१० ऑगस्ट, २०१२

Signs point to Paul Ryan.

As Romney will name his VP tomorrow.

UPDATE: The signs were correct!

२५९ टिप्पण्या:

259 पैकी 1 – 200   नवीन›   नवीनतम»
avwh म्हणाले...

Well, he's probably the 2nd-least boring white man Mitt could pick (Christie would be the least boring, but a loose cannon, I think).

Andy म्हणाले...

The Romney campaign announced that they will be announcing the VP pick tomorrow.

Isn't it a standard tactic for politicians to make announcements of extremely embarrassing news late on Friday night? What's going on here?

Revenant म्हणाले...

I have mixed feelings. On the one hand I think Ryan would make a great VP and, some day, President.

On the other hand I think he would do more good in Congress. There aren't many people in Congress actually doing good work -- perhaps a half-dozen Republicans and one Democrats. He's one of them, and it would be a shame to lose him to the executive branch so early in his career.

Sorun म्हणाले...

What signs? That charter plane the article links to seems to spend more time in Janesville than anywhere else, and it's registered in Monroe, WI. I'm very skeptical it's Romney's plane.

Cedarford म्हणाले...

Meanwhile on Friday, Obama hosted his 4th annual Iftar Dinner at the White House to celebrate the breaking of Ramadan.
(I shit you not)

Peter Hoh म्हणाले...

Just saw this rumor on another site, so I guess it's a definite, then.

Andy म्हणाले...

I suspect we all have opinions about Ryan, but I don't think it makes any sense to get into that until this is official.

If it really is Ryan, we'll all find out tomorrow and whoever is on a computer can have a big pointless fight then about Ryan as VP.

Cedarford म्हणाले...

avwh said...
Well, he's probably the 2nd-least boring white man Mitt could pick (Christie would be the least boring, but a loose cannon, I think).

The Venn diagrams of people that can get the job done and those that would make good celeb talk show guests barely overlap.

Trump is one such person...but his drive to become an adored celeb has also meant he has beclowned himself.

Similarly for Feckless Women - the Venns of Exciting Bad Boy Boyfriends and Good Husband and Provider Sorts barely intersect.....

Much to their continued female confusion..

Sorun म्हणाले...

Isn't it a standard tactic for politicians to make announcements of extremely embarrassing news late on Friday night? What's going on here?

Hatboy, Romney is preemptively embarrassed by his pick so much that he's making it two weeks early. Probably so the humiliation will recede a little by the time of the convention.

SomeoneHasToSayIt म्हणाले...

A turnaround, problem-solver, tough-choice-maker businessman, combined with one of the best and most honest budget guys in Washington.

Sounds just like what America needs.

Paul Ryan was one of the first people that a smug and mean-spirited Obama disrespected.

The schadenfreude possibilities are delicious.

And if it is Ryan, I say to him: Thank you Sir, for your sacrifice and your patriotism. You have an unenviable task ahead of you, made all the more difficult by the absolute bastards on the other side, who will now slander and libel you like there's no tomorrow.

God bless and Godspeed.

Sorun म्हणाले...

I hope it's Rubio. Just because.

Peter Hoh म्हणाले...

Oops. Can't mention Rubio without getting a visit from our friend Mick.

garage mahal म्हणाले...

Instead of talking about the economy we're going to talk about Ryan's catfood for seniors budget all the way til November. Interesting pick if true.

Titus म्हणाले...

Life long Washington pol. What about his business experience? He voted for Medicare Part D too, sigh.

Say good bye to Ohio and Florida.

He also received SS Benefits as a child when his pop croaked. Conservative Commie.

Tim Pawlenty is really pissed.

Bender म्हणाले...

So I guess that Romney is NOT the big economic genius after all if he needs to load up with an economic running mate.

Sorun म्हणाले...

So I guess that Romney is NOT the big economic genius after all...

He certainly is when compared to the Choomster.

Bender म्हणाले...

Paul "Let's spend $40 trillion in ten years" Ryan is not a positive addition, unless by positive addition you mean adding $$$$ (and dishonestly calling increases in spending "cuts," just like the Dems (or any other Washington insider)).

Here's Ryan's plan --
Spending levels per year:
FY2012 - $3.624 trillion
FY2013 - $3.530 trillion
FY2014 - $3.476 trillion
FY2015 - $3.536 trillion
FY2016 - $3.690 trillion
FY2017 - $3.824 trillion
FY2018 - $3.977 trillion
FY2019 - $4.199 trillion
FY2020 - $4.409 trillion
FY2021 - $4.605 trillion
FY2022 - $4.888 trillion
$40.135 trillion over the next ten years

So much for that pledge to go back to 2008 spending levels.

Bender म्हणाले...

So I guess that Romney is NOT the big economic genius after all...

He certainly is when compared to the Choomster

Then what the hell does he need Ryan for??

Way to totally miss the point Sorun.

Balfegor म्हणाले...

Isn't it a standard tactic for politicians to make announcements of extremely embarrassing news late on Friday night?

Well, Saturday morning is more typical with these kinds of announcements, I think.

shiloh म्हणाले...

So mittens once again kowtows to cons. :::shock:::

ok, ok, let me say something nice about the Ayn Rand lemming. Once upon a time he was the Wiener­mo­bile dri­ver! :)


One wonders if anyone turned it down before Ryan "supposedly" was chosen. As being mittens v-p is probably a one-way ticket to Palookaville or a reasonable facsimile thereof. :-P

Hey, they are compatible as Ryan doesn't have a personality either.

And so it goes ...

Incognito म्हणाले...

The tell is that they're announcing on the USS Wisconsin. I mean, c'mon.

Sorun म्हणाले...

Well, Saturday morning is more typical with these kinds of announcements, I think.

Exactly. How could Obama not have been completely embarrassed by the Biden announcement. I know I would've have died of it.

Seven Machos म्हणाले...

It's definitely Ryan and, breezing through these posts, I see our resident leftists getting quite catty. Always a good sign when they tell you what a mistake you are making. The fact that Bender thinks Ryan is not conservative enough is simply the icing on the cake to make this pick perfect.

Madison Man is not catty, of course.

And where is Mick? I want to know about his lawsuit.

Aaron म्हणाले...

Where's Paul Ryan's business experience? The man has spent his entire life feeding off the government-lobbying complex, first as a congressional staffer and staffer for a Jack Kemp advocacy group and then as a congressman. He doesn't know the issues the average American has faced.

AlanKH म्हणाले...

I'm predicting Jon Lovitz.

(That would make the veep debate inneresting.)

Sorun म्हणाले...

Bender, I got your idiotic point.

My point is:
1. Obama is a retard.
2. Romney has a much better grasp of real economics than Obama. But, I mean, really, who wouldn't?
3. The US economy is bigger than either of them.

Seven Machos म्हणाले...

Where's Paul Ryan's business experience?

It's 1,000,000 times higher than Obama's and Biden's yet, admittedly, not as awesome as Romney's.

Now slink away.

Synova म्हणाले...

Garage thinks Ryan is Ebeneezer Scrooge and Bender thinks Ryan is profligate.

(I always thought that there was an extra syllable in that word and an "l" after the "o". Learn new cool stuff every day.)

Synova म्हणाले...

(I sympathize, Bender, really I do. I just don't think that there was ever a chance of us getting what we really wanted.)

shiloh म्हणाले...

Soooo (2) chickhawks on the USS Wisconsin ~ That's the ticket! Talk about fish out of water ...

Well, at least they won't have to worry about protestors at NAS Norfolk, my old stomping ground.

Anchors Aweigh!

Sorun म्हणाले...

Anchors Aweigh!

You mean, Anchors Away?

Sorun म्हणाले...

Also, Shiloh, if they've started docking ships at Naval Air Stations (NAS), the Navy has changed a lot since I was in it.

Synova म्हणाले...

I think ships weigh anchor. They don't way anchor, do they?

In any case... where does chickenhawk come into this? Is Romney expected to argue that we go to war? Is Ryan?

Obama hasn't been shy about adding to our military activities.

I *personally* wouldn't mind at all having a veteran status requirement for President, but we don't have one.

Do we?

Up your game Shiloh. There's got to be something legitimate to crow about. Maybe you could call them boring white dudes or something.

Bender म्हणाले...

My point is:
1. Obama is a retard.

That's a given. Now, instead of deflecting and making tangental beside-the-point comments, why not stick to the issue at hand?

What does Ryan add to the ticket? At best, if Romney is the economic wizard folks told us he is, then Ryan is at best redundant, he adds nothing. If Ryan does add something, then that means that Romney is deficient in the economic area.

Try sticking to the point rather than bringing in your Obama scapegoat everytime Romney looks bad. Obama can play the same "idiotic" game, claiming that Bush is worse. It's a BS argument for him, and it is a BS argument for Romney supporters to continually deflect and bash Obama when Romney's shortcomings are brought up.

Methadras म्हणाले...

If you are a conservative and you can't see this as a winning combination, then you are a fool and should stay home so the adults can do the heavy lifting you can't seem to bring yourself to do. For yourself, your country, your eagerness to win.

Seven Machos म्हणाले...

What does Ryan add to the ticket?

What did Al Gore add to the 1992 ticket? Gore was Clinton, just far less gifted as a politician and much stupider.

I won't humor you long, Bender, because you just aren't very good at this game, but Ryan brings a fusion between establishment Republicans (whatever those are) and Tea Party Republicans (whatever those are). The pick is also a statement -- an all-in manifesto -- that this election is about fixing the economy in real, serious ways.

The fact that you don't understand that Ryan's economic thinking is the most radically conservative that could actually end up becoming reality shows how truly goofy your views are.

Bender म्हणाले...

this election is about fixing the economy in real, serious ways

And because Romney isn't up to the job to do it himself, that's why he needs Ryan.

That is what you are saying.

shiloh म्हणाले...

Actually ...

"As part of the Navy's response to the post-Cold War drawdown of the 1990s, many new initiatives were implemented at Navy shore installations to reduce their operating cost, improve their efficiency, and better match their capacity to the reduced size of the Navy. In 1998, the Navy began a major realignment of shore command organizations and processes throughout Hampton Roads in a process known as "regionalization". One of the biggest steps and efficiencies in this process was the merger of separate Naval Station and Naval Air Station (which were directly adjacent to each other) into a single installation to be called Naval Station Norfolk. The former naval air station organizational structure became the Air Department of NAVSTA Norfolk while the actual airfield became known as Naval Station Norfolk (Chambers Field). This consolidation became official on February 5, 1999."

carry on

Presley Bennett म्हणाले...

Paul Ryan is good looking and he's got an attractive attorney wife and three adorable kids. They seem really normal. Normal is good.

Sorun म्हणाले...

So, shiloh, now find a Wikipedia entry for "Anchors Aweigh."

Seven Machos म्हणाले...

Bender -- The vice presidency is a peculiar American institution. The pick is purely political and about getting elected.

The fact that you don't understand this further demonstrates your utter political incompetence.

Synova म्हणाले...



bagoh20 म्हणाले...

And because Romney isn't up to the job to do it himself, that's why he needs Ryan."

He's gonna need a lot more than that, and that's no dis of Ryan, but the fixes are going to be so difficult that even if it eventually succeeds, I expect the fixers to take a beating until history finally straightens it out well down the road.

The person needed most of all is you. Will we be up to it? is the question. I have the least confidence in us as a people, than any other part of what's needed. As we have seen in Europe, the people are the problem. Let's hope there is some morsel of American Exceptionalism left in us.

Seven Machos म्हणाले...

You people are ridiculous. It's anchors awhey and it's about the displacement of protein molecules in the water.

Now, Romney Ryan 2012! Let's do this thing.

Synova म्हणाले...

It's just about as silly as Off We Go Into the Wild Blue Yonder...

...but has a catchier tune.

We're all Halls of Montezuma wanna-bes.

The Army song is so awesome, no one even knows what it is.

Synova म्हणाले...

LOL! Seven, it's late enough that that was really *really* funny.

shiloh म्हणाले...

btw, the USS Wisconsin is a museum ship which is why mittens can stage his announcement there.

hmm, make your own joke ...

Speak softly and carry a big stick! as Romney road a bicycle in Paris during the Vietnam war lol.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

"The Army song is so awesome, no one even knows what it is."

I thought it was "Yankee Doodle Dandy".

Seven Machos म्हणाले...

Bag -- You are tremendously, tremendously wrong. People are fine. What we've had since the 1980s or so all over the world is a more or less atrocious political class.

Seven Machos म्हणाले...

Thank you, Synova.

Sorun म्हणाले...

Whoa, it is "Anchors Aweigh." I was actually in the Navy. I guess I must've just had a bad attitude.

Synova म्हणाले...

That's okay Sorun.

You still got to have your name sewed across your rear.

So it's all good. ;)

Sorun म्हणाले...

Shiloh, go down to the main gain of NAS Whatever and take pictures of all the protesters who can't get in to protest Romney. Okay?

Bender म्हणाले...

Instead of people simply parroting about what a dunce Bender is, how about sticking to the issue and answering the question --

What does Ryan add to the ticket that Romney supposedly does not already have??

And while you are at it, try justifying Ryan's plan to spend $40 trillion over the next ten years. Someone, anyone, justify such irresponsible spending. Try explaining how that is going to "fix" anything. (And don't simply sheepishly say, "it's the best we can get." Spending at that level is going to bankrupt this country -- maybe a tiny bit slower than Obama will, but bankrupt just the same.)

Instead of simply buying into Ryan's reputation as this big expert wonk, stick to the actual, substantive plans he has put forth, as well as the votes he has actually cast to increase the debt limit to bankruptcy levels. Try making a substantive, fact-based argument that shows that Ryan is not a fraud.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

As you on the left, make fun of the Republican ticket, I can't help but laugh every time as I look over your should and see Obama/Biden. I mean every insult highlights a comparison that makes you look silly. Just think about it from the other side for a second, and you might even laugh at yourself. Win or loose, that's who you are. The silly ones.

Revenant म्हणाले...

What does Ryan add to the ticket that Romney supposedly does not already have?

The support of the Tea Party movement.

shiloh म्हणाले...

Interesting being a Mormon missionary during the Vietnam War qualified mittens for a draft deferment, whereas no such animal exists in the Catholic church.

Those Mormons so now how to work the system, eh.

Ted Guns/Guns/Guns Nugent was also a draft dodger. I digress.

Michael K म्हणाले...

"shiloh said...

btw, the USS Wisconsin is a museum ship which is why mittens can stage his announcement there.

hmm, make your own joke ...

Speak softly and carry a big stick! as Romney road a bicycle in Paris during the Vietnam war lol.


And you were... ?

What a pitiful specimen.

shiloh म्हणाले...

do know how to work the system.

carry on

shiloh म्हणाले...

Michael K continues to childishly attack the messenger and not the message, as per usual.

Synova म्हणाले...

Well heck... riding a bicycle in Paris during the Vietnam war is right up there with meeting with Vietnamese officials in Paris during the Vietnam war.

Seven Machos म्हणाले...

Bender -- The United States cannot go bankrupt. Moreover, as we are in a tremendous deflationary period, there is not even a chance that we will experience inflation.

You don't understand economics or politics. You are probably a gold hoarder. You are definitely an old coot. You whined and bitched about Romney -- and my God did you ever whine and bitch -- and now you are whining and bitching about Romney picking Ryan. It's all very comical yet sad to watch.

What are you hoping to accomplish exactly?

Sorun म्हणाले...

Shiloh, are you aware the Clinton, William J. Clinton, 42nd POTUS, was a draft dodger?

Are you trying to make some sort of point?

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

"What does Ryan add to the ticket that Romney supposedly does not already have??"

It's the best way possible to make the case that "it's the spending, stupid".

"And don't simply sheepishly say, "it's the best we can get.""

Who is gonna be better on the spending issue to the vast majority of voters.

The only alternative to "the best we can do" is pretty much the worst we can do. Is that a tough decision?

The primary is over. The time to create a contrast with Obama is at hand. There is no cut in spending coming until we at least cut the increase. The idea that we will skip right past that step is just a fantasy. I fantasize about a lot of things myself, but then I wake up.

Seven Machos म्हणाले...

Shiloh voted for George H. W. Bush in 1992 because he was so concerned about military service. He also voted for McCain, the war hero, because he could not -- from an ethical perspective -- vote for a ticket with Biden the draft dodger on it.

Little known facts. Right, Shiloh? Because otherwise you are just a sad, silly tool.

shiloh म्हणाले...

Indeed, slick Willy was also a draft dodger and Bush truthfully told an interviewer that he joined the TX Air National Guard to avoid going to Vietnam.

Indeed, deflect all you want, but this thread is about Romney/?Ryan?.


Carter/Carter/Carter ~ Clinton/Clinton/Clinton when an Althouse con doesn't want to talk about Bush43 or mittens.

carry on

Alex म्हणाले...

So he just killed Ryan's political career, unless Ryan is allowed to simultaneously run for his House seat?

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

Shiloh is a war monger. Probably watches videos of drone attacks between Rambo sequels.

Seven Machos म्हणाले...

when an Althouse con doesn't want to talk about Bush43

Hilarious. Absolute comedy gold. It's okay to talk about someone who hasn't been president for almost four years. Blame him for everything. But to talk about someone who hasn't been president for the epoch of 12 years, well, that's beyond the pale.

Romney is going to be president, Shiloh. You know it. If you didn't know it, you wouldn't be here trolling.

Andy म्हणाले...

When Althouse makes another post after the announcement officially happens tomorrow, are you all going to have the exact same argument you're having now, or will be a different argument?

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

Lawrence Meade for WI 1st. Dist.

Bender म्हणाले...

What does Ryan add to the ticket that Romney supposedly does not already have?

Revenant says -- "The support of the Tea Party movement"

Tea party insurgency could unravel Paul Ryan Republican budget plan
Conservatives in Congress, led by three tea party senators, are balking at Rep. Paul Ryan's Republican House budget, saying it doesn't balance the budget quickly enough.

The Republican House budget plan introduced by Rep. Paul Ryan Tuesday is already splitting Republicans. . . .

No matter its positives, the budget is a “disappointment for fiscal conservatives,” said Club for Growth President Chris Chocola.

Their criticism centers on what they see as two serious flaws.

Primarily, conservatives say, the Ryan budget takes too long for spending to equal revenues: Ryan’s budget balances in 2040. That’s a heavy burden for some congressional Republicans who are proponents of a balanced-budget amendment to the US Constitution. In 2010, many signed the tea-party inspired Pledge to America that promised, in part, to cut discretionary spending back to 2008 levels.

“When it comes to the budget, dadgummit, we made some promises,” said Rep. Louie Gohmert (R) of Texas at a talk with other Republican congressmen on Tuesday. “I appreciate so much the great work of Paul Ryan but we took a pledge a year and a half ago and we said we’d cut more than is being cut.” . . .

The plan put together by Republican Sens. Rand Paul of Kentucky, Jim DeMint of South Carolina, and Mike Lee of Utah slashes spending by more than $5 trillion below Ryan’s budget and $11 trillion below President Obama’s budget. It replaces Medicare entirely, offering in its place the same health plan offered to members of Congress and the federal workforce. It wipes out the entire tax code in favor of a flat 17 percent tax rate for individuals and corporations.

And, most importantly, it balances the budget within five years.

In a recent Politico opinion article, five Republican senators – the authors of the Senate budget proposal plus Marco Rubio of Florida and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin – wrote that “balancing the budget within 10 years seems a minimal threshold of fiscal seriousness.... We no longer have 30 or 40 years to solve this problem.”

Bender म्हणाले...

"What does Ryan add to the ticket that Romney supposedly does not already have??"

It's the best way possible to make the case that "it's the spending, stupid".

It's the spending, stupid.

FORTY TRILLION DOLLARS. FORTY MILLION MILLION. Is that enough spending for you??

How does Ryan's plan to spend $40 trillion make the case of "it's the spending, stupid," other than to mean more spending is a good thing?

Seven Machos म्हणाले...

Andy -- Only if Bender insists on making the same asinine points about Ryan. It's progress, of a sort, that he isn't now bitching and whining about Romney.

If only we could have nominated Gingrich, or Cain, or Bachmann...

MartyH म्हणाले...


Ryan brings an intimate knowledge of the Federal budget that no one else has. Remember Obama's broken promise to go through the budget line by line? Ryan's the guy who has actually come closest to doing it.

Ryan comes with a working relationship with the House. The Republicans will hold onto it; spending bills originate there, and there is no filibuster. Ryan knows the leadership, the personalities, what will fly, and what won't. This means faster passage of budgets, bills, etc. THere have been storeis about Obama being aloof from Congress-with Ryan as VP, I expect the House and President to work closely together.

Ryan may put WI in play.

Look at this as a turnaround operation. The new CEO comes in, finds the talent and knowledge base in the existing organization, and promotes that talent. Ryan is the most competent Federal elected official. Romney is just following the old advice to hire people who know more than you do.

You can say that Romney and Paul are both econ guys, but their strengths within the field of econ are different and complementary. Romney is an executive, organizational guy. (Where are we trying to go, what resources do we need to get there, who can do the job well?) Ryan is more of a number cruncher who knows what is feasible from a political standpoint. Romney understand better how to help the economy grow; Ryan has a framework for constraining federal growth that that the country does not drown in debt.

shiloh म्हणाले...

SM, I could have voted for McCain in 2000, but he totally flip/flopped to get the 2008 nomination.

Dutch was my C-in-C from 1981 to 1989. No biggie!

btw, Reagan made Army training films er propaganda ;) during WWII. Again figuratively and literally straight out of central casting.

But I have a soft spot for Dutch 'cause he was a former Dem and president of SAG, that communist sect. :D


We now return you to Romney's safe/boring con pick for v-p, who wants to kill SS/Medicare/Medicaid. That's the ticket!

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

"When Althouse makes another post after the announcement officially happens tomorrow, are you all going to have the exact same argument you're having now, or will be a different argument?"

Like the arguments matter to your vote. You would vote for Obama if he shot your dog.

Cindy Martin म्हणाले...


Genius in action.

Romney/Ryan 2012.

Let's bring it on.

Andy म्हणाले...

I might not vote this election. I haven't decided yet,

Seven Machos म्हणाले...

Bender -- You weren't going to be happy, no matter what. You hate Romney. Why are you bothering criticizing his very economically conservative vice presidential pick as not economically conservative enough?

Just vote Obama, dude. Wait for the apocalypse of "bankruptcy" -- it will come even quicker! -- and tell us all that you told us so.

Sorun म्हणाले...

It doesn't matter who Romney picks. Obama figuratively sucks dick. That's all anyone needs to know.

Really, Dems should be defending Obama. But they can't. I have hope and I want change.

shiloh म्हणाले...

I'm feeling a lot of con despair in this thread. Please, I beseech you, keep hope alive!

Seven Machos म्हणाले...

Funny you say that, Shiloh. I see a ton of optimism in this thread; a few subconsciously dejected leftists such as you looking to stir things up; and one sad, old, bitter coot who has been whining and moaning about Romney for months and now has found another reason to whine.

I say Romney gets 300 or so electoral votes. I am very excited. Giddy even. You?

Cindy Martin म्हणाले...


Perhaps the most important election in decades and you will sit it out??

And lying in your bed many years from now, what would you give for one chance, just one chance to come back to this year.........

vote against European socialism.

shiloh म्हणाले...

SM, I'm excited that you're excited! :)

Chip S. म्हणाले...

Props to Althouse for the Magic 8-Ball reference.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

"I'm feeling a lot of con despair in this thread."

That's real, because we care about the future of the country. This election is serious business, and if you are happy about things right now, then you probably think Obama is still gonna pay your mortgage and fill your gas tank. You probably think Obama is gonna win and that will fix things. You're probably completely nuts.

There is no candidate that could possibly make an intelligent person feel confident about things right now. There is only the possibility of avoiding disaster at the moment. Some people are just not bright enough or invested enough to worry.

shiloh म्हणाले...

bagoh20 your hyperbolic screed, much like DBQ's incessant whining, is duly noted.

If it's any solace I believe your whining is sincere. DBQ's, not so much.

On the bright side Sen. McConnell is gonna make sure Obama is a (2) term president. :)

Kansas City म्हणाले...

Gutsy pick,becaue Obama will immediately attack the Ryan budget.

Does this mean Wisconsin is now likely Romney?

I think I like it.

Sorun म्हणाले...

“I saw it firsthand,” Conard says. “Romney challenged us to challenge each other, and he was never afraid to ask tough questions, or answer them. He surrounded himself with the sharpest, most talented guys and ran the place like a consulting firm, where employees were expected to create value, to do their homework, and present proposals rooted in facts. In Ryan, you see that kind of politician; he’s not slinging bull.”

No one has ever written this about Obama, the community organizer turned affirmative action POTUS.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

Shiloh, You feel excited about an Obama win huh? Things are going pretty well are they? OK, I believe you. I'll give the benefit of the doubt, and just call you a partisan.

Andy म्हणाले...

You feel excited about an Obama win huh? Things are going pretty well are they?

Just so we're clear, Nate Silver did a round-up recently and the political science models, the betting markets, and the odds-makers are all predicting an Obama win.

Now Obama might not pull it off (and he only has a small advantage), but Romney is the clear under-dog at this point. Conservatives might want Romney to win, but most of them don't seem to be honest about admitting that he is losing at the moment.

Further, the Paul Ryan pick is clearly coming from a position of weakness, not a position of strength. It's risky, everyone recognizes that, and people who are confident don't do risky things. (See, as a recent example, the Caribou Barbie pick from McCain, which was a clear indication of the danger he knew he was in.)

Revenant म्हणाले...

Tea party insurgency could unravel Paul Ryan Republican budget plan

That's very special, Bender, but if you'll Google around a bit you'll learn that Ryan is quite popular within the broader Tea Party movement.

Revenant म्हणाले...

I'm feeling a lot of con despair in this thread.

Yes, but it is all coming from Bender. :)

shiloh म्हणाले...

bagoh20, I believe Obama is not perfect, but Bush left him an unmitigated mess and he tried to compromise w/Reps. Who in turn used the filibuster more than any congress in history. And of course the 2010 do nothing congress has been the least productive in history. Such is the obsessive con hatred of Obama.

Of course you probably disagree and have a different version of the last (4) years.

In any event Romney will have the $$$ advantage, so you won't have that excuse if/when he loses. Again, bottom line w/die hard cons: They feel they should win every presidential election regardless and are totally shocked when they don't. Especially to a bi-racial African/American Muslim born in Kenya who wakes up every morning hating America and Americans ...

Bender म्हणाले...

That's very special, Bender, but if you'll Google around a bit

Why don't you Google around for me and find someone in the Tea Party who supports Ryan's level of spending and plan to take 28 years to balance the budget?

LoafingOaf म्हणाले...

They're already showing the photo-ops Ryan has done posing with dead animals he has shot dead. This is the main qualification to rise in Republican ranks, apparently -- that you have pictures of yourself with beautiful animals you have killed.

Clyde म्हणाले...

Will the Vice-Presidential candidate debate have a 10-run "mercy rule"? Biden is so toast!

shiloh म्हणाले...

Nobody cares about the v-p debate. Mama grizzly made it interesting/intriguing 'cause she was a totally unknown babe who caused cons to see starbursts.

You bet'cha!

But just before the debate Biden should ask Ryan if he can call him Paul. :)

Clyde म्हणाले...

bagoh20 said...
"When Althouse makes another post after the announcement officially happens tomorrow, are you all going to have the exact same argument you're having now, or will be a different argument?"

Like the arguments matter to your vote. You would vote for Obama if he shot your dog.

Or ate it!

Palladian म्हणाले...

They're already showing the photo-ops Ryan has done posing with dead animals he has shot dead. This is the main qualification to rise in Republican ranks, apparently -- that you have pictures of yourself with beautiful animals you have killed.

Like a good leftist, PinchingLoaf prefers that other people kill, butcher and prepare the animals that he eats.

What did you have to eat today?

Clyde म्हणाले...

shiloh said...
Nobody cares about the v-p debate. Mama grizzly made it interesting/intriguing 'cause she was a totally unknown babe who caused cons to see starbursts.

You bet'cha!

She also had more executive experience than any of the other people on either ticket, and had a reputation for honesty and going after the good-old-boy network of insiders in Alaska.

Instead, we ended up with the Liar-in-Chief and the most corrupt administration since at least U.S. Grant, maybe ever, and crony capitalism for Obama's bundlers (Solyndra, etc.) as far as the eye can see.

How'd that work out for ya?

It will be nice to have someone back in the Oval Office who understands how business and the economy work.

Revenant म्हणाले...

political science models, the betting markets, and the odds-makers are all predicting an Obama win.

Saying "all" makes me wonder if you read the link, given that the first three listed predictions have Romney winning. But the overall 60-40 split in favor of Obama winning doesn't seem unreasonable at this point.

It's risky, everyone recognizes that, and people who are confident don't do risky things.

Neither Obama nor Romney is an idiot when it comes to elections, so presumably neither of them feels confident. That's why they're both gambling.

Revenant म्हणाले...

pictures of yourself with beautiful animals you have killed.

Romney's lost the bestiality vote for sure.

Revenant म्हणाले...

Nobody cares about the v-p debate.

Also, the grapes were probably sour anyway.

shiloh म्हणाले...

Revenant the reason, as a rule, hardly anyone cares about the v-p debate is hardly anyone cares about the v-p, unless they are totally unqualified like Palin.

Biden is already known and liked by the electorate, whereas Ryan, not so much ie he is the only one who has to worry about a faux pas.

Do no harm ...

take care

Andy म्हणाले...

Saying "all" makes me wonder if you read the link, given that the first three listed predictions have Romney winning.

By all, I meant the three averages for the three items I listed. For the betting markets, and odds-makers, all the constituent listings do happen to predict an Obama win. With the models, the average is Obama, but it's not unanimous. I know Linzer, and he's a smart guy, so his 98% for Obama is kind of blowing my mind.

Revenant म्हणाले...

Revenant the reason, as a rule, hardly anyone cares about the v-p debate is hardly anyone cares about the v-p, unless they are totally unqualified like Palin.

I'm just saying that when the best thing you can think to say about Ryan/Biden comparisons is that Sarah Palin sucks, you're kind of giving away the game. :)

shiloh म्हणाले...

Revenant no, I just said Biden is a known and Ryan is an unknown. And Palin does suck! A non-sequitur to be sure lol.


Norfolking way could Obama be this lucky. Could he?

Roger J. म्हणाले...

At this point in the campaign, the VP pick will be the equivalent of "squirrel" that the Obama campaign will sieze on. Any chance to deflect from Mr Obama's gross incompetence is, to the dem campaign a positive thing. And as far as the incumbent VP--isnt slo joe the chair of the jobs commission which as last I recall hasnt met in six months? Way to go Joe.

Revenant म्हणाले...

With the models, the average is Obama, but it's not unanimous.

That's a euphemistic way of putting it. The results range from "Romney is almost certain to win" to "Obama is almost certain to win".

I know Linzer, and he's a smart guy, so his 98% for Obama is kind of blowing my mind.

Whereas the guys from Harvard and Yale with the confident predictions of Romney victory are, presumably, not smart.

All kidding aside, anyone who thinks either candidate has a 98% chance of victory is, if nothing else, not bright enough to recognize the limitations of his model. If the ghosts of Ronald Reagan, FDR and George Washington returned from the dead to anoint one candidate as their chosen spiritual successor, he'd still have a better than 2% chance of losing. :)

Olson Johnson is right! म्हणाले...

Jonah Goldberg was very funny when he said:

"The vice presidential debate will be awesome. If I had to predict right now, Ryan won’t so much trounce Biden as Biden will trounce himself. All of the talk about how Ryan is smarter and more knowledgeable than Biden will get deep in Joe’s head. Biden’s insecurities will spill out on the stage like overturned chum bucket."

heh,heh...chum bucket. (words with a 'K' are funny, pickle is funny, Cab is funny, taxi- not funny) (The Sunshine Boys)

shiloh म्हणाले...

"If the ghosts of Ronald Reagan, FDR and George Washington returned from the dead to anoint one candidate"

No ghost needed as Obama has Clinton to rip willard a new asshole, whereas Romney has ... never mind as he's too ashamed to attend the Rep convention by mutual agreement lol.

Revenant म्हणाले...

Revenant no, I just said Biden is a known and Ryan is an unknown.

Biden's approval rating is in the low 40s, i.e. slightly worse than Sarah Palin's was on election day of '08. So yes, he's known. Which is a problem for the Obama administration, because the last thing they need is a known douchebag on the ticket. ;)

If Obama's poll numbers don't improve I expect Biden's replacement to be announced prior to the DNC convention. Obama can't afford to have that particular albatross around his neck. There will be pressure for him to do this anyway, since the Democrats will need someone to run in 2016 and it sure as heck isn't going to be a 74 year old Joe Biden.

Revenant म्हणाले...

Obama has Clinton to rip willard a new asshole

That should play well next to the video of Clinton praising Romney's business career. Or the video of him describing Obama's stories of political courage as "a fairy tale".

But I kid. I'm sure voters will be deeply impressed, not to mention surprised, when Bill Clinton endorses the Democratic candidate for the Democratic nomination. It truly could be the turning point in this whole election. :)

james conrad म्हणाले...

Great choice. Ryan is bright, articulate and knows the budget issues inside out. The only down side here? the House is losing someone who actually makes a difference.


Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

On the bright side, if it is Ryan, it means we'll have no end to R&R, the Murder Machine, type hysterics from now until at least the election.

No kidding, word verification is: otitass

edutcher म्हणाले...

Ryan's the most logical choice and a better one that Portman or T-Paw (especially). The Republican Party has a very deep bench, but they still need more time in grade.

But, yes, Revenant's point is very well-taken.

WV "Jostit" What Jack liked a lot about Jo.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

AP Confirms Ryan

a psychiatrist who learned from veterans म्हणाले...

Most thoughtful comment section! Re: catfood and republicans, isn't that to be expected? I like the new CEO analogy; serious equals Romney.

Lem Vibe Banditory म्हणाले...

Ok.. Now that Ryan is in there, I dont want to hear anymore about how Romney dosent have a plan.. bla bla bla.

Ryan is all plan up the wazoo.

Did Romney pick Ryan to quiet them whiny independents?

I'm looking forward to a Ryan Biden debate.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

Ryan will do fine. He is a fighter who keeps his eye on the ball. And he has a rare talent that easily explains the bitter fiscal medicine that we need to take.

Joe Schmoe म्हणाले...

When asked why he picked Ryan, Romney responded, "he looks like he could be my son."

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Ryan and Romney: Murder Team 2012

Joe Schmoe म्हणाले...

It's official; Mitt's campaign team announces Ryan veep pick by its iPhone app. 7:04 am.

damikesc म्हणाले...

Sucks for WI to be losing one of the best Reps in the country --- but yay Romney.

Gutsy pick,becaue Obama will immediately attack the Ryan budget.

When was the last time an Obama budget got a single vote?

I just said Biden is a known and Ryan is an unknown.

But is being a known idiot REALLY a big benefit? Ryan is the real deal.

Joe Schmoe म्हणाले...

I would've liked someone with a little more seasoning, but I'm happy that Mitt picked someone who will try to do the serious work needed to fix our economy.

I don't know what the hell Biden has been up to. Waxing his Trans Am, I guess. Maybe stuffing his junk down the throats of demanding cabinet members.

Bob Ellison म्हणाले...

Let me just say: yay!

Roger J. म्हणाले...

Seems to me Mr Ryan has one very important thing going for him: he is not a gasbag Senator like slo Joe. Mr Ryan knows how the house works, and the house is where money bills originate. And he has networks in the house. If the Senate flips republican, Mr Obama will need to start exercising his veto pen, assuming he is ekes out a win.

All in all a good choice for Mr Romney.

Roger J. म्हणाले...

Watch the slime machine start its attacks on Ryan by the end of the day in an effort to dominate the Sunday bullshit shows.

jr565 म्हणाले...

Bender wrote:
And because Romney isn't up to the job to do it himself, that's why he needs Ryan.

That is what you are saying.

is that really what he's saying?
It simply augments his argument that he is going to try and fix the economy, and gets those who like Ryan (and there are many) who may otherwise be cool on Romney to vote for the ticket.
It's a great choice (Rubio would have been great too)

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

The message from BB-64 could be that a new crew is on board that is ready to sail the heavy up the Potomac and bombard the enemy positions in the Capitol.

If the Marxists surrender on January 20, 2013, than the Battleship Wisconsin can be a good place for the ceremony.

That fits into the Army and Marine new plans for putting down civil uprisings in the USA, but the International Marxists fifth columnists will be the ones being suppressed and not Americans.

But if Obama wins, then it is a near certainty that the Posse Comitatus act will be repealed and the Drones will be unleashed on us.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

For some reason they make the live announcement as cringe-inducing as possible.

Just issue a press release, thanks.

Roger J. म्हणाले...

Tradguy: how about the insurrection act? of course that is in place and does not require repeal.

Brian Brown म्हणाले...


Is this the part where meme machine says the Ryan Budget can't be scored?

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

It's a real shame that the Obama PAC blew its wad on "Romney is a cancer inducing murder machine." Because, now, any accusations of Ryan being a murderer are, you know, kind of empty.

jr565 म्हणाले...

Loafing Oaf wrote:

They're already showing the photo-ops Ryan has done posing with dead animals he has shot dead. This is the main qualification to rise in Republican ranks, apparently -- that you have pictures of yourself with beautiful animals you have killed.

and of course, this will become an attack ad from the left. Making demagogic arguments about republicans seems to be one of their main qualifications to exist as democrats.
But remember, before going this route, OBAMA ATE DOGS!

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Ryan is probably okay but not good at finding the fastest way to a point.

That's at least better than not knowing the point, which is everywhere else, I guess.

I turn him off before the video gets very far, there being neither swift intellectual reward nor promise of buffoonery.

Roger J. म्हणाले...

The latest howler via drudge: a piece in the New Yorkder suggests that one of Mr Ryan's liabilities is lack of private sector experience. where these turkey's when the community organizer and slo joe were on the ticket? God, these folks have no shame. Although the piece had a great bottom line worth noting: the two tickets offer a very clear choice for voters, and thats a very good thing.

Tank म्हणाले...

Ryan is a serious, competent guy who could step in and be President tomorrow.

That is more than you can say about Zero and (LOL) Biden. Omigod. Biden actually being President?

As Jay might say:


Clyde म्हणाले...

There are certain commentators that I use as a lodestone, because they are invariably wrong. Michael Tomasky, the left-wing hack at The Daily Beast/Newsweek, is one such. He wails today that this is a "stunningly terrrible choice."

Congratulations, Gov. Romney. You obviously made a good choice that kicks against the pricks.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

... the fact that people think Romney/Ryan don't have enough experience are the same people who voted for Obama/Biden over McCain/Palin tells you everything you need to know about their opinions.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Behold: A smart man schooling a leftwing idiot

shiloh म्हणाले...

"The message from BB-64 could be that a new crew is on board that is ready to sail the heavy up the Potomac and bombard the enemy positions in the Capitol."

Indeed, again two chickenhawks on a museum ship lol.

hmm, a few if Obama wins posts from Althouse lemmings. But to be fair to Ryan, there were many of those before the pick.

Hey, he's 42, maybe he'll grow into being flip/flopping extraordinaire's runnin' mate.

It could happen! :D

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

That Paul Ryan speech (about hiding spending not reducing it) is one of my favorites.

Lauderdale Vet म्हणाले...

He’s running against a Cult of Personality that’s out of its depth and mismanaging the economy, so he’s going double down on boring , smart, and making the primary attack vector …the economy.
It makes sense.

The Palin pick for McCain made similar sense to me. I didn’t really care about her gender. She was proven reformer who even ate the silly people in her own party for breakfast. Selling the governor’s jet on e-bay? Firing the fancy chef in the mansion? Pushing back against cronyism? I thought it was a good fit (Team Maverick!), but they never quite figured out how to work it in time; sad, because Washington needed some of that reform.

Here’s hoping that Romney/Ryan can figure that out, because it looks like the have all the tools to make it happen.

What is it they say about Republicans snatching defeat from the jaws of victory?

अनामित म्हणाले...

"Indeed, again two chickenhawks on a museum ship lol."

Seriously? You actually used the word "chickenhawk?" This is 2012, bud and that's so 1990s. And it only works when a Republican is in office. I mean you do know Obama never served right?


edutcher म्हणाले...

shiloh said...

The message from BB-64 could be that a new crew is on board that is ready to sail the heavy up the Potomac and bombard the enemy positions in the Capitol.

Indeed, again two chickenhawks on a museum ship lol.

From the poser himself.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

In "Dreams of My Father" Obama admits the one time in his life he had a real job (3 months duration) he "felt like a spy behind enemy lines".
Look it up.

Obama is a joke.

iowantwo म्हणाले...

"Instead of talking about the economy we're going to talk about Ryan's catfood for seniors budget all the way til November. Interesting pick if true."
Reminded me of a tell difference between conservatives and true socialist, or even those bending socialist.
Before the break up of the soviet union, the politburo put out a big scandle. Things were so bad in America that old people were reduced to eating cat food!
What the people all said in response? 'They are so wealthy in America they make separate food for cats???'

Thanks garage for making me smile as I contemplate my gratitude list.

yashu म्हणाले...

Hey girl, it's Paul Ryan! Yay! Romney goes with a bold choice. I'm very happy.

Of course, the Dems are going to go very, very, very ugly. But they were already doing that and would do that no matter who was picked. Choosing Ryan, Romney shows he wants to have a substantive debate and tackle it head on.

I can't believe it-- my first choice is on the ticket.

Even the alliteration rocks.

Ross म्हणाले...

Personally, I'm excited at this pick.

Balfegor म्हणाले...

Ryan is an unknown

Eh, kind of. I actually don't think he's much less known than Biden, to the general public, given the amount of public discussion centring around his plan since 2010. True, most people couldn't pick him out of a lineup, but that's true of almost every politician other than the President. In 2010, only 60% of the public knew Biden was VP. Ryan is unusually well known for a mere member of the House, and that's a fine platform for him to build from.

As my whimsy leads me.. म्हणाले...

Romney/Ryan! It's brilliant, strategic, and alliterative!


shiloh म्हणाले...

Please, let the disingenuous rationalizations continue as the cons favorite cringeworthy RINO still tops the ticket ... and now he has a sidekick! :)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Obama is a joke and a failure. He and his party have screwed us for generations. What a mess.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Ryan is a solid choice. He'll help win Wisconsin which is in play. He's charismatic, smart and knowledgeable. He will slay Biden in the VP debate. He keeps the focus on the economy, the budget and the debt. He may bring some fence-sitting Catholics over to the right side. Reports are he's very well-respected even by his enemies so that makes personal attacks harder (although certainly not impossible since the Dems just make shit up). The Tea Partiers will like him as will libertarians which, by the way, more and more young people are becoming these days (thanks to Barry).

Yes, the Dems will have a two-for on social issues what with a Mormon and a Catholic running, but unless the economy improves social issues are not going to make or break this election.

And a few evangelicals might piss and moan about that combo as well, but in the end Barry will scare them enough to vote for a Romney-Ryan ticket.

I'm pleased.

shiloh म्हणाले...

hmm, Althouse lemmings still obsessing about Obama in a thread about Ryan. Shocking!

As many cons have mentioned in this thread, ((( If Obama is elected ))) Althouse hopefully will have psychiatric care at the ready for the next four years! :-P

On Wisconsin!

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

How is Ryan an unknown? He pushed the biggest, most well known budget plan in the past few years. He has his own political meme! He was the Republican lead during the debate on the ACA.

How is he an unknown?

yashu म्हणाले...

The Tea Partiers will like him as will libertarians which, by the way, more and more young people are becoming these days (thanks to Barry).

I agree. Young voters are a difficult demographic for the GOP, but I can't think of anyone better than Ryan to make the case.

अनामित म्हणाले...

"hmm, Althouse lemmings still obsessing about Obama in a thread about Ryan. Shocking!"

Such cutting-edge insults. I'm in awe of your wit.

Not really. Seriously, is this the best you have? No serious arguments and really stale insults?

Oh wait, that's the Dem way.

edutcher म्हणाले...

According to the Washington Times, it's a little personal between Choom and Ryan after the Dictator In Chief tried to embarass him.

PS Note Ryan's had 2 budgets passed by the House, Choom's have been rejected by both Houses - the Senate unanimously - twice.

Clyde म्हणाले...

yashu said...
"The Tea Partiers will like him as will libertarians which, by the way, more and more young people are becoming these days (thanks to Barry)."

I agree. Young voters are a difficult demographic for the GOP, but I can't think of anyone better than Ryan to make the case.

Blacks were once a "difficult demographic" for Democrats, especially in the South, until LBJ's support for civil rights and "Great Society" giveaways flipped them from Republican to Democrat. If young people had ANY idea how badly Obama-Pelosi-Reid and the rest of the Democrats have screwed them, they'd all flee from the Democrats in droves.

shiloh म्हणाले...

Congressional Job Approval:

CBS News/NY Times 7/11 ~ 7/15 ((( 12% ))).

Ryan's got some 'splainin to do! Interesting mittens didn't pick Boehner or Cantor lol. Hey OH/VA. :)

अनामित म्हणाले...

"According to the Washington Times, it's a little personal between Choom and Ryan after the Dictator In Chief tried to embarass him."

Everything's personal to Barry, the ultimate narcissist. That Ryan has challenged him in the past and in doing so made him look bad is in the Romney-Ryan ticket's favor. They're in Barry's head.

I only wish Ryan could debate Barry. That would be a beautiful thing to see.

Tank म्हणाले...

Matthew Sablan said...
How is Ryan an unknown? He pushed the biggest, most well known budget plan in the past few years. He has his own political meme! He was the Republican lead during the debate on the ACA.

How is he an unknown?

He's unknown to stupid and ignorant people. For better or worse, we let those people vote too.

अनामित म्हणाले...

TWM mentions Evangelicals, this must be a tough time for them, with Romney the Mormon and Ryan the Objectivist.

But I agree they will vote for them despite the duo's 'shortcomings'.

As a social liberal, I'm relieved. I don't think either one will have social issues as their main priority.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Ryan is not an objectivist; that is a lie. Google more.

“I reject her philosophy,” Ryan says firmly. “It’s an atheist philosophy. It reduces human interactions down to mere contracts and it is antithetical to my worldview. If somebody is going to try to paste a person’s view on epistemology to me, then give me Thomas Aquinas,” who believed that man needs divine help in the pursuit of knowledge. “Don’t give me Ayn Rand,” he says.


If you're going to lie about Ryan, at least pick better ones.

edutcher म्हणाले...

shiloh said...

Congressional Job Approval:

CBS News/NY Times 7/11 ~ 7/15 ((( 12% ))).

Last I looked, that included the Senate. The place that hasn't passed a budget in more than 3 years.

Ryan's one of the few adults in congress.

And the little animal is grasping at straws. One gets the feeling he's trying to convince himself as much as any FUD he can spread.

Still waiting for those rebuttals.

Roger J. म्हणाले...

The way Mr Ryan eviscorated Mr Obama's plan in only six minutes probably explains why the Dems will now focus their fire on Mr Ryan. The think skinned and stupid Mr Obama (and Joe Biden sitting beside him on the clip)--does anyone think they even understood way Mr Ryan was saying?

There is no doubt in my mind that it has become personal for Mr Obama, and that is where he fucks up the most.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

The personal is political: It is always personal for some people in politics.

अनामित म्हणाले...

"As a social liberal, I'm relieved. I don't think either one will have social issues as their main priority."

Not now and I don't believe when governing. Our fiscal issues are much too mammoth for them to even have time to worry about social issues. Evangelicals I think recognize this as do social liberals (which includes two of my sons who are part of that libertarian trend I was talking about earlier).

अनामित म्हणाले...

Matthew, Ryan backed away from Objectivism, only after pressure from Catholics.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

Hooray! If true.

Just saw this rumor on another site, so I guess it's a definite, then.

Ha ha.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Romney accidentally says Ryan will be next president of the U.S.; admits error. Hilarity ensues.

-- P.S.: That means he's not an objectivist. Don't lie about him, since it is now clear you knew he wasn't one by what you just said.

shiloh म्हणाले...

MS, soooo Ryan flip/flopped on his hero Ayn Rand:

"At an Atlas Society meeting celebrating Ayn Rand's life in 2005, Ryan said that "The reason I got involved in public service, by and large, if I had to credit one thinker, one person, it would be Ayn Rand", and "I grew up reading Ayn Rand and it taught me quite a bit about who I am and what my value systems are, and what my beliefs are. It’s inspired me so much that it’s required reading in my office for all my interns and my staff." ((( In response to criticism from Catholic leaders, in 2012 Ryan distanced himself from Rand's Objectivist philosophy ))), telling National Review, "I reject her philosophy. It's an atheist philosophy."


Which again makes him the perfect runnin' mate for the ultimate flip/flopper!

Roger J. म्हणाले...

Shilo deploys the "chickenhawk" meme--that is so outdated and beside the point. But when you have nothing to say productive throw shit against the wall and see if it sticks. Please tell me, Shilo, about Mr Obama's service--who is now fighting a number of wars. You are simply an agent provacteur who has nothing to say. Ya betcha.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Not long ago, Nancy Pelosi was House Majority Leader. Shiloh - go look up congressional approval during that time. It was historically the lowest ever.


chickelit म्हणाले...

yashu wrote: Of course, the Dems are going to go very, very, very ugly.

I will enjoy helping to hold the mirror up to the incumbents to reflect their own destructive ugliness back at them.

Great choice with Ryan!

On Wisconsin!

अनामित म्हणाले...

So shiloh really thinks that Ryan's views about Ayn Rand are going to have an impact on this election?


Grasping at very weak straws here . . .

अनामित म्हणाले...

So, shiloh, now find a Wikipedia entry for "Anchors Aweigh."

I'll do better than that, how about the <a href="http://www.navy.mil/navydata/nav_legacy.asp?id=191> official Navy site</a>

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

I really like the Romney/Ryan approach. "Look, Obama tried. He had two years and passed everything he wanted. It didn't help."

No accusations of murder. Just failure. That should resonate.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Matthew, just as Obama was influenced by Reverend Wright for all those years, Ryan was influenced by Ayn Rand for all those years, after which bothe backed away BECAUSE of pressure from the voters.

shiloh म्हणाले...

I will now leave Althouse's flock to their own delusional devices. The con lemmings cheer! Especially Roger J. :)

अनामित म्हणाले...

"Please tell me, Shilo, about Mr Obama's service--who is now fighting a number of wars. You are simply an agent provacteur who has nothing to say. Ya betcha."

If Shilo's contribution is an example of what the Dems have to use against Ryan then this is going to be a cakewalk.

Of course, it won't be because they will lie, cheat and steal to win, but even with that, I'm sensing cake in the future.

Roger J. म्हणाले...

Re Freder's comment: it is most definitely anchors aweigh. It was the naval academy's fight song which become the Navy's theme song. Naval terminolgy is well rooted in history.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Since when is there shame in likeing Ayn Rand? Oh brother.
Leave it to the left to grasp at bullshit.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

So, you're going to continue lying about him? Or are you going to admit to being wrong? One way lets you keep a shred of dignity, the other lets us know you're a liar and political hack.

Yes. I'm going to fight dirty; people are accusing Romney of murder. I'm not going to let little lies slide to be nice. I did that before, now giant lies slip out. Screw that. Don't lie, and I won't call you a liar.

अनामित म्हणाले...

And Matthew I like the combo, why are you getting your knickers in a twist?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

erp - "Liking"

Original Mike म्हणाले...

Now comes Obama's comeuppance for flipping Ryan off at his health-care conference.

Roger J. म्हणाले...

Enjoy your day, Shilo. And you forgot to tell me about Mr Obama's service.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Because you're lying about someone, know you are, and are refusing to back off of it. We let lies go about Romney and other Republicans over and over again. That lead to Harry Reid getting on the Senate and accusing him of tax fraud and the Obama PAC accusing him of murder.

So, line in the sand. No more lying.

chickelit म्हणाले...

AllieOop said...
Matthew, just as Obama was influenced by Reverend Wright for all those years, Ryan was influenced by Ayn Rand for all those years, after which bothe backed away BECAUSE of pressure from the voters.

Pretty weak sauce to drag out the ghost of Ayn Rand against Paul Ryan. Even Alan Greenspan was an admirer of Ayn Rand. I'll bet will confound the hell out of Andrea Mitchell.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

I'm going to give Romney money right now.

अनामित म्हणाले...

So, why did Ryan feel the need to say this, if there is nothing wrong with being a Ayn Rand follower?

“I reject her philosophy,” Ryan says firmly. “It’s an atheist philosophy. It reduces human interactions down to mere contracts and it is antithetical to my worldview. If somebody is going to try to paste a person’s view on epistemology to me, then give me Thomas Aquinas,” who believed that man needs divine help in the pursuit of knowledge. “Don’t give me Ayn Rand,” he says.

chickelit म्हणाले...

@Allie: It could have been a render unto Cheezers that which is Ceasar's thing for Ryan. Ryan doesn't want to send all to the almighty DC.

wild chicken म्हणाले...

Wow, I'm impressed with his choice of philosophers, if that's what he said...hmmm, a Thomist VP. That implies he is a philosophical Realist.

I like it!

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Romney has a tie, no jacket; Ryan has a jacket, no tie. I find that funny.

अनामित म्हणाले...

So, why did Ryan feel the need to say this, if there is nothing wrong with being a Ayn Rand follower?

“I reject her philosophy,” Ryan says firmly. “It’s an atheist philosophy. It reduces human interactions down to mere contracts and it is antithetical to my worldview. If somebody is going to try to paste a person’s view on epistemology to me, then give me Thomas Aquinas,” who believed that man needs divine help in the pursuit of knowledge."
“Don’t give me Ayn Rand,” he says."

My thinking is he was no so much backing off of Rand but clarifying his views on her as regards his faith. I'm a Catholic and don't buy her Objectivist philosophy either, but I agree with her concerning individual rights and small government libertarianism.

I agree, this is nothing to get one's knickers in a twist - lol.

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