Where's Al Sharpton and Jessuh Jackson on this or any of the other deaths in Ch-town, the Motor City, or any of the other places where the Democrats rule?
If Choom had a son, would he look like this little boy?
Trained EMT response with an expensive Truck and a crew is a very expensive municipal service that was not available everywhere until the Reagan Revolution created an economy to fund it.
But now Obama and Pelosi say we need all of the money for windmills and solar panels that don't work.
Nine years old...several recent attempts to commit suicide...and they're upset about the EMT's? Is it me, or did the writer overlook the real tragedy and bias the article for more government.
Yes, by all means, let's have an investigation. Maybe, just maybe, they will find that the people who have ambulance service are actually paying for it. Or, at least are better at bribing their local machine politicians. And, maybe they will find that the city or county involved doesn't have any money because so much of it is going to pay for the pensions and benefits of the government workers.
What I am sure that they won't find, because they will never think to look, are the answers to the root causes of Detroit's problems. The union overreach, the overpaid government workers, the breakdown of the family structure, the fatherless homes, etc.
Place hasn't been good for a long time. I spent a couple weeks at the IRS data center there in the mid-1980s, and stayed across the river in Windsor, and a couple years after that, a friend was shot at while in law school there.
And, they can't blame it on lack of patronage. I noted the IRS data center. Well, this year, the USPTO is putting their first satellite office there. Why? Supposedly because of all the innovation around there. Don't find that credible in the least. The three later announced offices in Denver, Dallas, and San Jose make much more sense. It's patronage, pure and simple. And, yet, it won't make a dent in the problems of this failed progressive blue state experiment.
Last night CNN put on its well put together piece about the Atlanta Child Murders back in 1980.
It surprised me how much better the News Media's analysis has become in 2012. The mythical Racial Narratives were no longer used to inflame and twist the story.
It was a fair and accurate factual presentation that gave due respect the men who worked the case.
So many bodies, so much crime and only so many ambulances to go around. Perhaps the poor overwork EMTs have to prioritize on who they pick up and what condition and state of emergency gets first call. Triage.
In addition, I would imagine that there are certain areas that they just do NOT want to go into. Detroit is a fucking war zone full of subhuman animals who would kill you for just being around.
No wonder these kids are committing suicide. They see no way out. No help. No end to the misery.
There was a shooting at the Sikh Temple up the road from us when we lived in California. Turned out to be someone visiting from the old country who had a grudge. Old animosities from elsewhere.
Naturally I assume the most likely thing here is more of the same, unless we already know different.
Rashida Tlaib is a media darling of Detroit's left-leaning media. She's running hard in a newly-drawn district, in what is a tough primary. Great media opportunity for her to get her name in the papers, speaking up for "the people."
The question of "state services" wouldn't likely be raised, if a teenager committed suicide (as they sometimes do) in West Bloomfield, Rochester, or Grosse Pointe Shores.
Is there a question as to whether a delayed EMS response was a proximate cause of the death? Would the child have survived, but for EMS delay? No one says, and absent an autopsy and a detailed statement by the emegency medicine staff physicians, I don't know how anyone could suggest such a thing.
I'd just like to emphasize what was reported in the story; that this occurred almost within sight of Henry Ford Hospital and Medical Center, which is a very interesting academic medical facility -- located in a long-declining neighborhood, it is actually one of the finest neurosurgical centers in the state.
There was a shooting at the Sikh Temple up the road from us when we lived in California. Turned out to be someone visiting from the old country who had a grudge. Old animosities from elsewhere. Naturally I assume the most likely thing here is more of the same, unless we already know different.
Some early reports said the shooter was white, so an old-country grudge sounds unlikely. Of course the early reports may prove to be wrong. The first news reports after the arrest of shoebomber Richard Reid said he was Sri Lankan, when in fact he was a British mulatto.
The Thump and Moan is a new variant on the Detroit tradition of the Moan and Thump. I did my 25 year hitch in Detroit from birth onward...and got out with the fluids still in the meat bag as it were. Grateful I'm just an "Ex Detroiter" as opposed to an "Ex" Detroiter.
In addition, I would imagine that there are certain areas that they just do NOT want to go into. Detroit is a fucking war zone full of subhuman animals who would kill you for just being around.
If you're going to work as an EMT in Detroit or any other large city you have to be willing to respond to emergencies in even the worst neighborhoods. If you're not, you're in the wrong job.
If you're going to work as an EMT in Detroit or any other large city you have to be willing to respond to emergencies in even the worst neighborhoods...
Pipe dream (regretably). Lived here all my life, except for military time away, and there has a-l-w-a-y-s been specific areas no sane cop, fireman, or EMT person would go ... short of a SWAT contingent to accompany. True in the 50's, 60's, 70's and true now.
Some of the worst "no-go" zones (for example the "Herman Gardens" project) are now gone, demolished and cleaned up. However, new ones have popped up as the city has emptied out ..and are even more dangerous due to the wasteland nature.
Truth is, though, the location where this suicide death occurred is NOT one of the no-go zones, and the city's virtual bankruptcy is the reason insufficient emergency responders are available. Frankly, I am surprised the police showed up within 3-4 hours. There ARE very good Cops, Fire, and EMT people ...but not enough and what there is cannot be everywhere at once.
Another truth is that this isn't just Detroit ... many other large cities have had similar problem spots where police/fire/emt would not go ... and they have dealt with them with differing degrees of success. The "hometown" of the POTUS is one of these places and still is. When I'm in Chicago I know where not to go because ain't nobody coming if a need arises.
There is a what appears to be a mass shooting at a Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, WI.
Latest reports say six dead plus the shooter. Maybe he thought they were Muslims? That mistake has happened before.
Yes, that mistake has happened, but the only times I heard about it was immediately after 9/11. Ethnically driven violence targeting Muslims in the US is rare and over-hyped.
To be honest, the first thing I thought of was a Muslim angle to, but more because Sikhs originally came from a region of India bordering Pakistan and Pakistan is violently intolerant of India's sovereignty over her own border regions.
I hope that's shock talking, and not a lack of compassion. I hope if I ever were in the same ghastly circumstance, that I would comfort the dying (and use my cell phone).
What a horrible thing to happen, that and the shooting today in Milwaukee.
leslyn has a point. there is something uniquely horrible about a young child driven to suicide. Its almost beyond imagining that a child of these years would long to die. That Detroit is a sewer is besides the point of this article.
Yep, the dead 9 year old is the fault of the Democrats and government union members. Indubitably.
If the government gets the credit for successful businesses, as Obama asserts, it seems only fair that the government takes the blame when things go wrong, no?
Surely you'd agree that something's gone horribly wrong in Detroit.
Condolences to the young man's family and to the families and Sikh Community in Wisconsin. Sometimes it appears the country is going nuts, and I simply dont see any easy fixes.
There was a shooting at the Sikh Temple up the road from us when we lived in California. Turned out to be someone visiting from the old country who had a grudge. Old animosities from elsewhere.
Old country grudges are the worst kind. Followed by old R & B grudges.
In my defense, leslyn (though I have not said anything yet, I think), I almost never read her links.
A 9yo offed himself? That's terrible, unless he was going to grow up to be an evil adult, in which case it is for the best. I'm sure no justice will be had. There never is.
I see child abuse every day and so maybe I'm numb. Life's hard. It's harder if you're stupid. It's harder still if you associate with evil people.
Sounds like you read the story. What do you think should happen?
I have to agree with Leslyn. You shouldn't try to score political points off the death of a child. Let th left have that as their exclusive tactic.
And I don't want to hear one wprd from the lefties that they don't...you do. The most recent example is trying to cutail gun rights because of what happened in Colorado,.
It's a sick way to score points, and I'd rather we just leave it to them, and we take the moral high ground.
Condolences to all the victims of tragedy. Today, tomorrow, and the years to come.
There is not a single person with compassion or fellow-feeling on here.
One of the less-attractive qualities of leftists is the belief that public *expressions* of compassion not only count as actual compassion, but are the only legitimate form of compassion. Thus, it doesn't actually matter if you care that someone dies. What matters is that you publicly discuss how sad you are he's dead.
It isn't what's inside you that matters -- it is what's on the surface.
It must be so easy for leslyn to live in her bubble.
If she only knew that the left took to Twitter to blame Michelle Bachmann and Rush Limbaugh for this shooting, maybe she wouldn't say such stupid things.
But for leslyn, living in a cocoon of sweet, sweet lies, is just so comfortable.
Frankly, I am surprised the police showed up within 3-4 hours. There ARE very good Cops, Fire, and EMT people ...but not enough and what there is cannot be everywhere at once.
This is another reason why many inner cities are hollowing out, as those who are able to vote with their feet, do so.
I am reminded of two situations that I witnessed some 20 years ago. First, in a nicer section in the city of Denver (a block from where Maimie Dowd Eisenhower grew up), we were outside and noted some suspicious characters running away from what appeared to be a burglary. Someone called 911, and we sat outside waiting to see what would happen. About a half an hour later, after the perps were probably in the next county, 4 or 5 cops showed up in mass.
Shortly after that, I was assaulted by a business partner while living in Fort Collins, some 60 miles north. At the time, it was a nice suburban looking town of maybe 80k people (including CSU students). I called 911, and while I was still on the phone with the 911 operator, I started hearing an echo. Turns out that the FC police were on scene within maybe a minute, and I was hearing my call being relayed to them in real-time over their radios.
Where would I rather live? In the city and county of Denver? Or somewhere like Fort Collins?
Shooting up a bunch of Sikhs at Temple during a prayer service is really fucking fucked up. They are the most peaceful, non violent, passive people around. They also tend to be really thin.
I spoke with my hubby about it, who is now calling me murderer, and he told me all about Sikhism. They started during the 16th Century in order to protect Indian women from Muzzie Men (natch) who were raping the Indian women. India dislikes their neighbors Pakistan and China very much. But India and Nepal are best GF's.
Um. Titus, IIRC, every observant Sikh male is constantly armed with a large pointy dagger. You may have just thought they were glad to see you, but they weren't. Sikhs are famous anti-Muslim warriors. The ones I have known were NOT thin. Other than that, thanks for the info.
MadisonMan said... "I really didn't feel I should go over there,"
------------ Translation - "Ah's just gonna sit on my ass and moan foah more free gummint stuff. Mo' free EMTs and free teachers! We entitled to dat! Ain't my job to get blood and brains on my clothes from some dying kid. Dat's de gummint's job!"
Nichevo, you are correct. Jus spoke with the hubby and he said they were very militant and ready to take out the muzzies. They had to protect the Puni Women who were getting fucked by the Muzzies. And it was the 15th century, not 16 century. In INdia they were thin but everyone in INdia is thin. My hubby said it is because most of them are poor. I mean rail thin too.
How cum our po peeps aren't thin? That should be a requirement if you are getting any type of assistance. There should be a weigh in and if you tip the scales you are off the rolls. Yea, I am talking to you Tenisha.
There were a couple of really hot young Sikh's that waited on me on toy train on the way to Darjeeling.
I wanted to do them. It seemed so wrong which made it so hot. I love Guilty Pleasures. And I love swarthy exotic hog-not white bread boring American hog. I like my meat dark with a side of smegma.
leslyn said... "There is not a single person with compassion or fellow-feeling on here. "Everyone is exploiting this story--and the temple shooting--for political or religious or racist ends. "I knew there was something wrong with this blog, and I often had to leave sick in my stomach. "Now I see it that it is rotten to the core. It smells like a decaying corpse. "You like it, some more than others, but Althouse fosters it and keeps the engine stoked."
Speaking only for myself, I wouldn't have ordinarily thought of making the death of a child (by apparent, but unclear suicide) a political matter. But when an ambitious local politician like Rahida Tlaib, in the late stages of a primary electoral campaign makes it an issue, I feel entitled to respond in kind. No more, no less. I was born not far from the location of that incident, and I live within a half-hour's drive of the location.
It seems to me that the question of why there isn't medical emergency response available IS a legitimate political question for local politicians. I'd say it's even their job.
Shouldn't someone who's fallen have at least a back-board in case of spinal injury? I picture the cops picking the boy up and putting him in the back seat and if that's what happened it's sort of horrifying. Not that they did the wrong thing, but still.
Um. Titus, IIRC, every observant Sikh male is constantly armed with a large pointy dagger. You may have just thought they were glad to see you, but they weren't. Sikhs are famous anti-Muslim warriors. The ones I have known were NOT thin. Other than that, thanks for the info.
What is really laughable is that CAIR just issued a statement where they said they stand with their Sikh brothers and sisters in their time of grief. Really? I ROFL'ed at the clear PR lie.
It all stinks of rotting corpses. It's highly selective to be able to smell only the rotting corpses of the opposition. You could as easily call it citing examples as exploiting. It would be better to get beyond the first offense and move on to what can or should be done. Finding out why it happened without reference to agendas would be a great start. But, that is very difficult, maybe impossible and requires more than surface reactions. Then, when someone really gets to a reason listening to them would be another good thing. If it turns out the reason has to do with someone's pet political theory there will be stampedes of opposition.
Do we recognize truth when we see it? Do we even try?
Synova said... "It seems to me that the question of why there isn't medical emergency response available IS a legitimate political question for local politicians. I'd say it's even their job."
It could be, if we knew for sure that the issue was clearly and directly related to funding, staffing, program design, mechanical support, or something else systemic. But we don't know that at all. Personally, I don't know exactly what the claim aginst EMS is, and I don't know exactly what the response is. It could have been human error, a single case of negligence, or any one of 1000 other things. Without any particular evidence of any state-level (Tlaib is a state representative) malfeasance. What I wonder is why Tlaib, a Democrat chose to pick on the state government rather than the City of Detroit which would be much nearer the situation. Wait I just answered my own question. "Democrat."
I never saw one Indian in Madison when I was there.
There used to be a very good vegetarian restaurant in the old Brooks St. YMCA (late 70s to early 80s). It was run by turbaned Indians, though I don't know if the were Sihks
Titus, You might want to re-read some history. Sikhs are world-famous for their bravery and skill in battle, and have a long and proud history of serving in the British military. It's not just when their women are in danger.
Apparently there is no reason for any American to wake up w/o a cell phone... if this is do and according to the bill it is.. what was this potential life saver whiteness doing w/o a lifesaver tool we hand out freely !?
If the scope of human experience is going to be judged on what someone can emote on the Althouse blog comment page... and thats all I needed to do to pass my human exam?
I have a simple question...
Wath Am i going to get for checking the right responses?
I am the one that haunts you every night I am the one that because of you does not live The one that awaits That dreams you Who wanted to own Your love, your love I am the one which gives his life to have you I am the one that being away does not forget you He that awaits He that dreams you the one who prays every night for your love
I didn't know whether to be offended or complemented... which is good from my perspective.. the aim of the blog.. as far as I been able to surmise.. is to make the most fervent.. ambivalent... if only for a moment.
Freedom is the most contradictory concept ever surmised by the human mind.
I’m getting so throwed I aint went this hard since I was 18 Apologise if I say, anything I don’t mean Like whats up with your best friend? We could all have some fun, believe me And whats up with these new niggas? And why they think it all comes so easy
There is a professor that Althouse linked to that lamented his brain shrinking... and while that's happening to professors, here we are, pretending to know everything.
A Hispanic engineer is first to read the telemetry.. make sure Obama.. the president with the highest hispanic deportation record in history... gets his shot at the hispanic vote.
There is not a single person with compassion or fellow-feeling on here...[snip]...Everyone is exploiting this story...[snip]... something wrong with this blog, ...[snip]...it is rotten to the core...[snip]...You like it...[snip]... Althouse fosters it...
Oh my, and yet you continue sit right here clinging to the rancid, eh? Like a Ring Billed Gull to a McD burger wrapper...with less to contribute, but more to say.
Given that it appears that @Chuck and I (@Aridog) are the only commenter on this thread who actually live in or close to Detroit proper, I find your opinion absurd. What do you know, Leslyn? Let me help you, vis a vis Detroit, you know nothing, zero, nada. If you lived here you'd be part of the problem, not the solution.
So why did the lady who heard the thump and moan not just run to the source of the sound, the crumpled body? One reason might be that she didn't know what had caused the crumpling...didn't see the fall, but saw a body on the ground. She did what she could with relative safety ...e.g., you see a fresh body on the ground in the inner city, chances are good you'll will be another one if you just run on up to it.
Don't know where you live Leslyn, but your attitude is typical of know nothings. Unless you've been in as city street gunfight yourself, don't pretend to lecture me or anyone else who has been or even just nearby one. I live about 6 minutes from the scene and was born less than 10 minutes from it. I know the area very well, and it has improved remarkably compared to some other parts of town, but the cultural poison is still here. Urban renewal is frequently called "negro removal" ... and it is in the sens that all it does is move the poverty shell around without fixing it.
Bring your liberal hoity toity behind down heah and help us, um'kay?
I believe Leslyn may have been responding to the propensity of Althouse reg'lars, borne out by the preponderance of remarks on this thread, to ignore the human tragedy in calamities that occur in our country and to see such events only as darts to throw at the dems/libs/union members/government who are, in their pinched view, at fault for every ill in modern America.
"see such events only as darts to throw at the dems/libs/union members/government who are, in their pinched view, at fault for every ill in modern America."
Wellll, not every ill.
For example, they have very little to do with our local weather, the disappearance of used book stores, or why Minnesota sports teams suck.
Mr Cook--it seems to me that the politicization of tragedy is an equal opportunity employer--both on the left and on the right. If you are suggesting that this is a conservative trait, I would suggest you are wrong.
God almighty . If a local rep ISN'T interested in looking into into such things as the EMS situation, then what the hell DO you want them to do? We're not talking about a U.S. Rep, after all, or some inherently opportunistic, outside-the-area activist.
Personally, if I call 911, I do expect a response. (Though of course if it weren't immediately forthcoming I'd jump in a car and speed away.) This does not strike me as an example of a parasitic , big-government (especially big fed gov't) loving thing. This is a more local thing, primarily municipal and even county but even to a degree state thing. If the muni etc. officials fail, why shouldn't a state rep of that specific district look into it and perhaps help hold even more local officials to account?
That is terrible, just terrible, about the 9-year-old boy. God almighty.
Don't be cute, Cook, it's not your long suit. You said the regulars beat up on lefty targets, what else did you mean other than that the beaters are conservatives? There are lefty regulars here, as one particle of self-awareness would inform you, and they are at least as susceptible as anyone on the right to playing punch-buggy, as, again, a speck of insight would lead you to admit.
That was a strangely disingenuous post coming from you. Hope you're not sinking to our level-what a loss-like the burning of the library at Alexandria.
"Everyone is exploiting this story--and the temple shooting--for political or religious or racist ends."
What are you talking about, leslyn? I'm sad the kid killed himself, and horrified that his previous suicide attempts didn't result in him getting the help he needed. And angry that EMS not only didn't arrive on time, they didn't bother showing up at all.
But never mind. We must demonstrate our compassion and humanity by dutifully ignoring such fixable things, and focus instead on ensuring that the next suicidal child will be mourned correctly.
"Don't be cute, Cook, it's not your long suit. You said the regulars beat up on lefty targets...."
No, I said many Althouse reg'lars use every calamity that occurs in this country only as darts to throw at dems/libs/union members/the government. This is a statement of fact. I do not think the Althouse reg'lars reflect the thinking of most Americans, even most Americans of conservative bent or Republican registration...at least, I sure hope they don't.
I do not deny such behavior may be found among those across the political spectrum, but that wasn't my point: I was referring to Leslyn's response to commenters here. Unsurprisingly, some responded with scorn to Leslyn, unable as they are to understand the human tragedy about which they're so callously glib.
Given that it appears that @Chuck and I (@Aridog) are the only commenter on this thread who actually live in or close to Detroit proper, I find your opinion absurd. What do you know, Leslyn?
If you look WAAAAY up in the thread, you'll see that I agreed with Leslyn about trying to score points off of tragedy, but to sit there and try to make it seem as if it is the purview of the conservatives on this blog is just as wrong, and disingenuous.
Conservatives have been painted with that brush for decades, and we're tired of the hypocracy, and if you get hit back for suggesting it, then look to your own house first.
Or do you think Mitts Dad really is disappointed in him.
Like I said in the earlier post, I would prefer that the left kept this slimy type of association to themselves. That it spreads is merely human nature.
Now go back to your Earth circle, chant Kumbaya with all the other white liberals(cause nothing says racist like a white liberal), and just feel good that Zero is gonna heal all that's wrong with this country with his mellifluous voice. Because he sure hasn't done jackshit.
I also notice a absence of white liberals living in the inner cities of places like Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta, etc. Why is that?
Just learned that Zero hasn't had a press conference since june 20, where he took a total of 6 questions. Do you remember the boo hoo's and weeping that occurred when Romney wouldn't shout out an answer at a memorial site in Poland?
Now go back to your Earth circle, chant Kumbaya with all the other white liberals(cause nothing says racist like a white liberal), and just feel good that Zero is gonna heal all that's wrong with this country with his mellifluous voice.
Is this supposed to be referring to me? LOL. I don't do earth circles or Kumbaya. I did vote for a Democrat for president precisely and exactly once since I was first eligible to vote in a presidential election in 1980 (at age 19), and that once was in 1984.
And while I might not be much of a True, Right, Real Conservative by most people's lights around here, I am a truly atrocious Lefty (not to mention that I like living in a Republic and dislike the notion of pure democracy).
Watch those assumptions, Carnifex. You might trip.
I'm not making any suggestions, but merely referring to the behavior of many Althouse reg'lars.
The irony being that left-wing regulars -- yourself, shiloh, and leslyn -- used this tragedy purely as an opportunity to attack your usual opponents in this forum.
But of course, *you* care. It is only those heartless conservatives that don't care.
Honestly, the only thing that made this story relevant to people other than the loved ones of the dead boy was the lack of ambulances in Detroit. That's very much a political issue. So, people discuss politics.
File your own reports, Citizens, defend your own property,...
That exact process has been de rigueur in Detroit proper for a couple of years plus now. Nothing new about it. You can see the results of that cost saving, right?
That said, there are still attempts to clean the place up, the lofts and apartments downtown, the river Walk, new restaurants, investments by large local businessmen/women, various other "islands" of civility within the wasteland ... hoping to be stitched together one day.
For those who know Detroit, my daughter now lives at Woodward Ave & Grand River Ave. Ghetto and chi-chi side by side for now, but improving ... she works downtown and walks to work, talking about getting a good "city bike" like some made by Trek, et al., with her upscale car parked except for weekends. I helped her move in ... and it's damn sure a huge step up from the ghetto flat apartments I had (2nd Ave & Forest Street) in the Cass Corridor in my latter college days.
One step at a time ... this time I hope it works....
@ I Callahan ... Even if it does, Detroit will still need all the cops & firemen it can muster ... but can do with a lot less city hall and rule makers.
Other than that, most youngsters downtown now are carrying legal side arms now with legal CPL licenses.
Hot dang, one of these days soon she'll actually have a grocery store close by (Whole foods, if they don't punk out)
"The irony being that left-wing regulars -- yourself, shiloh, and leslyn -- used this tragedy purely as an opportunity to attack your usual opponents in this forum."
Revenants con sarcasm aside, I made (1) comment agreeing w/ Leslyn and a general comment pointing out the obvious, Althouse cons self-righteous bubble.
btw, I'm not a regular as I come and go as I please.
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Where's Al Sharpton and Jessuh Jackson on this or any of the other deaths in Ch-town, the Motor City, or any of the other places where the Democrats rule?
If Choom had a son, would he look like this little boy?
Welcome back to the third world.
Trained EMT response with an expensive Truck and a crew is a very expensive municipal service that was not available everywhere until the Reagan Revolution created an economy to fund it.
But now Obama and Pelosi say we need all of the money for windmills and solar panels that don't work.
Nine years old...several recent attempts to commit suicide...and they're upset about the EMT's? Is it me, or did the writer overlook the real tragedy and bias the article for more government.
It's not you.
Remember that's a USA Today article.
There is a what appears to be a mass shooting at a Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, WI.
Yes, by all means, let's have an investigation. Maybe, just maybe, they will find that the people who have ambulance service are actually paying for it. Or, at least are better at bribing their local machine politicians. And, maybe they will find that the city or county involved doesn't have any money because so much of it is going to pay for the pensions and benefits of the government workers.
What I am sure that they won't find, because they will never think to look, are the answers to the root causes of Detroit's problems. The union overreach, the overpaid government workers, the breakdown of the family structure, the fatherless homes, etc.
Place hasn't been good for a long time. I spent a couple weeks at the IRS data center there in the mid-1980s, and stayed across the river in Windsor, and a couple years after that, a friend was shot at while in law school there.
And, they can't blame it on lack of patronage. I noted the IRS data center. Well, this year, the USPTO is putting their first satellite office there. Why? Supposedly because of all the innovation around there. Don't find that credible in the least. The three later announced offices in Denver, Dallas, and San Jose make much more sense. It's patronage, pure and simple. And, yet, it won't make a dent in the problems of this failed progressive blue state experiment.
You are correct, madashell, it's a plea for more government. The cure for government-sponsored devastation is always...more government.
"I heard a thump and then someone moaning."
And I read a stay at a thin walls Motel.
Usually it's moan and then thump.
Both moan and thump are onomatopoeic.
Is this a coincidence.
Last night CNN put on its well put together piece about the Atlanta Child Murders back in 1980.
It surprised me how much better the News Media's analysis has become in 2012. The mythical Racial Narratives were no longer used to inflame and twist the story.
It was a fair and accurate factual presentation that gave due respect the men who worked the case.
Somebody doooo something!
We need a new federal program!
There is a what appears to be a mass shooting at a Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, WI.
Latest reports say six dead plus the shooter. Maybe he thought they were Muslims? That mistake has happened before.
Re: the ambulance not showing up.
So many bodies, so much crime and only so many ambulances to go around. Perhaps the poor overwork EMTs have to prioritize on who they pick up and what condition and state of emergency gets first call. Triage.
In addition, I would imagine that there are certain areas that they just do NOT want to go into. Detroit is a fucking war zone full of subhuman animals who would kill you for just being around.
No wonder these kids are committing suicide. They see no way out. No help. No end to the misery.
There was a shooting at the Sikh Temple up the road from us when we lived in California. Turned out to be someone visiting from the old country who had a grudge. Old animosities from elsewhere.
Naturally I assume the most likely thing here is more of the same, unless we already know different.
My Indian Husband is deva. And me being from Wisconsin. This is awful.
Rashida Tlaib is a media darling of Detroit's left-leaning media. She's running hard in a newly-drawn district, in what is a tough primary. Great media opportunity for her to get her name in the papers, speaking up for "the people."
The question of "state services" wouldn't likely be raised, if a teenager committed suicide (as they sometimes do) in West Bloomfield, Rochester, or Grosse Pointe Shores.
Is there a question as to whether a delayed EMS response was a proximate cause of the death? Would the child have survived, but for EMS delay? No one says, and absent an autopsy and a detailed statement by the emegency medicine staff physicians, I don't know how anyone could suggest such a thing.
I'd just like to emphasize what was reported in the story; that this occurred almost within sight of Henry Ford Hospital and Medical Center, which is a very interesting academic medical facility -- located in a long-declining neighborhood, it is actually one of the finest neurosurgical centers in the state.
There was a shooting at the Sikh Temple up the road from us when we lived in California. Turned out to be someone visiting from the old country who had a grudge. Old animosities from elsewhere.
Naturally I assume the most likely thing here is more of the same, unless we already know different.
Some early reports said the shooter was white, so an old-country grudge sounds unlikely.
Of course the early reports may prove to be wrong. The first news reports after the arrest of shoebomber Richard Reid said he was Sri Lankan, when in fact he was a British mulatto.
The Thump and Moan is a new variant on the Detroit tradition of the Moan and Thump. I did my 25 year hitch in Detroit from birth onward...and got out with the fluids still in the meat bag as it were. Grateful I'm just an "Ex Detroiter" as opposed to an "Ex" Detroiter.
In addition, I would imagine that there are certain areas that they just do NOT want to go into. Detroit is a fucking war zone full of subhuman animals who would kill you for just being around.
If you're going to work as an EMT in Detroit or any other large city you have to be willing to respond to emergencies in even the worst neighborhoods. If you're not, you're in the wrong job.
J. P. McCarthy got out just in time.
70 years of one party Democrat rule has results. Here's one now.
The strange thing, to me, is... I went on Google street view and Detroit looks like a modern metropolis.
Looking at that infrastructure I'm going to assume Detroit's management has no competition and as a result of that.. there is less to no services..
But then you look at NY, for example, and.. things run fairly well in NYC despite the lack of competition.
Theee was shooting in a temple. Wisconsin/ 7 deaths
Welcome to another "True Blue" City!
If you're going to work as an EMT in Detroit or any other large city you have to be willing to respond to emergencies in even the worst neighborhoods...
Pipe dream (regretably). Lived here all my life, except for military time away, and there has a-l-w-a-y-s been specific areas no sane cop, fireman, or EMT person would go ... short of a SWAT contingent to accompany. True in the 50's, 60's, 70's and true now.
Some of the worst "no-go" zones (for example the "Herman Gardens" project) are now gone, demolished and cleaned up. However, new ones have popped up as the city has emptied out ..and are even more dangerous due to the wasteland nature.
Truth is, though, the location where this suicide death occurred is NOT one of the no-go zones, and the city's virtual bankruptcy is the reason insufficient emergency responders are available. Frankly, I am surprised the police showed up within 3-4 hours. There ARE very good Cops, Fire, and EMT people ...but not enough and what there is cannot be everywhere at once.
Another truth is that this isn't just Detroit ... many other large cities have had similar problem spots where police/fire/emt would not go ... and they have dealt with them with differing degrees of success. The "hometown" of the POTUS is one of these places and still is. When I'm in Chicago I know where not to go because ain't nobody coming if a need arises.
21st century America. Or is that "Muraca?"
There is a what appears to be a mass shooting at a Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, WI.
Latest reports say six dead plus the shooter. Maybe he thought they were Muslims? That mistake has happened before.
Yes, that mistake has happened, but the only times I heard about it was immediately after 9/11. Ethnically driven violence targeting Muslims in the US is rare and over-hyped.
To be honest, the first thing I thought of was a Muslim angle to, but more because Sikhs originally came from a region of India bordering Pakistan and Pakistan is violently intolerant of India's sovereignty over her own border regions.
Now I see it that it is rotten to the core. It smells like a decaying corpse.
You could improve it — by leaving.
"There is not a single person with compassion or fellow-feeling on here."
The nature of the beast at con blogs as their angry sarcasm is only overshadowed by their hypocritical self-righteousness.
Bill Maher's conservative bubble.
But hey, free speech, as Althouse mentioned earlier ...
"I really didn't feel I should go over there,"
I hope that's shock talking, and not a lack of compassion. I hope if I ever were in the same ghastly circumstance, that I would comfort the dying (and use my cell phone).
What a horrible thing to happen, that and the shooting today in Milwaukee.
Compassion and fellow felling gets me to the hospital all the time.
What's wrong with you people.
Leslyn. "There is not a single person with compassion or fellow-feeling on here. "
You are so deeply in love with yourself and your high mindedness it is appalling.
It hard to bite my lip and say I feel your pain on the intertubes.
Get off my back Les.
Yep, the dead 9 year old is the fault of the Democrats and government union members. Indubitably.
leslyn has a point. there is something uniquely horrible about a young child driven to suicide. Its almost beyond imagining that a child of these years would long to die. That Detroit is a sewer is besides the point of this article.
Yep, the dead 9 year old is the fault of the Democrats and government union members. Indubitably.
If the government gets the credit for successful businesses, as Obama asserts, it seems only fair that the government takes the blame when things go wrong, no?
Surely you'd agree that something's gone horribly wrong in Detroit.
We are told to embrace Julia and pay her way and when Julia's kid dies its our fault.
Condolences to the young man's family and to the families and Sikh Community in Wisconsin. Sometimes it appears the country is going nuts, and I simply dont see any easy fixes.
Synova said...
There was a shooting at the Sikh Temple up the road from us when we lived in California. Turned out to be someone visiting from the old country who had a grudge. Old animosities from elsewhere.
Old country grudges are the worst kind. Followed by old R & B grudges.
In my defense, leslyn (though I have not said anything yet, I think), I almost never read her links.
A 9yo offed himself? That's terrible, unless he was going to grow up to be an evil adult, in which case it is for the best. I'm sure no justice will be had. There never is.
I see child abuse every day and so maybe I'm numb. Life's hard. It's harder if you're stupid. It's harder still if you associate with evil people.
Sounds like you read the story. What do you think should happen?
The only way to get out of detroit is to kill yourself.
I have to agree with Leslyn. You shouldn't try to score political points off the death of a child. Let th left have that as their exclusive tactic.
And I don't want to hear one wprd from the lefties that they don't...you do. The most recent example is trying to cutail gun rights because of what happened in Colorado,.
It's a sick way to score points, and I'd rather we just leave it to them, and we take the moral high ground.
Condolences to all the victims of tragedy. Today, tomorrow, and the years to come.
There is not a single person with compassion or fellow-feeling on here.
One of the less-attractive qualities of leftists is the belief that public *expressions* of compassion not only count as actual compassion, but are the only legitimate form of compassion. Thus, it doesn't actually matter if you care that someone dies. What matters is that you publicly discuss how sad you are he's dead.
It isn't what's inside you that matters -- it is what's on the surface.
It must be so easy for leslyn to live in her bubble.
If she only knew that the left took to Twitter to blame Michelle Bachmann and Rush Limbaugh for this shooting, maybe she wouldn't say such stupid things.
But for leslyn, living in a cocoon of sweet, sweet lies, is just so comfortable.
Shootings and child suicides and so forth are entertainment. That's why it's in the news.
People are not suspicious enough of what entertainment is. Emoting is entertainment to the soap opera crowd, for example.
Put the color of "news" on it and you drag in others.
There are 10,000 Americans dying every day.
They pick the crowd-pleasers for the news, and hope you'll be interested enough to see the ads.
I'd suggest confining emoting to your own actual neighborhood. It has a purpose there.
The lefty trick is entertainment as moral lesson as well, which is particularly obtuse, but that's what they do.
The entertainment shouldn't be there at all.
Frankly, I am surprised the police showed up within 3-4 hours. There ARE very good Cops, Fire, and EMT people ...but not enough and what there is cannot be everywhere at once.
This is another reason why many inner cities are hollowing out, as those who are able to vote with their feet, do so.
I am reminded of two situations that I witnessed some 20 years ago. First, in a nicer section in the city of Denver (a block from where Maimie Dowd Eisenhower grew up), we were outside and noted some suspicious characters running away from what appeared to be a burglary. Someone called 911, and we sat outside waiting to see what would happen. About a half an hour later, after the perps were probably in the next county, 4 or 5 cops showed up in mass.
Shortly after that, I was assaulted by a business partner while living in Fort Collins, some 60 miles north. At the time, it was a nice suburban looking town of maybe 80k people (including CSU students). I called 911, and while I was still on the phone with the 911 operator, I started hearing an echo. Turns out that the FC police were on scene within maybe a minute, and I was hearing my call being relayed to them in real-time over their radios.
Where would I rather live? In the city and county of Denver? Or somewhere like Fort Collins?
Shooting up a bunch of Sikhs at Temple during a prayer service is really fucking fucked up. They are the most peaceful, non violent, passive people around. They also tend to be really thin.
I spoke with my hubby about it, who is now calling me murderer, and he told me all about Sikhism. They started during the 16th Century in order to protect Indian women from Muzzie Men (natch) who were raping the Indian women. India dislikes their neighbors Pakistan and China very much. But India and Nepal are best GF's.
Um. Titus, IIRC, every observant Sikh male is constantly armed with a large pointy dagger. You may have just thought they were glad to see you, but they weren't. Sikhs are famous anti-Muslim warriors. The ones I have known were NOT thin. Other than that, thanks for the info.
MadisonMan said...
"I really didn't feel I should go over there,"
Translation - "Ah's just gonna sit on my ass and moan foah more free gummint stuff. Mo' free EMTs and free teachers!
We entitled to dat!
Ain't my job to get blood and brains on my clothes from some dying kid.
Dat's de gummint's job!"
Hmm...Cedarford apparently has the courage of his/her racism.
Nichevo, you are correct. Jus spoke with the hubby and he said they were very militant and ready to take out the muzzies. They had to protect the Puni Women who were getting fucked by the Muzzies. And it was the 15th century, not 16 century. In INdia they were thin but everyone in INdia is thin. My hubby said it is because most of them are poor. I mean rail thin too.
How cum our po peeps aren't thin? That should be a requirement if you are getting any type of assistance. There should be a weigh in and if you tip the scales you are off the rolls. Yea, I am talking to you Tenisha.
There were a couple of really hot young Sikh's that waited on me on toy train on the way to Darjeeling.
I wanted to do them. It seemed so wrong which made it so hot. I love Guilty Pleasures. And I love swarthy exotic hog-not white bread boring American hog. I like my meat dark with a side of smegma.
On some other thread someone asked why someone read this blog.
I read it because Revenant posts here, every now and then, and is almost invariably a voice of clarity and reason.
Wow -- thanks, Synova. :)
You're a favorite commenter of mine as well, for much the same reason.
Two little love birds sitt'ninatree
k. i. s. s. s. i. Awwww I love you guys too.
Just a clarification from my hubby Sikh's will only become violent if their families are threatened or women raped.
Seems reasonable.
They don't go out and "sikh" to get peeps.
Also, they are very honest.
Thanks everyone so saying I am the most interesting commenter.
I think you are too.
"It isn't what's inside you that matters -- it is what's on the surface."
Well, that's all that the State can check up on, citizen.
leslyn said... "There is not a single person with compassion or fellow-feeling on here.
"Everyone is exploiting this story--and the temple shooting--for political or religious or racist ends.
"I knew there was something wrong with this blog, and I often had to leave sick in my stomach.
"Now I see it that it is rotten to the core. It smells like a decaying corpse.
"You like it, some more than others, but Althouse fosters it and keeps the engine stoked."
Speaking only for myself, I wouldn't have ordinarily thought of making the death of a child (by apparent, but unclear suicide) a political matter. But when an ambitious local politician like Rahida Tlaib, in the late stages of a primary electoral campaign makes it an issue, I feel entitled to respond in kind. No more, no less. I was born not far from the location of that incident, and I live within a half-hour's drive of the location.
Interesting that Althouse chose a "Detroit" tag for this. Isn't this a "Suicide" tag or a "whatever" tag? What's so "Detroit" about this?
In any case, we all know that once you mention you "Detroit" you soon descent into racial matters and the inevitable charges of "racism".
Ho hum.
It seems to me that the question of why there isn't medical emergency response available IS a legitimate political question for local politicians. I'd say it's even their job.
Shouldn't someone who's fallen have at least a back-board in case of spinal injury? I picture the cops picking the boy up and putting him in the back seat and if that's what happened it's sort of horrifying. Not that they did the wrong thing, but still.
Nichevo said...
Um. Titus, IIRC, every observant Sikh male is constantly armed with a large pointy dagger. You may have just thought they were glad to see you, but they weren't. Sikhs are famous anti-Muslim warriors. The ones I have known were NOT thin. Other than that, thanks for the info.
What is really laughable is that CAIR just issued a statement where they said they stand with their Sikh brothers and sisters in their time of grief. Really? I ROFL'ed at the clear PR lie.
It all stinks of rotting corpses. It's highly selective to be able to smell only the rotting corpses of the opposition.
You could as easily call it citing examples as exploiting. It would be better to get beyond the first offense and move on to what can or should be done.
Finding out why it happened without reference to agendas would be a great start. But, that is very difficult, maybe impossible and requires more than surface reactions. Then, when someone really gets to a reason listening to them would be another good thing.
If it turns out the reason has to do with someone's pet political theory there will be stampedes of opposition.
Do we recognize truth when we see it? Do we even try?
History has some truths to tell us. What if we start there?
History? Napoleon called "History" fiction that was agreed upon.
Titus wrote: I spoke with my hubby about it, who is now calling me murderer, and he told me all about Sikhism.
Tell hubby he's a bigot.
Synova said...
"It seems to me that the question of why there isn't medical emergency response available IS a legitimate political question for local politicians. I'd say it's even their job."
It could be, if we knew for sure that the issue was clearly and directly related to funding, staffing, program design, mechanical support, or something else systemic. But we don't know that at all. Personally, I don't know exactly what the claim aginst EMS is, and I don't know exactly what the response is. It could have been human error, a single case of negligence, or any one of 1000 other things. Without any particular evidence of any state-level (Tlaib is a state representative) malfeasance. What I wonder is why Tlaib, a Democrat chose to pick on the state government rather than the City of Detroit which would be much nearer the situation. Wait I just answered my own question. "Democrat."
leslyn bellyached: I knew there was something wrong with this blog, and I often had to leave sick in my stomach.
Why are you blaming the messenger? The jury is still out on the motives of what irritates you.
He was kidding Chick.
Don't be so serious. Have a laugh or two!
I call my hubby browny and he calls me whitey.
That's how we roll.
I tell him he is luck to have a whitey American husband and that he is third world.
The Sikh on CNN has a matching tie and Turban. And the color is....ORANGE.
What do they look like without those Turbans. My hubby said they don't cut their hair-that may be kind of nasty to look at.
I never saw one Indian in Madison when I was there.
I never saw one Indian in Madison when I was there.
There used to be a very good vegetarian restaurant in the old Brooks St. YMCA (late 70s to early 80s). It was run by turbaned Indians, though I don't know if the were Sihks
You might want to re-read some history. Sikhs are world-famous for their bravery and skill in battle, and have a long and proud history of serving in the British military. It's not just when their women are in danger.
"I never saw one Indian in Madison when I was there."
We had one here only last year. Where were you Titus? I thought you were living here then.
Sikh and you will find.
Synova is wrong. The voice of reason here is rh.
Anyone against the Caliphate is aces in my book. But best to remember...
Maxim 29: The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more. No less.
I thought you were living here then.
I'm very close to determining that Titus is none other than our long time friend Trooper.
I have no proof other than I have never seen them together... kind of like the Reed rules of evidence.
At 10 central time the live feed from Mars starts. If there is a thump and moaning then we killed a Martian.
I have a question...
The witness that heard the noise and then went (no report on how long it took) to ask someone else to call...
How come she/he never heard of this program?
Apparently there is no reason for any American to wake up w/o a cell phone... if this is do and according to the bill it is.. what was this potential life saver whiteness doing w/o a lifesaver tool we hand out freely !?
I'm asking touchy feeler Lesly in particular.
If the scope of human experience is going to be judged on what someone can emote on the Althouse blog comment page... and thats all I needed to do to pass my human exam?
I have a simple question...
Wath Am i going to get for checking the right responses?
Thats the thing about liberalism.. isn't it?
Permission to be well thought of.. approbation.. while (and this is the sick part) this is done in the name of 'good will towards men'.
If it sounds familiar.. I will referrer you to commenter Crack ;)
Obama esta aqui... to take good care..
I am the one that haunts you every night
I am the one that because of you does not live
The one that awaits
That dreams you
Who wanted to own
Your love, your love
I am the one which gives his life to have you
I am the one that being away does not forget you
He that awaits
He that dreams you the one who prays every night for your love
As the professor would ask ...
Who else is professing to be the only one..
Althouse said the other day that "art is right wing".
I didn't know whether to be offended or complemented... which is good from my perspective.. the aim of the blog.. as far as I been able to surmise.. is to make the most fervent.. ambivalent... if only for a moment.
Freedom is the most contradictory concept ever surmised by the human mind.
I want to say to Les...
Les.. I'm not Sorry..
Les.. my guess is..
you went east.. not west
cause you could not guess
with the least.. amoung us
I’m On One
I’m getting so throwed
I aint went this hard since I was 18
Apologise if I say, anything I don’t mean
Like whats up with your best friend?
We could all have some fun, believe me
And whats up with these new niggas?
And why they think it all comes so easy
I'm Old Fashioned..
The idea that new fashions are threatened by old fashions is the most ridiculous thing anybody ever heard.
and yet...
I fight not to be counted amoung the lonely people..
All I want is to be on the guest list..
We just landed a fucking SUV on Mars.
God bless America!
It takes too long to make a life... by the time your life gets going... you are... dead.
There is a professor that Althouse linked to that lamented his brain shrinking... and while that's happening to professors, here we are, pretending to know everything.
America, Fuck Yeah!
I forgot all about it.
Not ironically.. I'm sorry I did.
I have NASA on a desktop click.
We have a picture to prove it.
A Hispanic engineer is first to read the telemetry.. make sure Obama.. the president with the highest hispanic deportation record in history... gets his shot at the hispanic vote.
btw.. if you want proof that we dont know everything...
Ask yourself why did we just land on Mars?
Curiosity is not just the name on the little rover.
I could go on with a song and dance as to why life is for the living but i believe NASA has.. as usual.. upstaged everybody and everything.
Shame on Althouse for poopooing NASA.
I'm counting 3 Obama mentions on the celebration speech.
I'm curious too myself.
One of the Obama mentions went so far as to contradict the accounts on the national press... That Obama killed man missions to Mars.
"He who has ears to hear, let him hear."
check that.. two contradictions.
I dont mind the mention of the president per se...
What I mind is that credit could be given to someone who has only found blame upon his predecessor.. that predecessor that budgeted this landing.
Blame, Credit, a mix bag that Obama is allowed to pick and choose.
Open it up for questions..
How long before an Obama political questions..
Not the first.
not the second..
not the third..
not the 4th..
the fifth is about a cooperation with other countries, what did, you, NASA, learn?
A version of -- did you think you got there on your own?
Thats the Obama question.. isn't it?
I;m going to go ahead and say that the head engineer with the earnings is gay.
Sharp answerer.
They ended by giving themselves a pat on the back.. "NASA is still in business".
Oh, admit it! The point of science is to feel good about how we can do science.
All the.. what did rh call it?..
onomatopoeic?... are patriotic calls onomatopoeic?.. probably not, but liberals certainly sneer them as such.. imho.
so where was I?
Ok.. Althouse is superficially right.. the celebratory performance after a big feat lends itself to a misinterpretation among the tax paying populace.
I chalk that up to ignorance in the orders of magnitude in difficulty that it takes to accomplish some of shit we watched on the tube..
While the cameras are on, the engineers should do what Rh suggested earlier on this very post...
I'd suggest confining emoting to your own actual neighborhood. It has a purpose there.
Still... the shit NASA does, when everything goes right.. would and should do... what Palladian said!
JPL did a marbles thing.. where for every successful day of the mission a marble was deducted from a projected mission total days pile.
Reminiscent of something I've seen on AA.
There is a second set of pics coming on.
The second set includes the same pics as the first set but w/o the dust cover.. and a higher resolution.
The pics are black and white.. nothing Alhouse would put up for us to drink coffee to ;)
The pics includes a "fish eye" 180 deg look at the crater where we landed.
I'm calling it "fish eye" because thats what Althouse calls it.
I have no idea what is called.. but thats how the engineers described it without calling it "fish eye".
The live broadcast is at an end... 1am California time.
Somebody here seems to have done waaaaaaaaaaaay too much Red Bull.
leslyn said...
There is not a single person with compassion or fellow-feeling on here...[snip]...Everyone is exploiting this story...[snip]... something wrong with this blog, ...[snip]...it is rotten to the core...[snip]...You like it...[snip]... Althouse fosters it...
Oh my, and yet you continue sit right here clinging to the rancid, eh? Like a Ring Billed Gull to a McD burger wrapper...with less to contribute, but more to say.
Given that it appears that @Chuck and I (@Aridog) are the only commenter on this thread who actually live in or close to Detroit proper, I find your opinion absurd. What do you know, Leslyn? Let me help you, vis a vis Detroit, you know nothing, zero, nada. If you lived here you'd be part of the problem, not the solution.
So why did the lady who heard the thump and moan not just run to the source of the sound, the crumpled body? One reason might be that she didn't know what had caused the crumpling...didn't see the fall, but saw a body on the ground. She did what she could with relative safety ...e.g., you see a fresh body on the ground in the inner city, chances are good you'll will be another one if you just run on up to it.
Don't know where you live Leslyn, but your attitude is typical of know nothings. Unless you've been in as city street gunfight yourself, don't pretend to lecture me or anyone else who has been or even just nearby one. I live about 6 minutes from the scene and was born less than 10 minutes from it. I know the area very well, and it has improved remarkably compared to some other parts of town, but the cultural poison is still here. Urban renewal is frequently called "negro removal" ... and it is in the sens that all it does is move the poverty shell around without fixing it.
Bring your liberal hoity toity behind down heah and help us, um'kay?
I believe Leslyn may have been responding to the propensity of Althouse reg'lars, borne out by the preponderance of remarks on this thread, to ignore the human tragedy in calamities that occur in our country and to see such events only as darts to throw at the dems/libs/union members/government who are, in their pinched view, at fault for every ill in modern America.
Obviously, these people are insane.
"see such events only as darts to throw at the dems/libs/union members/government who are, in their pinched view, at fault for every ill in modern America."
Wellll, not every ill.
For example, they have very little to do with our local weather, the disappearance of used book stores, or why Minnesota sports teams suck.
But other than that....
Mr Cook--it seems to me that the politicization of tragedy is an equal opportunity employer--both on the left and on the right. If you are suggesting that this is a conservative trait, I would suggest you are wrong.
Roger J.
I'm not making any suggestions, but merely referring to the behavior of many Althouse reg'lars.
God almighty . If a local rep ISN'T interested in looking into into such things as the EMS situation, then what the hell DO you want them to do? We're not talking about a U.S. Rep, after all, or some inherently opportunistic, outside-the-area activist.
Personally, if I call 911, I do expect a response. (Though of course if it weren't immediately forthcoming I'd jump in a car and speed away.) This does not strike me as an example of a parasitic , big-government (especially big fed gov't) loving thing. This is a more local thing, primarily municipal and even county but even to a degree state thing. If the muni etc. officials fail, why shouldn't a state rep of that specific district look into it and perhaps help hold even more local officials to account?
That is terrible, just terrible, about the 9-year-old boy. God almighty.
Don't be cute, Cook, it's not your long suit. You said the regulars beat up on lefty targets, what else did you mean other than that the beaters are conservatives? There are lefty regulars here, as one particle of self-awareness would inform you, and they are at least as susceptible as anyone on the right to playing punch-buggy, as, again, a speck of insight would lead you to admit.
That was a strangely disingenuous post coming from you. Hope you're not sinking to our level-what a loss-like the burning of the library at Alexandria.
"Everyone is exploiting this story--and the temple shooting--for political or religious or racist ends."
What are you talking about, leslyn? I'm sad the kid killed himself, and horrified that his previous suicide attempts didn't result in him getting the help he needed. And angry that EMS not only didn't arrive on time, they didn't bother showing up at all.
But never mind. We must demonstrate our compassion and humanity by dutifully ignoring such fixable things, and focus instead on ensuring that the next suicidal child will be mourned correctly.
"Don't be cute, Cook, it's not your long suit. You said the regulars beat up on lefty targets...."
No, I said many Althouse reg'lars use every calamity that occurs in this country only as darts to throw at dems/libs/union members/the government. This is a statement of fact. I do not think the Althouse reg'lars reflect the thinking of most Americans, even most Americans of conservative bent or Republican registration...at least, I sure hope they don't.
I do not deny such behavior may be found among those across the political spectrum, but that wasn't my point: I was referring to Leslyn's response to commenters here. Unsurprisingly, some responded with scorn to Leslyn, unable as they are to understand the human tragedy about which they're so callously glib.
That Detroit is a sewer is besides the point of this article.
Except for the fact that our hostess displayed "Detroit" prominently in the original post.
Given that it appears that @Chuck and I (@Aridog) are the only commenter on this thread who actually live in or close to Detroit proper, I find your opinion absurd. What do you know, Leslyn?
Me too, my entire life.
or why Minnesota sports teams suck
Watch your NHL team this coming season.
If you look WAAAAY up in the thread, you'll see that I agreed with Leslyn about trying to score points off of tragedy, but to sit there and try to make it seem as if it is the purview of the conservatives on this blog is just as wrong, and disingenuous.
Conservatives have been painted with that brush for decades, and we're tired of the hypocracy, and if you get hit back for suggesting it, then look to your own house first.
Or do you think Mitts Dad really is disappointed in him.
Like I said in the earlier post, I would prefer that the left kept this slimy type of association to themselves. That it spreads is merely human nature.
Now go back to your Earth circle, chant Kumbaya with all the other white liberals(cause nothing says racist like a white liberal), and just feel good that Zero is gonna heal all that's wrong with this country with his mellifluous voice. Because he sure hasn't done jackshit.
I also notice a absence of white liberals living in the inner cities of places like Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta, etc. Why is that?
The coverage of Mitts trip to Europe was over 80% disparaging. How even handed of their coverage. But hey! it's the right that is close minded.
Fuck the media, fuck Zero, and fuck close minded liberal fools.
Just learned that Zero hasn't had a press conference since june 20, where he took a total of 6 questions. Do you remember the boo hoo's and weeping that occurred when Romney wouldn't shout out an answer at a memorial site in Poland?
Not a peep about it from the LSM.
The hypocracy of you leftist know no bounds.
I didn't say every Althouse commenter was guilty of the behavior I described, but said "many" were.
Somewhat amusing Nichevo mentioned libs punch-buggy er tell the truth er harass cons at a 90/10 con blog.
Oh the humanity!
ok, ok, I freely admit I pick on Althouse's #1 tool edutcher and that pickin' on said lemming is wayyyy too easy. Satisfied lol.
Indeed, the meaningless minutiae at this blog is deafening!
"Fuck the media, fuck Zero, and fuck close minded liberal fools."
Althouse's blog in a nutshell ie childish cons whining 24/7. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Now go back to your Earth circle, chant Kumbaya with all the other white liberals(cause nothing says racist like a white liberal), and just feel good that Zero is gonna heal all that's wrong with this country with his mellifluous voice.
Is this supposed to be referring to me? LOL. I don't do earth circles or Kumbaya. I did vote for a Democrat for president precisely and exactly once since I was first eligible to vote in a presidential election in 1980 (at age 19), and that once was in 1984.
And while I might not be much of a True, Right, Real Conservative by most people's lights around here, I am a truly atrocious Lefty (not to mention that I like living in a Republic and dislike the notion of pure democracy).
Watch those assumptions, Carnifex. You might trip.
Lord help that poor child and his family, because no one else did.
File your own reports, Citizens, defend your own property, collect/dispose of your own garbate, bring out your dead your own d*mn selves.
This is how it starts, with the breakdown of the most basic government service -- maintaining order.
File your own reports, Citizens, defend your own property, collect/dispose of your own garbate, bring out your dead your own d*mn selves.
If this happens, maybe large amounts of public safety officers won't be as necessary?
I have a headache now...will Palladian or someone else with sense please explain things to Cook?
I think Carnifax was talking to Robert Cook.
I'm not making any suggestions, but merely referring to the behavior of many Althouse reg'lars.
The irony being that left-wing regulars -- yourself, shiloh, and leslyn -- used this tragedy purely as an opportunity to attack your usual opponents in this forum.
But of course, *you* care. It is only those heartless conservatives that don't care.
Honestly, the only thing that made this story relevant to people other than the loved ones of the dead boy was the lack of ambulances in Detroit. That's very much a political issue. So, people discuss politics.
File your own reports, Citizens, defend your own property,...
That exact process has been de rigueur in Detroit proper for a couple of years plus now. Nothing new about it. You can see the results of that cost saving, right?
That said, there are still attempts to clean the place up, the lofts and apartments downtown, the river Walk, new restaurants, investments by large local businessmen/women, various other "islands" of civility within the wasteland ... hoping to be stitched together one day.
For those who know Detroit, my daughter now lives at Woodward Ave & Grand River Ave. Ghetto and chi-chi side by side for now, but improving ... she works downtown and walks to work, talking about getting a good "city bike" like some made by Trek, et al., with her upscale car parked except for weekends. I helped her move in ... and it's damn sure a huge step up from the ghetto flat apartments I had (2nd Ave & Forest Street) in the Cass Corridor in my latter college days.
One step at a time ... this time I hope it works....
@ I Callahan ... Even if it does, Detroit will still need all the cops & firemen it can muster ... but can do with a lot less city hall and rule makers.
Other than that, most youngsters downtown now are carrying legal side arms now with legal CPL licenses.
Hot dang, one of these days soon she'll actually have a grocery store close by (Whole foods, if they don't punk out)
"The irony being that left-wing regulars -- yourself, shiloh, and leslyn -- used this tragedy purely as an opportunity to attack your usual opponents in this forum."
Revenants con sarcasm aside, I made (1) comment agreeing w/ Leslyn and a general comment pointing out the obvious, Althouse cons self-righteous bubble.
btw, I'm not a regular as I come and go as I please.
You do NOT post something like this...
"The pics includes a "fish eye" 180 deg look at the crater where we landed."
...in a comment thread about a poor boy who fell to his death.
Crap! I read from the bottom up!
And now I'm laughing and feeling like a HORRIBLE human being.
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