August 31, 2012

"MSNBC pundits said Clint Eastwood’s GOP convention speech Thursday night was a 'bizarre' and 'embarrassing' 'disaster'..."

Key word: MSNBC.
“Clint Eastwood was a disaster,” Lawrence O’Donnell said.

“I thought Clint Eastwood was bizarre,” Ed Schultz said. “It was demeaning to the presidency.”
Ha ha ha. That wasn't even a comedy routine (as Eastwood's performance was).

ADDED: I hope if anyone does any comedy at the Democratic convention that Ed Schultz will be fair and balanced enough to say it demeans the presidency. Maybe he should be a little more concerned about what demeans journalism.

AND: Here's the whole Eastwood performance. Is it really that hard to get? No, they're merely playing dumb (and humorless), even though they want the other party to be known as "the stupid party."

UPDATE: I just rewatched the performance. It was great! Hilarious... subtle... well-paced.... The haters are totally bullshitting and playing dumb (assuming they are not actually dumb). And what they are trying to do is scare other celebrities: Toe the line or we will destroy you. That crushing repression is the opposite of what the performing arts should be about.

ALSO: "Why the criticism and mockery of Clint Eastwood will backfire."


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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

That's funny -- everyone else understands clearly that MSNBC is an embarrassment.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Geez the Obama sycophants cannot handle any criticism towards their lord and savior. It's so tired, it is hilarious.

The sycophants are as thin-skinned as the messiah.

Victor Erimita said...

It must have been a smashing success, then.

Matt said...

Scott Walker said he 'cringed' in an interview this morning. But what does he know? Who listens to him?

traditionalguy said...

Clint Eastwood will still be producing zingers that reach human hearts and minds long after MSNBC dies, has been buried and its digital grave site forgotten.

I often wonder how stupid the media propagandists think we are.

The sad answer is that they believe their own delusions.

Farmer said...

He was pretty awful. I'm a fan, and what he had to say was right on, but he looked and sounded really old. He kept losing his place. And the chair thing was half-baked. His timing was terrible and he couldn't remember his lines. It wasn't Stockdale bad, but it was close.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch praised Eastwood for having the “guts” to work in Hollywood and openly support Romney, but figured the teleprompter must have been on the fritz during his speech.

The teleprompter was part of the Obama sitting reading from the teleprompter.

Hatch didn't get it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Well, ridicule seems to work. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

I wonder whether Clint exaggerated the old guy mannerisms with a purpose. The lefties are reacting with "If you're old and object to BHO, shut-up, you senile fool". That will certainly go over well with the most reliable voting demographic in the US.

DADvocate said...

“It was demeaning to the presidency.”

Duh. It was intended to demeaning to Obama's presidency.

furious_a said...

Lawrence O'Donnell also thinks "PGA Tour" is code for "Black".

"These people reach..." Que funny.

Shouting Thomas said...

One of my favorite lines ever in a movie, from "Unforgiven", uttered by Little Bill as the cowboys try to storm the whorehouse:

There ain't no whore's gold!

Of course, this proves to be false. There is, indeed, a cache of whore's gold. This is a truth that you would do well to remember.

Eastwood is wise in ways that most of us cannot imagine.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

You can smell the fear.

dreams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

“I thought Clint Eastwood was bizarre,” Ed Schultz said. “It was demeaning to the presidency.”

What was the Barackness Monster I wander?

DADvocate said...

The Farmer is a "fan" but finds poor, old Clint "pretty awful." Following The Farmers description pages, it appears he's a raging liberal trying to appear reasoinable.

And, what's with your gawd awful picture? I hope that's from the 70s.

Andy said...

After a Gunslinger Cuts Loose, Romney Aides Take Cover

TAMPA, Fla. — Clint Eastwood’s rambling and off-color endorsement of Mitt Romney on Thursday seemed to startle and unsettle even the candidate’s own top aides, several of whom made a point of distancing themselves from the decision to put him onstage without a polished script.

“Not me,” said an exasperated-looking senior adviser, when asked who was responsible for Mr. Eastwood’s speech. In late-night interviews, aides variously called the speech “strange” and “weird.” One described it as “theater of the absurd.”

Finger-pointing quickly ensued, suggesting real displeasure and even confusion over the handling of Mr. Eastwood’s performance, which was kept secret until the last minute and offered an off-key message on the night that Mr. Romney accepted the Republican presidential nomination.

shiloh said...

Rhetorical question: Who's getting more airtime today? Dirty Harry or mittens?

I yield back the balance of my time to Althouse cons attacking the messenger instead of the message. As per usual.

Amartel said...

I can't wait for the gaffe-a-thon that will be the DNC convention.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

After Clint said this about Biden..

“We all know Biden is the intellect of the Democratic Party. He’s just kind of a grin with a body behind it.”

I'm certain the entire on-air hacks at the joke network collectively piddled their pants.
Dang. How to spin that as racism?

Tim said...

"Maybe he should be a little more concerned about what demeans journalism."

Since when have whores ever cared about their reputations?

DGarr said...

How many ways can one say, "mistake"?
Republican convention went off the rails with this one.

Is this a taste of what Republican good judgment looks like?
What the hell were they thinking?

This was the last night of the Republican convention.
And we are given this?

I love Clint Eastwood.
But only managed to feel sorry for him.
And to feel sorry for the poor bozo who talked the convention committee into this stunt.

DGarr said...

How many ways can one say, "mistake"?
Republican convention went off the rails with this one.

Is this a taste of what Republican good judgment looks like?
What the hell were they thinking?

This was the last night of the Republican convention.
And we are given this?

I love Clint Eastwood.
But only managed to feel sorry for him.
And to feel sorry for the poor bozo who talked the convention committee into this stunt.

Shouting Thomas said...

A completely unsourced article from the NYT, Andy Santorum, which as I've pointed out has been quite vindictive and spiteful in its coverage of the Romney campaign.

Yeah, I believe that.

chickelit said...

Ars gratia artis - Art for art's sake - the old MGM signature.

My take is that art grates arses like MSNBC pundits, not to mention Andy R's.

dreams said...

Clint struck a nerve. I was worried where he was going and if it would turn out ok. After the reaction of Tom Brokaw and the other like-minded piles of liberal wussy, I'm think it help Romney, it sure doesn't hurt.

Tom Spaulding said...

Matt said...
Scott Walker said he 'cringed' in an interview this morning. But what does he know? Who listens to him?

He's probably minutes away from indictment and this is some preemptory plea deal in which he had to feign offense at the public skewering BHO so richly deserved.

But I'd need an update from GM to verify the indictment thingy.

Astro said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

"He kept losing his place."

The report I read this morning was that he discarded his prepared speech and was speaking ex tempore. It did sound like he was hesitating but the results were good. The aides who were distancing themselves will never see 1% of the money Clint has made speaking lines. Some of them ad libbed.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

So let see if I have this right..

Eastwood spoke off the cuff and Romney allowed this to happen.

Oh.. the humanity... ladies and gentlemens.

furious_a said...

Peggy Noonan, who knows a thing or two about conventions and speechmaking, liked it: Clint Eastwood was funny, endearing—"Oprah was crying"—and carries his own kind of cultural authority. "It's time for somebody else to come along and solve the problem." He was free-form, interesting—you didn't quite know what was going to come next—strange and, in the end, kind of exhilarating. Talk about icons. The crowd yelling, "Make my day," was one of the great convention moments, ever."

chickelit said...

DGarr shows duplicity...

Tim said...

The failed hat mannequin links to the New York Times because, why?

It only confirms the Liberal talking point.

As if anyone needed confirmation as to what the Liberal talking point might be...

shiloh said...

Bless Peggy Noonan's little heart!

ricpic said...

Go ahead, O'Donnell and Schultz, make our day by exposing your petty inability to grant that Eastwood did a great job at selling what you don't like.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I love Clint Eastwood.


I love old people.

Dose of Sanity said...

My favorite thing about today? Everyone feeling the need to defend Clint Eastwood's speech instead of talking at all about Romney's.

Such is the world we live in!

Amartel said...

All these statements are true. It was a disaster, for Obama and the DNC, it was bizarre, in that it was so unpolished and in contrast to the other more politic speeches, and it was demeaning to the presidency of Barack Obama.

Helpful Hint for the Screeching Progressive Borg: You can compound this bizarre and uncivil disaster by continuing to whine about stupid demented old people. Old people love hearing stuff like that!

jungatheart said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

shilho said...
Rhetorical question: Who's getting more airtime today? Dirty Harry or mittens?

Eastwood is because Romney is in Lousiana. The press will wait for POTUS to show before they flood the airwaves.

Tim said...

"He's probably minutes away from indictment and this is some preemptory plea deal in which he had to feign offense at the public skewering BHO so richly deserved.

But I'd need an update from GM to verify the indictment thingy."

I'm guessing Walker has already been indicted (for months now, don'cha know?) but it's been under seal for that time too, and it's just a matter of time...

Shouting Thomas said...

My favorite thing about today? Everyone feeling the need to defend Clint Eastwood's speech instead of talking at all about Romney's.

There was nothing to defend or attack.

Romney said he was a competent and experienced manager, and that was about it.

jungatheart said...

From 9-10:30 I switched away to watch Project Runway. I'm afraid to watch the Clint thing...should I be?

Tim said...

"I'm afraid to watch the Clint thing...should I be?"

No, of course not.

Watch it, and make up your own mind.

Alex said...

I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. Gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it...

Dose of Sanity said...


Ouch. That's pretty rough on poor Romney.

Alex said...

Look it was bizarre, but cut the old man some slack. How many of you are going to even make it to 82, much less without a walker?

Dose of Sanity said...

Also, as a big Clint Eastwood fan, how the hell did he pass up the chance to do a "Good/Bad/Ugly" with Romney/Obama/Biden or whoever. Too easy, or what?

ricpic said...

You didn't feel sorry for Clint, DGarr, the palpable love connection between Eastwood, the delegates and a huge swath of the viewing public has you scared shitless and rightfully so.

Shouting Thomas said...

Ouch. That's pretty rough on poor Romney.

I thought it was the right thing for Romney to say.

We don't need ideology or grand visions right now.

We need a competent manager.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Steve Schmidt. Now there's a guy you can trust.

Dose of Sanity said...

@ Alex - I don't blame Clint at all. But who the hell thought putting an 82 year old up on stage with an empty chair would be a good idea? Adlibbing no less.

p.s. This obviously isn't the first "empty chair" bit this year - wasn't there a cnn guy who went crazy when someone didn't show up on his show or something? Didn't lots of people from this site mock that?

shiloh said...

chicky, I'm talkin' about cable news discussion and con talk radio airtime.

Rumor has it last night was supposed to be mittens hour to shine and yet the aftermath buzz has been more about a confused Hollywood icon.

btw, Clint's favorability has jumped 10 pts. lol

Alex said...

When a man with a .45 meets a man with a rifle, the man with a pistol will be a dead man. That's an old Mexican Proverb...and it's true.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You want to know what this is about?

Democrats are so used to seeing Obama scripted speaches.. when they see someone off the cuff they have an alergic reaction.

Larry J said...

I missed the first part of Clint's performance and was suprised when I first saw it. It looked like he was channeling Jimmy Stewart for a while. Instead of using an empty chair, he could've used an empty suit on a rack to say the same thing - Obama is the Emperor with No Clothes, a fraud.

While the perforance was surprising, it was effective. Obama has already tweeted a picture of the back of an oversized chair with his back to the camera saying the seat is occuppied. All it does is make him look small and petty. He isn't used to being ridiculed.

Meanwhile, Romney is getting inside of Obama's OODA loop by going to Louisanna today. Obama is being forced to cancel a campaign trip to Ohio next Monday and go to Louisanna himself.

Shouting Thomas said...

Ouch. That's pretty rough on poor Romney.

I thought it was the right thing for Romney to say.

We don't need ideology or grand visions right now.

We need a competent manager.

Saint Croix said...

It was a disaster, for Obama and the DNC, it was bizarre, in that it was so unpolished and in contrast to the other more politic speeches, and it was demeaning to the presidency of Barack Obama.

That's exactly right, and it's why Republican politicians didn't like the speech, either. He was mocking the whole idea of the importance of government. He was belittling them, all of them.

Eastwood didn't even attempt to give a speech, in the classic sense. He was rude, he was funny. "Every couple of years they come around and try to get money from us."

"They're our employees. If it's not working out, time to go. No big deal."

He had very nice things to say about the American people. But Clint Eastwood shit all over Washington D.C. and the political class.

It was awesome.

dreams said...

"Well, ridicule seems to work. Keep it up."

Its sure does work against Republicans which is why the whole liberal media, liberal culture is so bad for conservative Republicans.

Alex said...

It was a pure libertarian speech, not something most GOPers wanted to hear.

StoughtonSconnie said...

I cringed when I watched it live, but in seeing the reaction by the left, and especially by the Won, I'm seeing that this forced the Obama team into an error. Obama's "my chair" tweet response was, at best, childish. The top of the ticket should never, ever respond to attacks from the undercard, because it brings him down to the level of the accuser. You leave the counter-punch to the VP. Of course, Slow Joe is probably still trying to figure out how Clint Eastwood managed to convince Obama to come out on stage with him last night, and how they made Obama invisible.

Paul said...

"The sycophants are as thin-skinned as the messiah."

Because they are just as weak and insecure.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Larry J said... "While the perforance was surprising, it was effective. Obama has already tweeted a picture of the back of an oversized chair with his back to the camera saying the seat is occuppied. All it does is make him look small and petty. He isn't used to being ridiculed.

That image of Obama reminds me when, back during the MA special election, the pro-democrat media referred to the Senate Seat in MA as "Teddy Kennedy's seat".
Scott Brown brilliantly reminded the pro-democrat media that actually, NO - "It's the people's seat".

No Obama – That chair does not belong to you.

Robert said...

Almost every media outlet in the US and Canada called it 'bizarre'. They must have all got the same instructional email.

Hagar said...

Seeing the reaction from the left, Eastwood's skit must have been better than I thought it was, watching it.
I guess how you take it depends on where your tender spots are.

chickelit said...

Andy R quotes: TAMPA, Fla. — Clint Eastwood’s rambling and off-color endorsement of Mitt Romney on Thursday seemed to startle and unsettle even the candidate’s own top aides, several of whom made a point of distancing themselves from the decision to put him onstage without a polished script.

Whoever spoke in Eastwood's "mystery time slot" was going to get Palinized--remember?

Now if only garage mahal would show and fulfill my prophesy: link.

Ironclad said...

It wasn't just MSNBC. I was watching the live feed from NBC and Andrea Mitchel looked like she had eaten a persimmon after Clint spoke. She was in shock that someone from Hollywood had the nerve to say those things, as well as the fact that it hit home.

She called it "Bizarre". I actually wondered if she meant herself. Brian Williams quickly cut away and went to a commercial.

Anonymous said...

I am no fan (obvious) of Mitten and I'm less than enthralled with President Obama although push come to shove, I'll go his way.

The point Shultz was making, albeit badly, was there is or should be, some decorum surrounding the Presidency. You may not like the guy in office but he is the President.

I don't like the last name business when referring to President Obama and as much as I though President Bush was poison, I always said "President" Bush when he was in office and would strive to say that about Mr. Romney if he is elected.

I'm not humorless (like many here think) but there is a time for humor and a time not for humor but all in all, respect to the office should be a given. Both of these guys are exceptional men, smart, very quick, and capable. When you reach this level of support, you can't help but be.

Just show the office the respect it deserves.

Shouting Thomas said...

Still haven't watched the Clint bit.

I'll watch it tomorrow morning, before I head off to the gig.

gerry said...

"Viewers who found the speech peculiar (mainly those in academia, entertainment, and media, I’d wager) may have done so because Eastwood used a theatrical device in the service of the wrong script… from their point of view and according to their expectations. As a thought experiment, they should imagine some other actor’s using the exact same gimmick at the Democrat National Convention, with a non-present Mitt Romney."

(Via Instapundit)

Shouting Thomas said...

The point Shultz was making, albeit badly, was there is or should be, some decorum surrounding the Presidency. You may not like the guy in office but he is the President.

Hilarious. I remember well the decorum afforded President Bush.

Lindsey, you are a laugh riot.

Alex said...

Where was the media when the left was making films about assassinating Dubya?

tacotaco said...

this blog is a humorless joke. CHILL OUT.

garage mahal said...

I'm in Clint's camp on this one. Leave him alone.

Darcy said...

It's true that Eastwood mocked ALL politicians. I loved that part, too.
Very genuine. He came across as a concerned citizen there to just provide some straight talk with gentle humor. Which he did.

I really think the Democrats mock his performance at their peril.

It was refreshing and endearing. Like listening to my dad.

chickelit said...

Lindsey objects: Just show the office the respect it deserves.

"Novis Ordos Decorum" is on the currency these days.

Shouting Thomas said...

Let's give Lindsey some well deserved credit.

This is the first time she shucked the hipster "I'm the first woman in the history of the world to get laid" routine.


chickelit said...

garage mahal said...
I'm in Clint's camp on this one. Leave him alone.

Darcy said...
It's true that Eastwood mocked ALL politicians. I loved that part, too.

Hugs all around!

Bruce Hayden said...

At first, I was fairly uncomfortable with Eastwood's "speech". I saw an octogenarian, whom we all loved, acting his age. But, then, I started listening to what he was actually saying, and it was some of the most biting and cutting commentary of the convention, but said in such an unconfrontational way.

In retrospect, I think that it was well done. Maybe 10 years ago, he could have done better. But, he managed to slip the knife a surprising number of times, in such a way that you almost missed it. Totally understated, but I think effective, and esp. given how the left is going ape shit over his performance.

Alex said...

Clint doesn't need your sympathy, he'll still kick your ass from his wheelchair.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Clint was not disrespecting the office of the presidency. He was insulting Obama, the current occupant. The left simply cannot abide any criticism of Obama.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

fixed. holy cow.

Jaske said...

Lindsey Meadows said... "Both of these guys are exceptional men, smart, very quick, and capable."

"I think I'll just have casual sex tonight. After Romney, I couldn't possibly feel more violated (or bored)."

Known Unknown said...

Andy Santorum

What do you get when you Google his name?

ajcjw said...

I'm convinced Eastwood was purposely acting like your cranky old uncle, the one whose harmless verbal rambling suddenly veers into devastating zingers.

I loved it when he used the slicing finger-across-the-throat gesture to accompany the line about if you can't do the job it's time to go. He's a masterful actor/director and nothing he did last night was unintentional. I don't feel sorry for him because he's 82 years old, I'm awed by him.

Darcy said...

Hugs all around!

I'm in! :)

Tom Spaulding said...

leslyn said...
It was weird. And kinda sad.

8/31/12 2:20 PM

You spelled "sadly true" wrong.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Andrea Mitchell. lol.

Anonymous said...

Ed Schultz needs to grow thicker skin

Shouting Thomas said...

Andy Santorum

What do you get when you Google his name?

No, I am referring to his hatred of Rick Santorum, and my comment that, while Andy exists on the flip side of the political spectrum, he exhibits precisely the same behavior.

He's an intolerant moral scold, constantly preaching that other people are sinners.

In other words, Andy Santorum is precisely what he thinks he hates.

Thorley Winston said...

Geez the Obama sycophants cannot handle any criticism towards their lord and savior. It's so tired, it is hilarious.

Ironically back in 2008, I remember a number of people saying that one of the pluses of having elected the first black President was that it would somewhat mute the professional grievance mongers who insist that everything is about race/gender/whatever.

How well did that work out?

Thorley Winston said...

Almost every media outlet in the US and Canada called it 'bizarre'. They must have all got the same instructional email.

JournoList 2.0 must be up and running.

Darcy said...


Crazy like a fox. Yes. It was a very softened "Walt Kowalski".

Dave said...

One of many reports from the world press:

"The "Go fuck yourself!" Angry Old Man"

Clint Eastwood (82) in just a few minutes has succeeded in Tampa to diminish his first-class reputation as a director and actor into some kind of semi-demented Dirty Harry to be committed to a nursing home for Dirty Old Men....." translated from Welt Online, 31.8.12

Jim in PA said...

I watched that speech live and even now I have no idea what to make of it. Bizarre is not an inaccurate statement. I think that a month from now the only think that anyone will remember is that to Clint Eastwood - a silent, respected icon spanning three generations - President Obama is a complete joke.

Alex said...

Honestly the amount of fucks given about fatty mcFATTY Schultz talking trash about Eastwood:


Alex said...

Clint is retired anyways, so he doesn't give a fuck about being blackballed.

The Crack Emcee said...

I thought Clint Eastwood was the best speaker of the whole convention.

Most of it was tedious, if you're familiar with either public speaking or political conventions,..

Anonymous said...


It was weird. And kinda sad.

I agree. O'Donnell and Schultz should be ashamed of their commentary.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Lindsey Meadows said...

The point Shultz was making, albeit badly, was there is or should be, some decorum surrounding the Presidency. You may not like the guy in office but he is the President.

You mean like all the respect liberals showed the office when Chimpy McBushitler was President? You mean that kind of respect?

wyo sis said...

Casual sex equals violated and bored.
She got that part of it right.
Too bad she missed the good stuff. Really good political speech is exciting and stimulating in it's own way and people who only get excited and stimulated by sex talk will never understand that.
The power of ideas. The power of lives lived well. The power of doing right things for the right reasons. There is a whole world not accessed through sex organs. How limited can people get?

Richard Dolan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...

Anybody who complains about someone being "old" should be locked up and hid away at the age of 55.

Or maybe we can start some kind of Logan's Run scenario?

Or better yet - wait - there is no better yet:


dreams said...

"Clint is retired anyways, so he doesn't give a fuck about being blackballed."

He is in a soon to be released new movie.

chickelit said...

Eastwood's performance was chanelling more of his character in Gran Torino than his spaghetti western or Dirty Harry ones. The press and the Academy hated Gran Torino and snubbed it at the Oscars in 2008.

Gemirish said...

I have a feeling that in coming years we will look back to Eastwood's admittedly strange performance as the beginning of the end for Obama. It has become easy to ridicule the O because it has been effectively done by an old dodderer through a series of memorable phrases, which I am sure we will continue to hear.

Farmer said...

DADvocate said...
The Farmer is a "fan" but finds poor, old Clint "pretty awful." Following The Farmers description pages, it appears he's a raging liberal trying to appear reasoinable.

That's not my profile page, Poirot.

And, what's with your gawd awful picture? I hope that's from the 70s.

I was jealous of Chip and bagoh's kick-ass moustaches so I lifted a photo of an old British soccer player with a great moustache from some web page and then posted it on my profile so I could feel like a big man. I don't know if he was a liberal. Probably; he looks shifty. There. You've outed me. I hope you feel good about yourself now.

furious_a said...

Shiloh: I'm talkin' about cable news discussion and con talk radio airtime.

The Palace Media (and besides, who watches MSLSD anyway) are busy screeching about Eastwood instead of doing their crowdsourced oppo-research for the Obama campaign. The radio talkers are pumped up. So it's all good.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

love Clint Eastwood.
But only managed to feel sorry for him.

I kept wanting to reach out and smooth that cowlick on the top of his head.

The speech was great. It was funny. It wasn't a canned political speech by someone who has to be super careful or else they won't get votes. Clint doesn't need votes. It won't harm his career in Hollywood either.

It poked fun at Obama. Punctured Obama's inflated ego as evidenced by his childish "see me in my big important chair tweet". I had to laugh when I read a comment that said it looked like the back of Alfred E Newman's Head.

Baron Zemo said...

I fear I have to agree with Ms. Tawana and we should indeed give Mr. Fetchit all the respect he deserves.

He has earned it by the respect he has shown the American people.

Unknown said...

"Just show the office the respect it deserves.", says Lindsey Meadows.

Yes, like publishing a picture of your ears wagging over the top of a Big Important Chair in response to some wisecracks by an octogenarian movie actor.

gerry said...

Ed Schultz needs to grow thicker skin.

Ed Schultz needs to grow a thicker brain.

Richard Dolan said...

Jon Stewart could learn a thing or two from the old man's performance, especially how to deliver a real zinger for maximum effect. Eastwood was off-beat and funny and the crowd loved it. Is there really anyone who would have rather listened to another pol making another pol-speech?

As fot the Dems, they wouldn't be braying so loudly if Eastwood's routine hadn't drawn lots of blood. With them, it's always best to make them the butt of the joke, as Eastwood did, because it drives them berserk. The lefty talking heads were all explosing last night -- might pretty sight too.

Personal favorite: Joe Biden as the intellectual leader of the Dems. Just wonderful -- brutally cutting without being completely nasty. And something any Dem who has even the slightest pretense to intelligence will take as the unkindest cut of all. It makes Biden's speech next week a must-watch (to say nothing of the debate with Ryan).

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Saint Croix said...

"He had very nice things to say about the American people. But Clint Eastwood shit all over Washington D.C. and the political class.

It was awesome."

Heh. So true. Another reason the left are sad and perplexed.

Explains perfectly their How dare you! response.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Just show the office the respect it deserves.

I like the new moderate Lindsey.

chickelit said...

Another thing about Gran Torino vs. say MILK was that Clint used real, untested actors for most parts. That's another thing the press and the Academy hated.

The Republicans showed America a whole bunch of new faces this year. Do the Dems have anything new to offer?
We shall see.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

My favorite thing about today? Everyone feeling the need to defend Clint Eastwood's speech instead of talking at all about Romney's.

@ Dose....well, since the title of this blog post and the subject is Clint's speech, those of us who can concentrate on the subject at hand ARE discussing Clint's speech.

I know.....sticking with the subject and having a logical train of thought is difficult for you guys...but do try to keep up. M'kay??

Chip Ahoy said...

I need a segue.

These opinions are stupid. Would you like to hear another stupid thing? Okay, goes like this:

I just now thought of a comic series based on the Romney 'look.' That look must be trademarked. The look is tilted head, closed mouth, largely expressionless save for dismay tinged with sympathy. Like Jack Benny.

frame 1. Daddy we were playing with matches and accidentally burned down the neighbor's barn. The look.

frame 2. Daddy I'm marrying Rochester. The look.

frame 3. Honey, I accidentally drove over the gardener. The look.

frame 4. Sir, Karzai's motorcade was bombed but Karzai survived. The look.

Anonymous said...

Tyrone Slothrop said...
"You mean like all the respect liberals showed the office when Chimpy McBushitler was President? You mean that kind of respect?"

When I wrote for anything tht was viewed in the public I wrote President Bush out of respect for the office.

I can't help what you called him. I don't think it is a good idea to name call like that. You should be ashamed.

Dave said...

What happened to the party that claims to defend "family values"? Bishop Romney's convention presented an endorsement in prime time with a vulgar "laugh line" as tone deaf as Aiken's "legitimate rape" or Limbaugh's "slut" comments.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Has anybody seen Lindsey and Leslyn together at the same time?

I have a theory.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Bruce Hayden's comment is exactly the reaction both my wife and I had last night. It was brilliant, but if you don't see it we can't help you see it. You just have to be able to absorb the work as the master does it. Watch it again, Libs.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

That's not my profile page, Poirot

LOL! Inspector Closeau would have been funnier.

furious_a said...

Shiloh: I'm talkin' about cable news discussion and con talk radio airtime.

The Palace Media (and besides, who watches MSLSD anyway) are busy screeching about Eastwood instead of doing their crowdsourced oppo-research for the Obama campaign. The radio talkers are pumped up.

We'll know more when they tote up last nignt's ratings, but so far it's all good.

furious_a said...

What happened to the party that claims to defend "family values"?

I know, last night Paul Ryan's kids were up WAY past eleven.

dreams said...

Tom Brokaw is Clint's friend. Be careful liberal pile of pussy Brokaw for Eastwood just might make your day.

Unknown said...

"When I wrote for anything tht was viewed in the public I wrote President Bush out of respect for the office", says Lindsey Meadows.

And did you write anything to be viewed by the public that admonished the slingers of the ChimpyHalliburtonMcHitler epithets?

kcom said...

"I'm afraid to watch the Clint thing...should I be?"

I read lots and lots of comments about it before I finally watched it from the link a few minutes ago. From what I'd read, I was half-expecting copious drool and a cane and a vacant stare. Instead, what I saw was a man who has obviously aged but not lost his ability to hold an audience. He got genuine heartfelt laughs. And while I, too, thought he was fumbling for lines at some points, I finally caught on that that was part of the shtick. What he was doing was "listening" to (for Lindsey: President) Obama's replies and hemming as he considered them. You'll notice, he always followed those instances up with a zinger. Yes, it was a performance, not a speech, and you should definitely watch it.

tiger said...

Well, it had already started when I heard it on the radio driving home and didn't recognize Clint's voice for about five minutes.

It was a HOOT!

Yeah, Clint's old and not as focused as he might have been but so what?

After all the crap said by the Left about Bush - he's a Nazi/the village idiot/ a coke addict and having a movie made about his murder - Eastwwood let Obama off easy.

DADvocate said...

That's not my profile page, Poirot.

Hmmm. Still, you don't sound genuine, which is why I was suspicious to begin with. However, I'm glad you're familar with Agatha Christie. I've read just about all her books.

English soccer player. LOL. (And, thank God.) That makes the pix great although I wouldn't be jealous of Chip or bagoh's pix. Crooked hat Jay has the coolest pix of all. None of us can compete with that look.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

When Clint tempered the applause by saying, "Save some for Mitt!" you knew it wasn't going to be a "speech."

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm in Clint's camp on this one. Leave him alone.

You know garage, you deleted your avatar... was it so as to pass under the radar?

See? now people are not going to see your human side.. they just going to think you are the guy that put the dog on the roof of the car ;)

garage mahal said...

We'll know more when they tote up last nignt's ratings, but so far it's all good.

According to the nets, 25m viewers, 15m fewer than McCain's acceptance speech. But that may be a positive.

tiger said...

shiloh said...
Rhetorical question: Who's getting more airtime today? Dirty Harry or mittens?

I yield back the balance of my time to Althouse cons attacking the messenger instead of the message. As per usual.

Hi, Shithole! How YOU doin'?

DADvocate said...

LOL! Inspector Closeau would have been funnier.

No, Poirot hit it on the head. English soccer player, English author with French detective. Both the soccer player and detective have funny mustaches. I don't think Christie had a moustache until her later years.

test said...

Lindsey Meadows said...
I don't think it is a good idea to name call like that. You should be ashamed.

So now leftists who gratuitously use sexually degrading language to others are also lecturing on propriety.

The ability to maintain such a delusional self-image hints at mental illness.

Aridog said...

Shouting Thomas said... We don't need ideology or grand visions right now...We need a competent manager.

Please, from your lips to G-d's ears. I truly hope the majority of the electorate understands that.

garage mahal said ... I'm in Clint's camp on this one. Leave him alone.

Thank you. That's good strategy, manners, and comprehension of the public image of Eastwood.

That, and thanks, from me ...I am r-e-a-l-l-y tired of this "old man" shit the media is spewing. I am an old man, and funny thing, all we old fucks still actually vote. One side making us cranky isn't very bright.

Lindsey Meadows said......I'm less than enthralled with President Obama although push come to shove, I'll go his way.

Which is the same thing as continuing to dig when in a deep hole.

I've been hesitant about Romney, whose national governance capability is yet to be proven. Meanwhile, Obama has amply proven he has no governance capability. Good grief, even with the majority in both houses he had for two years, he couldn't even get a budget passed. He's can't manage squat.

Guess which I will vote for, just on those points alone?

PS: I am a retired military and "Fed" , so please don't try to tell me about federal budgets and what the lack of them means or doesn't mean.

tiger said...

shiloh said...
Bless Peggy Noonan's little heart!

Now, now, Shithole, don't go using code words...

Megthered said...

He ad-libbed the whole thing. He wasn't working from a script. He said what was on his mind, and if I can do that at 82, I hope it sounds half as good.

ad hoc said...

I was taken aback last night when I watched him; mostly because it was not the "conventional" convention speech. But having rewatched it this afternoon, knowing what to expect this time, I thought it pretty effective. Especially the line about how politicians are our employees (not out betters), and that people (republican, democrat, libertarian) are the reason America is great.

Clint may have rambled last night, but he still managed land his punches. Pretty well from all the crying today.

Farmer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

shiloh said...
Rhetorical question: Who's getting more airtime today? Dirty Harry or mittens?

Answer: Obama. He's the butt of both men's barbs.

Call all this an exception to the old Hollywood saw that "there's no such thing as bad publicity."

Obama's get publicity today from all fronts, and I don't think he would consider it good.

tiger said...

Alex said...
It was a pure libertarian speech, not something most GOPers wanted to hear.

What do you base this on?

The trouble with Libertarians are their extreme views such has all drugs legalized for OTC purchase and no foreign policy; positions that ignorant, ill-formed and have no bearing in the real world.

Farmer said...

DADvocate said...
Hmmm. Still, you don't sound genuine, which is why I was suspicious to begin with.

Or maybe I'm just a little too real for you.

shiloh said...

Steve Kornacki just mentioned the Dems should counter Rowdy Yates w/Sue Ann Nivens er Rose Nylund er Elka Ostrovsky er ...

Betty White!

Hey, she's older, female and more important ~ coherent and funny! :)

bgates said...

some decorum surrounding the Presidency

Obama can't even keep his goddamn feet off the furniture in the Oval Office. Oop - not supposed to use his last name, apparently. And of course the middle name's been off-limits forever. Should I just call him Barack? Biden likes to call him Barack. How's that for decorum? How, in general, is Joe Biden for decorum? And how does the selection of Joe Biden for the office of Vice President of the United States reflect on Obama's concern for decorum?

n.n said...

The JournoLists demand respect for themselves and their preferred interests, and offer none in return. Surely they are not surprised when people reciprocate in kind. Then again, perhaps they are confounded. Their kind conceives of "progress" as denigrating individual dignity and devaluing human life. They believe that involuntary exploitation and selective liberty represents progress. They live in a manufactured reality which is being rejected by the people.

edutcher said...

It really has been a bad week for the Lefties.

If they'd laughed it off, the whole thing would have passed, but, to get as huffy as Choom did, only shows the thin skin and laughable insecurity of our media brahmins.

PS The only thing he's done that I really liked was with Mr Favor.

Anonymous said...

garage mahal said...
"According to the nets, 25m viewers, 15m fewer than McCain's acceptance speech. But that may be a positive."

I totally agree. He would have lost even more ground if more folks had seen it.

shiloh said...

"Answer: Obama"

It's better to be talked about than not talked about at all. ~ Oscar Wilde

MadisonMan said...

So was he the TBA that was in the program?

Did his teleprompter go out? I've seen reports that it did, which would explain his delivery -- unpolished.

I wonder if it's a case a being a bit different in person than over the TV.

I'm not sure -- in hindsight -- that him being there was a good idea. But I note MSNBC is complaining about this, and not about anything Mitt said. Tacit agreement, can I assume?

Known Unknown said...

I totally agree. He would have lost even more ground if more folks had seen it.

One rule of thumb whenever I comment on blogs is to attempt to not claim things I have no clue about.

At least when offering up an opinion, I'll usually frame it as such.

AF said...

I know right? That Clint Eastwood speech was AWESOME!! Lucid, insightful, and not at all an embarrassment.

Anyone who says otherwise is a blinkered partisan lefty and an ageist bigot also. But I'm being redundant; all lefties are blinkered and all bigots are lefties.

Anonymous said...


The trouble with Libertarians are their extreme views such has all drugs legalized for OTC purchase and no foreign policy

Because as we all know that alcohol prohibition was fantastic, so a whole host of other things should be prohibited as well, despite those things being legal for most of the existence of the US. But what the hell, I'm just an ill-informed rube.

As for no foreign policy, this is a joke or purposefully not understanding libertarian positions. And you call others ill-informed.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Who's getting more airtime today? Dirty Harry or mittens?

Coincidence or Confirmation that, in the words of Mark Halperin - "I think the press still likes this story (Mitts tax returns) a lot. The media is very susceptible to doing what the Obama campaign wants."

So its not surprising to hear them singing from the same sheet of note.

rhhardin said...

Eastwood's speech seems clear to me, probably helped by only hearing it and not watching.

It doesn't even seem old man-ish.

It's his side of an low-key ordinary-register conversation with Obama, about no hard feelings but we have to let you go.

tiger said...

Lindsey Meadows said...
The point Shultz was making, albeit badly, was there is or should be, some decorum surrounding the Presidency. You may not like the guy in office but he is the President.

I don't usually get this wound-up but...
You're a fucking hypocritical POS.

Where the FUCK were you and your 'sense of decorum' for EIGHT YEARS of Bush being called a 'Nazi', 'the village idiot' and being portrayed as a coke addict and draft dodger and his wife as a murdering drunk?

You are one of the least serious people around here;right down there with that idiot 'shithole', I mean, 'shiloh'.

You make no comments when it comes to YOUR party treating the POTUS with distain but become upset when it's your guy.

You say it's 'Freedom of Speech' when your side does it but it's disrepectful when the other side rips your guy.

You're a clown.

Serious, GFY.

test said...

tiger said...
The trouble with Libertarians are their extreme views such has all drugs legalized for OTC purchase and no foreign policy; positions that ignorant, ill-formed and have no bearing in the real world.

This is like saying the trouble with conservatives is their extreme views that the income tax is unconstitutional, wars are good for the US, and that Hollywood movie releases should be subject to approval by a council of religious appointees.

Anonymous said...


Betty White is more important that Clint Eastwood? Really? Can you name any movie, or any show, she has done that is in the same league as most of Clint's stuff? Her big claim to fame is Golden Girls, which I guess was funny, but it doesn't stand the test of time.

Cedarford said...

Stoughton - "The top of the ticket should never, ever respond to attacks from the undercard, because it brings him down to the level of the accuser. You leave the counter-punch to the VP. Of course, Slow Joe is probably still trying to figure out how Clint Eastwood managed to convince Obama to come out on stage with him last night, and how they made Obama invisible.

Now that is funny!

That would be an excellent moment in a good comedy routine. Obama ordering Joe Biden to attack and Biden yelling back why should he given that Obama didn't stand up for himself when he was right there, invisible in the chair.. "And how do you do that? I want some of that invisibility potion!"
With Obama shaking his head and walking away brittle and hurt that Eastwood committed sacrilege and Biden is too dumb to be of use..thinking.."Guess I have to make a Godlike tweet signifying my displeasure and have Axelrod sent a memo to all the liberals and progressive jews in the media to amp up the shock, anger and outrage over Eastwood."

As Nolte over at Breitbart noted, whatever Eastwood did it worked because he pissed off and irritated all the right people in the White House and media.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

fewer viewers...

Its not TV...

Its the V-O-T-E.

shiloh said...

"fucking hypocritical POS."

tiger has a lot of pent-up anger/mommy issues, so it's good he's allowed to vent here.

ricpic said...

Lindsey doesn't "get laid," she indulges in casual sex.

shiloh said...

Peeps may have been watching mittens' speech on line and no way to calculate those #s.

carry on

Dave said...

"tiger said...I don't usually get this wound-up but...
You're a fucking hypocritical POS.

Where the FUCK were you and your 'sense of decorum' for EIGHT YEARS of Bush being called a 'Nazi', 'the village idiot' and being portrayed as a coke addict and draft dodger and his wife as a murdering drunk?

You are one of the least serious people around here;right down there with that idiot 'shithole', I mean, 'shiloh'.

You make no comments when it comes to YOUR party treating the POTUS with distain but become upset when it's your guy.

You say it's 'Freedom of Speech' when your side does it but it's disrepectful when the other side rips your guy.

You're a clown.

Serious, GFY."

Well argued, articulate, and a gentleman - congratulations for not relying on name-calling to make your point. (GFY does mean "good for you" right?)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Come down tiger..

Dont fall for it Lindsey.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Did any of these people see Gran Torino?

Known Unknown said...

Betty White is more important that Clint Eastwood? Really? Can you name any movie, or any show, she has done that is in the same league as most of Clint's stuff? Her big claim to fame is Golden Girls, which I guess was funny, but it doesn't stand the test of time.

Betty White is awesome and funny and I would love to see her on the stage at the DNC.

That said, she's most known for playing absolutely clueless characters (Sue Ann Nivens, Rose Nyland) while Eastwood is an action/western movie icon — a guy who gets things done type.

Joe said...

It was a very bizarre speech. I get the feeling that he had a prepared, speech that was so vetted and smoothed over, he though it became phony. So he went off script. He's not a good extemporaneous speaker--few are--but he delivered some real zingers that made up for the awkwardness.

(I was amused by the businessmen; their speeches were the rah-rah stuff you hear at employee meetings. Too bad they didn't have someone like Ballmer simply go ape shit crazy on stage.)

Hagar said...

If it was not intentional, I do not think he would have made it through make-up with his hair like that.

AF said...

"tiger: You make no comments when it comes to YOUR party treating the POTUS with distain but become upset when it's your guy."

I don't know about Lindsey, but I loudly denounced and rejected that speech at the 2004 Democractic Convention where the celebrity gave a rambling verbal beat-down to an empty milk crate that was supposed to represent George W. Bush. You remember that speech right? I'm a Democrat, but I think it diminished the presidency.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Rattled and bitter that they could not knock the Romney-Ryan ticket off-message, the Obama team and its allies in the blogosphere fixated on Clint Eastwood. Listen, I was there and it was darn weird. But at times it was funny and devastating in its dismissal of the president’s excuses. And in clips and sound bites the day after the live performance, the oddness is diminished and the punch lines seem more biting. In simple terms, the movie icon encapsulated the message of the convention: If someone is doing a bad job, you have to fire him.

Eastwood apparently so annoyed the egomaniacal president that the leader of the Free World felt compelled to hit back via Twitter (“this seat is taken”) at the movie star. Talk about losing your presidential aura. Empty chair = Obama is now a powerful association. Will the chair be in ads?

In this, as in so many other artificial kerfuffles, the media’s feigned outrage only serves Romney’s purpose. Now everyone is familiar with Eastwood’s cracks, and the conversation has taken the place of any criticism of the two nominees’ speeches.

Thursday night was a critical point in the campaign and arguably the point at which Romney (with help from Eastwood) broke free of the media filter. Recall last week that the entire press corps was focused on Todd Akin. Then it became an obsessive plea for more details about Romney’s policies, which, unlike the president, he has. Then there was the fixation on likability. That went down the drain when on Thursday night Romney appeared, if not likable, admirable. I now await the argument that personal qualities are irrelevant to the presidency."

-Jennifer Rubin

Matt said...


Tyrone Slothrop said...

Lindsey Meadows said...

Tyrone Slothrop said...
"You mean like all the respect liberals showed the office when Chimpy McBushitler was President? You mean that kind of respect?"

When I wrote for anything tht was viewed in the public I wrote President Bush out of respect for the office.

I can't help what you called him. I don't think it is a good idea to name call like that. You should be ashamed.

Now that you have exhibited such truly massive steaming piles of integrity, I fully expect you to demand apologies from the remaining 96.2% of liberals who are not as soulful as yourself. NB: I used "Chimpy McBushitler" ironically, and I'm truly sorry to have to explain that to you.

mccullough said...

After watching it, again, it was by far the best speech of the convention. It look like he threw back a few whiskeys beforehand and some of the lines were just terrific.

I think it was great to see an American icon like that sound optimistic and upbeat about the country while being funny without being nasty.

His line about when you're not getting the job done, you gotta go was pitch perfect. Romney's been trying hard to get swing voters to not feel bad about abandoning Obama. Clint just nailed it for him.

"When you're not getting the job done, you gotta go." That's a memorable line. How much do all these political consultants make who couldn't come up with that.

chickelit said...

ricpic said...
Lindsey doesn't "get laid," she indulges in casual sex.

I misread it as causal sex--sex for the cause of degrading men and women.

Lauderdale Vet said...

I think Clint indulged a little in his age on purpose, strategically offering a tempting target. It certainly inspired a lot of attacks today, and it reveals much more about the attackers than the target.

How do these detractors and their allies argue that they're here to protect seniors, after offering up so many sound bites that can be used against them when they do?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

BTW... this is what the liberals want.. the more Bush bashing and Bush this and Bush that.. the less Obama's misery index goes unheard, unrecognized and properly blamed.

Matt said...


BTW... this is what the conservatives want.. the more Obama bashing and Obama this and Obama that.. the less conservatives have to think about how to define Romney - a candidate they don't want because when they define him they realize he is a moderate liberal who will flip flop any which way to become president.

ricpic said...

It just occurred to me - and I know this is no great insight but since it occurred to me it sorta is - that Eastwood, in that one short speech, or was it a routine? anyway, in that little skit made it OKAY TO LAUGH AT OBAMA!!! And that my friends is a dead-on blow to the puffed up untouchable one.

chickelit said...

Eastwood nailed Westwood even better than Breitbart would.

DADvocate said...

Or maybe I'm just a little too real for you.

Barf. Don't flatter yourself.

Your original was a typical ploy: Something negatives (He was pretty awful.) mixed with positive (I'm a fan). It's intended to make the negative appear more valid by the writer seemingly being someone who likes Eastwood, or whomever.

Just the fact that you hail from Dane County tilts the odds in the direction of you being a lefty.

Bryan C said...

I watched it this morning, after reading some negative comments. Eastwood's bit was actually pretty funny. Like I said earlier, it reminded me of Bob Newhart's stuff.

His delivery was a little sloppy at times and I can see how some people might not find that style of humor appealing, but calling the man senile is just cheap and offensive.

Frankly the empty chair was a brilliant choice. It's the Oval Office equivalent of "voting present". I think that visual will have legs.

edutcher said...

The one thing the trolls don't seem to get is that this puts a very unflattering image to Barry and makes him a laughingstock.

Remember what Uncle Saul said about ridicule.

Rhetorical question: Who's getting more airtime today? Dirty Harry or mittens?

No, stupid question again.

Barry, as an empty chair, is attention the Choom Gang doesn't want.

(the trolls really are that thick, aren't they?)

n.n said...

Eastwood is an old man. A little slow, but otherwise perfectly coherent. His speech will reverberate with the people who remember why they came to America in the first place. It is an affirmation of American conservative principles, laced with limited doses of humor in kind. It will criticized and rejected by people who dream of instant gratification through redistributive or retributive change, and the individuals who exploit this weakness in others in order to advance their own political, economic, and social standing.

janetrae said...

I don't think anyone else has said this already(but it's a lot to read):

8 months ago during halftime at the Super Bowl, Clint Eastwood was the darling of the Democrats with his "halftime in America" commercial -- wise, clearly a closet liberal, sticking up for Obama and his policies and behaviors. Wow, what a man and how great that he is on "our" side. Let those repugnant righties squirm.

Now that he has shown his true colors (libertarian, I think), the left and media are shrieking that Clint is a doddering, incoherent old man; who allegedly was offcolor (the naughtiness was in your own head); and who allegedly has disrespected the office. (Really? more than Obama has disrespected it making appearances on Jimmy Whatsis and the like? Bowing to foreign heads of state?)

I also find Ms. Lindsey's remarks about her abundant electronic and meaningless sex life to be far more disrespectful of commenters on this blog than anything Clint did was disrespectful of the Presidency. Since she is a troll I normally ignore her but her bleating today is sad and ridiculous. Want to go any more off topic?

I watched the speech once today. Clint is hilarious and deliberate and clearly drew some blood. While Obama's chair may be occupied right now -- I can only hope he isn't occupying it for too much longer.

shiloh said...

No jane, it was the cons who were upset w/Eastwood for doing a pro-Obama commercial, or so they thought!

Again, cons just like to continuously whine about anything.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


BTW... this is what the liberals want.. the more Romney bashing and Romney this and Romney that.. the less liberals have to think about how to defend Obama - a president they are stuck with because when they had a chance to pick Hillary (a well known quantity) they picked unknown, untested, amateur Barack Obama.

janetrae said...

I don't think anyone else has said this already(but it's a lot to read):

8 months ago during halftime at the Super Bowl, Clint Eastwood was the darling of the Democrats with his "halftime in America" commercial -- wise, clearly a closet liberal, sticking up for Obama and his policies and behaviors. Wow, what a man and how great that he is on "our" side. Let those repugnant righties squirm.

Now that he has shown his true colors (libertarian, I think), the left and media are shrieking that Clint is a doddering, incoherent old man; who allegedly was offcolor (the naughtiness was in your own head); and who allegedly has disrespected the office. (Really? more than Obama has disrespected it making appearances on Jimmy Whatsis and the like? Bowing to foreign heads of state?)

I also find Ms. Lindsey's remarks about her abundant electronic and meaningless sex life to be far more disrespectful of commenters on this blog than anything Clint did was disrespectful of the Presidency. Since she is a troll I normally ignore her but her bleating today is sad and ridiculous. Want to go any more off topic?

I watched the speech once today. Clint is hilarious and deliberate and clearly drew some blood. While Obama's chair may be occupied right now -- I can only hope he isn't occupying it for too much longer.

Known Unknown said...

I've got an empty chair TV spot already fixed in my mind.

Brian Brown said...

The hysterical reactions to Ryan, Eastwood, and Romney show us that the left doesn't have policy arguments, they have slogans.

It is the culmination of an over 40 year effort to dumb down education.

It worked.

Congratulations, idiots.

Fen said...

The point Shultz was making, albeit badly, was there is or should be, some decorum surrounding the Presidency. You may not like the guy in office but he is the President.

Go fuck yourself. Obama has squandered any decorum that should be offered with all his "bitter clinger you didn't built that" nonsense. He has nothing but contempt for middle America.

And you know where you can stick your "civility" bullshit. After 8 years of libtards whining "Bush lie troops died!"... Really.

Obama is an empty suit. A diversity hire. His very presence demeans the office.

Tea Party at Perrysburg said...

I thought it was absolutely unequivocally brilliant.

Tea Party at Perrysburg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

"Blogger shiloh said...

No jane, it was the cons who were upset w/Eastwood for doing a pro-Obama commercial, or so they thought!

Again, cons just like to continuously whine about anything."

Mistaken as usual. There was comment about the commercial Eastwood made because it was contrary to what was understood about his politics. He clarified that last night. He might even have been enthusiastic to clear that up.

I liked his comment about lawyers. He was a defendant in a well known lawsuit by a bottom feeder law firm that made its living suing small business owners for handicapped parking minor infractions, like faded paint. They made a big mistake naming Eastwood's business. He went to court and they went out of business.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I've got an empty chair TV spot already fixed in my mind.

Obama golfed while Rome burned.

See that chair represented Obama not on the job... let him go.. genious.

Rose said...

I thought it was funny - and every line actually zinged Obama in ways that sort of hit you later.

He was also VERY charming - when the lady yelled "Make My Day" and he said "I don't say that word any more..." then he smiles - as if just for her, 'Well, maybe one last time."

It weren't no run-o'-the-mill political speech, that's for sure. Made me laugh. Not cringe, Well, ok, maybe wince. LOL

Baron Zemo said...

Please do chastize Ms. Meadows for her attitudes about having casual sex.

She just dabbles so someday she might have the chance to get an abortion.

Then she can get the t-shirt.

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