१८ ऑगस्ट, २०१२
Obama goes positive: "We've come too far to turn back now."
"I still believe in you, and if you still believe in me.... we will finish what we started...."
I'd like to see him (and Biden) stay positive like this. The campaign has been putting out some terrible negative material — like "put y'all back in chains" — and I hope this is a change of course. This ad seems very strongly oriented toward women. The crowds are nearly all women. I'm guessing their internal research shows women have been put off by the negative campaigning. (I know I am.) Also, it may be an effort to counter Paul Ryan, who's the new guy, channeling the feeling of hope and change that used to be Obama's. He wants it back.
gender politics,
Obama 2012,
Paul Ryan
२१० टिप्पण्या:
210 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Geez, I hope the electorate has wised up this time and sees through Obama and his bullshit. Let him finish what he started? No thanks.
That DOES open up another tack for Romney though...why should we let Obama finish destroying our country? Romney could point to the abysmal economic numbers, Obamacare, etc. and point out that letting Zero finish what he started could well be the end of the U.S. as we know it.
I am dismayed, however, by the number of people whom I thought were intelligent, who are still duped by him and who have actually tried to argue that the MSM are not biased in favor of Zero. Fools.
That's not a positive message.
A positive message would be, "Despite all the damage done, the money spent and the debt added, it's not too late to turn back to American principles."
Prof: You have a low threshold for "positive."
It's not going to work for him. At some point they will see this and all the negative themes, momentarily on the shelf, will come back in a hurry.
The implicit question for a President seeking re-election is: what did you do that merits retention? You cannot glamorize that pig.
It is nice to see him speaking to the Society of Adoring Attractive White Women.
"It's too late to turn back now. I believe, I believe, I believe I'm falling in love"
It worked for the Cornelius Bros. and Sister Rose in 1972 but Obama's cover of the song is weak, lacks conviction, and he is lost without Auto-tune and a teleprompter with lyrics.
"It's not going to work for him. At some point they will see this and all the negative themes, momentarily on the shelf, will come back in a hurry."
I agree. You can't alternate between positive and negative. He needs to commit to positive all the time or it's not positive.
I don't want a good cop/bad cop routine.
I'd like to see him (and Biden) stay positive like this
Positive? It is an illusory positive, it is positive only in the sense of a passive-aggressive positive.
To say that they (or we) have come far and they want to finish what they started is to implicitly negatively accuse Romney/Ryan of wanting to go backward, and to go backward to an America that needed changing.
Even in his "positivity," Obama is in attack mode -- attacking Romney/Ryan, attacking and demonizing this group or that group, attacking America.
"Hope and change" had the appearance of being positive, but it was far from it; it was at is essence a negative attack, it was saying "America sucks, but I'm here to save it. I'm here to tear down the existing order and rebuild a new world."
I still think Romney should adopt the "Hope and Change" campaign slogan. Hope for the women, Change for the men.
Hell, Obama can't use it this time.
I'd like to see him (and Biden) stay positive like this. The campaign has been putting out some terrible negative material — like "put y'all back in chains" — and I hope this is a change of course.
Leopards. Spots.
I like it when they are in panic mode, which they should be. Their administration has been disastrous and no amount of "positive campaigning" is going to change or rectify that.
This is not American Idol. This is not about style and image. We should award ZERO points for "running a good campaign". It does not mean you deserve to be President. You need to have the executive skill set. Obama did not have it in 2008 and he still does not after nearly four years on the job.
He's a bad hire, plain and simple. HR will deal with him in November.
He better start hoping.
"I'd like to see him stay positive like this."
"I hope this is a change of course."
"I'm guessing the[ir] internal research shows women have been put off by the negative campaigning. (I know I am.)"
Wow, these are pieces of evidence totally counter to what I've long assumed (or, more modestly, inferred) about Althouse, i.e. where Althouse is politically at this moment in time.
I cannot bring myself to believe that Althouse might favor Obama, because I respect her too much (and I think I probably project somewhat, thinking of her as a fellow academic who's braver than me in being more "out" than me).
If Althouse is actually rooting for Obama... then I feel like, for all my time here, I don't know her at all. That's depressing.
But that's not the inescapable interpretation of this post. She's exercising "cruel neutrality," whatever that is. But right now "cruel neutrality" seems like a very bogus concept somehow.
When I was a lad we would have said that it would be quicker to continue on to China, as deep a hole as has been dug.
Next we will hear from the Obama media that Mitt is not following Barry's "be nice" example. This started when someone declared the 2012 campaign to be the dirtiest EVAH.
But that was after Bernard Goldberg had already declared the Obama campaign one of the dirtiest ever.
GOP went away and you won this round
And it's enchanted me, every night
And when I said I might not vote for you
You said things that weren't very nice
My boyfriend's back and you're gonna be in trouble
(Hey-la-day-la my boyfriend's back)
You better top off your tank now, before the prices double
(Hey-la-day-la my boyfriend's back)
You been spreading lies that he was untrue
(Hey-la-day-la my boyfriend's back)
So look out now cause I'm comin' after you
(Hey-la-day-la my boyfriend's back)
(Yeah, he knows that I like Ryan)
(But, he's positively tryin')
He's gone neg for such a long time
(Hey-la-day-la my boyfriend's back)
Now he's hoping things change, and it'll be all fine
(Hey-la-day-la my boyfriend's back)
You're gonna be sorry that you ever ran
(Hey-la-day-la my boyfriend's back)
Cause he's kinda cute and he's mostly tan
(Hey-la-day-la my boyfriend's back)
(Hey I know he wasn't cheatin'!)
(That's not dog meat he was eatin'!)
(What made you think I'd believe all your lies?)
(Wah-ooo, wah-ooo)
(You're a big man now but he'll cut you down to size
(Wah-ooo, wait and see)
My boyfriend's back he's gonna make a recitation
(Hey-la-day-la my boyfriend's back)
Soon as he gets back from his latest press vacation
(Hey-la, hey-la, my boyfriend's back)
Yeah, my boyfriend's back
(La-day-la, my boyfriend's back)
Look out now, yeah, my boyfriend's back
(La-day-la, my boyfriend's back)
IHe's gonna see me votin'
(La-day-la, my boyfriend's back)
In Maple Bluffs and Stoughton
(La-day-la, my boyfriend's back)
Alright now
(La-day-la, my boyfriend's back)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(La-day-la, my boyfriends's back)
My boyfriend's back now
(La-day-la, my boyfriend's back)
He knows I'm comin' after you
(La-day-la, my boyfriend's back)
Because I know he's been true now...
"Next we will hear from the Obama media..."
The real question is when and where do we get the opportunity to vote the media out. Their bias is pernicious to the democratic process.
Scammers gotta scam. He'll be back to asking for Mitt's tax returns soon enough after Florida and Ohio are solidly in Romney's camp. It is nice he's less of an asshole in this mode, but it won't last.
Wow, these are pieces of evidence totally counter to what I've long assumed (or, more modestly, inferred) about Althouse, i.e. where Althouse is politically at this moment in time.
I get the impression that she sees the flaws and failure but yet maintains some level of affinity for the man, and is a bit sad and disappointed at his current struggles. I think she still wants him to be what she hoped he would be in 2008.
Whereas myself, probably you, and a lot of the commentariat here, saw right through him from the beginning, and never expected anything from him because it's clear to us that he's a fraud/liar/Manchurian candidate at worst, and hopelessly incompetent with a startling lack of character and dignity at best.
"Obama goes positive: "We've come too far to turn back now."
Oh yes.. who wants to go back to low unemployment?
Herr Fubar and his thousand woman Reich.
"Let's finish what we started. There are still some pockets of prosperity out there that we haven't nuked. It might take all four years, but I'm committed to it."
The women in the ad are buying it. The nodding. "We" have made a difference. That's why the vote liberal. For something as easy as a few bumper stickers and a vote, people can feel moral and upright and really good about themselves. They really are wonderful people, just like mommy said they were.
You cannot glamorize that pig.
Lipstic on a pig.
What's worse is that many on the Left, by constantly demonizing conservatives, makes it harder for them to ever admit we were right about anything - in this case Obama - and so I guess they'll actually vote for him again, just to avoid having to admit the unthinkable. Why else would you vote for him?
People who are looking for a gracious out should realize he's giving them one by being "negative". Then you can say "Oh, he's changed...he used to be so nice". Then it's OK for you to vote Romney, because you were let down. You were a victim. But if he can get you to get nostalgic for the good ole days when his inexperience and temperament were still complete unknowns, you'll give him another shot. Pathetic.
No one seems to be able to make a case for voting FOR him and his vision...not even his own campaign.
This should be seen as significant by reasonable people.
I think we've had enough love for a while. Let's not idolize politicians.. that was professor Althouse just over a month ago.
One speech and Althouse is all wistfully sighing... reaching for her checkbook ;)
Big Daddy Barack will take care of me because I'm a screw up.
They seemed to have also discovered that for Obama to come back.. the teleprompter had to be up first.
I love it when Althouse does this, you folks just go nuts.
I love it when Althouse does this, you folks just go nuts.
Stalin had a green thumb.
I love it when Althouse does this, you folks just go nuts.
You call it nuts.. but we call it good health ;)
Maybe it's like the difference between Episcopalians (if there are any still extant) and Holy Rollers, but Obama generates far more ectasy among his supporters than does Romney. I was in a restaurant when he gave that speech after the Gifford shooting. He remembered the little girl who had been shot. He talked about her now puddle jumping in heaven. I looked around the restaurant. All the women were teary eyed and some were openly crying. I thought puddle jumping in heaven was barfworthy, but the women loved him for it.....I think this speech is a huge crock, but the adulation in the crowd looks genuine. Maybe they photoshopped some of them from a Justin Bieber concert, but he knows how to reach his audience.
This is positive only in NOT being an attack. Where are the specific reasons to retain him? Positive or negative, why would someone vote FOR him? Gone too far to turn back is not an argument - not a reason. It is the same meaningless gibberish that got him elected BEFORE he had a record to which we could compare him. Absent animosity toward Romney/Ryan, again why would anyone vote FOR him?
If Althouse is actually rooting for Obama... then I feel like, for all my time here, I don't know her at all
Of course she is not rooting for Obama.
She's merely looking for an excuse to justify voting for him again despite her flirting with talking about possibly thinking about maybe voting for Romney.
There have been many hints. For example --
President Obama, may I give you some campaign advice? and other posts, including the implicit admission that she was giving signs of "drifting" left, Is Althouse drifting leftward, wherein you were unable to see what was clear to so many others.
Who is she? She is what she has always been. At times she might get to the edge of being a real convert to conservativism or even a conversion to being a moderate, but never able to actually step over the line and stay there.
We are speaking of a person of the left who, like many, has been mugged by reality and disgusted with the actions of others on the left. This has led, on the surface, to the appearance of becoming more moderate, if not conservative, on some matters. But this is superficial.
When push comes to shove, the inner lib/leftist comes out. She might have disappointment and disillusionment at leftism, but her antipathy and irrational prejudice against those on the right far exceeds any real change as an ultimate intellectual matter.
She might be embarrassed at the actions of her comrades, but in her heart she is still a fellow traveler. Which just makes it all the more irrational because there is a large part of her that sees and knows how intellectually corrupt and disasterous the left is.
In the end, odds are that she will find some excuse for not voting for Romney/Ryan. Quite possibly it might be her labeling of Ryan and an "ideologue." Or their positions on social issues might be the excuse, that Romney/Ryan are pro-life, or that they support the defense of authentic marriage.
If the three and a half years of the Obama presidency have not been enough for her to conclusively decide to never vote for him -- as it should have been -- then she will probably find some justification for voting for him again.
Remember Me?
Like most women, Althouse can't resist Leon Phelps.
I will probably begin with a very classy first line... something like: say, sweet thing, can I buy you a contraceptive?
"I still believe [that you didn't build that], and if you still believe in [my ability to wreak deep cultural and economic damage to the US].... we will finish what we started....[by fundamentally changing America from a free country, to a country of beggars dependent on political patronage]"
I'd like to see him (and Biden) stay positive like this.
You suck for giving Obama and Biden the benefit of the doubt. It clear the damage they've done to America, but you sit and declare you "like to see him (and Biden) stay positive" as if it matters that a rapist stays positive all while violating you.
Get some perspective!
Don't worry. I don't expect that the Dems will be able to keep this up even a week. They are in panic mode, and nice just isn't in their repertoire.
Initially, I expect that the President's surrogates will cross the line into nasty first, if they indeed do sign onto the nice phase in the first place. Of course, the Obama campaign will claim that they have no control over the surrogates, but won't bother to tell them to rein it in. And, of course, many of these surrogates are far from independent - many being run by former White House staff.
But neither Obama nor Biden are really nice people deep down, and esp. Obama. Biden can maybe be excused for awhile as just being Slo' Joe. But, since the President always leads from the rear, when his PACs, Debbie Blabbermouth Shultz, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, et al., pick it up again, he won't be able to resist.
"We've come too far to turn back now ... we will finish what we started"
What did he start? What is he trying to accomplish? ... unless he means leading the country into complete bankrupcy, that means. This is just an empty rhetorics. He is a one trick pony - smooth teleprompter reading. I don't believe you are buying his drivel again.
Women are so easy to fool. You can say anything, they'll believe you.
Women are greedy. As long as you make insurance companies give them free condoms, they will vote for you.
Women are shallow, they vote for you because of your pretty face.
Women are stupid. Although you cannot string two words together without turning them into a gaffe, they still believe you are brilliant.
Women are lemmings. They will vote for you when they see other women supporrt you.
Those little women just can't think for themselves.
"By the way, do you think Paul will survive, Biden's comment: I will not use my age and experience against my opponent's youth and inexperience."
Oh comeon, Biden is just being his usual clueless self, because when he mentions inexperience Obama comes to mind before anybody else. So Biden is just pissing against the wind again, the only thing he seems to be fully proficient in.
We've come too far to turn back now
There is a fundamental principle of economics that our President ought to familiarize himself with.
"We've come too far ..."
Huh? That's not positive, that's a warning.
"I cannot bring myself to believe that Althouse might favor Obama"
You know she voted for Obama in 2008, right? And she is desperately looking for a reason to vote for him again. Of course no matter how much phony uplift he projects in his own speeches he's never going to call off the attack dogs Axelrod, DWS, Pelosi et al.
Wow. There are quite a lot of women in that audience and not many men. Why?
I found the transcript at the White House website and it says that Obama was speaking at the Auraria Events Center of the University of Denver, which is presumably not a women's school or one mostly oriented towards women.
Polls show Obama 24 points behind with white men, but this audience looks even more skewed than that.
I doubt it's entirely Obama's fault, but this election is the most sliced and diced along race, gender, and ethnic lines that I can remember.
A Barney (purple dinosaur) version of, "We tried their plan, we tried our plan - and it worked", but Bruce is right.
They have no record, so they'll have to go back eventually. They're just trying to find something to negate the Ryan bounce.
Seems to me that the Obama campaign is casting around for a message that resonates in the internal polling with the target group--in this case women. I dont expect this to last..but time will tell.
Revenant, sunk cost is also a good way to describe the actions of Obama voters from last election. Tom Spaulding hits on this too. Rather than admit voting for Barry was an error last time, vote for someone else this time, and move on to a new opportunity, they'd rather double-down and hope their intellect and judgement is vindicated in the next 4 years.
Regarding what Ann does, I don't care. All I can hope for is that she and Meade cancel each other out. There's some cruel neutrality right there. All kinds of energy expended around politics, and zero impact.
Obama: focus-group flunky. Why can't he just speak from his heart and mind?
Oh yeah; when he does he says stuff like "That company you own, you didn't build that." And "When I worked in the private sector, I felt like I was behind enemy lines."
Seen on a protester sign at an Obama appearance in Rochester, NH: Mr. President, I built this sign and my business.
The only way Obama could impress me at this point is to concede the election.
"Clearly, my policies and leadership have been a failure. However, I truly do love this country so I will not seek reelection."
Well I'm hoping for a change in the occupants of the White House come November. Is that positive enough?
It's the estrogen festival that was noted in 2008.
Women are idiots.
And you can leave something behind for the next generation. That’s what's at stake right now, Colorado.
The only thing he plans on leaving behind for the next generation is a mountain of debt that is insurmountable and a destroyed nation.
Look at that crowd.
It doesn't matter one whit to them what Obama's doing to the economy or foreign affairs. As long as he gives them free birth control and let's them abort their babies they'll lovingly cheer, applaud, nod their heads in agreement with him, and vote him back in office.
It would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic.
The Obama template involves getting a handful of shit and throwing it against the wall.
Here we have a rather apt response from a frustrated business owner to the big government progressives from the Ace of Spades website.
I encourage all of you to read and understand - should you have questions after you read this, I submit that you are part of the problem and have no business offering solutions:
"As a small business owner all I can say is that I think the current sentiment in the small business community is that we didn't sign up for this shit. Y'all can vote for whatever the hell you want but we are not going to be a part of it.
I have seen more owners get out of the business or retire in the past couple of years than ever before and with the ACA on the horizon the jobs these businesses produced will not be replaced. The economics no longer work. This is why unemployment is always so high in socialist countries. What you have to go through to have employees is just brutal.
But here's the thing about what Obama said --- he has it exactly backwards. The government didn't build any of that shit he is talking about --- we built it. We are the ones who paid for it. Not only did we build our businesses we built the schools and the roads and everything else he thinks was generated out of thin air. If you want to get technical about it the businesses and taxpayers that came along before we did built it all and now we are building what comes next.
And not only that, but we did it with the albatross of a predatory, corrupt and overbearing government hanging around our necks at every juncture.
And now we have had enough.
I haven't made more than $50k from my business but one or two years of the past 15. But now that it is time to cash out after providing literally hundreds of jobs I get the stink eye and get castigated for being a member of the 1%. Even though I can remember sitting on the edge of the bed and holding my head in my hands wondering what I had done risking everything I had to create a business and wondering how it would all work out when I had just finished working several days in a row with no sleep... I am the enemy. Even though I didn't take a paycheck for the first year of the business and later skipped other paychecks to meet payroll or to pay taxes I am somehow at fault for the fact that all of these people sitting on their asses or working their cushy government jobs with the large pensions funded by armies of tax collectors and regulators may have to go without.
Well, I already went without so they can bloody well shut the fuck up and take their turn in the barrel! If they want to risk everything they have or work their asses off with no guarantee of success only to be told at the end that they were not responsible for their own success and don't deserve their rewards then they are welcome to go down that path and see what it is like. But the number of people who will pursue the American dream and build the economy from the roots up will be greatly decreased in the current atmosphere and all of these self-entitled idiots will sit around wondering why the government is still going broke and why no one is hiring.
No country can survive socialism. It just doesn't happen. Sooner or later the bill comes due. But before it does you always get demagogic idiots like Obama, or Chavez who try to blame their failures on the only people who are keeping everything afloat. It is not enough they sank the damn ship... they have to come after the people in the life boats too.
That is the sort of mentality we are dealing with."
Posted by: Voluble at August 18, 2012 12:58 PM (qYvEa)
"We've come too far" on the road to hell? Turn back now! Before it's too late!
(Or "I've been playing roulette too long to quit now". The big payoff is already right around the corner.)
Wait - only just noticed - "If you still believe in me"?!?
As opposed to "you still believe in something greater than us, namely, liberty, opportunity, responsibility, security, charity" or the like.
This really is a sick diseased cult of personality isn't it?
Rick67: This really is a sick diseased cult of personality isn't it?
in a word, yes.
"Do you believe in hopenchange? … If you believe," he shouted to them, "clap your hands; don't let hopenchange die!"
... we will finish what we started....
I look forward to Ann's post on how Romney and Ryan lost her, and why she had to vote for Zero again.
Really. Zero/Bidenberg have been a failure in almost every way (I mean they did let the military shoot Bin Laden and the pirates). Meanwhile, the Repubs are about to nominate two serious, nice, competent moderate candidates. If Ann can't vote for them over Zero ... then all her alleged "reasoning" about who to vote for is bullshit.
I thought this was the height of idiocy: "I'd like to see him show his commitment to American politics by running for Governor or the Senate after he leaves the presidency." but this really is worse. It's one thing to discuss this regarding it's effectiveness as a campaign strategy. But when one thinks it's a factor in selection for office...well that one is truly an idiot.
Obama days as president are numbered. Romney-Ryan by a landslide.
"We've come to far too far to turn back now"
What a bunch of bulls**t, however positive!
We've come too far now, hopefully not, but we're running out of time to save our country. It amazes me that so many people think Obamacare is a good thing. Under Obama government spending to GDP has increased from 20% for previous administrations to 25%. And that is good? Talk about a parasitic government, what a bunch of parasites!
Obama is an anti-American un-American socialist/communist parasite and he has surrounded himself with like minded people such as Valerie Jarrett who is probably in reality the real president.
He let us know during his 2008 campaign that he doesn't love our country by constantly telling us that he was going to transform our country. He said he was going to make our country a place where immigrants would want to come to again. Just think about that, he thought immigrants didn't want to come to America. As president he ran all over the world apologizing for our country. The USA has been the greatest force for good in the world. We don't need our president to apologize for us for we don't owe the world an apology.
Oh, let me tell you what I really think of Obama, I think Obama truly is dishonorable.
“I try to avoid hyperbole, but I think Obama is possibly the most dangerous and destructive president we have ever had.”
—Nat Hentoff
Watch the Dishonorable Disclosures video.
".... we will finish what we started...."
What, exactly, is he 'finishing'?
The full government take over of our lives?
I don't share the aversion to negative ads. The so called positive ads are pure fluff and bullshit. Negative ad campaigns are often exaggerations but to qualify as an exaggerator you have to start with some measure of truth. I have only rarely heard a negative ad that didn't feel true and didn't, in fact, have at the center something that is generally already accepted as true.
I have only rarely heard a negative ad that didn't feel true and didn't, in fact, have at the center something that is generally already accepted as true.
Seriously? Well, you're the target audience then. I've heard many ads that were shocking distortions of the truth.
yashu said...
Yeah, I felt the same way. Feels like she can go back to that guy, if only he did blank(insert a low threshold something here).
Math is still hard, isn't it, Professor?
But right now "cruel neutrality" seems like a very bogus concept somehow.
Yes, I've been feeling that there is something 'not quite honest' going on here.
But maybe I'm just being a cynic.
For once I agree with Allie Oop. Althouse is fiddling her commenters like a player. Up your game of sincerity, Althouse.
It's not too difficult to see that the first half of his re-election campaign had to be focused on ginning up his far left base AND trying to define Romney in the most unattractive light.
The second half was always going to be about giving the illusion of moving toward the center and re-capturing the emotional hope and change bullshit. He has to ride into November as an uplifting pretend centrist offering a positive message. Axelrod and Plouffe have surely got psychologists advising them about the "recency effect", where current experiences are more important in shaping impressions than prior experiences. They're betting the 5%-7% of voters who remain persuadable can be manipulated into buying into the positive centrist bit since that's the last impression they will have before the election.
And if you're undecided after 4 years it may work.
... Good money after bad, sunk costs. "Too far to turn back now" is the epitome of bad business thinking.
A Face in the Crowd, Elmer Gantry, All the King's Men?
I'd like to see him (and Biden) stay positive like this. The campaign has been putting out some terrible negative material — like "put y'all back in chains" — and I hope this is a change of course.
Ah, yes, the mood is so important. Lying with a frown is such a downer, which is why Boomers invented the Happy Face and now insist - no matter what they do - you've gotta smile your way through it or else something's wrong with you.
The word "shallow" really doesn't have a meaning anymore, does it?
Simply amazing,...
That's right Barry!!!
Let's borrow ten trillion this time!!
Matthew Sablan said...
... Good money after bad, sunk costs. "Too far to turn back now" is the epitome of bad business thinking.
You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
These people have no self-awareness at all
by the way, wait until we start hearing that Paul Ryan's mother didn't pay taxes from a source close to the IRS.
Obama will be like super-duper "positive" then!
Romney is hiding behind his wife's skit, and Ryan is hiding behind his mother's skirt. These two really are made for each other.
Tom Spaulding,
Stalin had a green thumb.
Now you see - timing IS everything.
And let's not forget the Mormons. Double-dealing, back-stabbing, hypocritical, and delusional, but ever-smiling.
It's a thing - as Ann once said - like women and horses,...
This reminds me, I just purchased a book:
"The Dance Of Deception: Pretending And Truth-Telling In Women's Lives" by Harriet Goldhor Lerner
It's about time I cracked that sucker,...
Auraria Events Center of the University of Denver.
This is guaranteed to be incorrect, without looking it up. The Auraria campus has the University of Colorado at Denver (UCD), Metro State College, and I think community college. I have taken engineering classes at UCD and brother got his undergraduate degree at Metro State. All are state colleges.
The University of Denver is maybe 5 miles SW of there. It is a medium sized private university probably most famous for all the times that it has beaten Wisconsin at hockey, all of its NCAA skiing titles, and that it is where Condi Rice got her BA and PhD degrees. (Ok, UCD is part of the CU system, and can thus share some of glory for their NCAA skiing titles too - CU and DU have most of such between them over the last 50 years).
My guess is that they were talking about UCD and not DU.
This really is a sick diseased cult of personality isn't it?
Roger J.,
in a word, yes.
Shaddup. Or else the loonies will start attacking you for noticing.
This is nothing of the kind. It's just a nice, normal campaign, where the issues are paramount. You know, like whether or not a kid in a foreign country ate dog - that kind of thing.
Tom Spaulding,
What's worse is that many on the Left, by constantly demonizing conservatives,...
Is that worse than those on the Right, constantly demonizing liberals? Is hypocrisy a two-way street? And if so, are we lost?
Who's doing the driving?
I get confused,...
Yes, I've been feeling that there is something 'not quite honest' going on here.
Jesus, you guys, will you stop that? Grab your fucking pom-poms and yell something for one side or the other, will you?
All this grasping, for "truth" and "honesty," is just going to get you attacked around here.
Haven't you been paying attention?
If you're going down the wrong road, the one who turns around first is the one who's ahead.
There is no too far if you can still turn around. But, the turn around opportunities are getting fewer and fewer.
Come November, the American people are going to give Obama a dishonorable discharge and I say good riddance to that sorry anti-American socialist/communist son of a fellow traveler.
My guess is that they were talking about UCD and not DU.
Bruce H: I saw similar corrections over at DailyKos. I was just going by what the WH transcript said, assuming that the Obama people knew where they were, but apparently not.
In any event the speech was in Denver, August 8 -- not far from and not long after the Aurora/Batman shooting. This may be one reason for Obama's positive tone; he may not want to have burdened this community with further negativity.
However, the speech was not entirely positive. About halfway through, he goes after Romney in the usual ways: "[Romney] joined the far right of his party," and:
Mr. Romney is running as the candidate of conservative values. There’s nothing conservative about a government that prevents a woman from making her own health care decisions. He says he’s the candidate of freedom. But freedom is the chance, the opportunity to determine for yourself the care that you need, when you need it. (Applause.) It’s the ability to change jobs or start your own business without fear of losing your health insurance. (Applause.)
Lots of anger in this thread.
Let's all take a deep breath, exhale, and say namaste.
Or think about tits, bouncing.
Personally, "I'd like to see him (and Biden) stay positive like this," too, but there is no way I'm going to vote for Obama in November. So I don't assume Ann will either.
In 2008 I voted against him, but I did give him a chance to live up to his rhetoric about unifying America, raising the tone of political discourse, and providing more transparency in government. Even if his policies failed, he could have done those things and that would have been a contribution.
However, he has been as bad or worse than recent presidents. America is more polarized than ever, its discourse as negative, and its government no more transparent than under Bush, and arguably less.
Obama did evoke Hope with a capital-H in this country. I didn't believe that Hope, but I saw that a good many people, especially the young, did. And now that hope has been replaced with embarrassment and cynicism.
Anne Herbert, a writer for the Whole Earth magazine, once wrote of "strip-mining idealism." That's a good description of what Obama has done.
I had some time to kill in a used bookstore, and saw "Dreams From My Father" on the shelf. I read about 30 pages or so.
He mentioned a time while he was living in New York when his mother and half-sister came to visit. He watched his mother as she watched a movie, seeing a kind of girlish delight, a naivete, a desire to transgress flit across her face. The kind of desire that could have led to his birth.
Of course, this could have been a "composite" mother.
Come November, the American people are going to give Obama a dishonorable discharge and I say good riddance to that sorry anti-American socialist/communist son of a fellow traveler.
Yes, and then they'll say "Hello" to the Mormons - that group of millions that couldn't acknowledge I was a human being until 1978 because that's what their cult leader said to think.
The American idea of thinking for yourselves is what's missing here, and - it's funny - but I don't see anyone arguing for much more of THAT. So watch that "fellow traveler" knock because, if you ask me, people on BOTH sides of the aisle are keeping their bags packed.
They just need to be told where to go - preferably by someone rich, no matter how they made their money, and even if it's by deceiving their fellow Americans. The "followers" just re-label such deception "being good in business."
Both of your guys suck - that's the truth,...
The Propaganda minister Usurper is so obvious w/ his political theater. Positive, "law prof"? He is a Usurper, a non natural born Citizen who is NOT ELIGIBLE--- that means he is not qualified to even compete. What a sad example you set as a teacher of the law. Obama is a criminal, and all of his machine is criminal.
Let's all take a deep breath, exhale, and say namaste.
Not on your life. Good lord, man, can you PLEASE try to be an American?
Being gay is one thing, being a cult fruitcake is another,...
He's channeling the Cornelius Brothers and Sister Rose. It's a song our host would remember well.
Asking Ann to vote for anyone other than Barrack, Joe and Tammy is asking her to violate her core values. What would make you happy--that she commit suicide? She's the most gifted con law prof since Gordy Baldwin. Don't worry--be happy, she'll only cast one vote. Let's move on to a more productive debate. Resolved: The 17th Amendment should be repealed.
"Obama seems like an okay guy, and I even agree with a few of his ideas, but he is ineligible for the office he holds."
Said no birthers, anywhere.
"Obama seems like an okay guy, and I even agree with a few of his ideas, but he is ineligible for the office he holds."
Said no birthers, anywhere.
We might have heard a variant of that from Mick if Rubio had gotten the VP nod. But "INELIGIBLE" would still be in capitals.
Hey, Ann, remember writing this:
"The entire plan to bring Obama into office depended on the glorification of the man, whose actual experience was so bizarrely limited that it took some nerve to claim to be ready. Magic was required. The cult grew up not as he held power and needed to respond to a crisis. The cult was the campaign to bring him into power."
Of course, like The LA Times, The Washington Post, and others, you couldn't admit it until AFTER he got elected - which allowed me to get creamed by your "followers" as a nutjob, here, for years. Which reminds me of how the cult of Mormonism "works":
“It doesn’t make a particle of difference what anybody ever said about the Negro matter before the first day of June of this year, 1978.”
And now that I'm against Mitt's cult, too, everyone's back to crying "The Crack Emcee is CRAZY!" again.
Titus thinks we can stop this nonsense by invoking cultish thinking from India.
No - we can ONLY stop this nonsense by being Americans.
Slavery of the mind is still slavery - and we fought The Civil War to stop that.
As my very being was one of the main focusses of that war, it's a travesty to discover - over a century later - I have to lead the rest of you out of slavery's swamp even today.
I want to be free, y'all,...
So, is this reinforcing a stereotype that nytimes-reading, npr-listening, over-educated white women of a certain age are at heart merely emotional and swayed by a politician's tone, mood lighting, scented candles, Marvin Gay love anthems?
"over-educated white women"
Anyone who falls for the okey-doke of cultism - which Ann did, once, already - can't be called that.
They're, clearly, under-educated.
Those blindly supporting Mitt are no different.
When both choices are horrible - as they are now - partisanship is our weakness.
The American people should be threatening both of these candidates - not supporting them - so that, whichever one gets in, he knows who's in charge.
Instead, because so many are going along, we're merely letting them know the game that's gotten us into this mess is working and can continue as always.
Under these circumstances - no matter which side "wins" - our country loses.
Stop cheering for either of them - and ATTACK,...
I work with a whole lot of women just like that, who feel that way about Obama. Good lord it's depressing.
I had to reach deep into my memory to understand Ann's rationale for voting for Obama this November. 1965, Seoul, Korea as a matter of fact. My buddy got the clap from a hooker, for a week he screamed in pain every time he pissed. About 2 months later the same thing happened to him, screaming in pain when pissing--the clap. When he told me it was the SAME hooker I asked him why did he go back to her. He said, "Frank--you don't understand, she is soooooo good!"
yashu said...
"Obama seems like an okay guy, and I even agree with a few of his ideas, but he is ineligible for the office he holds."
Said no birthers, anywhere.
We might have heard a variant of that from Mick if Rubio had gotten the VP nod. But "INELIGIBLE" would still be in capitals."
If you think it is a coincidence that ineligible candidates were being considered, think again. Romney knew that if he picked Rubio or Jindal that he may expose the Usurper, and risk exposing the treason that ALL of them are committing.
Obama is certainly not a "good guy". He is a Chicago thug and criminal hiding behind the skirts of his Criminal banker handlers, whom have threatened everyone, including the judiciary to shut up. Obama is the destroyer of America. Obviously he lacks the allegiance or attachments to lead it. He is EXACTLY whom the framers were preventing from the office when requiring a natural born Citizen. His father is an "improper ascendant(ancestor)", and he even told America that his father was an improper ascendant, but those that should have known (like the "law prof")allowed the Usurpation to happen. History will spit on everyone who allowed and voted for the Usurper.
"The Constitution does not in words say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners." 88 US 162, 167
I see. We are still so undecided, so open, so thoughtful. It is hard this deciding. But now we have some hope that a brighter mood will prevail, will erase this darkness. Can we say darkness? Yes! Because we are bold in all but decisiveness.
The women behind the president have happy hopeful faces. They want to finish what he has started. Don't you, tenured professor? Don't you?
"Nothing was more to be desired than that every practicable obstacle should be opposed to cabal, intrigue, and corruption. These most deadly adversaries of republican government might naturally have been expected to make their approaches from more than one querter, but chiefly from the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils. How could they better gratify this, than by raising a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the Union? But the convention have guarded against all danger of this sort, with the most provident and judicious attention"
---- Federalist #68
It is not possible that a man born of a Kenyan Communist British subject, raised and influenced in a rats den of Communists and America haters is a natural born Citizen-- a "creature of our own".
I hope this is a change of course.
I saw what you did there.
Michael said...
"I see. We are still so undecided, so open, so thoughtful. It is hard this deciding. But now we have some hope that a brighter mood will prevail, will erase this darkness. Can we say darkness? Yes! Because we are bold in all but decisiveness.
The women behind the president have happy hopeful faces. They want to finish what he has started. Don't you, tenured professor? Don't you?"
It is said that smart people are easiest to hypnotize. The second term means complete destruction of America. This was only the first act.
I read you loud and clear Crack--but I refuse to vote "present" I'm happy I never had to take a course in 'critical thinking' in college. We're waiting on Picket's charge at Gettysburg, time enough to fix things after it.
Some facts about Obamacare-- the foot in the door of the Marxists.
Page 50/section 152: The bill will provide insurance to
all non-U.S. residents, even if they are here illegally.
Page 58 and 59: The government will have real-time access to an
individual’s bank account and will have the authority to make
electronic fund transfers from those accounts.
Page 65/section 164: The plan will be subsidized (by the
government) for all union members, union retirees and for
community organizations (such as the Association
of Community Organizations for Reform, Now – ACORN).
Page 203/line 14-15: The tax imposed under this section
will not be treated as a tax. (How could anybody in their
right mind come up with that?)
Page 241 and 253: Doctors will all be paid the same
regardless of specialty, and the government will set all
doctors’ fees.
Page 272. section 1145: Cancer hospital will ration care
according to the patient’s age.
Page 317 and 321: The government will impose a prohibition on
hospital expansion; however, communities may petition for an
Page 425, line 4-12: The government mandates advance-care
planning consultations. Those on Social Security will be
required to attend an “end-of-life planning” seminar every five
years. (Death counseling..)
Page 429, line 13-25: The government will specify
which doctors can write an end-of-life order.
“Finally, it is specifically stated that this bill will not apply to
members of Congress. Members of Congress are already
exempt from the Social Security system, and have a well-funded
private plan that covers their retirement needs. If they were on
our Social Security plan, I believe they would find a very quick
‘fix’ to make the plan financially sound for their future.”
Obama is certainly not a "good guy". He is a Chicago thug and criminal hiding behind the skirts of his Criminal banker handlers, whom have threatened everyone, including the judiciary to shut up.
Aren't you tangling your argument up a bit? Obama can be a lot of things, but I doubt he can be simultaneously essentially of an alien worldview and also "a Chicago thug." I can't think of many creatures more quintessentially American than a Chicago thug.
wv: 31 oftLast. Make of that what you will. Sounds like my racing number and universal descriptor at footraces in elementary school, to be honest.
He is EXACTLY whom the framers were preventing from the office when requiring a natural born Citizen
Then none of the founding fathers were natural born citizens. How could they be "natural born citizens" of a nation that did not yet exist?
That's not a positive message, Ann. That's a surrounded captain begging a mutinous crew.
Which actually is a positive thought, come to think on it...
I doubt he can be simultaneously essentially of an alien worldview and also "a Chicago thug."
"Chicago thuggery" is about tactics. The worldview defines the enemy those tactics are used against.
Bernie Madoff is a genius money manager.
John Corzine is a genius money manager.
Dr. Andrew Weil can fix your body with weeds that twigs.
Colloidal silver is a great way to cure anything.
Hydorgen peroxide, introduced into your bloodstream, cures cancer.
Cruel neutrality.
Hope and change.
The conservative didn't make the case for why I shouldn't vote for the anti-military, pro Muslim brotherhood, anti-Israel redistributionist.
Yashu... oh, don't kid yourself. Ann will vote for Obama again. No matter what, somewhere along the line Mitt will commit a, to her, unforgiveable slight and she'll just have to vote for Obama. Won't even be her fault, you see. Practically made her do it.
Anything else would involve admitting she made a huge mistake last time voting for a candy wrapper around a (deleted by author), and liberals just don't do that.
Then none of the founding fathers were natural born citizens.
Some remedial US history for garage:
George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were all “natural born” citizens whose families had lived in America for at least two generations.
Thus “presidential Americans” were not adults who had just established residency in the United States when the Constitution was framed and ratified. They were also not children born abroad of foreign parents.
George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were all “natural born” citizens whose families had lived in America for at least two generations.
They were born into a country that did not yet exist. The United States of America was not formed until September of 1787, with the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
No, really?
Didn't read the article, I see.
"How do you write women so well?"
"I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability".
NOTHING better describes women voting for Obama. NOTHING.
Absolute incontrovertible evidence that women with very few exceptions are never meant to be leaders at the highest levels.
And the video posted here - Jerry Springer gets women just as worked up about cheating spouses. Simply more proof.
Haven't we heard enough about the Wet Panties Brigade?
I read the article. The U.S.A. did NOT exist when/where the founders were born. I'm just riffing off Mick's argument. I've never even thought about it until just now.
The United States of America was not formed until September of 1787, with the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Do you ever wonder why people set off all those fireworks every year in early July?
To get back to our larger "point," do you honestly believe that the FFs wrote a constitution that made no one eligible for the presidency for the first 35 years of the republic's existence?
Or is it that you believe the FFs specified a requirement for the presidency that they considered meaningless?
Deb said:I work with a whole lot of women just like that, who feel that way about Obama.
I think Ann is just saying that Obama is now going back to being Mr. Hope and Change and it's more appealing and that it will appeal to women.
That said, the whole speech sounds to me like a wife beater luring his abused victim back from the shelter for another round of beatings: Believe in me and it will be just like our wedding day, all our dreams will come true, give me one more chance baby, blah, blah.
And the comments on this blog are like the audience in a horror movie screaming "No, no, don't listen, what's the matter with you" as the silver-tongued serial killer lures the tenth woman victim into the lonely hut in the woods
Regardless of who Althouse votes for, we all can be thankful for our electoral system and we conservatives can be especially thankful for Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes come November.
That said, the whole speech sounds to me like a wife beater luring his abused victim back from the shelter for another round of beatings
You see, Obama has a lot in common with wife beaters.
"We've come too far to turn back now..."
...said the captain of the starship that just passed the black hole's Scwhartzchild radius.
[Obama] needs to commit to positive all the time...
He can't -- he's got nothing to offer but fear itself.
Some facts about Obamacare-- the foot in the door of the Marxists.
So we're pasting and copying viral emails into Althouse comments now? Why not go directly to Snopes for our anti-Obamacare arguments?
Cut out the middle-man.
We can "hope" there's a "change" in their rhetoric. That'll give people who vote on feelings and not reality an excuse to vote for him. A category you seem to fit into.
"we will finish what we started" What the hell has he started that we want to finish?
"We've come to far to turn back now." Too far where? In which direction? Higher unemployment? Greater national debt? Larger deficits? Less freedom? Meaningless words that apparently make some people feel good, and, it's all about feelings, isn't it.
If this guy gets re-elected, the country deserves the pain and agony that will ensue. The only trouble is is that many who didn't vote for him will suffer aslo.
'Why can't he just speak from his heart and mind?
Oh yeah; when he does he says stuff like "That company you own, you didn't build that." And "When I worked in the private sector, I felt like I was behind enemy lines." '
I would just like to point out, with regard to that second quote, that Obama didn't write that. Bill Ayers did.
The U.S. Constitution was ratified June 21 1788.
Elections in November of that year, and they finally got a congressional quorum so that they could open for business in early April 1789.
I work with a whole lot of women just like that, who feel that way about Obama. Good lord it's depressing.
Deb @10:56: I'd be interested if you could say more about this.
One of my best friends from college is not just voting for Obama, but phonebanking for his campaign. She's a smart cheerful woman who has worked as a therapist, small business owner, and now does webmaster / computer work for an arts organization.
We decided not to talk politics once she discovered how much I opposed Obama. I'd love to ask what she thinks of Obama now, but dare not.
" Blogger phx said...
That said, the whole speech sounds to me like a wife beater luring his abused victim back from the shelter for another round of beatings
You see, Obama has a lot in common with wife beaters. "
No, he's married to one. Look at those arms ! No sleeves.
Of course, he is the wife.
"We decided not to talk politics once she discovered how much I opposed Obama. I'd love to ask what she thinks of Obama now, but dare not."
My daughter, an FBI agent, is the same way. The only explanation I have is she is a government employee but it goes well beyond that. Her mother can't explain it either.
Go figure! Smart and cheerful women are voting for Obama. I chuckle when I keep hearing the incredulity in the comments here, that there are those that do not see through your glasses. Are some conservatives truly so disconnected from the other 50 percent of the population? 53% to be more accurate, well in 2008. It may be closer this time.
Having said that, I think Althouse may be more likely to vote for Obama than I am, and I'm a liberal. This is a strange election season.
"He needs to commit to positive all the time or it's not positive."
The reason campaigns use so many negative ads is because they work. We saw what Obama and the liberal media did to Sarah Palin's reputation. People are only to happy to believe some dirt on someone without knowing if its true or not. They just believe it because "they say he is a blank or whatever", of course no one knows who they are but most of the time "they" are the definitive authority.
Smart and cheerful women are voting for Obama
Anyone who's cheerful when contemplating the current situation has a very tenuous claim to being smart.
AllieOop: For the record, I have voted Democratic all my adult life until 2004. I have lived all my adult life in the bluest cities of the country. Most of my friends and family remain Democratic. So I have some idea of how the other half thinks.
But obviously I no longer find the way Democrats think ... or, more accurately IMO, feel, to be persuasive.
In conversations I find that Democrats rarely have command of facts or answers to questions. What they have in spades is the attitude that they have the intellectual and moral high ground and anyone who disagrees is somehow monstrous. This was also true of my smart and cheerful friend.
I understand to a point voting for Obama in 2008. But now? Look at how Obama campaigns -- no answers, few accomplishments, just lots of attitude that he has the intellectual and moral high ground and anyone who disagrees is monstrous.
Perhaps you can explain your reasons for voting for Obama in 2012.
At this point, the only way Urkel is going to get voted back into office is if he goes Magic Mike on the campaign trail.
garage mahal,
Then none of the founding fathers were natural born citizens. How could they be "natural born citizens" of a nation that did not yet exist?
Spoken like someone who does not know what a nation is or what nationality is. There was an Irish nation when Ireland was wholly ruled by England; there was a Polish nation all through the many times Poland was sliced and diced by her neighbors; there was a Ukrainian nation long before there was anything but a slave SSR-ish government; and there was an American nation well before the Declaration, let alone the Constitution.
Creely, I did not state that I was going to vote for him in 2012.
"Smart and cheerful women are voting for Obama"
Misguided and ultimately foolish.
Great article about women who stay with controlling men:
Based on the information presented in the article, all women, across all demographic, social and educational stratas, might find it difficult to detach themselves from men, such as Obama, who are master manipulators. For men who cannot understand this psychology, the return of women into the arms of such psychopaths is unfathomable.
Did no one else read the title of this post and think of this cringeworthy quote from Hillary?
AlleyOop is a charter member of Obama's Wet Panties Brigade.
Again - I think of a man, and I remove reason and accountability.
So funny that so far nothing she has ever posted here contradicts that statement.
Chase, funny, seems like if he was wetting my panties I would be voting for him, that's a reasonable conclusion, no? Unless maybe your generalizations about women is FOS.
seems like if he was wetting my panties I would be voting for him
Ha Chip, good one, that's a pants wetter:) Dont do that to women who have birthed a few babies.
The fundamental question in this election is why Obama-supporting women hate babies.
Forgive me Alley - did I misunderstand you? I will race to apologize if I did.
Please advise.
Look at that babe in your picture, she just wet her pants over Romney!
I'm stealing that one.
Creely, I did not state that I was going to vote for him in 2012.
Well, are you?
In any event perhaps you can explain the women like my friend who are going to vote for Obama, since you seem to understand that view.
I honestly do not know. Probably not. I don't trust him, not for the same reasons any of you conservatives don't trust him though, no doubt.
As for the people (not just women) who are going to vote for him again, he has either convinced them that he needs four more years to do what he promised in 2008 and he will be worth trusting again, or they never lost trust in him, or the alternative of Romney/Ryan is just unacceptable, I think the last option is the one that Althouse falls into. Just conjecture on my part.
But who knows?
perhaps you can explain the women like my friend who are going to vote for Obama...
I don't know what Allie's explanation will be, but I think I'd have one if I could explain the differences b/w men and women in what they choose to study.
For example, in 2007 women accounted for 56% of all bachelor's degrees, but only 41% of the STEM degrees and 81% of the degrees in "public administration and social services."
Given what they choose to study, women could just be voting their self-interest. But why do they choose those fields?
Blogger AllieOop said...
Go figure! Smart and cheerful women are voting for Obama. I chuckle when I keep hearing the incredulity in the comments here, that there are those that do not see through your glasses. Are some conservatives truly so disconnected from the other 50 percent of the population? 53% to be more accurate, well in 2008. It may be closer this time."
You make me think of the funny line that Jack Nicholson uses in "As good as it gets."
"I think of a man. And I take away reason and accountability."
That explains the Obama vote. I can understand the 2008 vote if it was affirmative action, so to speak, but now ?
AllieOop said...
As for the people (not just women) who are going to vote for him again, he has either convinced them that he needs four more years to do what he promised in 2008 and he will be worth trusting again, or they never lost trust in him, or the alternative of Romney/Ryan is just unacceptable, I think the last option is the one that Althouse falls into. Just conjecture on my part.
The people voting for Obama are:
1. Black
2. Unemployed (permanently on welfare or coasting)
3. Government workers
4. College professors
5. Obscenely rich who suffer little impact from his disastrous policies.
The rest of the votes are up for grabs.
creeley23, just a guess, but I think for many women the determinative issue is abortion. As a matter of principle (or automatism), they always vote for the so-called "pro-choice" candidate. That overrides everything else.
OH and Obama can take a look at this picture and see what happens when you declare a war on coal.
2,600 working families came out to see Romney speak in Ohio.
Meanwhile Obama is on Entertainment Tonight.
single women vote for pro-abortion candidates.
Usually once women have a child they become fiercely pro-life.
Every time the topic comes up on Twitter many, many women express their disgust for abortion.
"we will finish what we started...."
Finish what?
Oh, yeah, in discussing GM, which is on the verge of a second bankruptcy:
"Now I want to do the same thing with manufacturing jobs, not just in the auto industry, but in every industry."
Throw in "you didn't build that" and his class warfare it's really fucking clear what Obama wants to finish.
Todd Akin's wife sure is a lucky girl.
Amazing tea party troglodytes like Akin who think women posses some sort of magical rape repellent get any women votes at all. But he will.
Is that a red or gray squirrel, garage?
Red, I suppose, considering the source.
jay, you may be right that there's a single/married divergence. By "many women" I didn't mean "most women," just a significant subset of the women who always vote Democrat.
“What we’re trying to accomplish today with the passage of this third stimulus package is to create jobs and help the unemployed,” Ryan said. “What we’re trying to accomplish is to pass the kinds of legislation that when they’ve passed in the past have grown the economy and gotten people back to work.”
Unless a Democrat is President, of course...
garage biden goes positive: "they're gonna rape y'all!"
Garage, yeah, Todd Akin types in the GOP have undoubtedly put many women off, maybe some women who would've voted for Romney /Ryan. I wonder if the emphasis on social issues by the GOP House will be worth it to them in the end. We shall see I guess.
Unless a Democrat is President, of course...
Yep. That surely explains this. Not veto-proof!
Never go full retard, machine.
"All of the Republican budgets were voted down yesterday. In order to cover the embarrassment, the Republicans brought out the old Obama budget knowing that the democrats would vote against it because they have replaced it with the new budget that they are preparing. So it means nothing and it was merely political theatre."
But it makes for such a great talking point!
"Smart and cheerful women are voting for Obama"
Like Sandra Fluke bwahaha
You do understand that the point being addressed was the assertion that the president's fabulous policies were being blocked in order to tank the economy, right garage?
And you do know that the reason the Republicans control the House is the 2010 election, right?
How utterly obstructionist of the voters not to give the Democrats everything they want.
You do understand that the point being addressed was the assertion that the president's fabulous policies were being blocked in order to tank the economy, right garage?
If you're referring to machine's comment, I took it as Republicans are for stimulus spending, as Ryan was under Bush, but will obstruct and demonize under a Democratic president. Which seems about right.
In a 2002 interview with the Journal Times, Ryan even more explicitly adopted the economic theory behind President Obama’s 2009 stimulus plan: “You have to spend a little to grow a little. What we’re trying to do is stimulate that part of the economy that’s on its back.”
until....and unless...
machine said...
Unless a Democrat is President, of course...
Because there was totally like no stimulus under Obama! And even if there were, it totally worked.
It did!
PS: Democrats never opposed Republican legislation. Like ever!
garage mahal said...
Amazing tea party troglodytes like Akin who think women posses some sort of magical rape repellent get any women votes at all. But he will.
Hey retard: Sarah Palin supported his opponent.
Keep drooling, imbecile.
AllieOop said...
Garage, yeah, Todd Akin types in the GOP have undoubtedly put many women off, maybe some women who would've voted for Romney /Ryan
Because a person you never heard of until today, Todd Akin, is like soooo gonna drive those women to Obama!
You keep wanting to hear from Obama what you want to hear from Obama but Obama keeps spewing out things you don't want to hear.
Does it take so little to justify your faith after all the multitudes of stuff showing your faith was false?
Just a few feel-nice phrases at just around voting time and you will vote for him again?
Surely as a lawyer you see it's DEEDS not WORDS that matter. Look at his deeds and decide for words are cheap.
Is the country better off than it was when he became president? Yes or no?
I propose that candidates for federal office be required to receive botox injections in their faces such that they cannot visibly emote either in public venues or on TV. No more dazzling smiles. No more condescending winks. A passive face only - a mask if you will - so that people cannot relate to the candidates on a visual basis since the face is the most important part of the mechanism by which humans relate to one another. The power of the candidates words, the quality of their logic would then become the primary basis for how voters select the victors. Of course, a bag over the heads of the candidates would also work but the conspiracy theorists might then conclude that the person they were hearing was a phony. Better to see them, faces immobilized. Of course, the candidates could choose the visage that would be frozen in place. A perpetual smile? Or a frown? A look of absolute concentration? A humorous look? What look might have the most impact on the viewing public? Could we then select the best candidate and not the most seductive?
"It's Morning in America" worked in 1984 because -- well, it was morning in America.
I don't think it works in 2012.
Hey retard: Sarah Palin supported his opponent
Great to know Jaytard. The Tea Party backed Akin though. Democrats too! Are Democrats learning? Hahhahaha
Sheridan, kinda like Romney's, huh?
I think Crack calls it his cult smile ;)
AllieOop said:
Sheridan, kinda like Romney's, huh?
I think Crack calls it his cult smile ;)
If Romney thought that would work for him, then yes! But it's hard to talk when you're always smiling. And it's hard to persuade people when all they're thinking is "boy that guy looks sinister!". For one, I would close my eyes and listen to the words.
In my daily business dealings, I would attempt what I called the "Helen Keller Approach to People". I would engage with people not on the basis of their appearance (black, white, hispanic, asian - it didn't matter)or the way they said their words (sarcastic, uncertain, voluble, histrionic, folksy, weird dialect, etc.) but only on the basis of whether their ideas had merit and were reasonable and actionable. Many of my work groups were the most diverse in the company and nearly all of my employees knew that they were being assessed not on sound or appearances but on the quality of their thoughts. It was rewarding and fun for all of us.
I like your approach, close eyes, listen, then make judgment based on the rationality of the thoughts expressed, yes that works.
Now there are two of us, at least who might consider this approach of assessing and deciding. It takes a little practice but ultimately it tends to take one to a place where strong emotions are held in check. As a species, we remain too close to the behaviors of our xenophobic ancestors. For those people, who were intent on simply surviving the day, strangers, who represented a divergence from the "norm" simply received a whack with a club. Problem averted. Today, we whack people figuratively with our emotional responses. I choose another path.
@Ruth Anne Adams - Yes! That cloying speech made by HRC using a fake dialect was the first thing that came to mind after hearing the Biden "chains" remark.
Let a Republican try that and the screams of anger would be everywhere.
Although story is that she married a black president.
garage mahal said...
Great to know Jaytard. The Tea Party backed Akin though.
"Tea party" doesn't mean what you think it means, idiot.
Don't worry, your sort of a God President is so unpopular, that Akin won't suffer much in the polls.
garage mahal said...
"All of the Republican budgets were voted down yesterday. In order to cover the embarrassment,
Because as we all know, a Democratic Senate voting against Republican budets is "embarrassing" but the President garagie voted for failing to get a budget passed the entirety of his 1st term = not embarrassing.
Of course garagie be stupid, so we expected such from garagie.
" I like your approach, close eyes, listen, then make judgment based on the rationality of the thoughts expressed, yes that works."
The trouble is that there would be no Democrat Party.
garage, you forgot to mention that the vote you were bragging about was in the Senate when Harry Reid, pederast, is the majority. The Republicans proved their point; not even Democrats will vote for the Obama budget.
To anyone interested, Hillary was reciting the lyrics to a hymn, as written, "I Don't Feel Noways Tired," as she made clear in her speech. She received a standing O from those in attendance. That would end it in a sane world. But, well you know.
I remember that Garage, I guess after the standing ovation, they threw their shoes at her? No that was Bush wasn't it? Man he was fast, ducked just in time.
I feel sorry for readers of right wing blogs. I really do.
garage mahal said...
"George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were all “natural born” citizens whose families had lived in America for at least two generations.
They were born into a country that did not yet exist. The United States of America was not formed until September of 1787, with the ratification of the U.S. Constitution."
No they were NOT natural born Citizens. They were born British subjects in the colonies, like Obama was born British in America (if birth occurred in Hawaii). They were beneficiaries of the "Grandfather clause" (Or a Citizen, at the time of the ratification...).
They were naturalized citizens. The grandfather clause was the only naturalization vehicle at the time, there was no other Naturalization Acts until 1790. The last state to ratify the constitution was in 1789. ALL citizens present at that time were eligible for President, but the natural born Citizens, those born of those citizens in the US since 7/4/1776 (Declaration of Independence when the US began--- from the British point of view it was 1783 with the Treaty of Peace-- see Inglis v. Trustees of Sailors Snug Harbor (1830), pg. 126)were at most 13, so the citizens resident in the states by 1789 were grandfathered in. NO ONE born after 1789 of foreign parentage is a natural born Citizen. Obama was born 172 years too late to take advantage of that clause. Martin Van Buren was the first natural born Citizen, born 1781 in NY of US Citizen parents.
We've come too far to turn back now.
said Capt. Robert Scott
said George Donner
said Capt. Edward Smith
I could go on, but you get the idea
"It's too late to turn back now"
translates to doubling down on stupid.
garage, I try not to be cruel but you are pretty pitiful.
A budget resolution based on President Obama’s 2013 budget failed to get any votes in the Senate on Wednesday.
In a 99-0 vote, all of the senators present rejected the president’s blueprint.
It’s the second year in a row the Senate has voted down Obama’s budget.
Obama's 2012 budget failed 97 to 0 last May after Obama himself last April said he wanted deeper deficit cuts.
The House earlier this year unanimously rejected Obama's budget.
The White House sought to provide cover for Democrats to vote against the Obama budget resolution before the vote, arguing the resolution offered by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) was different from Obama’s budget because it did not include policy report language.
Democrats made the same point on the floor Wednesday in explaining their votes.
The Senate also voted on four GOP budget blueprints, which were all defeated.
Pitiful, just pitiful.
You can cut and paste, congrats.
What do you think this was all about: A budget resolution based on President Obama’s 2013 budget failed to get any votes in the Senate on Wednesday.
So a budget resolution failed, or Obama's budget failed?
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