August 31, 2012

"You cannot measure a man’s character based on the words he utters before adoring crowds during times that are happy."

"The true measure of a man is revealed in his actions during times of trouble — the quiet hospital room of a dying boy, with no cameras and no reporters."


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Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Romney is not wearing it on his sleeves.

As opposed to his opponent; vowing before heads of other states, only to be seen by the cameras.. to evoke this kind of thought.. 'Oh look, the most powerful man in the world is so, so humble.. he vows'.

tiger said...

The more I learn about Romney vs. Obama the more they seem to be the opposite of each other.

Obama never held or created a private sector job. That's all Romney has done.

Obama makes promises and statements he never plans on keeping.
Romney never calls attention to his deeds in helping people.

Obama avoids taking responsibility.
Romney is a 'the buck stops here' kinda guy.

Obama eats dogs.
Romney finds a way to take the family pet with them, even when the car is full.

Bender said...


I'm no estates lawyer, but aside from possibly owning an interest in real property, does a deceased minor even have a probatable estate that would necessitate a will, much less a will by a Harvard law grad, even if he never practice law a single day in his life?

(And no, I won't even mention my discomfort (oh, right, I'm doing that now) at exploiting a child's death for political gain, even if it is the kid's parents doing it.)

bagoh20 said...

Based on what I have learned of the two men:

I am more proud of my life as I have lived it than I would be if I had lived Barack Obama's life. I can't say the same for Romney. There are a number of important things he has done - like in this story - that I can only wish I had done for someone.

Romney is clearly the better man... of all three of us.

lohwoman said...

Geez, Bender, I think Mr. Romney should have told David his "will" was pointless.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It takes a democrat to point out the possible inadequate controlling legal authority behind the wishes of a dying boy.


janetrae said...

Bender: Of course not and at 14 he doesn't have testamentary capacity. But if you have to make a truly stupid and belittling comment like this, I guess the point of the story is completely lost on you.

garage mahal said...

I am more proud of my life as I have lived it than I would be if I had lived Barack Obama's life

I'm guessing Obama wouldn't trade spots with you either. But that's just a guess.

Bender said...

Geez, lohwoman, I think that whatever Romney did for this kid ain't that big a deal. Certainly it is not the type of "Hey everybody! Look at what a swell guy Mitt is!" deal that is anything that countless people have not done throughout human history.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Maybe 'democrat' is too wide a brush.. I should say it takes a 'political hack'... I mean.. we have them too.

janetrae said...

So Bender -- when have you gone to visit a dying kid and treated his dying wishes with adult respect?

janetrae said...

And just who are these "countless others" who have done the same? Obama? Anybody on Obama's staff? Because if they had/have, bet we see them on the stage next week.

edutcher said...

In the mold of American heroes, he does his deed and rides off into the sunset.

wyo sis said...

No one ever exploited a death for political gain, that's why this is so suspect.
See, the thing about exploitation is people do it and do it and then someone doesn't do it but it looks like they did because we've all become so jaded and sarcastic.

It's like crying wolf or rape or rrraaaccciiisssttt. It just gets to be part of the hard shell we build around ourselves.

The difference is. These people were telling their story because Mitt did a great thing in their lives and they wanted to tell other people about it. In the face of the political narrative they know what happened to them in their lives because a busy man took some of his time and ability and gave it to their son. Out of love, or caring or whatever it is that touches our hearts even when we've built up a hard shell.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, it was genuine and it came through to that part of people that responds to truth.

garage mahal said...

Mitt's Story.

Funny, I don't care who you are.

Bender said...

So Bender -- when have you gone to visit a dying kid and treated his dying wishes with adult respect?

I've gone to visit a dying mother and gone to court to fight for her dying wishes to be able to be a mother to her child, rather than have CPS come and accuse her of neglect simply because she had a terminal illness. I've visited and helped other dying people.

So I guess that makes me the greatest person ever and you should get the hell off my back about it, huh???

Or, maybe, these are merely the basic kinds of things that decent people do in a decent society, such that it is absolutely no occasion to applaud and pat people on the back for it, much less use and exploit the occasion for crass political purposes.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You know the strange part... now that I'm here defending it.. I'm tearing up imagining that scene in my minds eye.

Boy Scout to the end.

Last night I was busy here putting down democrat flares.. I didn't see this woman.

janetrae said...

Hey, Bender -- that makes 2 -- you and Mitt. Hey, I think you are a Republican!

Tyrone Slothrop said...

The speaker that moved me most was Pam Finlayson, who talked about Romney's support for her and her premature child. The woman was so close to tears but powered through anyway. "She really wants to see Mitt get elected," said my wife. I admit to shedding some tears myself, although I am a pretty tough guy. Just picture Randolph Scott, that's me, but not gay.

yashu said...

Romney is not wearing it on his sleeves.

Exactly. Surprising (yet all the more admirable) we haven't heard about these private acts of kindness and charity before now. Romney didn't do these things so that they might be publicized.

If Romney was the kind of man who'd write two memoirs before middle age, maybe we would've heard about some "composite" acts of charity.

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wyo sis said...

And Benders own story of his own great service to people through law just doesn't reach the level of compassion. It's self serving. How can I so quickly tell the difference between the two stories.

Hmmmm...It makes you wonder doesn't it?

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

"I'm guessing Obama wouldn't trade spots with you either."

Of course not, we want and admire different things. For instance, I would be ashamed of getting ahead by dragging other people's divorce records though the dirt. I would be ashamed of letting people think I could fill their gas tanks, end racial discourse, control the oceans. Most of all, I would be ashamed of being a failure, and blaming everyone else for it.

I judge myself and my life by what I do for others. If I never helped a single soul, I'd still be ahead of Obama's net impact.

You're right, he probably doesn't envy me, but he should.

wyo sis said...


I really really respect you.

That probably makes some people get all snarky, but I mean it in the best possible meaning of the word.

You are a class act.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

...two memoirs before middle age,

Exactly... How can a regular Althousian forget those?

jungatheart said...

The other day when we were talking about movies that make you nicer, someone mentioned A Chrismas Carol which I think was the best example. It brings home to the audience that people are in desperate need, and if there were an afterlife we would look back and long to do all that we had left undone.

chickelit said...

Bender cracks Romn' and I don't care,

Bender cracks Romn' and I don't care,

Bender cracks Romn' and I don't care...

...his master's gone away.

Bender said...

It's self serving.

No it's not. I responded to someone's question. I'm not asking for praise. In fact, I said it is not anything to be praised for. And it is not anything for Romney to be praised for.

You don't praise people for basic decency.

wyo sis said...

You do praise people for basic decency, because it's not very common anymore and it's still basic.
See what I mean?

janetrae said...

OK Bender -- I will confess to admiring people who work with the sick and dying. If you were running for public office and your opponent spent millions of dollars to paint you as a bottom line dollar hungry evil plutocrat who cared nothing for anybody but his banker and accountant, might you counter that with these unsung decent acts? Or ask the parents of someone you had helped to put in a good word? I completely agree that these are the kinds of works that decent people in a decent society do -- and many times it is out of faith and a sense of moral obligation to something beyond themselves that does not necessarily translate to dollars -- I think that was the point of the "testimonies" last night, right? And I am sure that we will discover tomorrow that they were hired lying actors and this never happened -- or at least that the New York Times or MSNBC will send someone out to "prove" that (David wasn't 14 when he was diagnosed, he was 13-1/2.) In the meantime do we know anything at all similar that Obama has done -- except misrepresent his mother's insurance woes when she was dying?

janetrae said...

Bender, you actually didn't respond to my question, you instead responded with what I take to be the best thing you ever did, and mentioned that you work with other dying people. I think what you did was decent and honorable. But I will still take it that the answer to my actual question is no.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Obama called his own mother a racist on National Television.

wyo sis said...

And you don't criticize people for basic decency by pointing out a technical detail like whether a 14 year old has the legal power to write a will.
It makes you look like a person who is so blinded by politics you can no longer detect truth.

MadisonMan said...

You do praise people for basic decency, because it's not very common anymore

Oh brother.

You need a better class of acquaintances. Every single neighbor I have is a good and decent individual. They'd do just about anything for me, and vice versa.

Move to the midwest. Decency is everywhere here. So is nosyness.

lohwoman said...

I watched the convention coverage of PBS. After David's parents and Pam Finlayson spoke, the camera switched to the anchor desk. Those four people were very quiet. And then they began asking, "Why haven't we been hearing these stories all along? What is wrong with the Romney campaign?" Mark Shields and the other guy both called it "campaign malpractice." The image of this lay leader touching a preemie's back in a spot that wasn't covered with tape and tubing was a powerful one. Apparently these media types want this sort of story all the time. For me, once was enough although I did look up Kate Finlayson on youtube and watched her brothers' tribute to her life.

Dante said...

Why is it, that if the man has such deep religion, he should do such things? Isn't the passing of life to a better world? Shouldn't the comfort of religion make these things less necessary?

Somehow, the only way I could imagine Obama doing something like this is if there was a photo-op.

Or Clinton for that matter.

Some may think it's a little strange, like the way he tried to make his dog happy by putting him top of the car, and caring for the animal, or however that played out. There is something real and genuine there.

Sorry Crack, if that's Cultism, then maybe I'm for it.

Joe said...

Bender, to illustrate your point, you described your own experience. How is this fundamentally different from what the speakers did last night?

wyo sis said...

I should have said it's not very common among the political class anymore I guess. I live where there are lots of Mormons and I see things like the testimonials from last night's convention every day.

Bender was trying to make Romney into an exploiter because these people told their story. It's just disgusting and I'm sick of it.

Dante said...

I'm no estates lawyer, but aside from possibly owning an interest in real property, does a deceased minor even have a probatable estate that would necessitate a will, much less a will by a Harvard law grad, even if he never practice law a single day in his life?

I suppose in your world, you would like some government official to tell the kid, "Sorry, Kid, you are 14 and can't own property."

And how do you know what Mitt did for the kid? Where you there? You don't think it, you believe it. You believe it because your partisanship blinds you to real humanity.

I'm curious, what do you think of Obama providing no assistance to his half-brother? Maybe in that case it's compassionate.

Known Unknown said...


Thank you for your compassionate service to others.

That is all.

campy said...


bagoh20 said...

If one candidate has done a lot more decent and respectable things and he doesn't write autobiographies to tell you about it, then how are we supposed to find out. Do we want to think they are equal men, even if they are not, or do we want to know these things. You can't think it's important, and not want to know it.

Are you exploiting the handicapped if you include your work volunteering to help them on your resume for a job? Of course not, it's just a fact and one you should not hide, nor brag about. It just is.

And thank you very much, Wyo Sis - very nice of you.

yashu said...

In fact, I said it is not anything to be praised for. And it is not anything for Romney to be praised for.

You're just being willfully obtuse because you detest Romney.

This is not a "heroic" act, but it's a good, decent, exceedingly kind and compassionate one. It's not super extraordinary but it's not ordinary either (it's not a one time act, but an ongoing relationship that Romney made time for, that took care and attention). It tells you something about the man's character, about the man's heart. And this is one example of many acts of kindness, compassion, and charity which Romney habitually engaged in.

I guess it's all the same to you that the image of "Romney" that's been presented to the American people is of a cold greedy murderous vampire vulture Gordon Gekko. I don't mind getting to know a little of the private character of the man I hope will be our next POTUS. It's not like I have two memoirs that tell me in intimate first-person detail all about his exquisitely sensitive inner complexities and profundities.

Bender said...

No, janetrae, I've never gone and written a superfluous will for a dying child or otherwise plan his funeral, and then allow the episode to be used for my own political benefit.

You're right. I've never done that.

Then again, I am certain that you have probably done some very nice things for some unfortunate person that Mitt Romney never did. Does that mean that we should praise you for it? No.

And neither should we erect some hierarchy of good deeds that we can compare people to. I'm sure that there have been times when Barack Obama has done some nice selfless thing, some time when he was not a complete jerk. Should we praise him for that? No.

Again, simple human decency is not something to be praised or thanked for. It is to be expected.

And by the way, this act of Romney sounds a lot more like an act of charitable love, rather than that respect which folks just the other day were arguing was more important than love.

Unknown said...

What those critics might want to do is watch the Oparowski story and ask if they themselves could ever be as human, and humane, as Mitt Romney.

The critics might also want to review the stories about Seamus and John Lauber.

bagoh20 said...

"Somehow, the only way I could imagine Obama doing something like this is if there was a photo-op.
Or Clinton for that matter."

Isn't that true? Can you lefties imagine either man doing something like this at a similar time in their lives - to take that time, to befriend a boy in need who can't do anything for their career?.

I can imagine Ryan, and maybe even Biden, although if Biden did it, the will would still in probate.

Can you imagine either Obama or Clinton giving away his inheritance, or giving the huge percentages of his income away to charity that Romney does?

Just asking.

Bender said...

If one candidate has done a lot more decent and respectable things and he doesn't write autobiographies to tell you about it, then how are we supposed to find out.

Maybe if we had a campaign of principle and fundamental philosophy rather than a campaign of a cult of personalities, it wouldn't matter.

As a conservative, I don't care if Romney (or Obama) is the nicest and sweetest guy ever. I'm not electing President Nice Guy. Rather, I want a guy who has fundamental principles of defending freedom and leaving me the hell alone.

yashu said...

And it is not anything for Romney to be praised for.

It's not like he's getting a Nobel Peace Prize for it.

dreams said...

"Geez, Bender, I think Mr. Romney should have told David his "will" was pointless."

Bender does seem to miss the point.

The boy wanted to show the value he held for his possessions knowing his life would soon be coming to an end. Plus, he wanted to show who he wanted to receive them. He wanted to make it legal if only symbolically.

Alex said...

Let's boil it all down. If you hate Republicans, then everything Romney has ever done is horrible. If you are a Republican, then Romney is a saint. There is no objectivity to be had.

Unknown said...

Did Mittens commit voter fraud when he voted in MA in January 2010?

wyo sis said...

Well, Bender

I hope you get what you want. Those of us who appreciate knowing about a candidates character want the same thing. A competent defender of our national principles and a person who gets things done.

I suspect a candidate with decency will be a lot more willing to leave you alone than a busybody nanny using your own money to ruin your life.

chickelit said...

Bender wrote: Maybe if we had a campaign of principle and fundamental philosophy rather than a campaign of a cult of personalities, it wouldn't matter.

I was joking upthread about you morphing into Crack but you went and doubled down.

This should get interesting ahead.

bagoh20 said...

What is so offensive about giving praise for good acts? Have we come that far, that we can't even say: "Thank you for doing that. It needed done, and I am very thankful that you took the time to do it." For one thing it means I don't have to, so yes, thank you, thank you."

Everyone has a hundred other things they would rather do than the charitable acts they often feel compelled to. It would be quite easy to ignore those needs. Pulling that string is rarely a simple over-and-done proposition.

Yes, I very much praise anyone who does anything selfless like that. It was a choice they didn't have to make, and it makes the world better for us all. Praise is due, and I think a duty. So thank you too, Bender.

wyo sis said...

I'm a Republican and I don't think either thing.
I think Romney has made many mistakes, but none of them have been in the same ballpark as the mistakes Obama has made.
I think Romney is a fundamentally decent thoughtful competent person.
I would rather take my chances with Romney than Obama.

yashu said...

And if you were the only voter in the USA, Bender, you'd have a convention and campaign tailored just for you.

And if you don't think Romney and Ryan are presenting "a campaign of principle and fundamental philosophy," then I don't know what campaign you've been watching. I see more "principle and fundamental philosophy" in the content of the R/R campaign than I've seen (or heard of) in any Republican campaign since Reagan.

If you're just saying no earthly politician has ever met your standards and none likely will (that has a chance of actually winning an election and governing in the real world), well, very well, good for you, you sure are purer than me. I guess we all should praise you for that.

Unknown said...

everything Romney has ever done is horrible

I'm no fan of Mittens, but I wouldn't say that everything he's done is horrible. Even if he wasn't tied to the insanity of the GOP platform, he's demonstrated enough dishonesty, poor judgment, and lack of principles for me to reject him as a presidential candidate. He might make an acceptable neighbor, though.

The Drill SGT said...

Obama lost the election last night.

any reelection campaign is a two part test.

1. does Obama deserve relection. Clint and Ryan answered that. If no, go to step 2

2. Does Romney scare me? if so, go back to 1.

After those heart felt testimonials, not about laws written or taxpayer money given away, but about personal concern, feeling and sacrifice, Romney doesn't scare anybody except the WH. The last hope of Axelrod was that they could play the Mormon card, having already laid down the mysogynist and the racist cards. Well all those Evangelicals who were supposed to stay home after the Mormon card was played?

They understand testimonials and they cant be scared now about a god fearing compassionate lay minister, even if they don't care for Mormons in theory.....

jungatheart said...

"I'm no estates lawyer, but aside from possibly owning an interest in real property, does a deceased minor even have a probatable estate that would necessitate a will, much less a will by a Harvard law grad, even if he never practice law a single day in his life?"

lol really? This reminds me of an Alex sockpuppet.

dreams said...

"(And no, I won't even mention my discomfort (oh, right, I'm doing that now) at exploiting a child's death for political gain, even if it is the kid's parents doing it.)"

Their son has been dead for over thirty years and they were not exploiting their son's death but were honoring his life.

bagoh20 said...

If it doesn't matter, then you would not care what kind of man you hire to handle very important issues for you. How many jobs, would feel equally comfortable hiring a decent charitable man or a selfish, to-busy-for-anyone-else type person. There are so many ways that personality type will bite you in the ass when you give them power or responsibility that I just can't imagine how it can be considered unimportant. Virtually every time an employee of mine does something terrible it is due to a selfish nature. Truly compassionate, charitable people rarely let you down, and posers of that variety are worse than either.

Dante said...

Are you exploiting the handicapped if you include your work volunteering to help them on your resume for a job? Of course not, it's just a fact and one you should not hide, nor brag about. It just is.

When I donate to charity, I do not include it on my tax returns, even if the amount is substantial. I want it to be MY donation, and not to be tainted by government incentive.

Lance said...

Bender, if Romney never took the MA bar, should he be prosecuted for practicing law without a license?

Dante said...

Oh, and lest that be viewed as some disparagement about Romney, it is not. The act was done from himself. The people who let us know are also performing a charitable act, in fact, a patriotic act, by letting everyone know the difference between the two choices.

Romney, who gave when nothing in return was expected, except the good feelings that come when helping someone in real need.

Obama, who has never found it fit to give his half-brother, living in a hut in abject poverty, a dime.

Ross said...

I've been reading on here and Instapundit about how good Romney has been to other people. But the thing is, to Mormons, this is just typical stuff, all in a day's work. Helping people is just an outgrowth of our faith in Jesus Christ.

Bender said...

Bender does seem to miss the point

No, I got the point. The point of telling this story on national TV before a national audience at a political convention was to garner political support for Mitt Romney. That was the reason for telling this story. I got the point.

And it is an invalid point.

garage mahal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shiloh said...

One must give credit to Althouse for consistently "trying" to portray mittens positively. Of course, she's preaching to the choir here.

ok, she's just trying to keep the natives happy! It's all good.

rhhardin said...

I'm worried more about his economic theories than his character.

garage mahal said...

Truly compassionate, charitable people rarely let you down, and posers of that variety are worse than either.

I'll vote for the guy that implemented a health care policy that doesn't discriminate against my daughter, and tens of millions of others, and I will vote against the candidate that promises to discriminate against my daughter and tens of millions of others.

I would love to hear Romney explain precisely how society should treat and care for people in the same boat as this boy. Pretty sure we won't hear it, at least before the debates.

wyo sis said...

To you that's the point.
To many others the point is that Romney has been made into a capitalistic boogie man by the national media and liberals.
This is correcting that misconception.
You are not moved by it.
Many others are.
Your particular brand of what I can only think of as cynicism is as valid as any other, but there really is more to it.

yashu said...

I was joking upthread about you morphing into Crack but you went and doubled down.

I was going to remark on the similarity too. They're alike in that they see and interpret each and every single thing about Romney, including something any reasonable observer (even a partisan on the other side) would find admirable or at least positive or at least neutral, through the prism of their hatred of the man. Through the prism of what they see as (1) his abominable moderateness (less than absolutely pure true conservative right-wingness, or whatever the pure version of Bender's ideology is) and (2) his execrable Mormonism.

As a moderate (for Bender) or a Mormon (for Crack), every particle of Romney's being is tainted bad and to be condemned. Even helping a dying teen with his will is an indication of Romney's malicious deceitfulness.

As far as they're concerned, there is nothing whatsoever good or positive or even neutral about Romney. In this they are much more absolute than the most partisan of Dem/ left partisans here.

bagoh20 said...

Garage, you seem to ignore the last phrase of that quote from me: "...and posers of that variety are worse than either."

We who disagree with Obamacare believe it to be the opposite of compassionate, and based on Obama's history, I don't think he really cares if it is or isn't.

Unknown said...

Romney has been made into a capitalistic boogie man by the national media and liberals.

Romney's record at Bain--at least what we know about it--speaks for itself. You're only unhappy that the national media has reported on it.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"he wanted to make it legal, if only symbolically"

I suspect that he wanted to make it legal, and Romney did not tell him it was only going to be symbolic.

Michael K said...

" Blogger Jake Diamond said...

everything Romney has ever done is horrible

I'm no fan of Mittens, but I wouldn't say that everything he's done is horrible. Even if he wasn't tied to the insanity of the GOP platform, he's demonstrated enough dishonesty, poor judgment, and lack of principles for me to reject him as a presidential candidate. He might make an acceptable neighbor, though."

I doubt he would want you for neighbor. Me either. Joe McGinniss is about your type of neighbor.

wyo sis said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dreams said...

"And it is an invalid point."

We've been hearing over and over that Romney is less likeable than Obama and needed to humanize himself which their testimonial help in doing and was entirely valid. Plus, it had the added benefit of providing an opportunity for those parents to publically honor the short life and memory of their long gone but not forgotten son.

wyo sis said...

exhelodrvr1 said...

"he wanted to make it legal, if only symbolically"

I suspect that he wanted to make it legal, and Romney did not tell him it was only going to be symbolic.

Have you ever met a 14 year old?

Unknown said...

I doubt he would want you for neighbor. Me either.

Hey, thanks! That's terrific news.

Michael K said...

"'ll vote for the guy that implemented a health care policy that doesn't discriminate against my daughter, and tens of millions of others, and I will vote against the candidate that promises to discriminate against my daughter and tens of millions of others. "

Obamacare is a nightmare of perverse incentives that will not reduce costs and then it applies anonymous rationing via the IPAB to accomplish a similar function.

Soviet citizens knew enough to avoid buying a car made on a Friday. I wonder if Americans are as equipped with cynical experience with totalitarian society to know that. It would be knowledge dearly bought.

I doubt you know enough to understand what I mean. No, I don't see communists under every bed but I do know a bit about health care.

yashu said...

Romney's record at Bain--at least what we know about it--speaks for itself. You're only unhappy that the national media has reported on it.

Well, looks like Romney is going to do some bragging about Bain.

At Romney's youtube channel, I count at least nine ads about his work at Bain.

chickelit said...

yashu writes: As far as they're concerned, there is nothing whatsoever good or positive or even neutral about Romney. In this they are much more absolute than the most partisan of Dem/ left partisans here.

We've had BDS, PDS, and ODS as various derangement syndromes here before. I guess RDS (a genus with two related species--d. ryanus and d. romneus) is finally presenting for study and diagnosis. I've never seen recovery from one of these syndromes, but they do go latent as in the original Clinton derangement syndrome.

Alex said...

Just skip the toxic spewings of garage & shiloh.

garage mahal said...

We who disagree with Obamacare believe it to be the opposite of compassionate

You're forgetting Romney's history in Massachusetts. I don't understand, you're saying it's compassionate now to discriminate against diabetics, and in Massachusetts was the opposite of compassionate? Then why did Romney champion and sign that law? That seems like some fucked up logic.

Is Christ going to reappear in Massachusetts instead of Jackson County, Missouri?

chickelit said...

Actually, garage mahal had a bad case of Walker Derangement Syndrome, but it seems to be in remission or is under control with medication.

wyo sis said...

We don't forget Romneycare.
We think a Republican is less likely than Obama to take Obamacare to it's logical end as a federal program.

Also, Romney seems to be able to learn from his mistakes.
We have seen evidence that Obama doesn't

Unknown said...

Well, looks like Romney is going to do some bragging about Bain.

I imagine the Democrats will be thrilled to hear that Romney wants to talk about his time at Bain.

Cedarford said...

I agree with Tyrone. The OTHER story, as told by Pat Finlayson about Mitt and his help when she had a premie with many serious complications, was just as powerful.

It was when our daughter Kate was born three and a half months early that I fully came to appreciate what a great treasure of friendship we had in Mitt and Ann.

Kate was so tiny and very sick.

Her lungs not yet ready to breathe, her heart unstable, and after suffering a severe brain hemorrhage at three days old, she was teetering on the very edge of life.

As I sat with her in intensive care, consumed with a mother's worry and fear, dear Mitt came to visit and pray with me.

As our clergy, he was one of few visitors allowed.

I will never forget that when he looked down tenderly at my daughter, his eyes filled with tears, and he reached out gently and stroked her tiny back.

I could tell immediately that he didn't just see a tangle of plastic and tubes; he saw our beautiful little girl, and he was clearly overcome with compassion for her.

During the many months Kate was hospitalized, the Romneys often cared for our two-year old son, Peter. They treated him like one of their own, even welcoming him to stay the night when needed.

When Thanksgiving rolled around, Kate was still struggling for life.

Brain surgery was scheduled, and the holiday was the furthest thing from our minds.

I opened my door to find Mitt and his boys, arms loaded with a Thanksgiving feast.

Of course we were overcome. When I called to thank Ann, she sweetly confessed it had been Mitt's idea, that most of the cooking and chopping had been done by him.

She and the boys had just happily pitched in.

Eventually we moved from Boston. Our daughter Kate grew into an amazing girl of faith and love.

But complications of her birth remained with her, and after 26 years of both miracles and struggle, she passed away just a year and a half ago.

In the midst of making the final decision to run for President – which had to be the most difficult of their lives – when they heard of Kate's passing, both Mitt and Ann paused, to personally reach out to extend us sympathy, and express their love.

It seems to me when it comes to loving our neighbor, we can talk about it, or we can live it.

That story hit me harder than even the Orolowski story the media covered more.

garage mahal said...

Also, Romney seems to be able to learn from his mistakes.

No, actually Romney seems to still like his old heath care law. At least of this past week. Subject to change of course.

Bender said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Walker Derangement Syndrome

People are still peddling that "X Derangement Syndrome" crap? It was pathetic and lame the first time I heard it ("Bush Derangement Syndrome"), and it hasn't improved with time and repetition.

Of course it would be amusing to hear one of the unimaginative dopes admit to "Obama Derangement Syndrome," but I suspect that they'd prefer to engage in more reality-denial instead.

Bender said...

If you're just saying no earthly politician has ever met your standards and none likely will (that has a chance of actually winning an election and governing in the real world), well, very well, good for you, you sure are purer than me.

No, there have been plenty of people running for political office who have met my standards and far exceeded them. But not this year. And not in 2008. Or 1996.

Maybe my problem is that I was spoiled. I came of political age with the 1980 Republican convention, where the nominee's acceptance speech was essentially devoid of promoting him personally and was all about promoting and advancing the ideas of freedom and the greatness of others. Who was Ronald Reagan the person? You couldn't tell one bit based on what he said at the convention.

Compare that to the 2012 nominee's acceptance speech, which was permeated with "I did this and I did that," all in an attempt to get people to like him (or maybe love him, but respecting him was beside the point). And then they even go so far as to try to guilt/obligate people into thinking what a great guy he is with the dying kid story. "Now, if you don't praise Romney the person for that, you must be a complete, uncaring jerk."

I really don't have very high standards, despite Reagan setting the standard against which I naturally compare people to. But the at the very least, the convention should not be promoting a cult of personality.

And that, deep down, is what the Romney campaign has been all along -- "elect me because I'm personally more competent than Obama." Not "I have superior ideas," but "I am a superior person and for that reason can do the job better than he."

We have had enough of governments of men. We need a government of fundamental principle. The idea should be the ruler, not Romney's (or Obama's) background or personal skills or lack thereof.

Unknown said...

Let's not forget the compassion Mittens displayed when he stopped his car and hosed the diarrhea off the car and Seamus before continuing on the road trip with Seamus strapped to the roof.

harrogate said...

"We've had BDS, PDS, and ODS as various derangement syndromes here before. I guess RDS (a genus with two related species--d. ryanus and d. romneus) is finally presenting for study and diagnosis. I've never seen recovery from one of these syndromes, but they do go latent as in the original Clinton derangement syndrome."

Chickelite with the bazinga. The classic, funny because it's true! line.

wyo sis said...

I give up.
This started with me because you posed the utterly ridiculous idea that Romney was somehow unseemly because he helped a dying 14 year old write a will.

That is a very cynical attitude and allows no room for any action that is not driven by politics or self-aggrandizement.

What a dark and sad world you must inhabit.

Bender said...

Also, Romney seems to be able to learn from his mistakes.

No, actually Romney seems to still like his old heath care law. At least of this past week. Subject to change of course.

Romney acceptance speech, "we must rein in the skyrocketing cost of healthcare by repealing and replacing Obamacare."

A pledge to REPLACE ObamaCare. Not getting government the hell out of the healthcare industry, but to implement the national version of RomneyCare (or perhaps ObamaCare 2.0).

Romney thinks that what is wrong with ObamaCare is not a matter of principle, but a matter of competent construction. Obama had the right idea and good intentions, but he wasn't experienced enough or smart enough to do it the right way.

Hagar said...

All this showcasing of how compassionate and all Mitt Romney is rather worries me some.
What the Government really needs is a truly heartless SOB cost cutter like old Joe Kennedy!

wyo sis said...

Seamus has shown up and with him the notion that this is a good faith exchange.
I'm out.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

bagoh20 said...

We who disagree with Obamacare believe it to be the opposite of compassionate, and based on Obama's history, I don't think he really cares if it is or isn't.

Since May I've been flat on my back recovering from a nasty bicycle accident, resulting in osteomyelitis. My healthcare is from Kaiser Permanente HMO, the only insurance available where I work. It is a pretty accurate model for Obamacare, probably better, yet I have been ignored, neglected and pushed around by the organization since the process began. Once I got treatment, the personnel were pretty competent, but I had to complain about intense back pain to four different doctors for five weeks before they would do the imaging necessary to diagnose me. Non-urgent appointments with specialists are normally booked 2-3 months out. Obamacare will be far worse if it is allowed to happen.

harrogate said...

"This started with me because you posed the utterly ridiculous idea that Romney was somehow unseemly because he helped a dying 14 year old write a will."

wyo sis, that is not what Bender wrote and I think you know it.

bagoh20 said...

"Then why did Romney champion and sign that law?"

You already know this.
The people of Massachusetts wanted it. The People of the U.S. don't.
He found it acceptable in his form as a state only experiment. It ended up far beyond his form, but still they wanted it. They will eventually hate it. Many already do.

I think it's not compassionate in MA either, and that was a mistake. I don't worship the guy, I think he's wrong on Romneycare. But he's a little wrong and he cares what the people want. Obama is big time wrong, and he doesn't give a shit if we like it.

Alex said...

What is Romney supposed to support regarding health care? Is he supposed to be for denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions? That's the real stumbling block isn't it?

wyo sis said...

Bender 5:16

I'm no estates lawyer, but aside from possibly owning an interest in real property, does a deceased minor even have a probatable estate that would necessitate a will, much less a will by a Harvard law grad, even if he never practice law a single day in his life?

wyo sis said...

Bender 5:22
Geez, lohwoman, I think that whatever Romney did for this kid ain't that big a deal. Certainly it is not the type of "Hey everybody! Look at what a swell guy Mitt is!" deal that is anything that countless people have not done throughout human history.

harrogate said...

"Is [Romney] supposed to be for denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions? That's the real stumbling block isn't it?"

IMO, that is *one* of the big stumbling blocks. Another is, without the mandate (about which I am very ambivalent), what do we do about skyrocketing premiums for those who do pay? And, if you don't want to expand Medicaid to cover more uninsured people, do you say: "no covering uninsured people through government assistance!" or do you find another way to do that?

The preexisting conditions component, and the Medicaid expansion component, are two of the things that have remained relatively popular despite the maelstrom of anti-Obamacare discourse that we have seen. The mandate, not so much, of course.

wyo sis said...

Golly that Bender
He's sure a swell guy.

bagoh20 said...

Tyrone, my company used to have Kaiser too for many years. We hated it too for the same reasons. It was big, bureaucratic, slow, and unresponsive, and soon became too expensive as well. We dumped them and moved to a much better and cheaper provider. We could do that because we lived in the U.S. under a private insurance system. We could actually pick something different, and they had to compete to get us. It's a beautiful thing. Well, was.

Unknown said...

Mittens on healthcare mandates:

"I like mandates. The mandates work."

Unknown said...

Mittens on Romneycare:

"Our program is based on a private model health insurance program and that model will work for the nation."

harrogate said...

wyo sis,

So you read that sentence as a suggestion that Romney was doing something unseemly by going along with the boy's will? I don't know, I just saw it as an ironic comment, a refusal to swoon sort of thing.

Maybe I am misinterpreting here and you are right, but it seems to me Bender's real issue is with the bragging about how Romney's camp now seems to be using this incident, as a way to score points with voters. I am not sure if I agree with Bender on that either (I more tend to buy bagoh20's argument that we can't both think this is important and then not want to know about it). But I just think you somewhat mangled Bender's point, is all.

garage mahal said...

The people of Massachusetts wanted it.

As did Mitt Romney:

ROMNEY: I don’t know how many people in this room have lived without health insurance. But I have not only family members but dear friends who have lived for one time or another without health insurance. It is a frightening experience. You wonder what happens if I get ill, or more seriously, what happens if my child gets ill. I had half a million people who I was elected to serve, who were frightened because they didn’t have insurance.

ROMNEY: We were trying … also to make sure that people who did have insurance wouldn’t have to worry that if they changed jobs, that they’d lose their insurance if, for instance, they had developed a condition, a sickness.

ROMNEY: We found in our state we were spending hundreds of millions of dollars a year giving out care to people, many of whom could afford to buy their own insurance. This free rider problem was a real issue. We were basically mandating to the taxpayers, ‘you’ve got to take care of these people. We’re adding it to your insurance premium or we’re adding it to your tax bill, but you’re paying for these folks.’


ROMNEY: There’s no government insurance here. We didn’t create a government insurance program or a government policy that people got. No, no. We gave people a premium support program where they could buy their own private insurance of their choice, and for the poor, we helped them with support.

harrogate said...

Me, I like this story about Romney a lot. It is one of those stories that makes me want to step up my contributions in this world.

Full disclosure: I learned a lot of things about Romney during the convention (as I have learned a couple very nice things about him n this blog, as well, which is no surprise given the onslaught of effort to promote Romney that goes on here) that I did not know and which made me think much the better of him.

Not going to vote for him, of course. But still.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

I'll vote for the guy that implemented a health care policy that doesn't discriminate against my daughter, and tens of millions of others


HEY RETARD: When your daughter can't find a doctor, how's that "won't discriminate" going to work out for you, fatso?

You are an idiot beyond belief.

Brian Brown said...

Jake Diamond said...
I imagine the Democrats will be thrilled to hear that Romney wants to talk about his time at Bain.

Considering they, and you, are functionally retarded, of course they would.

Hey, remember when Ryan's budget was going to hurt the Romney campaign?

How's that whole plan going for you stupids?

Note: the Bain thing will work out just as swell, idiot.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

I'll vote for the guy that implemented a health care policy that doesn't discriminate against my daughter, and tens of millions of others

You tell 'em, moron!

Health care is a "right"!

And just because other people are forced by government fiat to pay higher insurance premiums to end this "discrimination" well, screw them!

You silly fatass.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

I'll vote for the guy that implemented a health care policy that doesn't discriminate against my daughter, and tens of millions of others

Oh, and by the way, you're such a big, high-flying, massive W-2 capitalist, that is it funny you're worried about insurance.

I'd figure a guy like you that makes a super-duper income would be able to pay higher premiums.

Oh, you're full of shit.

Never mind.

Brian Brown said...

Jake Diamond said...

Romney's record at Bain--at least what we know about it--speaks for itself.

You have not one utter clue what Romney did at Bain.

garage mahal said...

I'll be happy to publicly compare my weight and my W-2's with you at anytime. But for some weird reason you never want to take my up the offer.

You slept off that earlier drunk I take it? Back for more humiliation? You sadist!

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

I'll be happy to publicly compare my weight and my W-2's with you at anytime. But for some weird reason you never want to take my up the offer.


You go ahead and do that stupid!

dreams said...

The above link provided for comparison with the man who was the subject of these words.

(“You cannot measure a man’s character based on the words he utters before adoring crowds during times that are happy,” said Ted Oparowski. “The true measure of a man is revealed in his actions during times of trouble — the quiet hospital room of a dying boy, with no cameras and no reporters.”)

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

Back for more humiliation?

Nice projection, fatso.

I'm not the one pretending a 59 page report isn't a report.


Brian Brown said...

Can someone name one nice thing Obama's ever done for anyone?

Does taking that loan from Tony Rezko count?

dreams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cedarford said...

I don't think it is "easy" to help as a close relative slowly dies...So then, to me at least, going into the lives of a non-relative family and dealing with all the emotions and attendent job, caregiving, financial difficulties as well as family as a terminal child slowly goes on his final days, weeks, months - is daunting.
(If you are not just going through the motions. "Bless you my son! Well, gotta go! If you're still here in a few days I'll pop in again!")

Its likely Romney spent many, many hours with the boy and his family, and it had to "get to him" in some ways.
Part of comforting and supporting them was to give them a sense of control and ability to make one another feel better. Even if all were helpless in the face of death and ultimately had to deal with and accept it would happen to the 14-year old in a short time.

The will was a way the dying 14-year old could have some say in his affairs....he had the ability to give things to those he loved personally, by specific devise. All formal, signed and everything. His decision on something.

If you could help in something like that, like Romney did, you could honestly say it was a time in your life when you made a real difference and were privileged to have gone into such a testing situation and have done some very positive things.
It is a quiet heroism.

Alex said...

No we're not supposed to listen to Romney regarding what Bain Capital did. We are supposed to take Garage Mahal's word for it that Bain Capital was the epitome of evil.

Alex said...

Liberals can't accept that there are winners and losers in the game of life. That's capitalism.

Brian Brown said...

Jake Diamond said...
I imagine the Democrats will be thrilled to hear that Romney wants to talk about his time at Bain.

Bain invested in: Clear Channel, Domino’s Pizza, Burger King, Sealy Corporation, Dunkin’ Donuts, Gymboree, Toys R Us, RJR Nabisco, Michael’s Craft Store, Burlington Coat Factory and Staples

How did that turn out?

So, yes, let's compare Bain to Cash for Clunkers, and selling Chrysler to an Italian Multinational firm at a $1.2 billion dollar loss, and the GM bailout (700 + dealerships closed).


Known Unknown said...

Full disclosure: I learned a lot of things about Romney during the convention (as I have learned a couple very nice things about him n this blog, as well, which is no surprise given the onslaught of effort to promote Romney that goes on here) that I did not know and which made me think much the better of him.

Most people in the world are nice and helpful.

It sucks when we assume the worst of people. I don't think Obama is evil ... I really just think his ideology is incompatible with the needs and goals of this country, that's all.

bagoh20 said...


I never saw that ad. That's incredibly tone deaf. I can't believe that got past a group of people looking out for Obama's image. What kind of people work for him? Is the bubble really that sterile?

bagoh20 said...

Look, whoever you are that has kidnapped Cedarford and is using his account, I want you to know something. We ain't paying no ransom to get him back. I'm sure that by now he has you completely pissed off and you are dying to get rid of him, so just stop the charade and let him go. We ain't paying, and you are holding the hot potato. Let this be a lesson to you: crime does not pay, and criminals are never heroes.

wyo sis said...

Thank you for that link.
The expression on that father's face will haunt me for quite awhile. But, in a way that makes me more aware and thankful.

harrogate said...

EMD, we disagree totally on political ideology but couldn't agree more on the thrust of what you say there. Which sentiment I do think engulfs political ideology in the end.

The Crack Emcee said...

You cannot measure a man’s character based on the words he utters before adoring crowds during times that are happy. The true measure of a man is revealed in his actions during times of trouble — the quiet hospital room of a dying boy, with no cameras and no reporters."

When he's standing over the little faggot yelling "DIE, MOTHERFUCKER, DIE!"

Jesus, they think we're stupid. And they're right. About you guys anyway.

You'll buy into anything,...

Palladian said...

I think Bender and Crack Emcee should just fuck and get it over with.

The Crack Emcee said...


Romney didn't do these things so that they might be publicized.


He's been planning on running for president since Bill Clinton met Kennedy - and has been on this campaign for 6 fucking years - but, no, Daddy Warbucks never knew ANYBODY would ever talk. He made them sign documents not to. Very hush-hush.

Jesus, you people are DUUUUUUUUUMMMMMB,...

The Crack Emcee said...

You cannot measure a man’s character based on the words he utters before adoring crowds during times that are happy. The true measure of a man is revealed in his actions during times of trouble — the quiet hospital room of a dying boy, with no cameras and no reporters."

You're also not judged by doing shit when you can afford to - where's the stories of tuna fish and noodles Romney doing anything? I ain't got nothing but I've saved lives, given up money to others, etc. - does that make me a fucking saint?

Cultism is based on gullibility and y'all's some PERFECT examples of how it works.

Not an independent mind in the lot of you.

Let me get you a fucking hanky,...

Chip S. said...

So garage mahal is happy to wave his virtual W-2 around to show us what a high earner he is, moments after insisting that the rest of us kick in for his family's medical expenses?

I'm both unimpressed and unmoved.

The Crack Emcee said...

Here - let me explain Mitt to you morons - he can be summed up in one word:

con·de·scen·sion [kon-duh-sen-shuhn]

voluntary assumption of equality with a person regarded as inferior.

If you can't recognize it in that sad eyed, head tilted and wan smile demeanor, then you guys are fucking blind,...

exhelodrvr1 said...

wyo sis,
You're missing the point. Romney went to the effort of making it into something significant for the 14 year old.

chickelit said...

Bagoh20: You forgot to put scare quotes around "heroes" at your 9:16. :)

Chip S. said...

Next we'll find out that Mitt let his kids sell lemonade on the sidewalk in front of their house without informing them that they needed business licenses and health permits.

Chip S. said...

The Crack Emcee said...
Here - let me explain Mitt to you morons - he can be summed up in one word:

con·de·scen·sion [kon-duh-sen-shuhn]


Tyrone Slothrop said...

The Crack Emcee said...


Romney didn't do these things so that they might be publicized.

Jesus, you people are DUUUUUUUUUMMMMMB,...

Crack, if I was as cynical as you are, I'd just fucking shoot myself. I mean, what's the point? Do you have any fucking reason whatsoever for staying alive?

bagoh20 said...

"Romney went to the effort of making it into something significant for the 14 year old."

Yea, I know it's like some people don't even see that person in this story. Romney did, that's the point.

And no Crack, doing some good shit for people doesn't make you a saint, it just makes you more reliable, and a better choice for President than a guy who never does it.

If we aren't going to judge people by their actions, then just wait for the first guy who says homeopathy sucks, and have a fucking watery orgasm. You already said you aren't voting, and you won't tell us what great evil Romney is gonna do in this job, so what you think is not very relevant.

Hell, Ed Shults telling me Romney's choice of mayonnaise over Miracle Whip makes him racist is just about as convincing.

bagoh20 said...

"voluntary assumption of equality with a person regarded as inferior."

That's incoherent.

Dante said...


I have been glad to hear about some facts from you, including the homeopathic equivalents he pushes. I've never been a big "Faith" man.

I also really enjoyed your comments and insights to bagoh20 regarding the issues with Mormonism and cultism. They opened my eyes, and something I've tagged for future study (and verification).

However, I think you should not discount what happened here. Do so if you like, but you are discarding facts that don't align with your total assessment of Romney.

You ought to accept that there is a kind of original sensitivity here that is completely lacking in the last two narcissist Democrat politicians. And further, it diminishes your view of Romney as "Cult member." I don't know the whole story, but it seems hard to attribute it to anything other than a man who reached out and cared for another human being in need.

wyo sis said...

No I missed your point.
I thought you were making light of a very big thing.
I'm sorry to have misjudged you.
Getting the trust of a 14 year old is a very big thing.

Anonymous said...

bagho20: "...a better choice for President than a guy who never does it"

Are you kidding: give me your wedding gifts, baby gifts, graduation gifts, whatever you can give me, the gifts are not yours, they are mine. I'll get another term, more taxpayers' billions to gift to my bundler friends. I help my friends too, you know. It's heart wrenching to see them descend from multi-billionaire status to being a billionaire.

Bender said...

Those who say that we're in a time when there are not heroes, they just don't know where to look. You can see heroes every day going in and out of factory gates. Others, a handful in number, produce enough food to feed all of us and then the world beyond. You meet heroes across a counter, and they're on both sides of that counter. There are entrepreneurs with faith in themselves and faith in an idea who create new jobs, new wealth and opportunity. They're individuals and families whose taxes support the government and whose voluntary gifts support church, charity, culture, art, and education. Their patriotism is quiet, but deep. Their values sustain our national life.
Now, I have used the words ``they'' and ``their'' in speaking of these heroes. I could say ``you'' and ``your,'' because I'm addressing the heroes of whom I speak -- you, the citizens of this blessed land.
--Ronald Reagan Inaugural Address, 1981

Like I said, Romney isn't all that exceptional. Whatever he did for this kid ain't that big a deal. Countless Americans are doing the same kinds of selfless altruistic things every day.

The stand-up thing would have been for Romney, in all modesty, to have told this kid's parents that national TV at the convention is not the time or place to tell that story.

wyo sis said...

Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary: “voluntary descent from one’s rank or dignity in relations with an inferior.”

This is what God did, what Christ did.

This is NOT what Mitt Romney did. Mitt Romney served his friends.

Chip S. said...

Bender has persuaded me that Romney should've been more like Reagan, who never, ever, ever allowed anyone to exploit the illness of another person for political purposes.

The Crack Emcee said...

Tyrone Slothrop,

Crack, if I was as cynical as you are, I'd just fucking shoot myself. I mean, what's the point? Do you have any fucking reason whatsoever for staying alive?

See, this is what I mean by dumb. You can't tell the difference between cynicism and the healthy dose of SKEPTICISM every citizen is supposed to have.

Mitt Romney is a POLITICIAN. You're not supposed to have any love for him. You're supposed to make him prove he's worthy of it. Didn't you hear Clint Eastwood last night?

"We own this country .. not politicians. Politicians are employees of ours. And -- so -- they are just going to come around and beg for votes every few years. It is the same old deal."

But one stupid convention and they've got YOU eating out of their hands.

You're a fool, Ty.

wyo sis said...

You're right in every way.
I see that now.
You are the very substance of truth and rectitude.
How could I have ever questioned you?

Now build a bridge and get over it.
I'll vote happily for Romney and he'll make everything better. the seas are rising/falling and people are weeping for joy. All is wonderful now that the Kool-aid has been declared safe.


yashu said...

Chip S. @ 10:03: Ummm....

Hahaha I know, right? I know someone who epitomizes "con-de-scen-sion," but then what do I know, I'm just a fucking dumb, stupid, gullible, blind, moron and fool, not an independent thinker in the lot of us.

The Crack Emcee said...


I think you should not discount what happened here. Do so if you like, but you are discarding facts that don't align with your total assessment of Romney.

Dante, I keep telling you guys I live in Utah, I live and work with Mormons. There's NOTHING that you guys are getting goggly-eyed over that I'm unfamiliar with. Mormons go out and buy Christmas dinners for strangers during the holiday. They show up at hospital rooms bearing gifts. So what? They still wouldn't know how to sincerely do anything if their lives depended on it.

They want to get to Heaven and you're their stepping stone, you guys - that ain't love.

Heard any stories about Romney's life-long friendship with these people he helped? I haven't. Because he doesn't care about them - he cares about himself. It's all condescension.

I keep telling you guys as long as you don't understand Mormonism you'll buy anything they're selling - and that "ruthless businessman" will run all over you. Here - let's define that, too:

Without pity or compassion; cruel; merciless: a ruthless tyrant.

Fits right in with the goody-goody religious picture you guys are buying now, don't it?

You're fools,...

The Crack Emcee said...


You already said you aren't voting, and you won't tell us what great evil Romney is gonna do in this job, so what you think is not very relevant.

You left out my admitted lack of psychic abilities, too. Haven't told the future in decades, mate.

But I know whenever I'm faced with a spirituality pimp that's what he is - politicians, too.

Never was taught to love a politician. Heard they were all liars. Didn't you hear that?


Damn, bagoh, you can stupid,....

bagoh20 said...

"voluntary descent from one’s rank or dignity in relations with an inferior.”

That's still an incoherent definition to a rube like me. It makes condescension sound like a good thing. See, you can't voluntarily descend except through humility. At the moment of humility you are no longer condescending. Condescension to me is maintaining the superiority while feigning equality. Either way it had nothing to do with this story. It demonstrates the opposite, where a grown man, befriends a child with the clear understanding that the child needs his help. He gives it as an adult to a child, but with respect.

Dante said...

Like I said, Romney isn't all that exceptional. Whatever he did for this kid ain't that big a deal. Countless Americans are doing the same kinds of selfless altruistic things every day.

The stand-up thing would have been for Romney, in all modesty, to have told this kid's parents that national TV at the convention is not the time or place to tell that story.

You know, you could be right. This altruism, is no big deal. In fact, we, as society, ought not to attribute any value to it whatsoever.

That might interfere with really compassionate people. Like Obama, who, while wealth rolled into him in various ways, including through a shady deal with a now convicted felon, brought him fortune.

We ought not to consider how power leads to connections and payoffs, like BO's connections leaded to MO's 1% job, largely, it seems, to disenfranchise destitute people form medical care.

These things are immaterial. What matters is stamping out the good examples of real human compassion, making them disappear, so that soulless people like Obama can have power.

Yes, we need more Stalins, and Maos. And Pol Pots. They are the enlightened, who can tell us how to live, and who is expendable.

The Crack Emcee said...


Romney isn't all that exceptional. Whatever he did for this kid ain't that big a deal. Countless Americans are doing the same kinds of selfless altruistic things every day.

And with NO MONEY. This kind of shit goes on in black communities all the time, but just because. Hell, about half of the foster homes I was taken into didn't do it for the money.

Would Romney do that? Has Romney done that?

No - he's done the same shit Mormons do all over the place, looking down on others, and pretending it's some big selfless act - until you understand their shitty belief system.

wyo sis said...

bagoh 20
You absolutely get it.
Condescension is exactly what you describe and nothing at all like Crack thinks it is.
It has a bad name because it's used in the wrong way.

bagoh20 said...

"Whatever he did for this kid ain't that big a deal. Countless Americans are doing the same kinds of selfless altruistic things every day. "

OK, so it's a low bar. Let's at least pick someone who can clear it.

The Crack Emcee said...

wyo sis,

Mitt Romney served his friends.

I asked you already:

Where are these "friends"?

I spent several days with mine this week. Drove a sick one around town and spent the night at another's house who's going through a rough time.

Mitt ain't got no friends.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

No, Crack you're not skeptical. If you maintained that Romney didn't actually do any of the many good deeds that have been attributed to him, that would be skepticism.

You apparently grant that he did them, but only for the crass purpose of making political hay thirty or forty years down the road. That's cynicism.

You can only see the worst in people. Everyone's motives are suspect except for Crack Emcee's. I've said this before-- you're sick in the head, but I doubt therapy can save you. I pity you.

wyo sis said...

Those friends were there supporting their friend who has been treated shabbily and who they could help in return by sharing their experience.

You are a sad man.

I get why, but it's really depressing.

The Crack Emcee said...


"voluntary descent from one’s rank or dignity in relations with an inferior.”

That's still an incoherent definition to a rube like me.


Bender said...

This kind of shit goes on in black communities all the time, but just because. Hell, about half of the foster homes I was taken into didn't do it for the money.
Would Romney do that? Has Romney done that?

This is a major problem with Romney's entire campaign, which is premised on his being special and uniquely qualified, the only person who can do the job. Hence all the self-promotion, all the "Hey, look at what I did," rather than saying in all humility, "I did some good things here and there, built a few businesses, but so what? I'm nothing special, I just one of countless Americans who quietly do the same things every day. And, if I'm elected president, we will prosper not because I am so awesome and unique, but because you American people are so awesome and I'm going to get the hell out of your way, which is something that Obama does not understand." If Romney had said that, he would have deserved the applause. But he didn't.

The problem is that there is a lot of "the One" in Romney.

bagoh20 said...

Mr MC,

I'm no expert on Mormons, but I have a lot of friends in Vegas, so I encounter them pretty often, one of my best friends has worked intimately for a Mormon family, and I know a lot people who work with them and have friendships with them. I know extremely rich ones and poor ones. They have some quirks, no doubt, but to my experience, as a group they are the most charitable I know. The ones I know do incredible things to help people that others would never consider to be their responsibility. In return, I have seen people they help take advantage of them, and yet they return for more abuse. They are not my cup of tea, because I'm just not religious, but compared to other groups they do not scare me, and I wish much of their approach was emulated. Modern Mormons in my experience are far less dangerous than leftists, or even the average narcissist, and that's the decision before us.

Titus said...

Does Romney only do this for other mormy's?

What if it was a non mormy?

Would they get the same treatment.

Mormy's don't think the virgin Mary is a a virge-I do like that.

What I find interesting is view/ issue that Romney campaigned on in Mass as governor and senator has suddenly changed. The man has no core principles.

And yes Obama is really really horrible too.

But Romney is so inauthentic.

And I agree with Santorum spread, Romney would be the worst republican presidential candidate. And I agree with Newty, that Romney is a complete and total liar.

And Obama is a commie, Kenyan, marxist, food stamp president,natch.

But what I most care about is the shape of women's tits. I want them to be perfect. Soft, round, supple, yet pointy and erect. I also enjoy them sweating and seeing the nipples through the white tanky. That is what is most important in life.

Bender said...

You will note that Obama has been trashing the American people for four years now.

But it was only when the Obama team started to trash Romney personally that he began to take exception to it. For example, he runs commercials counter-attacking Obama not for having attacked businesses in general, but for attacking Romney and Bain.

Look, based on the state of affairs in this country today, the Republican nominee should be STOMPING Obama. But Romney isn't. He is a weak candidate.

And, actually, we point out the truth that he is a weak candidate not because we want him to be weak, but because this election is so damn important and Romney is doing his damnedest to get Obama re-elected with his half-assed campaign.

The Crack Emcee said...

Tyrone Slothrop,

You can only see the worst in people. Everyone's motives are suspect except for Crack Emcee's. I've said this before-- you're sick in the head, but I doubt therapy can save you. I pity you.

I don't know why you insist on making things so hard when I've been a straight-shooter with you.

I didn't make that artwork I just posted to bagoh, it was already out there - because that's how it is.

Here, let me define Romney for you:




Compare that last one to if the Jews bomb Iran. You can bet they'll all be at the Wailing Wall - wailing. Not Mitt. It'll just be another day at the office.

I'm telling you, until you understand cultism, you'll miss this whole deal.

The Crack Emcee said...


Mr MC,

I'm no expert on Mormons, but I have a lot of friends in Vegas, so I encounter them pretty often, one of my best friends has worked intimately for a Mormon family, and I know a lot people who work with them and have friendships with them.

Of course they do - the Mormons teamed up with the Mafia (THE MAFIA) to build Las Vegas. How religious and goody-goody is that? They make about $7 billion a year from that.

And what's that about? I'll tell you:

They will let you go to Hell there while they profit off of it, that's what - that's how they see it.

They could care less if YOU go to Hell because you're a gentile. Otherwise they'd have nothing to do with Vegas.

And what about Mitt's $10,000 bet to Perry? It was PERRY who said "I don't gamble" - not Mitt.

His religion is bullshit.

Chip S. said...

Bender, you'd make one hell of a campaign manager.

Vote for me! I'm nothing special!

Try to understand why people aren't scrambling to hop on your bus.

Maybe you're one of those sensible people who avoids all political commentary, so perhaps you've been totally unaware of the meme about the RomneyBot that's so much a part of the conventional wisdom that it led uber-dweeb David Brooks to think he could write comedy.

The Romney campaign does not have the luxury of ignoring his critics, however.

Chip S. said...

CrackMC said...
Here, let me define Romney for you:




You defined somebody alright, but not Romney.

The Crack Emcee said...


This is a major problem with Romney's entire campaign, which is premised on his being special and uniquely qualified, the only person who can do the job.

Here's two things for you on that:

1) Mitt Romney as Mormonism's "White Horse" - fuck his denials, he's "Lying For The Lord"

2) Cult thinking in action. (Go into one minute and you'll get it.)

yashu said...

"And, if I'm elected president, we will prosper not because I am so awesome and unique, but because you American people are so awesome and I'm going to get the hell out of your way, which is something that Obama does not understand."

Again, this seems an example of willful obtuseness, because this is exactly what Romney's campaign has been all about. Where the hell have you been? Hello, "you did build that" isn't about Romney!

Also willfully obtuse, this:

The problem is that there is a lot of "the One" in Romney.

Please. This is as disingenuous (or blind) as Crack's insistence that anyone who doesn't agree with him that Romney is evil, or worse thinks he might be an OK guy, all things considered, especially compared to Obama, is thereby "googly-eyed" for him.

For example, Romney's selection of Ryan, putting the big spotlight on Ryan (a much more charismatic and exciting politician), making Ryan at least a co-equal presence in his campaign, proves that Romney doesn't have a problem with being outshined or overshadowed, doesn't have a problem sharing a stage or the spotlight. He's perfectly happy to stand next to Ryan and let Ryan get more applause.

It's always been my impression (and I think there's plenty of evidence to back it up) that Romney doesn't much enjoy the campaigning and speechifying, he doesn't crave adulation or praise or validation, he's looking forward to tackling the challenges of the actual job of POTUS-- he's a man who enjoys tackling challenging projects, difficult problems-- he's eager to get to work.

The opposite of Obama, the opposite of the "One."

The Crack Emcee said...


Romney's selection of Ryan, putting the big spotlight on Ryan (a much more charismatic and exciting politician), making Ryan at least a co-equal presence in his campaign, proves that Romney doesn't have a problem with being outshined or overshadowed, doesn't have a problem sharing a stage or the spotlight. He's perfectly happy to stand next to Ryan and let Ryan get more applause.

Where have you been? He hadn't secured the base (the Tea Party) so he made his move.

Are you really that ignorant?

yashu said...

Yes Crack, obviously, I'm really that ignorant.

The Crack Emcee said...

As I wrote today, you guys like thinking you're talking about the issues without ever doing so - that's what makes you feel smart:

Avoiding the tough stuff.

Mormonism is a main issue you guys refuse to deal with, because it's indefensible. I can explain everything - the good, the bad, and the ugly - with links, and all you guys can say is "No way!" because you've got nothing to back it up.

You want to believe.

That's called being a rube.

The Crack Emcee said...


Yes Crack, obviously, I'm really that ignorant.

By willfully ignoring the obvious.

Fine by me - as long as you own it.

Bender said...

Chip --

Not only is the virtue of humility well understood and appreciated by people, but even fake humility has often been a key strategy on the rise to power. Multiple times Julius Caesar publicly refused honors that he had orchestrated to be presented to him.

The Crack Emcee said...


Chip --

Not only is the virtue of humility well understood and appreciated by people, but even fake humility has often been a key strategy on the rise to power. Multiple times Julius Caesar publicly refused honors that he had orchestrated to be presented to him.

It's funny how little reality you guys can handle. You want to keep insisting Mormons aren't people, while Bender and I keep coming back with "yes they are" and you refuse to accept it.

No - they're the super-nice Stepford Wives of the Earth. They do no wrong. Plot no schemes - nothing.

All they do is smile like blockheads and normal human reactions and motivations never enter into their lives.

It's fucking delusional...

Tyrone Slothrop said...

When a person does good things for other people, I tend not to question his motives too deeply. Does he do it just so he can get into heaven? Pretty selfish, huh. Is he doing it so people will pat him and the back, and a few decades later endorse him for president? Seems like a long shot proposition, but if he really thinks it'll work, who gives a damn? An organization that fits one person's definition of a cult can be an unmitigated source of benevolence. I couldn't care less if God told them to be good, or Buddha, or Allah, or Yahweh, or Krishna, if they provide comfort to those in need of it. Even atheists can be good, and I don't really care what they don't believe in. If you are closed to the good in other people, it is pretty certain you won't be able to find it in yourself, and that is nothing but sociopathy.

Chip S. said...

Not only is the virtue of humility well understood and appreciated by people, but even fake humility has often been a key strategy on the rise to power.

Which candidate in 2008 exhibited the virtue of humility? Which one not only didn't even bother to fake humility, but made grandiosity central to his campaign?

I have no idea what you have in mind as the factual basis for your assertion with respect to the year 2012 in the US.

yashu said...

You want to keep insisting Mormons aren't people [...] and normal human reactions and motivations never enter into their lives.

To quote Chip S., "Ummmm..."

Chip S. said...

yashu, the projection in this thread is IMAX-worthy.

yashu said...

Heh, Chip, it's positively astral.

The Crack Emcee said...

Chip S.,

yashu, the projection in this thread is IMAX-worthy.

And so is human behavior. Currently a big part of it is hurting those who tell the truth. Except for the spread of cultish thinking, I don't get it. But this is a time when anyone who tells the truth - and has the evidence on their side - is up for crucifixion. Look:

I was Lance [Armstrong]’s personal assistant for two years, during the height of his racing career. Do I think he cheated? Yep. But my real problem is something that diehard fans seem unable to grasp: the vengeful tactics he uses against people who tell the truth about him, on and off the bike.

That's what the world is running on now. Chip thinks it's more credible to say "the projection in this thread is IMAX-worthy" with nothing to back it up than to consider the truth.

I have no history of engaging in projection.

I have no history of lying.

You know I study cults.

So why, Chip, would you decide to lie about me, rather than engage the linked material I gave you? I didn't write it. They're well-sourced from reliable outlets. Why?

Because you can't handle the truth - and would rather promote a misinformation campaign against me than admit that.

It's scum.

yashu said...

Crack, projection isn't lying.

Actually, one of the key features of projection (at least as the term is used in psychology) is that the person doing the projecting isn't at all aware that (s)he's projecting.

Chip S. said...

Crack, I've got two words for you: Man up.

Go ahead and specify exactly what terrible things Romney's going to do as president. I'll let you have the entire 4 years of his first term before calling you on what you said.

If at any point in the next 4 years Romney commits some heinous offense rooted in his weird cultish Mormonism, I'll admit that you were right and I was wrong. I'll post that here, I'll post it on your blog, and I'll post it on my blog. And I'll send a check for $100 to the charity of your choice.

What will you do if you're wrong? And don't wimp out by saying that you're not going to be wrong.

Until then, you've got nothing but speculation. Speculation that we've all heard what seems like ten thousand times already. Enough of that.

The Crack Emcee said...


Crack, projection isn't lying.

I never said it was. See? This is evidence that you make assumptions. If I wanted to, I could use it in the future to say you do that.

Chip has NO evidence I deal in projection. He can't produce any from the past - he just made it up.

That was my point.

bagoh20 said...

Crack, You sound like you have a cool aid recipe.

"You want to keep insisting Mormons aren't people, while Bender and I keep coming back with "yes they are" and you refuse to accept it.

The way you connect things together is identical to way nuts can connect atheists to communists, blacks to gangs, Republicans to white supremesists.

If Mormons are just people, then act like it.

I've never personally known a Mormon to treat anybody dishonestly, but every time my house has been broken into it has been a Black guy. If I was smart like you, I guess I'd assume you can't be trusted.

The Crack Emcee said...

Chip S.,

Go ahead and specify exactly what terrible things Romney's going to do as president. I'll let you have the entire 4 years of his first term before calling you on what you said.

Now you're being silly - like ANYBODY would be credible predicting the future.

Admit you're a liar or leave me alone.

Trying to change the subject now won't save you,...

Chip S. said...

You're fucking insane.

Chip S. said...

What's worse, you're a gutless pussy.

Don't worry, crack, I'll leave you alone from here on.

The Crack Emcee said...


Crack, You sound like you have a cool aid recipe.

And you keep trying to test my respect for you. Now you're lying. You never mentioned once that I gave you links to what I'm saying - unlike all the rest of you, I'm backing up what I'm saying and you're not.

If I say Mormons are "Lying For The Lord" then I'll back it up with a LINK written by a Mormon and an ex-Mormon on the phenomena.

Where's your evidence it's not so, or Mitt wouldn't engage in it?

If you have none, then concede the point.

yashu said...

Chip has NO evidence I deal in projection.

Only your own words, which is also the only evidence a psychologist has access to: a person's utterances.

I'm not diagnosing you, I'm just saying, it's perfectly valid to discern a pattern of "projection" just from a person's remarks (particularly in interpersonal dialogue).

bagoh20 said...

"If I say Mormons are "Lying For The Lord" then I'll back it up with a LINK written by a Mormon and an ex-Mormon on the phenomena."

You think I can't find some rap lyrics that make Black rappers look like criminals. What's your point?

The Crack Emcee said...


Chip has NO evidence I deal in projection.

Only your own words, which is also the only evidence a psychologist has access to: a person's utterances.

What words? Where's the evidence? How do you prove it? I've been on this blog for YEARS and this is the first I've heard of it.

I can PROVE, through your words above, you deal in assumptions - which are worthless. Prove I have a history of dealing in projections or concede the charge is bullshit.

AND, if the charge is bullshit, then it must be Chip who is (as he says) "insane"....

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