“It’s definitely going to get attention,” said [Adam] Mansbach, who is writing the script for Jackson’s ad and said it would appear on YouTube on Sept. 24.So, there's this step, where they say there's a line, but if Mansback "is writing the script," it's a line in the process of getting written. And you get attention saying that's what the potential line is and even outright asserting that it's going to get attention. It will get attention in the future, and you are getting attention now, saying it's going to get attention.
And you've tweaked the NY Post into printing the line and calling it "provocative," and everyone can react, and if the reaction is bad enough the line — the emerging, evolving, line-in-progress — can become something else. And then you can get attention with that ad, that ad that the dumb right-wingers vetted for you, and you can get attention calling the right-wingers dumb for thinking that would be the line.
And you know why they thought that and/or why they got upset? They're racist. You can get attention saying that.
৯২টি মন্তব্য:
Well, that may be there best argument: Vote for him because I said so.
It's desperation.
"Wake the fuck up and vote for Obama."
I just think that while Jackson has their attention, he should add "and go get a job."
Best argument made for implementing Glenn Reynold's Hollywood Tax exemption repeal along with eliminating Hollywood accounting.
You have the quiet steely-eyed confidence of Eastwood on the one hand and the spittle spewing vulgar desperation of Jackson on the other.
I hope they keep the word "fuck" in the advertisment. That will turn off a lot of people.
The notion that America is a nation of bigots, except for the blue outposts on coasts and in college towns in the hinterlands is...
Very dumb.
Nobody's beating up blacks and gays. Nobody's hunting down the Jews. Women's corpses do not line the streets.
This martyrdom shit that liberals love is very dangerous. Keep accusing people of something they aren't doing and, pretty soon, they'll start thinking...
"Since I'm already accused of the crime, I might as well enjoy commiting it!"
Hey Samuel, the four in Libya aren't sleeping. They're dead.
Just heard that bHo is up 10 points here in Michigan. Michigan has went to the winner in all of the recent elections.
Wake the fuck up, eh? What a racist dog-whistle ad this is going to be.
Any conservatives sleeping through this election? Anyone on the fence, apathetic, not motivated to vote?
Un-named Obama voters are apparently dozing safely in the caring arms of Uncle Sam and need to "wake up"...because the Gravy Train is in trouble, and if you want those EBT cards, disability payments, free cell phones and government "assistance" to continue, you better drive the Escalade down to the voting booth.
Or is there going to be a Famous Angry White Guy doing a similar "Wake the Fuck Up" ad aimed at me?
The Obama campaign is buying into the idea that profanity is "real" and edgy. I got an email from the Obama campaign with the subject line "well I'll be damned." about them out raising Romney in August. I replied, "yes, most likely you will be."
As for his movie career, interesting how Jackson's rep as a smart black man is mainly based on what he says reading dialog that was written by someone else.
Even with that, his line delivery was the worse thing in The Avengers. High School play bad, in some cases.
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.
--Henry David Thoreau
ST if you are going to do the time you might as well do the time so let's vote for the responsible white guys.
you know why they thought that and/or why they got upset? They're racist. You can get attention saying that.
It's no more deceptive than the game you're playing with your readers, but I don't see you calling yourself out.
BTW - what is the game you're playing?
Vote for Mitt
Lickety Split
Don't be left cryin'
Vote for Romney & Ryan
Mitts Got Grit
If you have wit
You'll vote for Mitt
"Enough is enough! I have had it with these muthafuckin' idiots in this muthafuckin' White House!"
That, of course, is a lightly edited quote from Mr. Jackson's classic "Snakes On A Plane".
"Just heard that bHo is up 10 points here in Michigan. Michigan has went to the winner in all of the recent elections."
By recent you mean 2008. Bush won in 2000 and 2004 without winning MI.
Shouting Thomas,
The notion that America is a nation of bigots, except for the blue outposts on coasts and in college towns in the hinterlands is...
Very dumb.
So where were you when Ann & Co. have been screaming, "bigotry" to defend Mormonism?
Wake the fuck up, eh? What a racist dog-whistle ad this is going to be.
What else can one expect from such a famous racist as Samuel L. Jackson?
Obama is depending on the pop-culture youth vote. While our nation swirls down the economic toilet, Obama will grasp power by any means. The empty hollow vote seems a good bet.
So where were you when Ann & Co. have been screaming, "bigotry" to defend Mormonism?
I don't make my judgment based on this blog.
I hail from a tiny Republican farming town of 6,000 in central Illinois. Great people. They don't hate anybody, and they aren't interested in hurting anybody.
Why? Because some political blog may take note and post an article about something in the future that may or may not happen.
Fuck-Ups for Obama
Report: At least 5 protesters wounded by police gunfire near US Embassy in Tunis; large fire inside embassy compound - @Reuters reporter
Dave D wrote:
Just heard that bHo is up 10 points here in Michigan. Michigan has went to the winner in all of the recent elections.
"[Has] went..."? We adhere to a higher standard on the Althouse blog. As a general rule I find that slowing down long enough to get the grammar at least partly right gives one an opportunity to also correct the more important errors of fact and/or logic one is liable to commit in haste.
Yea, it's perfect that they acknowledged that Obama voters need to be woken up just so you can tell them who to vote for.
Michigan has went to the winner in all of the recent elections.
"Has wen..."/sigh/.
Anythin' lessen den "Get Whitey!" in duh ad an' Sam'l Jackson be a Uncle Tom!!!
Jay-Z and Beyonce are coming to the rescue of our embassies worldwide.
WAKE UP! Do they really want to go there when Obama was sleeping and an ambassador was dying?
Al Jazeera: About 200 protesters are burning USA and Israeli flags outside the U.S. embassy in London.
Wake up. While Rome burns, it's time to party with Obama.
Tonight on pop-cult Letterman - OBAMA! Come on kidz. Wake up.
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"
That's not good at all. Londonistan is supposed to be safe.
Just because he was good in "Die Hard With A Vengeance" doesn't mean he's done anything comparable.
"Wake the fuck up and vote for Obama."
So intellectual!
Shouting Thomas,
I don't make my judgment based on this blog.
I hail from a tiny Republican farming town of 6,000 in central Illinois. Great people. They don't hate anybody, and they aren't interested in hurting anybody.
Nobody is, haven't you heard?
A couple of days ago, I worked for 10 hours side-by-side with a woman who had the most open, happy, face. I was all "Alright!"
But, before long, she had a scowl on it, and - without prompting - was informing me of the coming armageddon, man's "destruction," and how good it was because Jesus would finally be returning (she deduced I didn't understand this because I told her I don't watch much TV,...) and it was all in the Bible and The Lord's Prayer which said:
"Hallowed be thy name/Thy Kingdom COME,..."
Then I get home to hear there are religious fanatics overseas.
All I can think is, "small world,"...
"Wake the fuck up and vote for Obama."
Right, because who doesn't want a $20 trillion dollar federal debt by April 2015?!?
Right, because who doesn't want a $20 trillion dollar federal debt by April 2015?!?
Easy..the people who have no intention or abilities or skills to re-pay it.
Obama voters, in other words.
It would only be better if it said:
"Wake the fuck up, Vote for Obama, because Romney isn't going to pay for your gas and mortgage."
This Message Approved by Peggy Joseph
Desperate and stupid too.
Wake the Fuck Up. Don't pay to watch Samuel Jackson movies. Ever.
I hope they keep the word "fuck" in the advertisment. That will turn off a lot of people.
I have often thought that the first Republican (a Democrat could not get away with this) to drop the F-bomb intentionally during a nationally televised debate would win by a landslide. However after that happens, the door will be open and it will become almost obligatory.
“Snakes on a Plane” lead to last weekend’s “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship.”
I really don't think Obama should let himself get associated with the term "fuck up."
Wake the Fuck Up. Don't pay to watch Samuel Jackson movies. Ever.
Or you could just watch one and realize it’s him playing the same character. Every time.
I just want to know who watches online ads. Man, I have killer mouse skillz by now; one of those things gets past my pop-up blockers, it's dead so fast it might as well never have been there.
"Wake the fuck up and vote for Obama."
The darkness drops again but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
Then I get home to hear there are religious fanatics overseas.
Fanatics overseas killing people over a movie. Fanatics here blaming the president for the killings. Full circle.
Fanatics overseas killing people over a movie. Fanatics here blaming the president for the killings. Full circle.
Benn eating paint chips again, sparky?
Drudge seems to have a cloud/smoke theme goin' on today.
Meanwhile, garage seems to have an empty skull/empty chair theme goin' on today...
Drudge seems to have a cloud/smoke theme goin' on today.
Meanwhile, garage seems to have an empty skull/empty chair theme goin' on today...
"Fanatics overseas killing people over a movie. Fanatics here blaming the president for the killings. Full circle."
-- You know what's sad? The media seems to focus more on the people who were mean to the president than the actual, you know, riots.
You have the quiet steely-eyed confidence of Eastwood on the one hand and the spittle spewing vulgar desperation of Jackson on the other.
Go ahead, make my day.
garage mahal,
Fanatics overseas killing people over a movie. Fanatics here blaming the president for the killings. Full circle.
Who did you have in mind there, garage? Name a "fanatic" who blamed President Obama for the killings in Libya.
Jackson has admitted in the past voting for obama just because of his skin color. What reason does he propose the rest of us have to do the same?
Don'tcha think Thoreau would've written "The mass of men leads lives of quiet desperation"? Maybe he was misquoted on Wikipedia. Good quote in any case.
"Wake the fuck-up, and then vote for, Obama."
A little punctuation helps a lot.
Well, he is the Bad Motherfucker.
Is Obama the "fuck" we're supposed to wake up?
garage mahal said...
Then I get home to hear there are religious fanatics overseas.
Fanatics overseas killing people over a movie. Fanatics here blaming the president for the killings. Full circle.
Why do you cheer American deaths garage? Have you no shame?
Matthew Sablan,
You know what's sad? The media seems to focus more on the people who were mean to the president than the actual, you know, riots.
No, "what's sad" is how everyone wants to look at the results of stupidity instead of actually tackling it.
I'd say you just contributed to that phenomena, greatly,...
Why do you cheer American deaths garage? Have you no shame?
Why do you want to so blatantly mischaracterize what he just said?
Oh yeah - because if you can get away with something so underhanded and dishonest, it gives you a feeling of moral superiority.
Weird how that works,...
The Crack Emcee said...
Why do you cheer American deaths garage? Have you no shame?
Why do you want to so blatantly mischaracterize what he just said?
Garage believes when a party benefits from an event they support it. That's how he justifies accusing Romney of cheering for Americans to lose their jobs. I'm showing him what an asshole he is.
So shut the fuck up and quit acting like somehow you're the arbiter of etiquette you self righteous prick.
So where were you when Ann & Co. have been screaming, "bigotry" to defend Mormonism?
When the same press that wishes to deeply investigate all sects of Christianity and assault them assiduously avoids possibly offending Islam --- then, yes, it is bigotry.
To paraphrase South Park: Either it's ALL fair game or NONE of it is.
"Then I get home to hear there are religious fanatics overseas.
All I can think is, "small world,"."
Yeah no kidding. So did you manage to notify the authorities before she burned down a embassy and killed people? I didnt see anything in the paper, so I assume you did. Good job!
I'm trying to boycott Samuel L. Jackson, but I just have to watch Pulp Fiction every month or so.
Snakes on a Plane, motherfuckers!
I'm showing him what an asshole he is.
You did no such thing - you lied - which, last I heard, makes YOU the asshole.
Squirm, Marshal, just squirm.
That's what creatures without backbone do,...
So did you manage to notify the authorities before she burned down a embassy and killed people? I didnt see anything in the paper, so I assume you did.
Nope. I did the same thing I did when I heard of Stevens' murder:
Recognized the world I live in - in all it's glory - and it's many adherent's demands to stay this way, on both sides of the ocean.
Then I went and got something to eat, because y'all make me hungry,...
Marshal said...
So shut the fuck up and quit acting like somehow you're the arbiter of etiquette you self righteous prick.
Tyrone Slothrop,
Marshal said...
So shut the fuck up and quit acting like somehow you're the arbiter of etiquette you self righteous prick.
Considering I swear waaay more than the rest of you guys, it's really sad you and Marshal can't even tell the difference between "etiquette" and "ethics."
Good job, making yourself look like an idiot asshole, you idiot asshole,...
The Crack Emcee said...
Squirm, Marshal, just squirm.
If you want to know why no one pays any attention to you, reread your comment. Your pronouncement that I "lied" is worthless. That you think it's sufficient to cause anyone to "squirm" is bizarre. That you think this constitutes higher thinking rather than blundering idiocy means "move on".
Crack, you have your own blog, that incidentally, nobody reads. Go run things over there. It is not your job here.
Tyrone Slothrop,
Crack, you have your own blog, that incidentally, nobody reads. Go run things over there. It is not your job here.
Now you're also delusional - do you run this blog? Or control my actions? What makes you think acting like you do is normal behavior?
Oh yeah - you're crazy.
And you're a joke, Tyrone.
I highly suggest you join your own kind and leave me to mine,...
Your pronouncement that I "lied" is worthless.
I know - because you're a liar - so the idea of adhering to the truth is "worthless" to you.
Please, carry on:
I've got your number already,...
"Wake the Fuck Up"
It's 3 AM.
Garage: I don't see anyone blaming Obama for the death of the ambassador and the others as any different than the left blaming GWB because he didn't lock down the U.S. after being warned that an attack was planned by AQ. And going to Vegas could be equated with the GWB reading of My Pet Goat could it not? And the fact that the Marines have guns with no bullets in Cairo should be worth a mention shouldn't it? Or is that too touchy a topic in these touchy times? Or could we be so bold as to ask how an "unplanned" and "uncoordinated" attack on the outpost could have involved rocket launchers and grenades both of which weapons require a bit of planning and coordinating to get to the scene and so on. Or is all this too racist and political?
And the fact that the Marines have guns with no bullets in Cairo should be worth a mention shouldn't it?
That particular bit of inflammatory nonsense has already been debunked. You didn't wonder why that rumor isn't cited outside the right wing fever swamps? No matter, more insane wingnuttery can't be far behind.
I wonder if anyone in the White House said, "Wake the fuck up" as Obama slept while the embassies were being attacked.
As for "vote for Obama", not just no but hell no.
The Crack Emcee said...
Your pronouncement that I "lied" is worthless.
I know - because you're a liar - so the idea of adhering to the truth is "worthless" to you.
Pointing out the implications of someone's principles is not a lie. Feel free to continue making a fool of yourself.
You didn't wonder why that rumor isn't cited outside the right wing fever swamps?
Um, garage? It was cited by Time and Newsweek, too.
Just sayin'. :)
Go run things over there. It is not your job here.
If he didn't post links to his blog in a forum people actually visit, how would he pimp his Google ranking? :)
Conservatives aren't the only ones who hate the f word and popular culture. Maybe some of my older liberal friends will wake up and realize just what the f Obama really stands for.
Conservatives aren't the only ones who hate the f word and popular culture. Maybe some of my older liberal friends will wake up and realize just what the f Obama really stands for.
Black guy gonna act like a black guy: trashy, violent, and completely partisan towards the Big Black Chief.
If people "wake the f*** up," won't they vote for Romney?
Wake the Eff up? Dude if you want your movie sales to stay the same you'd probably better clam the eff up. People are upset by this election and I don't think they are in any mood to be barked at by some rich Hollywood fake.
Pointing out the implications of someone's principles is not a lie. Feel free to continue making a fool of yourself.
But you DIDN'T point out the implications of his principles - you flat-out lied:
Garage didn't "cheer American deaths" - what's wrong with you?
Did you think the words above thread disappeared? That no one could re-read what what was said? Sorry. You're a liar.
And as proof, now, you're STILL trying to lie your way out.
Jesus Christ, learning bigger words - or artful dodges - is no replacement for growing the fuck up.
Black guy gonna act like a black guy: trashy, violent, and completely partisan towards the Big Black Chief.
If that's directed at me, then you're an idiot:
I've never supported Barack Obama a day in my life.
If it wasn't directed at me, then, carry on.
Oh, and one more thing:
If I see another person in an online discussion describe someone else as "violent," I think the disconnect between reality and a CAPS LOCK key is going to make me throw up:
You people are pussies,...
Sorry, Samuel. I took the red pill last time around.
I'm already fucking awake!
Now get back in your pod with the rest of the blue pill people, Coppertop.
Garage asserted that Romney and his supporters cheer Americans losing their jobs solely because it benefits their electoral chances. Yes, this is stupid, but it is his stated position. The same reasoning means he is cheering American deaths. Those deaths help Obama and his philosophy is that anything that helps a party is cheered by those who want that party to win.
You have not once addressed the logic of this statement, but instead have merely shouted "lie", even though it doesn't include any element of lying. Even garage is running away because he doesn't want to have to admit his Romney assertion is bullshit.
Your inability to think even to the second level, or your obstinacy in refusing to do so, is not important to me.
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