Said Mitt Romney at a campaign stop today in Michigan — "this place where Ann and I were raised, where both of us were born." Video at the link.
I'm seeing some charges that this was a "birther" joke and even that it was racist. I guess it hit a nerve.
Anyway, it's obviously not racist. In fact, it's more racist to call it racist. To see it as racist, you have to have a background belief that to think of someone as a natural-born citizen is to think of him as white. Who thinks that?!
And it's also not "birther" to say what Romney said. A birther is someone who thinks or isn't sure that Obama was born in one of the United States. But the joke doesn't depend on the listener being a birther. You simply have to understand that people had enough questions about where Obama was born that they wanted to see the proof. People don't have those questions about Romney, so no one ever asked him to prove it. That's all Romney said.
Now, we could look more deeply into why people had these questions about Obama. These questions certainly weren't because Obama is black (or half-black). The questions were because his father was not an American citizen, because his mother — and young Obama — lived for a substantial amount of time outside of the United States, and because — to some people at least — Obama hasn't seemed sufficiently American. (He doesn't identify with American exceptionalism, he sat still for "God damn America" sermons, and so forth.)
Romney is saying — in so many words — I'm more truly and fundamentally American than Barack Obama. And the implication is: I want you to think about the ways that Obama hasn't fully embraced American values of freedom, capitalism, etc. etc.
Of course, you don't have to be born in America to have those values. I imagine Ted Cruz has those values, and he was born in Canada. He might make a great Senator from Texas soon, but he can never be President. We don't need to see his birth certificate, because it's no secret. He's not qualified to be President, and it's no disparagement of him to say that. But notably — and pay attention now, because this should help with understanding Romney's joke — no one running against Cruz would make a joke about his being born outside of the United States. Romney's (implicit) joke about Obama works not because of where he was actually born, but because of much more substantive ideas about commitment to foundational American values.
ADDED: Instapundit agrees with me and adds that the press will miss this point and, thinking the joke hurts Romney, will "spread the idea further than Romney could on his own." He also prints email from a reader saying "Why does Ann Althouse assume Ted Cruz is not eligible to be President just because he was born in Calgary? Both of his parents were American at the time of his birth, and his mother was American by birth." I didn't mean to be the first Ted Cruz birther! I agree that if both your parents are American citizens and you are therefore an American citizen at birth, that's good enough for the constitutional requirement.
२९२ टिप्पण्या:
292 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»It's just stupid. Talk about entitlements and the economy. Seems like a rookie mistake.
I started to see the whole Obama birther thing differenty after that story about his agent promoting his "Kenyan birth." Obviously at some point in his career he was tacitly approving such a representation.
Seems like a rookie mistake.
Not really. At this point, it's mainly an obsession of Brenda's, but it should be easy--even for Anderson Cooper--to see whence such confusion arose.
Ann, you always hit the nail right on the head.
Obamaniacs will go apoplectic no matter what Romney says, might as well say something that will truly get their panties in a twist.
Obama and his campaign strike me as very emotional people who take things too personally. The best way to campaign against them is to egg them on.
Everything's racist!
Ann, Ann, Ann - really?
It's all about timing,...
Mitt Romney's father was born in Mexico.
o what happened with President Obama? Is he the only president to have a foreign-born parent?
He is the seventh president with at least one foreign-born parent. It has been 76 years since the last: Herbert Hoover had a Canadian-born mother. Woodrow Wilson's mother was English. Chester Arthur and James Buchanan both had Irish fathers. Thomas Jefferson's mother was born in England, and Andrew Jackson's parents were both born in Ireland.
Along with McCain, presidential contender Mitt Romney's father was born in Mexico, and Bill Richardson's parents were both foreign-born, his father from Nicaragua and his mother from Mexico.
Has everyone forgotten google?
I also think it was a rather clever way to needle the thin-skinned Obama and his humorless followers.
The New York Times reports, "Mr. Obama, who was born in Hawaii and shared his birth certificate with the national media, has long been dogged with 'birther' rumors, from those who falsely question where he was actually born in the United States."
After all these months of discussion of birther theories, the Times still can't get it right. Pinch, it's not about where in the United States Obama was born, it's about whether he was born in the United States. (BTW, I accept that he was.) Could the reporters at the Times be any more clueless?
BTW - my point is, I just hit the post button on my blog, came back here, and this thread was up.
Simply incredible,...
Some loons have questioned both Rubio's and Romney's eligiblity for POTUS and VPOTUS.
Anent the Times, let it be noted that the lead reporter on the story is Ashley Parker, Mo Dowd's protege. No wonder the story is stupidly wrong.
Also BTW, it is a "birther" joke.
Just because it implies someone else is a "birther" doesn't change that.
I didn't need 500 words to understand that it was a joke. I only had to watch the video.
That you had to spend nearly 500 words explaining and defending the "joke" portends really bad times ahead for Romney. Especially since he chose to say them on a Friday which means we'll all spend the entire weekend talking about this one "joke" from his entire speech.
Then you'll really get the vapors next week with all the criticism of Obama at the Republican convention.
Frank J. Fleming @IMAO_
BREAKING: Romney has issued an apology. "It was wrong of me to point out how foreign and divorced from basic American values Obama is."
It was at least as good as O's joke last week about Mitt and Seamus. Ms. Peggy has a piece online today, urging Mitt to use a little humor to puncture O's self-regard. She says poking fun at O is the surest way to get under his skin, and then, who knows, O might have an Akin-moment (or at least another Quayle-moment).
Wouldn't that be loverly!
That is utter BS. The birther issue is racist. Get out of your ivory tower.
There are more than a few people who refuse the notion of a black president and will clutch at the birther straw to validate their point.
Romney isn't above that fray, or was I imagining him cuddling up to that hairball Trump?
The Obama Presidency has devided this country like no other. He is fundamentally un-American. The East Coast media elites knew that he had Communist ties but covered it up. They also knew he had militant black connections and did not report it. There is good reasons to question his qualifications to be president including where he was born. But the media continues to cover it up.
Until I see a real birth certificate I will continue to consider the man to be a fraud.
There's also the fact that the state Obama was born in is Hawaii... so immensely far from the rest of the country (and, at the time of his birth, only recently a state).
It may not be racist, but it is nativist. Lucky he already has the Hispanic vote sewn up.
Byron York @ByronYork
RT @jancbs: At Romney event, two reactions to his birth certificate joke: reporters gasped--and a crowd of thousands laughed and cheered.
Agree with both Ann and Dolan. This is a way of keeping at Choom.
Do it enough and, as Richard says, Barry will stick his ego in it.
And, as Ann notes, this is a way of painting himself as All-American and, thus, further making the distinction between him and Zero.
It also gives him a free shot at Choom, which he most certainly has coming.
Frank J. Fleming @IMAO_
BREAKING: Response from Obama: "I won't have a cancer-causing felon question my place of birth!"
Obama is affirmative action personified.
Missy Vixen said...
Especially since he chose to say them on a Friday which means we'll all spend the entire weekend talking about this one "joke" from his entire speech.
You and others here might. But the people who truly haven't made up their mind are working, taking their kids to swimming parties, having their fantasy league drafts, and gardening. If they happen to hear anything about it next week they'll think ... "stupid politics" for approximately one second before dismissing.
"That you had to spend nearly 500 words explaining and defending the "joke" portends really bad times ahead for Romney. Especially since he chose to say them on a Friday which means we'll all spend the entire weekend talking about this one "joke" from his entire speech."
What we're talking about -- or really just feeling -- is that Obama might not be sufficiently American. That's what Romney found a way to say with a smile.
It's not about "defending" Romney for telling the joke or explaining the joke. Something has been made a topic: Obama's insufficient commitment to American values.
That was hard to do and Romney did it.
The other side is trying to defend, so we can see that the blow hurt. We can talk about the defenses: Is Romney a birther or a racist?
"There's also the fact that the state Obama was born in is Hawaii... so immensely far from the rest of the country (and, at the time of his birth, only recently a state)."
Cokie Roberts, 2008:
Tomorrow Romney should make a "choom" joke. Lindsey will show up here to says it's clearly racist since so many black people smoke pot.
"That is utter BS. The birther issue is racist. Get out of your ivory tower."
Yawn. Obamaniacs think Mitt Romney wearing white shirts is racists.
Sorry, the calling everyone racist thing has jumped the shark and folks now either laugh at it or roll their eyes.
Wonder how many birthers will be at the RNC shindig. Trump. Sheriff Joe. Who else? You know that can't be it.
He is running against a guy overseeing 8% unemployment but he's playing in the gutter with racists. So awesome.
Stoke that fire with Hawaii. Stoke it.
Isn't his mother from Kansas?, surely one of the most quintessentially American states to readers of this blog. Eh, but no point in mentioning that. Of course no one hears O's midwestern accent either.
You know, it never ever would have occurred to me that with only one American-born parent, I might in any way be less American than someone with two. Seriously. That never occurred to me until reading this very blog post! How crazy is that?
I visited Hawaii while in the service back in the 1960s. It did not look or feel like America. It is basically the Philippines.
"No one's ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know I wear normal skivvies."
It's just stupid. Talk about entitlements and the economy. Seems like a rookie mistake.
There's a theory that this is Romney giving the excitable media and Obama campaign - but I repeat myself - a juicy-looking squirrel to chase out into traffic, and to get them to stop chewing at the corpse of the Akins senatorial campaign.
The sockpuppets are out en masse today and no wonder.
Looks like Choom's likeability is taking a big hit because of all the personal attacks.
"Cokie Roberts, 2008:
You expect to win arguments by citing Cokie Roberts?
That is utter BS. The birther issue is racist. Get out of your ivory tower.
I can be a bit slow on the uptake sometimes but I still don't understand that line of thought.
The birther issue is racist.
You wouldn't know what is racist if you saw it or heard it because my impression is from your post you have neither.
The birther issue is racist.
Quack Quack
There, I just wrote something duckist.
It's only 51 years ago, so there are plenty of people alive who knew the Dunhams at the time.
However, Obama's values are so different from the familiar that we lack the exact words to describe them, and it is a bit of a puzzlement where and from whom he picked them up.
I agree with @TosaGuy. "If your enemy is quick to anger seek to irritate him"
Who is the enemy here? Obama, or the MSM?
Is it racist when Obama's campaign jokes about it?
There's also the fact that the state Obama was born in is Hawaii... so immensely far from the rest of the country (and, at the time of his birth, only recently a state).
No, it's because Obama is black.
White shirts are racist until they're soiled.
"You expect to win arguments by citing Cokie Roberts?"
Nope, just riffing off Althouse's comment.
It gets the whole abortion thing out of the news. Master stroke!
(1) damn--where is Mick when we need him
(2) there are apparently a few folks who see racism everywhere. Will they please explain to me why 53 percent of the country voted for Mr Obama? While I have no doubt there are some "racists" around, they are clearly not in the majority. (thank Gaia)
Romney is saying — in so many words — I'm more truly and fundamentally American than Barack Obama.
Except Romney was talking about being born on American soil, not being truly and fundamentally American. Whatever the hell that means.
Anyway, it's obviously not racist.
Whether or not it is racist, you haven't supported your opinion by inserting the word "obviously."
In fact, it's more racist to call it racist.
Nope. It may be wrong to call Romney's comment racist, but wrongly identifying instances of racism isn't racism.
To see it as racist, you have to have a background belief that to think of someone as a natural-born citizen is to think of him as white. Who thinks that?!
You need to get out more. Certain groups of Americans believe all sorts of stupid shit. There are dolts who are convinced that Obama was born in Kenya. There are idiots who believe in fairies. There are fools who believe the con man Joseph Smith was a prophet. And there are white supremacists. Stupidity isn't rare, and appealing to the stupid shit that Americans believe to get their vote isn't rare either.
"Is it racist when Obama's campaign jokes about it?"
The joke is on the folks spending $22.50 for a $2 coffee mug.
And the birther issue is not racist. They were trying to play it against McCain if you recall.
There is scientifically measurable differences between the races. This includes crime statistics and I.Q. tests. We need to get over being afraid of being called "racists" when we talk about these differences. Our country can not survive if we allow Affirmative action to continue to place un-qualified people in positions of power that they are not intellecually or morally capable of handling.
Mr Obama is only half black--which half is the incompetent half?
When presented with a certificate recognizing his Irish heritage on March 20, 2012, President Obama joked, "This will have a special place of honor .... alongside my birth certificate."
Obama plays it both ways. When an exotic background helps him sell books or helps him sell himself as someone with a leg up in foreign expertise, he claims his exotic background. He even exaggerates it.. When someone else claims that this exotic background might give him different instincts and insights than the mainlanders, such a comment is deemed immoral and probably racist. As a handy guide to the confused, please remember that it's ok to point out that Obama is different than us but only in the context of explaining how such differences make him a better person. In like way, it's ok to point out Romney's Mormon religion but only in the context of how weird it is and how weird Romney must be to accept this as his faith.
Mitt Romney's father was born in Mexico.
Yep, in a polygamist commune.
That was a lot of words but I guess it takes a lot of words to explain why a birther joke is not a birther joke.
Actually, instead of all of us speculating exactly what he meant, a journalist should just ask Mitt.
Why are so many people hung up on Obama's birth certificate, and yet no one asked to see Romney's?
Ann seems to contend that if people don't have her idea of American values, then the appropriate thing to do is to demand to see their birth certificate and then claim it is fake when it is produced.
And of course at lat year's White House Correspondents' Dinner, it was all laughs about his birth certificate, and "birth video".
Damn, Obama's one racist dude, apparently.
The deep down answer in the heart of Obama and his most loyal supporters is that anyone who runs against or even disagrees with Obama is racist.
It is so engrained that it such folks simply have to see it everywhere.
When everything is racist, then the word has lost all meaning and the accusers can be made to drool like a Pavlovian dog on top of Mitt Romney's car.
Idiots think this is racist. They only choose to be idiots. It's unlikely they were nurtured to be them.
Obama has no idea where he was born. He was too young back then, to know. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that he pitched the Kenyan birth thing to work his affirmative actioned ass through those different colleges withing paying one dime in tuition. He knows how to play those liberal idiots that he met along the way.
"Ann seems to contend that if people don't have her idea of American values, then the appropriate thing to do is to demand to see their birth certificate and then claim it is fake when it is produced."
Actually, since being native born is a requirement I think every candidate should have to produce their birth certificate. Tax returns seem so much less important.
Kudos to Romney: I hope he keeps getting under Obama's skin.
Surely you could understand the difference between Romney making a quip about his Mormon undergarments, and Obama saying "At least nobody accuses me of wearing Magic Underwear!", which would be dickish.
Is it racist? Well, let's see if it matches the criteria for racism.
Was it said by a Republican? Yep. About a black Democrat? Yep.
So, 2 out of 2. Looks like it was racist.
Harry Reids: From a source close to Obama, this is absolutely true, Obama was a Kenyan.
Dickish like saying someone caused someone else to die of cancer, dickish? Or just haha, I'm going to joke about something you yourself have already joked about many times, dickish?
Rick said...
Kudos to Romney: I hope he keeps getting under Obama's skin.
"under his skin"
"thin skinned"
"skin color"
"skin in the game"
"skinny from exercise"
Skin even rhymes with Akin.
What I'm trying to say is that there is very superficial banter going on. Meanwhile, our soldiers are dying and the economy is still tanking.
It is so engrained that it such folks simply have to see it everywhere.
Such folks are also completely ignorant of basic economics. Douchebag Andy was a great example of that, when he proved his absolute unfamiliarity with the concept of statistical significance a while back.
The truth is, Obama's (half) blackness is the only reason to vote for him, so opposing him is the opposite of racism. He has no other qualifications.
I agree with Rick. Glad to see Romney's getting under Obama's skin. The guy's had it too easy too long.
Questions about Obama's seeming like a foreigner are racist because it is well known that everyone outside the United States is Black. Or should I say African American?
ndspinelli said...
It's just stupid. Talk about entitlements and the economy. Seems like a rookie mistake.
You mean other than the fact that Akin is fading out of the public conscious today, right?
Andy R. said...
There's also the fact that the state Obama was born in is Hawaii... so immensely far from the rest of the country (and, at the time of his birth, only recently a state).
No, it's because Obama is black.
No, it's because he's a small c communist who wants to destroy this country.
Unknown said...
Mr Obama is only half black--which half is the incompetent half?
Both of them.
(had to...)
Don't see this as a clumsy statement. See it as strategy because that is why it was said.
Was that birth certificate joke about Obama ?
… or
The campaign event was in Michigan afterall.
Questions were occasionally asked about George Romney’s eligibility to run for President in 1968 due to his birth in Mexico, given the ambiguity in the United States Constitution over the phrase “natural-born citizen”. His Mormon paternal grandfather and his three wives had fled to Mexico in 1886, but none of them ever relinquished U.S. citizenship. Romney’s parents chose U.S. citizenship for their children, including George. The family fled Mexico and came to the United States in 1912 during the Mexican Revolution.
Missy Vixen said...
That you had to spend nearly 500 words explaining and defending the "joke" portends really bad times ahead for Romney. Especially since he chose to say them on a Friday which means we'll all spend the entire weekend talking about this one "joke" from his entire speech.
Your desperation is real, and it is spectacular.
"Kudos to Romney: I hope he keeps getting under Obama's skin."
Easy, the skin is so thin, anybody can get under it by osmosis.
It's just stupid. Talk about entitlements and the economy. Seems like a rookie mistake.
Not really. It gives the media something other than Akin to hyperventilate about.
Since the media insists on talking about silly season stuff, give em something they can bloviate about that will cause you the least amount of pain.
"You mean other than the fact that Akin is fading out of the public conscious today, right?"
As I said, an master stroke on the part of Romney.
However, since the Dems plan on having "Abortionpalooza" instead of a convention, it will be back in the news soon enough.
Which is good for the GOP in every way.
Well said Althouse! It was great for no other reason that the so-called "mainstream media" was offended by it and the crowd loved it.
If nobody every asked for his birth certificate, clearly he hasn't had to work for someone else in a few decades.
"That you had to spend nearly 500 words explaining and defending the "joke" portends really bad times"
No, more like rationalizing as mittens is not a racist or birther, just a disappointing panderer to extreme cons. Plus Althouse is smitten w/mittens, so whatever it takes re: damage control.
Apologies to rookies ...
Jim Messina of the Obama campaign just sent me an email titled, "A New Low for Romney" about the birth certificate remark:
Take a moment or two to think about that, what he's actually saying, and what it says about Mitt Romney.
Then make a donation of $3 or more to re-elect Barack Obama today:
The vagueness is interesting. It seems that Messina is using a Democratic dog whistle that ... Romney used a Republican dog whistle that ... says something racist about Obama.
And now Ann is saying that the dog whistle/dog whistle is racist.
My head hurts.
Ann of course is an expert on the subject of racism. Hey Ann, what's written on Mitt's pjs?
If I was Mitt Romney I'd be careful making fun of ANYBODY'S crazy "beliefs"...
Is Romney a birther or a racist?
Who truely knows, but he probably wants their votes.
Althouse, you're slipping. You posted this at 3:41pm but I got the fundraising email from the Obama campaign at 2:21pm.
mittens will be whoever you want him to be. Indeed, quite the chameleon as it's part of his charm lol.
Let's get things straight: Obama is a Halfrican-American.
shiloh said...
mittens will be whoever you want him to be. Indeed, quite the chameleon as it's part of his charm lol.
No, that's Choom.
He even says so in his autobiography that his pal, the small c communist, wrote for him.
Now there's the lol.
One thing I thought was funny. The New York Times story about the Romney speech referred to "those who falsely question whether he [Obama] was actually born in the United States." Rob correctly pointed out way above that the issue was whether, not where, he was born in the United States, but note the word "falsely". You can't "falsely" question something. You can "stupidly" question it, or you can question it "without any reasonable basis", but asking a question can't be "false". The Times must have a style book requirement to include the word "false" whenever a birther charge is reported.
I think they have a similar rule for dissenting opinions on tax policy, climate change, etc.
I am really shocked at this post by Althouse, which is one of the rare times where she shows her ignorance on a subject.
Ted Cruz - A natural born American by jus sanguinis, not the present Birther specious claim that only someone born on US soil is a bonafide US citizen.
PS, Anne, the Mom, Eleanor Darragh, was born and raised in Delaware.
Born in Canada to a naturalized US citizen of Cuban ancestry and a multi-generation in America, American mother of Irish and Italian descent. Up in Canada doing expat work for a petroleum company. Registered as a US citizen at birth, not Canadian.
Liberals don't like to be called liberals. Apparently some of us who simply want to see a real, at-birth-prepared, certificate cannot bear being called "birthers."
It doesn't bother me, because I think the request for a certified photo of the document, supposedly on file in Hawaii, is not an unreasonable expectation. We have seen nothing but digital fakes - so what does that tell you?
The Democrat press will continue to talk down to us "conspiriacy nuts", but they have already consumed the Kool Aid.
BTW, I see that Google Blogger has abandoned that stupid "protection" stuff before we can publish comments. I thought it was just Althouse until I looked at some other Blogger blogs.
Yep, in a polygamist commune.
Got a problem with that, Jack? I'd love to know why. Why should marriage be limited to 2 people?
"BTW, I see that Google Blogger has abandoned that stupid "protection" stuff before we can publish comments. I thought it was just Althouse until I looked at some other Blogger blogs."
I believe it is an option that Ann opted-out of for the moment.
Pretty sure Obama's father was a polygamist, too. Or maybe a bigamist. Whatever, he was a vibrant Third-Worlder so it's all good.
Yep, in a polygamist commune.
Got a problem with that, Jack?
Who the fuck is Jack?
"Got a problem with that, Jack? I'd love to know why. Why should marriage be limited to 2 people?"
That's for the 2016 election.
Human psychology:
When anyone mentions President Obama's birthplace, and everyone in the media hastens to insist (on the basis of no personal knowledge or evidence, since Obama has never released more than a .pdf copy) that of course Obama was born in the US and it is beyond the pale to even ask for proof, I wonder if that doesn't actually create more doubt about Obama's birthplace?
It just seems to me to quickly acquire one of those "methinks the lady doth protest too mightily" sort of vibes.
Full disclosure: I think the issue of Obama's citizenship stopped mattering the moment he was inaugurated, so I don't care one way or the other.
Stipulating that Obama was born to a bigamist, communist father in the state of Hawaii to a mother who may not have been of the age of majority. . .
Romney clearly loves America.
Obama likes America, but he doesn't like-like America, if you know what I mean. He's not anti-American, more just post-American.
Now, Jake. It was an innocent typo. I'm very sorry.
I'm very curious to know what you find wrong with polygamy, though.
ole jake just throws shit against the wall to see if it sticks, bless his heart.
In 101 posts no one mentions the absolute *abortion* of a pdf file that was posted on the WH website that was purported to be a legal document representing a 'birth certificate'?
God help us all ... we're bigger sucker as a whole than even Joseph Weil took mankind to be ...
Isn't his mother from Kansas?
It's not actually possible to tell where a man was born based on where his parents were born. You might be thinking of trees.
Of course no one hears O's midwestern accent either.
Nor do they hear Romney's French accent; no surprise, since his first time living in France, like Obama's first time living in the midwest, was after college.
yikes, C-4 right, Althouse wrong.
Jack is more descriptive anyway, Darcy.
Too-shay! ;)
"No, it's because Obama is black" - hatboy.
You guys have a deep need to see any opposition to Obama as racist because you bought the whole bill of goods.
The closest precedent is Chester Arthur, whose birthplace is unknown except that he first showed up in an orphanage not that far from the Canadian border.
I guess those people were racists too.
The thing is, President Obama claims to have a Kansas accent he got from his mother.
Heh. Chick. I happen to love the name Jack. That's a fact.
Well, it was placist.
Human Psychology, II:
The way I see it, if you ask an innocuous, normal question, and people absolutely overreact in telling you your normal, innocuous question is horrible, racist, unconscionable, etc...doesn't it make you start to wonder what they are hiding?
There is nothing horrible about asking to see President Obama's birth certificate. It is a requirement, and he did sell himself as Kenyan for years.
The fact that liberals and the media (sorry for the redundancy) react as if you want to impose a nationwide flat tax at 10% just makes normal people think they are afraid of further inquiries on the topic.
Not a smart strategy.
7 Birthers Speaking At The Republican Convention
Why are so many people hung up on Obama's birth certificate, and yet no one asked to see Romney's?
The press did demand to see Romney's, back in 2008 when they were first instructing you that a demand to see Obama's was racist.
Why did no one ask to see Al Sharpton's? Did nobody notice he was black?
Romney's not a birther or racist, he's just pandering to them. It's a dog whistle. Who knows why he feels he has to, as they'd vote for a rotten banana before Obama, anyway.
gadfly, it's a selection in the Blogger template. It can be turned on or off.
you see, gadfly, the blogs gets many more times spam comments as real comments, like your comment, precious thing, so different from spam, that most of them are caught automatically but the spammers are getting more and more clever and the filter is not flawless. My own tiny blog gets at least 15 times as many spam comments as real comments.
"That is utter BS. The birther issue is racist. Get out of your ivory tower."
-- Remember when Congress had to certify that John McCain could be president, even though the whole Panama thing?
Racist, right?
Obama likes America
Obama likes parts of America, specifically those parts that treat him with the adulation he thinks he deserves.
Well, he tolerates those parts at least.
President Obama claims to have a Kansas accent
Yeah, well, President Obama claims a lot of things. :)
Is Romney a birther or a racist?
Who truely knows, but he probably wants their votes.
Riiight...and Obama would of course reject them right? That is if he could tell them apart from all the dead people, illegal immigrants and pets who are going to vote for him...
What we're talking about -- or really just feeling -- is that Obama might not be sufficiently American.
I don't know which is more offensive, rank racism or questioning whether someone is a "real" American because he has different political beliefs from you.
We birthers believe that the Constitution's requirement that the President be a "natural born citizen," simply means that that person must be the offspring of two citizens. This requirement only applies to the President.
Obviously, Barry's father was not a U.S. citizen.
When I wanted to join the military, I had to provide my birth certificate.
The actual paper.
I really doubt they would have accepted a .pdf electronic copy.
Why do liberal progressives always want to exempt the Commander In Chief from the rules the troops have to follow?
Mitt Romney is a funny dude. His birther joke is something I would imagine Greg Marmalard might say about the brothers of Delta Tau. Greg...I mean Mitt needs Neidermeyer now more than ever!
Here is the fun part..
If the Obama campaign takes the bait... and goes off the rails.
Once you use the race card and it blows up in your face... you cant go back to that well again because it will just start to look like the-sky-is-falling-chicken little-we-are-doomed-every-thing-is-racist refrain.
Its a catch 22..
(hopefully I didn't leave out any cliche)
I started to see the whole Obama birther thing differenty after that story about his agent promoting his "Kenyan birth." Obviously at some point in his career he was tacitly approving such a representation.
Yep. He's definitely been working the racial spoils system his entire life. That's why he is where he is today. I white guy with his skills might be a middle manager in a toothpaste company by now.
Is Romney a birther or a racist?
Who truely knows, but he probably wants their votes.
Riiight...and Obama would of course reject them right?
Me thinks Barak would take them....he probably doesn't discriminate.
When I wanted to join the military, I had to provide my birth certificate.
To be fair, though, you didn't have to get elected to the military.
Why do liberal progressives always want to exempt the Commander In Chief from the rules the troops have to follow?
I asked the same thing about conservatives when Bush was authorizing torture.
We birthers believe that the Constitution's requirement that the President be a "natural born citizen," simply means that that person must be the offspring of two citizens.
Too bad your belief has no basis in fact or law (and in fact is contradicted by the 14th amendment). Not to mention that other presidents have had parents who were foreign citizens.
My wife spent about 3 hours today driving into LA to the County Registrar to get my new baby's birth certificate, which the insurance company needed to see for some reason in order to get her on the new insurance.
Why? Because the transaction was done online, we're in a big town where not everyone knows each other, and otherwise the person stamping the forms didn't have any idea who we were or if Vianne was our baby and when she got that status.
Be nice to grow up in a town where everyone knows each other. Means you're grounded in the place. And if I were asking for votes in that place, I'd remind people of that.
Andy R hyperlinked: 7 Birthers Speaking At The Republican Convention
Know what's funny? Andy's little nemesis, the one not invited to speak, flatly stated:
“I believe he was born in Hawaii”
@Lem: I resemble that hyperlink!
I asked the same thing about conservatives when Bush was authorizing torture.
Do not feed the trolls!
It would also be just about physically impossible to be whiter than our baby, so I'm not sure how it's racist to ask someone for their birth certificate.
As my thoughts were canoodling in my head about the possible Obama responses to the birther joke, I was reading one of your comments and your id came in handy.
The thing is, President Obama claims to have a Kansas accent he got from his mother."
Well, it could also have been the accents of his GRANDPARENTS that gave Obama his midwestern accent, which I for one certainly hear. But I guess according to commenters here, he's probably faking it.
I always thought Obama had a classically African face until I saw Stanley Dunham's photo here:
I don't suppose any of you objective viewers see a resemblance.
I have to leave, I'll see you guys when I come back.
Even dumber than birtherism are the arguments why it isn't racist and dumb. If that's possible.
Freder Frederson said...
Why do liberal progressives always want to exempt the Commander In Chief from the rules the troops have to follow?
I asked the same thing about conservatives when Bush was authorizing torture.
It wasn't torture when Pelosi Galore and Dingy Harry signed off on it when they thought their asses were on the line, only when the Lefties were desperate for something they could use to drum up opposition to the campaign in Iraq.
Hawaii was also the front line of America during WWII, so that makes it smack in the heart of our country.
Everyone in his silver-spoon suburb remembers Mitty's birth 'cause daddy was a big wheel at American motors and not some half-breed spawn of a liberal crazy cat-lady and long-dong islam from Ugga-Booga-Land.
Poor John McCain to have been on the receiving end of such vicious racism and to receive -no support what-so-ever in defending him from such vile, vicious racist attacks.- If only we'd been so enlightened then not to devolve to such racism. In the Senate, no less!
I asked the same thing about conservatives when Bush was authorizing torture.
Bush didn't authorize torture.
More people have voluntarily undergone waterboarding to "prove" how inhumane it is than were ever waterboarded to begin with.
What does that mean, do you think?
garage mahal said...
Even dumber than birtherism are the arguments why it isn't racist and dumb. If that's possible.
Why it isn't racist: I don't have that skepticism for Jesse Jackson or Condelezza Rice--they are "real" Americans.
Why it isn't political differences: I don't have that doubt for Bill Ayers or Mitt Romney--they too are "real" Americans in the sense we're talking about here.
Obama just has different birth circumstances. He was also a dual citizen at birth (though he revoked his British citizenship). If you don't understand that latter point you are willfully ignorant or have no immigrants in your own family.
"More people have voluntarily undergone waterboarding to "prove" how inhumane it is than were ever waterboarded to begin with.
What does that mean, do you think?"
Two things. One, it isn't torture and two they are idiots because while not being torture it is unpleasant as hell.
Lot of comments from the left today. Did the syphilis related shutdown of the porn industry free up some time?
Obama just has different birth circumstances.
He was born in an American state, disputed by really no one other than birthers.
"It is either deliberate or terribly incompetent. " "This is either a revolting outrage or shocking incompetence."
Even dumber than birtherism are the arguments why it isn't racist and dumb. If that's possible.
That's the dumbest statement I've read in quite awhile. You know that race card is all worn around the edges. We can tell what it is even before you turn it over.
I think what the Left is trying to say here is that "racism" means "Americanism." It's racist to be unequivocably pro-American.
If you're pro-American you are racist in an international sense. Obama has always struck me as more internationalist than American. He strongly believes in many global objectives--just look at his most strident supporters--they do as well.
garage writes:
He was born in an American state, disputed by really no one other than birthers.
Romney hasn't disputed that--you're trying to Akinize him again--good luck with that!
Nothing funnier than a white bread Wisconsinite calling people racists. Did you move there to avoid blacks or did the blacks move away because of you?
Anyway, it's obviously not racist.
Yes it is. All criticism — in fact, any mention which can't be called adulatory — of Obama is racist. By definition.
You don't want to stand with the racists, do you, Ms. Althouse?
Nothing funnier than a white bread Wisconsinite calling people racists. Did you move there to avoid blacks or did the blacks move away because of you?
I think garage mahal moved to Madison from upstate because he liked the color of money.
Nothing funnier than a white bread Wisconsinite calling people racists. Did you move there to avoid blacks or did the blacks move away because of you?
Interesting you feel that in order to fully understand blacks or white reaction to blacks, you must "live among them".
It's all fun and games until a Republican cracks a joke.
For the record though, I even smirked for Obama's poke at Romney and the windmill on the roof of his car. Almost as much as pleased-with-himself Obama did.
Lighten up folks. We're just getting started.
Looks like Mitt knows what an OODA loop is and is using it against the Obama campaign.Seems someone might be smarter than the elites think.And since I just finished reading "Dreams From My Father" I know someone isn't as smart as the media and he think he is.
I'd just like to remind everyone, Obama eats dogs.
Looks like Mitt knows what an OODA loop is and is using it against the Obama campaign.Seems someone might be smarter than the elites think.And since I just finished reading "Dreams From My Father" I know someone isn't as smart as the media and he think he is.
Mark Lewin.
As in "Maniac" Mark Lewin from Georgia Championship Wrestling circa 1980?
This doesnt really help Rmoney with anyone but the 27%. Kinda stupid. He better hope for a convention bounce.
GRage. No, what is interesting is to see that when yankees move to Atlanta they move as far as possible from where blacks live. Safer to call white southeners racists from their safe white bread enclaves. Kind of like little Wisconsins. That is what is interesting.
gadfly said...
We birthers believe that the Constitution's requirement that the President be a "natural born citizen," simply means that that person must be the offspring of two citizens. This requirement only applies to the President.
Obviously, Barry's father was not a U.S. citizen.
You Birthers are nuts.
Both of Andrew Jackson's parents were born in Ireland.
Hoovers Mom was Canadian.
Etc., etc.
Anne Althouse is dead wrong about Ted Cruz's eligibility.
"I always thought Obama had a classically African face until I saw Stanley Dunham's photo here"
Classically? No. Africans don't look like Americans, as a rule. If he went there, he'd stand out like a sore thumb. It's not necessarily even in the features, it's in the demanor (of the face), as well. Plenty of "black" Americans aren't considered all that black in Africa. Google George Obama and see the difference.
Now, we could look more deeply into why people had these questions about Obama.
No, no, no, no. We know why people have these questions about Obama. What we could look more deeply into is why Romney wanted to raise these questions about Obama.
Romney plays the birther card.
It's not stupid; it will cause the Demos to get all spun up. Whether it is an overall help or not is yet to be seen, but it's not stupid.
kcom said...
"Classically? No. Africans don't look like Americans, as a rule. If he went there, he'd stand out like a sore thumb."
Well kcom is all yours kids. What precisely do Americans look like kcom? Like the Indian image on the old nickle? Like Tonto? Certainly not black?
You racist putz.
Well played by Mitt. In judo when you see your opponent limp or protect a wound you step on it. These chicago pussys wanted a street fight and now they got one. I think the obama crew thinks the MSM mamas will be able to protect them now they are in a fight.
ISn't the expression "ivory tower" racist?
I think the obama crew thinks the MSM mamas will be able to protect them
And you think they can't? I suspect you're wrong. But we'll see in November.
Lindsey Meadows wrote: nickle
Love it!
No, actually, I don't think the MSM can protect their little jug eared jesus. They can't push the narrative around like they used to. Besides, the Romney camp has figured out that no matter what they do they will be branded racist anyway. So BOMBS AWAY!
"You racist putz."
Yes, it makes me a racist to observe that all the friends I have in Africa don't look like the friends I have here. Wow. What a surprise. People from 3000 miles apart don't look the same.
Do you even understand the meaning of the word 'racist'? So many people here don't seem to have a clue, and you're certainly one of them. Inigo Montoya has got a lot of work ahead of him.
I'm back from watching Dinesh D'Souza's movie "2016: Barack Obama's America".
The movie is nothing short of masterful in all regards. Superb writing, cinematography, and narrative.
See it. You will not be disappointed.
My dear fellow I feel so sorry for you that you had to settle for the moniker of Lindsey Meadows....perhaps because Tawana Brawley was already taken?
I and the other colored kids just now got free calzones.
I consider it entirely dishonest, for the media, for anybody, to speak about the birther issue if they do not mention the — basic — fact that (like Willie Horton in 1988) the allegedly divisive issue was brought up not by a conservative or by an allegedly clueless redneck from the hicks, but by a fellow Democrat (Al Gore in '88, Hillary Clinton in 2008) during the primary campaign…
Whether the issue is being brought up by a Democrat or by a conservative, in addition, it is hardly ludicrous to be suspicious of a candidate's place of birth (whatever the color of his skin) when his father was a foreigner and when he spent much of his youth abroad…
Why are there some Americans who doubt the narrative that Barack Hussein Obama was not born in Hawaii, or elsewhere in the United States? After all, noone ever doubted that George W Bush was born in the United States or that John Kerry or Al Gore or Bill Clinton or Bob Dole or Ross Perot were born in the United States.
So, isn't this proof that only Obama's color is the only reason for these nutjobs, these racists, these birthers, to claim, preposterously, that Obama was born abroad — or that he is a Muslim, or a socialist, or indeed a communist?
But then, again, neither George W Bush nor John Kerry nor Al Gore nor Bill Clinton nor Bob Dole nor Ross Perot had a foreigner for a father (or for a mother) nor did they spend numerous years of their childhoods abroad — many years, if not most, of which were in a Muslim country.
Should Allen West, or JC Watts, or Thomas Sowell run for president, noone would ask where they were born or demand to see their their (original) birth certificate as proof. But perhaps that is because those black men are Republicans (proving thereby that conservatives are biased)?
Hardly. That is because those African-Americans (emphasis on the "Americans" part) are known to have grown up in the United States and are known to have had parents who were not foreigners — certainly not at the time of their birth (i.e., if either of the parents was born abroad, he or she had become an American citizen by the time of his or her famous offspring's birth). And indeed, it is the same for left-leaning blacks (as it is for whites, left-leaning of otherwise).
Recall that Jesse Jackson tried running for president twice (in 1984 and 1988), and although he did not manage to become the Democratic Party's candidate, noone suggested that he was born abroad, and that for the simple reason that the Greenville, SC, native did not have a foreigner for a father (or for a mother) nor did he spend numerous years abroad. Similarly, it is unlikely that Al Sharpton (who grew up in Brooklyn) would ever be asked for his birth certificate. Neither Baptist minister would be likely accused of being a Muslim, although both might very well be described as socialists, or as communists — and that, for reasons that, in the final analysis, are pretty valid…
Lord--its going to be long two and a half months til Nov 6---so far the racism card is face up on the table, as is abortion--and the Ds dont seem to be talking about recovery and have to trot out Bubba to talk about the economy. >8% unemployment for over 40 weeks, increasing national debt, and declining levels of citizens net worth--we are certainly on the right economic track--which is why abortion and racism are taking center stage with the Ds
Stupid ploy by Romney. Another distraction.
Hit Obama on his record. On his failure to lead on crucial fiscal and economic issues. On his bullshit predictions. Discarded promises. Economic ignorance.
Every day not pounding on those issues is a day lost.
Gentlemen it was just a slight witticism. Nothing to get all excited about in the scheme of things.
The true birther question was who was Barry's real father? I am sure the Kenyan was only one of the suspects. Perhaps he took the hit so he could get a green card.
After seeing Mitt's comment today it got me thinking someone in the Romney camp has actually read Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals"
RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)
RULE 6: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones. (Radical activists, in this sense, are no different that any other human being. We all avoid “un-fun” activities, and but we revel at and enjoy the ones that work and bring results.)
… the difference between the Truthers and the Birthers is that in the first case, we are being asked to believe
that 1) hundreds, if not thousands, of government officials were approached with a view to conspire to kill thousands of their fellow citizens, all (or most) of them innocent civilians,
that 2) hundreds, if not thousands, of government officials agreed (apparently without a moment of hesitation) to conspire to murder thousands of innocent civilians, and
that 3) none of these hundreds (thousands) of government officials has ever had a single, even fleeting feeling of remorse, or let the cat out of the bag, say while having too much to drink (no remorse?) during a Saturday outing to a local bar.
In the second case, we do not even have a conspiracy, but basically one single man telling a falsehood — although it might even be termed a lie of omission — a lie about what offhand is a personal matter, but has turned into the only thing (allegedly) keeping him from power (Update: google The New York Times' Double Standard on Conspiracy Theories).
Most damning of all, when you pause to think of it, the castigators' proof — if it can be called that — all lies in one fact (beyond the recently released certificate of live birth): and that fact is that Obama is a man, a person whose word should never be doubted, who is capable of no lying, no evil, no chicanery. If he tells you that, say, he is a Christian, then how dare you deny he is a religious man?! How dare you imply that he is a Muslim?! How dare you state he is a socialist?!
The person who ridicules the "Birther" theory as inane has no more proof than the born-in-Hawaii skeptic of where Obama was actually born [or didn't have any more proof until over two years into Obama's presidency]: his only argument — beyond the contention that the certificate of live birth and the newspaper clipping are incontrovertible proof that are not, can not be, fakes, bureaucratic mistakes, or misinterpretations — is the indisputable "truth" that Obama is someone whose honesty should not — should never — be questioned. (Whether in regards to his private life or to his political plans for America's future.)
[Update: As it happens, we would learn in 2012 (over four years after Obama was first a candidate and over three years after he entered the White House) that a "New Book Raises Questions About Obama's Memoir" (The New York Times' Michael Shear) and that, indeed, it turns out that Obama's memories were a "fantasy (like most of the President's own memoir)" (The Daily Mail). Adds Toby Harnden: "'Barack Obama: The Story' by David Maraniss catalogues dozens of instances in which Obama deviated significantly from the truth in his book 'Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance'. The 641-page book punctures the carefully-crafted narrative of Obama’s life."]
When you think about it, it might be less worrying that some do not believe Obama was born in the United States (because of the circumstances linked to his entire childhood, much of it abroad) than that some are utterly convinced he must be born in the United States (because the Chicago pol is allegedly a sainted figure who can do, who can say no evil, who is incapable of or of lying or of falsifying documents). Again, remember the desires of some of his followers who want(ed) the constitution to be changed, only so Obama could win one election after another and end up, in one way or another and in the best of all possible outcomes, as (de facto if not de jure) president-for-life?
It's a Mittstep. He doesn't need to go there, really.
Economy. Jobs. Economy. Jobs. Economy. Jobs.
Even dumber than birtherism are the arguments why it isn't racist and dumb. If that's possible.
Thank God we didn't elect Kerry, that French bastard!
Kidding aside, it would be interesting to see if birtherism would rear its head in the case of a white candidate with a Polish father who had a child with an American woman and then split up.
You are the putz. Africans don't look like American Blacks, even pure-bread African African Americans. Just like white eurotrash-americans don't look like eurotrash white homies.
Body language, diet, dentistry,etc. are all tell-tale signs.
It's not racist when it's simple reality. Don't give the birther-baggers the satisfaction.
And for those of you think this is a blunder or wasted move, how can we be sure Mitt just doesn't want to twist the knife a little after all the garbage obama has thrown at him the last 4 months? The Romney crowd seems to be gas lighting the excitable obama/msm axis to good effect. BOMBS AWAY!
It wasn't the Republicans that hid Obama's school records in Indonesia, Hawaii, Occidental, and Columbia.
What does a natural born citizen mean? I don't know. McCain was born in Panama, to US citizen parents (his father was performing his duty for the Navy. George Romney was born in Mexico (to US citizen parents). That might be enough, or might not.
Obama's mother was too young to give him citizenship, under the laws at the time. His legal father was not a US citizen. His putative birth in the US is the only way he would be a citizen, baring naturalization. Was he adopted by his Indonesian step father? Would that remove his claim to Natural Born Citizen status? I don't know.
NBC may be a term of art that refers to birth citizenship, or a particular designation beyond birth citizenship that would require, say, BOTH parents be citizens, AND be born in the US.
Of course Obama's natural father may have been Frank Marshall Davis, the communist, molestor and pornographer, and considering Obama's mother was underage when she got pregnant, pinning the fatherhood on BH Obama Sr. may have been a way to protect FMD from prosecution.
It wasn't the Republicans that hid Obama's school records in Indonesia, Hawaii, Occidental, and Columbia.
What does a natural born citizen mean? I don't know. McCain was born in Panama, to US citizen parents (his father was performing his duty for the Navy. George Romney was born in Mexico (to US citizen parents). That might be enough, or might not.
Obama's mother was too young to give him citizenship, under the laws at the time. His legal father was not a US citizen. His putative birth in the US is the only way he would be a citizen, baring naturalization. Was he adopted by his Indonesian step father? Would that remove his claim to Natural Born Citizen status? I don't know.
NBC may be a term of art that refers to birth citizenship, or a particular designation beyond birth citizenship that would require, say, BOTH parents be citizens, AND be born in the US.
Of course Obama's natural father may have been Frank Marshall Davis, the communist, molestor and pornographer, and considering Obama's mother was underage when she got pregnant, pinning the fatherhood on BH Obama Sr. may have been a way to protect FMD from prosecution.
"It's just stupid. Talk about entitlements and the economy. Seems like a rookie mistake."
I disagree. See, he wasn't speaking to the nation, he was speaking to that crowd and that specific place. He was saying "I am one of you, and you know it. We share the same values, we share the same upbringing, we share the same vision for our lives and our children's lives". That is what that meant to say, in my opinion.
Oh, this is getting to be so much fun.
There is no place in politics for humor. We're managing to wring all the spontaneity and wit out of our politicians. How dull it will all be when we're forced by killjoys to never smile, never joke, never have fun, never allow our personalities to show.
Isn't this exactly why Mitt has been characterized as dull and staid? Now, he makes a few jokes and there are 195 comments picking it to pieces.
Hey, I laughed when Obama made a cute off the cuff joke. I did, I'm sure I did. When was that exactly?
My dear fellow you are quite right. There is a real question as to who his father might be!
That is why he is always in search for him.
Perhaps it was Leonard Nimoy?
Not really related but has anyone checked to see whether the Democrats sent Joe (born in the USA) Biden to Tampa before they knew there was a chance it would be hit by a hurricane or did they send him after they heard the city and its inhabitants might be swept away?
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