September 1, 2012

"Ann — To thank you for your support of this campaign..."

"... we'd like to give you your choice of one of our bumper stickers," says email, just now, from the Obama campaign (not that I've ever given them any money):
Take a look, pick which design you'd like, and we'll send it to you -- for free.

Ha ha. There's the Hispanic one, the gay one, and the "regular" one. It's like a sitcom.

UPDATE: Now, the campaign is spamming me with multiple emails saying "Thanks for claiming your free bumper sticker. We'll ship it to you soon." I never "claimed" a sticker. I only went to the site. I did initially link to the site, however, and my name and email address were in the URL (which is why I deleted the link and, instead, embedded the image). So maybe the spam to me is a fluke. But jeez, I get so much email from the Obama campaign, throughout every day. I guess if I really were a contributor and also pretty dumb, I might feel enthused that they appreciated me so much.

By the way, I've never put a bumper sticker of any kind on any car that I've ever had. But if I were willing to use my car to advertise a candidate, I'd assume the campaign would want to give me the sticker free. What's with this notion that I'm special because I get it free?


Bob said...

He's kind of pale in the "Gay" bumper sticker. Is that racist? Should we consult Professor Chris Matthews for an expert opinion?

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

The picture of Obama on the rainbow sticker leers at me.

Sydney said...

Do you suppose there is any awareness at all at campaign headquarters that they have descended into self parody? Where is America's Politico?

unknown said...

Is that an SUV?

shiloh said...

Damn, the link has my name, address and email.

You're welcome Barack ~ Sí, se puede! :)

Tyrone Slothrop said...

unknown said...

Is that an SUV?

No worries. It runs on chlorophyll, at a cost of just thousands per month.

I actually requested the red, white, and blue bumper sticker. I am pleased to be a net debit to the Obama campaign. In any case, I intend to alter it slightly before I use it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The professor is constantly... like every other link ;) sending us to an Obama Campaign website.

Romney Ryan?... not so much.

Yust saying.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

fair and balance.

mccullough said...

Obama handing out more free shit.

KCFleming said...

What, no Wiccan or vagina versions?


shiloh said...

Lem, mittens has the koch boys, adelson and other con billionaire $$$ changers backing him er keeping him afloat.

Not to worry as too little $$$ won't be willard's problem.

But over-saturation of negativity may be.

bagoh20 said...

Why did they crop Andy out of the middle one?

Anonymous said...

There should be one looks like a condom with his head at the tip for the Slutty Fluke type who loves the Obamacare free condoms mandate.

Anonymous said...

I can't picture any self-respecting gay person putting that leering bumper sticker on his or her car!

Known Unknown said...

I can't picture any self-respecting gay person putting that leering bumper sticker on his or her car!

That's not leering ... that's quiet contemplation ... he's thinking "Why did I tell Biden about my switch on gay marriage?"

donald said...

Saw a few of the gay and "regular" ones in Santa Monica last weekend.

Irene said...

Free?! BFD.

Weren't bumper stickers, yard signs, and the like all "free" back in the day? I recall stopping at a Nixon campaign office and getting a shopping bag full of "Nixon's The One" buttons at no cost.

They expect voters to pay for this stuff? It costs money to be part of the collective.

Known Unknown said...

The Dems almost always have better designers on their branding. The Romney branding is pretty lame.

Irene said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tim said...

Regardless of which de classe Obama sticker one puts on their car, they can do so with confidence that no one will key their car.

The exact opposite is true of Republicans, which is one reason why one sees so many fewer Republican bumper stickers.

That, and we don't expect politics and government to fix our lives.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Tim said...

Regardless of which de classe Obama sticker one puts on their car, they can do so with confidence that no one will key their car.

I will display Romney/Ryan stickers without fear. My car is such a piece of crap, keying would improve it.

Chuck66 said...

What about a Klan Parenthood bumper sticker? One that talks about how 3 out of 5 Negro babies in NYC die through abortion?

n.n said...

They don't perceives as individuals. It is difficult to exploit individuals on a large scale, which is why they develop and sustain various class systems in order to emphasize our differences, hoping to drive a wedge between people. It's the same nonsense that is popular around the world and throughout history, and was used to good effect for advancing ambitious individuals desire for political, economic, and social superiority. Their greed is unbecoming their purported interests in "fair" outcomes.

n.n said...


Black Americans are part of the American majority who reproduce in the minority and the human life which does manage to be conceived is, apparently, terminated in early development. This is a dysfunctional behavior which, ostensibly, justifies large scale immigration, especially unmeasured (i.e. illegal) immigration.

Well, this is people's choice, and they are choosing dreams of instant gratification before evolutionary fitness. I guess their interest in evolution is limited to the articles of faith which speculate on the circumstances of our origin.

Anyway, according to this selective reality, we are interchangeable and disposable, from conception to grave. This is progressive corruption... cultural corruption.

bgates said...

It's like a sitcom.

Three Obama stickers walk into a bar....

Somewhere there's a gay Hispanic complaining that Obama is trying to force him/her(/etc/etc/etc) to privilege one identity over another.

bagoh20 said...

Do people with Obama/Biden stickers on their cars not know? Don't they know what everyone thinks when they see that?

Dave said...

"Ann said...Ha ha. There's the Hispanic one, the gay one, and the "regular" one. It's like a sitcom."

What's funny about it? The Republican party has been openly hostile to the LGBT community for decades. Actions by Republicans like Pete Wilson, Jan Brewer, etc. have aliented the majority of the Hispanic community. It's Politics 101 for the Democrats to spread the message that all are welcome.

Leading Republican figures have admitted to being worried that the party is getting too demographically and idealogically narrow. And pictures from the RNC - an enormous sea of white, "mature" faces - with the token parade of "diversity" on the stage - only reinforced the image of a party increasingly out of the mainstream.

furious_a said...

Shiloh: mittens has the koch boys, adelson and other con billionaire $$$ changers backing him er keeping him afloat.

"I'm Barack Obama, and George Soros approves this message."

bagoh20 said...

Oh look, a totally novel comment: Republicans are racist. That is fascinating. They are all old and white too. That's probably why they say the same old things year after year, campaign after campaign about everyone they disagree with. They're like dinosaurs.

furious_a said...

They're just going to have to scrape them off in 70 or so days.

furious_a said...

Dave: And pictures from the RNC - an enormous sea of white, "mature" faces - with the token parade of "diversity" on the stage.

Let me help you with that, Dave...

And pictures from the Obama Campaign HQ - an enormous sea of white faces with the token Asian girl in the front.

Empty Chair.

Æthelflæd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
David said...

They got the Democratic slogan right though."

"Get Yours."

Palladian said...

What's funny about it? The Republican party has been openly hostile to the LGBT community for decades.

Yeah, and the Democrat party has been privately hostile for decades, demanding our votes and then shitting on us (Clinton-endorsed DOMA, anyone?) when they get elected. You know, the same thing they do to the rest of their "constituents".

Quaestor said...

Months ago I got them to send me the "Not A Republican" sticker, which I altered with a steel ruler and an Xacto knife into this. It now adorns my ride. I'm quite happy to squander Obama's cash.

ricpic said...

shiloh wants the $$$ but can't make the $$$ so he hates the $$$.

edutcher said...

What? He's now the first Hispanic lesbian President?

Reminiscent of the girl Occupier with the sign, "I have a degree in Hispanic trans-gender studies, $79,000 in student debt, and can't find a job".

Sí, se puede!

No, no puedes.

Lem, mittens has the koch boys, adelson and other con billionaire $$$ changers backing him er keeping him afloat.

Not to worry as too little $$$ won't be willard's problem.

As I say, getting the excuses ready.

PS Ras says the correct profile for this election cycle is R +4. If so, it explains why Choom and Axelrod are in such a panic.

Rusty said...

ricpic said...
shiloh wants the $$$ but can't make the $$$ so he hates the $$$.

All hat and no cattle.

Something like 40% of Milwaukees black voters can't be found. About 130,000 people. All registered democrats.
That's a lot of people to be moving around from one election to the next. I think a migration of that magnetude in that time frame would be noticed. If they existed at all.

Tank said...

Where are the "White Guys For Zero" choices?

Or - Racist White Guy for Zero.

Or - Bigot for Zero. Could be a big seller.

Or - Old, white, Ayn Rand lovers for Zero.

Or - White dick moves for Zero.

Astro said...

...Like a sitcom...

But, who's going to play the role of Steve Urkel?
Oh, wait...

Oso Negro said...

The collection reminds me of something from the back of a cereal box - Hey kids! Collect 'em all! But the creepiest thing out of that campaign visually is the sand sculpture of Obama at their convention site. I can't think if it reminds me more of Idi Amin Dada or some malformed statue from a miniature golf course.

Wince said...

Why's Obama staring at my crotch in the "gay one"?

jr565 said...

Shiloh wrote:
Lem, mittens has the koch boys, adelson and other con billionaire $$$ changers backing him er keeping him afloat.

And Obama has Soros. So what's your point?

jr565 said...

Speaking of money and demagoguery from the dems, this is from Instapundit.

Democrats convened in Charlotte, NC, will double down on their claim that Bain Capital is really the Bain crime family. They will accuse Republican nominee Mitt Romney and Bain’s other “greedy” co-founders of stealing their winnings, evading taxes and lighting cigars with $100 bills on their yachts.

But Bain’s private-equity executives have enriched dozens of organizations and millions of individuals in the Democratic base — including some who scream most loudly for President Obama’s re-election.

Government-worker pension funds are the chief beneficiaries of Bain’s economic stewardship. New York-based Preqin uses public documents, news accounts and Freedom of Information requests to track private-equity holdings. Since 2000, Preqin reports, the following funds have entrusted some $1.56 billion to Bain:

* Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund ($2.2 million)

* Indiana Public Retirement System ($39.3 million)

* Iowa Public Employees’ Retirement System ($177.1 million)

* The Los Angeles Fire and Police Pension System ($19.5 million)

* Maryland State Retirement and Pension System ($117.5 million)

* Public Employees’ Retirement System of Nevada ($20.3 million)

* State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio ($767.3 million)

* Pennsylvania State Employees’ Retirement System ($231.5 million)

* Employees’ Retirement System of Rhode Island ($25 million)

* San Diego County Employees Retirement Association ($23.5 million)

* Teacher Retirement System of Texas ($122.5 million)

* Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System ($15 million)

As instapundit says, divest or shut up.

But really, have the dems ever been anything but hypocrites on money?

Dave said...

"Palladian said...Yeah, and the Democrat party has been privately hostile for decades, demanding our votes and then shitting on us (Clinton-endorsed DOMA, anyone?) when they get elected. You know, the same thing they do to the rest of their "constituents"."

DOMA was signed by Clinton and he was responsible for Don't ask don't tell as well. But DODT no longer exists and Republicans want to reinstate it - and the Obama administration won't defend DOMA in the courts believing it to be unconstitutional while Congressional Republicans are financing the defense of a law that expanded the reach of the Federal government into an area that was always left to individual states.

From the days of Anita Bryant and the Brigg's Initiative to today conservative voices have tried unsuccessfully to marginalize and silence the LGBT community. In doing so they've only succeeded in marginalizing themselves and so spend their days pathetically ranting on blogs.

edutcher said...

Only because Leftist judges and Leftist politicians override the will of the people.

But that's about to change.

rp said...

Oh, at first I thought "Get Yours" was the bumper sticker!

Also, aren't those stickers on the right stuck on a Land Rover -- a British car driven by wealthy, trendy Americans? Just asking.

Big Mike said...

@Professor, I think this is the best choice for a bumper sticker.

a psychiatrist who learned from veterans said...

The gay one?

Lawyer Mom said...

Those of us who pick a sticker are serving in Obama's focus group, for free. How very Tom Sawyer. Oh, wait. Could that be a dog whistle? What say ye, dogs?

dbp said...

Dave Said:

"But DODT no longer exists and..."

Let me stop you right there cowboy, DOMA is still the law of the land even if the President refuses to enforce it.

Amartel said...

Haha. My law partner gets Obama emails so I noticed there's a special 50% off on Obama merchandise. Everything must go.

I second that emotion.

Mitch H. said...

I was counting bumper stickers on a trip down to Philly this weekend. Those tricolor standard Obama/Biden 2012 stickers are an invitation to an accident - you can't make out what the hey they are unless you're about ten feet off their bumper, and that only if you have decent vision. It's less an advertising vector, and more of a status signal for parking lots.

I'm waiting for the Romney/Ryan stickers, the local victory center only has the old Romney ones. Not particularly in love with the campaign logo design, either.

Anonymous said...

Stickers have been categorized according to the identification stickers stock or the printing material, which is used to create the surface on.

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