But of course insulting an ally in the international press is not nearly the same as rebuking an administration's goofy press releases/tweets. Tweets. For the love of God.
Reminds me of his debate blunder with HClinton. He said that he would back out of NAFTA, then had to back out of that statement the next day. If Obama ever had a chance with me that's where he lost me.
Of course not. And, to attempt to hold him accountable is racist, bigoted, premature, impervious, immature, imbecilic, catastrophic, subliminal, snotty, Romneyistic, Obama-rama yo mama and worse.
"This week's storming of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo by an angry mob has sent U.S.-Egyptian relations to a new low, prompting President Barack Obama to say he doesn't see the two countries as allies.
But under U.S. law, they are."
-- The Fact Check, it burns. It is kind of pleasant when a fact check actually sticks to the facts.
Chaos lover Obama is taking a well deserved victory lap. The formidable American ally state that was our cornerstone in the area for 30 years has been eliminated under his watch.
Barack, Hillary and Valerie are adept at removing the support system from any American ally that has shown strength. They say they want to rebuild the area according using the latest liberal fantasies that they actually think will fool anyone.
Really they want a world in chaos so they can steal more loot.
"I think folks are reading way too much into this," White House spokesman Tommy Vietor said. "‘the President simply doesn't know WTF he's talking about".
It's been asked thousands of times in organizations all over the country. Sometimes, the subject is the boss's girlfriend, or son, or brother in law, or simply a minority. Like then, the question remains:
How bad does he have to do to get fired? How much does he have to cost us all before something is done?
"I think it's a message from Obama that taking a less than assertive position on this is going to cost the [Egyptian] leadership at least rhetorically in the short term," said Andrew Tabler....
We are indeed fortunate to have apologetic translators to tell us that Obama really meant to say what a strong, intelligent leader would say.
Otoh, what kind of idiots would ever have supposed that the Muslim Brotherhood, until recently deemed a terrorist organization, could be an "ally" to the U.S. anyway.
Although, there is the matter of Obama advisor Susan Rice, who was forwarding the idea of invading Israel. Hm-m-m? Maybe....
Poor Obama. It's like he keeps trying to be president, but all this shit keeps happening and he is supposed to respond to it, and then everybody misinterprets the stuff he says.
"...the United States is counting on the government of Egypt to better protect the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, which was attacked by protesters on Sept. 11."
Well sure, why not?
After all, in Barry Soetoro's world, the Egyptians are exceptional too, dont'cha know?
Let's see now. The Bamster shoots first and aims later? Isn't that the Demo memme where Romney is concerned? Do you think the New York Times might take just a little teensy weensy notice of this? I somehow doubt it.
What's really scary is I could be a better president than Barry. Really. For one thing, I'd be able to devote more time to presidential tasks because I don't play golf. Plus, I know there are only 50 states and the difference between 3 words and 4 words.
The problem for Obama is he sill is not ready for day one. Does anyone still believe that Sarah Palin would be less capable than Obama on day one? Or Alfred E. Nueman? Even The Grin Attached To A Body is starting to look more capable. Maybe the October Surprise will be Obama dropping out of the race and letting Slow Joe be the the candidate. The democrats thought they were a electing a younger, cooler version of the West Wing in 2008, but they forgot that in realife the script doctors can't fix a storeyline problem. Life just isn't Hollywood.
This clown of a human being and a president is clearly showing that he has neither the competence nor the gravitas required for this job much less for his version of foreign policy. In effect President Urkel is sitting on the sidelines uttering his motto of, "Did I do that?" while the rest of America, sans his sycophants, double epic facepalm themselves.
I think you know this, but it must be said: the Presidency is not a right. I have no sorrow for him, Barack Obama, our pathetic, piss-ant President. He should be fired, because he's incompetent. I want someone better on the job.
Here's a bet that Vegas can't afford to offer: the over/under on the number of reporters who shout "What about your gaffes?" at Obama at his next presser.
Interesting flip flop. He had the whole thing doublely wrong
He said they were not an Ally, then said they of course were and nothing had changed.
what he should have said was:
They are an ally, but if the government fails to live up to its international diplomatic responsibilities, we must reevaluate our situation vis-a-vis Egypt.
1. If Israel, Pakistan, and Egypt are technically allies - why? We have no defense pact with any of them. Pakistan is no ally, Egypt is hardly in what we think of as an allied nation these days, and Israel only does what benefits Israel or the ruling Party there. What do we owe any of them?
2. Liberals like to say "if it saves just one precious human life, do it!" Does that extend to thinking an Ambassador and staff should line up before an angry Islamoid mob and spit on the US flag on the ground before them - if it "saves just one precious American or Muslim life"???
3. Similarly, if someone here burning a US flag reminds us all how wonderful our Constitution is in honoring that right!! - as liberals claim.....Is not Muslims abroad burning our flag equally great because it showcases our Sacred Parchments true glory??
I would also remind people that ON PAPER with loads of official signatures and stuff Germany and Russia were comitted allies - until the instant Operation Barbarossa started.
Waiting for shiloh to remind us what a foreign policy neophyte the Romster is (Ann Coulter reminds us today he opposed the Libyan mess from the start) and what an expert Choom is.
The gaffemaster was doing the same implosion act four years ago and trailing in the polls right before good ol' McCain pushed pause on his campaign and caused a hesitant public to say, "What the hell!" and throw in with the young guy. All Mr. Romney has to do is stay the course and let the real Barack -- the one who never had to wage a tough campaign before -- stumble and bumble his way to 45-5 shellacking. I will enjoy the view from the Left Coast, hoping Geezer Brown is watching closely.
For someone who was praised as the second coming of Demosthenes (a good speaker, to translate for you Democrats), Obama certainly has a hard time speaking clearly.
Must be my fault for not appreciating his brilliant ten-dimensional-chess-like mind.
Well it was hope and change. 3 simple words for the leftards. Now they are so stupid that Urkel has had to distill it down to one communist/marxist sentiment for his prols to understand.
Cubanbob said: "Well, in the new America the DOJ is going after the film maker, the cause of all this darn trouble. Allah be praised."
Yeah I guess there is a surplus of prosecutors and investigators at the DOJ since we decided we would not enforce our immigration laws.Perhaps, a few should be layed off if we can spare them to work on this dumb movie case.
"Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, told The Associated Press in an interview outside Los Angeles that he was manager for the company that produced "Innocence of Muslims," which mocked Muslims and the prophet Muhammad and may have caused inflamed mobs that attacked U.S. missions in Egypt and Libya."
And here's what the cast and crew are saying:
The actors in the film issued a joint statement Wednesday saying they were misled about the project and said some of their dialogue was crudely dubbed during post-production.
In the English language version of the trailer, direct references to Muhammad appear to be the result of post-production changes to the movie. Either actors aren't seen when the name "Muhammad" is spoken in the overdubbed sound, or they appear to be mouthing something else as the name of the prophet is spoken.
"The entire cast and crew are extremely upset and feel taken advantage of by the producer," said the statement, obtained by the Los Angeles Times. "We are 100 percent not behind this film and were grossly misled about its intent and purpose. We are shocked by the drastic rewrites of the script and lies that were told to all involved. We are deeply saddened by the tragedies that have occurred."
All of their lives are in danger now because of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula. I don't think it was fair of him to trick people to being involved in something like this, do you?
That said, I thought it was a fact of history that Muhammad was a pedophile and a war-monger. I don't at all like that film trailer, which is a piece of trash. But Muhammad is a figure from history and he wasn't exactly as nice as Jesus. Just saying.
Just occurred to me that all this Press focus on Romney is probably just them practicing for next January, when foreign policy responsibility will be on him.
mccullough said... All of their lives are in danger because the AP and LA Times identified them.
If reporters could find him, then people who wanna kill him could find him. I kinda think he welcomes this, but I could be wrong. Why would he dupe people into being involved in something that could make them have to go into hiding for the rest of their lives?
All of their lives are in danger because the AP and LA Times identified them.
What, are they not identified in the movie? Are their faces covered up? The fact that the administration has bungled their response doesn't make the man who made this film into some kind of saint. He's a knave too, and the actors are right to feel they were very badly used by him.
I'm wondering if Zero has suddenly decided that his magnificence is so all-encompassing, he doesn't need a Vice President and is trying to show he can do Biden's work as well as his own.
"All of their lives are in danger now because of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula. I don't think it was fair of him to trick people to being involved in something like this, do you?"
No. Their lives are danger because of religious zealots who like to rape and murder people who exercise their right to free speech. And people like you can think of no better response than blaming the victims for their thoughtcrimes. Is that fair?
For that matter, do you actually believe these attacks have anything to do with this movie? They just spontaneously happened to fall on Sept 11th?
It's becoming much clearer, why the White House staff is probably GLAD that Zero spends all that time on the golf course. Far fewer messes to clean up after when, God forbid, he speaks without TOTUS.
Well said. Their lives are in danger because these radical nuts who can't even fathom someone making fun of their prophet and their governments can't or won't stop them.
No. Their lives are danger because of religious zealots who like to rape and murder people who exercise their right to free speech. And people like you can think of no better response than blaming the victims for their thoughtcrimes. Is that fair?
The actors who were lied to weren't exercising their freedom of speech. They were being used by a scumbag, apparently.
I absolutely agree that it's insane anyone would threaten to murder someone over the content of a film attacking a religion, or any other sort of speech attacking anything or any system of beliefs.
edutcher waiting w/"baited" breath er hangin' on every word I post aside
Lessee, I walked the dog, shampooed the rug, did the dishes (The Blonde's baby sitting today), did some painting, and watered the garden in the time it took for the little animal to come out from under the lithium.
don't misunderestimate Obama.
That would be harder and harder to do. He's setting new lows for himself every day.
Check that, every hour.
As I said, last time he lucked out, but it looks like he who gets elected by a crisis that happens at the right time, is defeated by a crisis that happens at the right time.
But one wonders what all the trolls will do when Zero goes down in November and takes the Democrat Party with him.
All of their lives are in danger now because of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula.
All their lives are in danger because of psychotic Muslims.
I don't think it was fair of him to trick people to being involved in something like this, do you?
Whether or not it is "fair" is irrelevant. It isn't illegal. Any government officials thinking of prosecuting the guy should be publicly horsewhipped and then fired.
Must be my fault for not appreciating his brilliant ten-dimensional-chess-like mind.
I bet you get that a lot though, not being able to appreciate someone else's intellect. For instance, I'm pretty sure you'd get lost trying to keep up with Count von Count on Sesame Street.
The actors who were lied to weren't exercising their freedom of speech.
They were paid to act. Unless they weren't paid, they've no grounds for complaint. It is perfectly legal to redub actors, edit their roles so it looks like they're doing something entirely different, etc.
Heck, it is how Michael Moore earns his living, and nobody's throwing HIS fat ass in jail.
Ah, "chickenhawk." Brings back such fond memories.
PHX, it really doesn't matter whether those of us who weren't/aren't hoodwinked by Obama think of Egypt as an ally. What matters is the Chief Executive can't keep it together enough to follow (or probably even know) what the official policy toward Egypt is.
So how many of you chickenhawks criticizing Obama believe Egypt really is our ally?
9/13/12 5:26 PM ______________________________
Was not an enemy until recently. Cooperated in Gulf War I, shared intelligence re jihadis, secured the Sinai border. No country in the world wanted to see Zawahiri dead more than Egypt. Joint US/Egyptian military cooperation. They're equipped with M1 tanks and F16. What would call them, chicken?
Since it;s been a volunteer force since '73, the chickenhawk thing is rather inapt.
How many of the trolls have ever put it on the line? I might accept it from somebody who was in if I was being that hypocritical, but I'm betting we've got a lot of Jessie MacBeths on the other side.
"So, how pissed of will you fools be when Obama is easily re-elected?
Really, really pissed off!
Or more likely, fetal position depressed!"
Shiloh, does it ever occur to you to wonder what this sort of glee means about your soul?
In 2000 when neurotic Democrats ended up in therapy to deal with their loss I wouldn't have thought that *glee* was an appropriate response (though there was some scorn for getting so wound up about it.)
You seem to relish the fantasy that people will be emotionally wound up, wounded, and distraught.
I think you're living in a fantasy world, but even the fantasy is sort of disgusting, don't you think?
As for ally... our ally wants assurances, not nuances. If there is something to lie diplomatically *about* it's calling someone "our friend" even if they aren't, quite, rather than telling placating lies about how much we hate free speech that hurts tender feelings.
This couldn't have been an "ooops" a slip of the tongue sort of thing. Saying 57 states or that Austrian is a language is a slip of the tongue. Explaining the *nuances* of just how much, or *not*, of an ally the Egyptian nation is, is not a slip of the tongue, it's a misjudgement.
Or it's speaking to his base because he knows they'll like it and think it's grand... or something.
"Administration sources told The Cable that Obama's "ally" comment was not pre-arranged or prepared by staff and that the question was not anticipated."
remember last night's thread and your comments about those overoaid contractors who live better in the war zone than your daughter?
Turns out that the 2 guys who died with the Ambassador in Libya (the Marine died elsewhere) were ex-SEAL contractors. As they Joke: This is why they pay them the big bucks...
"So how many of you chickenhawks criticizing Obama believe Egypt really is our ally?"
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?
Okay, so that's sort of trite. But the point is this... what I think I can SAY because I'm a housewife sitting at a keyboard and my very breath doesn't constitute official national policy.
We are supposed to excuse the president of the United States and his absent mutterings on the nuances of the word "ally" on account of he actually took an unplanned question?
Am at the WH this PM. The POTUS is fine. The White House Chef-of-Staff personally told me to not worry. The polls show positive for the POTUS. Plus, he said that the NYT op-eds will support him and so will the bloggers like Sullivan.
Yes, sire, bpb, there is nothing to worry but GOP lies, likes and lies.
Am at the WH this PM. The POTUS is fine. The White House Chef-of-Staff personally told me to not worry. The polls show positive for the POTUS. Plus, he said that the NYT op-eds will support him and so will the bloggers like Sullivan.
Yes, sire, bpb, there is nothing to worry but GOP lies, likes and lies.
He's incompetent and arrogant too, a fatal combination. The last couple of days are proof positive that his Obama Doctrine has collapsed in riots and death.
Tomorrow is the holy day in the Middle East. I shudder to think of what savagery awaits.
I'm not sure what the big deal with this is. Clearly Obama was just sending signals to his Jewish followers and to Evangelicals that he is on their side.
"Shiloh, does it ever occur to you to wonder what this sort of glee means about your soul?"
Your glee hyperbole aside, just stating the reality of many cons at this blog when Obama wins re-election.
Speaking of glee: Why does mittens always have a disingenuous smirk when spewing his apologist nonsense. Even when it involves dead Americans, mittens can't wipe the shithouse grin off his face.
Again, willard is the total discombobulated package.
Maybe just before the election Althouse will show some backbone and tell her flock what she really thinks about her favorite presidential wannabe train wreck!
Revenant wrote: Egypt has never been an ally except on paper. They're an enemy we bribe to stay peaceful and quiet.
sure we were never friends like say Great Brittain, but they were at least peaceful and quiet. And if it took bribery to keep that quiet, so be it. Obama wrecked that peace.
"Your glee hyperbole aside, just stating the reality of many cons at this blog when Obama wins re-election."
Your hope isn't reality. Adult people know that it's never certain until it's over. You assume that people are emotionally invested and will fall apart, but the only *party* that has been prone to emotional and psychological breakdowns after an election is Democrats.
I'm amazed and bemused at how the enormity of a blunder like saying that an ally isn't an ally means nothing at all. Oh well, la de da, no consequences to that. Doesn't mean that Obama isn't in charge if he's excused from any statement that wasn't prepared ahead of time by his staff. The blind faith and loyalty is incredible. What would Obama have to do, fuck a sheep in the town square?
If Romney and Ryan lose people will be disappointed and worried, really worried, but if Obama loses it will be True Believers trying to deal with the death of their god.
Does it ever bother the sophistos that keep proclaiming what a foreign policy genius obama is after these fuckups one after the other? I'm sorry but the president you voted for is a DUMBFUCK.
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१६४ टिप्पण्या:
+1 for the pun
No, the motto is FORWARD!
Hey, the man shoots from the hip! He goes with his gut! He is plain spoken American who won't be having with any of this diplomatic doublespeak.
President Obama seems to have a tendency to shoot first and aim later.
Not to worry.
CBS and NPR reporters will huddle up and find a way to fix this.
Come on. Give POTUS a break. He said these things from the cushions of his campaign office, a MSM media interview.
Watching it all fall apart is amusing, isn't it?
Second terms are often rather messy and given to scandal. I suspect that that will be particularly true if Obama wins.
He's become accustomed to ruling by executive order.
I think that might produce some exceptionally interesting results in his (potential) second term.
I saw there were only 6 posts so far and I thought I'd throw in a "Shoots from the hip without aiming" dig.
What am I....the 4th to make the connection?
Gotta be fast around here.
Ready, Fire, Aim!!
But of course insulting an ally in the international press is not nearly the same as rebuking an administration's goofy press releases/tweets. Tweets. For the love of God.
Reminds me of his debate blunder with HClinton. He said that he would back out of NAFTA, then had to back out of that statement the next day.
If Obama ever had a chance with me that's where he lost me.
"This is clearly President Romney's fault."
Since it doesn't work to blame Bush anymore, time for Obama to blame his replacement.
There was no controlling legal authority... he was off teleprompter.
Pass the popcorn!!!
Dumb liars always get theirs.
President Obama said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
X wins
Of course not. And, to attempt to hold him accountable is racist, bigoted, premature, impervious, immature, imbecilic, catastrophic, subliminal, snotty, Romneyistic, Obama-rama yo mama and worse.
"He's become accustomed to ruling by executive order.
I think that might produce some exceptionally interesting results in his (potential) second term."
You think that's something, just wait 'til you see his third term!
I kid. I think.
AllieOop said...
I didn't say that!
"This week's storming of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo by an angry mob has sent U.S.-Egyptian relations to a new low, prompting President Barack Obama to say he doesn't see the two countries as allies.
But under U.S. law, they are."
-- The Fact Check, it burns. It is kind of pleasant when a fact check actually sticks to the facts.
I want a tag!
He's not ready to be President... oh wait!
So Obama starts acting like Slow Joe Biden when the pressure is on.
Who knew!
Jimmy Carter you can now celebrate!
There is a worse president than you now.
What's the definition of 'ally'?
Chaos lover Obama is taking a well deserved victory lap. The formidable American ally state that was our cornerstone in the area for 30 years has been eliminated under his watch.
Barack, Hillary and Valerie are adept at removing the support system from any American ally that has shown strength. They say they want to rebuild the area according using the latest liberal fantasies that they actually think will fool anyone.
Really they want a world in chaos so they can steal more loot.
That is what a fifth columnist enemy force does.
Hillary on Gaddafi:
"We came, we saw, he died."
DNC bumper sticker:
Bin Laden is Dead, and GM is alive!
(plus numerous end zone celebrations at the DNC convention about Bin Laden)
No, nothing to see here, passions have been inflamed due to a Youtube movie that CNN is playing on a seemingly continuous loop.
Nothing the 'regime' has perpetrated. Nope, we've got Biden.
AllieOop said...
I want a tag!
9/13/12 3:06 PM
;-) LOL
Lem said...
"There was no controlling legal authority... he was off teleprompter."
Have we ever had a president who needed his Tele-Prompter more than this president?
I'm guessing, based upon his being the least qualified candidate ever nominated by a major political party for the office, the answer is "No."
If any of the house trolls have countervailing information, I'm all eyes.
"I think folks are reading way too much into this," White House spokesman Tommy Vietor said. "‘the President simply doesn't know WTF he's talking about".
--There, fixed it for you.
President Obama said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
I see what you did there.
Scariest quote from our genius foreign policy President:
… the United States is counting on the government of Egypt to better protect the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, which was attacked by protesters on Sept. 11.
There was no controlling legal authority... he was off teleprompter.
It's been asked thousands of times in organizations all over the country. Sometimes, the subject is the boss's girlfriend, or son, or brother in law, or simply a minority. Like then, the question remains:
How bad does he have to do to get fired? How much does he have to cost us all before something is done?
"I think it's a message from Obama that taking a less than assertive position on this is going to cost the [Egyptian] leadership at least rhetorically in the short term," said Andrew Tabler....
We are indeed fortunate to have apologetic translators to tell us that Obama really meant to say what a strong, intelligent leader would say.
Otoh, what kind of idiots would ever have supposed that the Muslim Brotherhood, until recently deemed a terrorist organization, could be an "ally" to the U.S. anyway.
Although, there is the matter of Obama advisor Susan Rice, who was forwarding the idea of invading Israel. Hm-m-m? Maybe....
I think President Obama tends to shoot first and ask questions later.
Poor Obama. It's like he keeps trying to be president, but all this shit keeps happening and he is supposed to respond to it, and then everybody misinterprets the stuff he says.
I feel sorry for him.
"...the United States is counting on the government of Egypt to better protect the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, which was attacked by protesters on Sept. 11."
Well sure, why not?
After all, in Barry Soetoro's world, the Egyptians are exceptional too, dont'cha know?
To reiterate:
Israel is our ally. Check.
Egypt is not our ally. Check.
Any questions?
Any questions?
Yes. When shooting oneself in the foot, should one foot be favored over the other as a target?
Obama didn't intend to say anything that wouldn't be appropriate to say.
Rush calls them the Kardashians... no offence to the Kardashians.
Let's see now. The Bamster shoots first and aims later? Isn't that the Demo memme where Romney is concerned? Do you think the New York Times might take just a little teensy weensy notice of this? I somehow doubt it.
"It depends on what the meaning of the word 'ally' is."
To be fair, that's true.
Still: awkward.
That's our diplomatic genius, foreign policy master, Preezy.
It's like he keeps trying to be president, but all this shit keeps happening...
Change that to "It's like he keeps trying to campaign for president..." and we'll be in full agreement.
Except for the part where you feel sorry for him.
What's really scary is I could be a better president than Barry. Really. For one thing, I'd be able to devote more time to presidential tasks because I don't play golf. Plus, I know there are only 50 states and the difference between 3 words and 4 words.
Sure, DADvocate, but can you speak Austrian?
AllieOop said...
I want a tag!
Check your throat, just down from the left ear.
The problem for Obama is he sill is not ready for day one. Does anyone still believe that Sarah Palin would be less capable than Obama on day one? Or Alfred E. Nueman? Even The Grin Attached To A Body is starting to look more capable. Maybe the October Surprise will be Obama dropping out of the race and letting Slow Joe be the the candidate. The democrats thought they were a electing a younger, cooler version of the West Wing in 2008, but they forgot that in realife the script doctors can't fix a storeyline problem. Life just isn't Hollywood.
This clown of a human being and a president is clearly showing that he has neither the competence nor the gravitas required for this job much less for his version of foreign policy. In effect President Urkel is sitting on the sidelines uttering his motto of, "Did I do that?" while the rest of America, sans his sycophants, double epic facepalm themselves.
C'mon guys! The Bambster don't like questions above his pay grade!
Why isn't the MSM asking who. " lost Egypt",
Seven Machos said "I feel sorry for him.".
I think you know this, but it must be said: the Presidency is not a right. I have no sorrow for him, Barack Obama, our pathetic, piss-ant President. He should be fired, because he's incompetent. I want someone better on the job.
It's like he keeps trying to be president, but all this shit keeps happening...
He's finally taking firm action! I heard he ordered the Russian Black Sea Fleet to anchor off the coast of Egypt as a show of force.
Man, I bet this jackass is wishing he could just eat his waffle about now.
Here's a bet that Vegas can't afford to offer: the over/under on the number of reporters who shout "What about your gaffes?" at Obama at his next presser.
Remember when candidate Bush didn't recall Musharraf's name when getting quizzed by a reporter in 2000?
Bush said the general..
The press reported it.. played it up big time...
Obama... president now for over 3 years... either doesn't know or doesn't care to know Egypt is our ally to the tune of billions...
And the press?
I doubt they will cover it as big as candidate Bush not knowing Musharraf in 2000.
‘Ally' is a legal term of art
Perhaps Allie should be given a purple heart for the attacks she receives from conservative purists.
She has often reminded me of the 101st at Bastagone: the poor bastards have her surrounded.
Smartest president ever according to some dopey historian.
In a fair world, Obama would only be asked sports questions.
To be perfectly honest, after all that is happened, I'm not sure I would call Egypt an ally either.
Of course, you have to in the public domain while behind the scenes you work on the relationship dynamic (the foreign aid, etc.)
Press representatives are only 'asking questions' of Mr. Romney; in the case of Teh Won? Its heckling.
The CEO of the largest not-for-profit in the world is a miserable failure.
If it were up to me I would first fire the board that appointed him (the idiots that voted for this vapor) and then the hapless fool himself.
It is so absurd - blaming Bush no longer works - so blaming Romney is the next step.
"I don't think that we would consider them an ally, but we don't consider them an enemy," Obama said.
Interesting flip flop. He had the whole thing doublely wrong
He said they were not an Ally, then said they of course were and nothing had changed.
what he should have said was:
They are an ally, but if the government fails to live up to its international diplomatic responsibilities, we must reevaluate our situation vis-a-vis Egypt.
actions have consequences
Good speech by Rand Paul on YouTube: Not One Penny More for Libya, Egypt or Pakistan Until They Act Like Our Allies
Hypothetical questions:
1. If Israel, Pakistan, and Egypt are technically allies - why? We have no defense pact with any of them. Pakistan is no ally, Egypt is hardly in what we think of as an allied nation these days, and Israel only does what benefits Israel or the ruling Party there.
What do we owe any of them?
2. Liberals like to say "if it saves just one precious human life, do it!" Does that extend to thinking an Ambassador and staff should line up before an angry Islamoid mob and spit on the US flag on the ground before them - if it "saves just one precious American or Muslim life"???
3. Similarly, if someone here burning a US flag reminds us all how wonderful our Constitution is in honoring that right!! - as liberals claim.....Is not Muslims abroad burning our flag equally great because it showcases our Sacred Parchments true glory??
But, but, but, this guy is going to clean Romney's clock in the debates because he's super-duper in foreign policy!!!
It does make sense for Obama to have written off Egypt... now that I think about it.
Egypt was an ally when Mubarak was there... but Obama abandoned him... where do they stand?
Its a bit like when Obama confused Paul Ryan and called him Jack Ryan.
Obama has thrown so many under the bus... he has trouble knowing who his allies are... let alone who's Americas allies are.
Tradguy, the conservative purists are not my allies, nor are they my enemy.
I would also remind people that ON PAPER with loads of official signatures and stuff Germany and Russia were comitted allies - until the instant Operation Barbarossa started.
Good one Stephen!
Channeling Ma Richards
"Poor Obama, he can't help it. He was born with a silver foot in his mouth!"
Channeling Ma Richards
"Poor Obama, he can't help it. He was born with a silver foot in his mouth!"
Waiting for shiloh to remind us what a foreign policy neophyte the Romster is (Ann Coulter reminds us today he opposed the Libyan mess from the start) and what an expert Choom is.
As we used to say in school:
Disengage brain
Open mouth
Insert foot
Garage said...
So what? a jet lagged Obama forgot Egypt is an ally.
Its not like Romney, killing our ambassador, major gaffe if you ask me.
In fact Obama didn't say anything that was inappropriate to say. But if you want to pretend...
Egypt was an ally when Mubarak was there... but Obama abandoned him... where do they stand?
Egypt has never been an ally except on paper. They're an enemy we bribe to stay peaceful and quiet.
Obama's original statement was correct. Whether he told the truth by mistake or as part of a calculated strategy is anybody's guess.
Ha. Yeah, Egypt the ally. Ally like two guys in prison who agree not to shiv each other. For now.
I wonder if he squats when he pees to avoid missing the toilet.
The gaffemaster was doing the same implosion act four years ago and trailing in the polls right before good ol' McCain pushed pause on his campaign and caused a hesitant public to say, "What the hell!" and throw in with the young guy. All Mr. Romney has to do is stay the course and let the real Barack -- the one who never had to wage a tough campaign before -- stumble and bumble his way to 45-5 shellacking. I will enjoy the view from the Left Coast, hoping Geezer Brown is watching closely.
"So what? a jet lagged Obama forgot Egypt is an ally."
Usually jet lag is the least of the things that cause people to be tired after a trip to Vegas.
Egypt has never been an ally except on paper. They're an enemy we bribe to stay peaceful and quiet.
Correction: They're the modern day equivalent of the Barbary Pirates that we're paying tribute to. As such, it is shameful, and always has been.
Not a penny more in tribute. Egypt is our enemy, and always has been. Treat them as such.
Well, in the new America the DOJ is going after the film maker, the cause of all this darn trouble. Allah be praised.
For someone who was praised as the second coming of Demosthenes (a good speaker, to translate for you Democrats), Obama certainly has a hard time speaking clearly.
Must be my fault for not appreciating his brilliant ten-dimensional-chess-like mind.
Or racism.
Or Bush.
Something like that.
Shouting Thomas said...
No, the motto is FORWARD!
Well it was hope and change. 3 simple words for the leftards. Now they are so stupid that Urkel has had to distill it down to one communist/marxist sentiment for his prols to understand.
AllieOop said...
Tradguy, the conservative purists are not my allies, nor are they my enemy.
Spoken like a true Urkelite. What a tool.
Cubanbob said:
"Well, in the new America the DOJ is going after the film maker, the cause of all this darn trouble. Allah be praised."
Yeah I guess there is a surplus of prosecutors and investigators at the DOJ since we decided we would not enforce our immigration laws.Perhaps, a few should be layed off if we can spare them to work on this dumb movie case.
Usually jet lag is the least of the things that cause people to be tired after a trip to Vegas.
But the poor chap had to fly all the way from Vegas to Colorado, stuck in the cramped quarters of AF1.
Who wouldn't be incoherent after a grueling trek like that? Why must you vex this poor man?
cumberlandpeal said...
Well, in the new America the DOJ is going after the film maker, the cause of all this darn trouble. Allah be praised.
Oh, you must be reading InstaPundit, who's claiming the feds IDed the man behind the hate film.
However that guy's name is old news. I was linked to it yesterday by Glenn Greenwald's blog. The AP had tracked him down and did an interview with him:
"Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, told The Associated Press in an interview outside Los Angeles that he was manager for the company that produced "Innocence of Muslims," which mocked Muslims and the prophet Muhammad and may have caused inflamed mobs that attacked U.S. missions in Egypt and Libya."
And here's what the cast and crew are saying:
The actors in the film issued a joint statement Wednesday saying they were misled about the project and said some of their dialogue was crudely dubbed during post-production.
In the English language version of the trailer, direct references to Muhammad appear to be the result of post-production changes to the movie. Either actors aren't seen when the name "Muhammad" is spoken in the overdubbed sound, or they appear to be mouthing something else as the name of the prophet is spoken.
"The entire cast and crew are extremely upset and feel taken advantage of by the producer," said the statement, obtained by the Los Angeles Times. "We are 100 percent not behind this film and were grossly misled about its intent and purpose. We are shocked by the drastic rewrites of the script and lies that were told to all involved. We are deeply saddened by the tragedies that have occurred."
All of their lives are in danger now because of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula. I don't think it was fair of him to trick people to being involved in something like this, do you?
Usually jet lag is the least of the things that cause people to be tired after a trip to Vegas.
You mean.. Romney went to Vegas after killing our ambassador?
Administration sources told The Cable that Obama's "ally" comment was not pre-arranged or prepared by staff...
IOW, TOTUS had the day off.
...and that the question was not anticipated.
What we have here is a failure to co-ordinate. Get me Jan Crawford from CBS, STAT!.
Really, at this point the only compelling reason to vote for Obama is if you hate Republicans more than you love America.
Loafing Oaf,
All of their lives are in danger because the AP and LA Times identified them.
We need to arrest the AP and LA Times reporters and editors who printed this information. The blood will be on their hands.
That said, I thought it was a fact of history that Muhammad was a pedophile and a war-monger. I don't at all like that film trailer, which is a piece of trash. But Muhammad is a figure from history and he wasn't exactly as nice as Jesus. Just saying.
Obama holds true to this motto..
Keep you friends close... and the Nile is... a river in a country yet to be determined.
Just occurred to me that all this Press focus on Romney is probably just them practicing for next January, when foreign policy responsibility will be on him.
mccullough said...
All of their lives are in danger because the AP and LA Times identified them.
If reporters could find him, then people who wanna kill him could find him. I kinda think he welcomes this, but I could be wrong. Why would he dupe people into being involved in something that could make them have to go into hiding for the rest of their lives?
All of their lives are in danger because the AP and LA Times identified them.
What, are they not identified in the movie? Are their faces covered up? The fact that the administration has bungled their response doesn't make the man who made this film into some kind of saint. He's a knave too, and the actors are right to feel they were very badly used by him.
I'm wondering if Zero has suddenly decided that his magnificence is so all-encompassing, he doesn't need a Vice President and is trying to show he can do Biden's work as well as his own.
edutcher waiting w/"baited" breath er hangin' on every word I post aside, don't misunderestimate Obama.
Indeed, it's good to be king er C-in-C, just ask dubya!
So, how pissed of will you fools be when Obama is easily re-elected?
Really, really pissed off!
Or more likely, fetal position depressed!
"All of their lives are in danger now because of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula. I don't think it was fair of him to trick people to being involved in something like this, do you?"
No. Their lives are danger because of religious zealots who like to rape and murder people who exercise their right to free speech. And people like you can think of no better response than blaming the victims for their thoughtcrimes. Is that fair?
For that matter, do you actually believe these attacks have anything to do with this movie? They just spontaneously happened to fall on Sept 11th?
It's becoming much clearer, why the White House staff is probably GLAD that Zero spends all that time on the golf course. Far fewer messes to clean up after when, God forbid, he speaks without TOTUS.
Bryan C.
Well said. Their lives are in danger because these radical nuts who can't even fathom someone making fun of their prophet and their governments can't or won't stop them.
No. Their lives are danger because of religious zealots who like to rape and murder people who exercise their right to free speech. And people like you can think of no better response than blaming the victims for their thoughtcrimes. Is that fair?
The actors who were lied to weren't exercising their freedom of speech. They were being used by a scumbag, apparently.
I absolutely agree that it's insane anyone would threaten to murder someone over the content of a film attacking a religion, or any other sort of speech attacking anything or any system of beliefs.
shiloh said...
edutcher waiting w/"baited" breath er hangin' on every word I post aside
Lessee, I walked the dog, shampooed the rug, did the dishes (The Blonde's baby sitting today), did some painting, and watered the garden in the time it took for the little animal to come out from under the lithium.
don't misunderestimate Obama.
That would be harder and harder to do. He's setting new lows for himself every day.
Check that, every hour.
As I said, last time he lucked out, but it looks like he who gets elected by a crisis that happens at the right time, is defeated by a crisis that happens at the right time.
But one wonders what all the trolls will do when Zero goes down in November and takes the Democrat Party with him.
I know, "Rrraaaacccciiissssmmmm".
All of their lives are in danger now because of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula.
All their lives are in danger because of psychotic Muslims.
I don't think it was fair of him to trick people to being involved in something like this, do you?
Whether or not it is "fair" is irrelevant. It isn't illegal. Any government officials thinking of prosecuting the guy should be publicly horsewhipped and then fired.
Must be my fault for not appreciating his brilliant ten-dimensional-chess-like mind.
I bet you get that a lot though, not being able to appreciate someone else's intellect. For instance, I'm pretty sure you'd get lost trying to keep up with Count von Count on Sesame Street.
"When I'm alone, I count myself. One count!"
Chris: "Huh??"
The actors who were lied to weren't exercising their freedom of speech.
They were paid to act. Unless they weren't paid, they've no grounds for complaint. It is perfectly legal to redub actors, edit their roles so it looks like they're doing something entirely different, etc.
Heck, it is how Michael Moore earns his living, and nobody's throwing HIS fat ass in jail.
Apparently, Obama skipped his security briefing today.
... Awkward.
Obama Gaffe, US Epitaph.
The Great One does not require intelligence briefings. There is no one with more intelligence than he already possesses.
So how many of you chickenhawks criticizing Obama believe Egypt really is our ally?
So how many of you chickenhawks criticizing Obama believe Egypt really is our ally?
I can name a few: Barack Obama's staff.
I mean, how could Egypt not be our ally after that legendary Cairo speech?
Well if they aren't our ally, I'd really like to know why the hell we're giving them weapons and money.
If Obama wants to declare them a non-ally, I'm all for it. But can we pretty please (with sugar on top) quit funding them if he does?
Yes folks, In his convention speech, Barack Obama said, “My opponent and his running mate are new to foreign policy.”
You can't make this stuff up.
Ah, "chickenhawk." Brings back such fond memories.
PHX, it really doesn't matter whether those of us who weren't/aren't hoodwinked by Obama think of Egypt as an ally. What matters is the Chief Executive can't keep it together enough to follow (or probably even know) what the official policy toward Egypt is.
Obama is a fool and a tool.
Obama's reminding me of a scene from Animal House, which is not usually a desirable feature in a president.
Wait 'til Egypt sees us! They love us!
phx said...
So how many of you chickenhawks criticizing Obama believe Egypt really is our ally?
9/13/12 5:26 PM
Was not an enemy until recently. Cooperated in Gulf War I, shared intelligence re jihadis, secured the Sinai border. No country in the world wanted to see Zawahiri dead more than Egypt. Joint US/Egyptian military cooperation.
They're equipped with M1 tanks and F16. What would call them, chicken?
Since it;s been a volunteer force since '73, the chickenhawk thing is rather inapt.
How many of the trolls have ever put it on the line? I might accept it from somebody who was in if I was being that hypocritical, but I'm betting we've got a lot of Jessie MacBeths on the other side.
The "chickenhawk" remark is an irrelevant little turd; ignore it.
WTF does combat experience have to do with commenting on a diplomatic dolt's doltish diplomacy?
gee, it's almost as if Obama wasn't qualified or fit for office in the first place.
Going to Vegas was an act of hubris.
AllieOop said...
"Tradguy, the conservative purists are not my allies, nor are they my enemy."
Four of the Oops Sisters Allie, Stanley, Barackie, and Rosy.
"How bad does he have to do to get fired? How much does he have to cost us all before something is done?"
O the hysterics of it all!
Interesting that the Brotherhood gives the Big O cover with the bullshit you tube video.
"So, how pissed of will you fools be when Obama is easily re-elected?
Really, really pissed off!
Or more likely, fetal position depressed!"
Shiloh, does it ever occur to you to wonder what this sort of glee means about your soul?
In 2000 when neurotic Democrats ended up in therapy to deal with their loss I wouldn't have thought that *glee* was an appropriate response (though there was some scorn for getting so wound up about it.)
You seem to relish the fantasy that people will be emotionally wound up, wounded, and distraught.
I think you're living in a fantasy world, but even the fantasy is sort of disgusting, don't you think?
phx: So how many of you chickenhawks criticizing Obama believe Egypt really is our ally?
Chip S: WTF does combat experience have to do with commenting on a diplomatic dolt's doltish diplomacy?
phx was speaking in terms of his own personal experience.
As for ally... our ally wants assurances, not nuances. If there is something to lie diplomatically *about* it's calling someone "our friend" even if they aren't, quite, rather than telling placating lies about how much we hate free speech that hurts tender feelings.
This couldn't have been an "ooops" a slip of the tongue sort of thing. Saying 57 states or that Austrian is a language is a slip of the tongue. Explaining the *nuances* of just how much, or *not*, of an ally the Egyptian nation is, is not a slip of the tongue, it's a misjudgement.
Or it's speaking to his base because he knows they'll like it and think it's grand... or something.
The most damning statement in the whole article:
"Administration sources told The Cable that Obama's "ally" comment was not pre-arranged or prepared by staff and that the question was not anticipated."
This ones for AllieOop,
remember last night's thread and your comments about those overoaid contractors who live better in the war zone than your daughter?
Turns out that the 2 guys who died with the Ambassador in Libya (the Marine died elsewhere) were ex-SEAL contractors. As they Joke: This is why they pay them the big bucks...
Dead is dead, whether it be contractor or troop. I'm sure the families of both groups are devastated, when their loved ones are killed.
Lots of lower paid troops doing very dangerous things also, as you know.
"So how many of you chickenhawks criticizing Obama believe Egypt really is our ally?"
-- Technically, per U.S. statute and treaty, it is.
Also, Jimmy Carter, now a chickenhawk.
deborah said...
Going to Vegas was an act of hubris.
More like stupidity, but we're in the same ballpark.
Meade said...
Tradguy, the conservative purists are not my allies, nor are they my enemy.
Four of the Oops Sisters Allie, Stanley, Barackie, and Rosy.
I hear Rosy's middle name is Cheeks.
Meade, I guess that horde of conservative purists didn't like our rendition of "Bugle Boy of Company C".
"So how many of you chickenhawks criticizing Obama believe Egypt really is our ally?"
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?
Okay, so that's sort of trite. But the point is this... what I think I can SAY because I'm a housewife sitting at a keyboard and my very breath doesn't constitute official national policy.
We are supposed to excuse the president of the United States and his absent mutterings on the nuances of the word "ally" on account of he actually took an unplanned question?
Blogger AllieOop said...
Meade, I guess that horde of conservative purists didn't like our rendition of "Bugle Boy of Company C"
..that's Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B, sister.
LarsPorsena, oops;)
Ohhhhhh.... Maybe THAT'S what they were so mad about.
They're a frenemy.
LIes, lies, and nothing but lies.
Am at the WH this PM. The POTUS is fine. The White House Chef-of-Staff personally told me to not worry. The polls show positive for the POTUS. Plus, he said that the NYT op-eds will support him and so will the bloggers like Sullivan.
Yes, sire, bpb, there is nothing to worry but GOP lies, likes and lies.
LIes, lies, and nothing but lies.
Am at the WH this PM. The POTUS is fine. The White House Chef-of-Staff personally told me to not worry. The polls show positive for the POTUS. Plus, he said that the NYT op-eds will support him and so will the bloggers like Sullivan.
Yes, sire, bpb, there is nothing to worry but GOP lies, likes and lies.
He's incompetent and arrogant too, a fatal combination. The last couple of days are proof positive that his Obama Doctrine has collapsed in riots and death.
Tomorrow is the holy day in the Middle East. I shudder to think of what savagery awaits.
You are all being too aggressive!! Now I just want to protect poor Obama!
If there is something to lie diplomatically *about* it's calling someone "our friend" even if they aren't, quite...
Diplomacy is the act of saying "nice doggie" while one reaches for a rock.
They're a frenemy.
St. Croix's got it right.
I'm not sure what the big deal with this is. Clearly Obama was just sending signals to his Jewish followers and to Evangelicals that he is on their side.
If you know your Bible it's quite clear.
As a card-carrying Evangelical (I have 2 cards with me now and can produce more upon request) I saw what he was doing right away.
Very shrewd politics with the code words and whistles pagans would never understand!
phx was speaking in terms of his own personal experience.
That's pretty disgusting. While I was speaking pejoratively regarding some of the Althouse crew, I wasn't speaking that pejoratively.
Keep your mind classy.
AP - Are you back with the team? Hope so!
I don't mean to be rude, but it seems that your temporary exile sort of coincided with the President's poorest polling.
Coincidence, I'm sure. Keep the faith!
"Shiloh, does it ever occur to you to wonder what this sort of glee means about your soul?"
Your glee hyperbole aside, just stating the reality of many cons at this blog when Obama wins re-election.
Speaking of glee: Why does mittens always have a disingenuous smirk when spewing his apologist nonsense. Even when it involves dead Americans, mittens can't wipe the shithouse grin off his face.
Again, willard is the total discombobulated package.
Maybe just before the election Althouse will show some backbone and tell her flock what she really thinks about her favorite presidential wannabe train wreck!
The truth shall set you free!
WTF does combat experience have to do with commenting on a diplomatic dolt's doltish diplomacy?
Shut up. Also: Racist!
Lots of lower paid troops doing very dangerous things also, as you know.
Alley Oop
Loafing Oaf wrote:
But Muhammad is a figure from history and he wasn't exactly as nice as Jesus. Just saying.
not only wasn't he as nice as Jesus, he wasn't even as nice as Vlad The Impaler. Just saying.
Four of the Oops Sisters Allie, Stanley, Barackie, and Rosy.
You forgot Hula Oops.
Revenant wrote:
Egypt has never been an ally except on paper. They're an enemy we bribe to stay peaceful and quiet.
sure we were never friends like say Great Brittain, but they were at least peaceful and quiet. And if it took bribery to keep that quiet, so be it. Obama wrecked that peace.
"Your glee hyperbole aside, just stating the reality of many cons at this blog when Obama wins re-election."
Your hope isn't reality. Adult people know that it's never certain until it's over. You assume that people are emotionally invested and will fall apart, but the only *party* that has been prone to emotional and psychological breakdowns after an election is Democrats.
I'm amazed and bemused at how the enormity of a blunder like saying that an ally isn't an ally means nothing at all. Oh well, la de da, no consequences to that. Doesn't mean that Obama isn't in charge if he's excused from any statement that wasn't prepared ahead of time by his staff. The blind faith and loyalty is incredible. What would Obama have to do, fuck a sheep in the town square?
If Romney and Ryan lose people will be disappointed and worried, really worried, but if Obama loses it will be True Believers trying to deal with the death of their god.
Does it ever bother the sophistos that keep proclaiming what a foreign policy genius obama is after these fuckups one after the other? I'm sorry but the president you voted for is a DUMBFUCK.
"fuck a sheep in the town square?"
lol Synova, I feel your pain ...
"How much does he have to cost us all before something is done?"
In this area, cocktail murmur has it as "Maybe we'll get lucky."
The referent is not to an election.
re: gk1:
I'm sorry but the president you voted for is a DUMBFUCK.
He's not dumb; he just has terrible judgment. Even Biden would be better than this.
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