And yet Warren has been chosen to give a high-profile speech at the Democratic Convention.
Perhaps Romney will be a much easier foil than Brown on the convention stage. Democrats are confident about using the convention to cast Romney as an out-of-touch plutocrat and believe Warren’s background advocating for consumers in her brief role with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau makes her an ideal prosecutor. In a best-case scenario for Democrats, Warren could emerge as a hit among the “Walmart moms,” that oft-cited swing demographic who could play a decisive role in a close election. Several Democratic operatives pointed out that the speech will coincide with the NFL season opener, making it likely the audience would be more female and more in Warren's sweet spot.Walmart moms... don't they watch NFL games now? Last I looked, 55% of women were watching (and 73% of men).
In any case, I suppose that to appeal to women, the convention needs some prominent women speakers — especially if they're going to feature Bill Clinton, which they are. Clinton needs to be vouched for by a woman.
५२ टिप्पण्या:
"Working class?"
When did "working class" come to mean "entitlement class"?
Protector of the working class?! This shows how profoundly deep is their misunderstanding of the American people.
So now we have an elite nanny and an elite leftist, whose party has ruined an already bad economy, telling us not to worry, more welfare is on the way?
WalMart Moms know the value of the dollar. They are really going to vote enmass for BO?
Journalists know even less economics than Democats.
Will Warren bring out the family tribal drums and do a war chant? Then a rain dance; that would be nice.
Women don't seem to appeal to women politically, right? Otherwise Hillary would be POTUS.
If the RNC has the guts to let Palin speak...I know who'll win this thread!
I doubt White Indian's "You Didn't Get There On Your Own" speech will go over well with the American public at large.
Clinton needs to be vouched for by a woman.
Vouched for, vouchsafed, or vouched safe?
I am pretty sure I am the "Walmart Mom" demographic - 4 kids, around $60k annual family income. What I am not is an Obama voter. I didn't vote for Obama last time; I voted Hilary in the primary and McCain in the general. The Chicago machine is undeniably and completely corrupt and I believe my country and my family deserve better than that so I couldn't vote for Obama.
My husband was laid off in 2010 (praise God he's found another, better in many ways job) and neither of my teens could find jobs this summer. Like most moms, I vote with my pocketbook, and Obama has made that worse, not better. For two years, the Democrats controlled the legislative and executive branches and things got worse during those two years. Things stabilized at really bad after the 2010 elections thanks to gridlock. Obama himself said if it wasn't better in three years his presidency would be a one term proposition. I'm good with that plan...I'm not in love with Romney, but I am sure he is not a corrupt Chicagoan nor a spendthrift and that's enough for me this year.
O is 5 or 6 years late in running an appeal to those bitter clingers. Particularly those racist ethnic catholics that this MSM keep talking about.
Look at West Virginia, ground zero for Democratic working class America. They went for McCain by 13+%. You want to bet after the EPA's war on coal that it tops 20%?
That same feeling bleeds to Ohio and PA. Those Union Dems may nod when the enforcer or the pollsters call, but behind the curtain, it's Romney...
When she speaks it must be in a setting like the one where she appears to be in a private home among people. If she is not allowed to gesticulate freely and convincingly, a bit dare I say Hitlerieque except much better than that even. When she goes 1 2 3 4 she really means it bang puts the ring on 1 puts the ring on 2 puts the ring on 3 puts the ring on 4. Who does that? Nobody. Everybody else is all point and jab and needlepoint conduct an orchestra, but E. Warren jabs her own chest, jabs the air behind her with her thumb to indicate 'that back there' she goes, 'you guys' and she means "YOU and YOU and YOU. And when she goes 'those guys' she means HIM and HIM and HER. She grabs things out there and draws them to herself. it's quite compelling. I wish my laptop would stop pausing because I am impressed with what I see. with the sound off. Behind a lectern droning with no full body gesticulations as she does at that gathering will not be as compelling.
Wouldn't it be hilarious though if their assessment of the effectiveness of that specific message comes from the reaction Elizabeth Warren got in that room at that gathering, and that was the single gathering where she used her full on sign language naturally coming out of her so excellently, some people do that and some do not, and then thereafter she delivered the same message but without the naturally occurring movements that made the original so convincing in combination and to receptive listeners. Obama got a good reaction too in his preacher cadence to a specific audience but then that fell flat to a broader audience. My point is, they think that message is good so they had best have Elisabeth gesticulate as if she trying to convince anybody or as if she has singularly discovered the perfect expressions for those that already agree. I think that's what made that so good. I know that a lot of people do not see anything convincing at all.
Compare her with Giada De Laurentiis who you might expect to be good at that sort of thing, being Italian and everything, but she disappoints. For the longest time she had one movement, a claw hand that squeezes an imaginary sponge. That was her only sign.
Her only sign.
The pasta water must come to a hard boil *claw squeeze* and the pasta cooked to al dente *claw squeeze* then we pour on the sauce *claw squeeze* nice and red *claw squeeze* Then we put ice *claw squeeze* in the glass *claw squeeze* and spread some nice softened *claw squeeze* butter *claw squeeze* on the toast *claw squeeze* and I'm over here going, "JESUS CHRIST, GIADA GET SOME NEW SIGNS ALREADY111!!!!!11"
And I think she took my hint by esp because now I noticed she has a couple of new signs going on. I should email her and say, "nice."
A Warren Piece? I always get Tolstroy and Trotsky confused. -CP
Tolstoy! urgh! -cp
Forget His Words. His Eyes. Look At His Eyes!
Protector of the American working class!
Destroyer of American industries!
Able to leap tall contradictions, he's the singular bounder!
Look, up there, blowing smoke, the real Bane of our existence!
Doctor Death!
If Obama wants to win the election he ought to do a bus tour of all those small towns in Ohio and western Pennsylvania where the residents "cling to their religion and guns" (not having anything else to cling to in this economy, such as, for instance, a real job).
On Chik Fil A appreciation day crowds round the block at Chik Fil A's all across the country. Those same folks will be round the block at polling places. Shit your pants, Obama, you're dead.
garage mahal said...
Hah. The Onion can't even parody Romney he is so bad. Easily the worst Republican candidate in my lifetime. Really all they left at this point is appealing to some working white class knucklehead voters that might show up if properly motivated about race. A lot of these people don't vote.
Right wing populism sells, especially in a shit economy. And especially bankrolled by billionaires.
Parody much, garage?
CBS MarketWatch Writer: It's a Depression, Not a Recession
Hey garagie, remember when your little chart was a "fact" because it was on MarketWatch, owned by Dow?
And the Lefties are always begging for Sarah Palin to run on a national ticket.
Putting Lizzie as the highlighted speaker of the convention (and making Willie her lead-in, Ed McMahon as it were (bet he loves that idea)), is the Conservative dream come true.
The Former Serial Rapist In Chief warming up for Lieawatha.
Too good.
Oh, the Chick-Fil-A closest to my home was featured on the evening news as traffic tied up a major state route a mile down the road.
If Obama thinks he's winning a "swing state" on gay marriage, he is sadly mistaken.
Of course that's why he's been practically mute about gay marriage since his big announcement.
It's easy to poke holes in the Obama/Warren strategy, but what else are they going to do? Admit that they are now the party of the professional classes, academics, Hollywood, minorities and those on welfare?
No. Supporting the working class is a grand Democratic tradition from their glory days of the New Deal and Great Society. It makes them feel righteous and good.
Plus it does work with some of the working class and if the Democrats hold their heads erect and whistle a happy tune, maybe it will work with more.
ricpic said...
On Chik Fil A appreciation day crowds round the block at Chik Fil A's all across the country. Those same folks will be round the block at polling places.
Hatman keeps telling us the polls are surging in his favor.
He doesn't want to know these are the same polls skewed 10 point toward the Demos'.
creeley23 said...
It's easy to poke holes in the Obama/Warren strategy, but what else are they going to do? Admit that they are now the party of the professional classes, academics, Hollywood, minorities and those on welfare?
Given that half the country doesn't pay income taxes, that group would seem to rope in more than enough votes.
The problem is that some of those on the dole don't want to stay there and will vote for policies that reduce the dole if jobs are created.
Ha ha. Pro-amnesty and pro-working class.
Pro-union and pro-working class. Ha ha.
Of course that's why he's been practically mute about gay marriage since his big announcement.
Bigwig Hollywood bankrollers told him to pipe up in the first place. Now those same people are shitting bricks because people really don't care for their products it turns out. The related Network types tried to silence disgruntled tweeters who threaten their business model.
Existential crisis much?
By "Bigwig Hollywood bankrollers" I meant Cher-the-wealth types: Madonna, Clooney, Pitt, et al and their producers.
The Drill Sgt: True.
But being a Democrat is about much more than gaining power, at least for voters. It's about the moral high of a feeling you are part of a movement battling Jim Crow and the Robber Barons on behalf of the powerless.
Obama was able to tap into that feeling big time in 2008 and that's what put him over. He can't pull it off as well this time, but he has to at least go through the motions.
I thought Democrats hated Walmart.
Warren could emerge as a hit among the “Walmart moms,” that oft-cited swing demographic who could play a decisive role in a close election
I don't think this is a real thing.
And if it is, I don't see why anyone would chose Elizabeth 'fakeajawea' Warren to pull them in. Bill Clinton, despite his romantic proclivities, would be more likely. At least he's probably actually been to a walmart.
Given that half the country doesn't pay income taxes, that group would seem to rope in more than enough votes
A goodly portion of those who are not paying INCOME taxes are not necessarily those who are the tax eaters, on the dole, collecting food stamps etc.
Many of them are just not making enough money, after deductions and exemptions, to pay taxes.
This also doesn't mean that those 'working' poor, are not paying attention to the costs of fuel, food, energy and every other damned thing that they are buying to live. Buying at Wal Mart possibly, but as already noted....they know that their money is not going as far as it used to and that they are having a hard time putting food on the table.
They pretty much know who is to blame for this and all the class warfare isn't going to sway that many of them who weren't already brain dead enough to vote for the Dems. They can figure out that if the so called rich pay more in taxes, that they personally are not going to be seeing any of that windfall come their own way.
Politics is personal and local. People vote on their circumstances and what they see around them.
Romney would be smart to point out the economics of Obama and bring it DOWN to the personal level. How much was gas before Obama? Milk? Eggs? Bread? Clothing? you get the idea.
"I don't see why anyone would chose Elizabeth 'fakeajawea' Warren to pull them in."
She is the only one desperate enough to be associated with the Incompetent-in-Chief? She has nothing to lose except the 1/32 high cheek boned Cherokee woman's vote.
Love him or hate him, you have to admit Bill is very charismatic. Hated his presidency but give the man his due. That will be enough to "buck" up the wavering Dem's at the convention.
Warren is just another elitist harridan. Women can get that shit off the View and Oprah, why would they bother to watch a wanna-be.
But the show stopper is gonna be when Zero comes out wearing black slacks and a bow tie, shirtless, and spontaneously breaks into Al Jolsen....I mean Green(whatev). All the little white women that have jungle fever will swoon. Thankfully, that number is dwindling because even dreamers realize what a un-MITT-igated disaster Zero is.
All he'll have left is Shiloh, AP, Leslyn, and Andy.
That many people watch NFL games? I'm stunned.
I wouldn't have thought there was any one thing that that percentage of Americans watched.
Clinton needs to be vouched for by a woman.
What's wrong with the Secretary of State?
"Love him or hate him, you have to admit Bill is very charismatic. Hated his presidency but give the man his due. That will be enough to "buck" up the wavering Dem's at the convention."
If Bill wants Obama to win...
Any person (including blue collar white people) that has had to interface with a government agency - whether for business or because they find themselves in a position of need - are not going to have good Obama associations. It's like dealing with a cross between a prison guard and and a cranky, overworked special needs kindergarten teacher. What adult person wishes to go through that?
"Clinton needs to be vouched for by a woman."
Nina Burleigh is just the woman for the job. She can finally fulfill her wish, "I'd be happy to give him a blow job just to thank him for keeping abortion legal," before the entire nation, and then make the introduction.
Chris Matthews would be pissed greed with envy. THAT would be worth watching.
WOW, it's as if George Orwell [Animal Farm and 1984, noted socialist discovering that the downtrodden, poor coal miners of Britain HATED the 'trust fund' socialists of the hoi poloi. Deja vu all over again, lol. You mean Pocohontas Warren, BHO and Bill Ayers are not the children of Appalachia? Who wudda thunk THAT.
Carnifex said...
Love him or hate him, you have to admit Bill is very charismatic. Hated his presidency but give the man his due. That will be enough to "buck" up the wavering Dem's at the convention.
No, Willie isn't that great. If you saw his keynote at the '88(?) convention, you remember he's a crashing bore as a speaker.
Like Choom, he's got the media behind and, because he was able to promote the illusion of peace and prosperity through them, he's regarded as an earlier generation of Demos regarded FDR.
He can deliver the Sermon On The Mount, but it still won't energize the party enough to paper over conditions in this country.
Donna B. said...
If Bill wants Obama to win..
He doesn't - he hates Choom (Zero brings out his inner Orval Faubus) and the feeling is mutual, but he doesn't want to be seen as throwing the election to the Romster.
Besides, like Choom, Willie's endorsement or help is always the Kiss Of Death.
Ha! Didn't think of that! Good catch.
Maybe he can save the "You didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen" speech!
The Meme!
Mis-understood me. I agree, Clinton speeche were just a level above a Zero speech. I meant in person. Bill Clinton could sell ice cubes to Eskimos. Charm the panties right off a nun.(it happened!)
Not saying it's right, it just is...remember your Barnum.
I'm with edutcher. Liz and Slick is the political version of "Dumb and Dumber". Barry looks bad/dumb in comparison to Slick, and taking Liz's rant and blowing it is dumber/badder.
I do fervently hope Barry doesn't change his mind on this.
Carn, rubes get skinned because they want to be. The people who got taken by Choom wanted to be taken.
Same with Willie. Remember, like his idol, JFK, a great many women, when asked why they voted for him, said they'd like to go to bed with him. He peddled the exact same snake oil (remember, "Ah still b'lieve in a playce called Ho-ope"?).
The guys in the bunker knew the war was lost, but they still let themselves be talked into hanging on because they wanted to believe Der Fuhrer could somehow pull it off.
Some people just want to be used.
Seriously? The Democrats are going for the Wal*Mart moms?
In the last election cycle, Wal*Mart was poison. It used to be the Chick-FilA. Michelle Obama had to resign from her (paid) position on the board of TreeHouse foods because it was a Wal*Mart supplier, and Obama was trying to diss Wal*Mart as the cause of all problems.
Do Democrats think people remember nothing?
Do Democrats think people remember nothing?
They count on it.
I keep thinking that Elizabeth Warren was invented by,
Chip Ahoy, I can live with the Giada hand claw motion as long as I can enjoy the rest of her. I think she subliminally infuses a lot of sexiness into her presentations.
"I thought Democrats hated Walmart."
The grocery store unions went to war agaist Wal-Mart when super Wal-Marts began undercutting prices charged for foods at supermarkets.
Grocery store unions worked because all the major supermarket chains were union. The unions imposed the same labor contracts on everyone.
Supermarket chains' managments didn't much care how much they paid for labor so long as all their significant competitors had to pay the same.
But now, they care. They care plenty. And the unions understand all too well that they'll never be able to bring back the "good ol' days" unless they can somehow eliminate most of the non-union competition.
Oh, yes, Democrats. The unions have been losing the war, but Democrats can still help- by using "creative" zoning and creating other obstacles to limit the spread of Wal-Marts. Which sometimes works (unlike trying to convince people not to shop there).
But being a Democrat is about much more than gaining power, at least for voters. It's about the moral high of a feeling you are part of a movement battling Jim Crow and the Robber Barons on behalf of the powerless.
Huh? Jim Crow was instituted by Democrats in response to the Republicans' instituting Reconstruction (after losing the war to the Republicans), and it was maintained for most of 100 years by their descendants, still members of the Democratic party. Party has been the party of racism for most of its 200+ year history - only now that the Whites have been run out of the party, it is now the party of racism against Whites.
As for power - you have to keep in mind that there are two parts to the Democratic Party, the leaders and the sheep. The leaders buy the votes of the sheep with their largess, at the taxpayers expense. But, the leaders, invariably, are in it for the power, and, yes, in many cases, the wealth that comes from the power. Which is why they will lie, cheat, and steal to keep getting reelected (and, which is why they so adamantly oppose voter ID laws).
The leaders and the sheep are at opposite ends of the spectrum. They don't do the same sorts of things, don't have the same interests, or hang around together. Indeed, the sheep are invariably unwelcome in the presence of their leadership when the latter are not pretending to represent the former. No Martha's Vineyard for them, nor Aspen, etc.
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