५ सप्टेंबर, २०१२

Live-blogging Day 2 of the Democratic Convention.

5:34 Central Time: I jump in, watching C-SPAN, just in time to see the ever-bold, ever-confident Chuck Schumer stride onto the stage. He says: "Tonight, we welcome a New Yorker: President Bill Clinton as our prime time speaker." He does a little fist pump on "speaker." "It's no accident that Democrats celebrate" — a bigger fist pump — "our past Presidents, while Republicans virtually banish theirs" — biggest fist pump and a big smile.

6:40: Emanuel Cleaver gets the conventioneers fired up, but the hoarse-throated yelling doesn't play so well over the television, just like the Howard Dean scream seemed nutty outside of the room where the scream was screamed.

6:48: "Mitt Romney doesn't know a thing about hard work or responsibility," says the president of the AFL-CIO, Richard Trumka, who likes to portray work as "mopping, vacuuming, and picking up our trash."

7:01: President Obama has focused on jobs since Day 1, says Nancy Pelosi. So... do we get to judge him by the result, or does he get reelection for effort?

7:07: Lots of Dems tonight are talking about "the American Dream," as, of course, the GOP did last week. It's kind of nice to see so much consensus about the idea of individuals working hard — for themselves and their families — and succeeding economically, and interesting that everyone's enthusiastic about calling that "American," as though they're into patriotism, even though I imagine it's the dream among all human beings to be able to achieve economic well-being for themselves and their families through their own work. The real question, rather obviously, is which party will do better for these American dreamers of the American dream. What is the Democrats' argument here? I really don't see it. They seem to be copying the Republicans' theme, criticizing the Republicans for saying it, and insisting they have some dream-boosting methodology.

7:15: Another parade of women. Last night's was the women of the House. Now, it's the women of the Senate. This segment was preceded by a treacly video with a song about "a woman's voice," which apparently, "can sing any song." Okay. Sing "A Boy Named Sue." Gotcha! Didn't I?

7:25: American Idol runner-up Jessica Sanchez sings "You're all I need to get by...." And then a video of Barack Obama comes on.

7:28: A young woman promotes Planned Parenthood, where she found a nurse who was able to diagnose her endometriosis, after a whole lot of doctors had no idea what was wrong with her and even accused her of being some sort of drama queen. What the hell kind of crap doctors was she going to? Come on. Endometriosis is a standard ailment. Are we to think misogyny prevents its detection? (I can't be fact checking, but, seriously, who were these doctors who couldn't diagnose endometriosis?)

7:32: The president of Planned Parenthood asserts that "Mitt Romney says he'll get rid of Planned Parenthood." Can I get a fact check? I just don't believe that.

9:16: Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I've been bored to tears. Now, it's Elizabeth Warren, so...  She's excited about going on before Bill Clinton, who "had the good sense to marry one of the coolest women on the planet."

9:20: "The system is rigged," Elizabeth Warren asserts.

9:36: I found Warren pretty boring. When the crowd chanted "Warren, Warren," it sounded like "boring, boring." What was boring was mainly what was boring about so many of the other speeches. So much talk about economic opportunity, with no noticeable plan for furthering it, other than statements about how other people out there — not you! — ought to pay their "fair share" of taxes, and this doctrine that you've got to build the economy from the middle out. She got fervent about the notion that corporation are not people. They don't have hearts, and they don't die, and so forth.

9:38: Bill Clinton says: "I want to nominate a man who's cool on the outside, but who burns for America on the inside."

9:58: Clinton goes on at great length on the topic of how Republicans won't cooperate and compromise and work with the Democrats. Then he says he watched the GOP convention last week:"Did y'all watch their convention? I did."
In Tampa, the Republican argument against the President's reelection was actually pretty simple, pretty snappy. It went something like this: We left him a total mess, he hasn't cleaned it up fast enough, so fire him and put us back in. But they did it well. They looked good. They sounded good. 
And he says he was convinced they were "honorable people," who really believe what they said and will keep their commitments, so the key for Democrats is to make sure people understand what they believe.

10:09: Wow, he's going on a long time. It's reminiscent of his DNC keynote speech in 1988, when his going on too long turned into a huge joke. That was Clinton's original national reputation: The guy who talked too long.

10:27: It's almost 20 minutes since I said "Wow, he's going on a long time," and he's still going. This is insane. His inflections are getting wacky, like he's in love with how cute he is.

10:38: Finally, it's over. He spoke for 50 minutes. That was really self-indulgent.

11:04 (my time, after pausing): Obama comes out to interact with Clinton. Clinton gives a low bow. And now, they still have to do the roll call. I feel sorry for the kiddies in the crowd. It's late! 

९०६ टिप्पण्या:

«सर्वात जुने   ‹थोडे जुने   906 पैकी 401 – 600   नवीन›   नवीनतम»
Methadras म्हणाले...

Matthew Sablan said...

... I was unaware Scott Walker was trying to strip away free speech. But... but, earlier Pelosi said ending free speech and freedom to association was a good thing by ending Citizens United.

I'm so confused!

It is confusing since Pelosi made no mention of how she and her fellow democrats are going to overturn a SCOTUS ruling? A constitutional amendment is the only way that I know of. Lol, fucking idiots.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

Are any conservatives the least bit concerned that Romney made a lot of money regardless of whether the companies he swallowed up prospered or went belly up?

As president, he'll get a salary either way, also.

I don't see why there was all this talk of risk. Romney didn't seem to have any of the risk invested in his investments that the people who ran them and worked for them did.

It doesn't seem like a very morally astute approach.

Don't you want someone who's used to taking some risk for what he decides to undertake -- when it's in others' names?

Brian Brown म्हणाले...

Jake Diamond said...
It's really amusing to watch Jay associate himself with the lunacy of serial liar Jean Schmidt.

It is amusing to watch you defend an abortion mill.

And, of course you have not one utter clue what "serial liar" is or means.

Since you didn't demonstrate anyone is a "serial liar" or lying.


Synova म्हणाले...

Honest you liberals... this passes your "honesty" test?

Bain is at fault because they tried but failed to save failing companies?

I guess Obama and the government doesn't have to make a failing company *work*, they can just bail out the bad managers and failing CEOs.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

"Are any conservatives the least bit concerned that Romney made a lot of money regardless of whether the companies he swallowed up prospered or went belly up?"

-- ... So what you're saying is you don't understand how Bain operated, right?

jrberg3 म्हणाले...

Amazing how all those other American steel companies lasted so long, like Bethlehem Steel, such a shinig example...wait, what do you mean they no longer exist?

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

You know.. Obama is betting that people think money grows on trees or something.. and if only republicans would take down the fence to the money tree.. everything would be alright.

Lets hope peoples economic understanding is a little more sophisticated.

rasqual म्हणाले...

Why would Obama have been "risking his presidency?" Did he do something wrong?

Methadras म्हणाले...

Jay said...

Presuming that 11% of the people walking into Planned Parenthood are pregnant, that would mean

332,278 abortions

Well, I think it's safe to say that Planned Parenthood is the #1 killer of U.S. citizens. Killing the planet be damned say democrats!!! Oh wait.

DADvocate म्हणाले...

Planned Parenthood is a private, not for profit organization. It would be difficult, if not impossible, for Romney to get rid of it. Typical lies. Not giving PP federal funds is another thing though.

Synova म्हणाले...

"Are any conservatives the least bit concerned that Romney made a lot of money regardless of whether the companies he swallowed up prospered or went belly up?"


Because they've got a good record, *particularly* under Romney, had a very good record at pulling companies out of downward spirals. And if they succeeded or not, they still did the *work*.

As someone said... NO company that was doing well went to Bain.

The rhetoric here is... that Romney would have been more MORAL not to try at all, but let companies die.

That's how twisted it is.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Paul Ryan's speech is nowhere near as much of a lie as everyone tries to tell you see here.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

Bain is at fault because they tried but failed to save failing companies?

Bain made money either way. That's the problem. Romney doesn't seem to understand what risk is -- at least not when it comes to his own neck.

It's like you guys took the worst aspects of what you legitimately complain about when it comes to government, and found a private-sector business model and executive who exemplifies it to a "T".

It's the new monarchy. No investment in what he decides. No responsibility. No risk.

All reward.

It's probably why he can lie so shamelessly, the terrible mindset that creates.

Humperdink म्हणाले...

Jake and Oop, you can carve the percentages anyway you'd like. But 330,000 is a whole lot of dead babies .... executed by one organization.

jrberg3 म्हणाले...

I don't see why there was all this talk of risk. Romney didn't seem to have any of the risk invested in his investments that the people who ran them and worked for them did.

So then why isn't everyone starting up a venture capitalist firm?

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Er... Obama IGNORED the deficit plan.

Indigo Red म्हणाले...

Jake Diamond said...
It's also hilarious to see Jay insist that women aren't actually pregnant until a pregnancy test confirms it.

You can't make up that kind of goofiness.

Sure you can. Erwin Schrödinger did in 1935.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Is this the plan that unanimously failed in the Senate?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

So it's Bowles-Simpson that Paul Ryan opposed?

You guys think that's virtuous?

Bob Ellison म्हणाले...

O Ritmo Segundo, that's really stupid. Where do you come by your understanding of investment risk?

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Amazing how all those other American steel companies lasted so long, like Bethlehem Steel, such a shinig example...wait, what do you mean they no longer exist?

Bain Capital invested in Steel Dynamics... and today its the 5th in the country.

Revenant म्हणाले...

Pelosi made no mention of how she and her fellow democrats are going to overturn a SCOTUS ruling?

Appoint a replacement for one of the majority who is prepared to bend the rules for the sake of the Party.

Much easier than passing a Constitutional amendment.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Hah. Romney/Ryan were not the ones saying We don't like your plan and don't have our own.

PS: Seniors would not pay more for Medicare.

Dr Weevil म्हणाले...

It's really amusing to see that Jake Diamond (8:42pm) hasn't figured out that what Jay wrote was not the same thing as what Jean Schmidt said, and that the latter being false does not in any way make the former false. Did he bother to follow his own link and see whether it refuted Jay? Apparently not.

I will explain this very slowly and carefully:

Jean Schmidt said: "For every 33 pregnant women that walk into a Planned Parenthood clinic, 32 receive an abortion." This is not true, because, although PP does very little to help women who want to have their babies (either to keep or to give up for adoption), it does refer them to others who can handle those choices.

Jay wrote (last comment on first page): "97% of Planned Parenthood's services to pregnant women are abortions." This is true. They do very little to help women actually have babies: they almost always send those women elsewhere. But they're willing and able to help women who don't want to have babies abort their pregnancies. There's no mention of sending anyone away who wants an abortion. When a pregnancy ends with any involvement from PP other than a referral, 97% of the time it ends in abortion rather than childbirth.

This makes their name a bit of a sick joke. If you're actually planning to be a parent, they probably can't help you, but if you're planning not to be a parent, they're just the place to go.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

So then why isn't everyone starting up a venture capitalist firm?

Cause not everyone has venture capital to begin with. Romney was born with plenty of it.

You're back to praising privilege over opportunity. Pick one.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

"You guys think that's virtuous?"

-- Ryan came back with a plan that could pass Congress. Obama's plan... unanimously failed.

Yeah. I think working to find a compromise is pretty virtuous.

Michael म्हणाले...

Ritmo. You can't learn anything of value about private equity by reading lefty blogs. Read the prospectus of one of your 401k investments if you have them. Better yet go to sec.gov and read the financial reports filed there by companies like Bain or KKR or Blackstone. Teachers, firemen, hospitals, universities all have huge stakes in various private equity firms. The prospectuses require some patience but you can drill down to how sponsors are compensated.

jrberg3 म्हणाले...

Bain Capital invested in Steel Dynamics... and today its the 5th in the country.

Lem, with talk like that you are not going to be invited to speak on the Obama campaign trail!

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

That guy that's talking now looks just like one of those televangelist you come across switching channels in the middle of the night

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

Romney's job was no garden variety investment shop, Bob. Read up on him.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

... This should be -good-. And be good I mean -unparodiable-.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Sandra Fluke!!!

jrberg3 म्हणाले...

wait, is she pregnant?

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Fluke is in no way an expert on contraception when she did not know how much it cost, where to find it or the pre-existing government programs to get it.

There was no good reason for a non-expert to speak.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

The Slut is talking!

Unknown म्हणाले...

Of course you can point to nowhere I said that.

Great! Jay admits that pregnancy testing is a service Planned Parenthood offers to pregnant women.

I'm glad that he's admitted his error and agrees that Jean Schmidt is a lunatic and is full of shit.

Since Jay's admitted his stupid error, we can move on now.

Indigo Red म्हणाले...

Sandra Fluke is speaking now. There is to be a condom drop when she's finished.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

Yeah. I think working to find a compromise is pretty virtuous.

Not on the example just raised. Ryan was the single "no" vote on the commission that ended up rejecting a bipartisan consensus.

A harbinger of things to come...

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

She cant read her own speech!

jrberg3 म्हणाले...


Synova म्हणाले...

Rich people already pay more.

Taxing the rich won't solve the problems. But it is important to punish them, to symbolically make them pay.

Everyone should have a "buy-in". EVERYONE. And sure, sales tax; but sales tax doesn't feel the same as income tax. People don't think of it the same way. People don't wonder what the *fluke* the government is doing with their money.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Ritmo: Ryan came back with another option. So, hey, darn compromise.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

"Did you hear?! Mitch tortures dogs!"
"Our neighbor Mitch?"
"Yes! Isn't that horrible!"
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. You know Mitch makes a phenomenal blueberry pie."
"What? What difference does that make?"
"I'm just saying. You can think of him as Mr. Dog Torture if you want, but I think that's pretty irrational considering how many delicious blueberry pies he's made."
"What does that matter?"
"C'mon, how many dogs has he tortured? I bet he's made at least three times as many pies as dogs he's tortured. Think of all those pies. Now that torturing dogs business doesn't seem so important, does it?"

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

So, when did Obama decry that whole "Romney killed a woman" ad?

jrberg3 म्हणाले...

Yeah let's make this about Rush!

Is she serious with these dramatic pauses?

Synova म्हणाले...

Wow, she's annoying.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...


Forcible rape is not the redefinition. Unless, you know, we time traveled to the 1920s.

Fact checkers, where are you?

Brian Brown म्हणाले...

Jake Diamond said...

I'm glad that he's admitted his error and agrees that Jean Schmidt is a lunatic and is full of shit.

Notice the abject silliness and continued imbecilic behavior.

People telling the truth do that all the time.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

We don't care about the value of his firm any more than Newt Gingrich astutely didn't. Vulture capitalism. Good for his firm. It's the person running it who Newt rightly questioned whether he had the experience to give a damn about a company succeeding or failing.

Anyway, it's nice to see you suddenly defending teachers and firefighters. The party you support sure doesn't.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

CSPAN puts Muslims on camera while Fluke is talking about abortion.


Synova म्हणाले...

Oh hey... Ryan is a woman murderer.

Revenant म्हणाले...

Are any conservatives the least bit concerned that Romney made a lot of money regardless of whether the companies he swallowed up prospered or went belly up?

That would make him one of the greatest business geniuses in the history of human civilization -- so, no. Can't say the thought of a genius President worries me much. :)

rasqual म्हणाले...

Thanks, Sandra! That was a really, really good exhibition for Independents. That should be good for another .4% of votes for Romney.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Obama only cares when Democrat women are attacked; he never once stood up for Republican women who were attacked.

Romney condemned Akin.

jrberg3 म्हणाले...

She is such a side show.

Brian Brown म्हणाले...

Jake Diamond said...

Jay admits that pregnancy testing is a service Planned Parenthood offers to pregnant women.

You're an utterly retarded screecher at this point.

Dr Weevil म्हणाले...

Ritmo (8:49pm):
"Are any conservatives the least bit concerned that Romney made a lot of money regardless of whether the companies he swallowed up prospered or went belly up?
"As president, he'll get a salary either way, also."

Does it bother Ritmo that emergency room surgeons get paid the same even though some of their patients die, and others end up with fewer limbs than they had when the gurney rolled in the door? Bain was in essence an economic emergency room for dying companies. If some of them didn't make it, and others lost employees, so what? Like a skilled emergency room doctor, Bain seems to have done much more good than harm.

Also, Romney refused a salary as governor of Massachusetts, so why does Ritmo assume he will accept one as president?

rasqual म्हणाले...

I am woman, hear me roar!

All the women I know just talk, like normal people. :-/

Unknown म्हणाले...

Bain is at fault because they tried but failed to save failing companies?

This is utter nonsense. Bain didn't try to save failing companies. Bain's goal was to make a profit. If a company was worth more dead than alive, Bain did whatever was necessary to maximize its profit.

Michael म्हणाले...

Ritmo. You dont know what you are talking about. I give you a lifeline at sec.gov. Take it.

jrberg3 म्हणाले...

I would be willing to give her a microphone all across the swing states for this election.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Ah. So the problem IS that some businesses fail. Gotcha Diamond.

garage mahal म्हणाले...

I bet #tcot is a great place to be about right now.

Bob Ellison म्हणाले...

Ritmo, "read up on him" is kind of a new appeal to authority. "I know a thing or two about this." "You wouldn't know what's going on here."

I'm asking a real question, because, ahem, oh, well, here I go offending my own rule! I do know a thing or two about investment risk. You seem not to, from your comments above. I'm asking what you know and/or how you know it.

Here's my take: investment risk is generally based on a calculation of ROI (return on investment). Higher ROI merits higher investment risk; lower ROI merits only lower investment risk.

Your comments implied that Romney undertook no investment risk at all. Can you refute or defend that?

Unknown म्हणाले...

Oh no, Jay's backtracking! He's gone back to his claim that pregnant women aren't actually pregnant until they take a pregnancy test that confirms the pregnancy.

Jay must have had the same sex education teacher as Todd Akin.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Did Fluke say whether she got her contraception... I didn't get that.

Brian Brown म्हणाले...

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Report currently only includes "forcible rape" as a definition.

This woman is a moron beyond belief.

Michael म्हणाले...

Jake Dimond. That is not how it works. If Bain invests in companies that fail then Bain can no longer raise capital for its next fund. No new investors and Bain is out of business. Do you really think that they make money by buying companies that fail? You dont get it.

Synova म्हणाले...


She says... "It's now time to choose!"


I thought only men had to make their choices up front.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

What Jake Diamond said, Dr. Weevil.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Oh.. I'm so not buying at Costco.. Ever!

Brian Brown म्हणाले...

ake Diamond said...

Oh no, Jay's backtracking! He's gone back to his claim that pregnant women aren't actually pregnant until they take a pregnancy test that confirms the pregnancy.

You're an utterly retarded screecher at this point.

Unknown म्हणाले...

So the problem IS that some businesses fail.

The REALITY is that some businesses fail. Bain simply initiated or helped along the "failing process" when profit dictated it.

Synova म्हणाले...

And yeah... at what point did Obama call up Bristol to console her for the bad things people said about her.

jrberg3 म्हणाले...

Wow, how did this guys get a prime-time slot?

Ellen म्हणाले...

The guys all salute that "choice" stuff, don't they?

Bob Ellison म्हणाले...

Jake Diamond said "Bain's goal was to make a profit. If a company was worth more dead than alive, Bain did whatever was necessary to maximize its profit."

Jake, maybe you're some kind of angelic person, possibly the second coming of Jesus Christ or something, but if that's not the case, then you really should explain how someone can take a crappy business and make money on it by buying it and letting it die. That's really stupid. Unless you're Jesus.

Ellen म्हणाले...

The guys all salute that "choice" stuff, don't they?

jrberg3 म्हणाले...

sorry "guy"

Revenant म्हणाले...

I'm asking a real question

Yes, but you're asking it of Ritmo. He's not here to chat, he's here to pick fights.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

Whatever. If you want to defend profit maximization regardless of the costs to others, then you have no argument that Romney wouldn't do all he can to improve America's balance sheet over the short-run, with a bubble that looks good while he's in office, and then sputters off the cliff after he's ready to prematurely ejaculate.

Sorry. Been there.

We need a country and a middle class that's structurally sound.

You guys don't care about that.

Brian Brown म्हणाले...

Oh no, the FBI's UCR has "Forcible Rape" up on their Web site!!!

What is an ignorant Georgetown Law grad to do?!!!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

Structurally sound for the long-term.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

"We need a country and a middle class that's structurally sound."

Let's roll those numbers. Do Democrats even LOOK at math before speaking?

Dr Weevil म्हणाले...

Ritmo wrote (9:12pm):
"We need a country and a middle class that's structurally sound.
"You guys don't care about that."

If you're talking to me, you are either a liar or a fool. Which is it?

Unknown म्हणाले...

It looks like Jay's run out of insults. is his tantrum over or is he wiping the spittle off his computer before foaming up again?

Brian Brown म्हणाले...

O Ritmo Segundo said...

We need a country and a middle class that's structurally sound.

You guys don't care about that.

You pretending to "care" about the "middle class" is silly & obscene.

We just had almost 4 years of "caring" and the middle class got poorer and we go more food stamps.

You're retarded.

Revenant म्हणाले...

Bain's goal was to make a profit. If a company was worth more dead than alive, Bain did whatever was necessary to maximize its profit

Good point. The world would be better off if it was poorer and more money was tied up in bad companies that made products people don't want.

Oh, wait. No, it wouldn't. That would be terrible for everyone, the poor most of all.

This seems like a great opportunity to link a favorite movie speech of mine.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

They know the difference between short-term and long-term, Matthew Sablan.

Your guys have proven time and again that they don't.

They only care if things look good while they can make something off of it. They don't given a shit about where they lead us, and what happens next because of it.

Not good. Poor leadership.

This is a huge country. We need someone who looks at the big picture.

Brian Brown म्हणाले...

Jake Diamond said... Bain simply initiated or helped along the "failing process" when profit dictated it.

I bet you have all sorts of proof of this!

From politifact too, even!!!

rasqual म्हणाले...


Here she comes.

edutcher म्हणाले...

Well, Ms Fluck isn't quite the media star I'm sure the Demos hoped she'd be.

For somebody who lies as profusely and as proficiently as she does, she certainly comes off as a sanctimonious little twit.

Synova म्हणाले...

"We need a country and a middle class that's structurally sound.

You guys don't care about that.

Not at all true.

A system that needs an influx of government money, or that's been bailed out without demanding severe structural changes is not *structurally sound.*

What we really want is just what you said... something structurally sound.

That's not what the Democrats offer.

What you want is the illusion of health without the unpleasantness of having to actually fix anything.

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

Princess Summer-Fall-Winter-Spring is on. Maybe we'll finally have a few laughs.

Michael म्हणाले...

Jake Dimond. Please stop, you are making an ass out of yourself. Think to the source of capital and how companies are priced and sold. You understand that multiple contractions are as vital to investing as are asset management skills. You know that as well as the next person so why act like you dont. Do you think Bain buys at five times to liquidate a company that is cash strapped? Ten times? Four? Let us know what you are thinking here on the Bain front because I think you are pulling our leg. Or dont know what you are talking about.

Bob Ellison म्हणाले...

Jake? Ritmo? Still reading?

Slow on the uptake, I guess.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Oh.. I see.

Cotsco is NOT going about it the way Walmart is going.

Key word - Immigration.

jrberg3 म्हणाले...

Look a real Native American

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

The New Normal is awesome.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

I love all this ultra-left stuff.

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

Hillary Clinton may be a lot of things but one of the "coolest women on the planet" is not one of them.

jrberg3 म्हणाले...

would love to hear her give a special shout-out to her Indian ancestors!

what a joke of a candidate

Brian Brown म्हणाले...

Jake Diamond said...

Oh no, Jay's backtracking! He's gone back to his claim that pregnant women aren't actually pregnant until they take a pregnancy test that confirms the pregnancy


You've gone full retard.

You've demonstrated that you can link to a left wing hack Web site and not comprehend words.

You can quit now.


Unknown म्हणाले...

you really should explain how someone can take a crappy business and make money on it by buying it and letting it die.

You don't know very much about how vulture capitalism works, do you?

Indigo Red म्हणाले...

Elizabeth Warren says she's the warm up act for Bill Clinton. In the adult trade it's called "fluffer."

Revenant म्हणाले...

They know the difference between short-term and long-term, Matthew Sablan.

So their decision to ignore the long-term solvency of the US government for the sake of short-term political gain is a *conscious* choice, then. :)

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

Michael, sometimes Willard hit, sometimes he missed.

Perhaps he preferred to hit, but it's a fact that his punishment for missing was a lot less than the people who inherited the fall-out. He still profited.

It's a legitimate problem. He doesn't relate to people who don't buy $100 bowls of chili any more than you don't.

He's too removed to care as much about the effects of what he does as the country needs him to.

Let him go back to being "unemployed".

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...


The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

I talked to real people.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

"Perhaps he preferred to hit, but it's a fact that his punishment for missing was a lot less than the people who inherited the fall-out."

-- Without Romney, they had ZERO chance of getting -anything-. Their business was going to fail. If Romney did not step in, they were definitely lost.

Dr Weevil म्हणाले...

Evidence that Romney has ever laid eyes on any "$100 bowls of chili", much less eaten them? None I've ever heard of. Perhaps Ritmo is thinking of the Obamas fondness for $100/lb Wagyu beef?

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

Damned right it's rigged, Fauxahontas. And you guys are doing your level best to keep it that way.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

The little guys and the big guys.

Indigo Red म्हणाले...

But, Teddy Roosevelt was a Republican.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

fare share..

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Is it rigging the market to funnel millions of dollars into select businesses, or is that not rigging the market? Important question people!

Synova म्हणाले...

"Perhaps he preferred to hit, but it's a fact that his punishment for missing was a lot less than the people who inherited the fall-out. He still profited."

No... the punishment for the people who inherited the fall-out was EXACTLY the same as if Bain had never been involved.

It wasn't a choice between staying in business or having Bain around to succeed or fail. It was a choice between *fail* and *maybe* not failing.

rasqual म्हणाले...

Why would the half of America who pays no federal taxes be resentful of the 1% who carry so, so many of these folks on their backs?

Geez, Warren. Way to show America the lunacy of progressives. No one needs to "stop you." You're burying your own feet in cement.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

Including Staples, Matthew?

Paddy O म्हणाले...

Are any conservatives the least bit concerned that Romney made a lot of money regardless of whether the companies he swallowed up prospered or went belly up?

Are any liberals the least bit concerned that Democratic Party leaders in the Senate, House, and Presidency made a lot of money regardless of whether the country they swallowed up prospered or went belly up?

Michael म्हणाले...

Jake Diamond. How do you make money on buying crappy businesses. Give us the strategy in some real numbers. Say a company grosses 50 million and has an ebitda of 500k really crappy What do you pay and how do you exit?

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Ritmo: Romney helped start Staples. Without him, it may never have started.

Synova म्हणाले...

Level the playing field by cutting down the trees.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Top down bottom up.. billionaires and millionaires.. fingernails.

Elisabeth is a talking point machine.

Bob Ellison म्हणाले...

Yes, Jake, I don't know much about vulture capitalism. It's a stupid, leftist concept. See Michael above. Give us some numbers.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

The country is only a business that could be destined to fail if you think some of the citizens are expendable.

Ok, that's what you think. We're not surprised.

But we're not voting for that.

Paddy O म्हणाले...

Last nights thread was so long I didn't mention it there, but want to mention it here.

Synova, your comments in these threads are great and part of why I keep visiting Althouse. Thanks for your comments and interactions.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Corporations are apparently large golems or something and in no way are people involved with them.

Synova म्हणाले...

Oh! An alliteration with "V"s.


Unknown म्हणाले...

The world would be better off if it was poorer and more money was tied up in bad companies that made products people don't want.

This comment is a pretty great example of the misunderstanding some people have about how and why companies fail. Companies don't fail only because they have a product that people don't want. In fact, in the context of the type of companies that Bain acquired, that would be extremely atypical.

If you don't know how private equity firms operate, you shouldn't comment.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Elisabeth should have been the key note.

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

We create jobs from the bottom up. Ok-ay.

I was wrong. No laughs here.

अनामित म्हणाले...

"8:20: "The system is rigged," Elizabeth Warren asserts."

So she saw the Dem platform change vote too?

Michael म्हणाले...

Ritmo. You can be stubborn if you like but he does not win with losing companies. His compensation suffers in proportion to the losses since his paydays are subordinate to investor returns. You surely know how hedge funds are paid do you not? You cannot cut and past this from lefty blogs dude. It does not work like you think it works.

Revenant म्हणाले...

Perhaps he preferred to hit, but it's a fact that his punishment for missing was a lot less than the people who inherited the fall-out. He still profited.

See, this might work as an indictment of Romney... if he wasn't running against a guy who destroyed millions of jobs and added trillions in debt.

As it stands, though, if you had positive proof that Romney had deliberately burned down every factory in Detroit for the sheer glee of putting people on unemployment, we could reply "at least he spent his OWN money doing it". :)

Since the dawn of human civilization it is estimated that approximately 106 billion people have lived. Obama is a bigger economic failure than 105,999,999,999 of them. No rational person can find Romney THAT terrifying. :)

Synova म्हणाले...

The crowd sounds way way more excited than they have all night.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

Corporations are apparently large golems or something and in no way are people involved with them.

No, they're people, "my friend". Or so Willard said.

People in every sense of the word when it comes to their positive rights. But without the possibility of going to jail or being executed.

Then they'd be "people".

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Synova, your comments in these threads are great and part of why I keep visiting Althouse. Thanks for your comments and interactions.

Synovas tip on writing were immeasurably valuable to me.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

Like the rest of us.

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

Does he believe in a country where his treasury secretary pays his taxes?

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

If everyone is held responsible for stealing pensions... what about Corzine?

Synova म्हणाले...

"This comment is a pretty great example of the misunderstanding some people have about how and why companies fail. Companies don't fail only because they have a product that people don't want. In fact, in the context of the type of companies that Bain acquired, that would be extremely atypical."

Well, there were the disastrous managers and CEOs that Romney liked to fire.

Sorun म्हणाले...

Althouse: Thanks for watching those boring assholes while I watch football. I'll buy something from Amazon.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Roads and Bridges..

and the kid after that.. and the kid after that.

Synova म्हणाले...

"Synovas tip on writing were immeasurably valuable to me."

I'm feeling very warm and fuzzy at the moment but... what tip was that?

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...


Where did he come from?

Col Mustard म्हणाले...

Warren has a lot of nerve complaining about other people rigging the system. Like she didn't rig her way on to the Harvard faculty.

Unknown म्हणाले...

How do you make money on buying crappy businesses

I swear you guys must be stupid. What makes you think that Bain specialized in buying crappy businesses?

Bain targeted businesses where it believed a profit could be made. It's that simple.

Revenant म्हणाले...

Companies don't fail only because they have a product that people don't want.

Apart from being destroyed by the government, "failing to provide products or services to customers at a price they're willing to pay" is pretty much the only reason companies fail. That cause has many causes of its own, of course.

In fact, in the context of the type of companies that Bain acquired, that would be extremely atypical.

In an eerie coincidence, dissolving the company and selling off the parts was ALSO extremely atypical for Bain Capital. :)

Chip Ahoy म्हणाले...

OMG I cannot take it. E. Warren talking. Every single line debatable. Not the slightest bit convincing, yet everybody claps at that bullshit. Mute.

Tries again. Mutes again. Tries again. Mutes again. Tries again and mutes again. Triesagainandmutesagain. Gives up.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Between Elizabeth Warren and Sandra Fluke, Republicans have lost big time. If you don't recognize the truth they spoke, then there is no hope for you.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

I'm feeling very warm and fuzzy at the moment but... what tip was that?

You said cut all the unnecessary stuff... You helped me discover I was using a lot of weasel words.

shiloh म्हणाले...

Again, mittens already had a govt. tryout leaving office w/a 36% job approval rating and no chance for re-election.

Indeed, there's a reason willard doesn't talk about his MA gov term as he was a complete failure!

I yield back the balance of my time to disgruntled/angry Althouse cons ...

And god bless America!

Synova म्हणाले...

Um... the passage of scripture she quoted in no way whatsoever had anything to do with god inside us or how we're bound together in the collective.

It's simple... when YOU do to the least of these, you do it to/for God.

DADvocate म्हणाले...

I haven't listened to anything Warren has said, but when I was flipping through the channels and saw her, she looked psychotic.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

... I think he said President not Vice President.

shiloh म्हणाले...

Don't stop thinkin' about tomorrow cons! :)

rasqual म्हणाले...



How is a rock star introduction for Clinton supposed to help Obama?

Unknown म्हणाले...

Well, there were the disastrous managers and CEOs that Romney liked to fire.

Bain liked to starve companies of capital. Bain made big profits, leaving otherwise financially stable companies to collapse, and everyone lived happily ever after.

Indigo Red म्हणाले...

In keeping with tonight's theme of birth control and rape, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome President Bill Clinton.

Synova म्हणाले...

Warren is getting cheers like no one else has. Everyone else, even Fluke, got a tepid response.

Warren was 100% emotion.

She got a roaring response.

What she was being emotional about, though, isn't going to balance a budget. We have unlimited ability to help everyone because it makes us feel good.

I'll bet everyone will love Clinton too.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Why would financially stable companies go to a company designed to turn around failing companies?

Chuck66 म्हणाले...

AllieOOP.. if you are as big a slut as Sandra Fluck, you may want to ask some of your sperm shooters to pay for some condomns.

Have you heard about the strains of Gonaria going around? I'd hate to see you get a uncurable gonoria. Thats some nasty shit.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

I was hoping Chip was waching Warren.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...

Comrade Clinton will kick your KKKonservative asses tonight.

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

The Big He has arrived.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together म्हणाले...


Chip Ahoy म्हणाले...

Clinton looks 60 years younger.

DADvocate म्हणाले...

If you don't recognize the truth they spoke, then there is no hope for you.

There's no hope for me (or change). Thank, God.

Unknown म्हणाले...

If you don't recognize the truth they spoke, then there is no hope for you.

You are the most optimistic person ever if you believe there's hope for this bunch.

LilyBart म्हणाले...

Elizabeth Warren says that the Democrats are not against people earning money, that they are happy for people to earn money.

Of course they are! They are happy because they have plans to spend that money. We need to hand it over now!

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Huh. I thought tonight was the VP nomination stuff, not the president nomination.

Chuck66 म्हणाले...

Most large corporations are extremely left wing. Trust me, I worked in corporate accounting for some.

Bob Ellison म्हणाले...

Professor, your live-blogging is too slow! Two law professors have happened since your last post! The last one (Elizabeth Warren) was a fool. This one (Clinton) is interesting! At least he's smart, unlike Warren. Blog faster!

Synova म्हणाले...

I'm actually interested in hearing Clinton.

Bob Ellison म्हणाले...

Sorry...should have added "and you, a law professor!"

LilyBart म्हणाले...

Between Elizabeth Warren and Sandra Fluke, Republicans have lost big time.

If this is what people want, then we have no future together.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Inside Outside


Did Bill just hit on the first lady?

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Ooh. Is Clinton going to claim credit for the Republican budget?

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

What a hound dog.

Unknown म्हणाले...

Apart from being destroyed by the government, "failing to provide products or services to customers at a price they're willing to pay" is pretty much the only reason companies fail.

These Althouse right wingers have a 5 year old's grasp of business and finance.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

... Wait, no. That's not what they said. They're saying that the government isn't... never mind. There's no point fighting this lie any more.

Bob Ellison म्हणाले...

One reason why Bill Clinton is such a better speaker: he talks at a normal pace: not slowly. His tempo carries you along.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Clinton gives speech; Strawmen hardest hit.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Chuck66, you are a pig.

rasqual म्हणाले...

Gosh! Based on what Clinton's saying, I have to conclude that Chicago has been run by Republicans all this time.

Who knew!

Michael म्हणाले...

Jake Diamond. "Bain liked to starve companies of capital. Bain made big profits, leaving otherwise financially stable companies to collapse, and everyone lived happily ever after."

You are an utter idiot.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

... What the hell Clinton?

Bob Ellison म्हणाले...

High voice, though. That doesn't help among men. He's getting hoarse, too. Extreme hoarseness has always been Clint Eastwood's tendency. Doesn't help, usually.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

After Warren and Fluck.

Bill is having to give an economic lecture..

Dont hate them. Republicans.

They dont call him slick Willie for nothing.

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

I've never known a politician who talked out of his ass as much as Bill Clinton.

Revenant म्हणाले...

Between Elizabeth Warren and Sandra Fluke, Republicans have lost big time. If you don't recognize the truth they spoke, then there is no hope for you.

If my goal was to lie on my back with my legs spread while men brought me everything I desired, they would truly speak to me.

But, well, it isn't. So, not so much. :)

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Did he just say he did it better than what Obama is doing?

Synova म्हणाले...

Oh, so he praises Bushes but will pretend that he's not a hater, that the hate is only on the far right?

Well, whatever. Maybe he can create a new reality and we won't hear constant warnings about the evil villain Romney that wants to destroy the world and Ryan wants to kill women tomorrow.

SukieTawdry म्हणाले...

Boy, do Democrats hate the Tea Party.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Hah. Clinton got Democrats to applaud George W. Bush.

Man... though... he seems to have missed how much Obama has refused to cooperate with Republicans.

Michael म्हणाले...

Ive met Clinton a few times. Charming guy. Very smart with a great sense of humor. Hard to dislike him once you come face to face.

Synova म्हणाले...

Well, Obama being committed to cooperation is a howler.

Revenant म्हणाले...

Did he just say he did it better than what Obama is doing?

Well, come on. Bill's a good liar, but he ain't good enough to sell "Obama's a better President than me" with a straight face.

Besides, it is in Hillary's interest for Obama to lose.

Ralph L म्हणाले...

If a company was worth more dead than alive, Bain did whatever was necessary to maximize its profit.

It clears out the deadwood in the market, so the survivors can do better, with a more efficient use of capital. This doesn't happen in government, which is why so many are going bankrupt or perform poorly.

I'm shocked you used that dirty word "profit" in a sentence! Wash out your mouth!

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