamic man's wife was murdered and he was injured in front of their child...
When these stories happen, I immediately ask, "Why this one person?" Thank God, and thank my fellow Americans of all stripes, we do not have violence against each other for any beliefs.
There may be cases where it happens, but in my college, a young lesbian threw herself down a staircase to get convincing injuries, leading to a candle light "We are all..." rally, and then physical proof that the attack could not have happened as she said lead to, "Well, there is violence but it goes unreported. Etc."
It is silly to accuse the other side of being thugs based on random attacks.
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