५ सप्टेंबर, २०१२

Live-blogging Day 2 of the Democratic Convention.

5:34 Central Time: I jump in, watching C-SPAN, just in time to see the ever-bold, ever-confident Chuck Schumer stride onto the stage. He says: "Tonight, we welcome a New Yorker: President Bill Clinton as our prime time speaker." He does a little fist pump on "speaker." "It's no accident that Democrats celebrate" — a bigger fist pump — "our past Presidents, while Republicans virtually banish theirs" — biggest fist pump and a big smile.

6:40: Emanuel Cleaver gets the conventioneers fired up, but the hoarse-throated yelling doesn't play so well over the television, just like the Howard Dean scream seemed nutty outside of the room where the scream was screamed.

6:48: "Mitt Romney doesn't know a thing about hard work or responsibility," says the president of the AFL-CIO, Richard Trumka, who likes to portray work as "mopping, vacuuming, and picking up our trash."

7:01: President Obama has focused on jobs since Day 1, says Nancy Pelosi. So... do we get to judge him by the result, or does he get reelection for effort?

7:07: Lots of Dems tonight are talking about "the American Dream," as, of course, the GOP did last week. It's kind of nice to see so much consensus about the idea of individuals working hard — for themselves and their families — and succeeding economically, and interesting that everyone's enthusiastic about calling that "American," as though they're into patriotism, even though I imagine it's the dream among all human beings to be able to achieve economic well-being for themselves and their families through their own work. The real question, rather obviously, is which party will do better for these American dreamers of the American dream. What is the Democrats' argument here? I really don't see it. They seem to be copying the Republicans' theme, criticizing the Republicans for saying it, and insisting they have some dream-boosting methodology.

7:15: Another parade of women. Last night's was the women of the House. Now, it's the women of the Senate. This segment was preceded by a treacly video with a song about "a woman's voice," which apparently, "can sing any song." Okay. Sing "A Boy Named Sue." Gotcha! Didn't I?

7:25: American Idol runner-up Jessica Sanchez sings "You're all I need to get by...." And then a video of Barack Obama comes on.

7:28: A young woman promotes Planned Parenthood, where she found a nurse who was able to diagnose her endometriosis, after a whole lot of doctors had no idea what was wrong with her and even accused her of being some sort of drama queen. What the hell kind of crap doctors was she going to? Come on. Endometriosis is a standard ailment. Are we to think misogyny prevents its detection? (I can't be fact checking, but, seriously, who were these doctors who couldn't diagnose endometriosis?)

7:32: The president of Planned Parenthood asserts that "Mitt Romney says he'll get rid of Planned Parenthood." Can I get a fact check? I just don't believe that.

9:16: Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I've been bored to tears. Now, it's Elizabeth Warren, so...  She's excited about going on before Bill Clinton, who "had the good sense to marry one of the coolest women on the planet."

9:20: "The system is rigged," Elizabeth Warren asserts.

9:36: I found Warren pretty boring. When the crowd chanted "Warren, Warren," it sounded like "boring, boring." What was boring was mainly what was boring about so many of the other speeches. So much talk about economic opportunity, with no noticeable plan for furthering it, other than statements about how other people out there — not you! — ought to pay their "fair share" of taxes, and this doctrine that you've got to build the economy from the middle out. She got fervent about the notion that corporation are not people. They don't have hearts, and they don't die, and so forth.

9:38: Bill Clinton says: "I want to nominate a man who's cool on the outside, but who burns for America on the inside."

9:58: Clinton goes on at great length on the topic of how Republicans won't cooperate and compromise and work with the Democrats. Then he says he watched the GOP convention last week:"Did y'all watch their convention? I did."
In Tampa, the Republican argument against the President's reelection was actually pretty simple, pretty snappy. It went something like this: We left him a total mess, he hasn't cleaned it up fast enough, so fire him and put us back in. But they did it well. They looked good. They sounded good. 
And he says he was convinced they were "honorable people," who really believe what they said and will keep their commitments, so the key for Democrats is to make sure people understand what they believe.

10:09: Wow, he's going on a long time. It's reminiscent of his DNC keynote speech in 1988, when his going on too long turned into a huge joke. That was Clinton's original national reputation: The guy who talked too long.

10:27: It's almost 20 minutes since I said "Wow, he's going on a long time," and he's still going. This is insane. His inflections are getting wacky, like he's in love with how cute he is.

10:38: Finally, it's over. He spoke for 50 minutes. That was really self-indulgent.

11:04 (my time, after pausing): Obama comes out to interact with Clinton. Clinton gives a low bow. And now, they still have to do the roll call. I feel sorry for the kiddies in the crowd. It's late! 

९०६ टिप्पण्या:

«सर्वात जुने   ‹थोडे जुने   906 पैकी 601 – 800   नवीन›   नवीनतम»
SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

Right, Bill, Obama the Great Compromiser. Mr. I Won.

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

Right, Bill, Obama the Great Compromiser. Mr. I Won.

Indigo Red म्हणाले...

Wish there was a "like" button on comments here.

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

Right, Bill, Obama the Great Compromiser. Mr. I Won.

Synova म्हणाले...

Oh... his examples of Obama's record on cooperation is all with other Democrats.

Okay then.

edutcher म्हणाले...

God, what drivel!

As someone observed, it's interesting, in ticking off her bio, Fauxcahontas never mentioned her Cherokee ancestry.

She also never brought up, "You didn't build that".

So, do you have to be as colossal a liar as Ms Fluck or as delusional as Willie to be a Democrat? Lizzie may be both.

Funny how she never brought up all the sweetheart deals Ol' Joe made with credit card companies.

PS Did it seem to anyone else that a lot of the people in that hall seemed awfully disengaged for all the noise we heard?

Again, mittens already had a govt. tryout leaving office w/a 36% job approval rating and no chance for re-election.

Indeed, there's a reason willard doesn't talk about his MA gov term as he was a complete failure!

The little animal forgets the budget reform, the fact taxes weren't raised, and that jobs in MA increased.

He also wants everyone to forget Zero is at 43% and dropping right now.

Don't stop thinkin' about tomorrow cons! :)

We won't. Halo Joe and Zero in his smaller venue.

What fun!

And don't stop thinking about Friday and those swell new jobs numbers, considering manufacturing is down for a third month and construction is flat.

This is what Lizzie and Zero want for all sectors of the economy.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

I got to give it to Bill.. he knows how to work a crowd.. While dissing his own people.

He just remind them they didn't choose Hilary.

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

Sorry about the triple. Not sure what happened.

Chuck66 म्हणाले...

Michael, do you think Juanita Broaddrick said the same thing?

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Obama never, in good faith, tried to work with Republicans on any of those topics.

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

Are they yelling "four more years" for Bill or Barack??

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

Man, I would hate to be a politician - you have to say the damnedest shit with a straight face.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Er... he actually has made it worse. I won't re-show the numbers.

Ellen म्हणाले...

Bill "suck mine" Clinton.

jr565 म्हणाले...

I love how he's talking about how we need cooperation. Compare that to every other speaker who's been saying the republicans hate the middle class and women etc etc etc. fuck you bill Clinton. Or rather, fuck all the other democrats who are proving him to be a liar.
I love how he also hates that the repubs are voting to kick people out of the republican party because they don't hate the president.
Let's not forget the democrats treatment of Joe Lieberman because he was supportive of the Iraq war and George Bush only in that most limited of cases. And he had to run again as an independent. Even though he had been Al Gores pick for VP only after years earlier. Again F democrats and their fake calls for cooperation and politics as a non blood sport.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Clinton is jaw droppingly slick while laying out the same things that have been debunked the entire time.

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

Is anyone going to talk about anything relevant during this convention? I'm sure many people find Clinton funny and charming, but actually he's a gasbag. Always has been.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

By "want to be" we mean "were promised."

Bob Ellison म्हणाले...

Too hoarse. Too grey. I wish it weren't so.

I'm reminded of Tom Harkin's ridiculous defense of Clinton's admitted sexual harassment in the well of the Senate. All emotion; no facts.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe म्हणाले...

"I want to nominate a man who's cool on the outside, but who burns for America on the inside."

Sounds like a Domino's lava crunch cake!

edutcher म्हणाले...

(Godwin alert) was able to have the same effect.

It's astounding how popular you can be when you tell people what they want to hear.

Or what they think they want to hear.

Known Unknown म्हणाले...

Bain targeted businesses where it believed a profit could be made. It's that simple.

It takes two to tango. A company has to sell in order to be sold.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

Now you know damned well Clinton does not believe what he's saying right now. But he does it anyway. I think that makes him worse than the idiots that came before and will follow.

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

The economy was out of recession before you took office, Bubba. You performed no magic.

Ellen म्हणाले...

Bill "building a bridge" to 2016 Clinton

Chuck66 म्हणाले...

"Bain targeted businesses where it believed a profit could be made."

Soooo what is the problem with that? Staples and Sports Authority thrived under Bain. No one wanted to buy Wards or Woolworths.

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

No you don't, Bill.

Ellen म्हणाले...

George "pepfar" Bush

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

You will FEEL IT

NotWhoIUsedtoBe म्हणाले...

If most of what Planned Parenthood does has nothing to do with abortion, then why not just stop the abortions?

Since it's so unimportant.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Bill says I don't know if you believe me.. but I believe me.

So lets get back to the story.

Indigo Red म्हणाले...

21st Century version of the American Dream!? Hell, I'm still waiting for my flying car from the 20th century.

Ellen म्हणाले...

Rahm"hahahaha broken clock right twice a day" Emmanual

edutcher म्हणाले...

Bob Ellison said...

Too hoarse. Too grey. I wish it weren't so.

He's 2 years older than me, but looks a Hell of a lot worse.

Any bets he'll see 2020?

I'm reminded of Tom Harkin's ridiculous defense of Clinton's admitted sexual harassment in the well of the Senate. All emotion; no facts.


What the Hell are you, a Conservative or something?

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

Just remember how he looked you in the eye and said:

"But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time; never. These allegations are false. And I need to go back to work for the American people."

And that was just about sex.

Synova म्हणाले...

"The economy was out of recession before you took office, Bubba. You performed no magic."

And the Republicans had Congress.

The all powerful Republican congress, now, is responsible for Obama's failures.

DADvocate म्हणाले...

What?! Clinton's nominating someone other than Obama?!

DADvocate म्हणाले...

Corporations die every day.40% of restaurants fail within a year. Most are incorporated.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe म्हणाले...

What Bill said: "No one could have fixed this economy in four years."

What Bill means: "I did it in two."

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

I'm now remembering how much I disliked BillyJeff and why.

Indigo Red म्हणाले...

I'm about ready to vote for Bill Clinton.

Synova म्हणाले...

I like how he says these big numbers like they mean something.

Unemployment is holding at about the BIRTH RATE of new citizens, at about the rate new people enter the work-force. So what we're seeing is not growth. It's stagnation.

The new normal.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe म्हणाले...

If Obama had Hillary as Veep this election would be over.

The fact that he doesn't should be a topic for discussion.

Biden? Really?

Bob Ellison म्हणाले...

Indigo Red, I'm ready to vote for Bubba again as well, because he got rolled by the GOP. That worked!

DADvocate म्हणाले...

Three lies Bill tells:
Obama has a plan to help the economy.
Obama cares about the middle class.
He (Bill) won't come in your mouth.

rasqual म्हणाले...

So basically, the student loan plan is serfdom. :-\

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Its a Bill Clinton take over.

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

From the man who thought he could shove HillaryCare down our throats.

hombre म्हणाले...

Bill winding down the "how stupid are you?" speech.

Paddy O म्हणाले...

Lem, I still am working on Synova's advice.

(also, your comments, as always, are appreciated as well)

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Isn't Bill passed his bedtime?

NotWhoIUsedtoBe म्हणाले...

This really shows us the contrast between what we thought we were voting for (another Clinton) and what we got.

Where's Hillary? Still over the Pacific? Doesn't anyone find this odd?

Synova म्हणाले...

College degree = debt + no employment.

Oh wait... he's just claiming that if you don't get a job, or you get a crappy job, you don't have to pay your debt back. You never have to pay your loans back.


(I just had to go through my own and my son's extensive government mandated student loan counseling... some how I got the impression that the only way to get out of your student debt was to die.)

People eat up this shit.

edutcher म्हणाले...

John Lynch said...

If Obama had Hillary as Veep this election would be over.

No, we'd find she's as bad a Veep candidate as she was a POTUS candidate.

Remember, it takes a village so nobody built anything.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...


XRay म्हणाले...

Really, I just watched two minutes of Bill Clintons bullshit. I deserve an award I think.

What claptrap, truly.

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

"Look, here's what really happened..."

That means "I'm about to tell you a big fat lie, but you'll believe it because I'm that good."

ALH म्हणाले...

"cool on the outside, but who burns...on the inside."

Sounds like someone needs some penicillin.

J Allen म्हणाले...

Was it planned or coincidence that Warren was wearing blue?

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

(also, your comments, as always, are appreciated as well)

Thanks PaddyO

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

See, Ryan had savings. Obama actually had cuts.

Bob Ellison म्हणाले...

It depends on what the meaning of property is.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

He got them back with humor.

edutcher म्हणाले...

Ditzy Debbie has cancelled all interviews in the wake of the platform mess.

Every time you think it can't get better...

Lem said...

Isn't Bill passed his bedtime?

He's past his expiration date.

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

How can these jokers possibly expect to sell the ridiculous notion that cutting provider payments will have no effect on patient care?

Synova म्हणाले...

So... Ryan did what Obama did... Ryan's budget did what Obama did... the good thing that Obama did is what Ryan had in his budget.

rasqual म्हणाले...

I'll say this for Clinton -- he's given the fact-checkers more fodder than any speech to date in either convention.

The question I have is whether they'll do an honest job of it.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe म्हणाले...


But she won the popular vote! More people voted for Hillary!

What I mean is that if the Democrats really wanted to get the women voters they say they want, that would be the way to do it.

The fact that they don't take the final obvious step is interesting, isn't it?

And Hillary has actually done a good job at State. All the diplomacy that has worked (the Pacific entente comes to mind) didn't seem to originate in the White House.

I'm not being totally facetious. It is interesting that Hillary is invisible while Bill is obviously very much in the spotlight. Isn't it?

Ellen म्हणाले...

Bill I'm fixing to tell you Clinton

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

End Medicare as we know it -- AKA, the Lie of the Year for 2011 -- repeated on stage

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Er... that's not how it happened. They did not need "a credible plan" they needed to simply show that they had a plan and they thought it would work.

tiger म्हणाले...

Just read about the Dem San Antonio Mayor rigging the vote on adding "God" and "Jerusalem" back into their platform.

Turns out he never got the 2/3 'yes' votes to have it reinstated but said it passed anyway.

AMAZING watching this party practically self-destruct.


jr565 म्हणाले...

I love how Clinton uses the autistic kids and the kids with disabilities as his case for how the republicans are out to destroy Medicaid.
Wait a sec, aren't these the kids that the dems think we should abort? .

jrberg3 म्हणाले...

so wait, did he just say they did change the work requirements before saying they didn't?

TmjUtah म्हणाले...

I do understand what Democrats... want.

There is no "believe" there. Just a whole lot of want. "Gimmee what I am entitled to!"

There is no belief. Just a determination to get whatever they can grasp. And since it's easier to take when you have the badge and the gun, that's where they want to be.

You can't shame a liberal. Their convention makes a third rate traveling circus look like high culture.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...


Bill says Obama is tougher on welfare to work?

Bill you big fat liar.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

He's still going.

hombre म्हणाले...

He's just repeated FactCheck.org's lie of the year' "the Republican plan will end Medicare as we know it."

What balls!

jrberg3 म्हणाले...

how in the world can he spin the debt problem in Obama's favor?

a reasonable plan that not one Senator voted for, not one.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

Tight controls on future spending...


अनामित म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
jrberg3 म्हणाले...

Ear scratch....here comes a whopper!

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...


People are falling asleep again.

jrberg3 म्हणाले...

how did he get 4 surplus budgets in a row? shouldn't he be asking Newt?

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

I've been waiting for Bill to talk about his "surpluses." You go, Bill. Keep the dream alive.

Shouting Thomas म्हणाले...

Jesus, am I glad I had a rehearsal tonight.

Do any of the commenters on this thread think that they are changing anybody's mind?

I'm also glad I'm not watching tonight. Particularly glad I missed Warren. One of the worse demagogues around. That woman is plain evil.

Indigo Red म्हणाले...

ARITHMETIC! Shiver just ran up Obama's leg.

Bob Ellison म्हणाले...

Some musical performers like to play forever. The Grateful Dead were famous for going on without clear endings in sight. Clinton is the speaking equivalent. He'll keep going. He's been at it for what, thirty minutes now? I hoped I'd see a closing statement, but I've got to get up early.

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

Where's all the money gonna come from, Bill? You got an answer for that?? Because as it stands, there isn't enough money on the planet to pay our debt and meet our future obligations as they stand. So, where do we go to get it??

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

Oh puke. I hate his aw shucks schtick.

अनामित म्हणाले...

funny how Woodward writes that Obama, through his desire to win at all costs, torpedoed a budget deal wih Boehner at the last minute...after the NYT article on his micromanagement, egotism, and indecision, we are seeing a much clearer picture of the man who has done so much harm to our country.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe म्हणाले...

Clinton is talking about how he was different than Obama.

Budget surpluses, welfare reform, economic growth, low unemployment.

Isn't this compare and contrast?

He's helping Obama, huh?

jrberg3 म्हणाले...

this is going on way too long....

Clinton is the only man who can balance a budget! He had no help from anyone else.

double down on trickle down! he wants that one to stick.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Finally he said something they understand..

Double down on trickle down.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

The arithmetic test? Really? The Obama plan that is leading to 4% drop in median income, a booming unemployment rate and debt... that passes it?

Johanna Lapp म्हणाले...

Whenever I see a Dem talk about President Obama's willingness to work with the Republicans in search of compromise, I hear the voice of Terence Stamp: "Kneel before Zod!"

They praise the many ideas Obama has adopted from Republicans, like crunchy rye toast, brilliant green lettuce, flavorful beefsteak tomatoes and the tangy goodness of Miracle Whip. But the compromise on the plate is still a shit, lettuce and tomato sandwich.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Oh. Wow. Clinton went all in on accusing Republicans of racism. But, no hate.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

I'm not watching, but is Drudge correct?

Was there a complete collapse at the convention?

Over God?

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

The "Dreamers" were brought here so they could serve in the military and go to college??

NotWhoIUsedtoBe म्हणाले...

The Bill Clinton of the phantom church burning epidemic returns.

Synova म्हणाले...

Wow, how long has he been talking?

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

Don't you get the the distinct impression that it doesn't matter what Bill needs to say, he can say it, and just loves having people listen. I bet the Republicans could have gotten him to speak at their show too. He was probably waiting for that call. You know what? He would have been a great conservative that night, and just happy as shit about it too.

shiloh म्हणाले...

Like last nite cons ...

Game Over !!!

Thanx for comin' ~ please drive safely! :)

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

Lots of objective, non-partisan lack of snark on the board tonight.

The fact that you feel this pissy about an objectively very successful president tells us how little you care about the country.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

Thanks for letting us know.

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

Why, he's a rock star!

NotWhoIUsedtoBe म्हणाले...


Yeah, they railroaded a voice vote to put the word "God" in the platform and to state that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

There's video of the three votes, after which the chairman simply passed the resolution anyway.

It needed 2/3 to pass, and it obviously didn't get it.

Indigo Red म्हणाले...

Thank you, God! He's done! (and I'm atheist.)

अनामित म्हणाले...

Big win, bigger than 53% this time, my prediction.

Ellen म्हणाले...

Bill "I'm here to tell you what happened" Clinton

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Obama shows up from behind the podium and motions like hes going to play basketball with Bill.. Bill just stood there and waited for Obama to come to him.

Shouting Thomas म्हणाले...

Ritmo, you are funny as hell.

You do nothing here besides partisan snark and vicious insults.

What in the fuck are you talking about?

Sometimes, I wonder if you are just making jokes. You are positively the worst commenter ever at this site when it comes to snark and vicious insults for the sake of vicious insults.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Did Biden even get to speak tonight?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

And isn't it nice that, unlike Republicans, they don't have to steal the songwriters' works?

अनामित म्हणाले...

Bill can still bring it home. I don't believe him, but he did the job.

Nice touch with Tom Petty's "Won't Back Down."

Clinton is the master politician of his generation.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe म्हणाले...


It's amazing that Obama would let a much more successful, self-aggrandizing, ex-President make a speech to the DNC.

Especially one this long! The audience can't escape the implication that Bill's first term was so much better than Obama's.

Chuck66 म्हणाले...

The surpluses

-tech boom lead to high tax receipts

-Insanely low gas prices subsidized the economy.

-Newt and the Republican congress helped greatly

-What did Clinton do to work on long term structural spending? Medicare for example. Answer...nothing.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

AllieOop said...
Big win, bigger than 53% this time, my prediction.


bagoh20 म्हणाले...

"Was there a complete collapse at the convention?

Over God?"

Yes, and Israel, but it was very honest. An incredibly honest display of dishonesty. You should watch it. I sent my mayor out there knowing he would screw it up, and he never fails to meet his potential. He failed the Bar exam 4 times, then became mayor. The Peter Principle.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

You do nothing here besides partisan snark and vicious insults.

I know how to put it aside when it comes to an obviously unifying and successful presence.

Maybe you can, too.

cubanbob म्हणाले...

Clinton is just being Clinton, full of shit as always.
What was it that was said of the Clintons back in 90's?

What usually good liars they were.

According to Clinton, Warren & Co. if you made it in life you didn't do it on your own, others (the government) helped you but if if you are a failure well we had nothing to do with that.

Bill said how wonderful Obamacare but ask your doctor how many new medicare and medicaid patients they are taking on.

According to Bill everyone should have the right to borrow hundreds of thousands of dollars to go to school to get a degree that pays less than being a plumber and the debtor only has to pay back what they can afford.

The man who is cool on the outside but hot on the inside, Clinton is describing a man with the clap.

The bullshit is piling up so high in Charlotte that you need wings to fly over it.

Chuck66 म्हणाले...

The voice vote on God and Israel....is it true the the telepompter told him to say "passed"?

Indigo Red म्हणाले...

Again Villaragosa can't hear. I heard a 'no' vote on the seconding motion.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

Especially one this long! The audience can't escape the implication that Bill's first term was so much better than Obama's.

This is just a way of saying that the mess left for him by Bush Sr. wasn't as devastatingly shitty as the one left by Bush Jr.

Own it. Stop hiding your president's legacy.

As Clinton said, the best you can do is complain: "He didn't clean up the mess we made fast enough!"

Hell of a slogan.

Dilly म्हणाले...

Re: 7:25: American Idol runner-up Jessica Sanchez sings "You're all I need to get by...." And then a video of Barack Obama comes on.

I found this disturbingly creepy. I wonder if Jessica even knew what was going on behind her.

Do Democrats really think this way? All they need is Obama to get by in life? That was disturbing, and I felt bad for Jessica Sanchez being used like that while she was putting on such an incredible performance.

Shouting Thomas म्हणाले...

I voted for Clinton twice, Ritmo.

I was also in favor of him being convicted and removed from office for lying to a Federal grand jury.

No malice involved. It was just the right thing to do.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

A legacy of significantly less unemployment, higher incomes and less debt?

Yeah. Not hiding it.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

We nominate our dear leader.

What is this North Korea?

edutcher म्हणाले...

jr565 said...

I love how Clinton uses the autistic kids and the kids with disabilities as his case for how the republicans are out to destroy Medicaid.
Wait a sec, aren't these the kids that the dems think we should abort?

No, those are the ones that the death panels will deny medication, treatment, and feeding so they die in their hospital beds.

Just the way it happens in the NHS.

Which Dr Berwick loves.

And he will be back as ObamaTax Czar in a second term.

John Lynch said...


But she won the popular vote! More people voted for Hillary!

The name of the game is delegates, not votes.

She tried to do what the Demos claim Dubya did in '00, but Barry had her by the short and, oh well.

What I mean is that if the Democrats really wanted to get the women voters they say they want, that would be the way to do it.

She lost because she was a lousy candidate.

And Willie turned out to be nowhere as good at running a campaign as Dick Morris.

The fact that they don't take the final obvious step is interesting, isn't it?

And Hillary has actually done a good job at State.

You will get a lot of argument on that one.

jrberg3 म्हणाले...

Big win, bigger than 53% this time, my prediction.

taking bets allie?

अनामित म्हणाले...

Big win, bigger than 53% this time, my prediction.

Allie: Why? That was one speech, a good one, but one speech against a wall of pain, much incompetence, and facing a much stronger ticket.

Obama 2008 was a perfect wave for Democrats. Not so this time.

PianoLessons म्हणाले...

I thought it was weird and very disconnected to the 'new normal' we Americans have had to adapt to after September 11 that Bill Clinton never mentioned Osama Bid Laden at all.

I think I know why but....it was just kind of conspicuous in its absence.

And I also never really heard him say Obama's name very much - I mean, you know - actually name the man who is our current president.

redcybra म्हणाले...

Don't you wish you were in the Cook Islands with Hilary, having a mai tai and congratulating yourself on escaping this mess?

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

"Big win, bigger than 53% this time, my prediction.
taking bets allie?"

She is very sly - she didn't say who would win big.

bbkingfish म्हणाले...

Ann said:

"Wow, he's going on a long time."

Yep. The speech was about 30 minutes too long for Mitt's good.

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...


There were no surpluses. It's a myth. We spent at a deficit every year Clinton was in office. We increased the national debt every year Clinton was in office. One year when they ended up borrowing more money from the trust funds than they actually needed, Clinton made a big show of paying down the public debt. The national debt, on the other hand, kept increasing as those IOUs in Agore's lock box kept piling up.

Shouting Thomas म्हणाले...

Hell of a brawl folks!

I'm gonna take a shower and go to bed.

And, once again, I thank God that I didn't listen to that vicious, evil lying cunt, Liz Warren.

Of all the low, worthless bastards on the political scene, she is the lowest.

Have fun slugging it out, folks. Allie, time for you to get a grip on how much damage that "niceness" thing you've got going can do. I know that is practically imposssible for you to understand. Give it a try.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe म्हणाले...


I lived through the 90s. If you believed the Democrats, it was the Depression all over again. The 91 recession was right after I got out of high school. It existed.

Clinton took credit for fixing it, too.

How are we supposed to tell that the lack of a recovery is because of external factors or just incompetence?

I've lived through 4 bad recessions. 1981-2, 1991, 2001, and 2008-. None were this bad, and none had Obama as President. What am I supposed to think?

If McCain were President, he'd get the blame. It's only fair.

Jane the Actuary म्हणाले...

Neat trick: the networks agree to an hour of airtime. So have your last speaker just "happen to" speak for 1/2 longer than the scheduled time. Bingo! 50% more free airtime.

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

Goldwater's granddaughter is an idiot.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

If McCain were President, he'd get the blame. It's only fair.

Bull John. If he were moving it in the right direction, then I'd give him credit for that.

Of course, he might not have the shameless obstruction for the sake of opportunism that the Republicans are providing.

I'm not as partisan and unpatriotic as them. Sue me.

अनामित म्हणाले...

No Creely, not just president Clinton's speech, Elizabeth Warren and Sandra Fluke's too. Too much truth for one night?

NotWhoIUsedtoBe म्हणाले...


Bill Clinton was famous for doing that same trick 20 years ago.

Shouting Thomas म्हणाले...

Before I go to bed, I'd like to paraphrase a quote from Warren tonight.

The system is rigged! And, I should know, because I'm one of the bastards who rigged it!

Good night!

edutcher म्हणाले...

Oop thinks Zero will win on a self-aggrandizing speech by a guy who hates him.

Lotsa luck on that one.

Kathy said...

I thought it was weird and very disconnected to the 'new normal' we Americans have had to adapt to after September 11 that Bill Clinton never mentioned Osama Bid Laden at all.

Maybe because it would remind people he was offered bin Laden on a silver platter and turned it down, thus passing up the possibility of stopping 9/11 before it got off the ground.

So to speak.

PS The budget surpluses, as Sukie notes, were all in the out years.

Willie balanced nothing.

It can be looked up.

tiger म्हणाले...

edutcher said...
The Demos voted against God and Jerusalem before they voted for them.

And we have a WINNAH!!!

jungatheart म्हणाले...

When Clinton was done, I think Obama didn't give him quite enough time to enjoy the moment, so Clinton hurried their exit and didn't spend time with Obama onstage, sharing the limelight.

edutcher म्हणाले...

AllieOop said...

No Creely, not just president Clinton's speech, Elizabeth Warren and Sandra Fluke's too. Too much truth for one night?

No, more lies than any sane person should have to hear knowing there are people dumb enough to buy them.

Or corrupt enough like Oop to try to sell them as truth.

cubanbob म्हणाले...

I want the lefties here to explain to me why when there are more unemployed today then the number unemployed on 1/20/2009 but this is a recovery?

Carville was right in 92 when he said it the economy, stupid?

The question isn't just are you better off than you were four years ago but do you want for more years of this?
Is the country better off than four years ago?

But for the 1990 Saddam Hussein recession (that ended in the spring of 92) and Ross Perot he never would have been president. Without Newt he never would have signed the welfare reform. Clinton had nothing to do with the recovery of 92, GWB resolved that when he kicked Saddam out of Kuwait and the recovery regain the momentum it had from Reagan and GWB.

Paddy O म्हणाले...

"Clinton's, Elizabeth Warren and Sandra Fluke"

Ooh, time to play the lyin' politicians game again!

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Ritmo would not give McCain credit, as he is unwilling to lay any blame for Obama's failed economy at Obama's feet.

tiger म्हणाले...

Indigo Red said...
Wish there was a "like" button on comments here.

Funny but I was just thinking the same thing.

FARK has 'smart' and 'funny' buttons you can use to compliment a post and I was gonna suggest the Professor give some thought to adding them here.

Especially on a thread like this.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe म्हणाले...


We're not moving anywhere. I wish we were.

I've got a friend who left town because he needed a better job. He cannot find one in his new town. He applies for a job and has to compete with hundreds of people every time. He's an amazing interview, but he has to get one first. He didn't get one for a job in which he had 9 years' experience and an amazing resume. That's happened over... and over... the man has three kids.

Before the pizzas I had to work two jobs because I couldn't get hours. And I had amazing evals.

You cannot be middle class without a job.

I love Domino's, I really do, but... what if I didn't? I'd be screwed. There are no jobs out there.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Here's some truth for Allie:

"John Nolte þ@NolteNC Gallup predicts unemployment increase on Friday to 8.6 or 8.7% WOW "

Like most Americans, I spent the evening watching football, so I missed the old rapist's speech. How many times did Allie and garage, etc. orgasm?

Tim म्हणाले...

It's early, but it doesn't look like the NY Giants will repeat as Super Bowl Champions this year.

Cowboys looked good, but I don't think the 'Niners and the Packers have anything to fear, based upon tonight's performance.

Tim म्हणाले...

I'm pretty sure I missed nothing noteworthy from Charlotte; NBC interrupted half time with a report from the DNC; that grinning Jackal, David Gregory, sitting next to Brian Williams, looked like he was stoned.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

We're not moving anywhere. I wish we were.

Either Republican obstruction is exacerbating this or ameliorating it.

And the leader of the congressional Republicans is on record as saying that making Obama a one-term president (i.e. giving something for us to blame him for) was their #1 priority.

Take it from him, John. Stop being duped.

They used the country's economy as a bargaining chip because they felt they could only win by playing it that way.

It's shameless and immoral. I won't vote with them in their current form for this fact alone.

You will, though. That says something.

You are obviously beyond reason here.

अनामित म्हणाले...

No Creely, not just president Clinton's speech, Elizabeth Warren and Sandra Fluke's too. Too much truth for one night?

Allie: Your mileage may vary when it comes to truth. As I said, I didn't believe Bill either.

So your position is that those three speeches are going to give Obama a bigger win this year than in 2008? And because of their sheer truthiness?

Never mind that Obama won't be able to outspend Romney 5:1 in the final weeks and in fact will be outpsent by a considerable factor. Never mind that the polls saying that Republicans have pulled even with Democrats in party identification. Never mind that Obama has a very attackable record this time. Etc.

Your claim makes little sense to me. I'll grant that Obama could win, but not by a greater margin than 2008.

You seem to making

Irene म्हणाले...

Clinton still uses the finger wag when ... he wants to make a point.

He seems to be aware of it's significance, because he asserts that he believes what he is saying.

अनामित म्हणाले...

...to be making an emotional argument on the basis of a few convention speeches.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Yeah, Tim, Eli just wasn't getting it done tonight.

I also watched the Brewers game. We're only 3 games behind 500 now. Just getting to 500 is all I ask after the dreadful season they've had.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe म्हणाले...

So, if the President isn't responsible but the Congress is, then we should elect a Republican President and a Democratic Congress.

There's no escaping responsibility. Reagan had a Democratic Congress for his recovery, and Clinton had a Republican Congress for his economic boom. They got the credit.

Obama gets the blame. That's how it works.

Patrick म्हणाले...

I watched the game, but at halftime, they had Brian Williams and David Gregory. David Gregory looked like a giddy schoolgirl at the prospect of seeing Bill Clinton speak. Seriously, I was embarrassed for the guy.

Irene म्हणाले...


mz म्हणाले...

you're a worthless cunt, drawing a state (government)salary. fuck you!

Patrick म्हणाले...

Would this be the first 1000 comment post?

Shouting Thomas म्हणाले...

Jesus, Ritmo is back to the damnably stupid "Republicans dared to oppose" theme again.

Shoot me.

LilyBart म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

I'm done here, John. You've stopped making sense.

You are obviously saying that you should reward people who will purposely mess up the economy if they can blame someone else entirely for it.

Not worth debating. You obviously don't care about the topic enough to take it seriously.

Go move to a tropical tax haven and quit pretending that the nation's fiscal health is something you care about.

You don't.

Alex म्हणाले...

Please tell me all the "truths" of Clinton & Fluke?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

Shoot me.

Why not? You're obviously too dumb to think that the reason for opposing or the costs involved are worth considering.

They were not honorable ones.

LilyBart म्हणाले...

$16 Trillion and counting.

Will Obama lay out his solution tomorrow - Democrats plan to kill the golden goose. Eat the seed corn. Tax the productive into oblivion. All in the name of 'fairness' of course.

chickelit म्हणाले...

Irene said...
Clinton still uses the finger wag when ... he wants to make a point.

It's body language...meaning don't believe what I'm saying.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Would this be the first 1000 comment post?

Last night someone mentioned that a Palin topic went to 1046 comments.

Patrick म्हणाले...

That whole platform thing seems to be working out pretty well for the Dems.

Anderson Cooper: DWS' "alternate reality." He's just figuring that out now?

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Drudge has the best Clinton photog of the night.. he has Clinton waging his finger with a tag line: You Will Feel It.

"I didn't not have sexual relations" remember?

jr565 म्हणाले...

For all the talk about how Obama was trying to negotiate with republicans but they were just blocking him at every turn, bob Woodward lays out what really went down.


Obama derailed the talks with boehner, derailed talks with his own party and invited Ryan to a speech then attacked him with demagogic arguments about his own plan.
You can see this happen within clinton's speech. Professing the need to workk together, but then demagogue republicans ideas as being anti middle class.
He lost his cool with boehner but then had no plan B. that's really been his problem all along. Unlike Clinton, Obama strikes me as a TERRIBLE negotiator and completely not open to compromise.
Hus idea if compromise was "we have the votes. F them".
His idea of compromise and working with the new republicans in congress was demagoging Ryan to his face after inviting him to his address. After leaving Ryan felt "genuinely ripped feeling that Obama was engaged in game on demagoguery rather than trying to work with the new republican majority". As Ryan told one of Obama's advisors "I can't believe ou poisoned the well like that."
Even Obama himself acknowledged the mistake by saying "if he had kknown (that Ryan was at the speech) he might have modified some of it so that we would leave more negotiations open because I do think they felt like we were trying to embarrass him (ryan)... It was a mistake"
No shit. Tis is why any dems arguing that the republicans were blocking the president at all turns and refused to negotiate is full of crap. Obama was not interested in negotiations because he was to busy burning his bridges and demagoging his opponents. And he had the votes so "f them".
One of the biggest lies, aside from his competency, has been that he went to the white house open to negotiation and compromise. Absolute bull shit.

Patrick म्हणाले...

So how did the Dems say they were going to tackle the deficit? I'm sure they didn't just ignore it or anything...

Alex म्हणाले...

So what wonderful job has Obama done to help the private sector? I keep hearing liberals tout all his government hirings, but that doesn't mean much. What exactly has he done to help the private sector? Or has the private sector partially recovered IN SPITE of his policies?

NotWhoIUsedtoBe म्हणाले...

Shrug. I'm making the point you can play the same game either way.

Either we care about results, or we don't, and we hold leaders responsible, or we don't.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Last night someone mentioned that a Palin topic went to 1046 comments.

Clinton doesn't have Palin Power.

Shouting Thomas म्हणाले...

God, Ritmo, you've ventured into total moron territory.

Have fun.

iowantwo म्हणाले...

Diamonds idiocy.
"Bain liked to starve companies of capital. Bain made big profits, leaving otherwise financially stable companies to collapse, and everyone lived happily ever after."

The entire nite you have not gotten a single thing right.

This exhibit sums things up nicely.
Bain is a venture CAPITAL company. People with money to RISK put up their personal assets in hopes of getting a BIG return. Because of the big RISK.
Got that? The put their personal capital INTO the trouble business.

Your idiocy of claiming a venture capitol company withheld the availible capital of the company, in order to starve it so it would fail.......What the fuck are you yammering about?

Patrick म्हणाले...

Yeah, I recall those Palin threads going on and on. Don't recall one of 1000, but I'm not really keeping track.

harrogate म्हणाले...

Yeah, that was a long speech by Clinton but I think the content is built to sustain in the broader discourse.

There are good rebuttals to the lies the GOP figures told last week, and eloquent testimonies to some things Obama has done well, from someone who is not Obama's best friend. There's material to dine out on until election day in that speech.

And then, its relative length will also be a great foil for Obama tomorrow night, who will come across as active, even snappy in his remarks. Definitely a Dem win.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

Tis is why any dems arguing that the republicans were blocking the president at all turns and refused to negotiate is full of crap.

Don't forget, jr, that also the commenters here and Mitch McConnell (the Republican senate leader - you know, the guy who decides strategy) admitted as much.

If Obama was able to call out the weaknesses in Paul Ryan's plan in front of him, that might have been a tough thing for him to put up with.

It's also something he can't defend, though.

Tim म्हणाले...

Patrick said...

"I watched the game, but at halftime, they had Brian Williams and David Gregory. David Gregory looked like a giddy schoolgirl at the prospect of seeing Bill Clinton speak. Seriously, I was embarrassed for the guy."

I think David Gregory really wanted to go all Nina Burleigh for Clinton. It would have been embarrassing for a normal person, but for Gregory, just confirmation (yet again) of the obvious.

Revenant म्हणाले...

not just president Clinton's speech, Elizabeth Warren and Sandra Fluke's too.

The biggest win for the Democrats tonight is that Clinton's speech will make everyone forget those other two. :)

PatCA म्हणाले...


And Fluke again talks about how strong and independent women are, then begs us to take care of her and urges us to vote for the guy who was chivalrous to her when one of the bad boys yelled at her.

Good grief.

Alex म्हणाले...

Have we reached a tipping point where there are more takers then givers? To me it's really all down that. Every extra million of new food stamp recipients Obama rejoices.

Paddy O म्हणाले...


Irene, you're the Titus of grammar.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Poor ditz Allie apparently hasn't heard the Cherokees (the REAL Cherokees) are angry at Fauxhontas because of her false claims to be Native American. Princess Forked Tongue did it to benefit from affirmatiive action. But that lie doesn't trouble our own little Princess Featherhead.

Nor is she bothered by the fact that Sandra is a 30 year from a wealthy family and yet wants other people to pay for her birth control because apparently she's too irreponsible and stupid to pay for a pack of condoms herself.

Since Allie thinks with her hormones and hooha (has anybody here EVER witnessed her construct an argument built on facts and logic? Such things apparently are left to the menfolk), she's fine with being treated like a helpless little victim who needs Uncle Sugar to help her tie her shoes.

And she just loves being lied to.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

Either we care about results, or we don't, and we hold leaders responsible, or we don't.

Then we start with their statements and strategies, John.

You can start by accounting for Mitch McConnell's.

Here it is.

Remember. That was (is) their leader. He decides their political strategy.

Start explaining.

Patrick म्हणाले...

Wow, jr565, doesn't sound like the Woodward book is going to help the re-election effort. Boehner must have cooperated, the Pres. apparently didn't.

Paddy O म्हणाले...

and mz showing how a war on women is done.

Tim म्हणाले...

Anyone who thinks Clinton and Fluke (!?) are going to flip this failed president into victory over Romney is insane.

What normal American would ever vote for the failed Obama because Clinton vouched for him or, better yet, Sandra Fluke?

Who would ever take political guidance from Sandra Fluke?

I mean, seriously.

Have some fucking self-respect.

Or at least pretend to.

If Sandra Fluke drives your vote, here's a free hint (worth much more than you're paying for it, lol): DON'T TELL ANYONE THAT!

They'll think you're a moron.

And they'd be right, too.

Patrick म्हणाले...

I'll admit, Tim, I had to google Nina Burleigh, but now I remember. She's the one who offered to blow the guy who accused the woman who already blew him of being a stalker.

Didn't he just give a speech or something? Who would want a guy like that to speak?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

Also, jr - you quote Obama as being one to acknowledge his mistakes.

Now ask the senate minority leader if his "Number #1 Priority" was a mistake, a misstatement, or something he meant and is proud of (even as those holding water for Republicans deny it away).

Tim म्हणाले...

"You can start by accounting for Mitch McConnell's. "

Fair enough.

But first, tell us about how the House Republicans have a budget, but the Senate and the White House do not.

Unless you mean to suggest Mitch McConnell has more power the Harry Reid and Barack Obama.

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