Here's one of the highest rated comments:
It may appear that Reid's claim that Romney paid no taxes for ten years is extreme and poorly sourced -- however, if Mitt thinks his comment is unfair, all he has to do to make Reid appear a liar and a fool is to release his own tax returns, which is totally within his power.That's the narrative. All you have to do is to track people into thinking like that, and Harry Reid knows it.
While not having paid ANY taxes for TEN years is a sufficient cause for Mitt to not release them, it is not a necessary cause. There could be many other things he wishes to hide, from offshore tax shelters, to very low tax rates, to connections to Bain Capital actions he wishes to hide from. There is only one thing certain about Romney's tax returns: HE KNOWS that there is SOMETHING in them which is disqualifying, that there is something that dare not face the light of day.
१२३ टिप्पण्या:
"When did you stop beating your wife?"
Slander as old as politics.
What drives this kind of thinking?
What drives this kind of thinking?
Not thinking.
I'm hearing rumors that Senator Harry Reid was caught molesting little boys again.
Althouse should dedicate a thread to discuss the ramifications for Dems. Then Drudge could spotlight it. Then the MSM can play catch up this weekend. It could happen...
But you heard it here first - Harry Reid sodomizing the children.
I'll produce my tax returns when Obama produces his academic history.
I think the cheapest part is that Reid said that Romney's dad would be disappointed in him. That's a low blow, even by politician standards.
I hope that when Reid is up for re-election, that payback comes in spades.
Why won't Obama release his transcripts and other documents from college? Because HE KNOWS they show his place of birth as Kenya, just like that 1991 brochure. Plus, it'll show he's dumber than a rock.
On a related note, Police in England arrested an Olympics fan who tweeted something about an athlete "letting down your (deceased) father" after losing a rowing match.
Harry Reid said something about Romney's dad being "embarassed" by his son. In America, we don't arrest people for being insensitive bottom dwelling scummy jack asses, we put a (D) after their name and send them to Washington.
Maybe the Dems should take the High Road on this one and start a rumor that Mitt Romney was not born in the United States, and then continue to push for more and more documentation that he was born here to goad him into releasing his Birth Certificate, his long-form Birth Certificate, etc. That would be much less offensive, right?
I thought Mormons didn't talk shit about other Mormons.
Instapundit links to an article that points out that Reid's "source within Bain" cannot have been any more authoritative than "the man on the street" since Romney has not been an employee of Bain's for the last ten years and more, and even if he had been, Bain would not have had access to his personal tax returns.
Reid's statement only sounds good until you start thinking and asking, now how could he know this?
This really is a scummy way to conduct politics.
So par for the course. Meanwhile, Iran is building nukes and we've gone years without a budget. We are spending insane amounts of money with no budget.
Anything to distract from reality is a plus for the Obama administration.
Romney has already released the required 2 years of tax returns.
This is a campaign ploy to flush out the rest of his returns, so that the DNC and MSM can find anything to take out of context for their class warfare op.
Maybe the Dems should take the High Road on this one and start a rumor that Mitt Romney was not born in the United States, and then continue to push for more and more documentation that he was born here to goad him into releasing his Birth Certificate, his long-form Birth Certificate, etc. That would be much less offensive, right?
Cite when John Boehner talked specifically about doubting Obama's birth place.
Matthew Sablan said "I hope that when Reid is up for re-election, that payback comes in spades."
This, too, seems like a divider between left and right. Matthew "hopes" payback will come. Lefties tend to expect payback, and they will probably riot if it does not come.
You know, a guy told me that Harry Reid regularly engages in cocaine- and alcohol-fueled orgies with underage prostitutes in Las Vegas, and writes it all off as a business expense.
Until Harry Reid releases his tax returns, there is no way to tell whether the story is true or not.
Ender's Ghost,
Are you saying Reid is as reasonable as a birther?
If the GOP majority leader was a birther, would that be a big problem?
"But you heard it here first - Harry Reid sodomizing the children."
Do we even know if Harry Reid has stopped sodomizing children?
Shouldn't somebody do something?
This reminds me when Reid asked for McCain to come back to DC to lead the Republicans to find a solution to the oncoming economic collapse, then, once McCain suspended his campaign to come back like his friend had asked him to, stabbed him in the back.
Why do we even listen to Reid any more? I like many Democrats (for all Biden's flaws, I feel he is a genuinely good person, though that may be my Delaware upbringing kicking in), but Reid is just a nasty character.
Reid is a dispicable human being and anyone who belives him is equally dispicable. And stupid.
Oops, despicable. I hate it when my fingers get too fast . . .
Now, if Reid's "source" should turn out to be within the IRS rather than Bain, that's another matter, but then both Reid and his source would also be in deep doodoo - at least when the DoJ changes after New Years!
You know those lists of all time best U.S. Senators that include names like Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, John Calhoun, Thomas Hart Benton, Everett Dirksen, Ted Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson.
One name that I think we can safely say that will NEVER appear on those lists is the name Harry Reid.
I have been telling you for years on this blog that Harry Reid is a corrupt - literally bribed, it's an open secret in Nevada Democrat political circles - and easily a worthless piece of humanity.
He is evil and wicked and his departure, like that of Gore Vidal - will make the world a better place.
All you have to do is to track people into thinking like that,
No, all you do is feed leftist Dem voters silly bromides and they run with it.
These people are idiots who in a sane country would be laughed off the public stage.
You know, if Romney went around showing his tax returns to people who invested in his company, he'll probably also show them to anyone who contributes a lot of money to his campaign. Those of you who for some reason want to see those returns might consider looking into it.
Mitt's CPAs are in deep trouble if they labeled his deductions for mistresses, gambling, and liquor, like the GSA does in plain sight.
So the darkest secret must be that Mitt's CPAs deducted stays at secret Cayman Island coffee and tobacco shops. What happens in Freeport stays in Freeport.
Garage can teach the Dems how to play the felony accusations game: have a prosecutor indict a John Doe for suspicion of terrible corruption but refuse to give any details or Doe's identity until l after the election.
all you do is feed leftist Dem voters silly bromides and they run with it.
Yup. You want to be angry with someone, don't blame Ried, blame the Leftist brownshirts who need a Goldstein for their 2 Minutes Hate.
People like Garage and Shiloh.
Harry Reid still haven't comment on #HarryReidIsAPederast. He must have something to hide.
Ender's Ghost,
Sorry your dog won't hunt. I don't recall a sitting member of congress, much less the senate majority leader, being the origin of the question of Obama's birthplace.
Given Obama's peripatetic and international childhood, it was only natural that questions about his birthplace would arise. On the other hand, this story has no circumstantial, much less factual, basis.
Rumors and conspiracies are often silly, but they are not all equal. Your equivalence of these two is a total fail.
What drives this kind of thinking?
I'd have to guess internal polling of samples that aren't unrealistically skewed democratic.
A congressional staffer I won't name said Harry Reid has AIDS. I don't know if its true.
But all Harry Reid has to do to dispel the rumor is release his medical records. If he doesn't release them he must have something in there which disqualifies him from the Senate leadership he now holds.
Matthew Sablan said...
I think the cheapest part is that Reid said that Romney's dad would be disappointed in him. That's a low blow, even by politician standards.
All's fair in the struggle to build the Alinsky-style "narrative" of the enemy, Romney.
In the smear wars, you can see how Reid earned his name "Dirty Harry" ....
The Democrats, of course, have full cover of the liberal and progressive Jewish orchestrators of mass media in their smear campaign to distract voters from the economy and jobs and the trillions in new debt.
You can only imagine the anger, shock, and outrage if some Republicans launched that line of character assassination on a son or daughter of a Kennedy or a MLK or Cuomo as not measuring up to their mother or father.
Seriously - is there a grown-up Democrat in the entire United States?
Any Dems here? Why do stay silent?
Is Harry's dick so satisfying that you can't stand up against the man?
Obama's father would probably be proud of Obama - but then, Obama's father was a drunken, bigamist, Communist.
In fairness, this is equally slimy to the "just release your birth certificate to prove you're a US citizen" that some on the right used against Obama.
Many on the right (Taranto, Medved, NRO) pushed back against that sort of thing. We'll get to see if there are intellectually honest leaders on the left. We know where Harry Reid stands.
This is a campaign ploy to flush out the rest of his returns, so that the DNC and MSM can find anything to take out of context for their class warfare op.
Quite true. To the left, nothing is worse than being rich, although almost all of us aspire to be rich. More than anything, they want to show Romney is really, really rich and, thus, unfit to be president. Instead we need a no nothing who will lead us further into recession and financial crisis.
HE KNOWS that there is SOMETHING in them which is disqualifying
Isn't it funny that there is SOMEONE who comments at THIS blog who uses THE SAME silly CAPS posting style?
Or is that just a coincidence/regular occurance on the left when they EMPHASIZE their "facts"?
Maybe the Dems should take the High Road on this one and start a rumor that Mitt Romney was not born in the United States, and then continue to push for more and more documentation that he was born here to goad him into releasing his Birth Certificate, his long-form Birth Certificate, etc. That would be much less offensive, right?
Since the whole birther thing was started by the Clinton machine, for your absurd analogy to work, the dems would have to wait for one of Romney's primary rivals to bring up the charges and then hope their own extremist fringe picks up the ball and runs with it.
It's kind of amusing that the most prevalent example the left can come up with of republican dirty politics is an accusation that originated with mainstream democrats and to the extent it's been adopted by republicans at all they're on the fringe.
Hey, maybe we can get a fake, but accurate moment out of this. Or true, but false.
First- the origin for the birtherism was democrats, specially Hillary campaign.
But to the crux of the matter, a named source Larry Sinclair said obama likes other men, I have seem multiple sources saying Reid likes little boys, what I want to know is do obama and Reid diddle little boys together.
You may not like the tactic but it's working. This and stuff like it is gonna work better now that the press is worried that their guy Obama might lose.
Some recent polls have Obama up in Florida and Ohio. Early to be sure but as bad as Obama has been he still polls well. It helps when a voting bloc that is 12% of the voters is 95% in your favor.
The academic history counter to this is bullshit. Most people could care less about that. It's not the same as taxes.
Bullying, coercive and manipulative: Harry Reid to a T. Disgusting.
And that "highest rated comment" demonstrates a profoundly intellectually dishonest and even immoral, IMO, mindset. Shameful AND shameless in full measure.
To the left, nothing is worse than being rich, although almost all of us aspire to be rich.
Guess that explains Kerry's nomination.
Outright lying, its the new (old) Democratic campaign tactic.
Craig, Kerry was OK - he did not earn his wealth.
I recommend reading the whole wapo link, if you haven't already done so. Perhaps the most disgusting thing Reid said was the last quote about citizen's united.
Just my impression, but this would have become a MSM story regardless who said it. The difference is that Reid's lies are reported straight faced, while the equivalent thing said by a republican would be mocked.
To the left, nothing is worse than being rich...
Except if it's them. They need the money because being in charge is hard work. Like the old Soviets. Those in the Kremlin were in charge, and it's hard work, so they needed their dachas and the ability to buy whatever they needed or wanted whenever they needed or wanted it. No we have only left shoes in brown size 13 for the foreseeable future for them.
Do we care more about Romney's tax returns than about our survival in Obama's economy?
If Romney could pay taxes at the lowest rate, good for him. Don't we want to pay lower taxes? Elect Romney to pay lower taxes.
If Romney has violated tax laws, it's the IRS's responsibility to catch him. Obama's IRS and Justice Dept. keep persecuting Romney's supporters, they would have pounced on Romney ways before now if they had anything to pounce on.
Yeah, this might not be true, but rumors have it that Harry Reids beats his wife, abuses children and kills little animals. He was a boxer used to violence. Some violent people raped women and little boys.
The narrative may be obvious but the audience that might be persuaded by this isn't. It's safe to assume that everyone pushing this story is a committed Dem. But it's only circulating in a small circle, composed of folks who are completely committed (one way or the other).
In a way, Reid is doing Romney a favor here -- he's taken the subtext of the Obama campaign (rich guys like Romney have to be crooks in order to get and stay that rich) and stripped it bare so that everyone can see what's going on. To be successful (really successful) in business is a crime against society.
That's a message inherent in the 'you didn't build that' idea -- by keeping all of those riches, the successful business guy is ripping off the body politic that made it possible. (Put aside the inconvenient fact that successful businessmen are already paying a vastly disproportionate share of the total tax burden.) So it's only fair to tax, tax, tax, in order to spread the wealth (meaning the ill gotten gain) around.
Perfect. Thank you, Harry. Now all you have to do is look and see where Team Obama is coming from and where it wants to go.
Of course, one thing Democrats have to do before using the smear of how a distinguished Mom or Dad would be in their son or daughter in politics is wait until both are dead.
A NY Times staffer that tried that tactic on George Bush - that "HW and Barbara must be so ashamed and disappointed in their lousy, blundering, killer of innocent Iraqis, ex-drunk son Dubya" - found out. Phone calls were Sulzbergers, to advertisers, to major investors. Next thing you know, the NY Times was running a page 1 puff piece on how proud Barbara was of both George and Jeb's public service and how much it meant to the former President, as well.
The Tea Party wrongly gets blamed for initiating "birtherism". In fact, the birther conspiracy theory was hatched by hardcore Hillary Clinton supporters, who called themselves PUMAs (Party Unity My Ass) during the primary between Clinton and Obama. The Obama campaign responded by releasing a copy of his birth certifcate. The PUMAs were unsatisfied and said nobody believed it to be authentic.
John Avalon has it all documented in his book, "Wingnuts: How the Lunatic Fringe is Highjacking America".
Reid won't be up for election again until after the end of Obama's second term.
Craig miscalculated that:
Reid won't be up for election again until after the end of Obama's second term.
Are you suggesting that Obama wouldn't finish a second term?
I thought Mormons didn't talk shit about other Mormons.
8/1/12 8:39 AM
I've been around Mormons all my life and one of the things you can count on is that Mormons talk shit about other Mormons incessantly. It's almost an Olympic event. Mormons are just like people. Amazing huh?
Mitt's taxes may have confidential information about individual salaries he paid and business deals (profits and losses) that would be best not made public or could breech confidentiality agreements or professional courtesy.
This is different than someone in Gov't service their whole life who needs to show conflict of interest.
I would love to see Mitt ask how Barak got rich after he got elected, while Mitt got rich beforehand.
Setting aside any speculation or discussion about the contents of MR's tax returns, what is the argument or narrative or election strategy for not releasing them?
PWS: That the media and the Obama election team have shown themselves to be blatant liars that they cannot be trusted to not twist and lie about the information they are given.
Really, journalists shot themselves in the foot by being so partisan that even moderate Republicans like Romney realize that journalists are -not their friends- and need to be treated as the opposition they are.
This strikes me as most similar to the Bush TANG "controversy". Near to the end, just before Dan rather blew the whole house of cards over, I heard Juan Williams say on Fox, "We still don't know what Bush did in TANG." What he meant, of course, was that he hadn't heard what evil thing Bush got up to there - not "what he did". Since Bush was evil himself, he must have done something bad while there. Q.E.D.
PWS: Romney has already fully complied with the law. He's faced with a Hobson's Choice, so why do what your sworn enemies demand? If he revealed his tax returns back to his first one, it would make no difference. Fuck them.
Well, the one good thing to come out of pederast Reid's rumor is that Romney can now have no doubt that Democrats and the media (BIRM) are the sworn enemy.
If he even thinks about accomodating that bunch of treasonous swine, he deserves to lose.
It's like the Obama birth certificate deal. Why won't Romney just show us the returns? People are wondering.
Strelnikov: Understood; but he really has to deal with more than his enemies. It's the undecided/swing voters who count; of course he won't do it b/c Reid et al want it.
It seems the calculation is at least a close call. This thing isn't going away; what answer will he give when Ifill or Brokaw ask why he won't release them? "Legal compliance" is likely to bring howls of derision and comparisons to Clinton.
"Setting aside any speculation or discussion about the contents of MR's tax returns, what is the argument or narrative or election strategy for not releasing them?"
What is the strategy of not releasing Obama's grades and health records ?
Romney released two years' returns. That has become pretty standard over the past 30 years. You just want a fishing expedition.
Are you suggesting that Obama wouldn't finish a second term?
Reid was re-elected in 2010. His six year term will end at the end of Obama's second term.
PWS: He's given perfectly fine answers. Frankly, if he gets asked this, he should simply state: "I've provided more documentation than needed. I've been accused of a felony by the President. The IRS has recently began to investigate people who have donated to my campaign. I have been more than open with information, all it has done so far is have the media and the government accuse people of crimes, slander their characters and attempt to destroy their lives. I have no desire to continue enabling that sort of behavior."
He's said essentially that on several occasions. Blame the journalists for asking him about gaffes when he is being welcomed by Israel, the U.K. and Poland with open arms and saying the same things that U.K. security and the president have said.
Brokaw doesn't want a free flow of information, he wants a tool to harm Romney or those who support Romney. They spent more time doing opposition research on people who appeared in Romney's ads than reading Obama's autobiographies.
That alone tells you all you need to know about what the media really wants.
Too bad we don't have libel laws in this country (thanks to SCOTUS), the romster should sue Dingy Harry's ass into the ground.
As it is, maybe we should remind people his mother did the laundry for a whorehouse.
Michael K wrote: You just want a fishing expedition.
Hey, garage does love to fish...coincidence?
"Some recent polls have Obama up in Florida and Ohio. Early to be sure but as bad as Obama has been he still polls well. It helps when a voting bloc that is 12% of the voters is 95% in your favor."
Those polls have oversampled Democrats beyond the exit poll samples from 2008. If you believe them, just keep doing so until med-November.
Michael K: I don't the strategy for not releasing.
I think Obama should release grades and health records.
"All you have to do is to track people into thinking like that, and Harry Reid knows it."
This is the guy Republicans are suppose to compromise with? Anybody with half a brain (don't know if McConnell reaches that bar) does not make deals with someone who lacks integrity.
craig wrote: Reid won't be up for election again until after the end of Obama's second term.
Reid will be "up for reelection" in the fall of 2016. Obama's second term would end in January 2017.
You OK with that math?
/pedantry off
"There is only one thing certain about Romney's tax returns: HE KNOWS that there is SOMETHING in them which is disqualifying, that there is something that dare not face the light of day."
Tell you what: Obama releases his college records, then we'll talk. Unless there is something in them that dare not face the light of day.
Read Harry's whole interview; he's a sick puppy. (At Aces)
For those interested in the breakdown of how badly the numbers are skewed in the Gray Lady/Black Rock/Q-pac poll, you can see it broken down here.
For those wondering about swing states, Gallup has some bad news (adults, yet) for the trolls.
Ann plays the "rumor" game herself...and quite well.
We can all remember how she kept saying that it was the "unions" that were threatening her, even tho there was no proof of any sort that the individuals issuing those threats had any sort of connections to organized labor.
She knew that all she had to do was track...err, trick people into thinking like that and the narrative becomes what she wants it to be instead of what really happened.
My guess is that at some point in time he donated money to some Democratic candidate, or cause.
Another thought - why not declare open war on the press? Bar them from all events and refuse to speak to them. After all, what will they do?
Make up stories?
Refuse to cover Romney?
They already do that and more. The WaPo has now outed itself as Der Sturmer for the Democrat party.
What's the downside? Romney pisses off the independents? Fuck them; if they'd rather care about some journalist fluffer's feelings than the real ecenomic problems this country is facing, they'd be Obama voters regardless.
Romney pisses off Democrats? See above.
Romney pisses off Republicans? The David Frums, perhaps, to whom "collegiality" is the highest good. But the base will love it.
I think that Romney will very quickly have a similar policy that McCain has for the New York Times for some media outlets. When McCain cuts you out, you know you've gone too far. But what will happen when Romney starts saying: "You know? Running a story that I'm tax evader and a felon is a bridge too far. I can spend my time with better journalists."
Tailgunner Harry Reid has a paper in his pocket with the name of the accuser and a list of the years Romney did not pay ant taxes? He has no shame.
Romney's "gaffes" are minor, if even gaffes at all. If people had not called them that, people would not be considering them that. He's said nothing different from the U.K. papers about the Olympics or the president about Israel/Palestine.
But, hey. I guess a memes gotta meme.
Do you remember when enlightened people, such as editorial writers and columnists for the WaPo and NYT, used to decry "negative" campaigning and personal attacks on candidates? The Obama campaign is almost entirely negative and focused on Romney's personal characteristics -- primarily that he's rich -- not on policy differences between them. Has anyone seen an editorial or op-ed by a liberal that criticizes the Obama campaign for this?
garage mahal said...
It's like the Obama birth certificate deal. Why won't Romney just show us the returns? People are wondering.
You wouldn't understand them if he did. They aren't your 1040EZ.
> In fairness, this is equally slimy to the "just release your birth certificate to prove you're a US citizen" that some on the right used against Obama.
My copy of the US Constitution lists "natural born citizen" as a requirement for being president. It says nothing about tax returns.
What does your say?
purplepenquin said...
Ann plays the "rumor" game herself...and quite well.
Awww, notice how the pathetic troll attempted to change the subject.
How predictable.
purplepenquin: Ann plays the "rumor" game herself...and quite well.
We can all remember how she kept saying that it was the "unions" that were threatening her, even tho there was no proof of any sort that the individuals issuing those threats had any sort of connections to organized labor.
Are you talking about the "we'll leave our baseballs in your yard" threat? If so, Althouse had proof that the perps were Union Thugs.
/pedantry off
The / symbol indicates the end of the pedantry, so there's no need to include the word off.
btw, Purple Penguin is a good example of the scum that feed off Reid's type of slander. He has to have his 2 Minutes of Hate against Goldstein.
If you've ever wondered how so many Germans could fall prey to Hitler's invective against the Jew, look no further - Garage, Shiloh, Penguin, et al are all current examples of the stupidity and hatred that devolves into fascism.
The more amusing thing about all this is that since this anonymous source talked to Reid and not to HuffPo ... reporter shield laws do not have any effect.
If Mitt decides to go after Reid in court he could subpoena this anonymous source, if he exists at all, and force the source to testify.
If so, Althouse had proof that the perps were Union Thugs.
Link please.
"purplepenquin said...
Link please."
Use brain please.
Guess that explains Kerry's nomination.
It's OK to be a rich lefty, like Soros, the Kennedys, Kerry, etc, because their hearts are in the right places. But, thanks for pointing out the huge hypocrisy of the left and the MSM.
Presumption of guilt without probable cause. It is an amusing sense of justice which derives from a lack of integrity.
Use brain please.
I agree that it is kinda dumb to expect Fen to actually offer any sort of proof/links/sources for the wild claims he is prone to make, but one can always remain hopeful that he someday finally will....
People are wondering.
Not really. I'm wondering what your psychological profile would look like. Your ability to ignore reality must be based on some interesting psychological features.
this is equally slimy to the "just release your birth certificate to prove you're a US citizen"
I'm bothered by the hypernationalism on the Left that leads to claims that it's as bad to accuse one person of multiple tax-related felonies as it is to suggest another person may have been born in another country.
Lots of perfectly fine people have been born outside of the United States, you know.
We can all remember how she kept saying that it was the "unions" that were threatening her, even tho there was no proof of any sort that the individuals issuing those threats had any sort of connections to organized labor.
She knew that all she had to do was track...err, trick people into thinking like that and the narrative becomes what she wants it to be instead of what really happened.
And I remember your caterwauling about Walker's reforms. They apparently messed with your union-proscribed lunchtime and in your words were tantamount to a death sentence. Links provided by penguin to support? Zero. Since you're still posting, I assume you were creating a narrative rather than being objective.
Now go sigh like Ziggy.
Romney should release his short-form tax returns at once. Then he should release the long form ones in a few weeks. Then he should print them on a coffee mug to raise money for his campaign.
Such a scheme would me the height of political savvy.
"You wouldn't understand them if he did. They aren't your 1040EZ."
The point is well taken, but do we even know if Garage Mahal files an income tax form, I mean other than for collecting the Earned Income Tax Credit?
They apparently messed with your union-proscribed lunchtime and in your words were tantamount to a death sentence. Links provided by penguin to support?
At least a couple links where provided when we were discussing the dangers of fatigue in some professions. Where you one of the fellas that kept insisting fatigue was never an issue for any job?
However, I never stated that missing lunch was tantamount to a death sentence. Could you please provide the exact quote of mine which lead you to beleive I had meant such a thing?
There is only one thing certain about Romney's tax returns: HE KNOWS that there is SOMETHING in them which is disqualifying, that there is something that dare not face the light of day.
The person who wrote this is an idiot.
Call them by their name. Out loud.
There is only one thing certain about Romney's tax returns: HE KNOWS that there is SOMETHING in them which is disqualifying, that there is something that dare not face the light of day.
The person who wrote this is an idiot.
Call them by their name. Out loud.
There is only one thing certain about Romney's tax returns: HE KNOWS that there is SOMETHING in them which is disqualifying, that there is something that dare not face the light of day.
To quote the Blogess: Pathetic!
"That's the narrative..." What's the counter narrative, and do you buy it?
By the way -- anyone taking bets on whether Obama's Columbia transcript includes a course or courses or whatever with Cloward and/or Pivens?
And no, they won't release those or Obama's Occidental or Harvard transcipts because the guy who earned his JD and his MBA at the same time at Harvard Law and Harvard Business School can demolish The Overadulated Won.
Not to mention that his plan that "worked" could be sourced to C/P.
Is the guy that wrote this a lawyer?
I certainly hope not.
There is only one thing certain about Romney's tax returns:
In theology it is called arguing from silence
In Althousia and the real world a more anatomical description might be found.
It's sad and desperate that this story has any traction at all.
Compare: Romney's "hiding" his tax returns to Obama's "hiding" his birth certificate (medical records, school records, etc.) (to say nothing of the lack of transparency regarding his own administration's records).
Romney has never said he would not release the tax returns. He's just doing it on his own timeline, obviously for tactical reasons to keep the greedy re-distribution hog calls down to a dull roar.
garage mahal said...
It's like the Obama birth certificate deal. Why won't Romney just show us the returns? People are wondering.
8/1/12 9:43 AM
In the meantime when will Obama show us when he renounced his foreign citizenships? Or how a senator's wife just happen to get a very lucrative patronage job? Or John Kerry his discharge papers?
Hary Reid desperatly needs Obama to win. Without Obama, he would have a hard time staying out prison.
By these standards, I guess we can know that Obama is behind F&F because he refuses to surrender key documents.
It is not like Romney came out and bragged about not paying taxes the way Obama sold himself as Kenyan born to hawk his book in his own press collateral.
"Mitt Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years."
Dingy Harry also called David Petraeus (now Obama's CIA director) "incompetent". Guess that depends in which administratin he serves. Meanwhile...
"Harry Reid's Senate hasn't voted out a budget in more than three years."
1,000+ days and counting. The Siege of Leningrad was shorter than this. A crack oppo/response team would counter with that, one would think.
Reid is a dispicable human being...
...and the best we could do against him when he was vulnerable was Sharron Angle? groan
The question I have is how come nobody is asking Reid if he has stopped beating his wife yet?
I've noticed an unusual amount of Axelturfers spouting exactly that talking point/ narrative (in the comment quoted by Althouse) around the web yesterday and today.
Of course, on any given day on any given blog or site one sees a certain number of Obama supporters, Obamabots, conservatives critical of Romney, moby "conservatives" critical of Romney. But the campaign-coordinated astroturfing that's banging the drum on this topic, wherever mention is made of Reid's remarks, seems so transparent to me.
I hope they're paying some of these people Obama campaign money. Spend that campaign cash. As far as I'm concerned, that level of coordinated astroturfing is a sign of desperation and weakness.
You're right that "all you have to do is track people into thinking like that, and Harry Reid knows it," and that's of concern. But the Obama camp have been throwing all their weight into the Bain attacks, and now this, and so far I don't think they're having much success pushing the buttons they want to push in most Americans (who aren't already committed Obama supporters). So I hope anyway.
"Legal compliance" is likely to bring howls of derision and comparisons to Clinton.
...from the same people who advocated Clinton's "legal compliance" and cheered his impeachment acquittal in the Senate. Yawn.
Demanding the release of Romney's tax returns seems to be the whole and sole thrust of the Democrats' economic recovery policy. Instead of responding to the ankle-biters and the Palace Media (but I repeat myself), challenge the premise on those terms, among others.
Yashu observed: But the Obama camp have been throwing all their weight into the Bain attacks, and now this, and so far I don't think they're having much success pushing the buttons they want to push in most Americans (who aren't already committed Obama supporters). So I hope anyway.
Bain was in vain
@EMD: Thank you. I won't make that mistake again.
Chickelit is so vain.
Now Harry Reid is saying that somebody, who used to work at Chik fil a, spotted Althouse waiting in line since this morning.
I'm calling this a hoax... Althouse is allergic to waiting in line.
You probably think this comment is about you.
Mary Katherine Ham was on TV the other day when some overly earnest, little Obamabot brought up these talking points as if he was actually interested in them and it was so funny and desperate that all she could do was giggle at him.
I thought that was the right response.
I think pretty girls like her are particularly well equipped to smell the desperation in people.
Romney has never said he would not release the tax returns
His wife has flat-out said that they have released all the tax records that "you people" are going to see.
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