In this analysis, the video was used to manipulate the mob and the security forces, but the drone attack was the motivation for the killings.
Senior officials are increasingly convinced... that the attack was in revenge for the killing in a drone strike in Pakistan of Mohammed Hassan Qaed, an al-Qa'ida operative who was, as his nom-de-guerre Abu Yahya al-Libi suggests, from Libya, and timed for the anniversary of the 11 September attacks....
According to security sources the consulate had been given a "health check" in preparation for any violence connected to the 9/11 anniversary. In the event, the perimeter was breached within 15 minutes of an angry crowd starting to attack it at around 10pm on Tuesday night. There was, according to witnesses, little defence put up by the 30 or more local guards meant to protect the staff. Ali Fetori, a 59-year-old accountant who lives near by, said: "The security people just all ran away and the people in charge were the young men with guns and bombs."
Wissam Buhmeid, the commander of the Tripoli government-sanctioned Libya's Shield Brigade, effectively a police force for Benghazi, maintained that it was anger over the Mohamed video which made the guards abandon their post. "There were definitely people from the security forces who let the attack happen because they were themselves offended by the film; they would absolutely put their loyalty to the Prophet over the consulate. The deaths are all nothing compared to insulting the Prophet."
१४ सप्टेंबर, २०१२
"The killings of the US ambassador to Libya and three of his staff were likely to have been the result of a serious and continuing security breach..."
Says The Independent.
९५ टिप्पण्या:
It's actually not a breach. It's what sheeple do instead of defending themselves when faced with aggressors.
"See? My palms are open and empty. I'm not even going to defend myself. I'm good people. You're good people. Can we talk?"
Then the lights go out.
We hired 30 guards who all ran away. I bet they all had mustaches too. It would be funny if it wasn't.
"The killings of the US ambassador to Libya and three of his staff were likely to have been the result of a serious and continuing security breach..."
Says The Independent.
. . .which, somehow, is Mitt Romney's fault, adds the US media.
Not that Obama would know, one way or the other. That would require actually going to a security brief. Even a brief brief.
The only question left to ask: what did Romney know and when did he know it?
If only Romney had waited longer to say something, all of this could have been different.
The pictures of bloody handprints, showing where fingers desperately clutching at the last corner of the building tore free tear at the very fiber of your heart as a human and an American. The HORROR.
People should start showing up at Obama rallys with red palms and stand silently waving them.
could you guys keep it down?
the president is trying to talk with jay-z and beyonce.
he has top men on it tho'. TOP. MEN.
With this insane clown posse running the government why would anyone be surprised?
If TR was president today Benghazi would flattened by now.
Pericardis alive or Rasuli dead. When dealing with old school savages, the old ways of dealing with them are best.
As for Egypt, the aid would been eliminated, we would make sure there would never be another IMF or World Bank loan ever made to them and no food shipments made to Egypt, a country practically running out of reserves to buy food. That is until Morsi has those brothers responsible disapeared.
what should be as big of a story as the security breach itself, but won't be, is that this, and a lot of other stuff, has to come from foreign sources, in this case British. Is it that our news organizations aren't looking for real news? Aren't getting leads? Or, are so desperate for an Obama reelection, that they bury the stories? Inquiring minds want to know.
State Dept. manager: "What are doing to ensure our security in Libya?"
Right answer: "Sir, we've hired a guard staff of 30."
Wrong answer: "Sir, we're fucked. We would hire a local security staff but we know they'd run off at the first sign of trouble."
State Department contractor who told ABC News last month that he was going back to Libya to track down and destroy weapons looted when the Gadhafi regime fell died in the ongoing firefight in Benghazi 2 hours after Ambassador Stevens died...
Hmmm... Interesting coincidence that the one coordinated terrorist attack in a day of chaos just happens to take out a guy who's trying to deprive the terrorists of their arsenal.
"The only question left to ask: what did Romney know and when did he know it? "
Apparently nothing, because unlike the courtesy Bush extended to Obama, Romney is not receiving security briefings. If he were receiving them, then he'd know more than Obama, who is too busy fundraising and playing golf to attend.
Young protesters, shouted: "We sacrifice ourselves for you, Messenger of God," smashed windows of the security offices and burned at least five cars, witnesses said.
Is there a way to grant these young protesters their wish?
That's why Gawd created Nobel Peace Drones.
Let me beat Shiloh to the punch and shout "HYPERBOLE."
There's nothing to see here, folks. Pay no attention to the bloody hand prints of our fellow Americans. They were just doing a little water-color painting I am sure. Everything is under control. Barry and Joe and Hillary got this!
chuckR said...
"The only question left to ask: what did Romney know and when did he know it? "
Apparently nothing, because unlike the courtesy Bush extended to Obama, Romney is not receiving security briefings. If he were receiving them, then he'd know more than Obama, who is too busy fundraising and playing golf to attend.
Bush was doing that in early September '08? My memory isn't what it ought to be, but I don't believe that was the case. I'm sure it was after the election, but not at this point in the process.
Yep, early September. It's traditional to help with the transition between parties.
Matthew Sablan said...
Yep, early September. It's traditional to help with the transition between parties.
I stand corrected. Thanks, although I'm pretty sure this is the only time I've ever thanked anybody for a link to DU.
Perhaps they're just not giving Romney intel briefings to keep the playing field level.
Seriously, if you were Romney would you want to receive any security briefings from Obama? If you did, would you believe what he said?
Via Vodkapundit:
But there’s more…
Kerry Picket at The Washington Times reported:
According to the Lebanese news organization, citing AFP news sources, U.S. ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, who was killed by gunmen that stormed the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on Tuesday, was reportedly raped before being murdered. A google translation of the report says.
A news report made by the Libyan Free Press is also reporting that Ambassador Stevens was sodomized before he was killed:
This analysis should make for some interesting questions to the president. Especially, when we reflect on Hillary's "powerful" speech. Maybe some heckler from the Daily Caller will shout them over the heads of a dignified, respectful crowd of journalists. Where's Helen Thomas when you need her?
This is the most profoundly stupid president we have ever had, bar none.
He can't fire Hillary cause of Dollar Bill. He can't fire Petraeus cause he needs him.
I know!!! Blame Bush... and then apologize to the terrorist.
And that is essentially what he has done.
More hyperbole from Europe on Barry's foreign policy failure . . .
which, somehow, is Mitt Romney's fault, adds the US media.
I haven't heard any media sources, US or otherwise, state or even imply that the attacks, the deaths, and/or the security breach are the fault of Mitt Romney.
Do you have a source for this claim of yours? I am interested in learning more.
The offensive "film" is the waving magician's hand he wants you to focus on. The media are his hot assistant trying to make the trick work without anyone knowing what she (they) are really up to. The 47 - 52% that end up voting for him are the marks in the audience who believe, or want to believe, that the magic is real.
. . .which, somehow, is Mitt Romney's fault, adds the US media.
Victimization talk. Feel sorry for me and my side. They're all against us.
Next up: We need special accommoadations.
"Islamic civilization is a rotten house", says former career State Dept diplomat.
One of the former SEALs noted all this and reported.
Zero golfed while Benghazi burned.
drozz said...
he has top men on it tho'. TOP. MEN.
Unfortunately, they can't remember where they put the Ark.
Hint: Harry Truman was a big fan of the new state of Israel.
I haven't heard any media sources, US or otherwise, state or even imply that the attacks, the deaths, and/or the security breach are the fault of Mitt Romney.
Do you have a source for this claim of yours? I am interested in learning more.
It's called a joke, PP. Although the party-run media isn't very anxious to put any blame on the shoulders of the Chocolate Crackhead, so it must, ipso facto, be either Romney's or Bush's fault. And it's probably a teabagger who just called UT Austin to say there were bombs planted all over the campus.
Victimization talk. Feel sorry for me and my side. They're all against us.
Next up: We need special accommoadations.
You need a towel, phx. Obama's semen is dripping off your chin.
It's called a joke, PP.
You think it is funny to make up shit that never happened in order to smear an organization you personally disagree with?
I bet you also think the racist bullshit in the rest of your post is just one big joke, eh?
*rolls eyes*
People like you are wrecking our country...and that ain't no joke.
1979 All over again:
Rioters have been seen scaling the wall of the U.S. embassy in Tunis amid reports of black smoke and the sounds of gunfire coming from the diplomatic compound in the Tunisian capital, Al Jazeera and the Associated Press reports.
Oh, In Sudan, gunfire could be heard as protesters broke through a barrier protecting the U.S. Embassy outside Khartoum
In addition to the shame of our administration, State Department, and of course the Religion of Peace, our newspapers deserve to be drummed out of the business after ignoring the actual attack and focusing on the filmmaker and on Romney.
You think it is funny to make up shit that never happened in order to smear an organization you personally disagree with?
Point me to the number of MSM articles asking questions about what the Obama administration knew about the Egypt and Libya attacks versus whining that Romney had no right to say a word, cockholster. And as far as your "personally disagree with" bullshit, I'll pay more attention whenever you slap down shiloh, Hat, Freder, garbage or anyone else who posts the words "Faux Noise" here.
I bet you also think the racist bullshit in the rest of your post is just one big joke, eh?
No - that you have nothing but the race card to protect your Little Black Jesus is the joke. Here's a clue for you, slick - I hate his white half, too.
*rolls eyes*
People like you are wrecking our country...and that ain't no joke.
If I had my way, fifth columnists like you would be swinging from lampposts. And that ain't no joke.
You need a towel, phx. Obama's semen is dripping off your chin.
Keep it classy Christopher in MA. I think it's one of the things people appreciate about you.
Did you really miss the hyperbole?
Embassy in Tunisa attacked. Burning American flags in London. Bomb threats by Muslims in Texas.
Good times in Obama world . . .
Keep it classy Christopher in MA. I think it's one of the things people appreciate about you.
Just trying to engage you on your level, phx. When you have something more substantial than
"victimization talk. Feel sorry for me and my side. They're all against us," let me know.
"Did you really miss the hyperbole?"
He was being too busy being purple.
So, how many embassies need to be stormed before we focus on that instead of Romney's gaffes?
"So, how many embassies need to be stormed before we focus on that instead of Romney's gaffes?"
Eh, we're making progress, at least it's not "all Bush's fault" all the time . . .
Jay said...
1979 All over again:
Rioters have been seen scaling the wall of the U.S. embassy in Tunis amid reports of black smoke and the sounds of gunfire coming from the diplomatic compound in the Tunisian capital, Al Jazeera and the Associated Press reports.
Oh, In Sudan, gunfire could be heard as protesters broke through a barrier protecting the U.S. Embassy outside Khartoum
And you know Zero and the Hildabeast are waiting for that next shoe to drop.
PS To all the Lefties, all those polls you think look so good were taken in the waning days of Choomie's "bounce" and before the current mess erupted.
Be afraid. Be very, very, afraid.
Have a heart, the American MSM is just letting him eat his waffle. Its the international press that's being rude.
"This analysis should make for some interesting questions to the president."
That's pretty funny.
No - that you have nothing but the race card to protect your Little Black Jesus is the joke.
Like I've stated many times before, I ain't an Obama supporter. Didn't vote for him before and don't intend to in the upcoming election.
But unlike you, it is due to his polices/stances rather than the color of his skin.
If I had my way, fifth columnists like you would be swinging from lampposts. And that ain't no joke.
Seeing chickenhawks talking about killing people always amuses me...but the death threats are even more awesome when they are made by an anonymous asshole.
I'm just glad these little Arabian breaches of our embassies and national security aren't distracting our President from the important things, like hanging out with Jay Z, Beyonce, and Letterman, and fundraising in Vegas.
Note to Purple: I'm using sarcasm here. I actually wish that we had a President that could bring himself to focus on things like national security, daily briefings, maybe meeting with his jobs council (even once). Instead of focusing on Barack Obama and his awesomeness (see, I did it again. I don't think President Obama is awesome in the least).
Just trying to engage you on your level, phx. When you have something more substantial than
"victimization talk. Feel sorry for me and my side.
Uh huh. I'm well-known for filthy posts and insults like yours.
I do feel sorry for you.
Cx: After further review, it appears that Mr. DiGrazia ain't so anonymous after all.
My apologies for that mistake, but the rest of my post stands.
I actually wish that we had a President that could bring himself to focus on things like national security, daily briefings, maybe meeting with his jobs council (even once)
I don't disagree with any of that, but that rhetoric reminds me of the same ol' crap my left-leaning pals used to say when Bush was in well as the crap my right-leaning pals said when Clinton was in office.
Same ol' script, but the players just switch roles...
"purplepenquin said...
No - that you have nothing but the race card to protect your Little Black Jesus is the joke.
Like I've stated many times before, I ain't an Obama supporter. Didn't vote for him before and don't intend to in the upcoming election.
But unlike you, it is due to his polices/stances rather than the color of his skin."
SO this is the result of Obama's policy of appeasement? They still hate us, now even more than before, They are burning American flags everywhere.
But, Obama said he was going to make everything better.
And at what cost for all of this. We are now looked on as the weak horse. Mideast countries will turn even more towards Iran and the new Muslim Brotherhood Egypt.
What a total failure.
Cx: After further review, it appears that Mr. DiGrazia ain't so anonymous after all.
My apologies for that mistake, but the rest of my post stands.
Feel free to print my name, PP. I don't care. Would you like my address as well, so you can come by and spraypaint "RACIST" all over my house?
I don't disagree with any of that, but that rhetoric reminds me of the same ol' crap my left-leaning pals used to say when Bush was in well as the crap my right-leaning pals said when Clinton was in office.
To be fair, I don't think we're that much worse off with this President running around with his Hollywood pals. I have little faith in his ability to deal with the problems even if he was able to focus on them.
And while there is a chorus singing about the failings of each President, I don't think the knock on Bush was that he wasn't paying attention, it was that they didn't like what he did.
Are you going to vote for Jill Stein?
Uh huh. I'm well-known for filthy posts and insults like yours.
I do feel sorry for you.
All right, then, phx, let's see if you can actually address the point I made way up thread.
If one reads The Independent's story, one is told:
Senior officials are increasingly convinced... that the attack was in revenge for the killing in a drone strike in Pakistan of Mohammed Hassan Qaed, an al-Qa'ida operative who was, as his nom-de-guerre Abu Yahya al-Libi suggests, from Libya, and timed for the anniversary of the 11September attacks....
We are also told that "There were definitely people from the security forces who let the attack happen because they were themselves offended by the film; they would absolutely put their loyalty to the Prophet over the consulate. The deaths are all nothing compared to insulting the Prophet."In this analysis, the video was used to manipulate the mob and the security forces, but the drone attack was the motivation for the killings.
So, in light of this, one must ask:
Was the possibility of a 9/11 attack mentioned at the POTUS daily briefing?
Did the State Department have any warning that embassy security had been compromised?
Why, 48 hours before all of this began, Obama was being body-hugged by a "Republican" who donated to his campaign and had already visited the White House as well as tweeting that he was partying with Jay-Z and Beyonce and that tickets were still available?
The left to this day screams that Bush was told AQ was going to attack America and that he ignored the warnings. So it only seems right to ask, was Obama briefed? Did he even attend a briefing? And why must we read this in a foreign newspaper instead of our own court press (well, that one answers itself)?
Address those questions and get back to me. Or dismiss it as "victimization," whichever you choose.
Off Drudge:
North Dakota State and Valparaiso University also receive threats
Off Fox News:
Mobs Attack Embassies in Tunisia, Sudan
Marines are on the ground in Yemen.
Can't wait to hear the little animal tell us how fixednoise is giving us the slanted version.
I guess Choom's best bud, Chavez, has sent his regards.
Feel free to print my name, PP. I don't care. Would you like my address as well, so you can come by and spraypaint "RACIST" all over my house?
While I understand that vandalism and lynching may be the way you like to settle a difference of opinion, that ain't a route I feel the need to take.
And before you start giving anyone else any ideas, you should keep in mind that you don't have to actually post your address for someone to find out where ya'll live. I reckon it could be looked up rather quickly...
Christopher in MA you just addressed me as disgracefully as you possibly could.
"Semen on my chin".
Clean up your fucking act and we'll talk. Until then to me you're just another casualty trying to be more disgusting than the next person.
PS To illustrate the enormity of this mess, consider this map.
I don't think the knock on Bush was that he wasn't paying attention, it was that they didn't like what he did.
It was both.
You never heard the whining about all the time W spent down on his ranch, playing with his chainsaws?
You need a more diverse circle of friends...helps keep perspectives in balance ;)
Are you going to vote for Jill Stein?
Nope. If the election was today I'd be voting for Gary Johnson.
Who are you gonna proudly vote for?
Well maybe I'm being a little hard on Christopher in MA. I don't really get personally offended very easily.
But where do some of you guys get off talking like that to or about your opponents? What makes you think so savagely demeaning people you just happen to disagree with makes you anything other than a cripple?
AllenS said...
Seriously, if you were Romney would you want to receive any security briefings from Obama? If you did, would you believe what he said?
It wouldn't be Obama PERSONALLY, you ninny!
He's out golfing, fundraising, hanging out with Beyonce and Denzel and calling rap DJs in NOLA out of the blue.
Romney will finally be getting CIA briefings....and it should have started long ago when Romney locked the nomination up.
McCain had access as a sitting Senator, and I believe in 2008, Bush had offered briefings to Obama by mid-August but Obama wasn't too interested..and Bush was getting a CIA detailer assigned to him, in August 2000 by Clinton (Gore already had full access to intel as VP)
Well maybe I'm being a little hard on Christopher in MA. I don't really get personally offended very easily.
Say whatever you wish. I've got thick skin.
But where do some of you guys get off talking like that to or about your opponents?
It's an old refrain, phx, but let's say that eight years of BDS and now four years of "punch back twice as hard" has rather exhausted my reservoir of sympathy with the left.
"It seems to me that the press is partly responsible for the current unrest. The press wanted the cause of the killing of the American ambassador to not be related to the President so they blamed it on the obscure film that was only translated into arabic a week ago. The press ignored the possibility that what was apparently a coordinated and well planned attack taking place on 9/11 could be retailiation for the killing of Bin Laden. By focusing on the movie, the press focused the world's attention on the movie which helped to fan the chaos that we have today"
Which was their plan. That and talking about Romney's so-called gaffe. Anything to keep the attention from where it belongs - on Barry's disastrous foreign policy as executed by Hillary.
You need a more diverse circle of friends
I will vote for Romney. I'll do it somewhat proudly, but won't be entirely satisfied. I did not like anyone in the primary better than him (though it wouldn't have mattered in MN anyway). I like Ryan - his instincts are better than Romney's imo. If elected, Ryan would be the first VP younger than me. Makes a guy feel old.
Yeah, I know there was whining about the time in Crawford, but he wasn't down there while embassies were burning. It's not necessarily unfair, though to expect a President to be in DC while wars are going on, so he was open to it. In reality, it likely doesn't make much difference (even with Pres. Obama), but one would think appearances matter.
It's an old refrain, phx, but let's say that eight years of BDS and now four years of "punch back twice as hard" has rather exhausted my reservoir of sympathy with the left.
Oh, yeah, heard that one before. "Other people make me act like an asshole."
Some of you conservatives don't know the first thing about accepting personal responsbilibity for your behaviors.
But where do some of you guys get off talking like that to or about your opponents? What makes you think so savagely demeaning people you just happen to disagree with makes you anything other than a cripple?
Agreed, though it is not limited to the right, nor to this blog, and is not universal on this blog. For most, politics don't run that deep. Plus anonymity does bad things to people.
(Forgive me for reposting this from an earlier, possibly dead thread. It seems on-topic here.)
Without knowing anything more than the fact that there is a dead ambassador and three staff at a US embassy in an unstable country, it would be dangerously foolish to act as if there were nothing that could have been done to prevent these deaths. We haven't had a dead ambassador since 1979.
It seems reasonable to ask, what did this admin. not do that the other admins. did, to keep ambassadors safe in times of turmoil over the past 30+ years? I would bet money that all ambassadors, their staff and their families would like the answer to that.
"Some of you conservatives don't know the first thing about accepting personal responsbilibity for your behaviors."
Please, the entire theme of the DNC was all about shirking responsibility and letting the government do it for you.
Yeah, some conservatives won't accept responsibility, but it's a fricken religion for liberals.
And before you start giving anyone else any ideas, you should keep in mind that you don't have to actually post your address for someone to find out where ya'll live. I reckon it could be looked up rather quickly...
Purplepenguin, you're a thug. Aren't you the least bit ashamed of yourself?
And now Barry is asking that Youtube pull the video? Freedom of speech? Not much . . .
It seems to me that the press is partly responsible for the current unrest.
No. The responsibility for the current unrest rests entirely on the mobs storming our embassies, assassinating our ambassador and acting like uncivilized lunatics.
Either that, or Mitt Romeny ;)
Oh, yeah, heard that one before. "Other people make me act like an asshole."
Some of you conservatives don't know the first thing about accepting personal responsbilibity for your behaviors.
No, not at all. But if I'm going to be denounced by progs as a racist bitter clinger whose 2008 VP candidate should be gang-raped, who is responsible for Gabby Giffords' shooting because of a campaign map, who wants to put blacks back into chains and whose thoughts that we look at the budget with a critical eye means that I want to starve grandma and that I'm itching to establish a Handmaid's Tale theocracy in America, then be prepared for blowback.
In other words, police the assholes on your own side before complaining about what anyone else calls you. There's a reason Althouse has a "civility bullshit" tag, and it's not because of mean, wascawlly conservatives.
Purplepenguin, you're a thug.
I ain't the one issuing death threats.
And yes, Christopher made it clear he wasn't joking...he truly wants to see people lynched from light poles and he wants me to be one of those people.
And yet somehow I am the thug?
Yeah, you don't get it. I don't think althouse gets it either but I wouldn't try to hide behind her skirts, I doubt she gets you either.
Patrick gets it. TMW makes a respectable argument.
It's simple though. Right or left. Character is about keeping your high standards in the face of the muck others throw at you.
There's an aware being in all of us that wants to live that way, all the time.
IMO that's the very definition of personal responsibility. Keeping my standards regardless of what you do.
That's a struggle worthy of a man.
But if I'm going to be denounced by progs as a racist
And you're gonna show everybody you're not a racist by using constantly using racist language?
*rolls eyes*
You are a racist. Own it.
I ain't the one issuing death threats.
You're the gangster strolling around "nice store, shame if anything were to happen to it."
on your own side
That is the whole problem right there.
ChrisInMA (and a few others as well) doesn't look at people as individuals, but rather he can only see them as members of a group.
You're the gangster strolling around "nice store, shame if anything were to happen to it."
You must not have read the whole thread. ChrisINMA was egging me on, saying he can post his address for me if I wanted to come over and vandalize his house. I merely pointed out that anybody who is provoked by his words can easily find out where he lives.
Are you really saying that my comments are out-of-line, but there was nothing wrong with his "no joke" death threat?
It's simple though. Right or left. Character is about keeping your high standards in the face of the muck others throw at you.
Quite true. But since "selected not elected / he's not MY president! / Bush lied, people died," when it comes to politics, I'm of the Lee Atwater school - strip the bark off the bastards and give no quarter. And I make no apologies for it.
You are a racist. Own it.
Of course I am. "Crackhead-in-Chief" and "Little Black Jesus" are awful racist terms. But "Chimpy McBusHitler" and the website "Bush or Chimp?" were just robust expressions of American political speech.
racistracistracistracistracist. Yeah, whatever. It's all white noise now, PP.
Enjoy yourselves. I've got a bottle of whiskey and a cigar to start off the weekend waiting for me.
(whoops - "white noise." RACIST! I denounce myself.)
Christopher in MA you just addressed me as disgracefully as you possibly could
Kris has some violence/sexual issues to sort out. Obviously.
But "Chimpy McBusHitler" and the website "Bush or Chimp?" were just robust expressions of American political speech.
Actually, I did tell my left-leaning pals that type of language only distracted from the actual issues that needed to be discussed.
Did you think those comments were acceptable forms of discourse, or are you a hypocrite as well as a lying racist asshole?
You must not have read the whole thread. ChrisINMA was egging me on, saying he can post his address for me if I wanted to come over and vandalize his house. I merely pointed out that anybody who is provoked by his words can easily find out where he lives.
Are you really saying that my comments are out-of-line, but there was nothing wrong with his "no joke" death threat?
Egging you on? You're the one who decided to post my name, PP. So I simply acknowledged that yes, that's my name, and if you want my address, I'll be happy to give it to you so you can come over and call me a racist to your heart's content.
And you finished up with People like you are wrecking our country...and that ain't no joke.
I feel the same about you.
So what do you propose to do about all of us who are "wrecking" the country? After all, we have the vote. We're not going anywhere. Do you have some plan to silence us, since our existence and participation in politics is tearing down America?
And now I am finished with you and phx. I've got a sunny weekend to enjoy.
It's simple though. Right or left. Character is about keeping your high standards in the face of the muck others throw at you.
Quite true. But since "selected not elected / he's not MY president! / Bush lied, people died," when it comes to politics, I'm of the Lee Atwater school - strip the bark off the bastards and give no quarter.
Apparently holding two completely contradictory ideas in your head at the same time isn't a problem.
Oops, my mistake : The topic here is now the always enlightening, "NO... YOU are!" debate. I think the "NOs" have a slight lead over the "YOU ares"... Or maybe it's the other way around. (who cares)
So what do you propose to do about all of us who are "wrecking" the country?
Depends on the person. 'cause unlike you, I look at people as individuals rather than simply a member of a group.
For the most part, I try to use my communication skills to show folks why their language/behavior is so destructive.
And while I know that the opinion of a deep-rooted racist will rarely change, I also know from past experiences that my convos with such people can have a favorable change-of-heart from others who are merely reading the discussion.
Do you have some plan to silence us, since our existence and participation in politics is tearing down America?
You're the one who is talking about mass lynchings (and made it very clear that you weren't joking) and you ask me if I have a plan to silence people?!
*rolls eyes*
Congratz: You're one of the people I'll have in mind when I respond with "Not all of 'em, not even most of 'em...but certainly a few of 'em and they tend to be loud" after someone says Republicans are evil.
"PS To all the Lefties, all those polls you think look so good were taken in the waning days of Choomie's "bounce" and before the current mess erupted."
I see it happening the other way, courtesy of the MSM. Beleaguered president struggles to quell the fires erupting in the Middle East; don't change horses, etc. Especially convenient right now would be Israel bombing Iran.
The Romster is up 2 from yesterday. This is working his way.
Even with the Obamamedia coverups there is sufficient documentation about Obama's ineptitude, or his sabotage, to render continuing support for him an act of disloyal douchebaggery or abject stupidity.
A "security breach", eh?
OK, who's that Muslim-Brotherhood-related lady in S/S Clinton's entourage? Huma Abedin? Any chance we could ask TPTB to override the "waivers" the Clintonistas gave her and finally do an official on-the-record background check on her? Or is it still too soon, and the Prog-Dems would claim it's "unseemly" and "bigoted" and "anti-American" to ask questions about someone's character and intentions based on their family background...? (Sigh. I suppose we'll dither about security until another dozen or so curiously-unsecured embassies get overrun and their sensitive documents seized.)
wef: Nobel Peace drones
That's a keeper!
How many unbiased journalists can you name? I can think of one. And his name is Jake Tapper.
But you never criticize the liberal posters.
Have you really read each & every message I've posted?
Seriously, if you truly took the time to look into it then you'd see me telling liberals it is wrong to label the Tea Party as "terrorists". I've also spent a lot of time defending second amendment rights. Heck, I've even repeatedly urged folks to not vote for how the heck does that fit into your lil' theory that I only defend Democrat policies?
You're a lazy thinker & a bigot - you look at just one or three opinions a person may have and use your preconceived notions to judge everything/anything-else about 'em based on whatever label you chose to slap on 'em.
And like I told ChrisInMA earlier, lazy thinkers & bigots like ya'll are wrecking our country.
If you are sincere about wanting to have a good faith discussion, then please stop with this BS.
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