ADDED: Ridiculous NYT headline: "Many Republicans Join Democrats in Denouncing Attack in Libya." Everyone denounces it! What's this notion that the Dems are all one and some but not all Republicans "join" them? I think they're trying to separate Mitt Romney as the one who isn't joining. The item ends:
As those statements [from various Republicans] came out, Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential nominee, stood by his criticism that a statement from the American Embassy in Cairo condemning the intolerance of an anti-Muslim Internet video was tantamount to “an apology for American values.”As if that means Romney doesn't denounce the attack! That's a way of flipping the problem, which is the Obama administration's insufficient denouncement, as if the murderers had some justification... which reminded me, on 9/11, of lefty chatter I heard on 9/11/01 that the terrorist attacks were provoked by racism in the United States.
३०२ टिप्पण्या:
302 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Well, if Romney thinks he has free speech, then I guess he has to accept the MSM's actions.
Clearly, Romney is a racist.
All criticism of Obama is racist.
Women must like it, or they wouldn't tune in.
Someone has to speak up for the dead.
Hope Romney keeps speaking up. He will, his conscience will not allow him to do otherwise.
Said it in the other thread, will repeat it here:
If you're more worried about whether Romney was mean to Obama rather than how the Executive Branch failed to protect our diplomat and other Americans, your priorities: Fix them.
Well, maybe Obama is counting on the Russian fleet to get him out of this?
(did anyone else catch that story from the DNC?)
We are seeing daily new lows in the so-called MSM. Their inability to report honestly about Obama and his administration is disgusting. As kids we laughed about Pravda, but our MSM is no laughing matter.
Journolist sinks to new lows blaming Romney for telling the truth about No Leadership Surrendering Obama after a 9/11 memorial attack from AlQaeda.
The entire alphabet Net propaganda teams carried Hilary live as if the assaisnation done in Lybia was a type of 9/11 event and tried very hard to conflate the Egyptian apology criticism a day before with the Libyan attack done a day later.
This is Obama's Foreign Policy in action now. It's disturbing... I'm deeply saddened by this event.
Of course they are trying to change the subject, it hurts Obama.
Somebody needs to blame Bush, soon.
They're saying this after the Bush administration? After all the things they said? For eight years? Really?
Obama's options right now are limited, he'll have more flexibility after the election.
For all those keeping score: Dissent is no longer patriotic.
This doesn't look like farce to me. It looks like tragedy all over again.
So far Mitt, shoot from the hip pol, has offended England and given, according to Putin reason for Russia to oppose NATO's missile defense system, and now makes false claims about The White House's stance rather than state his concern over the loss of American lives. He is on a roll to continue another four years running for office until he gets it right.
I watched Hillary Clinton's address, and then Romney's, and then Obama's. Romney took a few questions after his speech, and the talking points were laughably obvious: Governor Romney, in the cold light of today's new facts, was it a mistake to lash out so quickly? Governor Romney, do you feel like an idiot for saying what you did last night, before you had all the facts? Mittens, you ignorant slut, when did you stop beating that slut, your wife?
Barack Obama delivered a statement to the press in the Rose Garden, but refused to take any questions at all.
Note how the press badgered Romney with questions.
Note that the smartest and best orator President can't answer questions.
somehow I dont think this MSM shit is going to resonate with the American people who dont like to see the dead bodies of ambassadors dragged thru the streets--we will find out in 10 weeks.
Matthew Sablan said...
"Said it in the other thread, will repeat it here:
If you're more worried about whether Romney was mean to Obama rather than how the Executive Branch failed to protect our diplomat and other Americans, your priorities: Fix them."
Sure, but that requires an intelligence, maturity and moral sense none of which are evident in these people.
Life makes more sense if you simply write them off as they are, rather than hoping, praying they somehow find the wherewithal to figure this out.
In college, professors seemed baffled that I felt a free press is hardly needed to protect rights since the press will always take sides regardless. This has bee. Shown dramatically.
Screw the press. Let them all go under.
This is Obama's Foreign Policy in action now. It's disturbing... I'm deeply saddened by this event.
Nichole: Likewise. I don't know where to start. It's all so typical of Obama, his supporters, and Muslims. And on the anniversary of 9-11.
"Sure, but that requires an intelligence, maturity and moral sense none of which are evident in these people."
Exhibit A: roesch/voltaire.
The media keeps embarrassing itself and highlighting that they are simply house organs of the democratic party. Eventually as the viewership and readership keeps declining one or more of the majors will go out of bussiness.
Will the others if nothing more than for self survival learn?
Look, in President Obama's defense, how was he supposed to know that apologizing to the crazed Islamists who stormed one embassy, offering them public affirmation from the leader of (what was until recently) the most powerful nation on earth, would encourage an attack on another?
What, you expect him to see into the future?
"...according to Putin..."
No other comment is necessary.
... rather than state his concern over the loss of American lives...
Jesus Christ, R/V.
Does it embarass you at all to be a complete party stooge?
"What, you expect him to see into the future?"
No, but he could pay attention to the past.
But frankly, at this point all I expect out of him is continued failure.
"Exhibit A: roesch/voltaire."
He can't help himself.
Efforts to persuade are futile.
So don't bother.
mittens' amateur, knee jerk reaction is duly noted.
Indeed, the foreign policy debates should be quite "entertaining" as national security neophyte mittens will be one of the participants.
"Does it embarass you at all to be a complete party stooge?"
It is his highest calling.
Coincidentally, it is also his highest and best use.
So, like a well-trained dog, he is happy.
A vote for Romney is a vote against a corrupt and lying media, as if you needed another reason.
The Romney presser questions on Egypt/Libya:
REPORTER: the statement you referred to was a toughly worded statement last night. Do you regret the tone at all given what we know?
ROMNEY: the embassy in Cairo put out a statement after their grounds had been breached, protestors were inside the grounds, they reiterated that statement after the breach. I think heights a terrible course for America to stand in apology for our values, that instead when our ground are being attacked and being breached that the first response of the united states must be outrage at the breach of the sovereignty of our nation. An apology for America’s values is never the right course.
REPORTER: governor Romney do you think, though, coming so soon after the events really had unfolded overnight was appropriate, to be weighing on this as this crisis is unfolding in real time?
ROMNEY: the white house also issued a statement saying it tried to distance itself from those comments and said they were not reflecting of their views. I had the exact same reaction. These views were inappropriate. They were the wrong course to take when our embassy has been breached by protestors. The first response should not be to say, yes, we stand by our comments that suggest that there is something wrong with the right of free speech.
REPORTER: what did the white house do wrong, then, Governor Romney if they put out a statement saying they disagreed witness?
ROMNEY: their administration spoke. the president takes responsibility not just for the words that come from his mouth but also for the words that come from his ambassadors from his administration, from his embassies, from the state department. They clearly sent mixed messages to the world, and the statement that came from the administration, and the embassy is the administration. The statement that came from the administration was a statement which is akin to apology and I think was a severe miscalculation.
REPORTER: you talk about mixed signals. The world was watching, isn’t this assault a mixed signal when you criticize the president when Americans are being killed shouldn’t politics stop.
ROMNEY: we were speaking about the different courses we could take with regard to the challenges the world faces. The president and I have differences of opinion with regard to Israel and our policies there, with regards to Iran, with regards to Afghanistan, with regards to Syria we have many distinctions and differences. We join together in the condemnation of attacks on the American embassies and the loss of American life and join in sympathy for these people. It’s also important for me just as it was for the white house last night by the way to say that the statements were inappropriate, and in my view a disgraceful statement on the part of our administration to apologize for American values.
REPORTER: governor some people have said that you jumped the gun a little in putting that statement out last night and you should have waited until more details were available. Do you regret having that statement come out so early before we learned about all the things that were happening?
The Obama press conference questions on Egypt and Libya:
The Romney press conference questions on Cairo and Libya, Pt II:
ROMNEY: I don’t think we ever hesitate when we see something which is a violation of our principles. We express immediately when we feel that the president and his administration have done something which is than consistent with the principles of America. Simply put, having an embassy which has been breached and has protestors on its grounds. Having violated the sovereignty of the United States. Having to embassy reiterating a statement apologizing for the right of free speech is not the right course for an administration.
REPORTER: if you had known last night that the ambassador had died, I’m gathering you did not know. That came later. If you had known that the ambassador had died.
ROMNEY: I’m not going to take hypothetical what would have been known when and so forth. We responded last night in the events that happened in Egypt.
REPORTER: now that foreign policy and the situation in the middle east has been thrust into the presidential campaign can you talk about why specifically you’re better qualified than president Obama to handle these specific issues.
ROMNEY: I think president Obama has demonstrated a lack of clarity as to a foreign policy. My foreign policy has three fundamental branches. First, confidence in our cause, a recognition that the principles America is based upon is not something we shrink from or apologize for. That we stand for those principles. The second is clarity in our purpose which is when we have a foreign policy objective we describe it openness lee and clearly to the American people, to congress, and to the people of the world. And number three, is resolve in our might. That in those rare circumstances, those rare circumstances where we decide it’s essential for us to apply military might, that we do so with force and with clarity of mission and with the US mission involved and understand when it will be complete, what will be left behind us when that mission has been terminated? These elements I believe are essential to our foreign policy and I haven’t seen them from the president. As I’ve watched over the past three and a half years the president has had some successes, he’s had some failures, it’s a hit-or-miss approach but it has not based upon sound foreign policy.
REPORTER: How specifically governor Romney would a president Romney has handled this situation differently than president Obama? You spoke out before midnight when all the facts weren’t known, how would you have handled this differently than the president did.
ROMNEY: I spoke out when the key fact was known, which was that the embassy of the United States issued what appeared to be a policy for American principles. That was a mistake. I believe when a mistake is made of that significance you speak out.
The Obama press conference questions on Egypt and Libya, Part II:
It's only senseless violence if it's not on TV.
On embassies, Obama is an open borders guy.
What a surprise! And Obama is now attacking Romney's lack of foreign policy experience?!
The economy is a wreck! The Middle East is a disaster. Obama is hoping to deal "more flexibly" with the Russians while pursuing unilateral disarmament. Our dependence on Arab oil continues while they murder us and the administration illegally blocks exploration in the Gulf and blocks the Keystone Pipeline. Our Justice Dept. delivers murder weapons to Mexican drug cartels and Obama helps them cover it up.
Half the people in this country support this incompetent and live in an alternative universe perpetuated by Democrat propaganda in the news media. We are toast!
R/V, Have you ever considered a career in journalism? You're awesome with that stuff.
NPR on Dianne Rehm this morning was totally disgraceful in their reporting - the whole first section was a denunciation over "insults" to Big Mo that "caused" this crisis. The reporter had time to denounce all the "terrible things" in the film, but not much to anything else.
She finally calmed down and noted that she had NEVER seen an embassy attacked like the one in Cairo - where the police did nothing to protect the place. Why, you might get the idea that the whole thing was planned.
I read this is another attempt by Morsi to remove the generals in Egypt for their "failure" to control this situation - just wait and see what happens there.
Other media - like the Guardian in Britain are demanding that free speech does NOT include the right to "offend religious sensibilities."
Channel 4 in the UK canceled the showing of the documentary by prominent scholar Tom Holland questioning whether Mohammed actually existed - or whether he was fabricated to give legitimacy to a new desert born empire.
I have not heard one peep from anyone in the media saying that the nutjobs in the riots can never be reasoned with and that the West needs to let them know that freedom of expression means freedom to offend.
Bagoh20 said..
"A vote for Romney is a vote against a corrupt and lying media, as if you needed another reason."
State Run Media is no longer a joke. It's here, folks.
(5) time Vietnam War deferment cheney er draft dodger cheney would already be on his way to Libya to lead the cavalry lol.
The world was watching, isn’t this assault a mixed signal when you criticize the president when Americans are being killed shouldn’t politics stop.
Well, that was the media's response when Bush was president, right?
The next president is taking questions from the media; Obama is holed up in some bunker (sand bunker? FORE!) somewhere, incommunicado.
Must be waiting for Noam Chomsky to explain how this is all America's fault.
November '12: intelligence test, people.
shitloh said...
Who cares what shitloh says?
Shiloh, Thank you for your service. was like they were being fed questions on earpieces from Axelrod.
It's 1979 all over again, and the media are helping the enemy. With this encouragement, the riots will get worse.
And why weren't these embassies fortified on a 9/11 anniversary? I guess they had no intel because Bams kills terrorists and doesn't question them.
C'mon folks, give the President some time to consult his focus groups. He's busy trying to save at least 1 American job and he can't be expected to know what he should say/do when, y'know, there's been attacks on sovereign American soil and diplomats murdered by a barbarous horde, all because some knuckledragging right-winger nutjob thought he could express some sort of "freedom of speech."
Sensibilities, people! Focus! -CP
The last time an American Ambassdor was killed was 1979' Carter was President...... something I think God... Is giving Americans every chance to see clearly what this election about, and to pick correctly.
Obama would have served. If he ever filed for Selective Service, that is.
bagoh20 said...
"R/V, Have you ever considered a career in journalism? You're awesome with that stuff."
Ideology? Check.
Knee-pads? Check.
baghoh20, you should be a career counselor!
The White House Blog
The President's Speech in Cairo: A New Beginning
(5) time Vietnam War deferment cheney er draft dodger cheney would already be on his way to Libya to lead the cavalry lol.
Thanks for using the internet.
State Run Media is no longer a joke. It's here, folks.
No. If it were State Run Media, it would be just as fawning to Republicans in office.
This is Party-Run Media. Pravda. Yellow Journalism. The Propaganda Arm of the Democrat Party.
I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear," Obama said to applause
Note where the sympathies lie...
Hey blind faith libs and pro-bammy press:
what was Obama doing yesterday?, we know not taking steps to protect Embassy.
As I said in another thread, Axelrod and Plouffe would love to gin up a rally 'round the flag vibe.
Don't think it's gonna fly.
Jay said...
Barack Obama delivered a statement to the press in the Rose Garden, but refused to take any questions at all.
He sounded as if he was reading a shopping list and bored to tears.
"and we'll work with the Libyan government to bring the perpetrators to justice".
That'll help.
shiloh said...
mittens' amateur, knee jerk reaction is duly noted.
Indeed, the foreign policy debates should be quite "entertaining" as national security neophyte mittens will be one of the participants
And the other will be national security neophyte Choom.
PS Darth at least co-ordinated the response to 9/11.
What Halo Joe gonna do, find another biker babe to sit on his lap?
So, Romney answers questions ably while our Reisdent cannot adequately manage an erection in an orgy.
What was Obama doing yesterday?
What was Obama doing yesterday?
What? Las Vagas prep or Letterman prep? Perhaps another softball interview with Glamour magazine? Golf? What?
The bizarro opening paragraph to that NYT's article, which seems to suggest that Romney isn't that upset about the attack:
After an initial burst of criticism, most Republicans in Washington — even some of President Obama’s fiercest critics — joined Democrats in denouncing the violent attacks on American Embassies in Egypt and Libya while refraining from criticizing the Obama administration’s response.
*sigh* "What did he know when?"
Time for the slow, painful march of Congressional subpoenas and blue ribbon commission reports to find out what went wrong so that we can avoid it.
Or, I suppose, like Fast and the Furious, firing unhelpful Inspector Generals, Solyndra, etc., we could just ignore oversight of the Executive Branch.
Get used to it....
Our illegal occupation of Egypt and Libya is to blame for all this. Let's get out now!
Seriously, go over to Democratic Underground and see what these dumb asses on the Left think... they actually think this has doomed Romney's election.
Donated to Romney just now. First time I have ever donated one cent to a politician.
An outrageous act of war is committed against the US, costing the lives of four representatives of the US, and from our "leader," we get...
Does anyone here doubt for a moment that had some fanatical right-wing nut attacked a federal government installation, killing four civil servants, that Obama wouldn't be hectoring all of now on civility and the extremist Republicans?
How much more does anyone need to know what a disaster it was electing this affirmative action hire to the presidency?
Sorry folks as long as Obama doesn't have a (444) day lingering Iran hostage crisis, mittens should lay really, really low on national security matters.
National security as re: to politics 101:
JFK Bay of Pigs CIA mission fails miserably. His job approval rating increases.
cheney/bush are embarrassingly caught w/their pants down on 9/11. Bush's job approval rating goes to 90%.
America, what a country!
We now return you to Althouse national security neophyte cons who still "grudgingly" :-P support another clueless neophyte, mittens.
Did anyone defending Romney actually read the transcript of Romney's press conference posted by Nathan Alexander?
Romney has to be the biggest weasel since Clinton. What a f**king embarrassment he is. Doing his best to give empty suits a bad name.
Don't go spending that $10 grand, shiloh. I want the cash, not the goods come next March.
So far Mitt, shoot from the hip pol, has offended England
By noting inefficencies in their Olympics planning, all of which were borne out as the event proceeded. It's not Romney's fault the English didn't care to hear from a man who actually ran an Olympics.
and given, according to Putin reason for Russia to oppose NATO's missile defense system
According to Putin. What's the matter, R/V, Baghdad Bob not available?
and now makes false claims about The White House's stance rather than state his concern over the loss of American lives.
The embassy apologized for offending Muslim swine. Romney responded to this groveling idiocy. The White House whined about Romney around 11.30 last night. It took them eight hours before they could bother to respond to the attack on our embassy.
He is on a roll to continue another four years running for office until he gets it right.
You haven't quite reached garbage's level of hackery yet, R/V, but you are a fucking liar.
And speaking of hacks -
(5) time Vietnam War deferment cheney er draft dodger cheney would already be on his way to Libya to lead the cavalry lol.
Ah, yes. Dissent is now once again unpatriotic, and candidates for the Oval Office once again must have military service records.
No wonder you people love murdering babies; when you have no conscience, standards or morals, why should anything bother you?
Yeah, I read it. Which is why I think you're being an idiot, again, Reasonable. Romney is talking the situation in Egypt. The situation in Libya is different, yet, everyone seems to want to pretend his response to Egypt is his response to Libya.
Because they are idiots. Are you an idiot? If not, stop acting like the other idiots.
I rarely reply to idiots such as yourself, but I would remind you that the "Selective Service" draft deferments
of which Cheney availed himself were installed into law by a Democrat Congress and signed by a Democrat President in an attempt to rationalize the induction process so as to save people whose services would be more vital to the general cause than as cannon fodder, using the VERY SAME logic that saw farmers exempt from the draft in WW II in order to utilize their unique skills to feed the troops and the nation.
"shiloh said..."
Attaboy, shiloh! You really gave that Cheney bounder what-for! He'll rue the day he tangled with shiloh!
But, well, I really hate to be the one to tell you this, but Mr. Cheney's not in the White House anymore. Yes, I know it's all very confusing, but try to follow along. See, it's actually 2012 now, and a couple years back we had this thing called an "election"...
AReasonableMan said...
Romney has to be the biggest weasel since Clinton. What a f**king embarrassment he is. Doing his best to give empty suits a bad name.
Note all the fact based policy criticisms.
Re: Lyle:
Seriously, go over to Democratic Underground and see what these dumb asses on the Left think... they actually think this has doomed Romney's election.
Look, it could doom Romney, if Obama were to articulate a serious, forceful response to these events. He's the President, so he has a lot more ability to control the course of events, while Romney is stuck on the sidelines.
As it is, though, the President's rhetorical response has been weak sauce, and lickspittle journalists appear to have got the message that the President's campaign wants to bury this thing, presumeably so the public aren't tempted to draw the obvious Carter parallel.
@edhenryTV President now pushing back his departure by about an hour, but is still heading to Vegas for campaign event this evening
-- But I'm sure Romney is the only one focused on politics.
"to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear"
Have those negative stereotypes "appeared" in the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi? Is that the sort of stereotype he's referring to?
Speaking of which, shouldn't NASA representatives be rushing to the Middle East to deal with this?
Hey Bryan C, I have a warm spot for cheney/bush as they begat (8) years of Barack Hussein Obama!
What's not to like! :)
What do you fools expect?
The President's view is that Islam must be protected from "nasty speech" and the American Embassy just has to take their chances.
He is loyal to his religion and his goals of subverting our nation.
He is an evil man.
Of course in the face of multiple foreign policy disasters, shiloh actually believes Obama is going to "out debate" Romney on foreign policy.
Why it is almost as if our little Internet Idiot doesn't understand Obama is a feckless failure on foreign policy.
Could someone pick up Shiloh's beaten persona off the mat and clean up that spittle? Anyone? Common guys, we got rubber gloves you can use. OK then, just push it off with a stick and hose that mess.
Carter II.
Obama: "While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants."
Really? President Obama rejects our 1st Amendment rights?
Everyone is free in this country to unequivocally denigrate other's beliefs via speech. Full stop. If your beliefs are so fragile that you murder people when they offend you. You are the problem.
Actually, wait.
I just now realized something. Why is everyone conflating Romney's criticism of the response in CAIRO to what happened in LIBYA?
That's... pretty shoddy journalism that I didn't realize *JUST NOW* that this was what was happening. Or was the Libyan ambassador killed in Cairo?
Don't worry, Barry's got this. He's new at the job, and it'll take him a while to get settled in.
Don't worry, this is Bush's fault, for having gone into Iraq.
Don't worry, It's pretty clear Romney's saying angry things.
Don't worry, It's America's fault. We just don't have right ideals in place, like Europe. This is a bump in the road to a peaceful world through progress and liberal internationalist policy-making.
Listen, you're racists, and probably sexists too.
Look, we're never going back to the way it was, white male Republicans, traditionalists. misogynists.
Ok, so some Muslims had a bad day. That doesn't mean this still isn't the religion of peace.
Again, I reiterate: it's America's fault
It's Israel's fault.
It's Sam Bacile's fault.
Absolute freedom and equality are next.
time Vietnam War deferment cheney er draft dodger cheney would already be on his way to Libya to lead the cavalry lol.
Like an incompetent general, Shiloh is still fighting the last election.
Note the lack of support for the President from the left. They've got nothing, as their constant yammering about Bush/Cheney and Bain shows.
"So far Mitt, shoot from the hip pol, has offended England and given, according to Putin reason for Russia to oppose NATO's missile defense system, and now makes false claims about The White House's stance rather than state his concern over the loss of American lives."
How is this different than Obama? Well, except for the Putin part. Obama chose to offend the Poles instead of the Russians on that topic, because I guess he sees the Russians as closer allies or something like that.
Your quote is absurd in the context of Bush's administration, where the war was the issue, using dead soldiers by name and by funeral to attempt to attack the President.
The reality is that arguing over the key issues facing this nation is precisely what an election is about. Do we have the leader we need or do we need to have a new leader. Such prospective leaders thus say what they see as wrong and what they would do different.
The false outrage against Romney in addressing one of the most clear foreign policy regions of the last 2 decades is beyond absurd.
Just as Kerry and Obama addressed the war in Iraq and Afghanistan so too should our national leaders address where policies work and where they fail.
That's what Democrats argued for 8 years at least.
Shit from hell roeschi won't even allude to the hell his god Hussein has brought on us. Romney's to blame! Romney's to blame! screams the turd.
All you need to know about the NYT is that the assault on our embassies and the killing of an American ambassador is page 4 stuff.
"R/V, Have you ever considered a career in journalism? You're awesome with that stuff."
on the flip side UW could save money by replacing R/V with a 36" plasma tuned in to MSNBC.
"What? Las Vagas prep or Letterman prep? Perhaps another softball interview with Glamour magazine? Golf? What?"
Well, there was Obama's highly important radio interview with the "Pimp With A Limp" DJ in Florida.
R-V & Shiloh: "Deflect, deflect, deflect."
Proving, once again, that they are not only stupid, but shameless.
AReasonableman said:
Did anyone defending Romney actually read the transcript of Romney's press conference posted by Nathan Alexander?
Well, we know one person who didn't read the transcript: AReasonableman.
Because there is no way a reasonable person could read that transcript and conclude Romney is a weasel.
But here's a follow-on question:
Did anyone actually read the transcript of President Obama answering questions on Egypt and Libya?
... Wait, the NYT didn't front page this? But... look at what MADE the front page.
This is stupid.
NYT editors are such whores.
"Hey Bryan C, I have a warm spot for cheney/bush as they begat (8) years of Barack Hussein Obama!"
There's a warm spot waiting for Mr. Obama, too, I bet.
Did anyone actually read the transcript of President Obama answering questions on Egypt and Libya?
Trick question, actually.
President Obama didn't have the courage to fulfill his responsibility to be accountable.
How about Hillary-Horror praising the Libyans for parading our dead ambassador around. They were taking him to the hospital you see, says the loathsome witch.
"Romney is a weasel."
mittens proves that daily w/his ad nauseam flip/flopping.
Conservative radio host pressures Romney, then mocks him for caving
Let me emphasize that:
President Obama refused to take any questions from even a largely compliant media.
I guess he couldn't take the risk of screwing up even a softball question.
shiloh said...
Conservative radio host pressures Romney, then mocks him for caving
I love the fact you think "Raw Story" is a news outlet.
The response that Romney was critical of from the Embassy... is that the same one Obama was critical of, that was eventually put down the memory hole?
... That's the response, right?
... Why is this an issue?
"Journalism" tag leads me to think how that word has become a joke to 50% of us.
shiloh said...
Sorry folks as long as Obama doesn't have a (444) day lingering Iran hostage crisis, mittens should lay really, really low on national security matters.
Gee, I don't recall any Demos wasting any time criticizing Dubya's handling of the war on Terror.
I guess when Lurch told us his dissent was patriotic, that only applied to him.
National security as re: to politics 101:
JFK Bay of Pigs CIA mission fails miserably. His job approval rating increases.
cheney/bush are embarrassingly caught w/their pants down on 9/11.
No, again, this was the result of Willie's 8 years of malign neglect.
Won't happen this time. Zero created this mess all by himself, no consultation from Congress or the military.
And let's list all the times the little animal's wet dream was caught with his pants down - when there wasn't an intern around.
February 26, 1993 - bombing of the World Trade Center
June 25, 1996 - attack on the Khobar Towers
August 7, 1998 - Kenya and Tanzania embassy bombings (a twofer)
October 12, 2000 - attack on the USS Cole
And let's not forget the most avoidable of all
October 3 and 4, 1993 - Bokara Market, Mogadishu
America, what a country!
Then leave. We'll be glad to hold the door.
Yes, educher, I agree Axe and Plouffe want to turn this into a "together we thrive" moment. But this is something he needs to answer some questions about.
When our embassies were attacked in Africa, very few questions were asked. It was a sad day The saddest right up until the USS Cole was attacked. And we all k ie what came next.
We need to know our president is on top of this, not just sad about it.
Disgusted but not surprised that the traitorous republican party has not disbanded itself and vowed total support for our Great Leader in this time of international crisis.
Somebody needs to blame Bush, soon.
Shiloh's blaming Cheney, good enough.
As many of us have said before, what would it take for the idiot liberals to see what a inept, incompetent con man Obama is? If he's so friggin smart, wonderful, omniscient, why's everything such a mess? A man with the powers he has should be able to fix all things in 30 seconds or less.
I asked this elsewhere, but both Hillary and Obama said his body was carried to the hospital. Is that what happened, or is that a positive spin on dragging his body through the streets?
Again, after (8) years of incompetent/inept cheney/bush foreign policy/national security, cons/neocons/Althouse lemmings don't have a leg to stand on.
No pun intended!
The Resident not forcefully coming out in defense of free speech and in total opposition to barbarism is duly noted.
The movie only killed one person. And he wasn't a muslim. He was tolerant is islam. The weeds are growing up in Libya now that the totalitarian power is gone. Good foreign policy? Probably not, I would say a shortsighted foreign policy that is firing blindly at issues. And hoping for a hit here or there.
Shiloh: How many ambassadors were killed under Bush/Cheney?
9/11/12 - when Obama lost Althouse.
Hye remember when silly leftists like aresonabledouche criticized Hillary for this:
Hillary Clinton: “We came, we saw, he died.”
Me too!
Re: Matthew Sablan:
... Why is this an issue?
You know perfectly well it's an issue because Obama's supporters are desperate for a frame for this appalling development that doesn't make him look weak and Carter-esque.
When You Learn They’re Not Ready
Romney’s attack was not only ill-judged and ill-timed, it was actually based on what appears to be a demonstrable falsehood. Romney, or folks writing in his name at his campaign, claimed that the administration’s first response to the attacks was to issue a press release condemning the anti-Islam film which had helped trigger the attack. This they picked wholesale from the right-wing blogosphere.
In fact, according to all available press reports and the account of the State Department, the press release in question came from the US Embassy in Egypt and preceded the attacks. So to claim it was a response to the attacks was simply false. So while American diplomats were dying in the field, Romney pops up with an egregious attempt to politicize the deaths with a flat out lie.
Emphasis mine. Of course Romney is being condemned for this.
damikesc, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! :)
Watch the MSM go in overdrive to shift this to be all about Romney!
You once said that crossing The International Date Line was the highlight of your life. You should have hanged yourself that day.
Shiloh, Can't you find a way to make this A. Lincoln's fault too. You're slipping dude.
"So while American diplomats were dying in the field, Romney pops up with an egregious attempt to politicize the deaths with a flat out lie."
-- Incorrect. Romney's criticism of the CAIRO attack was joined later by the White House, so much so that the initial CAIRO response has been thrown down the memory hole.
Stop lying.
It's hilarious, depressing and no surprise to watch the unprofessional press collectively utter the same essence:
"How dare you criticize our lord and savior?!"
No questions for Obama.
Here's one: What was obama doing yesterday?
Andy R. said...
Emphasis mine. Of course Romney is being condemned for this.
Oh look, another idiot beclowns self.
Why don't you admit you have not one utter clue about the sequence of events and be done with it?
Israel will take note of this final nail.
They will move on Iran before the election. Sooner rather than later.
You can be sure of this.
No ally could ever have faith in Obama.
Ok, I'm going to make one last attempt at assuming good faith and general world awareness from the Shiloh, Andy, R/V, et al.
Guys: You do realize there are two DIFFERENT embassies that were attacked, right?
Hillary loves Libya!!!
If Reagan was President, Benghazi would be smoldering ruins by now.
Romney, or folks writing in his name at his campaign, claimed that the administration’s first response to the attacks was to issue a press release condemning the anti-Islam film
Here is what was said:
“It's disgraceful that the Obama administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks,” Romney said.
No "press release" was mentioned.
You realize you're a not that bright and easily misled dupe, right?
Pretty funny...
The Democratic Party assumes the stance of Archie Bunker!
Israel will take note of this final nail.
They will move on Iran before the election. Sooner rather than later.
I'm not sure Israel would start bombing and then be left out to dry by Obama for months. Even if Romney wins the election, Israel would be high & dry until January 20th.
Chronology. Sometimes, it is a bitch, as they say.
Who is playing politics now?
Andy, unless the ambassador to Egypt died in Benghazi...then you might want to find sources who know what they are talking about.
Althouse, your flock isn't doing a very good job ignoring me. :::shock:::
They like me, they really like me! :)
Damn, I could lead them anywhere lol. Next thing you know, they'll be voting for Obama like Althouse is doing.
ok, ok, more likely they'll just stay home and simmer ...
Don't worry, andy will continue reading "talking points memo" to get his "facts"
Life is easier that way.
.. rather than state his concern over the loss of American lives.
Do you imagine your malinformation is not checked?
Balfegor said "Look, it could doom Romney, if Obama were to articulate a serious, forceful response to these events."
I agree. Our President still probably has time to turn it around. Come before the podium, talk not about decrying things in strongest terms but instead about how we've got a few planes and helicopters at the ready, and say, as Romney said, that Americans will never surrender the rights of its people to say and film even the dumbest, most offensive things.
Obama could still do that.
Hillary is more upset with the teeny weeny tiny minority in Libya that perpetrated the horror than is the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood Government! Most Libyans love us and wish us no ill, she insists. That's how much she loves Libya and wants to assure us that the turd world is MAHVELOUS, DARLING.
Talking Points Memo, Hat?
Next time, quote from Highlights for Children. I understand Goofus and Gallant have quite interesting debates on national security.
Sammy: The last time an American Ambassador was killed was 1979' Carter was President...... something I think God... Is giving Americans every chance to see clearly what this election about, and to pick correctly.
Obama is God's wakeup call for America. Much of America, particularly women apparently, is not waking up.
Amazing the Carter-Obama parallels continue!
Fun fact: Obama thinks that Arab Spring is even better than Irish Spring--although he still loves the "manly, yes, but I like it too" tagline for the latter. Kudos Colgate- Palmolive!
America, Love it or Leave It?
You fucking Republican traitors!
Archie Bunker
"You once said that crossing The International Date Line"
Never crossed the international dateline as alas, never made a Westpac.
First crossed the equator at 0.00 latitude/longitude, the Greenwich Meridian off the coast of Africa.
Anchors Aweigh!
I yield back the balance of my time to disgruntled cons.
Read Obama's statement. It's robot speak--teleprompter man in action. Formal. Diplomatic. Bloodless.
It's what we expect of him.
Romney might have been better advised to just let him twist in the wind for a while. That said, the media is perfectly shameless in its twisting of the focus.
They do no fear us over there. A very good man (and three Marines protecting him) died from this lack of respect.
First crossed the equator at 0.00 latitude/longitude, the Greenwich Meridian off the coast of Africa.
Apologies. That was the day you should have hanged yourself.
Breaking ...
Their are bad guys in every country in the world. But not to worry as mittens is on his way to save the day!
Looks like Jimmy Carter the II now has a foreign policy prob to go along with his domestic problems.
Pitiful... this president is just pitiful.
One wonders when they will take hostages... just like Jimmy Carter I.
I bet he blames Bush!
If this all turns out to be true, and Obama literally ignored all of this evidence -- which by the way, is infinitely more clear than anything Bush ever got -- his presidency should be over. The election won't even be close.
Obama Camp Condemns Romney Before Condemning Attacks in Egypt, Libya
World's Touchiest Religion, Part MCLXVII.
I remember the Mormon riots after the Book of Mormon debuted on Broaday.
I love the fact you think "Raw Story" is a news outlet.
And that story was dated May 6.
Andy R bleated: "Of course Romney is being condemned for this."
Because Romney, of course, is the real issue here. Right, Jackass?
This is an excellent reminder of how Clinton underplayed the growth of AlQaeda. It makes the irony of the NYT's oped yesterday about Bush missing the signs so....grim
Israel has to move now before Iran gets the bomb. If Obama makes such a weak protest after the death of his Ambassador what makes you think he will care about the murder of millions of Jews?
Obama is a weak and evil man.
Andy R. said...
When You Learn They’re Not Ready
Romney’s attack was not only ill-judged and ill-timed, it was actually based on what appears to be a demonstrable falsehood. Romney, or folks writing in his name at his campaign, claimed that the administration’s first response to the attacks was to issue a press release condemning the anti-Islam film which had helped trigger the attack. This they picked wholesale from the right-wing blogosphere.
In fact, according to all available press reports and the account of the State Department, the press release in question came from the US Embassy in Egypt and preceded the attacks. So to claim it was a response to the attacks was simply false. So while American diplomats were dying in the field, Romney pops up with an egregious attempt to politicize the deaths with a flat out lie.
Romney is desperate and it is showing in this moment. This is a man who has spent his entire life without any principles beyond taking advantage of distressed businesses. When the U.S. is in distress his basic instinct is to kick it to see if he can gain an advantage.
Shouting at liberals only makes them dumber.
Dumb liars usually get what they deserve.
The "man without principles" shut down his business to find a missing girl and sat with a dying boy to comfort him. It is unbecoming to lie so blatantly. He has been moderate and wishy-washy in politics, but Romney's principles are clear.
Somebody tell Hatman a column from TPM impresses no one.
shiloh said...
Again, after (8) years of incompetent/inept cheney/bush foreign policy/national security, cons/neocons/Althouse lemmings don't have a leg to stand on.
Funny, we've had 4 years of Smart Diplomacy from the Exalted Messiah Who Sees All, Knows All.
He's fixed the world after Dubya and Darth. All the trolls are telling us so today (that's what took them so long to respond; coming up with this gibberish must have been hellacious)
Apparently, the little animal didn't get the memo on that. The last 4 years belong to his Messiah, the SCOAMF.
Althouse, your flock isn't doing a very good job ignoring me. :::shock:::
They like me, they really like me! :)
In the sense we enjoy kicking his ass.
Damn, I could lead them anywhere lol
Sure, he's gained so many converts with his gay wit.
While Obama and his press botch and spin - say a little prayer for the people who were murdered.
... Wait, the NYT didn't front page this? But... look at what MADE the front page.
This is stupid.
It's like that scene in The Paper (awesome movie!) where they have a fight over whether to stop the presses or not.
It costs money to stop the presses!
There's also a great scene early in the movie, when the editors compare the headlines of the various newspapers from the previous day.
I'm sure the NYT is really, really embarrassed today.
Who bought their paper on a newstand yesterday? Nobody!
Why did they stick such a huge story on page 4?
Maybe they wanted to spend a day to figure out how to spin the news to make Obama look good and Romney look bad.
Shiloh. Not imitating, mocking! Lol, har, mittens,har,mittens lol nuff said, lol.
You cannot believe any of this pithy. Surely. Lol.
Althouse, your flock isn't doing a very good job ignoring me. :::shock:::They like me, they really like me! :)
So he really is like the mean little kid with the magnifying glass.
To our hostess: if Shiloh's comments aren't examples of bad faith, then you must be using a different definition of the term.
Whatever side you're on, this is all just too amusing.
Roles completely flipped.
Dissent ain't so patriotic. Don't you dare criticise the president in time of crisis!
Too funny!
Try to remember this the next time a Republican is president, and the Dems are braying!
It is pretty impressive watching how quick the fall out has been and people have shared info about Obama skipping these specific briefings and ignoring these specific warnings.
Annoying that these leaks happen, but kind of a warm fuzzy when they are actual equal opportunity leakers.
What if Israel were to attack the day after the election? That would be some sticky shit, depending on who wins.
If it were to happen soon, we all realize that regardless of how bad it would get for our interests, it would be endurable and things would recover. If it happens much farther down the road, it gets much less so, and eventually we will be ashamed of ourselves.
Ah, this is the response the administration needs to be making:
A senior U.S. official tells CNN that U.S. unmanned surveillance drones are expected to begin flying over Benghazai and other locations in eastern Libya to look for jihadi encampments and targets that may be tied to the attack on U.S. State Department personnel.
Apparently it's not killer robots this time, but we can let the Libyans take a crack at it first. Rather than putting about his usual cant, Obama should have said
"We condemn these attacks against our diplomatic personnel in Libya. In minutes, our drones will be swarming over the skies of Benghazi. My press secretary will update you with new developments."
Emphasis mine. Of course Romney is being condemned for this.
As they say timing is everything. Romney denounced the apology issued by the US embassy in Cairo where free speech should not be used to offender delicate Muslim sensibilities.
Stevens was ambassador in Libya and was murdered in Benghazi. Now perhaps Libyan and Egyptians look alike to you but Romney was correctly responding to the Administration's apology.
Yes, US Embassies are representatives of the United States government which at the moment is run by the Obama Administration. They speak for the President.
Foreign Policy Hands Voice Disbelief At Romney Cairo Statement
“Bungle… utter disaster…not ready for prime time… not presidential… Lehman moment.” And that's just the Republicans.
I just learned that the Ambassador who was killed is the stepson of my former boss and co-editor at the online journal I work for. This is terrible.
... So what did they say about the White House that ALSO condemned the response? Try being serious.
"Dissent ain't so patriotic. Don't you dare criticise the president in time of crisis!"
I like it the way it was. Hopefully it will return in late January.
Yawn. Anonymous sources. Like the ones that said, who was it, Haley or Bachman? were being investigated by the IRS and that McCain was having an affair with Iseman?
Sorry, anonymous sources get no benefit of the doubt when leveled against Republicans because they've been wrong so often.
Where is Jamie Gorelick at? If she's not involved, the situation won't be the start of WWIII.
Ooh. And he is "very senior," at that. Not only that, the named Democrats at the end seem unable to understand TWO attacks happened and that Romney was speaking about ONE of them.
It is like complex issues are beyond their reasoning capability.
Obama: No Presidential Intelligence Breifings The Week Before The Attacks
Sure, why would anyone think there might be some violence on 9/11?
By the way: In Bengazi, a staffer wrote (in an online gaming forum; he was an EVE player)...
"(12:54:09 PM) vile_rat: assuming we don't die tonight. We saw one of our 'police' that guard the compound taking pictures."
It seems the embassy staff knew something was coming -- why was Obama not doing something about this? Such as... evacuating the staff? Sending in Marines?
Intelligence ignored? Straight from the mouth of an embassy staffer looking right at the guy casing the compound?
On 9/11?
Additionally, the US was warned that extremists might attempt to burn down the embassy. On Monday.
. The Islamic Group has threatened to burn the U.S. Embassy in Cairo with those in it, and taking hostage those who remain [alive], unless the Blind Sheikh is immediately released.”
This explains why they had, in this case, evacuated most of the staff. What it doesn't explain is why the administration was otherwise so flat-footed -- including in Benghazi.
Libya Attack Pre-Planned, Coordinated With Muslim Brotherhood:
It sure does look that way.
But the important story here isn't what Obama failed to do to forestall the attacks, but what Romney said in response to his failure.
Muslim Brotherhood Calls For Worldwide Attacks: They say "protests." They mean attacks.
"Well, if Romney thinks he has free speech, then I guess he has to accept the MSM's actions. "
Fair to say he knows it cuts both ways, he is after all under a microscope and the focus is on 'mistakes'. Never mind the focus knob on the 'regime' is broken -
The next shoe dropped is the reaction to Romney, a perfect opportunity for the left to smear and distract from the foundering group of misfits currently in charge of things.
Looks like the little animal's wet dream of a big spike in Zero's approval is going a-glimmering. Apparently, MSLSD also tried to bury this one, "Likewise, on Morning Joe the all-lefties panels focused exclusively onMitt Romney's statement".
And, like FDR right after Pearl Harbor or Dubya after 9/11, Zero has his priorities straight:
He's still going to Vegas.
Even better, our little warlord didn't attend any intel briefings for the past week.
Oh, yeah, let's hear the little animal tell us who the train wreck is.
He can't be bothered to listen to his security briefings right before everywhere turns up their color-coded security dials... -I- was more aware that I should pay more attention around the D.C. area yesterday the president. That's... a problem.
We don't have any American reporting from on the ground in Libya. Why? It's too damned dangerous. I'm not calling them cowards. It's justifiable prudence.
When the details of these deaths do come out, they are going to be very ugly. Right now we can't trust any facts coming from Libya. Or Washington, for that matter. Too murky. Too much self interested spin.
Noonan is right though. Mitt should have just shut up.
I do predict that there will be some well publicized vengeance missions by the US Before The Election. Obama will not let this opportunity pass.
That will also be misdirection. The real scandal is not some wishy washy statement. It's that Obama and Clinton did not provide sufficient security, on a regular and ongoing basis, for our diplomats. It's also that respect (fear is part of respect) for America is at such a low ebb under Obama that the radicals feel free to murder our representatives.
I now expect more grandstanding by Obama. The media will parrot it. And the people will be duped again
Since, according to Hillary! the Libyans love us so much, I'd really like to invite the SoS to go for a stroll down one of the main Tripoli avenues where she can be thronged by admiring crowds. I bet they'd throw flowers.
(It's a bet I wouldn't mind losing).
XC, yes I caught that story. I kept looking at the URL in the address bar, hoping that I would discover it went to some joke site...
Yawn. Anonymous sources. Like the ones that said, who was it, Haley or Bachman? were being investigated by the IRS and that McCain was having an affair with Iseman?
Why would a Republican even SPEAK to Buzzfeed?
And, as has been asked --- Obama made the identical criticism after condemning Romney.
Obama: "While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants."
Bill Maher could net be reached for comment
Andy R (and other idiot, looking at you "reasonable" man),
MSM doesn't know how read a timeline. Since they cannot do this, their next line is to attack Romney, because, hey, that's what lefty shills do.
Matthew Sablan said...
Yawn. Anonymous sources. Like the ones that said, who was it, Haley or Bachman? were being investigated by the IRS and that McCain was having an affair with Iseman?
Sorry, anonymous sources get no benefit of the doubt when leveled against Republicans because they've been wrong so often.
Better still, the only one who'd agree to be quoted for attribution was Rick Perry's foreign policy adviser. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume "a very senior Republican foreign policy hand" = "a guy wearing a Real Madrid jersey in the line at Starbucks who swears he's always voted GOP."
Again, after (8) years of incompetent/inept cheney/bush foreign policy/national security, cons/neocons/Althouse lemmings don't have a leg to stand on.
Funny, suicidal lemmings are a myth, just like all the bullshit you believe and spout about the the Most Exalted One, Obama-rama.
--Obama is God's wakeup call for America. Much of America, particularly women apparently, is not waking up.--
Waking up their vaginas is more important.
Well, since they thought a plant closing in April 2009 didn't close during Obama's term, maybe the media really, honestly, truly, are just confused about time. Imagine how they handle time travel in all its timey-wimey-ness.
Has Obama been reading his Saint Thomas Aquinas recently?
I want to know, or even need to know, what he reads and contemplates during moments of crisis when leadership is needed.
It was planned. All of these "spontaneous" uprisings are planned.
And anyone who would give up essential liberties for a little bit of security deserves neither. That includes every single person who is blaming those who expressed their opinion of Muhammad and not those who had a violent, planned, tantrum on 9-11.
Because every generation needs a Jimmy Carter. -CP
Ken said...
Andy R (and other idiot, looking at you "reasonable" man),
MSM doesn't know how read a timeline. Since they cannot do this, their next line is to attack Romney, because, hey, that's what lefty shills do.
To the extent that you have an argument it is that Romney was an idiot for making his statements without understanding where things were going. It is hard to believe someone could have such a cursory understanding of how things can play out in the middle east to make such a statement. I guess in your mind being dumb beats being a traitorous sleazebag. My view is Romney is a smart sleazebag who just accepts he is going to get caught out by reality every now and then and doesn't give a shit.
Obama and Democrats reaction to Islamist violence is akin to battered spouse syndrome. And Islamist play the part of the spoiled man-child in the wife beater T-shirt.
Reasonable, you've yet to answer: You do realize there were TWO attacks, right? And that Romney's comment about the attack in Cairo was echoed by the Obama response? Romney and Obama were so correct about the response being bad, that the embassy got rid of it -- deleted it entirely.
You are aware of all those facts, right?
NotquiteunBuckley said...
Has Obama been reading his Saint Thomas Aquinas recently?
I want to know, or even need to know, what he reads and contemplates during moments of crisis when leadership is needed.
I understand he reads a lot of science fiction.
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