I'm pretty seriously considering buying a Greek fisherman's cap. Most guys under 55 look ridiculous in them,e specially if they have no facial hair, but I just grew a beard. I think I might be able to pull this off.
I'm going to go here later this week to try one on: http://sacredfeather.com Maybe they'll cut me a break if I can hook them up with somebody who can get their web site out of 1995.
Crack, I was always told that, politics aside, Skrewdriver were a great band. Lots of people told me that. I finally listened to them this morning after reading your comment. They were awful.
Re: that Gibson post, Gibsons really seem to suck these days. I bought a Joan Jett Melody Maker a few years ago that almost takes my fingers off, the frets stick out so far. I'm going to have to have them filed down individually eventually but it'll cost a ton. I keep reading that quality has gone down the toilet over there lately.
Crack, I was always told that, politics aside, Skrewdriver were a great band. Lots of people told me that. I finally listened to them this morning after reading your comment. They were awful.
I hear you. The best "white supremacist" band I ever heard was a parody - Laibach - who took the music of ancient German culture (admired during WWII) and threw it on everything (which kind of spoiled the joke, by letting the cat out of the bag, but spared them the charge of being racists,...) At the beginning, they scared the shit out of me - and I loved it.
Lots of people love awful music. I tend to shy away from them. I don't even HEAR a lot of bad music because of it. Snippets, maybe, but not enough to let it get to me. I have a tendency to say, "That's really bad music," so avoidance seems to be the best strategy.
I found a trove of old slides at my great aunts house after she died from 70-80 years ago. Among them was about 100 Kodachrome slides of my grandfathers and grandmothers wedding and their honeymoon in 1942 at Miami Beach.
What amazes me is the power of photography to not just capture time, but like in the Liz Taylor pic....with color just right...to do it with perfect fidelity.
Kodachrome can do that. The colors last. And have the resolution you can get up to 26-28 Megapixel resolution. I digitized all those family slides of note.
Each picture was like you were there.
Right with them - in 1937 when my teenaged grandfather and his long dead (killed in WWII) brother were at Wrigley Field. 1938 Christmas in Oak Park Chicago, Posing at Christmas that year with Aunts I never met, my great grandfather grandmother, a new puppy, and a model Zepplin..In full true color and detail.
In 1942, a vivid photo of my grandmom and granddad in front of a artillery emplacement on the MIami Beach seawall..with another couple..both gals in fetching one-piece wild colored swimsuits...with the gun crew admiring their ummmmm....looks from behind..
Cedarford, those old slides sound great. Let us know if you care to share any of them online.
I love vintage Kodachrome, truly a beautiful film. Here is a selection of Kodachrome images taken by FSA photographers from 1939-1943.
Those are wonderful, but I love Kodachrome snapshots taken by ordinary people, family snapshots etc., just as much. I've collected a few of them, photographs found at flea markets and such.
Search "vintage kodachrome" at flickr and there's a treasure trove of them. The ultimate family slideshow.
I will consider posting them on Flickr because they are really nice. If I do, I'll try to remember and give you a heads up.
I did some up of my Dad's (he had a lot of old slides from the 50s) as well - and put them up for family and friends under Google Picassa.(free and very high GB server allowance given you)
I have also had some luck with using a digital camera to copy old photographs at a 5MPXL level.
And thanks for the link to old Kodachrome pics everyday people did!!
The item on the secret wedding that the newspaper blew. I have a window open and I'm checking to see how these particular people say things. One of the girls I like a lot but oi does she ever have man hands. I mean it. It's scary. Such a pretty face but the action I'm watching blam hands that belong on a lumberjack.
If you were watching while you heard it you would recognize 'from Scotland to England' because it looks like that, Great Britain on an arm.
Stop me if you're not interested.
Scotland is similar to 'medical,' an 'M' hand inscribes a small cross on the opposite shoulder. 'Scotland' is and open plaid painted on the shoulder. England is similar to 'night' one hand drapes over the back of the other hand lifts and drapes again. Night cloaks a hand with another hand, England does that twice. On the same extended arm. Like an Island, that arm.
'to' is shown, an index finger going from the painted-on plaid to the double clamp/drape as if drawing a line on a map. You conclude very quietly with your hands folded properly. Right there on your arm it goes: slap slap toooooo night-night, Scotland to England.
My daughter in law...pretty girl, really beautiful. Funny, always smiling. She wears a size 13 ring! Mines only an 11! Her feet aren't as big as mine though, so I still got that.
Eddie Fisher was a dog for Liz in those first few weeks after he had abandoned pussycat Debbie Reynolds. It was all very intraspecies confusing after super Alpha Mike Todd died, the only man who had ever been able to keep Liz on the straight and narrow specie specific path.
"In real, behind the curtains life, Lassie couldn't stand Timmy. Lassie's deep and troubling relationship with Annette Funicello was oft rumored, but studio publicists threatened any Hollywood writer who so much as whispered about it."
I am thinking of a show like Queer Eye For the Sikh Guy.
Shave the beards, get rid of the pajamas, and exchange the turban for a cowboy or baseball hat. Tailored suits, designer shoes and cute haircuts. They need to become more American.
Eddie Fischer supposedly comforted Liz with his enormous penis and dog like devotion. Later, Liz found an actual man in Richard Burton and left poor Eddie.
Not anymore it can't: manufacture was ceased in 2009 and Kodak dismantled processing in 2010.
Alas. Truly something to mourn.
But Kodak came out with the most recent version of Portra 400 not too long ago-- a film which (in my own photographic practice) I also love.
As far as the films that I myself use, I've mourned the recent loss of Fuji 800z more (only because I myself never personally used Kodachrome, though I do love it).
The day that Kodak and Fuji end the production of all photographic film (slide or negative) per se, is the day I might wail suicidal.
I believe now is the time for the state of Wisconsin and specifically Meady and Althouse to reflect on the shootings in Wisconsin.
And through this reflection issue an apology to the country of India as well as the Sikh population.
Siky Wiky's are hurting right now and looking inside to why they caused this. The least cheeseland and Althouse and Meady can do is issue an apology. I know it will go a long way in repairing the damage that has been done.
Just came from a scary Oval Room shindig. It seems that every-one at WH is running scared. There is fear that Romney will make Ryan a VP.
At the Chicago-HQ, David A. and P., the Brain-Trusts along with Jim M., are hoping that the VP will be Portman or Pawlenty. They can have Biden dispatch them easily. BUT RYAN is smart and every-one is fearful that Biden will blow the debates, just like Obama will be intimated by Romney's business success (and fact that he started at the bottom then rose to the top).
Expect Reid (or Pelosi) to go after Ryan this week. IT is getting hot….in DC.
How innocent the world must have been back then to see this as a cute picture, suitable for release as a publicity still. On the other hand, how depraved we have become to right away see the bestiality overtones......I wonder which is more counterproductive to human happiness: sexual naivete or hyper awareness of the eros latent in most relationships.
I know you and your husband are "fabulous", and while some don't, I like you irreverent comedic musings, but why the hell would the Prof. or Mr. Meade have to apologize for anything?
The sikhs I have met are good people(admittedly, not a large group here), and it's sad that some nut job can't tell the difference between them and foundie Islamist. That's it. They don't get special" treatment because nut jobs kill people everyday on this planet. It ain't restricted to America.
When I think of Elizabeth Taylor and animal love I think first of all of National Velvet. It's the paradigmatic portrait of the love between a girl and her horse.
I guess I missed the Lassie movies, but "National Velvet" was a big emblem of my horse-crazy youth.
NB This has nothing to do with bestiality-- but real affection between a girl and an incredibly lovable animal. As a child actor Taylor played her love for Pie as if she were deeply in love-- and as a girl who deeply loved a horse myself, I could relate.
I know that space exploration is, generally, scornfully regarded as "boy's playtime" and a "waste of money" around here, but it would have been nice to talk about the fact that we (JPL, NASA, America) landed a large, heavy, plutonium-powered mobile laboratory on the planet Mars last night.
I know a couple of people mentioned it late in the night, but I haven't really seen much else about it. I guess a bunch of dreary political bitching, ping-ponging of blame over various murders and similar Earth-bound nonsense seems more important to the general commentariat around these parts.
Let's just riff on the Prof's title literally. Looking at this picture, you see a young womsn, probably incpacitated(I say this because no one closes their eye when the get frenched by the pooch), a dog, hovering over her, licking her face, obviously trying to aid her as best it can.
Now think of all the stories you hear, at least twice a year and usually more, of dogs, saving their owners, and strangers, by performing some heroic feat.
Granted a lot of that is instinct, the pack mentality coming to the front, but how then to explain away a dog saving a strange child by keeping it warm while the child is lost? How do Darwinist explain another species coming to the rescue of out own? It's not in the dogs "interest". There are plenty of other humans around.
I'd like to think maybe the common dog "see's" something in humanity, however dim its perception, and our value, that strikes a chord of goodness in both of our species.
What greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his brother? How about laying down your life for a different species.
Or I could just be an ol' doodyhead.
Who didn't cry when they shot Ol' Yeller?
Close Encounters of the Third Kind was on Scyfy today, and it got me wondering. How many of our children or grandchildren don't get to see old classics because their considered at best passe.
Movie's like Dr. Strangelove, Dr. Zhivago(no relation), the Maltese Falcon(1 of my all time favorites).
Or books that people don't read anymore...Moby Dick, Call of the Wild, Huckleberry Finn. How can kids today relate to the whitewashing of Aunt Polly's Fence, or Black Beauty being whipped by a cruel owner. The Swiss Family Robinson with its wholesome family foundation.
Even the comics today are filled with angst, and bitterness. The hero's fighting not for justice, but for their own inner demons. Granted it's better fare for the adults but aren't the prime consumers of comic books "supposed" to be children?
You mean to say that we're polluting other planets now with our nucular waste?( I know how to spell nuclear, this is irony)
Just kidding, it was an amazing feat, especially with that Rube Goldberg designed landing system. I know why they called it 7 minutes of hell.
I was also extremely amazed by the landing of the unmanned space plane a few months ago. That was just spectacular. And when do pilots become useless weight on a 757?
Just watching the local news out of Cleveland after the Olympics. Suspicious dude who walked into Batman alone with a bag was asked by police if they could search it. It was full of guns and knives. I guess Instapundit and the other gun freaks would say he was there to keep everyone safe.
Armed and dangerous neo-nazi who killed a bunch of people at a temple was on the radar of the SLPC. Althouse hillbillies complain that the SLPC tries to keep an eye on these terrorists. Oookay....
Drudge Report and FOX attacked gold medal winning Serena Williams for doing the "Crip Walk". Fox News attacks gold medal winning Gabby Douglas for not wearing patriotic enough outfits, and not being jingoistic enough (their words). But there's no racism going on there. (Incidentally, unlike virtually all the stars of right wing media, Gabby's father is serving America in Afghanistan.)
Uh, Loafing Oaf, not that it would change your set-in-concrete mind, but do you know what the Crip Walk "celebrates?" It celebrates the noble contributions of The Crips and The Bloods. As such it not only deserves to be criticized, it screams out to be criticized. But keep crying racisss. You and your fellow henchmen have almost defanged the term. Which leaves you with zip zero nada in your smear arsenal, asshole.
It's a service dog. The woman has suffered a seizure. The dog saw it coming and began pacing nervously and anxiously well in advance which clued the woman she had best lie down. The dog's face licking is bringing the woman out of her short circuited state. Good doggy, good doggy everything's okay.
Before going all-digital I used to shoot a lot of Ektachrome Professional 100 beginning from my first Nikon F2 (16th birthday present) right up to the theft of my last F4 at Idlewild in '04. My original reason for the choice of Ektachrome was an article in National Geographic about their staff photographers which claimed they used Ektachrome Professional exclusively. Good enough for me. later when I started toying with color in my darkroom I discovered that the E-4 process kit was readily available whereas K-14 process wasn't. Kodak sold the chemicals needed to process their professional film products to amateurs while Kodachrome, a product aimed at amateurs, required processing by professional labs. Quirky, no? One E-4 kit could process about 25 36-exposure rolls if you timed it right, and you could push Ektachrome Pro 100 to 200 or a bit further by keeping the baths at 115 degrees. It was fun.
I also shot a lot of Fujichrome and Agfachrome. Fuji often looked better than Ektachrome, especially at high altitude, probably because it handled UV better. Agfa and Ekta were almost indistinguishable to my eye. You could process Agfa with E-4, but not with E-6. Fuji had it's own process kit, but I never used one. I was so impressed with Fuji that I almost gave up Ektachrome, but that was before Fuji let me down big time. I got some really good stuff at the Braemar Highland Games in '95, or maybe not, I don't know because the Fujichrome I had loaded in my motor back broke. I could have salvaged much of it if I could have open the camera in the darkroom, but I flew home via Reagan International and I ran afoul of a real twit of an ICE agent with a big ass and sculpted hair. When she got to my camera bags she got really anal in her examinations. She smeared the lens with her Krispy Kreme befouled fingers and sniffed everything; hell, she used every sense organ except her tongue on my equipment. Then she lifted my F4 with the motor back still attached. There was an F301 body and another F4 body in the case, but she did touch them. Please don't open that, I said. It's got exposed film in it. So what did she do? Guess... After that never another roll of Fuji.
I've always had trouble photographing my own dogs. They either turn away or get so close they slobber the lens, damned prima donnas...
When I want a good dog pic I hire a dog pic pro. Sometimes they do it for free if I sign the release form. One of my dogs got semi-famous in 2003. Dog Fancy ran three poses of him in an article profiling the Scottish Deerhound breed and Brown trout Publishing made him the cover boy for their dog calendar that year.
Good enough for me. later when I started toying with color in my darkroom I discovered that the E-4 process kit was readily available whereas K-14 process wasn't. Kodak sold the chemicals needed to process their professional film products to amateurs while Kodachrome, a product aimed at amateurs, required processing by professional labs. Quirky, no?
I am a lover of the late, lamented Kodachrome, both the still film and the Super 8 motion picture film; beautiful, beautiful color and quality. I also used Fuji Velvia, which I liked a lot, but it was very different than K-14 process film.
The K-14 process for Kodachrome was ridiculously complicated, and therefore you couldn't do it at home, even if you really wanted to.
"The day that Kodak and Fuji end the production of all photographic film (slide or negative) per se, is the day I might wail suicidal."
In the end credits for THE DARK KNIGHT RISES is the statement "Photographed on film," or words to that effect.
You know, as opposed to movies filmed on video. Reminds me of the first several albums by Queen, where they always printed the declaration "No synthesizers."
"How innocent the world must have been back then to see this as a cute picture, suitable for release as a publicity still. On the other hand, how depraved we have become to right away see the bestiality overtones...."
Speak for yourself. I didn't at all think of "bestiality overtones" when I saw this picture. I thought, "Oh, it's a picture of Elizabeth Taylor and 'Lassie'." And then, "what a sweet picture" and "she was such a lovely young girl."
"How do Darwinist explain another species coming to the rescue of out own? It's not in the dogs 'interest.'"
It's hardly mysterious:
1. Dogs are pack animals, and, as such, have evolved to behave cooperatively with each other for their mutual benefit and protection.
2. Dogs have long been domesticated by humans, and see their caretaker humans as part of their pack.
3. I don't know if a dog would come to the aid of a human it didn't know, but if it did, it's probably an extension of it's seeing it's caretaker human(s) as part of its pack...that is, it probably sees all humans as potentially part of its pack.
"I know a couple of people mentioned [the Curiosity rover] late in the night, but I haven't really seen much else about it. I guess a bunch of dreary political bitching, ping-ponging of blame over various murders and similar Earth-bound nonsense seems more important to the general commentariat around these parts."
The big multinational corp. I work for was in a small way deeply involved in the project, so I was on tenterhooks about it. But the news has been so depressing lately, and the commentary here also*, that I can rarely work up the energy to comment. But, Yay NASA! Yay JPL! Yay us!
*E.g. Althouse's first post re: the Sikh temple, which quickly devolved into a lengthy trilogue between Troll, Moby, and Idiot. Despair.
Well this is disappointing to say the least. How will garage defend voter fraud now that his favorite method of closing his eyes is demonstrably wrong?
I'm sure he'll let us know what the new talking point is.
"I know that space exploration is, generally, scornfully regarded as "boy's playtime" and a "waste of money" around here, but it would have been nice to talk about the fact that we (JPL, NASA, America) landed a large, heavy, plutonium-powered mobile laboratory on the planet Mars last night."
The anti-science ignorance of the Althouse hillbillies is well-documented (***SARC***).
Note they did it at a cost of about 0.3% of the ARRA, and it employed numerous people over a period of years.
That disgusting christo-phillic photo of an obviously unclean dog and some helpless madonna truly offends all Muslims. You should be ashamed for giving offense to Islam.
Palladian said... I know that space exploration is, generally, scornfully regarded as "boy's playtime" and a "waste of money" around here, but it would have been nice to talk about the fact that we (JPL, NASA, America) landed a large, heavy, plutonium-powered mobile laboratory on the planet Mars last night.
I know a couple of people mentioned it late in the night, but I haven't really seen much else about it. I guess a bunch of dreary political bitching, ping-ponging of blame over various murders and similar Earth-bound nonsense seems more important to the general commentariat around these parts.
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९२ टिप्पण्या:
Well, that's why this boy is my avatar
I'm pretty seriously considering buying a Greek fisherman's cap. Most guys under 55 look ridiculous in them,e specially if they have no facial hair, but I just grew a beard. I think I might be able to pull this off.
I'm going to go here later this week to try one on: http://sacredfeather.com Maybe they'll cut me a break if I can hook them up with somebody who can get their web site out of 1995.
Oh yes, I need a kiss too. Especially from a handsome boy. Even an old boy.
... it couldn't get any better.
Yes it could:
The human could be tongue kissing the dog in return,...
Come on - you didn't see that?
How could you not see that,...?
Crack, I was always told that, politics aside, Skrewdriver were a great band. Lots of people told me that. I finally listened to them this morning after reading your comment. They were awful.
Re: that Gibson post, Gibsons really seem to suck these days. I bought a Joan Jett Melody Maker a few years ago that almost takes my fingers off, the frets stick out so far. I'm going to have to have them filed down individually eventually but it'll cost a ton. I keep reading that quality has gone down the toilet over there lately.
Less strife than with Richard Burton, certainly.
What was the last thing that dog licked before licking the kid's face?
Althouse, you made me look. Damn. A wasted 20 seconds.
That must be Liz Taylor and myself in a good dream about bones.
Crack, I was always told that, politics aside, Skrewdriver were a great band. Lots of people told me that. I finally listened to them this morning after reading your comment. They were awful.
I hear you. The best "white supremacist" band I ever heard was a parody - Laibach - who took the music of ancient German culture (admired during WWII) and threw it on everything (which kind of spoiled the joke, by letting the cat out of the bag, but spared them the charge of being racists,...) At the beginning, they scared the shit out of me - and I loved it.
Lots of people love awful music. I tend to shy away from them. I don't even HEAR a lot of bad music because of it. Snippets, maybe, but not enough to let it get to me. I have a tendency to say, "That's really bad music," so avoidance seems to be the best strategy.
Offline, I'm just trying to survive,...
Beautiful love or Collie Apocalypse?
I found a trove of old slides at my great aunts house after she died from 70-80 years ago. Among them was about 100 Kodachrome slides of my grandfathers and grandmothers wedding and their honeymoon in 1942 at Miami Beach.
What amazes me is the power of photography to not just capture time, but like in the Liz Taylor pic....with color just right...to do it with perfect fidelity.
Kodachrome can do that. The colors last. And have the resolution you can get up to 26-28 Megapixel resolution.
I digitized all those family slides of note.
Each picture was like you were there.
Right with them - in 1937 when my teenaged grandfather and his long dead (killed in WWII) brother were at Wrigley Field. 1938 Christmas in Oak Park Chicago, Posing at Christmas that year with Aunts I never met, my great grandfather grandmother, a new puppy, and a model Zepplin..In full true color and detail.
In 1942, a vivid photo of my grandmom and granddad in front of a artillery emplacement on the MIami Beach seawall..with another couple..both gals in fetching one-piece wild colored swimsuits...with the gun crew admiring their ummmmm....looks from behind..
Of course I would have licked her face.
I love dogs so much I would rather be Sophia than Lassie in this scene.
It makes me want to put white lines under my eyebrows.
Wait, that doesn't work at all.
Beautiful Love
Cedarford, those old slides sound great. Let us know if you care to share any of them online.
I love vintage Kodachrome, truly a beautiful film. Here is a selection of Kodachrome images taken by FSA photographers from 1939-1943.
Those are wonderful, but I love Kodachrome snapshots taken by ordinary people, family snapshots etc., just as much. I've collected a few of them, photographs found at flea markets and such.
Search "vintage kodachrome" at flickr and there's a treasure trove of them. The ultimate family slideshow.
I can haz ur white wimmenz? Once you go K9's you never go back.
Good thing it wasn't B Treasure Dog.
She always waited until you opened your mouth and then tried to soul kiss you.
WestVirginiaRebel said...
Timmy's fallen down the well! Eh, you taste better...
Apparently a lot of guys felt that way.
Harry Reid revels the source of his Romney Rumor(I likes alliteration). Turns out it was Nancy Pelosi.
If that had been Snoop Doggie Dogg would that couple be banned from a Miss. church.
Excuse me...Snoop Lionnie Lionn
Kiss cat.
The beautiful love that dare not speaks its name.
Carnifex said...
Harry Reid revels the source of his Romney Rumor(I likes alliteration). Turns out it was Nancy Pelosi.
Maybe the rumors are true.
They must be using Botox instead of lube.
Yashu -
I will consider posting them on Flickr because they are really nice.
If I do, I'll try to remember and give you a heads up.
I did some up of my Dad's (he had a lot of old slides from the 50s) as well - and put them up for family and friends under Google Picassa.(free and very high GB server allowance given you)
I have also had some luck with using a digital camera to copy old photographs at a 5MPXL level.
And thanks for the link to old Kodachrome pics everyday people did!!
The item on the secret wedding that the newspaper blew. I have a window open and I'm checking to see how these particular people say things. One of the girls I like a lot but oi does she ever have man hands. I mean it. It's scary. Such a pretty face but the action I'm watching blam hands that belong on a lumberjack.
If you were watching while you heard it you would recognize 'from Scotland to England' because it looks like that, Great Britain on an arm.
Stop me if you're not interested.
Scotland is similar to 'medical,' an 'M' hand inscribes a small cross on the opposite shoulder. 'Scotland' is and open plaid painted on the shoulder. England is similar to 'night' one hand drapes over the back of the other hand lifts and drapes again. Night cloaks a hand with another hand, England does that twice. On the same extended arm. Like an Island, that arm.
'to' is shown, an index finger going from the painted-on plaid to the double clamp/drape as if drawing a line on a map. You conclude very quietly with your hands folded properly. Right there on your arm it goes: slap slap toooooo night-night, Scotland to England.
My daughter in law...pretty girl, really beautiful. Funny, always smiling. She wears a size 13 ring! Mines only an 11! Her feet aren't as big as mine though, so I still got that.
Eddie Fisher was a dog for Liz in those first few weeks after he had abandoned pussycat Debbie Reynolds. It was all very intraspecies confusing after super Alpha Mike Todd died, the only man who had ever been able to keep Liz on the straight and narrow specie specific path.
"In real, behind the curtains life, Lassie couldn't stand Timmy. Lassie's deep and troubling relationship with Annette Funicello was oft rumored, but studio publicists threatened any Hollywood writer who so much as whispered about it."
-The Lassie Chronicles
The dogs eyes are firmly fixed on the off-camera trainer.
You never know where a dog just licked. Just sayin.
Did you hear the one about the newlyweds that didn't know the difference between KY and caulk?
All their windows fell out.
"All their windows fell out."
Before, after or during ?
Dogs give great kisses.
I believe The Sikh's need a new makeover.
I am thinking of a show like Queer Eye For the Sikh Guy.
Shave the beards, get rid of the pajamas, and exchange the turban for a cowboy or baseball hat. Tailored suits, designer shoes and cute haircuts. They need to become more American.
The dog's harvesting food, most likely. Salt is the usual item sought.
The other possibility is a question:
wants attention query
lady has just fallen down and the dog is asking what's going on
Submission would be another reason but not likely here.
A Sikh reality show definitely will help with some PR too.
Real Housewives of Bangalore or perhaps Goa Shore.
"The dog's harvesting food, most likely. Salt is the usual item sought."
He's obviously looking off camera. Usually when dogs lick you out of affection they stare at you, as opposed to off to one side.
"Eddie Fisher was a dog for Liz"
Eddie Fischer supposedly comforted Liz with his enormous penis and dog like devotion. Later, Liz found an actual man in Richard Burton and left poor Eddie.
"All their windows fell out."
Before, after or during ?"
Drawn to the light like a moth.
My mom went to Wisconsin Dells today with two gay retired priests. They are a couple. One is 84 and the other one is 80.
How fucked up is that?
She told me they have a bunch of other gay retired priest friends.
She was so whatever about the entire thing. I was like mom, they are priests, and they are fucking fags!
Looks like a dog is in Althouse's future.
Kodachrome can do that.
Not anymore it can't: manufacture was ceased in 2009 and Kodak dismantled processing in 2010.
Kodachrome can do that.
Not anymore it can't: manufacture was ceased in 2009 and Kodak dismantled processing in 2010.
Alas. Truly something to mourn.
But Kodak came out with the most recent version of Portra 400 not too long ago-- a film which (in my own photographic practice) I also love.
As far as the films that I myself use, I've mourned the recent loss of Fuji 800z more (only because I myself never personally used Kodachrome, though I do love it).
The day that Kodak and Fuji end the production of all photographic film (slide or negative) per se, is the day I might wail suicidal.
Some of us tried to warn you it was a short, slippery slope from same sex marriage to man's best friends with benefits. But would you listen?
I believe now is the time for the state of Wisconsin and specifically Meady and Althouse to reflect on the shootings in Wisconsin.
And through this reflection issue an apology to the country of India as well as the Sikh population.
Siky Wiky's are hurting right now and looking inside to why they caused this. The least cheeseland and Althouse and Meady can do is issue an apology. I know it will go a long way in repairing the damage that has been done.
And as always tits.
pm317 said...
Looks like a dog is in Althouse's future.
Glad you said it.
This picture grosses me out.
Just came from a scary Oval Room shindig. It seems that every-one at WH is running scared. There is fear that Romney will make Ryan a VP.
At the Chicago-HQ, David A. and P., the Brain-Trusts along with Jim M., are hoping that the VP will be Portman or Pawlenty. They can have Biden dispatch them easily. BUT RYAN is smart and every-one is fearful that Biden will blow the debates, just like Obama will be intimated by Romney's business success (and fact that he started at the bottom then rose to the top).
Expect Reid (or Pelosi) to go after Ryan this week. IT is getting hot….in DC.
How innocent the world must have been back then to see this as a cute picture, suitable for release as a publicity still. On the other hand, how depraved we have become to right away see the bestiality overtones......I wonder which is more counterproductive to human happiness: sexual naivete or hyper awareness of the eros latent in most relationships.
I know you and your husband are "fabulous", and while some don't, I like you irreverent comedic musings, but why the hell would the Prof. or Mr. Meade have to apologize for anything?
The sikhs I have met are good people(admittedly, not a large group here), and it's sad that some nut job can't tell the difference between them and foundie Islamist. That's it. They don't get special" treatment because nut jobs kill people everyday on this planet. It ain't restricted to America.
I see no overtones of bestiality. I see someone who fell asleep and was unfortunate enough to have a dog come put its slobbery tongue on her face.
Tell your K Street buddies not to worry. Ryan ain't gonna' be Veep.
Tell your K Street buddies to worry. My 3 y.o. grandson can out debate "Braindead".
Tell your K Street buddies not to worry. Nobody votes "for" the Veep.(unless it's a great pick like Sarah)
Tell your K Street buddies to worry. Ryans gonna be in the Congress chopping all their little back door deals with Zero into confetti!
I would wager that every dog owner in the country has been frenched by their dog at least once. Just the nature of the beast, so to speak.
And if they haven't, try peanut butter. >;-)
When I think of Elizabeth Taylor and animal love I think first of all of National Velvet. It's the paradigmatic portrait of the love between a girl and her horse.
I guess I missed the Lassie movies, but "National Velvet" was a big emblem of my horse-crazy youth.
NB This has nothing to do with bestiality-- but real affection between a girl and an incredibly lovable animal. As a child actor Taylor played her love for Pie as if she were deeply in love-- and as a girl who deeply loved a horse myself, I could relate.
I know that space exploration is, generally, scornfully regarded as "boy's playtime" and a "waste of money" around here, but it would have been nice to talk about the fact that we (JPL, NASA, America) landed a large, heavy, plutonium-powered mobile laboratory on the planet Mars last night.
I know a couple of people mentioned it late in the night, but I haven't really seen much else about it. I guess a bunch of dreary political bitching, ping-ponging of blame over various murders and similar Earth-bound nonsense seems more important to the general commentariat around these parts.
Let's just riff on the Prof's title literally. Looking at this picture, you see a young womsn, probably incpacitated(I say this because no one closes their eye when the get frenched by the pooch), a dog, hovering over her, licking her face, obviously trying to aid her as best it can.
Now think of all the stories you hear, at least twice a year and usually more, of dogs, saving their owners, and strangers, by performing some heroic feat.
Granted a lot of that is instinct, the pack mentality coming to the front, but how then to explain away a dog saving a strange child by keeping it warm while the child is lost? How do Darwinist explain another species coming to the rescue of out own? It's not in the dogs "interest". There are plenty of other humans around.
I'd like to think maybe the common dog "see's" something in humanity, however dim its perception, and our value, that strikes a chord of goodness in both of our species.
What greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his brother? How about laying down your life for a different species.
Or I could just be an ol' doodyhead.
Who didn't cry when they shot Ol' Yeller?
Close Encounters of the Third Kind was on Scyfy today, and it got me wondering. How many of our children or grandchildren don't get to see old classics because their considered at best passe.
Movie's like Dr. Strangelove, Dr. Zhivago(no relation), the Maltese Falcon(1 of my all time favorites).
Or books that people don't read anymore...Moby Dick, Call of the Wild, Huckleberry Finn. How can kids today relate to the whitewashing of Aunt Polly's Fence, or Black Beauty being whipped by a cruel owner. The Swiss Family Robinson with its wholesome family foundation.
Even the comics today are filled with angst, and bitterness. The hero's fighting not for justice, but for their own inner demons. Granted it's better fare for the adults but aren't the prime consumers of comic books "supposed" to be children?
You mean to say that we're polluting other planets now with our nucular waste?( I know how to spell nuclear, this is irony)
Just kidding, it was an amazing feat, especially with that Rube Goldberg designed landing system. I know why they called it 7 minutes of hell.
I was also extremely amazed by the landing of the unmanned space plane a few months ago. That was just spectacular. And when do pilots become useless weight on a 757?
Just watching the local news out of Cleveland after the Olympics. Suspicious dude who walked into Batman alone with a bag was asked by police if they could search it. It was full of guns and knives. I guess Instapundit and the other gun freaks would say he was there to keep everyone safe.
Armed and dangerous neo-nazi who killed a bunch of people at a temple was on the radar of the SLPC. Althouse hillbillies complain that the SLPC tries to keep an eye on these terrorists. Oookay....
wants attention query
No, it's a male dog, and Liz didn't go that way.
And he doesn't need a bit of makeup, even under movie lights.
Drudge Report and FOX attacked gold medal winning Serena Williams for doing the "Crip Walk". Fox News attacks gold medal winning Gabby Douglas for not wearing patriotic enough outfits, and not being jingoistic enough (their words). But there's no racism going on there. (Incidentally, unlike virtually all the stars of right wing media, Gabby's father is serving America in Afghanistan.)
The dog's harvesting food, most likely. Salt is the usual item sought.
The other possibility is a question:
wants attention query
Looks like LoafingOaf is slobbering out his "wants attention" query.
Or maybe he needs some salt. Come on, people, let PinchingLoaf have a few licks; he's obviously suffering from some sort of imbalance.
Uh, Loafing Oaf, not that it would change your set-in-concrete mind, but do you know what the Crip Walk "celebrates?" It celebrates the noble contributions of The Crips and The Bloods. As such it not only deserves to be criticized, it screams out to be criticized. But keep crying racisss. You and your fellow henchmen have almost defanged the term. Which leaves you with zip zero nada in your smear arsenal, asshole.
Knock it off with the hillbillies or we might begin to suspect you are merely being antagonistic, never anything less nor anything more.
It's a service dog. The woman has suffered a seizure. The dog saw it coming and began pacing nervously and anxiously well in advance which clued the woman she had best lie down. The dog's face licking is bringing the woman out of her short circuited state. Good doggy, good doggy everything's okay.
The Crip Walk looks pretty close to the Antler dance.
Kodachrome can do that.
Before going all-digital I used to shoot a lot of Ektachrome Professional 100 beginning from my first Nikon F2 (16th birthday present) right up to the theft of my last F4 at Idlewild in '04. My original reason for the choice of Ektachrome was an article in National Geographic about their staff photographers which claimed they used Ektachrome Professional exclusively. Good enough for me. later when I started toying with color in my darkroom I discovered that the E-4 process kit was readily available whereas K-14 process wasn't. Kodak sold the chemicals needed to process their professional film products to amateurs while Kodachrome, a product aimed at amateurs, required processing by professional labs. Quirky, no? One E-4 kit could process about 25 36-exposure rolls if you timed it right, and you could push Ektachrome Pro 100 to 200 or a bit further by keeping the baths at 115 degrees. It was fun.
I also shot a lot of Fujichrome and Agfachrome. Fuji often looked better than Ektachrome, especially at high altitude, probably because it handled UV better. Agfa and Ekta were almost indistinguishable to my eye. You could process Agfa with E-4, but not with E-6. Fuji had it's own process kit, but I never used one. I was so impressed with Fuji that I almost gave up Ektachrome, but that was before Fuji let me down big time. I got some really good stuff at the Braemar Highland Games in '95, or maybe not, I don't know because the Fujichrome I had loaded in my motor back broke. I could have salvaged much of it if I could have open the camera in the darkroom, but I flew home via Reagan International and I ran afoul of a real twit of an ICE agent with a big ass and sculpted hair. When she got to my camera bags she got really anal in her examinations. She smeared the lens with her Krispy Kreme befouled fingers and sniffed everything; hell, she used every sense organ except her tongue on my equipment. Then she lifted my F4 with the motor back still attached. There was an F301 body and another F4 body in the case, but she did touch them. Please don't open that, I said. It's got exposed film in it. So what did she do? Guess... After that never another roll of Fuji.
I got a 12.0 on the google! Woo-hoo, three gold stars. You know that's right. Put me on the Wheaties box.
I've always had trouble photographing my own dogs. They either turn away or get so close they slobber the lens, damned prima donnas...
When I want a good dog pic I hire a dog pic pro. Sometimes they do it for free if I sign the release form. One of my dogs got semi-famous in 2003. Dog Fancy ran three poses of him in an article profiling the Scottish Deerhound breed and Brown trout Publishing made him the cover boy for their dog calendar that year.
Good enough for me. later when I started toying with color in my darkroom I discovered that the E-4 process kit was readily available whereas K-14 process wasn't. Kodak sold the chemicals needed to process their professional film products to amateurs while Kodachrome, a product aimed at amateurs, required processing by professional labs. Quirky, no?
I am a lover of the late, lamented Kodachrome, both the still film and the Super 8 motion picture film; beautiful, beautiful color and quality. I also used Fuji Velvia, which I liked a lot, but it was very different than K-14 process film.
The K-14 process for Kodachrome was ridiculously complicated, and therefore you couldn't do it at home, even if you really wanted to.
And now it's gone.
... it couldn't get any better.
If I Was In Charge (I'd Treat The Servants Better,...)
Drudge Report and FOX attacked gold medal winning Serena Williams for doing the "Crip Walk"
The hilarious thing here is that if someone suggested black people approve of the Crips, Oaf would call THAT racist, too. :)
Michael Ryan wrote:
That's why this boy is my avatar
He's a cutie.
My mother had a rough collie when she was a kid. She loved him to the end of her days.
loafingdoofis is trying real hard to take away my 2nd amendment rights, so I'll reciprocate...STFU!
Looks like Axelrod and Plouffe are going back to the War on Women for the moment.
Considering their gender gap is closing, does this mean everything's flopped?
"The day that Kodak and Fuji end the production of all photographic film (slide or negative) per se, is the day I might wail suicidal."
In the end credits for THE DARK KNIGHT RISES is the statement "Photographed on film," or words to that effect.
You know, as opposed to movies filmed on video. Reminds me of the first several albums by Queen, where they always printed the declaration "No synthesizers."
"How innocent the world must have been back then to see this as a cute picture, suitable for release as a publicity still. On the other hand, how depraved we have become to right away see the bestiality overtones...."
Speak for yourself. I didn't at all think of "bestiality overtones" when I saw this picture. I thought, "Oh, it's a picture of Elizabeth Taylor and 'Lassie'." And then, "what a sweet picture" and "she was such a lovely young girl."
"How do Darwinist explain another species coming to the rescue of out own? It's not in the dogs 'interest.'"
It's hardly mysterious:
1. Dogs are pack animals, and, as such, have evolved to behave cooperatively with each other for their mutual benefit and protection.
2. Dogs have long been domesticated by humans, and see their caretaker humans as part of their pack.
3. I don't know if a dog would come to the aid of a human it didn't know, but if it did, it's probably an extension of it's seeing it's caretaker human(s) as part of its pack...that is, it probably sees all humans as potentially part of its pack.
Sorry, I shouldn't have put an apostrophe in the second and third "its" in the third sentence above.
Comments on the collie and the color, but few on the mesmerizing sleeping beauty.
Admittedly, Fido would've made a better Prince Charming than some of the eight she wed.
"I know a couple of people mentioned [the Curiosity rover] late in the night, but I haven't really seen much else about it. I guess a bunch of dreary political bitching, ping-ponging of blame over various murders and similar Earth-bound nonsense seems more important to the general commentariat around these parts."
The big multinational corp. I work for was in a small way deeply involved in the project, so I was on tenterhooks about it. But the news has been so depressing lately, and the commentary here also*, that I can rarely work up the energy to comment. But, Yay NASA! Yay JPL! Yay us!
*E.g. Althouse's first post re: the Sikh temple, which quickly devolved into a lengthy trilogue between Troll, Moby, and Idiot. Despair.
Well this is disappointing to say the least. How will garage defend voter fraud now that his favorite method of closing his eyes is demonstrably wrong?
I'm sure he'll let us know what the new talking point is.
Where's the puppies other paw.
"I know that space exploration is, generally, scornfully regarded as "boy's playtime" and a "waste of money" around here, but it would have been nice to talk about the fact that we (JPL, NASA, America) landed a large, heavy, plutonium-powered mobile laboratory on the planet Mars last night."
The anti-science ignorance of the Althouse hillbillies is well-documented (***SARC***).
Note they did it at a cost of about 0.3% of the ARRA, and it employed numerous people over a period of years.
That disgusting christo-phillic photo of an obviously unclean dog and some helpless madonna truly offends all Muslims. You should be ashamed for giving offense to Islam.
That is one fine-looking bitch.
The dog is cool too.
Palladian said...
I know that space exploration is, generally, scornfully regarded as "boy's playtime" and a "waste of money" around here, but it would have been nice to talk about the fact that we (JPL, NASA, America) landed a large, heavy, plutonium-powered mobile laboratory on the planet Mars last night.
I know a couple of people mentioned it late in the night, but I haven't really seen much else about it. I guess a bunch of dreary political bitching, ping-ponging of blame over various murders and similar Earth-bound nonsense seems more important to the general commentariat around these parts.
The western mind is predisposed to seek out knowledge.
"What's that, Lassie? Our economy is stuck in a well?"
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