September 16, 2012

"Letting women 'test drive' larger breasts before a boob job has led to them picking even bigger implants."

Woman who see what life is like with larger breasts (by wearing a big padded bra) end up choosing, on average, breasts 30% larger than what they originally thought they wanted. They tend to come in thinking a C-cup would be right, but end up seeing the D-cup as preferable.

The article makes it seem as though the decision to size up has to do with realizing extra-large breasts won't "interfere with daily life." But I'm wondering whether these women are discovering some social advantages that they are finding persuasive.

In any case, let women choose for themselves what they want. I don't like the idea of cosmetic surgery of any kind, but if you're going to get it, you should decide for yourself how big to go. I'd like to know more about what happens with these breasts over the years. If you're going to choose, you deserve information. There should be photos of how enhanced breasts look after 20 or 30 (or more years) compared to what happens to smallish breasts over the years.

Ah, but young women don't think about that do they? They'll say I don't want to think about how I'll look when I'm 50 or 60. Right?


campy said...

Thank you President Obama for leading us to an era of bigger boobs for women.

fivewheels said...

And the fact is that in the 20 or 30 intervening years, they will reap enormous benefits in accrued female privilege. The bargain is almost certainly a good one.

Aesthetic difficulties in the winter of their years can be re-addressed at that time.

edutcher said...

There are all kinds of neck and back and shoulder issues here. Presumably, our larger candidates haven't taken the issue of brassieres into account.

The Blonde (a DD, sometimes a DDD) needs one with wide straps as the narrow ones dig into her shoulders.

Ann Althouse said...

They'll say I don't want to think about how I'll look when I'm 50 or 60. Right?

As The Blonde has noted, it's like getting a rose tattooed on the breast. Looks swell at age 20, not so much as it becomes a long-stemmed rose at age 60.

Jason (the commenter) said...

When you're old you're going to be ugly anyway. That's the assumption. So why not look better now?

CatherineM said...

Have they played golf ( in the way) or tried to run (ouch) ? Of course if they are fake, I suppose the "hold up" differently.

Freeman Hunt said...

If you happen to be one of those unlucky folks who die of complications during surgery, you won't ever see 50 or 60 -- you'll be that chick who died getting a boob job. You'll become a bit of junior high school lore.

kurt9 said...

Quite frankly, I do not understand this obsession on the part of both men and women with large breasts. I have never been much of a "tit" man. In actuality, I often find large breasts to be unattractive. Its the overall appearance of the women that makes it for me. Slender women look better with smaller breasts. Voluptuous women look good with large breasts. The breasts should be proportional to the overall body build.

Women in the late 70's and early 80's tended to be small-breasted. Yet, they were still hot. Often hotter than today's women.

wyo sis said...

90% of boob jobs are crud, but that doesn't stop women from getting them, or men from thinking it's a great idea.

Shouting Thomas said...

Plastic boobs look good when you're wearing clothing, and they probably do fetch a lot of male attention.

When you use them for their secondary sexual purpose, they look and feel like shit. Awful! I have test driven a few. If you want to nab this Old Dawg, keep it real. The little bit of natural tit you got is better than the plastic version.

If you want to see what plastic tits look like at all the various ages, check out porn. You'll find plenty of references. If you need some help in locating same, I'll be glad to help you out.

Sorun said...

The women test-driving the boobs must be encountering many more Soruns than kurt9s.

Ron said...

Maybe as they get older they can be "dialed down" like those sleep number beds....

Witness said...

There should be photos of how enhanced breasts look after 20 or 30 (or more years) compared to what happens to smallish breasts over the years.

Ah, but young women don't think about that do they? They'll say I don't want to think about how I'll look when I'm 50 or 60. Right?

Why does this matter? Won't they just get more plastic surgery when they're old?

Freeman Hunt said...

There was a story in junior high about a girl who couldn't come to school anymore because she laid in the tanning bed so long that her skin turned clear.

Shouting Thomas said...

Purely for scholarly, research purposes, I'd suggest you visit Guess Her Muff. Read the comments for the girls who are sporting the "bolt-ons" as they are so colorfully called.

Men seem to uniformly hate the bolt-ons once the clothes come off.

Rockport Conservative said...

I am 75. Not long ago a photo went around to women of my age group of one of our kind very skinny with a boob job. It was horrible. Big round things sticking out over fallen breasts. The connective tissue still droops. Awful!

Shouting Thomas said...

And, kurt9, I want you to know that I proudly stand up for social justice and non-discrimination when it comes to boobs.

All varieties are welcome in my house!

I may be a knuckle-dragging dinosaur... but... well...

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Women considering this, please take note, not all men prefer larger breasts.

Also, don't spend thousands on surgery, and hundreds on hair and makeup, then complain that the guys you meet are only interested in your body.

Bob_R said...

Who had the comedy routine about caregivers copping a feel from emaciated, wrinkly old ladies with enormous hooters? I'm also reminded of the Michael Connolly novel (Concrete Blonde, maybe?) where the cops uncover a years-old mummified corpse of a woman with - of course - perfect silicon breasts.

Ann Althouse said...

"Looks swell at age 20, not so much as it becomes a long-stemmed rose at age 60."

Not if you had small breasts to begin with.

Bob_R said...

Althouse is breast bloggins, God is in his heaven, and all is right with the world.

Bob_R said...

Bloggins = Blogging. Bloggins would be a character in a Tolkien novel.

Beldar said...

Cosmetic surgery is financed largely without health insurance.

As a consequence, quality has improved and prices have dropped dramatically. Competition and markets work.

Those fake tits have a lesson for our politicians, if they can only stop slobbering long enough to heed it.

Shouting Thomas said...

And, kurt9, I want you to know that I proudly stand up for social justice and non-discrimination when it comes to boobs.

The pun about "standing up" was definitely inadvertent.

LilyBart said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LilyBart said...

Touring museums in Italy and Paris, I've noticed from paintings and sculpture that the female "ideal" for centuries was rounded hips and small to medium sized breasts. And a little bit of a tummy too (no washboard stomachs). Made me feel beautiful - They looked like me! Howver, modern women’s and fashion magazines make me feel inadequate.

Ann Althouse said...

" I'm also reminded of the Michael Connolly novel (Concrete Blonde, maybe?) where the cops uncover a years-old mummified corpse of a woman with - of course - perfect silicon breasts."

I heard they burst shortly after death and that this could be a problem with an open-casket funeral.

edutcher said...

Shouting Thomas said...

Purely for scholarly, research purposes, I'd suggest you visit Guess Her Muff. Read the comments for the girls who are sporting the "bolt-ons" as they are so colorfully called.

Men seem to uniformly hate the bolt-ons once the clothes come off.

They tend to look like somebody shoved a couple of boulders under the skin.

Ann Althouse said...

Looks swell at age 20, not so much as it becomes a long-stemmed rose at age 60.

Not if you had small breasts to begin with.

No, they sag, too; some worse than the big ones, depending on elasticity, etc. If she's small, a woman who takes care of herself and stays in some kind of shape may look better longer, but nobody outruns the long arm of the law - especially if it's Newton's Law of Gravity.

bagoh20 said...

Women, you can't be free or equal until you get rid of those things. Body hair, foreskin, and boobs are all archaic remnants of the patriarchal, sexists oppression of the past.

Get rid of them. and replace them with video screens. With the proper software, 3D is possible. And, hand over the remote - you'll never have the DNA to use that thing right.

LilyBart said...

As a consequence, quality has improved and prices have dropped dramatically. Competition and markets work.

Same with lasik surgery.

Shouting Thomas said...

They looked like me! Howver, modern women’s and fashion magazines make me feel inadequate.

Once again, for scholarly purposes, I suggest you visit Guess Her Muff... solely for the purposes of reading the comments.

The body types represented run the gamut of possibilities, and there are men who are fans of every type.

Nathan Alexander said...

I would break up with a girl with fake boobs as soon as I saw them.

Natural or get out.

Nathan Alexander said...

Full disclosure:
I'd dump a girl for having a tattoo, too.

Or smoking.

Or being dumb enough to vote for Obama a 2nd time.

Pretty much anything else goes.

Yeah, my standards are pretty low, but at least I have them.

bagoh20 said...

"I heard they burst shortly after death..."

I can't imagine why this would happen, other than engineered planned obsolescence to prevent a black market on used boobs.

FleetUSA said...

Based on my limited experience smallish ones are much more sensitive and fun.

Plus they age very well.

bagoh20 said...

The surgeons should have models available so that a woman's mate could test drive various sizes. His opinion is important too.

Shouting Thomas said...

I heard they burst shortly after death and that this could be a problem with an open-casket funeral.

We've discovered the solution to this in Woodstock.

I've recently been FB friended by a "Green Funeral" group. No caskets, no embalming. Wrap the body in a sheet and toss it in the hole.

Of course, if you're going green, you probably aren't going for plastic tits.

Michael K said...

Beldar, try to convince politicians of that.

I am a retired surgeon and the whole boob thing has been a phenomenon. Lest you think it is done to impress men, it is usually to impress other women. Boob jobs are popular with lesbians. They are also popular with the Medicare generation. I can't imagine why.

I have two daughters with large breasts. The older is already thinking about a reduction and she is 45.

I teach physical diagnosis to medical students. I try to demonstrate a breast exam for them and let them practice on a model. Can you imagine trying to find a model or actress in LA who doesn't have silicone implants ? I will give it a try again this fall.

Automatic_Wing said...

They just want to get the most boob for the buck. Every woman loves a bargain!

bagoh20 said...

"Of course, if you're going green, you probably aren't going for plastic tits."

Hippies have enormous confidence and faith in soy and hemp to solve all problem, so I'm thinking tofu is a possible option.

Shouting Thomas said...

I read an article today in the NY Times about the new medical technology of growing replacement organs for patients from their own stem cells.

Perhaps, in the Utopian future, women can be fitted with absolutely natural, enlarged tits grown from their own stem cells?

bagoh20 said...

"They are also popular with the Medicare generation. I can't imagine why.".

My guess is dead husbands are the inspiration.

Shouting Thomas said...

Althouse, you gotta post more about tits!

Where's Titus? This is right down his alley.

Unfortunately, your vagina postings are nowhere near as much fun. The vagina seems to be a feminist organ.

MadisonMan said...

Go big or go home.

I don't see the point.

madAsHell said...

I dunno. I'm not a big boob guy, and fake boobs look painful.

Give me a long pair of legs, and a woman that looks like she can run like the wind. Now we're talkin'!!

fivewheels said...

It is fashionable, and considered enlightened, for men to say they aren't interested in large breasts. However, the evidence in this story and elsewhere seems to suggest the opposite.

Part of what these women may be experiencing is the disconnect between what men may consciously want to or feel they should think, and their actual revealed preferences.

Shouting Thomas said...

It is fashionable, and considered enlightened, for men to say they aren't interested in large breasts. However, the evidence in this story and elsewhere seems to suggest the opposite.

Aha! The Marxist "false consciousness" narrative applied to tits!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

90% of boob jobs are crud..

As far as crud go.. a boob job still better than no boob at all ;)

n.n said...

So, some women define themselves by their vagina and their breasts. What a complicated, misguided life they live.

Anyway, contrary to popular belief, some men, most (?) men, assess the fitness and appeal of a potential mate by more than just their vagina and breasts. It's a long life, and it cannot be reasonably shared with these two features alone.

Nathan Alexander said...

If natural, and not based on being overweight, larger is better.

But if you need to be 300 pounds to get to a size D, it tends to be less attractive.

And if it is plastic, well, fools have always been able to be fooled by glittering non-gold. It doesn't make gold less valuable and prized by those with discernment.

DADvocate said...

I don't like the idea of cosmetic surgery of any kind...

Agreed, except in cases of reconstructive surgery or deformities. I view having a boob job, etc as a sign of superficiality and insipidness. Besides, any more than a mouthful is a waste.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Is this another sign Obama is going to win?

Predicting tougher economical times ahead in a second term... more women seek to invest on a sure thing.

Sorun said...

Imagine a surgical procedure that can make men taller, but it has the side effect of making his dick smaller. It makes him look better superficially, but there's surprise underneath. I bet a lot of guys would still do it.

Anonymous said...

How interesting after all the sturm und drang of the past few days. A nice boobie discussion. Very pleasant.

bagoh20 said...

I think women have started in the last 5 years to realize that the most important thing you can do at any age to improve your attractiveness to men, regardless of what else you got going, is to not be overweight.

As I do most weekends, I was doing dog adoptions this afternoon, and I set up in front of an upscale yuppie type clothing store in a beach community. A much different demographic than I usual have at pet stores. The difference in women was substantial. 95% were in great shape. All ages, well dressed or not, but nearly all were fit, and consequently much more attractive than the ones I usually get in front of the pet store. Surprisingly, they were also generally much less fearful of my pit bulls than the usual public. They were walking right up to them and making easy fearless contact, with kids in tow. I would not have assumed that correlation.

Boobs are nice, but fit is it. Not amazing shape or anything - just proper weight to height, and the natural look is best. Proper weight is like being at least 10 years younger on the scorecard.

No, I'm no prize myself, but I know most other guys think the same, so the point is still valid.

edutcher said...

Nathan Alexander said...

If natural, and not based on being overweight, larger is better.

But if you need to be 300 pounds to get to a size D, it tends to be less attractive.

The difference is that kind of fat is dead weight.

A buxom, well-endowed woman will bounce, jiggle, quiver, depending on the amount of, uh..., motion.

A woman who's just very much overweight, sad to say, won't. They just kind of lay there.

Anonymous said...

Bounce, jiggle and quiver, sounds like a dance craze.

coketown said...

Do these women realize that running around with a padded bra is a lot easier than running around with huge silicon bags stuffed into their chests?

My aunt got a boob job and had them removed two years later. She's a petit little thing so the implants were hard on her back. And she complained that they got really hot in the summer and really cold in the winter.

Michael K said...

"Imagine a surgical procedure that can make men taller, but it has the side effect of making his dick smaller. It makes him look better superficially, but there's surprise underneath. I bet a lot of guys would still do it."

Nobody I know, or as the woman said, "Nobody who expects to go home with me."

Anonymous said...

Chicken cutlets, free under Obama care, cheaper than a boob job!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Besides, any more than a mouthful is a waste.

We are experiencing a communication breakdown.. attempts to communicate are failing.. I only hear static.

paul a'barge said...

Got no man at 25? Gonna have no man at 50 and 60. Gonna be a dessicated, lonely old shrew wallowing in self pity.

Go for the big ones and learn how to keep a man.

paul a'barge said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

I have had a number of life saving surgeries, and I've been amazed at what they can do, how well they can do it, and how well we heal after such a thing. I would love to have my cosmetic defects fixed, and even get some non-defects "enhanced". I mean, what man wouldn't like to drop his pants and hear women say "holy shit!"? BUT, I rarely see any cosmetic surgery that is not obvious and less than a real improvement. Boob jobs may be the best of the procedures available so far. I have seen a few that still look natural and actually were an improvement for those women who had very "unplump" breasts, and needed fullness more than size. That works.

Bill said...

"Wom[e]n who see what life is like with larger breasts (by wearing a big padded bra) ..."

Why not just go with the padded bra? Get the advantages of big breasts when you want them, and small breasts when you don't.

yashu said...

"It's about a 4000 with an X cup."

Malesch Morocco said...

Isn't ist Time for Titus to weich in?


bagoh20 said...

Yea! they should make them adjustable. They have pump-up penis prosthetics, so why not boobs. Put the tiny pump handle right next to the G-spot and incentivize the hell out of this. Win-Win!

Malesch Morocco said...

Isn't it time for Titus to weigh in?


Saint Croix said...

One time an old girlfriend asked my opinion on whether she should have a breast reduction. So of course I said, "It's your body, whatever makes you feel good."

No, just kidding. What I actually said was, "Are you insane? Have you lost your mind? Oh my God your breasts are awesome. Don't reduce your breasts. That's the dumbest thing I've heard this week. This year. Oh my God! You got to be fucking kidding me. No. No. No fucking way. NO."

I know, I know. They're not my body parts. They're her body parts. I shouldn't get so worked up about somebody else's body parts. On the other hand, a woman's body is like a work of art as far as I'm concerned. It's God's art. I couldn't have been more pissed if she was slashing up a Monet.

"Do you think I should reduce my Monet?"

No! I don't!

If you share your boobies with me, they become our boobies. If I share my cock with you, it's our cock. Not saying I own the boobies. Not saying I have property rights. But I definitely have free speech rights. And if the boobies need legal counsel, because they're under attack, well, I'm here to defend them. "Leave those boobies alone!"

William said...

If boobs can be taken on or off at will, don't they qualify as fetish gear?.....The surgery keeps improving. I would advise any woman to wait for a while. In a few years, they will probably have adjustable inserts. You can have tits to fit the occasion. Delicate, virginal ones for discussing literature with the betas in poetry class and full on D's with accessorized snap on headlights for socializing with the jocks. "The many shapes a bright container can contain."

Penny said...

You want bigger breasts?


You got the money? We got the expertise to give you exactly what you want.

Jason (the commenter) said...

It's kind of silly to worry about saggy breasted women when women are putting stretchers in their ears and tattoos on their hands and necks.

The breast augmentation thing is kind of dated. And it's too expensive for most young women nowadays anyway.

Penny said...

Victoria's Secret shareholders are eying up your new boobs too, lassies.

Peter said...

Women should be encouraged to try out appropriately shaped wigs so they can learn the joys of being in their wonderful natural states.

Carnifex said...

I'm going to weigh in on the matter(unlike Shouting Thomas pun TOTALLY intended). My wife is extremely endowed. In her 20's she started as a DD, 30's DDD, and now in her mid *cough*'s she is a GG, Down from a HH after losing some weight. Her main problem is finding bra's that don't dig into her shoulders, or have the underwire dig into her skin, while at the same time giving her support. The insurance company won't cover a reduction because she's not "suffering" from it. She want's to be back where she was in her 20's. I wouldn't be averse to that.

Alas, gravity is anethma to large breasted women, and to compound the problem, in her younger years she liked going bra-less(when your 20 and built like Hugh Hefners wet dream could you blame her?) Her rose tattoo, and yes she has 1 there, looks like a map of the upper and lower Nile now.(don't tell her I said that)

Our boarder, who was being abused by her boyfriend, is an ex-model. I've seen her picture on those demovational posters, so you can imagine how her breasts are. She is my wifes age, but she has no droopage at all. Put your teenage daughter to shame. She get's hit on by teenage guys who have no idea that she's a nine times grandmother!

All this is to lead up to this point...I live with these 2 beautiful women(not boasting...maybe a little) but our boarder knows she is "safe" from me because I love my wife. And there it love the person, not the boobage. If my wife got breast cancer I wouldn't stop loving her. I couldn't if I wanted to. Boobs are nice to look at, and lord knows I love 'em, but men need to be mature emotionally enough to recognize physical attraction is at best temporary.

Besides, the fake ones bounce, the real ones jiggle.


Don't ask about her butterfly tatto on her ass...I've named it "Mothra"

Penny said...

"... but men need to be mature emotionally enough to recognize physical attraction is at best temporary."

Ha ha

OK then!

Wink, wink, double blink...

Penny said...


I got something in my eye, there for a sec.

Penny said...

All I can say is that it wasn't a breast. lol

Ralph L said...

I heard they burst shortly after death and that this could be a problem with an open-casket funeral.
That would happen in a crematorium, in which case open casket isn't an issue. Did you think silicone (or whatever the casing are made of) cares if the tissue next to it is live or dead?

Several years ago, my step mother's colon went haywire from painpill-abuse, and she lost 70 lbs, down to skin and bone and boobs. Then they put her on steroids and her shoulders and head ballooned freakishly.

Robert Cook said...

I tend to be against plastic surgery, against breast implants in particular, and unlike some men, I think there is such a thing as "too large" female breasts, natural or not.

That said, an ex-gf of mine, who was naturally small and self-conscious about it, did have "augmentation" later, (i.e., after our relationship had ended, although we have remained friends).

I couldn't help but want to see and feel them, and she obliged me. I must say, they were spectacular! They looked and felt natural. They are filled with saline solution, not silicone, and she was smart enough to not go for the "large as her head" size that is so oddly attractive to women who want bigger breasts.

I think the secret is to find that balance between going bigger than what one was born with but staying small enough that they remain proportional to one's overall stature and body type. Also, I don't know if there are different shapes to the implants, but whereas many look like spheres or balloons, these (my friend's) have a natural hang and shape.

Robert Cook said...

By the way, actress Chrisina Ricci, in contrast to many of her professional peers, had a bread reduction surgery some years ago.

Abe Froman said...

I dated a girl for a few months who had had breast reduction surgery, and she was so embarrassed about how they looked afterwards that I never even saw the puppies. Going under the knife out of vanity is kind of stupid, especially when there's no guarantee that the end result will be any more pleasing to you.

Rusty said...

They tend to come in thinking a C-cup would be right, but end up seeing the D-cup as preferable.

Oh. Any size is alright as long as they're perky. And by perky I mean as long as there are two and the high beams work.

Save the boobs. Support breast cancer research.

mariner said...

Of course, if you're going green, you probably aren't going for plastic tits.

Don't be silly, ST.

Goofy holier-than-thou women parade those green silicon tits all over, deluding themselves that men are too stupid to tell the difference.

mariner said...

Ron White is sometimes pretty wise.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know more about what happens with these breasts over the years. If you're going to choose, you deserve information.

What a great idea! We should do that for woman considering an abortion - age enhance and show what the fetus will look like when it is 20 or 30.

I'd like to know more about what happens with this fetus over the years. If you're going to choose, you deserve information.

Great idea Ann!

Ken Green said...

Having grown up in Los Angeles, I knew more than a few women who got boob jobs, and many (if not most) regretted it over time, much as many people regret visible tats over time. I know of one woman who needed 3 or more follow-up surgeries and wound up losing virtually all sensitivity in her breasts, not to mention making breast-feeding nearly impossible.

And, as others below pointed out, they may look good in clothes but they often don't look that good au natural, and they certainly don't feel at all real, which for some guys at least, will create a negative libido feedback.

So, if you're gonna go fake on the physical stuff, better learn to fake everything, I suppose.

Caveat: reconstruction is a different story entirely - We evolved to deal with scars that happen due to tragedy, but most people wouldn't react the same way if you showed them a scar and said "I did this to myself intentionally."

Robert Cook said...

My takeaway: use saline instead of silicone.

Strelnikov said...

Who cares why, as long as they keep choosing larger.

Astro said...

I suppose I'm in a pretty small minority of guys on this, but I hate the look of fake boobs. I think they look ridiculous. I'd rather see a genuine A or B size real breast than a D size phony.
My late wife had a DD size chest, but I'd have married her regardless of that. After a few years I got tired of hearing about the bra straps cutting into her skin and about her back aches. Not too mention the $$$ she had to spend on bras and finding clothes that fit.
Great lady, though. May she rest in peace.

Joe said...

I concur with Astro. Natural looks better.

I saw my upstairs neighbor at the pool a few weeks ago. She'd recently gotten a boob job and it looked comically awful. At one point, she walked inside the club house. I've never seen worse cottage leg cheese legs in my life. I strongly suspect this woman used to be rather huge and the surgery didn't start with her boobs.

A friend of my twenty-something daughter got an absurdly huge boob job. It simply looks comical and she's saving up to have them reduced by several cup sizes.

Kimberly said...

My late wife had a DD size chest, but I'd have married her regardless of that. After a few years I got tired of hearing about the bra straps cutting into her skin and about her back aches. Not too mention the $$$ she had to spend on bras and finding clothes that fit.

You got it. Sporting a big padded bra around for a day or two does NOTHING to convey how heavy larger breasts can feel, and how much tension they can place on the back and neck muscles. Plus, the padding in the bras will be squishy enough that the problems inherent in navigating shoulder-strap seat belts and button-down shirts probably won't be apparent. Unless there's some weight sewn into the bras and the padding given some solidity, it's just not a good comparison.

(And I bet the padded bras were cute little Victoria's Secret things, too, not the big honkin' matronly Playtex type bras with three or more fasteners that those of us who are "blessed" get to use. That's going to be an ugly surprise when these women with implants hit their 40's and need something that will help them fight gravity.)

Brennan said...

This is one big mess I wouldn't mind inheriting.

Segesta said...

Remember, when Marge Simpson accidentally got a boob job, her life improved dramatically and (to her) unexpectedly.

Unknown said...

I was fine with what my wife had (AA), however she is short and slim...but with curvaceous hips. She was frustrated with trying to find clothes that fit her in a way she was happy with. I had to admit she looked a little "top-light." So when she asked for a boob job for her birthday, I agreed, we researched it, and found an excellent surgeon ($$$, but this is not the place to waste money). She decided on a size that was about B+, and it looks and feels great ten years on. She's very happy with how she looks ("More balanced," she says)and with her new choices in clothes. I think the key was not getting "greedy," as some women do, and oversizing themselves. The surgeon agreed, and said he often found himself trying to persuade women to drop down a size or half size from what they wanted.

Stephen said...

Witness said...
There should be photos of how enhanced breasts look after 20 or 30 (or more years) compared to what happens to smallish breasts over the years.

Well I live near St. Petersburg, FL where the average age is 65-70-80? and the average bra size appears to be 36-Extra-Long...

Brian G. said...

I am appalled. I prefer women that are flat-chested and don't look too much like women because it is unfair that women feel the need to have bigger boobs to attract men. All women are beautiful. Signed, Feminist ass-kisser that never gets a date

Brian G. said...

Dave Chappelle did a sketch on this.

Tx Doc said...

As to aging and augmentation:
1. If placed subpectoral, position is general stable,
2. If not over-sized will remain with minimal ptosis ("sag") per se, assuming absence of significant weight loss,
3. Key is good plastic surgeon (nor a "cosmetic surgeon" - many are NOT plastic surgeons but weekend trained ENT or whatever (ducking flame war, but whatever...) and realistic choices after achieving the weight you will stay at - not a minor issue.

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