"... featuring footage of Mitt Romney’s candid comments from a private fundraiser that has rocked the political world this week."
And here are the Romney campaign's new ads about the "War on Coal":
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
१३४ टिप्पण्या:
When your opponent is drowning, throw them an anvil.
Are you referring to Romney or Obama, garage?
It is so stupid to believe someone runs for president to cut taxes for every Tom, Dick & Harry who makes a lot of money.
In fact, you run for president so you can give away billions in subsidies and grants & tax breaks [i.e GM & Solyndra] to your buddies and pals and contributors. That is what Obama did.
Fantastic move. The worst thing Romney could do would be pull a McCain and apologize/explain all the time. Garage, he's not drowning, he's swimming like Phelps.
Garagie seems to think Republicans talking about issues which have won them elections, by large margins no less, is bad.
Of course garagie is dumb.
So there is that.
After a while, even if you're a lib, you start to feel sorry for Willard!
As Santorum pointed out so eloquently, the worst possible candidate "we" could pick to run against Obama!
New Associated Press-GfK poll:
President Barack Obama and GOP challenger Mitt Romney stand about even among likely voters, with 47 percent backing Obama and 46 percent Romney
Glad to see Romney attacking on the fossil fuel issue.
The "green energy" scam has to die.
OK. Every week, the servile press announces that Romney's latest speech doomed his election.
What will be the pretext next week?
Santorum? You mean the guy who wanted to be the nominee but isn't?
So if the footage was illegally obtained according to FL state law, can't the Romney folks get those ads pulled?
White voters without college degrees favor Romney by more than 30 points over Obama (63 percent back Romney compared with 30 percent behind Obama), a steeper split than the 18-point margin John McCain held over Obama among the group in 2008.
I'd say 47% of Americans are economic illiterates. They actually believe Obama and the dems when they promise to tax the rich out of existence. And that adding to the already corrupt and unfair progressive tax scheme will somehow help the middle class.
Here is a fact: It won't.
4 more years of this dictator-wanna-be and the US will be an economic quagmire. Say goodbye to the recession and hello to a full on depression. No matter. Tax the rich!
Why America is doomed:
Top earners are the target for new tax increases, but the federal income tax system is already highly progressive. The top 10 percent of income earners paid 71 percent of all federal income taxes in 2009 though they earned 43 percent of all income. The bottom 50 percent paid 2 percent of income taxes but earned 13 percent of total income. About half of tax filers paid no federal income tax at all.
Mitt Romney's mother, speaking in a 1962 film produced for George Romney's gubernatorial campaign, says that Mitt Romney's father "was on relief, relief welfare" in the early years of his life, but that "this great country gave him opportunities."
Bunch of hypocrites...
Garagie seems to think Republicans talking about issues which have won them elections, by large margins no less, is bad.
I don't know man, here in Wisconsin, Obama has opened a good sized lead, and Tammy Baldwin has pulled ahead of Tommy Thompson from being down 8points, and Paul Ryan is running ads to defend his House seat. Elizabeth Warren is ahead on 4 polls taken in the last three days. Looks like Romney is taking everybody down.
Ironically, the right has criticized Obama as the fumbling bumbling teleprompter president. Now, they're really experiencing what a stuttering clusterfuck really looks like.
The anti-Romney ad is sort of ironic.
Actually it's a lot ironic.
Interesting Associated Press-GFK has Obama's job approval ((( +5 ~ 52/47 )))
Again, Bush43 defeated Kerry by (3) million votes w/Gallup job approval 48/47 Oct. 29/31, 2004.
I yield back the balance of my time to cons feeling sorry for themselves ... and Willard.
"Mitt Romney's mother, speaking in a 1962 film produced for George Romney's gubernatorial campaign, says that Mitt Romney's father "was on relief, relief welfare" in the early years of his life, but that "this great country gave him opportunities."
Bunch of hypocrites.."
Yeah, but he got his ass off welfare, didn't he? A lot of these folks these days aren't so inclined, and Obama and the Dems aren't very inclined to get them off, either as evidenced by their policies and their whole "Julia" philosophy of "you can't do it without the government."
garage mahal said...
I don't know man, here in Wisconsin, Obama has opened a good sized lead,
I bet he has.
Note: that Quinnipac poll? Yeah, Wisconsin is D+8 in the sample, (27% GOP)
Totally accurate.
Oh, please, spread those comments by the Romster even wider.
And throw in the ones about the 2 state solution.
And what a lousy thing it was to apologize for free speech.
shiloh said...
After a while, even if you're a lib, you start to feel sorry for Willard!
Save your sympathy for Choom.
As Santorum pointed out so eloquently, the worst possible candidate "we" could pick to run against Obama!
From the worst possible candidate we could pick to run against Obama!
nd Tammy Baldwin has pulled ahead of Tommy Thompson from being down 8points
Complete & utter bullshit.
You're a silly propagandist.
"Now, they're really experiencing what a stuttering clusterfuck really looks like. "
garage, are you a secret Ace of Spaces reader?
garage mahal said...
Garagie seems to think Republicans talking about issues which have won them elections, by large margins no less, is bad.
I don't know man, here in Wisconsin, Obama has opened a good sized lead, and Tammy Baldwin has pulled ahead of Tommy Thompson from being down 8points, and Paul Ryan is running ads to defend his House seat. Elizabeth Warren is ahead on 4 polls taken in the last three days. Looks like Romney is taking everybody down.
Ironically, the right has criticized Obama as the fumbling bumbling teleprompter president. Now, they're really experiencing what a stuttering clusterfuck really looks like.
Goddamn right! There's a pony in there some where!
How many recall signatures were disallowed for one reason or another? 222,000 +/-?
You keep believin'!
"Bunch of hypocrites..."
At no point has Romney said or even implied that it's not the role of government to help people who need it.
That's not the same as being dependent or promoting policies that foster dependency or feelings of entitlement or victimhood.
Obama presents it as a victory when MORE people are on food stamps.
And a new ad comes out complaining that Romney is portraying victims as victims. Essentially. Is that hypocrisy? I figured it was irony.
machine said...
Bunch of hypocrites...
You tell 'em, spambot!
Because being dependent on government and paying no taxes, as a manner of course, is like totally the same as "relief welfare"!
In New Hampshire Romney 48, Barry 45? I wonder if it had a Dem+8 sample like Wisconsin?
All the media whores are conflating their reporting with stuff like 'rocked the political world' and 'a lethal blow to his already reeling campaign'. Good God, these people should be pulp fiction writers. I haven't read such breathless hyperbole since the last time they hyperventilated over something Romney said.
The fact is, Obama is bad at being President of the US, and he's in big trouble. None of these media distortions of Romney cover up the fact that Obama has failed. People will remember that come November. If this is such a gaffe for Romney, why isn't it moving the polling needle at all? Sorry Dems; your guy is in deep trouble.
More welfare and more people on food stamps as a victory is sort of an interesting dynamic.
See... the more I help people, the better a person I am. So if I'm helping more people I'm a better person. More people to help make me an even better person because I can help more people.
It's actually sort of perverse in a "if my child is sick I can be seen to be a loving mother who everyone admires" sort of way.
Complete & utter bullshit
Proof's in the Puddin here. And it looks like Tommy is broke from the primary, and he hasn't campaigned in the state in weeks. Ouch.
As far as I can tell, Romney's only "gaffe" was leaving out one word: "some". Maybe it's in the missing two minutes
There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, [some] who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it.
The first ad, the anti-Romney ad, is a terrible ad, but it's made by some unofficial political group so that's not surprising.
How is it not emphasizing and portraying people as helpless victims? It's absolutely doing that. The ad is essentially this: Calling victims victims victimizes them, Romney!
I know people don't want to admit it, but unless you are making well the above average income you are not paying your fair share of the nation's burden. Nobody wants to pay more taxes, regardless of what they say. Just look at the credits everyone takes to get their real opinion.
If our government costs X dollars per person, 47% are paying 1/10X and the rest are paying 2X. 5X, 10X, 100X or more. If you are paying the tax burden of 5, 10 or 100 other people, and you want more government spending, fine. If you are not even paying 1X and you want more spent, then you are a ___.
The honorable thing for lower or middle income people would be to support the candidate who expects you to pull your weight, then go find a way to do it. Pick up the rope and start pulling, at least pick it up. That's the only way you will ever get to where you are paying your fair share, and if you are lucky, you will get to where you can help others who can't.
You can't stand there with nothing in your hands and tell the guy with ten ropes over his shoulder to pull harder.
garage mahal said...
Proof's in the Puddin here.
Except talking points memo & Democratic polling firms are not "proof" of anything.
She is the 47%
I always feel better when Garage prognosticates.
His 100% error record is more reliable than anything out there.
Mitt Romney's mother, speaking in a 1962 film produced for George Romney's gubernatorial campaign, says that Mitt Romney's father "was on relief, relief welfare" in the early years of his life, but that "this great country gave him opportunities."
Bunch of hypocrites...
"Are there no prisons?" machine cries. "Are there no workhouses?"
"You can't stand there with nothing in your hands and tell the guy with ten ropes over his shoulder to pull harder."
Who put those ropes over his shoulder, huh? He didn't EARN those ropes, he got those ropes because of government roads and public schools.
Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's like yelling "FIRE" in a theater:
A conservative student was denied entry into a rally featuring First Lady Michelle Obama at the University of Florida on Wednesday because he was wearing a t-shirt in support of Republican John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) 2007 campaign for the White House.
Matt Pesek, the student, said he had a ticket for the event but was pulled out of the line by an Obama staffer who said the speech was for supporters only.
So why is DHS on a bullet-buying spree?
Via Drudge:
...The mainstream media responded to the controversy by focusing on a purchase of 174,000 bullets by the Social Security Administration while completely ignoring the fact that the DHS had purchased well over a billion rounds.
Although the Associated Press and other media outlets dismissed concerns over the federal government purchasing large quantities of ammunition as paranoia, the fact that the DHS is preparing for civil unrest cannot be denied.
Having recently acquired riot gear, the DHS also purchased a number of bullet-proof checkpoint booths that include ‘stop and go’ lights.
Last year, Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano directed ICE to prepare for a mass influx of immigrants into the United States, calling for the plan to deal with the “shelter” and “processing” of large numbers of people.
The U.S. Army has also been preparing for domestic disorder.
A recently leaked US Army Military Police training manual for “Civil Disturbance Operations” outlines how military assets are to be used domestically to quell riots, confiscate firearms and even kill Americans on U.S. soil during mass civil unrest.
On page 20 of the manual, rules regarding the use of “deadly force” in confronting “dissidents” are made disturbingly clear with the directive that a, “Warning shot will not be fired.”
The manual includes lists of weapons to be used against “rioters” or “demonstrators,” including “antiriot grenades.” It also advises troops to carry their guns in the “safe port arms” stance, a psychological tactic aimed at “making a show of force before rioters.” Non-lethal weapons and water cannons are also included.
How many recall signatures were disallowed for one reason or another?
Despite taking an extra couple weeks past the deadline to check the signatures on his recall petitions, Gov. Walker did not challenge any of them.
The exit poll sample in the 2012 WI recall election was 34D/35R/31I, or R+1.
Garagie is citing polls with D+8 samples as "proof" Obama has a lead in WI.
Of course garagie is dumb.
So there is that.
"Remember that time the Republican ticket accused Obama of being a lightweight celebrity who pals around with terrorists as part of a secret plot — revealed on camera! — to spread the wealth around?
No, not 2008. That other time: September 2012, where the president’s opponents are recycling many of the same epithets they threw at him in the home stretch of his first election."
As I've said before, there's nothing that Romney can say or do to appease the media. So it is refreshing to hear him speak his mind. He needs to keep it up.
To all you Dems saying that Romney's statements are the end of the election right here, let me remind you that what you wish, and how things are, are very different. Just saying the election is over, and saying it over and over, doesn't make it so. It's part of why you guys are so shocked every time a Democrat loses an election. I'm so amped for November. The more you whine and distort, the more amped I get. Bring it on. Bye bye 'Bama.
Garagie is citing polls with D+8 samples as "proof" Obama has a lead in WI
Hahahaha. The "all the polls are wrong except Rasmussen!" retort.
That must be soul crushing to have to trot out every day.
"Who put those ropes over his shoulder..."
Yea, he picked them up, voluntarily. Who wouldn't? It means he's doing very well. He knows that comes with the ropes attached. I just find it unsupportable that people who are not paying their fair share - or in the lowest quintile getting from the rest of us 300 times what they earn - that those people would berate the ones paying them.
I've been doing pretty well for a long time now, but last year when I started my own business and started paying taxes with a quarterly check, I really got my eyes opened. The pain of sending the government so much money that it clearly hurt my company and my employees just pissed me off.
We are doing well, but a growing company always needs cash, and the government wants all our cash. Much of that money could have been bonuses for my underpaid employees, or investment that would hire more. It's pretty tough to see how it's fair or smart to just send it off in the mail to bureaucrats far away.
As you know, you can be very profitable, and still have little money, but your taxes are still due in advance, in cash.
Yes, I'm doing well, so why am I complaining? Because my huge outlay for taxes goes to Washington and Sacramento rather than to people who earn it, need it, and use it much more wisely. Half of what we earn through hard work disappears into a hole that just keeps getting deeper, and is run by people who don't know what work is or care about the people who do it.
machine said...
Remember that time the Republican ticket accused Obama of being a lightweight celebrity who pals around with terrorists as part of a secret plot — revealed on camera! — to spread the wealth around?
No, not 2008. That other time: September 2012, where the president’s opponents are recycling many of the same epithets they threw at him in the home stretch of his first election.
But now we have so much more evidence.
I just find it unsupportable that people who are not paying their fair share - or in the lowest quintile getting from the rest of us 300 times what they earn
If Republicans truly feel that way, then run on raising taxes on half of America! What's the hold up? Where is the plan to do so? Seems like a lot of whining about it and no action.
The ad attacking Mitt is only going to convince people who are already against him, the 47% who are dependent. Everyone else loves what he said! So, Obama will get no bump from Mitt's "gaffe."
The coal ad raises a new issue and is directed at people who are going to lose their jobs under Obama. Much better.
The "war" on coal is occurring because of fracking. If what you produce is less desirable -- for any reason -- than what someone else produces, you can either make your product cheaper or you can complain about the other product.
Somewhat related link.
16 trillion in debt. 1 trillion annual deficit. Crickets from the left. Dead silence.
100 bucks to fill up your truck today. 50 when Obama took office. But limosine liberals never watch the driver fill the tank and pay. They tweet about gaffes. Important stuff.
16 fucking trillion and we get sneers from the dufus left. They think it funny. Why?
"It's unfortunate when something gets misinterpreted like this or it gets taken out of context because if you really do listen to everything he does say, he's talking about what we're facing in America today," Ann Romney said in the interview.
Well, did he mean it or not? Etch-a-sketch, again?!
Bagoh20: Writing those checks is indeed revealing. A check that has the tax taken out is one you get used to, one that you no longer bother to see the tax portion on the stub. But when you get the gross amount and then have to write the check from your own account it is a very different story.
It is the sleight of hand of the govt to have the employer do their dirty work that keeps the sheep happy.
You do understand that since coal provides for 45% of vAmerica's energy needs killing coal kills America. Deliberately.
If Republicans truly feel that way, then run on raising taxes on half of America! What's the hold up? Where is the plan to do so? Seems like a lot of whining about it and no action.
I'd rather CUT SPENDING, Garage.
"If Republicans truly feel that way, then run on raising taxes on half of America! What's the hold up? "
A candidate can't even mention these facts without your side having a fit. Romney answered your question; those people are in the Obama pocket - which unfortunately only has other people's money in it.
Of course it's a losing theme right now, "whining" (exposing the uncomfortable truth) will be until it can't be ignored, which will probably be too late. But you don't care. You just want to win, you can't stand the idea of Republicans, rich people, success, boot straps. Your eyes are only on weakness, the poverty of the top 1% of the world, entitlement and feelings.
In hang gliding, there is a strange phenomenon: regardless of where he wants to fly, a pilot always ends up where he's looking. This is true of a lot of performance sports. You can't run fast if you are looking at your feet. To jump high you have to aim high.
Life is a performance sport.
Obama tops Romney in new poll of small business owners ~ 47/39
"President Obama’s controversial “you didn’t build that” remark wasn’t enough to break the trust he has built with many voters on Main Street.
Nearly half of small business owners (47 percent) plan to vote for a second term for the president, compared to 39 percent who plan to vote for Mitt Romney, according to a new poll conducted by the George Washington University School of Political Management and Thumbtack.com. Even more importantly, perhaps, the president is perceived as more supportive of small companies by the most coveted group of voters — independents."
Again Willard mittens Romney, as how did Obama get so damn lucky!
The "war on coal" is occurring because f EPA policy. Not because of fracking. EPA wants to shut down fracking, too.
I enjoy very much watching the libs behave exactly as conservatives did in 2008. Denying reality on the ground, wishcasting about the make-up of the electorate, and just generally being in amazing denial.
Obama won after 8 years of war-fatigue, a deep economic slow-down, an uninspiring and old Republican candidate, record youth and minority turnout, and with the entire media-industrial complex pushing him by only 53-47.
To believe he will replicate that victory with none of those factors besides the slavish media attention on his side, and with every domestic metric worse than when he took office, his two signature policy achievements disliked by a majority of the electorate, and the ME on fire at least indirectly because of his policies, is abject lunacy.
I sympathize with the libs here because I know they are just going through the motions out of loyalty to the cause and some little bit of hope-against-hope for a miracle, but they are smart enough to know that the election has been functionally over for a while now.
Accept the inevitable. It is mentally healthier.
Garagie is citing polls with D+8 samples as "proof" Obama has a lead in WI
Someone please help me with the discrepancies and why they shouldn't matter. Do the D+whatever polls accurately reflect the voting public's party identification?
Or are their sampling methods f-ed up?
Hell Week
Hyperbole aside, HP defines Willard's week quite well ...
If anything, a tad understated! :o
EMD, no.
The most recent state-wide election in WI produced and electorate that was even in party ID. there is no reason whatsoever to expect that it will be much different 5 months later, with a popular WI politician on the Senate line and a WI native son on the presidential ticket for the Rs.
If anything, the WI electorate will skew slightly more Republican than in June.
The libs are wishcasting.
Shiloh's WaPo/GW poll doesn't include party ID breakdowns, nor sampling methodology.
"MadisonMan said...
The "war" on coal is occurring because of fracking. If what you produce is less desirable -- for any reason -- than what someone else produces, you can either make your product cheaper or you can complain about the other product."
This is a partial truth. Coal is sill much used in the US. Regulation has a lot to do with it too.
Coal is nasty, filthy and will be replaced by natural gas from the fracking boom. That's a good thing. Coal miners are buggy-whip manufacturers that need to look for work on drilling rigs and pipelines. Cheap gas is going to fuel the next industrial revolution here in the US. Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia and New York are fracking ground zero.
The coal mining folks should read the writin on the wall and get some adult edumacation and learn computers and modern manufacturing skilz... otherwise, they should be disposed on the flyash-heap with the rest of the moochers.
Simple intellectual exercise for conservatives. If this attack on the 47% is such a brilliant genius move, why not start it 12 months ago? Oh yeah, you got busted...
Or we can sell our coal to China & India.
12 months ago? What? Welfare Queens. Clinton & the Pubbies Welfare-to-Work.
A fourth operative with experience in Republican presidential campaigns, who talks to those on the Romney campaign but is not working for them, said, "There is a lot of unease within the campaign itself and within the Republican Party and the conservative movement about the state of the campaign.
"I think they feel like they can't really catch a break, that this whole thing's been a much steeper hill than it should have been," he said.
Matt Lewis, a conservative blogger for the Daily Caller, said of the sentiments in Noonan's column, in which she pleaded with Republican bosses to intervene in Romney's campaign: "This isn't bed-wetting."
Everyone in politics is behind fracking. O'zero even said so in his convention speech. Hell, even Nanny Bloomberg wants fracking. You guys need to venture beyond the comfort of Fox News, WND, and other right-wing echo chambers.
Coal is so 19th century. Get real, grow up and enjoy clean power 21st century technology can offer. Or not. Maybe we should use all the coal, even if we don't need it, even if it is dirty and destructive, because the coal industry needs their out-dated jobs at any cost.
Did you notice how relaxed Obama was on Letterman? He knows he's sown it up.
Stating simple electoral math and differences in philosophical perspectives isn't an "attack on the 47%." It is a statement of reality and Republicans have spent the entire time of their existence as a party back to Lincoln decrying dependency.
It is an intellectually dishonest statement to say that the right doesn't always put forward some variation of that argument. Which is why Romney has not backed off of it and has amplified it this week, in fact.
The Dems threw him in the conservative briar patch with this tape. And they just keep punching that tar baby and wondering why they are more and more stuck.
Hhere's a pro tip: Americans don't like moochers, don't want to be associated with moochers, don't want their kids to be moochers, and are not going to support someone who wants to increase the number of moochers.
So, by all means keep pushing Romney as against moochers and Obama as in favor of them.
The republicans ran Romney because they know Ozero will punch his ticket again. Because he got his shot, the creepy Herman Munster impersonator gets put back into the closet... hopefully along with Mr. SixPack 3-hour Marathon Man.
Rubio 2016
HuffPo 9/6/12
...Whitesell and 21 other town supervisors in the gas-rich Marcellus Shale region sent a letter to Cuomo on Wednesday urging him "to direct the DEC to move forward as soon as possible with rules and regulations governing the process and to begin permitting."
The letter says more than 40 towns have passed resolutions in favor of drilling and hydraulic fracturing. More than 130 communities have enacted bans or moratoriums on shale gas development.
Matt Ryan, mayor of the city of Binghamton, took issue with the assertion that 40 towns have passed resolutions supporting drilling. Ryan, a fracking opponent whose city has banned gas drilling, said the resolutions only say that the decision is up to the DEC....
Those pesky communities in NY.
Cuomo has to decide, do I go against the will of the people?
according to a new poll conducted by the George Washington University School of Political Management and Thumbtack.com.
Your new nickname is thumbtack, shit head.
EMD said...
Someone please help me with the discrepancies and why they shouldn't matter. Do the D+whatever polls accurately reflect the voting public's party identification?
Or are their sampling methods f-ed u
EMD, they are:
1. Pretending affiliation hasn't changed since 2008
2. Presuming a 2008 turnout model.
Howard said...
The coal mining folks should read the writin on the wall and get some adult edumacation and learn computers and modern manufacturing skilz.
You tell 'em, dumbass!
When people need information, they should turn to silly, dipshit Internet commentors like you.
With such informative insights as coal is dirty!
2008 turnout model, that's kind of like the media not calling FLA in 2004, even though people could see W was up 300K votes.
Romney answered your question; those people are in the Obama pocket - which unfortunately only has other people's money in it.
That can't be it. A huge swath of those moochers Romney was talking about live in southern red states.
If Republicans truly feel that way, then run on raising taxes on half of America! What's the hold up? Where is the plan to do so? Seems like a lot of whining about it and no action.
They should. Since everyone wants these indispensable government services, its about time they start paying their fair share.
"Remember that time the Republican ticket accused Obama of being a lightweight celebrity who pals around with terrorists as part of a secret plot — revealed on camera! — to spread the wealth around?
No, not 2008. That other time: September 2012, where the president’s opponents are recycling many of the same epithets they threw at him in the home stretch of his first election."
Palin was amazingly accurate in that video. The LA Times is suppressing a video of him palling around with terrorists --- and while you might find people like Ayers and Dohrn charming, they were, in fact, terrorists.
If Republicans truly feel that way, then run on raising taxes on half of America! What's the hold up?
That is the plan. Raise them up to the level where they are successful enough to be taxed.
Called expanding the tax base.
However, if we confiscated all wealth in the country, we still couldn't retire our debt. So, we have big problems.
“The 47 percent are ordinary, hard-working Americans who deserve respect – especially from a man who wants to be their president,” Reid said. “They’re not avoiding their tax bills using Cayman Island tax shelters or Swiss bank accounts, like Mitt Romney.”
Reid went on to suggested that Romney is not paying any such taxes. “For all we know, Mitt Romney could be one of those who have paid no federal income taxes,” he said.
Sick burn...
That's right, don't listen to me. google is the best place to start.
You are spot on about the red-state blue collar south. Also, retired republicans in Florida are probably not an ideal demographic for Romney to piss off.
Romney is past his sell by date and socialism will finally kill America. I can't wait to be sent to the Wyoming FEMA camp for reeducation from Comandante Zero!
Reid went on to suggested that Romney is not paying any such taxes. “For all we know, Mitt Romney could be one of those who have paid no federal income taxes,” he said.
Sick burn...
That's "alleged pederast" Harry Reid, machine. And if you - or Reid - are foolish enough to think that someone like Mitt Romney could pay no federal income tax and not get a very personal, up close visit from the IRS, then neither of you should be allowed to handle anything sharper than a rubber ball.
MULaw Poll:
Obama up 14 points in Wisconsin, 52-40
Baldwin: 50-41
Maybe it was the dancing!
"Interesting Associated Press-GFK has Obama's job approval ((( +5 ~ 52/47 )))
Again, Bush43 defeated Kerry by (3) million votes w/Gallup job approval 48/47 Oct. 29/31, 2004.
I yield back the balance of my time to cons feeling sorry for themselves ... and Willard."
I am sorry--but not for myself. I don't see how this means Romney and Obama are not within one point of each other in the poll. The same with Gallup, BTW. It seems to me you have not responded to the point, but rather raised another one.
So, the question is, if Romney is within 1 or 2 points in some polls, how is it unreasonable to deny he is drowning? Indeed, if Obama's job approval is so good, why isn't he way ahead in the poll?
On a more subjective note, what you post does not bespeak confidence--i.e. not addressing the poll itself but raising a different issue. Remember, it is you who said Romney is drowning, and when confronted with contrary data you cannot wave away you try and change the subject.
Oh, the wishcasting is strong with garage.
Expecting the electorate in WI to be diametrically different within a five month period is lunacy. Especially since Republicans have won the last three statewide elections in WI.
Of course, Gov. Walker is going to be indicted any day now. Any. Day. Now.
You guys are right, Obama doesn't have all the 47% in his pocket, just the slackers, and then a bunch of other people who want to keep them there comfortable ready for the next election.
It's a good strategy if all you care about is winning elections.
I'd still like an explanation why it's good, smart or healthy for 47% of the nation to pay no income tax. I thought we were all in this together, shared sacrifice and all that, building it all together in love and respect.
Expecting the electorate in WI to be diametrically different within a five month period is lunacy
The polls consistently showed support for both Walker and Obama. Couldn't tell you exactly why.
"Obama up 14 points in Wisconsin, 52-40."
Could you check your math? And provide a link to the poll.
'Hahahaha. The "all the polls are wrong except Rasmussen!" retort.
That must be soul crushing to have to trot out every day."
Not all polls show Obama with a significant lead. RCP shows Obama with a 2.7 percent lead, so it is not just Rasmussen, the race looks to be actually tight--tighter than it was last week.
So, using actual data, the claims of Romney's campaign drowning et. seem way over stated. All the polls less than one week old show the race to be within their stated margin of error, so that either candidate could actually be leading. (Monmouth/SurveyUSA/Braun shows a margin of error of +/-2.7%, with Obama leading by 3, but in principle Obama could lose 2% and Romney gain 2% and their positions would change)
Could you check your math? And provide a link to the poll.
Oops. Make that 54-40 Obama over Romney.
The full results are up at 1:15pm on MULaw's website.
Quite the turnaround, eh? I think you predicted the other day Baldwin would surely lose?
Did you notice how relaxed Obama was on Letterman? He knows he's sown it up.
Exactly. He should have been "working" on his foreign policy instead of jacking around on Letterman.
what the polling tells us, trendline-wise, is that the conventions had no effect. These guys are tied in polling, effectively, and the incumbent president is under 50% support fewer than 55 days until Election Day.
The Dems got a little Clinton-nostalgia lift but that is gone and things are as they were. The fundamentals of the election have not change and are not going to change. Obama is a known quantity. The economy is still terrible and foreign policy is still a mess.
The Obama people needed the convention to be the catalyst to a sustained lead above 50%. It wasn't.
Now, they have to hpe for a blowout performance for their guy in the debates and/or a major stumble from Romney. that's why they latch onto anything they can to try to turn it into a "gaffe" because they need Romney to lose, rather than Obama to win.
Romney is many things but someone likely to have a discipline problem is not one of them. He isn't going to make a game-changing mistake. He isn't likely to make even a somewhat-serious mistake.
And Obama hasn't had to debate anyone on even terms since 2008. He's badly out of practice in having to stand there and take it when someone attacks him to his face. Romney has been doing it solidly for 9 months now and getting better incrementally each time out.
Again, I sympathize with where the libs are. I remember being in their spot in 2008. It isn't fun to be there.
I do not know what is more fun, watching the epic fail that is the Romney "campaign" or watching his once hopefull supporters try and explain how losing is actually winning. Maybe the Reps will learn from this one and flush out the fecal matter that is the Right, shove Rove off the dock and get some decent, sensible, moderate thinking real conservatives to run on the wild idea of working together to solve problems. I want to see that Rep Party again. Not the one dominated by blowhard idiots and swindling miscreants.
And of course it is funny to hear/read people use magical thinking to create a reality that fits whatever mindless, hysterical fantasy they are currently under the sway of....economy terrible? Better than it was 4 years ago. Foriegn policy a "mess". I guess if you consider one war wrapped up, one major enemy fishbait, our allies on our side and our adversaries on the ropes, I guess it is a mess. Hee Hee.... what color is the sky in your world?
And thinking that Obama will win WI by the same margin or larger than he did 4 years ago when Republicans have won the last three state-wide races, including just 5 months ago, or expecting a frumpy, radical, lesbian from Madison to defeat a former governor who was elected statewide 4 times is again, serious wishcasting. By both the polling firm and by garage.
It defies credulity. The polling firm is merely trying to buck up the troops and keep them motivated so it isn't a complete washout.
Romney-Ryan will win WI by probably 2.5 and Thompson will win by at least 9.
. The polling firm is merely trying to buck up the troops and keep them motivated so it isn't a complete washout.
MULaw was the only polling firm to accurately predict the Walker recall. I was in your shoes, trust me, I know what it feels like. These polls must be wrong!
If sample adjusted to match yearlong avg partisan makeup both margins would tighten, Baldwin up 48 to 43 and Obama up 51 to 43.
If WI were winnable Kohl would have sought re-election. He would have to have been considered the strongest Dem candidate, an unobjectionable moderate Dem currently holding the seat. But he didn't.
If WI were winnable Feingold would have sought the seat. He would have been in a strong position. Respected former senator carrying the Dem banner back to DC. But he didn't.
Baldwin is taking one for the team. The political pros have demonstrated by their actions (not seeking the seat) what the reality is.
Too bad some of the Dems in the street can't see the writing on the wall.
Just a reminder, unemployed people pay 10% of their benefit in Federal taxes. (They can opt out, but will still have to pony up come 4/15). As for workhouses/jail, the jails are full of people that just don't have enough money to pay the fines. And junk debt buyers use the courts to force people to pay past due debts. The money doesn't go to the original creditor at that point and these debts usually aren't high enough for people to be able to get a lawyer to defend them.
Poor people are not stupid. If someone is going to give them money to live on, without requiring them to do anything, they will snap it up and expect more. We've gone from providing landline phone service to providing cell phones. We give them benefit cards that look like debit cards so that no one has to feel ashamed of being on the dole. We allow people to use benefit cards to buy prepared food. In all ways, we have tried our best to normalize dependency on the government. The media, of course, does not want us to have a national discussion on this.
The latest Quinnipiac/ NYT/CBS poll for WISCONSIN which has Obama ahead 51-45 used a sample of D 35 nd R 27. Does that sound appropriate for this state?
The latest Quinnipiac/ NYT/CBS poll for VIRGINIA which has Obama ahead 50-46 used a sample of D 35 nd R 24. Does that sound appropriate for this state?
Maybe the Reps will learn from this one and flush out the fecal matter that is the Right, shove Rove off the dock and get some decent, sensible, moderate thinking real conservatives to run on the wild idea of working together to solve problems. I want to see that Rep Party again. Not the one dominated by blowhard idiots and swindling miscreants.
What you mean is you want the old go along to get along, scared of their own shadow RINOs who won't stop you feckless idiots from your secondhand Huey Long economic nonsense.
And maybe if you wanted people to work together to solve problems, you should have sent a memo to your president "I Won."
And in the Q/NYT/CBS poll the partisan spread is D+8 to give Obama a 6 pt lead and Thompson/Baldwin are tied at 47%.
Do we really believe the electorate in WI is D+8? After three straight state-wide winning Republican elections?
MULaw doesn't give the D/R/I split. Did they have to weight it D+15 to get their result?
Romney/Ryan will be somewhere in the 50.5-51.5 range and Thompson should get to 54.5% on election day.
Keep hope alive libs!
machine said...
“The 47 percent are ordinary, hard-working Americans who deserve respect – especially from a man who wants to be their president,” Reid said. “They’re not avoiding their tax bills using Cayman Island tax shelters or Swiss bank accounts, like Mitt Romney.”
Reid went on to suggested that Romney is not paying any such taxes. “For all we know, Mitt Romney could be one of those who have paid no federal income taxes,” he said.
Sick burn...
9/19/12 12:12 PM
When you have to resort to quoting Dirty Harry Reid (D Mafia) you already conceded defeat. For all we know Reid has never earned a legitimate dollar.
MULaw doesn't give the D/R/I split. Did they have to weight it D+15 to get their result?
Avg sample: 32% democrats, 30% republicans. Sept poll has 34% dems, 27% gop.
I agree in more folks paying taxes, but that is not a popular political selling point as predicted by Alexis-Charles-Henri Clérel de Tocqueville (Google is cool) back in the day when he predicted democracy's Achilles heal.
Look at the blue state map. Ozero has the undying love of the coastal centers of high-tech, entertainment and finance. Also, a good chunk of the rust belt. Not exactly slackers. That is a pretty good base to go with welfare queens, drug dealers and illegals.
It's a mistake to underestimate your opponent. I know it's popular to think Dems are soft and squishy pot smoking layabouts. They are as plugged into the military industrial complex as any republican.
Reid went on to suggested that Romney is not paying any such taxes. “For all we know, Mitt Romney could be one of those who have paid no federal income taxes,” he said.
Is this the same Harry Reid, lifetime politician who is a multi millionaire because he made good investments?
So, using just your numbers in your comment above, MULaw says that the electorate in WI is 2 pts more Dem and 3 pts less R than the electorate that 3 1/2 months ago returned Scott Walker by a larger margin than initially elected him the first time? And more Dem than their own sample from last month and every month for the last 9?
And the great catalytic event that has made this shift happen in WI is...?
OK. Believe what you want to, I guess.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
purplepenquin said...
How many recall signatures were disallowed for one reason or another?
Despite taking an extra couple weeks past the deadline to check the signatures on his recall petitions, Gov. Walker did not challenge any of them.
If you recall I predicted that the number of signatures that would be rejected for one reason or another would be 20%(10% being the norm). Why? Because democrats cheat. Turns out it was a much higher number.
Can someone tell me why having money in a tax sheltered account in the Cayman Islands is evil but having money in a tax sheltered IRA, or 401(k), is not.
16 trillion. If you take every single penny from the pockets of the one percnnot repay this debt.
Colonel Angus. There is no difference. Once you have paid U.S. tax on income you can: burn it, give it away, invest it in instruments that will create taxable income, invest in tax free bonds, buy cars or watches or, God forbid, put it to work in a foreign country where it may or may not create US tax liabilities. It is, strange to put it this way, your money.
Is this the same Harry Reid, lifetime politician who is a multi millionaire because he made good investments?
This is a good question that doesn't in any way address let alone refute Reid's salient point:
“For all we know, Mitt Romney could be one of those who have paid no federal income taxes.”
Harry Reid is as corrupt as the day is long.
Ask Harry Reid how he made his million in the state of Nevada on land deals.
Mitt Romney pays taxes just like everyone else or the IRS would be all over him.
If Romney's only income in a given year is based on capital gains -then it is indeed lower than if he earned actual taxable income.
Otherwise, Romney's tax bracket it at the high end just like everyone else who it in the top 10%.
Once again if a corrupt democrat pol levels an allegation, we must take it seriously. With democrats, it's all about the seriousness of the charge. Facts are damned.
The Democrats should have an ad, n hushed tonesWe have broached the walls of the ark of the Republicans. It is in an ancient script, something I have rarely seen, 'credit balance,' and over here it says 'Paying taxes is good.'
phx; For all we know BHO had shitty SAT scores and cheated on his exams.
I don't get what the big deal is - Romney is stating the obvious. The Republican Party isn't the party of free stuff, and they're not going to pick up the "where's my free stuff?" vote.
phx said...
Is this the same Harry Reid, lifetime politician who is a multi millionaire because he made good investments?
This is a good question that doesn't in any way address let alone refute Reid's salient point:
“For all we know, Mitt Romney could be one of those who have paid no federal income taxes.”
And for all we know Harry Reid and Obama are Soviet sleeper agents.
There's a good bit of chest beating here, from both sides but mostly garage. In sailing, we have a saying, "The Danforth doesn't lie."
Now, the Danforth is an anchor and, when you round the point after finishing with what you thought was a great effort, nothing is so bad as seeing all those other guys anchored and put away. Some are even ashore drunk. They all beat you.
Think about that, garage.
Garage's textual assault of stupid is like watching my facebook friends posting snippets from their talking points sources on how Romney doesn't care about 47% of Americans. You would have thought that facebook is rooting for Obama or that my facebook friends are shilling for him. Oh wait.
Michael K said...
Think about that, garage.
Asking Garage to think is like asking a cow not to moo. They will both do it anyway and it will still mean nothing.
“For all we know, Mitt Romney could be one of those who have paid no federal income taxes.”
And for all we know Harry Reid and Obama are Soviet sleeper agents.
Hmmm. Which of these two statements is more likely true?
Hmmm. Which of these two statements is more likely true?
The second, I would say.
It makes eminent sense to me that to pursue BHO goal of rich paying their fair share, their taxes should come down. It is not fair for people making 30% of the income paying 40% of the taxes.
Oh but to say this would be political suicide. So we resort to language jiu-jitsu
I can't wait for today's installment of the MSM's War On Romney. Yesterday Yahoo headlined this poll as "Americans Disconnected From Romney", but then when you look at the results they are virtually indistinguishable from Obama's! Apparently we're not too connected to Barry either, but let's not give that away in the headline. Or in the article except for the pie chart, apparently.
And then there are other questions with very leading questions, such as "Do you think taxes on the rich are too low?" No mention of Romney's 39% to 37% advantage in the question "Who is Al Queda more scared of?" You mean Romney wins, even after Obama practically pulls the trigger on their demi-god hero bin Laden? Great poll.
And of course it is funny to hear/read people use magical thinking to create a reality that fits whatever mindless, hysterical fantasy they are currently under the sway of....economy terrible? Better than it was 4 years ago.
Fewer people work now than 4 yrs ago.
Average income is lower than it was 4 yrs ago.
Food prices have skyrocketed.
Gas has more than doubled.
...so, uh, where is the "improvement" you seem so infatuated with?
Foriegn policy a "mess". I guess if you consider one war wrapped up, one major enemy fishbait, our allies on our side and our adversaries on the ropes, I guess it is a mess. Hee Hee.... what color is the sky in your world?
The one war "wrapped up" was done so by Bush before he left office. Afghanistan is falling apart. Pakistan is falling apart. Libya is a disaster. The "Arab Spring" has resulted in worse conditions than existed beforehand.
Ignore all of those burning embassies. Shit be mad great, yo!
We give them benefit cards that look like debit cards so that no one has to feel ashamed of being on the dole.
I know people who get more money to spend on food stamps than I get from actually having a job.
People recognize moochers. People oppose them vehemently.
This is a good question that doesn't in any way address let alone refute Reid's salient point:
I don't think a "point" is what you think it is.
However, Reid is still ignoring the valid accusations of him touching little boys. Why is he ducking the issue?
What do you know? Rasmussen discovered that 64% of adults in America say too many people are on the American dole! Doom! DOOM! DOOM FOR THE rOMNEY CAMPAIGN!
Nice post and nice video too. keep it up.
money for cars to scrap
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