११ ऑगस्ट, २०१२

"R and R, Romney and Ryan — Republicans will like that."

Says Meade, and I say: "The military?" (R&R is military slang.)

"RR," he prompts, and I think of railroad, but don't bother to say it, even though in 2010 I voted for a Republican (Scott Walker) on the single-issue of the railroad.

"RR — Ronald Reagan!"

Let the Romney/Ryan logos use the double R to remind us of the party's greatest modern-day hero, Ronald Reagan.

५७ टिप्पण्या:

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

On Twitter, it looks like R&R is getting play. I made a lame joke about it earlier this morning, but it looks like it is going to be an actual thing.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Mission Accomplished.

Today was the beginning of the end of Obama-Biden Administration.

BUT, it is not over year. Read Samuel Popkin's "The Candidate" and learn how Chicago HQ defeated Clinton. This is the blueprint for what Romney-Ryan will face. They are already begin to face.

Never underestimate Chicago. Popkin's book shows step-by-step what winning campaigns do.

Can GOP, Great Party of Opportunity, do?

Only time will tell...

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

America's Politico: That was... cryptic.

Unknown म्हणाले...

Does Mr. Ryan have any divorce records to unseal?

David म्हणाले...

Rolls Royce?

SomeoneHasToSayIt म्हणाले...

Rebuild Republic
Restore Respect

wyo sis म्हणाले...

AP brings up the Chicago machine when the country is celebrating the great good fortune of having a team of candidates with virtually no skeletons in the closet.
Well, I suppose we need to be reminded of the sleazy politicians.
I think RR can handle it.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

I caught that:

Romney/Ryan (On Rye - And We're Flyyyyyyyin',...)

Pass the mustard,...

अनामित म्हणाले...

The revolution will be Wisconsin-ized!

John Burgess म्हणाले...

Rural Route, you urban effetes!

AllenS म्हणाले...

I don't know about anyone else, but R&R means Bangkok, Thailand to me. In other words, R&R in this case means absolutely nothing.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

The Romney campaign logo has always been that echoing R. It's as though he's been thinking of Ryan all along.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Hey Girl is all excited too. :)


bagoh20 म्हणाले...

Rock N Roll

Isn't there a boomer around here somewhere?

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

The Romney online store should have had Romney-Ryan gear ready to roll out with the announcement. At least the stickers. That doesn't require a lot of lead time.

Jason म्हणाले...

To me, R/R connotes Randy Rhoads, the late guitar player for Ozzy Osbourne.

Peter Hoh म्हणाले...

Is Ryan going all in or not?

I.e. is he going to remain on the ballot for the House?

Given Politico's record as a prognosticator, I'd say that this is good news for Obama.

yashu म्हणाले...

Oh my, I see AP's dissociative identity disorder is acting up again. The Mittbot alter ego seems to have emerged again-- hadn't seen him in a long while (not since the GOP primaries). Will this turn to the dark side last?

I've noticed the Obamabot personality is (almost) always preternaturally confident. Whereas the Mittbot tends to worry.

Is America's Politico a Manchurian Politico? And which is the "Manchurian" side?

alan markus म्हणाले...

I'm in the camp that thinks America's Politico is commenter Titus.

Peter Hoh म्हणाले...

"Republicans will like that."

No doubt. But there aren't enough Republican voters to win the election.

How will swing voters in Florida, Ohio, Virginia, New Hampshire, and Colorado react?

अनामित म्हणाले...

Pirates will like it too.

Peter Hoh म्हणाले...

Ramesh Ponnuru in May, 2011:

Right now, conservatives think of Congressman Ryan as a bold, free-market visionary. Within weeks of his entering the race, he would be redefined as the longtime Washington fixture who voted for TARP, the prescription-drug benefit, the auto bailout and other bills hated by Republican primary voters.

Roger J. म्हणाले...

As my good friend AllenS noted, R and R mean Thailand and railroad work. AllenS will know what I meant.

Peter Hoh म्हणाले...

The "Mission Accomplished" banner is hanging in Bill Kristol's office.

jr565 म्हणाले...

We need some R&R from Obamas policies.

Right is right! म्हणाले...

The country does not look, talk or act like Obama. Romney and Ryan is what the country looks like. Lets take America back!

Colonel Angus म्हणाले...

How will swing voters in Florida, Ohio, Virginia, New Hampshire, and Colorado react?

It depends on how good they are at mathematics and conclude we are on a path of fiscal unsustainability.

yashu म्हणाले...

Right Track, what pathetic mobying.

shake-and-bake म्हणाले...

Rescue and Recovery (not original, I read it somewhere)

tim maguire म्हणाले...

Peter, that's a good point. Like christie, ryan's rose may fade on closer examination. But his weaknesses are in areas the democrats would have a difficult time exploiting--"you can't vote for him! He's dangerously like us!"

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Right Track,

The country does not look, talk or act like Obama. Romney and Ryan is what the country looks like. Lets take America back!

What a stupid thing to say. This country may not act like Obama, but who doesn't look like Obama? Name me one pure-bred person in this entire country. What makes an Italian/Thai person different from Obama - or a Scandinavian/Irish mix?

I swear, some of you idiots have race-on-the-brain to such an extent you're no better than the guy who shot up the Sikhs.

Get a fucking clue:

YOU are the problem,...

Nichevo म्हणाले...

Crack, you've been had, that guy is a moby. Don't be mobied. DON'T BE THAT GUY!!!

Also, I believe my family is pure white, if Jews are white. Came over on the boat in 1921...no blacks in Russia. Maybe some Mongol blood from a thousand years ago. Mom's side here a little longer, so we mighta had a Frenchman in the mix somewhere, that's about it.

But Obama is not like you, me or anybody. That critter is like a fucking Martian. I probably have as much of the Black American Experience in me as he does, and far more of the American Experience. He is weird and unattractive and foreign. That he can cloak himself in racism, it anti-racism, to mitigate this is, well, good for him.

ken in tx म्हणाले...

AP has always been a moby. Anyone paying attention knows that.

roesch/voltaire म्हणाले...

Crack you are finally seeing the true thoughts of many of the posters on this site? Nic is a real piece of work.
Well it is interesting to note the following about Romney's VP pick: Within minutes of tapping Paul Ryan as his vice presidential nominee, presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney was distancing himself from the congressman's controversial budget, which includes steep cuts to government programs and changing Medicare into a voucher-like program.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Affirnmative Actions can only get you in the door.
A failed Democrat NY Mayor Dinkins paved way for a combative Republican Giuliani. A failed Obama will lead to a competent Romney.

Who cares what the color of the resident in the White House is when one needs the greenish stuff in one's pocket.

Prediction: Romney will cut his salary to $1 as President as he did when he ran the Olympics. Then he'll suggest an across the board cut on Federal salaries, starting with the extremely well-off members of Congress. Of course, the salary cut is a "suggestion".

In his re-election bid, Harry, the Pederast will accuse Romney of paying no income taxes in his years in the White House.

Unknown म्हणाले...

Does mathematics have any divorce records to unseal?

crosspatch म्हणाले...

Ronald Reagan was the only President I am aware of with a college degree in economics. That was Reagan's college major. Economics is such a huge issue in politics and one of my biggest disappointments is that our education system does not prepare our citizens to participate in or even understand economics. Ryan also has a degree in economics. Romney has both an MBA and a JD. This election is going to be about economics more than any before.

Here is what amounts to a free course in free market economics by Milton Friedman. If anyone has high school aged kids, I would suggest watching it with them and discussing it.

Free to Choose

edutcher म्हणाले...

The Double R, wasn't that Roy Rogers' ranch?

Jason म्हणाले...

What's the difference between a degree in finance and a degree in economics?

A: Opportunity cost!

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

My first thought was Ronaldus Magnus.

I see the "Crack Bigot" is back. Whatever. It was a nice respite while it lasted.

tim in vermont म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
tim in vermont म्हणाले...

BTW, Crack, the fact that you fell for that obvious bit of false flag posting does not say much for your discernment, but like Archie Bunker, you don't need now steenking evidence before you compare everybody here to a mass murderer, just an anonymous post from somebody who is clearly disappointed that nobody here is as racist as we are in his/her fever dreams to give you a little dogwhistle to set off your seldom hidden self righteousness.

BTW, My logo is based on a button the Democrats made about Barry Goldwater. I just replaced the old Barry with the new Barry in photoshop.

cold pizza म्हणाले...

Rogers' Rangers!,
Yes. I *is* a history geek as wall as a computer nerd. -cp

cold pizza म्हणाले...

I've got a slogan, concerning our current golfer-in-chief. Since he likes the perks of the office while doing his best to dodge the actual, y'know, responsibilities (like presenting a realistic budget, meeting with his jobs council, greenlighting the flow of greenbacks to various supporters, etc. ad nauseum), I think it's really time we gave him "More Fore Years!" -cp

cold pizza म्हणाले...

You know what I mean. -cp

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

The GOP Dream Team is probably called R&R for their day dreams about Riyals and Rupees.

Place your bets, gentlemen.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

tim in vermont,

BTW, Crack, the fact that you fell for that obvious bit of false flag posting does not say much for your discernment, but like Archie Bunker, you don't need now steenking evidence before you compare everybody here to a mass murderer, just an anonymous post from somebody who is clearly disappointed that nobody here is as racist as we are in his/her fever dreams to give you a little dogwhistle to set off your seldom hidden self righteousness.

I called the guy stupid. Pity:

I should've saved it for you,...

Carnifex म्हणाले...

I have always accused AP of being a satirist for his postings...glad to see me instincts were righty...unless this post was satire! Now I'm all confused!.

yashu म्हणाले...

A great new Romney/Ryan ad-- or more accurately, RYAN! ad.

Something new to like about Romney and give him props for: he's obviously not worried about being overshadowed by his VP. Doesn't feel insecure at the prospect that his VP pick might outshine him or be more well-liked. On the contrary, it looks like the Romney campaign is planning to shine a big ol' spotlight on Ryan, and he was picked for that purpose.

I can't think of a better spokesman right now for the GOP-- for the GOP that I'd like to see-- than Ryan. Kudos to Romney for seeing that. And giving Ryan a co-starring role in the campaign.

Contrast McCain muzzling Palin, and Obama hiding Biden away (of course Biden was a phantom VP candidate as much as he is a phantom VP).

By the way, while I think it's plausible Obama might pick a new VP (desperate though that move will make him appear), I wonder-- would someone with Obama's personality let a new VP steal the spotlight from him?

Well, he did let Clinton have the press conference podium to himself that time...

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

"I swear, some of you idiots have race-on-the-brain to such an extent you're no better than the guy who shot up the Sikhs." -- Crack Bigot

Crack's revised version of the above:
"I called the guy stupid. Pity:

I should've saved it for you,.." -- Crack

You don't know how much it hurts to be called stupid by a guy like you.

David R. Graham म्हणाले...

R&R is also mechanics' slang: Remove and Replace.

अनामित म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

tim in vermont,

You don't know how much it hurts to be called stupid by a guy like you.

Hey, you're the one running around with a picture of Obama as your avatar.

It doesn't get much more stupid than that.

Penny म्हणाले...

All these Rrrrrrrrrrr's!

Reminds me of Speedy Gonzales and his "Arriba! Arriba!"

Rolling those r's around your tongue and palate, to make them last longer in your mouth... as only a Mexican mouse could do.

"Go on! UP! UP!"

yashu म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
yashu म्हणाले...

OK so I know this has been linked everywhere, but I hadn't watched it until now... holy moly at Ryan schooling Obama on health care reform. OMFG. Obama's face!

Move over Chris, I got tingles.

Nichevo म्हणाले...

Roesch/voltaire (Nazi concentration camp guard/French bigmouth),

First off, a bag of shit with legs like you, sniveling to a third party that I am a piece of work, is practically fucking ennobling, so fuck you very much.

Second off, I responded to Crack with fact re: my ancestry. If you notice, he didn't register an objection. So what disturbed you?

Third off, unless you really think that I really meant "Martian" literally, as in little green men, you're really just being mendacious. And you didn't think that, because while you're wicked, you're not stupid, except when it pleases you to be.