6:40: Emanuel Cleaver gets the conventioneers fired up, but the hoarse-throated yelling doesn't play so well over the television, just like the Howard Dean scream seemed nutty outside of the room where the scream was screamed.
6:48: "Mitt Romney doesn't know a thing about hard work or responsibility," says the president of the AFL-CIO, Richard Trumka, who likes to portray work as "mopping, vacuuming, and picking up our trash."
7:01: President Obama has focused on jobs since Day 1, says Nancy Pelosi. So... do we get to judge him by the result, or does he get reelection for effort?
7:07: Lots of Dems tonight are talking about "the American Dream," as, of course, the GOP did last week. It's kind of nice to see so much consensus about the idea of individuals working hard — for themselves and their families — and succeeding economically, and interesting that everyone's enthusiastic about calling that "American," as though they're into patriotism, even though I imagine it's the dream among all human beings to be able to achieve economic well-being for themselves and their families through their own work. The real question, rather obviously, is which party will do better for these American dreamers of the American dream. What is the Democrats' argument here? I really don't see it. They seem to be copying the Republicans' theme, criticizing the Republicans for saying it, and insisting they have some dream-boosting methodology.
7:15: Another parade of women. Last night's was the women of the House. Now, it's the women of the Senate. This segment was preceded by a treacly video with a song about "a woman's voice," which apparently, "can sing any song." Okay. Sing "A Boy Named Sue." Gotcha! Didn't I?
7:25: American Idol runner-up Jessica Sanchez sings "You're all I need to get by...." And then a video of Barack Obama comes on.
7:28: A young woman promotes Planned Parenthood, where she found a nurse who was able to diagnose her endometriosis, after a whole lot of doctors had no idea what was wrong with her and even accused her of being some sort of drama queen. What the hell kind of crap doctors was she going to? Come on. Endometriosis is a standard ailment. Are we to think misogyny prevents its detection? (I can't be fact checking, but, seriously, who were these doctors who couldn't diagnose endometriosis?)
7:32: The president of Planned Parenthood asserts that "Mitt Romney says he'll get rid of Planned Parenthood." Can I get a fact check? I just don't believe that.
9:16: Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I've been bored to tears. Now, it's Elizabeth Warren, so... She's excited about going on before Bill Clinton, who "had the good sense to marry one of the coolest women on the planet."
9:20: "The system is rigged," Elizabeth Warren asserts.
9:36: I found Warren pretty boring. When the crowd chanted "Warren, Warren," it sounded like "boring, boring." What was boring was mainly what was boring about so many of the other speeches. So much talk about economic opportunity, with no noticeable plan for furthering it, other than statements about how other people out there — not you! — ought to pay their "fair share" of taxes, and this doctrine that you've got to build the economy from the middle out. She got fervent about the notion that corporation are not people. They don't have hearts, and they don't die, and so forth.
9:38: Bill Clinton says: "I want to nominate a man who's cool on the outside, but who burns for America on the inside."
9:58: Clinton goes on at great length on the topic of how Republicans won't cooperate and compromise and work with the Democrats. Then he says he watched the GOP convention last week:"Did y'all watch their convention? I did."
In Tampa, the Republican argument against the President's reelection was actually pretty simple, pretty snappy. It went something like this: We left him a total mess, he hasn't cleaned it up fast enough, so fire him and put us back in. But they did it well. They looked good. They sounded good.And he says he was convinced they were "honorable people," who really believe what they said and will keep their commitments, so the key for Democrats is to make sure people understand what they believe.
10:09: Wow, he's going on a long time. It's reminiscent of his DNC keynote speech in 1988, when his going on too long turned into a huge joke. That was Clinton's original national reputation: The guy who talked too long.
10:27: It's almost 20 minutes since I said "Wow, he's going on a long time," and he's still going. This is insane. His inflections are getting wacky, like he's in love with how cute he is.
10:38: Finally, it's over. He spoke for 50 minutes. That was really self-indulgent.
11:04 (my time, after pausing): Obama comes out to interact with Clinton. Clinton gives a low bow. And now, they still have to do the roll call. I feel sorry for the kiddies in the crowd. It's late!
९०६ टिप्पण्या:
906 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Dear God.
Why punish yourself?
Penance, perhaps, for being one of those who gave us the grifter?
I'm only half listening to Schumer. But two thoughts:
Romney CLOSED HIS BUSINESS TO SAVE A MISSING GIRL! You can't sell him as a bottom line, people hater.
Romney doesn't have experience? Really? Chuck Schumer -- kind of an idiot.
So its Romney with insideous narrowness of experience? I wonder what Schumer thought of Obama in 2008.
Oh this is gonna be a fun evening. Popcorn popped. Soda and ice. Glued to the plasma. Do Not Disturb.
I wonder what Schumer thought of Obama in 2008.
It is racist to wonder what Schumer thought of Obama in 2008.
The Clinton miracle was the DOT Com bubble fed to a peak by the Y2K stimulus plan. That made everyone feel rich as their 401Ks trippled in paper value causing as measure of consumer spending began to escalate.
If any truth was allowed on media propaganda outlets, they would mention that Obama has done the exact opposite while the economy withered.
"We need nicer politics. But, Republicans don't care about kids and seniors."
He was doing so well until that.
Only Chuckie Schumer would call Willie a New Yorker.
Lessee, tonight should be fun:
Pelosi Galore
Slobbering Barney (maybe in his wedding gown)
And this is an actual headling off Yahoo! News:
Bill Clinton’s tightrope: Lend Obama his halo without outshining him
Our Former Serial Rapist In Chief?
The Wizard of Whitewater?
The Guy Who Showed Paula Jones The Kink In His Twink?
Maybe Chuck is implying that fist pumping has a special meaning to the Democrat former President? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more!
Revenant said...
"I wonder what Schumer thought of Obama in 2008."
"It is racist to wonder what Schumer thought of Obama in 2008"
Were Schumer the true Obama-Patriot he wants us all to be, he'd turn himself into the Ministry of Love for his thoughtcrime.
"It is racist to wonder what Schumer thought of Obama in 2008."
So true, I am ever so sorry.
So is it a requirement for all of these speeches to utlize the "forward, not backward" tagline in them?
Schumer looked lost up there--he's just mouthing the words---sort of like an old geezer mouthing oatmeal and wondering why and what he's chewing.
Then they trot out three members of the Congressional Black Caucus. One thing about black Democrats from California--most of them are just a step ahead of a grand jury or a debt collector.
This could be a long night--but I'm waiting for Sandra Fluke.
They amended the platform to include "God" and "Jerusalem". They said it passed with 2/3 voice vote, but there were many, many "noes" and boos after Strickland said the Ayes had it.
See C-Span.
It's being said that it was clear that the amendment did not pass.
So, what will this mean to independents and die-hard dems?
so? when is Bill speaking? he's the only one I really want to hear from.
... Ah. I'm seeing now why they needed to readd the God language to their platform. It would've been... awkward not to have it after tonight.
So Lindsey, will you be puffing those Skinny Ginnies (Virginia Slims) all evening long? Or just after Bill Clintons speech?
Can the rest of us have an "NFL Opening Night Cafe," to discuss the Giants hosting the Cowboys?
I hate the Cowboys and the Giants, but I'd much rather watch that than the Visigoths touting their plans to loot America.
Imagine this speech given at the RNC.
"Or just after Bill Clintons speech?
Multi-tasking: Hitachi Magic wand in one hand, TV remote in the other.
Once Bill and special audience of one finish, one will light a cigarette, the other will look for a warm, moist place to keep his cigar.
Cleaver goes between messages of unity and angry messages of being branded liberal or progressive in a bitter way by republicans. and then turns his speech into a sermon.
Hope on! Lots of God talk again. Where are the boo birds and naysayers from earlier during the platform debate.
All we need is another cold war to end, and a once a century technological advance, and we can get a booming economy again. Then we can take Clinton's advice on how to leave it alone, but he has no experience with turning around a mess like we have now. That kind of challenge is in Romney's wheelhouse.
The voice vote on an Amendment to honor God and support Israel's Capital was turned down by 2/3rds vote three times.
But to pass it required a 2/3rds affirmative vote!! Now what would the Dems do??
Of course the just lied through their teeth.
That lying was what got the boos from the crowd.
I wonder how much bigger the audience would have been for Bubba over Obama if the NFL hadn't rescheduled their season opener.
I'm listening to the amendment fight. Imagine if the Tea Party had tried to fight over the platform in the same way. How many stories would we get about inter-party fighting and the splintering of the Republican party?
"after Strickland said the Ayes had it."
just a clarification. Strickland proposed the amendment to the platform. Villaraigosa called the vote in the affirmative.
Why are the Democrat speakers shouting like they're WWE wrestlers?
DrSquid said...
So Lindsey, will you be puffing those Skinny Ginnies (Virginia Slims) all evening long? Or just after Bill Clintons speech?
Only because her Osterizer will be set past High to Who Needs A Man.
SGT Ted said...
"Why are the Democrat speakers shouting like they're WWE wrestlers?"
Same reason small dogs bark so much.
They're compensating.
So they think we belong to the govt. and they boo God.....
I take back my previous prediction of a post convention bounce. At this rate they'll be lucky if there's not a flag burning on the stage.
That... that's not what Romney said.
Thanks for the clarification.
kimsch said...
They amended the platform to include "God" and "Jerusalem". They said it passed with 2/3 voice vote, but there were many, many "noes" and boos after Strickland said the Ayes had it.
The stricken looks on the Arab American delegate's faces were priceless.
The God/Jerusalem vote was telling. This is the "democratic" party? They take three voice votes, carefully observing Robert's Rules beforehand, and then obviously make the wrong call for all to see, failing to take a roll call?
I can understand that it's a contentious issue. But that's the whole point! Live up to agnosticism, Democrats! What a bunch of weenies and non-democrats!
Shared prosperity isn't happening now -- or during the entire time Obama's been in charge of things. Why will that change if he's re-elected? That's the question.
Dare we call "hypocrisy"? This thing went down like a "mic check" protest in reverse: the buffoon on the platform didn't have the votes, and obviously wasn't smart enough even to follow the advice of the nice lady next to him. Force it down their throats! It's for the good of the party!
The Repubs have more past Presidents lately.
It has a lot to do with Democratic candidates.
If Obama wants to retain some honor as a past President, he better lose.
The consequences of 4 more years of his policies and governance will not be fondly regarded.
It is still telling nearly half the delegates are godless h8ers of Israel.
Did the MSM even cover this?
So... if they think democracy should rule, why do unions oppose rules to make union elections fair and private?
Bill Clinton’s tightrope: Lend Obama his halo without outshining him
Our Former Serial Rapist In Chief?
The halo he got from being the last successful President in most 35 years and younger American's memory.
And calling Clinton a rapist is a stupid partisan taunt on the lines of Bush was a coked up military deserter
How's the weather looking in Charlotte?
The God/Jerusalem vote was telling. This is the "democratic" party?
Just when you think Democrats finally grew a backbone. So typical.
"Oh noes! Some guy at tri-cities/members/pajamapundit said something bad about us!"
And scab refs tonight. Blech.
Matthew Sablan,
I'm only half listening to Schumer. But two thoughts:
Geez - like his claims to have given money to "charity" when it turns out to have been the Mormon BYU - why can't anyone tell the truth about this man's cultism?
And don't you guys know Mormon children go missing, get raped, etc., all the time?
Sure, Mitt helped save one, but has he done ANYTHING to STOP this? Started a campaign against Mormon child abuse? Anything? Not that I know of.
Go on with the whitewash, if you wish, but if it all falls apart, remember you have no one but yourselves to blame for your willing deception,...
"In the opinion of the chair"...great line. Chairs don't usually have opinions, but the one Eastwood talked to apparently did. It's too long for a bumper sticker, but here are a few ideas:
In the opinion of the chair, Romney is an asshole.
In the opinion of the chair, the American people have failed to live up to Obama's dreams.
In the opinion of the chair, the chair's opinion overrules the opinion of the committee of the whole.
Lessee, they had to vote God and the capital of Israel back into the platform.
They've had at least 2 days' warning, but can't arrange for balloons in the hall when Zero speaks.
They have to pray for rain so they don't look like idiots for moving the venue they couldn't fill.
And apparently they're in panic mode over the fact the Romster raised $100M last month, but telling Fox News, "We don't think it will have much effect because it's all tied in the swing states" (but Barry was supposedly ahead).
Oh, yeah, this Fall could be all kinds of fun.
"And calling Clinton a rapist is a stupid partisan taunt on the lines of Bush was a coked up military deserter"
Some people still refuse to believe the reality of Juanita Broaddrick.
That's o.k. though.
In America, you are free to choose ignorance.
God gets a mixed reception at the Democratic convention. Watch out you mothers. You could be next. Plus absolutely no apple pie. Many of them would boo the troops if they could not be seen. Not all. Many/
This guy. Republicans don't "banish" their past presidents. Past Republican presidents have the courtesy and common sense to retire with dignity and not carry on clinging to power and partying like celebrities. Democrats have no choice but to feature their past Presidents because (a) too many people suspect the present one sux, (b) the party faithful must be reminded of their objects of worship (gross) (c) the mad sex badger wouldn't LEAVE even if he was asked to and Carter won't SHUT UP (but note that they had him on video which could "malfunction" in case he started babbling about Palestine).
Since kimsch and tradguy are talking about party platforms, let me pull in what I just finished typing in the last post about their...um..."importance".
And in other, "Hey, this convention isn't about what you think it's about, news!" ...
Joe Trippi, Democratic campaign consultant, told Greta Van Susteren last night that party platforms were for the activists of the parties. Presidents always end up doing what they think is best.
A shocked Van Susteren paraphrases,
"BUSYWORK for the activists?"
Ha ha
That outta piss off the party stalwarts. Right after they get down from their soapboxes.
Matthew Sablan said...
"So... if they think democracy should rule, why do unions oppose rules to make union elections fair and private?"
Because no one really believes the unions think democracy should rule.
Cedar, most people see the rapist thing my way.
Demos, included.
They just laugh up their sleeves because they think it makes Willie look cool.
And his "success", like everything else about him, was mostly illusion.
In the opinion of the chair nearest me, which is empty, this convention has become a clown parade.
"Some people still refuse to believe the reality of Juanita Broaddrick."
Yes but look who it is. A well known Jew hating nut job. I wouldn't worry about it too much.
It would totally rock if Sandra Fluke introduced Bill Clinton.
But before speaking, lightly tug her dress, straighten her hair, and wipe her chin, just to, you know, make sure.
And then begin.
And then thank him for keeping abortion legal.
Just like Nina Burleigh would.
Penny wrote: That outta piss off the party stalwarts. Right after they get down from their soapboxes.
Stalwart is great word with an interesting history and doesn't deserve pejorative scorn.
"...this convention has become a clown parade."
So, you're just tuning in now?
They've been adding so many jobs, unemployment is up to 8+%
@Penny: Maybe you should have said "party faithful" instead.
"Yes but look who it is. A well known Jew hating nut job. I wouldn't worry about it too much."
Yes, you're right - no worries here.
Just wanted to make sure that lie didn't pass without it being called.
There seems to be a lot more sloganeering at the DNC, which I think is because they are trying to harp on way too many social issues and themes, whereas the RNC was well-focused on the economy.
Tim, I have watched as much as I've been able of both conventions. I thought Michelle Obama's speech was quite good-- comparable in quality (though not in tone) to Ann Romney's. I subscribe to the Professor's opinion that the whole FLOTUS thing is stupid, but whatever; they both spoke well.
The other speeches on both sides have been mostly good partisan stuff. The DNC ones have been more bitter, I think, but I'm generally conservatively biased.
So yeah, I just noticed. I'm talking about the difference between a party tent and a clown show. This one is going bizarre. Clinton had better bring it back to earth tonight, or else Obama is toast. I think he's toast anyway, but whatever.
"...whereas the RNC was well-focused on the economy."
Democrats don't want to talk about the economy, for all-to-obvious reasons.
Taxing us more, yes.
Jobs to pay the taxes, uh, not so much.
Not everyone can be a community organizer.
Why do Democrats want to keep poor people from collectively organizing to speak by overturning Citizen's United?
"That outta piss off the party stalwarts. Right after they get down from their soapboxes."
OOPs. That was fast! Guess the activist democrats needed to step down from their soapboxes to vote on the PC amendments.
*Must add God. Must add Jerusalem*
Bet they are spitting bullets pissed right about now!
Like the Professor and a few others I've heard/read, I found Michelle Obama's fake stuttering really stupid. She's an HLS grad. She can talk. I've seen her do it (in 2008).
But we have lots of other bad, slow or stuttering talkers. John Kerry and Al Gore talk like snails. Barack Obama talks as though each sentence just occurred to him. This fakery is stupid. Bill Clinton talks as though he means what he says. I don't like Clinton, but he's a far better speaker than those mentioned above. So is George W. Bush.
... I don't think Obama grew up in a rural part of Illinois though.
Smart investments... in Solyndra?
"This one is going bizarre. Clinton had better bring it back to earth tonight, or else Obama is toast. I think he's toast anyway, but whatever."
I hear your, but I don't think anyone is going to vote for, or against, either nominee on the basis of who spoke for them.
Clinton *might* get people to vote against Romney, just as Eastwood *might* get people to vote against Obama, but neither is going to affirmatively get any to vote for their guy.
Eight weeks from now, most of this clown show will be forgotten, and the candidates will stand, or fall, on their own merits.
As for merit, Obama has pretty much maxed out his credit card, and has none left.
Dead bang loser, if thinking people vote.
"@Penny: Maybe you should have said "party faithful" instead."
I've gone back to calling them exactly what they are...
This is just embarrassing.
Really, Is this what the democratic party has come to?
Matthew Sablan said...
"Smart investments... in Solyndra?"
For Democrats, yes.
Remember, "investments" is code for "spending."
They think there are enough idiot voters to buy into the concept (I think they're right on this) that they can pull off the stunt.
Yes, nothing like the sound of a woman's voice, yeah for Democratic women!
Although maybe we could call them AXtivists?
This damned new age ax grinding is getting on my nerves.
"Yes, nothing like the sound of a woman's voice, yeah for Democratic women!"
-- See, the problem with the second part is that it implies: "Republican women don't count."
What was with Pelosi?
She sounded like she was either back in 2nd Grade, reading Dick and Jane or she was on something (maybe the Botox finally seeped through).
She tried to get a little "Sieg Heil" going (yeah, Godwin alert), but it was a little too complicated for them.
This night could turn into a lot of fun.
Republican women count too, but they vote against their own best interests.
I'd laugh my ass off if even ONE politician had enough guts to stand up and talk about his grandfather, the hard working axtivist who immigrated from .... fill in the blank.
Don't know whether to laugh or cry:
According to Rep. Clarke, there was slavery in Brooklyn until 1898.
An elected member of Congress.
Yes, a Democrat, but still.
Even by that exceedingly low standard, how does that much ignorance go by without discovery until now?
"Republican women count too, but they vote against their own best interests."
-- And this is why I can't parody the left.
AllieOop said...
"Republican women count too, but they vote against their own best interests."
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, would help all women, not just Democratic women.
DEMS boo Israel and God while they cheer Ted Kenned (who killed a woman) and Bill Clinton (the first sitting president accused of rape). Tonights another freak show!
With regard to God and Israel and the demo platform... It's clear as day the "NO's" were louder.
Then the democrat Villaraigosa lied and said the "Ayes" had it.
Hey Allie!
Here's a Democrat woman for you: http://thehill.com/video/house/247607-rep-clarke-on-colbert-says-slavery-persisted-in-brooklyn-until-1898
Yay for Democrat Women!
Lowering the Curve for all!
Woo Hoo!
My own best interest is to make sure the democrat party doesn't destroy my life.
Matthew Sablan,
There seems to be a lot more sloganeering at the DNC, which I think is because they are trying to harp on way too many social issues and themes, whereas the RNC was well-focused on the economy.
Oh yeah - the Republicans gave us lots of specifics (sarc) plus we all know the economy is all a president has to deal with, so let's pick a president just on that (double sarc).
My GOD but you guys can be dumb,...
Welcome back Allie, hope all is well with the young family in Costa Rica
There were slogans and mottos at the RNC. But they were -focused-; the DNC is everywhere.
AllieOop said...
"Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, would help all women, not just Democratic women."
Since Lilly didn't pay attention to the deadline, would the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act also permit women to file income taxes on July 1 instead of April 15?
Abort fetuses at the tenth, eleventh, twentieth month?
Pay the mortgage on the 91st day past due?
Pay the electrical bill 45 days past due?
Take the "Morning After Pill" six months later?
Dr. Squid, my daughter and son in law didn't take their flight today, delayed, at least for a day. They will be on the Caribbean side.
AprilApple said...
"My own best interest is to make sure the democrat party doesn't destroy my life."
But since you're a woman (or so I presume), they want to destroy your life by "helping" you.
Since you really shouldn't aspire to anything greater than being "Julia."
Because being a leach is the best we can hope for.
Look, God has broad shoulders. The Israeli's do too.
The difference is that God is in heaven, and the Israelis are in the Middle East, surrounded by many who want to blow them off the face of this earth.
AllieOop said...
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, would help all women, not just Democratic women.
Then why were you idiots trying to pass yet another "equal pay" bill earlier this year?
I have a prediction about Clinton's speech.
Clinton will include a number of phrases from the Bible, but he will not identify them as such.
In this way he will be speaking in a secret language to undecided voters who went to Sunday school and do not hate God the way that mainstream Democrats do.
In this way he will be saying
'Don't let these silly people scare you, God was on my side and he's on Barack's side too. It's save to vote Democrat.'
It's an effective way of reaching middle America, and the media will never notice it.
So the Dems boo God & Jerusalem, and cheer when Pelosi vows to repeal Citizens United.
Talk about values!
Tim's verbal diarrhea all over the thread adding so much. We're lucky to have him.
I have it on very good authority that the slave market at Taos, NM was operative until about 1930.
AllieOop said...
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, would help all women, not just Democratic women.
Too bad it doesn't apply inside the White House.
90% of Rep. Clarke's voters voted for Obama.
Seems idiocy is contagious.
I would like to call your attention to a slight programming change for tonight's game:
Crack MC will be subbing for Ritmo until later this evening when Ritmo hopes his spittle content will be up and ready to pitch again. He had a slight pull in his spit gland due to the length of last night's game, and certainly doesn't want to injure himself had have to be pulled from rotation.
Hagar said...
I have it on very good authority that the slave market at Taos, NM was operative until about 1930."
No doubt.
I'm sure it's in the Congressional Record.
There are no American Tanks in Baghdad!
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - A Democratic state legislator from east Arkansas, his father and two campaign workers pleaded guilty Wednesday to conspiracy to commit election fraud after federal prosecutors said they bribed absentee voters and destroyed ballots in a special election last year.
Isn't it funny that the party that denies there is voter fraud is always out committing voter fraud?
I'm sure it is a big coincidence.
I really hate that the line about banishing ex-presidents hit the mark. I mean, the party did. I didn't. I'm proud of my votes (and work) for GWB. I still hope history treats him better.
I do hope that quote comes back to bite them in the ass, though. These are the people who helped whip up the irrational hate for GWB while he was in office. I wouldn't mind if they felt it a little themselves.
Not very Christian of me at all.
Jews and those who bitterly cling religion thrown under the bus today.
What's baffling is why they would think it would be a good idea first to remove such word from a platform, but then even worse to then try to put them back in.What a nightmare.
I love it.
"Republican women count too, but they vote against their own best interests."
Republican women, like Republican men, decide for themselves what is, and is not, in their own best interests. Which is why they vote Republican. They don't get led around by grievance mongers or fooled by easily falsifiable statistics and sloganeering.
You are, however, correct that the Lily Ledbetter law benefits an important Democrat party interest group. Trial Lawyers.
Rope and Chains 2012
We all belong to the government
I gather the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was a pretty specific, possibly defensible point about a generally odious concept: "equal pay".
I'd like equal pay. I think I'm Michael Jordan!
AllieOop said...
Republican women count too, but they vote against their own best interests.
Oh shut up.
You're beyond stupid and couldn't even begin to explain your silly bumpersticker slogans.
Ok, it's been fun, but time to bug out. Gonna go watch the NFL opener.
No idea who to root against...hate both of these teams.
I'll probably end up rooting against the Giants.
Their fans are much more likely to vote for Obama than Dallas.
Screw 'em. It's as good a reason as any.
The Onion is doing a great job with their parody of a Democreat Convention! LMAO!
Oh, this is the REAL Dem Convention? Wow.
Besides our Professor, there are few feminists frequenting these comments, so let's review one of the many ways that Bill Clinton has committed gross sexual harassment.
An unpaid intern gives the CEO multiple blow jobs.
In exchange senior government officials and a powerful lobbyist visit her home to 'interview' said intern.
The intern is offered two GS-12 jobs and one highly paid job at Revlon.
The intern is hired as full time GS-12, given a TS-SCI clearance, and 'works' in the Pentagon public affairs office.
Thus the thousands of hard working men and women who wait for years for the chance for a job like that are passed over for an air headed bimbo.
That's 100% gross sexual harassment, and when this happens in the military the offender is almost always fired in short order.
But any infanticide supporting Democrat elected official is given a pass by the brain dead women of the Democrat party.
No Tim, but it really happened. The Indians are not always all that impressed by those crazy Anglo laws.
The Congresswoman from Brooklyn, however, was really screwed up on her history as she apparently was talking about Dutch sovereignty and legal slavery persisting until 1898.
I too have a Clinton prediction. He will ,in a winning way, say that BO is the second black president. It will bring the house down and will be echoed in the one humorous moment in the president's acceptance speech.
chickelit said...
It is still telling nearly half the delegates are godless h8ers of Israel."
Did a quick count there bub? What a jerk observation.
Nothing cooler than a gospel choir.
Oh no. I tuned in right at the beginning of the segment called "Women's Health."
Jim Howard notes: But any infanticide supporting Democrat elected official is given a pass by the brain dead women of the Democrat party.
Some may be brain dead but there's no lack of head.
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA, idiot.
Yes quite intelligent Jaytard, thanks for the nickname for Jay, Garage.:)
Lindsey exhaled: Did a quick count there bub? What a jerk observation.
I earballed it.
Garage. I am with you on this one. The Dems should have kept God out of the platform and they should have ignored the topic of the capitol of Israel. They should have stuck to their core beliefs. But in truth that is the way the vote went. Should have asked for IDs.
Planned Parenthood has said it could make money and operate without the government.
--"And calling Clinton a rapist is a stupid partisan taunt on the lines of Bush was a coked up military deserter"--
Open up the files. We can settle it once & for all.
Oh this is so much fun watching the DNC and the democrat party crash and burn on national television.
@Lindsey: Actually, an accurate head count should be tolled. And told.
Clinton would do himself a huge favor by coming down with the flu or shooting himself in the head at this point as an excuse. Whichever comes first.
Oh I get it... men don't get sick.
The Democrats are now bitterly clinging to God & Jerusalem.
Just when you think Democrats finally grew a backbone.
And declared their Jew hatred openly. Right, such a disappointment to you, garbage filth.
Oh yay! REally?
I want my daughter to go to Planned Parenthood! This is my goal in life that my daughter will go to Planned Parenthood.
... every last one of those things she listed? Wrong.
garage mahal said...
Nothing cooler than a gospel choir.
Oh, was that your mom I heard braying in the background? Man, she can hold a tune.
AllieOop said...
Yes quite intelligent Jaytard, thanks for the nickname for Jay, Garage.:)
I'm not the one here posting borderline retarded drivel.
You are.
Carry on.
There was no attempt to end birth control or redefine rape.
Tim said..
"Since you really shouldn't aspire to anything greater than being "Julia."
The life of Julia: Life on the government teet.
No thanks.
The Clinton miracle was the DOT Com bubble fed to a peak by the Y2K stimulus plan. That made everyone feel rich as their 401Ks trippled in paper value causing as measure of consumer spending began to escalate.
Also, outright ignoring of all accounting regulations helped. A lot.
Joe Trippi, Democratic campaign consultant, told Greta Van Susteren last night that party platforms were for the activists of the parties. Presidents always end up doing what they think is best.
Makes the press' and Democrats' caterwauling about the Republican platform LAST WEEK all the more baffling.
And there were always speculation that Mabel Dodge Luhan had actually bought her husband at the Pueblo, though the relationship there certainly did not fit the conventional idea of slave and mistress - at least not in that sense of the word mistress!
Rep Clarke thought that the Dutch were still in charge in New York in 1898 and still had slaves then...
I hope your daughter and brand new son-in-law are all right on their honeymoon what with the earthquake and possible tsunami...
also, Republican women don't vote against their best interests. They are treated like adults who know what their real best interests are, not free birth control and the government for a husband like poor Julia.
Lindsey Meadows said...
chickelit said...
It is still telling nearly half the delegates are godless h8ers of Israel."
Did a quick count there bub? What a jerk observation.
What happened Lindsey? Your pool of possible mates just got cut in half?
--Republican women count too, but they vote against their own best interests.--
Who died and left you boss of me?
... Wait, wait, wait. Ending GOVERNMENT money for Planned Parenthood would not destroy it.
Oh is that a lie?
Mitt Romney is running to shut down Planned Parenthood?
Mitt Romney is running against Roe vs. Wade?
Why do Democrats lie like that? I realize that the excuse is that it's on the Republican *platform*.
Mitt Romney *said* he'll "get rid of planned parenthood?"
Bull. Shit.
... My head hurts. How come so many blatant lies are able to go by without the legion of fact checkers checking them like during the RNC?
Of course Richard Trumka is sensitive to the working class. That is how he avoids belonging to it.
Wow... does a word come out of her mouth that isn't a lie?
The thing is, Allie, PP is not the only option. Many others, even for those who lack insurance.
Obama trusts women enough to pay them less and have a hostile work environment.
Romney trusts women enough to pick one as his Lt. Gov. and by increasing their ability to contribute in Mass. so much that a female liberal college professor from Mass. endorsed him.
... Hard decision on who trusts women more.
Synova, even, if it meant that your daughter prevented an unwanted pregnancy, you would still wish her to not go to Planned Parenthood?
"Synova, even, if it meant that your daughter prevented an unwanted pregnancy, you would still wish her to not go to Planned Parenthood?"
-- Why do Democrats always try to argue through emotion?
There are other options available.
Allie... it's stated as an aspiration that blows my mind.
Planned Parenthood is supposedly so important because girls need birth control they can't get, no questions... but she portrayed herself as involved with her daughter's life.
Everybody that voted on the Democrat Party platform had to show ID to get in there.
Right garage? Right, all you DNC parrots? It's racism to demand ID to vote, according to you. Own the racism of your party.
What a bunch of racists the Democrats are.
But, then again, its always been the party of racists. They just use the carrot, rather than the whip, to control blacks and other brown skinned people anymore.
I must once again say that garage mahal is at least consistent. "Garbage" is Maureen-Dowd-like childishness, ricpic.
Planned Parenthood's latest annual numbers.
Abortions: 330,000.
Pre-natal care: 31,000 women.
Adoption referrals: 840
Yes, please keep screaming about how important Planned Parenthood is.
And remember, none of their public fundings goes to abortions! Noooooo sireeeeeee!!!!
I particularly liked the lie about how Romney and Ryan were pledging to stop insurance from paying for birth control.
Like they're going to prohibit birth control.
And this lady *functions* in her day to day life.
Why get rid of Planned Parenthood? Even if it isn't the only option, it IS an option.
It amuses me that so many people who have moral objections to eating at Chick-fil-A are utterly incapable of understanding why someone might not want to give money to Planned Parenthood.
It's the war against honesty and reason.
"Why get rid of Planned Parenthood? Even if it isn't the only option, it IS an option."
-- Cutting government funding will not get rid of it.
That's right, a guy that built a multi-million dollar company from the ground up, that helped that firm to create numerous others...that guy knows nothing about hard work!
/face palm
By the way, I love watching a political party that whoops & cheers about abortion and gay marriage pretend the Republicans are facing some sort of demographic challenge 20 year years from now.
These people are so dumb it isn't funny.
Obamacare puts Planned Parenthood out of business from a certain POV.
Jay, don't be silly. Subsidies to Planned Parenthood are no more fungible than oil reserves, cash, or votes.
"Why get rid of Planned Parenthood? Even if it isn't the only option, it IS an option."
Get rid of?
Who is trying to get rid of Planned Parenthood?
You didn't just *believe* that woman, did you?
Thanks for the clarification.
no problem. if anyone has yet to see the video of the insertion of God into the democrat platform go over to Hot Air and watch it.
It is high comedy.
Synova said...
Allie... it's stated as an aspiration that blows my mind.
Check. It's the whole projection of welfare as an aspiration. And abortion as an aspiration (well technically, some abortions do use an aspirator).
Clinton handled these matters with more finesse and dignity. I hope he sets a few things straight later on.
Let me see if I can summarize the action from this afternoon:
Yay! Abortion!
AllieOop said...
Why get rid of Planned Parenthood? Even if it isn't the only option, it IS an option.
I think you should go on pretending that without government funding planned parenthood would close.
Really, that is fantastic argument and shows us how you know these dumb Republican woman "vote against their interets"
And declared their Jew hatred openly. Right, such a disappointment to you, garbage filth.
Disappointing in the sense they capitulate to lunatics like you way too much.
Still waiting for the DNC parrots to denounce their racist party for requiring ID to vote.
... I usually really like Hoyer. But, sadly, he has to parrot the talking points I guess.
Why not mention the fact no Democrat voted for Obama's budget?
*Snicker*... because the Democrats always pledge to get Republicans elected.
8% unemployment BETTER THAN 5% unemployment.
A loss of 4% median income BETTER THAN having it.
... We're not better off. It's simple math,
I'm curious. When the Chair covered for them on the platform amendment, we're the delegates booing God or Israel?
Next, they'll be telling us how great the smell of their flatulence is.
So what is the barrier for a Great Recession to a Depression??
And if Obama pulled us out of a Great Recession, wouldn't we have to far that much further to a Great Depression? We couldn't have been close to a Great Depression as Mr. Hoyer says. It's just semantics but it bugs me.
And of course Mr. Hoyer is better off than 4 years ago, he works for the government!
Oh and Planned Parenthood spent $56 million in lobbying expenses in 2009-2010
Isn't that nice?
Son of a bitch Obama! I love donut holes!
Democrats were unanimous in striking down the Obama budget too.
Once ObamaCare kicks in, every woman should have insurance coverage that would allow her to choose a primary care physician and a ob/gyn, right? Why would she choose a low cost clinic where she might never see the same doctor twice? Should any woman prefer to use a clinic instead of a private practice doctor, she'll have her own insurance to pay for her visit. Planned Parenthood shouldn't need any more government aid than that.
Why get rid of Planned Parenthood?
Kind of a dumb question, given that neither party is proposing we should.
If you want to ask why we should get rid of public funding for it, well, surely you don't need it explained to you why it is inappropriate to use tax money to fund activity most Americans consider immoral?
48% of Planned Parenthood's revenues come from abortions.
Isn't that nice?
Don't they deserve government funding?
"I'm curious. When the Chair covered for them on the platform amendment, we're the delegates booing God or Israel?"
It was both. But I think they were booing because Villaraigosa passed the 2 amendments when it clearly was not a 2/3 approval.
Villaraigosa passed the 2 amendments when it clearly was not a 2/3 approval.
Watching him be all clueless and blinkered was hilarious.
Wow. I cannot believe they are booing God at the DNC.
We'll see if the media covers this.
USA Today buries it under a "restores God" headline. Yeah, yeah, that's the story.
Fox is on it.
Wonkette says Democrats are insane
This is such a story I don't think the libs can bury it. Wow. The mask is off. Yes, the Democrats hate God. And Israel!
Revenant, birth control is immoral?
Hi Allie, so happy that the bride and groom are safe!
Now back to the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act...
Just for the sake of discussion, let's say Althouse decides she will pay each of her regular commenters for being in the position of "Commenter at Althouse". She gives us each $10.00 per day.
So you, me, DustyBunny Queen, Lindsey Meadows, Synova, for example, get the same pay.
AND! So do all the gents! We get equal pay to chickie and tradguy and bagoh and Revenant and Cedarford and Crack and Titus and garage and Cook and CHIP too!
Ha ha
That surely seems Lily Ledbetter "fair" to me!
And I don't care when Althouse goes out of the Salon blogging business because it costs her more to manage the riotous results of "equal"...because I GOT my fair share.
"Watching him be all clueless and blinkered was hilarious."
- Ahhh...let me do that again, Villaraigosa
can't wait to see that debacle in an upcoming ad.
You're right out of the USSR, garbage. Opposition to your sickening agenda must either be killed (the preferable option) or declared "lunatic" and be administered shock treatment till they "get it right." What truly execrable filth you are.
Revenant, birth control is immoral?
Doubling down on "dumb", Allie?
"Revenant, birth control is immoral?"
There is no reason to be deliberately obtuse Allie.
This segment was preceded by a treacly video with a song about "a woman's voice," which apparently, "can sing any song." Okay. Sing "A Boy Named Sue." Gotcha! Didn't I?
For the sake of everyone related to you, please walk away from the keyboard immediately.
Planned Parenthood does far more birth control than abortions. How difficult is that to understand, who is being obtuse now?
AllieOop said...
Why get rid of Planned Parenthood? Even if it isn't the only option, it IS an option.
Listen you fucking wig monkey. No one wants to get rid of Planned Parenthood, the death centers for the innocent. What is being asked is to not federally fund them with tax payer dollars. Do you see the distinction you mentally clumsy cow?
activity most Americans consider immoral?
Complete and utter bullshit.
Now back to the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act...
This was allegedly one of Obama's signature legislative achievements.
Yet the Dems are still screaming about "equal pay"
Funny how that works, huh?
Penny wrote: Just for the sake of discussion, let's say Althouse decides she will pay each of her regular commenters for being in the position of "Commenter at Althouse". She gives us each $10.00 per day.
Suppose instead that commenters paid for the privilege or Althouse went private with a subscription? That would quickly sort the wit from the chafe commenter-wise.
AllieOop said...
Planned Parenthood does far more birth control than abortions. How difficult is that to understand,
97% of Planned Parenthood's services to pregnant women are abortions.
How difficult is it to understand Planned Parenthood is an abortion factory?
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