Here's the archived page, so you can click all the links. Here's Drudge itself.
Now, let's analyze the winkage. The main headline is Hillary, acknowledging her recent dissembling about Libya. She was just bullshitting before. Meanwhile, Obama's "GETTING SERIOUS," planning a 3-day debate prep. And Putin wants Obama to win. What's Michelle winking about? If the kids feel hungry after the lunches she's skimpified, let them
"It's not surprising that some youngsters will in the middle of the day be hungry," [Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said]... "We understand that change is difficult... Some folks love it, some folks have had questions about it, but that's to be expected..."Regardless of how tall you are, whether you're in a growth spurt, and whether you're active and athletic. Everyone must pay — with their own bodies, as they are trapped in compulsory schooling — for the subset of kids who eat more than their bodies need. One size fits all. Uniformity.
Under the new regulations, cafeterias are required to serve twice as many fruits and vegetables while limiting proteins and carbohydrates. For an average high school student, that means two baked fish nuggets, a cup of vegetables, half a cup of mashed potatoes, one whole grain roll and 8 ounces of fat free milk is the fuel that served to get them through their last four hours of classes.
Anyway, I'm getting off topic. The main topic is: Everyone's winking. That means: It's all bullshit now, don't you know?
६१ टिप्पण्या:
Two slices of white bread, lots of butter and gravy is the usual fix for not enough meat.
I hope tou will learn to love "Big Brother" without sterner measures having to be taken.
Now, let's analyze the winkage. The main headline is Hillary, acknowledging her recent dissembling about Libya. She was just bullshitting before.
What is Obama's responsibility here? Would you care to comment on that. Like a coward, he has not said much except his bullshit was called bumps. He was just bullshitting I guess. But your Hillary hate makes you write what you wrote but why not hold Obama accountable. You don't want us to think you're another one of those Obamedia whores, right? Last I heard he was still talking about that fucking video and refusing to use the word terrorism.
This election is pop-culture vs reality.
The pop culture crowd want free health care (there’s no such thing) and a cute president with a hollywood grin. They want a hollow man with hollow promises. The Pop culture crowd do not care at all about the economy, or the lives of average Americans trying to make a go.
The reality crowd wants a reality president.
Barack Obullshit.
Truth in advertising.
Yeah, Urkel and Hildabeast, wink and grin. what is more hilarious than murdered Americans, and an ambassador gang-sodomized while dying? I laughed for hours at that...these Leftist scum are beneath contempt, along with the press idiots and the dolts who make up 40+percent of the electorate.
What the devil does she have against protein?
And what the devil is "wrong" with 1% milk anyway? Why does the abomination called "skim" even exist?
I already prediced that obesity rates would fall, because of increasing poverty under Barack, rather than smaller portions under Michelle.
Maybe Hillary was hamstrung by the WH and Jarrett, you know that sidekick of Obama's, to say the real thing and now that the event is all but forgotten that Obama has given her the go to tell the truth. Notice she didn't go on the MTP to bullshit, it was Susan Rice.
Two fish nuggets
And a bite outta Michelle's butt.
Ah, fuggit!
Why they stick us with the fatty cut?
Obama and Putin are winking with the same eye. Hillary is winking with the opposite. Out of step?
I was not aware that Ms Obama was a registered dietician. I just thought she was a failed lawyer.
Wee Little Winkie,
Poses like Great Minds
Finger on upraised Chin me thinkie
More concerned with how the media finds
Than the econonmy going down the sinkee.
Roger J. said...
I was not aware that Ms Obama was a registered dietician. I just thought she was a failed lawyer.
What do you mean failed? The Obamas primary interest is redistributing wealth. And she scored a job redistributing 300k of taxpayer money performing services so critical when she left they didn't bother to replace her. I'd call that success.
That's Hillary?!
Looks like a Madeleine Albright/Bella Abzug love child.
On a bad hair day.
I guess I would agree with you depending on how deep in the shitter we go, but if I had to guess, based on past experience, poor people will be forced to eat more and more unhealthy foods, leading to more and more obesity. If we get into dumpster diving mode then yeah, but expect the number of gun homicides to escalate dramatically. So that'll keep the fatties down.
Thanks for the $4 gas, democrats.
Marshall: touche She's clearly a one percenter.
Drudge knows that winking is offensive—maybe even insulting—in other cultures. He's pulling leashes.
Saint Croix: cruel but accurate--well done
"Failed" in that she had to "give up" her license. She didn't know that as a minority, she didn't need a license, ala Fauxahontas.
I think the Hidabeast's wink means, "Play along with me here and I'll give you a little".
Maybe Choom's, too.
St. Croix, I had a similar reaction. Hillary's been looking pretty bad lately and that pic is hilarious. Maybe she's doing a Popeye impression.
I have to wonder if Hillary hears the oncoming bus--but then again the Bamster needs Bill until Nov 7
Hillary's looking old and tired. I think she's finally gotten it through her head that the big prize is never going to be hers the way Willie always promised.
It doesn't help that she, like Choom, is in way over her head.
Roger J, it is all very subtle.. they badly need both Clintons for his reelection. If that were not the case she would have been creamed in the Obamedia to a pulp by now trying to protect their love child and Obama himself would have thrown under the bus in a NY second.
Parents have to be told to pack a snack for their kids who stay for after school activities? Actually, high school students ought to be able to pack their own snack.
You said it perfectly.
Curtis Roberts
I was in a catholic school for 1st grade, where I was told I "had to drink my milk" - I had no choice. Same motivation: its for the child's health.
Today? I cannot fucking stomach drinking milk straight up - probably due to nuns forcing me to drink it. The thought of a milkshake makes me want to vomit, so they ruined that too. And that was just ONE year.
I'd advocate teaching kids about gardening, plants, horticulture and botany to get them interested in veggies. I'll bet they'd be more interested in a plant they GREW than one slapped on their plate by force.
BUT...at least for our local school district that has a big container garden - I know they aren't allowed to SERVE anything they grow in the garden.
How fucked up is that?
Hillary looks like she's had a lot of nip and tucks done on her face. What are those three strange pull-lines on her right cheek? That's not natural.
Paul: those pull lines are because she keeps asking bill: you want me to suck what?
The bussing for racial equality led to the construction of huge central schools - I think the average high school in this town holds about 2,500 students now, if not more, and with recent construction, the middle schools are not far behind. The educational establishment loves this, but is it good for the kids?
And what is this I am now reading, that kids are eating breakfast, lunch and dinner at school with menus established by Federal agencies in Washington?
And, of course, no two kids are alike. I have a fairly low rate of metabolism and have never eaten at the rate some of my cousins do, yet they have always been thinner than me. And what about the picky ones?
This cannot be good.
hmm, bullshit ... today's theme at Althouse!
Have they started to inspect sack lunches and confiscate contraband from them yet?
shiloh said...
hmm, bullshit ... today's theme at Althouse!
Only because it's shilol's stock in trade.
PS Before the citations begin, both the WaPo/ABC and Gray Lady/Black Rock/Q-pac polls are skewed D +9, so save your energy.
And I thought Kim Jong Il was tough.
Speaking of bullshit, I know we talk about the insane media coverage of Obama, but it's really mind-blowing when you read a liberal with principles rip into Obama.
It makes me mad at the media all over again. How can you not talk about the drone strikes, or the assassinations? Of course you can argue for these things, too.
But to take the conversations off the table? To utterly ignore the issue? To not cover the fucking news?
It will be nice to have a Republican President so the press will do its fucking job again. I miss the media telling us that war is evil. Or that unemployment and homelessness is bad.
This is as close to Orwell as we've been in my lifetime. Birth control, that's what this election is about.
I thought Hillary was having a stroke.
hmm, bullshit ... today's theme at Althouse!
Funny, "bullshit" is the first thing that comes to mind whenever I see "shiloh."
Say no more...a nudge is as good as a wink to a blind bat.
How does a photographer catch the moment of a wink? Is it video and they take a frame, or what?
Palin winked famously at the Republican convention, and that photo is used iconically wherever whenever to make her look stupid. Palin *wink* look at the stupid thing she said.
I winked accidentally at the worst possible moment. I don't even know what happened to my face. I was speaking directly then stopped, then everybody was done and leaving the room, the last doctor said something anodyne upon leaving, a face tic occurred and my left eye winked, and ... let's just say now an intern thinks I'm a homo who was trying to pick him up.
Roger J. said...
I was not aware that Ms Obama was a registered dietician. I just thought she was a failed lawyer.
Excellent, Roger!
If someone else said it, I apologize, but has Michelle proposed giving globs of Reflecting Pool algae to the kids, yet?
Is the new status symbol in high school...adequate amounts of edible food?!
She's got food! She must be rich.
Knowing how to wink, and not just at pretty girls, is an art form.
If you think this is bad wait until you see Obamacare. The same sort of idiots creating these guidelines will be creating guidelines for your healthcare. This is what happens when you elect a radical who hates everything about the US and who despises individual choice. The Obamas won't be happy until we are as undernourished as the North Koreans.
If nothing else we need to get Obama out so we can quit pretending that all of this stuff is normal or even acceptable in a putatively free society. There will be a tremendous sigh of relief even from Obama's supporters when we see the back of him because they HAVE to be tired of pretending "Oh yeah this lunch, that I just threw in the garbage, is wonderful. The Middle East is really settled down now. The Democrats didn't cause the mortgage meltdown... that was Bush. It was all Bush!"
Also, that article is ridiculous. Fruits and vegetables are carbohydrates. So it says they are trying to limit carbohydrates by offering more carbohydrates.
And how frickin' insane does someone have to be to try to limit protein for growing kids? What sense does that make? There are only three sources of calories. If you read the article closely then you will see that they explicitly mention limiting protein and carbs while nothing is said about fat.
And enough with the patronizing "change is hard" bullshit. Yeah, change for the worse is always hard. You don't tend to have so many complaints when the change is for the better. Did that ever occur to this bunch of imbeciles? Obesity is a problem for some people. Anorexia is for others. Maybe we should try force feeding with tubes? That's it! We could all sit in pens all day and be fed by tubes and then when the election comes along if we peck the right paddle we will continue to be fed... from tubes! But how much to feed... maybe we could vote on it? Enough paddles pecked and it goes up or down for everyone... can't have anyone get more can we? Oh, glorious, glorious Obama how did we ever live without you? How did we feed ourselves? How did we make all of these decisions? Where did we get our birth control?
Here's another question. Why do people go along with this crap? Why do states comply? Why do schools comply? What level of absurdity do we have to reach before people stand up just quit going along?
I said Obama could eat a puppy and no one would care. That was closer to the truth than even I suspected. Now he is purposefully starving our kids and no one cares. I know it is because there are still ways around this stupidity (except for the poor) but they are working at cutting all of these outlets off in a lot of areas. That is what Hillary was opining about with her call for a global tax. Don't leave anyone any way out of the Marxist paradise. They won't run if there is no where to go.
When that happens is when the whole thing blows up in violence. When you can't ignore the idiots and petty tyrants is when you have to deal with them and the reckoning will not be pretty. It never is.
The only thing keeping everything afloat now is the same thing that kept the Soviet Union afloat... there are enough ways, legal or otherwise, around the laws and policies of the government to allow things to sort of function. There are cafeteria workers who allow kids to steal a bit of food or who make something outside the guidelines. There are similar people violating other laws because their conscience and decency demands it. You reach a point though where that is no longer the case and the whole edifice crumbles overnight because all of that isn't enough.
But hey, we are lucky we dodged McCain. Boy, that was a close one! That Palin, she sure was an idiot. Radical, that's what they were. They actually wanted to leave us alone!
A few hundred doctor's notes saying that the kids need more protein, followed by lawsuits if not accepted, are warranted here.
Obesity rates are falling, but only because the surveys are sampling people with cellphones as well as landlines. The landline only samples were becoming increasingly biased.
"We understand that change is difficult."
LOL! Yes, being hungry and accepting it is because Evita said you must accept it is a challenge. Another couple years and they will be numb, desperate sheep. Right where she wants them.
BTW what happened to all the money she got from Congress for this? If she is giving out less food, where's the cash?
You rock!
Statist have to pass laws that regulate everything, that way everyone becomes a law breaker. They want you, they got you.
Kathleen is not winking.
Yes they have.
Hey, look at this pic of Golda Meir. Who does it resemble?
Speaking of bullshit, I know we talk about the insane media coverage of Obama, but it's really mind-blowing when you read a liberal with principles rip into Obama.
Speaking of bullshit, the journalistic establishment is so far to the left, your link is to a guy who holds himself out as a conservative.
C'mon Ann we should be happy at least the O's found some sphere of life in which a flat tax is good. I have hope that change will come.
I was talking with a Russian ex-pat once, and he said that vodka had become an alternate form of currency. If you want that sink fixed, you can wait months, or give a bottle of vodka and get prompt service.
In America, it's going to be hamburgers.
Further down the page is a photo of Kathleen Sebelius with a death stare...wonder if she has Graves'.
That wink of Michelle's must've come right after she said "Barack has been struggling with us", when in fact the lifestyle of the Obama's costs us $1.4 billion a year.
the journalistic establishment is so far to the left, your link is to a guy who holds himself out as a conservative.
Wow, that's kinda bizarre. He's definitely making a liberal critique of Obama's foreign policy. He's saying exactly what Ralph Nader is saying.
If he's on the right, he's a libertarian, a Ron Johnson guy.
Hey, look at this pic of Golda Meir. Who does it resemble?
His name was Tony the Stick and sold "insurance."
I winked accidentally at the worst possible moment.
I'll be back after my massage
Ann, and you still don't know who you are voting for?
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