"It’s become clear to me that by remaining silent on certain aspects of my personal life for so long, I have given some the mistaken impression that I am trying to hide something – something that makes me uncomfortable, ashamed or even afraid. This is distressing because it is simply not true."
Anderson Cooper comes out.
१८० टिप्पण्या:
I can't be the only one who thought he was out long before he was on CNN.
Hey Shep, it's your turn.
I picked the "soberly balanced" option, but I reserve the right to change my answer if he comes out as a Scientologist.
Whether new information or not, why is this news?
I chose "soberly balanced".
Everyone who cared knew already, and this is more about providing support to gay teens and the like -- "Don't get all upset, there are plenty of people out there with good lives", etc., etc.
He needs another job pretty soon, so this is entertainment industry resume' pimping.
Cooper is a good commentator. He is a rare bird for CNN, being both intelligent and fair.
Too bad he has to be stoned to death when Sharia Law kicks in. Will Caliphate News Network cover the stoning?
Is there any doubt that if he was sure it would not effect him financially he would have been out from the beginning. I don't fault him for that - I wouldn't throw away the opportunity he had just to tell people a personal preference.
If only 5% of your customers share your sexual peculiarity and many others find it offensive, just keep it to yourself. I avoid expressing my political opinion all the time to avoid it costing me money unnecessarily. People are assholes, and I'm not anxious to get them to prove it, especially if it's gonna cost me.
He did speak about "teabagging" with the voice of experience and authority.
with all the issues facing people these days, the sexual orientation of a commentator for a network i never watch is of trivial import.
i'm holding out for a poll option of "so what?"
The biggest financial impact it would've had on him would have been if his mother disinherited him b/c of that.
Somehow I doubt it, but I don't have any actual knowledge on that score.
"Cooper is a good commentator. He is a rare bird for CNN, being both intelligent and fair."
He's neither intelligent nor fair, and that's not rare. '
'DNC anchor' is in the contract, and shilling is required.
I remember when he saved a boy from a rioting crowd in Egypt, very brave.
Who cares? He did a good job covering the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina but since then he's descended into giggling irrelevance. Just like his network.
I would pay to see him and Maddow in a cage match.
Maybe Cooper is really saying he's gay to dump his girlfriend.
It's not YOU, it's ME!
His sexual behavior only has some redeeming value to society and humanity when his wife gives birth to a child. Otherwise, whether he engages in homosexual or heterosexual behavior is only meaningful to stroking his ego and self-gratification.
"Sexuality should be kept private, and it really doesn't have anything to do with his journalism."
25%! This is a particularly dumb view from the right. The idea that homosexuality must be kept private because sexuality - ew gross - without taking into account the way that straight people are constantly revealing their heterosexuality.
Do people think Larry King should have been hiding the existence of his wives lest people know about his sexuality? Or every other reporter that is public with the existence of their significant other.
The same dumb debate played out with DADT. People were saying that it was fine if gays wanted to serve as long as they kept their sexuality a secret. None of these people seemed to be committed to the idea that straight people should never mention a spouse or person they are dating, or be seen with a skin mag.
Oh, but all gay people must stay in the closet because being gay is all about sexuality sexy sex but it's fine for straight people to acknowledge their sexuality.
Anderson Cooper morphs into Klaus Nomi:
You don't own me, I'm not just one of your little toys.
You don't own me, don't say I can't play with other boys!
Anyone who reads Gawker has known this for years.
If it weren't for all his teabagging commentary, this would be totally a non-issue, but the use of a gay slur by a not-very-closeted gay anchor to describe fiscal conservative activists deserves some pushback.
Pogo...not every commentator can work for Fox News where half of the commentators are lean each way. Cooper can be fair for more than half of the story, and then he ends with a bow to liberal's Mecca for appearances sake at the end. He is big into appearances.
He can and does go off script at times to say fair things, and that is his superior skill.
I bet Sean Hannity couldn't go off script without his head exploding.
He was just waiting for Tom to be available.
I mean, if Ellen can nail someone as hot as Portia de Rossi then there is hope for Anderson, right?
Why do all these people act like we should care?
I couldn't care less. I guess that means I should choose the first option.
Who gives a shit about orientation anway except for the librul diversity worshippers in the DEM party and in the MSM?
I note also that Cooper's CNN colleague, Don Lemon, was so brave about his own gayness, he came out of the closet publicly the same week he had book for sale! What a f-ing pioneer! Heh.
You left out the "Who's Anderson cooper"option.
Seriously. The national news comes on at 5:30 where I live, and I don't get home until 6:30 at the earliest. Even if he's on a cable network (I'm honestly not sure), my wife and I dropped cable 20 years ago.
He looks familiar. I've probably seen him while channel surfing in a hotel or at my daughters's house. I could not have told you his name.
Who gives a shit about orientation anway except for the librul diversity worshippers in the DEM party and in the MSM?
I hear this a lot from people who want to keep gay people oppressed and in the closet.
It's not really "coming out" when everyone already knows. But anything to boost CNN's ratings, I guess. She's this decade's Ellen!
True story: After my best friend in high school came out of the closet, he got "Property of Anderson Cooper" tattooed on his penis and alleges they had an affair. (He has an insatiable, almost twisted, daddy complex--like most gay men I know. Gayness is caused 45% by daddy issues, 45% by gender confusion, and 10% by awesomeness, which is my case.) Anyway, I didn't really care enough to verify because, you know, it's Anderson Cooper, and nobody cares about Anderson Cooper. This is only news because he held on for so long. Like that light bulb in Massachusetts that's been burning for, what, a hundred years. It's just a boring, dim bulb, but it will cause a mild sensation when it goes out.
Soup's done! Bye!
I never understood why homosexuals feel the need to inform the populace of their sexual preference.
Or should I say, "ciao"? Isn't it more fabulous to say "ciao"? Or "muah, muah," with little kissy gestures.
I don't know. Maybe it's just me, but the world seems just slightly gayer with Anderson Cooper out of the closet.
Ok, really, soup's done. Ciao.
This explains why he knows so much about teabagging.
I hear this a lot from people who want to keep gay people oppressed and in the closet.
Whenever I think you couldn't get any dumber, you prove me wrong.
Ok, I have to do it. I am coming out, dammit. I am NOT-Gay. I am SURE that matters to somebody about as much as Cooper's proclivities matter to me.
"The idea that homosexuality must be kept private because sexuality - ew gross"
That's not the point at all. Why should I care? I don't, so the first option made most sense to me (and Althouse rules are that a choice be made from the available options). Not that it should be secret, but rather: who cares? Most don't give a fuck. And for those who do; who cares about them?These "declerations" are just narcissism.
I went with the last option, that we already knew so it's meaningless, but I would choose meaningless even if it weren't already widely known.
I don't think that it "has to be private", but I don't see any reason to hide it, either. Come out, don't come out, whatever you're comfortable with, it really doesn't matter to me or change my opinion of you as a professional or person(unless you're say, hetrosexually married or something. Then you look like kind of a jerk).
"Hey Shep, it's your turn."
I've wondered about that and he was looking sick a few months ago. I thought, "Oh Oh." He looks better lately.
Protease inhibitors ?
Is the "lying" tag fair, even it is today's theme? Non-disclosure does not equal lying.
That soup was awesome. After days and days trapped in the pantry it finally had the courage to come out, and we're all better for it. I knew it was ready to come out yesterday when I went for the bagels and it said, "Hey, not fair! We pay our taxes!...they, I mean...they pay their taxes...fags."
"Oh, but all gay people must stay in the closet because being gay is all about sexuality sexy sex but it's fine for straight people to acknowledge their sexuality."
No but it would help if they would shut the fuck up about it for a minute or two.
I take it ratings are down again.
Andy R. said...
Who gives a shit about orientation anway except for the librul diversity worshippers in the DEM party and in the MSM?
I hear this a lot from people who want to keep gay people oppressed and in the closet.
Hatman hears a lot of voices.
And, yes, not letting every single soul know of what you do and with whom is abject oppression.
The way other people have sex is not any of my business. That is the new standard.
But until Rogers V Texas 1n 1999, it was the public's business since doing it with the same sex was a Felony, and doing it with the other sex in a forbidden way was a Felony.
"I bet Sean Hannity couldn't go off script without his head exploding."
If you would watch him once in a while with the focus groups, the best part of his show, you might learn something but then your head would explode.
I don't deny that he annoys me at times.
Sexuality is part of someone's identity, just like any other part of their identity.
If a celebrity or politician or news anchor mentions they are Christian or Jewish or (gasp) Muslim, do all of you freak out about that too?
Religion is none of anyone's business! It should be a secret! Why does anyone care!
I'm guessing not. It's just accepted as someone talking about themself. The way all people talk about themselves all the time.
But when it's homosexuality, all of a sudden it's a big deal and people start claiming its a big secret and no one should talk about it.
This is incidentally, the last dying gasp from the anti-gay bigots who are doing anything they can to try to stop the acceptance of gay people in society. As if gay people will listen to the advice from straight bigots that they should stay in the closet.
(x) Whoop de damn do.
@perttifogger beat me.
Who is Anderson Cooper and why should I care whether he plugs a bung hole now and then?
WV: 28 coketoo
Most don't give a fuck. And for those who do; who cares about them?These "declerations" are just narcissism.
Thank Althouse.
tags: gay, gay fatigue
Andy R. said...
The same dumb debate played out with DADT. People were saying that it was fine if gays wanted to serve as long as they kept their sexuality a secret. None of these people seemed to be committed to the idea that straight people should never mention a spouse or person they are dating, or be seen with a skin mag.
Funny thing about that. Once they had that "all we want is to serve openly", they started coming out with lists of demands.
Seems like all they want isn't to be in the open. It's just the beginning.
I never understood why homosexuals feel the need to inform the populace of their sexual preference.
Are you married? Do you appear in public with your wife? Do you wear a wedding ring? Do you talk about your wife to people outside your family? Do you have kids?
If you answered "yes" to any of those, you should ask yourself why you feel the need to "inform the populace of your sexual preference".
CNN is obviously desperate for ratings.
Funny thing about that. Once they had that "all we want is to serve openly", they started coming out with lists of demands.
Seems like all they want isn't to be in the open. It's just the beginning.
You're right, ed! It is only the beginning! Hahahaha!
"And, yes, not letting every single soul know of what you do and with whom is abject oppression."
The worst feature of this is being locked up in an operating room with lesbian OR nurses who maintain a running commentary on their sex lives and no one can shut them up. My wife is so sick of this but they would run to HR with a complaint in a New York second. Homophobia can be induced.
Who cares?
I mean this in a grand way.
Not just: Who cares that Anderson Cooper is gay?
...because his sexual orientation is really not interesting at all.
But also: Who cares about his statement?
...because his statement is really not interesting at all.
And also: Who cares about this blog post?
...because opinions, polls, comments, etc... on his statement are really not interesting at all.
I think many people have the same perspective as me. It is a non-issue, and anything that anyone tries to make about the non-issue is also a non-issue.
Why is it "interesting" to you, Althouse?
ed, are you going to talk about "The Blonde" any today?
I've never understood why you people feel the need to constantly remind us of your sexuality!
What will you people demand next?!
The missing option is "he's protecting his job."
CNN's primetime ratings just hit a 20 year low. Major shake-ups are planned.
Anderson Cooper is now in a protected class.
I must object to the characterization of Cooper's Hurricane Katrina coverage as a "good job". He behaved like a hysterical little girl.
Add mind reading to Andy's list of talents.
"This is a particularly dumb view from the right. The idea that homosexuality must be kept private because sexuality - ew gross - without taking into account the way that straight people are constantly revealing their heterosexuality."
You're confusing censorship with disinterest, Andy. Talking about sexuality is not gross, it's typically just really dull. It's tiresome to humor every bravely transgressive public figure that thinks their particular sexual activities are so special that we need to talk about them.
Sexuality is part of someone's identity, just like any other part of their identity.
If a celebrity or politician or news anchor mentions they are Christian or Jewish or (gasp) Muslim, do all of you freak out about that too?
You've been reading the 5th grade health text book again, haven't you. Good for you. You're so smart
BTW - What religion is Anderson Cooper?
Are you married? Do you appear in public with your wife? Do you wear a wedding ring? Do you talk about your wife to people outside your family? Do you have kids?
If you answered "yes" to any of those, you should ask yourself why you feel the need to "inform the populace of your sexual preference".
Yes to all the above and it doesn't require a press conference. If Anderson appears in public with his partner most semi intelligent people would probably pick up on his preference for men without it being a news story on CNN.
30 itoments
Where is the "I don't give a fuck about sexual orientation" option?
"I have given some the mistaken impression that..."
Who are these "some" and why do they care? Is this passive-aggressive outing?
And why does it even matter? I'm not being snarky, I just don't understand.
it doesn't require a press conference
What press conference?
ed, are you going to talk about "The Blonde" any today?
I've never understood why you people feel the need to constantly remind us of your sexuality!
Yes, this was so obvious it felt like needless mockery of a cranky old bigot.
25%! This is a particularly dumb view from the right. The idea that homosexuality must be kept private because sexuality - ew gross - without taking into account the way that straight people are constantly revealing their heterosexuality.
There you go projecting again.
ALL sexuality should be kept private, especially in a business setting. I don't care if you are a homosexual or what you do in the bedroom with your wife, your boyfriend or whatever. I don't want to know what kind of sex you like, what kind or how many sex toys you have.
I don't even really want to hear about your children, or your family while at work. I do not want to know and I don't want to think about it. Just SHUT UP about your personal life and do your job.
HOWEVER,if you can't remain neutral or impartial in your job, as a newscaster or journalist, because of your sexuality (homosexual, bi sexual or straight) or your religion (Muslim, Christian, Jew) then you need to QUIT and get another job.
I already thought he was out and it was common knowledge, so I went from being way behind the curve to way ahead in one statement.
C'mon you gays know that many of you just love the fact that being gay makes you think you are special, and that your sex life is more interesting than the straights, so everyone must want to hear about it. 90% of the sex talk here is gays telling us about some details of their sex lives.
You don't see much of that from the straights, even though they are a huge majority here.
It's similar to that guy who's always telling you how he scored with this or that chick. If we were to start telling about our sex lives in the same way, there would be a lot more bitching about it than we see when gays do it.
Who's sex life is really in the closet?
Andy's reached Mick territory: a pathetic blatherer for which the only manageable process is to skip the read.
Hell, I'm straight and even I talk about my gay sex life more.
@ the wolf
That's cool!! I didn't know we could have animated GIF's for avatars.
Maybe 5% of us are gay, and my 5% won't shut up about it. He's not getting the car keys, because once that happens, he would just be obnoxious.
"If a celebrity or politician or news anchor mentions they are Christian or Jewish or (gasp) Muslim, do all of you freak out about that too?"
Nobody's freaking out. It's the topic of the post.
Why is it so important to you to feel persecuted?
many of you just love the fact that being gay makes you think you are special
A friend from high school who grew up in the same neighborhood as myself eventually had a sex change operation and became a WOMAN! But, he didn't want to get it on with guys, he still wanted to get it on with women. He's also 6' 4" and had been a good enough athlete that he played minor league hockey for a few years.
Now, he's a 6' 4" athletic looking transexual lesbian. That's special! I bet Andy's jealous.
Palladian said...
I never understood why homosexuals feel the need to inform the populace of their sexual preference.
Are you married? Do you appear in public with your wife? Do you wear a wedding ring? Do you talk about your wife to people outside your family? Do you have kids?
If you answered "yes" to any of those, you should ask yourself why you feel the need to "inform the populace of your sexual preference".
Sad to say, that's not it. In her days in Communicable Disease, The Blonde treated a lot of AIDS patients and they couldn't wait to tell her of their sexual exploits in graphic and minute detail.
Most heterosexuals don't do that.
Funny thing about that. Once they had that "all we want is to serve openly", they started coming out with lists of demands.
Seems like all they want isn't to be in the open. It's just the beginning.
You're right, ed! It is only the beginning! Hahahaha!
Glad we agree.
ed, are you going to talk about "The Blonde" any today?
I've never understood why you people feel the need to constantly remind us of your sexuality!
Last I looked, most of the time I invoke her presence is to use her medical expertise and experience to make a point or to mention one of her misadventures.
Nothing sexual in that. I'm willing to bet most people don't even know if we're sharing the same address or not.
The idea that homosexuality must be kept private because sexuality - ew gross - without taking into account the way that straight people are constantly revealing their heterosexuality.
This is precisely why it feel weird when people 'come out'. It makes more sense to just casually mention who you are dating to friends like everyone else does.
But I voted 'everybody already knew so who cares'. There have been several people recently who 'came out' to cries of 'didn't we already know that'?
I think it's far more interesting that he's the son of Gloria Vanderbilt, the great-great-great grandson of robber barron Commodore Vanderbilt, than to know that he's sexually attracted to men.
Well, if we want full disclosure by all public figures, why not simply impose a tax on those who remain silent?
Can we impose a tax on those men who do not have sex with women? And can we make sure that we include questions on tax returns about a person's private sex life in order to determine if the no-sex-with-women tax applies?
After all, there is no compulsion there in such a scheme, there is no mandate to do anything, there is merely government exercising its supreme power to tax.
You think I'm being facetious. I'm not. In all seriousness, how is such a no-sex-with-women tax not permissible under the Roberts Rule?
Pretty meaningless.
Cooper jumping out of the closet to say, "BOO!" at all the straights isn't an act of courage in any way, size, shape or form. Hardly The Gay Pioneer risking life and limb.
Look; he's famous for being famous. Already fabulously wealthy. Journalist? Meh. Palladian nailed his coverage of Katrina, which is pretty much all I've seen him do beyond airport lounges and hotels.
Talking about sexual practices has absolutely nothing to do with what Anderson Cooper said, or what any politicians/newscasters/celebrities say when they come out.
People who think that "Sexuality should be kept private" should grapple with what is actually happening.
Trying to shift the terms of the debate merely indicates that the original bigoted position can't be defended.
I don't recall edutcher ever telling "The Blond" was a woman. We just assumed, since he never gave us any disgusting details. That's a tell.
Being persecuted in 21st century America is a lucurative business.
"Trying to shift the terms of the debate merely indicates that the original bigoted position can't be defended."
I'll trust your opinion on this. Your contributions here have proven that you are an expert on this particular debate technique.
Andy R. said...
Talking about sexual practices has absolutely nothing to do with what Anderson Cooper said, or what any politicians/newscasters/celebrities say when they come out.
People who think that "Sexuality should be kept private" should grapple with what is actually happening.
Trying to shift the terms of the debate merely indicates that the original bigoted position can't be defended.
Hatman doesn't get it (surprise!).
Most people don't talk about this stuff. Who they're with or what they're doing.
What orifices Cooper plugs up has nothing to do with the fact he's a lousy newsman.
The bigot is Hatman, who thinks anybody who doesn't want to hear about whether someone is gay, morose, lachrymose, or quietly pensive is a big-ot.
And that word really doesn't resonate.
I guess all the good "-ist" words were taken.
I think it's far more interesting that he's the son of Gloria Vanderbilt, the great-great-great grandson of robber barron Commodore Vanderbilt,
Yes. That is really fascinating.
@ Palladian. Just because someone mentions their significant other in passing or discusses their family arrangements or talks about their children's after school activities, it doesn't mean that they are necessarily declaring their "sexuality". It also isn't a threat or put down to you personally. Just the same as if someone tells me they are gay, I certainly don't feel threatened. I just wonder why I have to know that. I'm not saying that homosexuals should be prevented from talking about family and relationships, having a photo of their S.O. on the desk. After all everyone has family and relationships and should be proud of their lives.
I'm just not interested in hearing about it. Or in being browbeaten because someone is gay and I am expected to suddenly act in a different way towards that person. It is just information. You are gay...Meh. You are married...Meh. Neither of those things should affect me or my inter personal relationships with you.
I couldn't care less.
People who think that "Sexuality should be kept private" should grapple with what is actually happening.
I didn't read them all but most of the comments I've seen here amount largely to 'who gives a shit'. Is not caring now a form of bigotry?
@Andy R : "Sexuality should be kept private, and it really doesn't have anything to do with his journalism."
I read that as "Sexuality shouldn't be center stage for a journalist", and you read that as "gay people must stay in the closet".
Pretty Interesting, wouldn't you agree?
I must object to the characterization of Cooper's Hurricane Katrina coverage as a "good job". He behaved like a hysterical little girl.
Maybe. But I noticed he actually went to places like Iraq, far far away from the fight the 101st Chairborne was waging.
I didn't read them all but most of the comments I've seen here amount largely to 'who gives a shit'.
There is a difference between "who cares" and "Sexuality should be kept private". Right now, that second phrase is polling at 28%.
If anyone is actually willing to defend that position, that Anderson Copper should not speak about being a homosexual in public, I can explain to them why they are wrong.
I read that as "Sexuality shouldn't be center stage for a journalist",
Over a decades long career, he has sent a single letter to a friend about his sexuality that was published online. If this is "center stage" to you, you should probably consider your prejudice.
Maybe. But I noticed he actually went to places like Iraq, far far away from the fight the 101st Chairborne was waging.
And Dan Rather went to every hot spot from South Vietnam to Afghanistan.
Didn't prevent him from being a lying, pathetic hack of a reporter.
And your point was, Garage?
Andy R. said...
I read that as "Sexuality shouldn't be center stage for a journalist",
Over a decades long career, he has sent a single letter to a friend about his sexuality that was published online. If this is "center stage" to you, you should probably consider your prejudice.
I think the "teabagger" thing was pretty much the equivalent of Mary Martin doing "I'm In Love With A Wonderful Guy" in "South Pacific".
garage mahal said...
I must object to the characterization of Cooper's Hurricane Katrina coverage as a "good job". He behaved like a hysterical little girl.
Maybe. But I noticed he actually went to places like Iraq, far far away from the fight the 101st Chairborne was waging.
If garage means some sort of chickenhawk analogy, he needs to recheck his magazine.
OMG - I'm freaking out about this. Cooties!
I don't recall edutcher ever telling "The Blond" was a woman. We just assumed, since he never gave us any disgusting details. That's a tell.
You're an idiot. He uses female pronouns for her.
Most straight people are too dumb to realize this. They are constantly providing information that they are straight. All the time. As soon as a homosexual mentions that he or she is gay all of a sudden sexuality is something that shouldn't be talked about.
The bigots are losing and gay people aren't going to stay in the closet.
If this is "center stage" to you
Well, it is now since HE is the one making a BFD about it.
As a journalist we expect people to be impartial and not have any hidden agendas or biases. Now that we 'know' Mr. Cooper's sexual orientation, his reporting on certain subjects may seem, to some people, to be compromised. Just as we suspect that most of the MSM consists of liberals and suspect that their reporting is also compromised by their own biases.
Hey!! I think we should have full disclosure for everybody so we don't have to think about what they are saying.
Maybe all journalists should wear jackets that have all of their 'labels' on them....gay, democrat, republican, married, jewish, muslim.....etc.....maybe some cute little decals or something to represent their labels so we can prejudge them. How about a big yellow star?
Frankly, I never watch CNN and have no opinion on Cooper as a journalist.
"There is a difference between "who cares" and "Sexuality should be kept private". Right now, that second phrase is polling at 28%."
The rule of Althouse's polls is you have to pick one of her choices. People are telling you what they feel in the comments; i.e. "Who cares?". But you don't like that answer. You'd rather feel picked upon.
Did you all know Ricky Martin is gay? Wow!
Andy R's coming out of the stupidity closet.
"I hear this a lot from people who want to keep gay people oppressed and in the closet."
I hear this a lot from gays who hope and pray that someone/anyone cares.
@Andy R : I was commenting on the way the poll was worded, which is what you were originally quoting and what I perceived you to be commenting on. I noted the disparity, what conclusions my mind jumped to and what yours did, and called it "interesting".
You're doing it again, by the way.
Would it pop your bubble if you knew that I live in a gay-friendly community and support gay marriage?
Perhaps I am not the only one who would benefit from "considering" their "prejudice".
I perceive you to be a bit knee-jerky on this topic.
Back to Cooper, I stopped thinking of him as an actual Journalist when he popularized "teabagger". That was offensive.
I could care less who he sleeps with.
If anyone is actually willing to defend that position, that Anderson Copper should not speak about being a homosexual in public, I can explain to them why they are wrong.
My question is why is it necessary in the first place? It just looks like attention craving.
Anderson Who?
Yeah, I've heard of him, but, like most other people in the US, and a growing number at that, I haven't paid attention to CNN in years.
I mean, wherever I've lived, someone's being gay, in this day and age, is just not a huge deal. It's right up there with, "Her highlights aren't natural" or "He sometimes goes fishing."
So there's a two-pronged silliness to this. Anderson Cooper is not that big of a deal, and being gay is not that big of a deal.
If this has been weighing on him personally, well, good for him! It's a load off his mind, and that's a good thing. May he be at peace with himself and the world.
But all told, I'm glad it's not that big of a deal to anyone else. I'm glad he's not taking a huge personal risk, and that gay Americans don't need him to do this for their sake. There was a time these things would have been quite different, and I'm glad that time is past.
BTW, any double entendres in that metaphor were unintended. I was going with Hatman's center stage thing and all I could think of in terms of center stage performances were Ethel Merman or Mary Martin, and I don't know any of Ethel Merman's shows and "Peter Pan" didn't fit.
Andy R. said...
I don't recall edutcher ever telling "The Blond" was a woman. We just assumed, since he never gave us any disgusting details. That's a tell.
You're an idiot. He uses female pronouns for her.
Hell, so does Titus for his squeeze.
Most straight people are too dumb to realize this. They are constantly providing information that they are straight. All the time. As soon as a homosexual mentions that he or she is gay all of a sudden sexuality is something that shouldn't be talked about.
Yes, talking about the car you drive is a dead giveaway.
The bigots are losing and gay people aren't going to stay in the closet.
Don't count on that. there's some data to suggest acceptance may have peaked about a year ago.
A reporter's sexual preference is less important than which party he or she supports. And on that score, Cooper is still in the closet, as are most journalists.
Now that we 'know' Mr. Cooper's sexual orientation, his reporting on certain subjects may seem, to some people, to be compromised.
Do you have the same reaction when you find out a reporter is straight?
Actually, both #1 and #6. And, missing option - it's just a subtle ploy to juice CNN's ratings.
And Dan Rather went to every hot spot from South Vietnam to Afghanistan.
Which is a lot more than his War Blogging critics can say.
The rule of Althouse's polls is you have to pick one of her choices. People are telling you what they feel in the comments; i.e. "Who cares?".
Ok, if no one actually believes that "Sexuality should be kept private" and ~28% of people selected that option because it was the best proxy for their true beliefs, that's fantastic. I'm glad no one believes that sexuality should be kept private.
"Do you have the same reaction when you find out a reporter is straight?"
Like this story, for example.
But when it's homosexuality, all of a sudden it's a big deal and people start claiming its a big secret and no one should talk about it.
So, are we supposed to make a big deal about it and talk all about it and scare the horses in the street with it, or are we supposed to yawn and quietly and unthreateningly move about our business because this really doesn't matter ultimately? Or does minding our own business somehow make gay men remain in the closet?
"You're an idiot."
Oh yea? Well, you're GAY.
Funny, how you don't care that I was born an idiot, and I've known since I was very young that I was different from other boys, that I didn't understand things like other boys, that I was an idiot. It's not a choice, so who's the bigot, bigot.
"Ok, if no one actually believes that "Sexuality should be kept private" and ~28% of people selected that option because it was the best proxy for their true beliefs, that's fantastic. I'm glad no one believes that sexuality should be kept private."
Fantastic. Now if you'll stop calling us all bigots, we can get back to the important things.
He wants attention.
Attention is money in the media biz.
You know, you're not that good at this polling from my point of view. The whole thing is about jokes and bullshit, or was that yesterday? I forget there's so much bullshit, but at any rate this is the perfect place for a bullshit choice and bullshit tags.
It's bullshit.
This part, "the mistaken impression ding ding ding, the correct impression because he was concealing because he knew it would damage his career advancement and now he has determined it won't.
Apologies for stepping on anyone's comment, I wrote immediately before reading yours.
garage mahal said...
And Dan Rather went to every hot spot from South Vietnam to Afghanistan.
Which is a lot more than his War Blogging critics can say.
And that he lied through his damned teeth during most of that time makes his critics all chickenhawks.
Or something.
I'm glad no one believes that sexuality should be kept private.
When you see two men walking and holding hands do we really a public service announcement from them to confirm what we already deduced?
Maybe that's why heterosexuals don't feel the need to announce the obvious.
"He wants attention.
Attention is money in the media biz."
Then he should have made the announcement dressed like a guy on a Pride Parade float in San Francisco. Because short of that, there's not much shock value to it (and the costume would add just more humor value than shock). Few people really care that much any more (and that's a good thing).
Also, is the "who cares?" directed at Cooper or Althouse or yourselves?
He sent a letter to a friend.
She made a blog post about it.
You all decided to spend the time to read and comment.
I care because I know gay people coming out of the closet makes the world a better place.
Why did Althouse make this post? Was this more important than everything else that happened today?
Why are all of you participating? Is it that important that you weigh in to say that you don't care that Cooper sent a letter to his friend. Everyone must know that you don't care about such things, because if you don't tell them they might not realize. That's how much you don't care.
Is not caring now a form of bigotry?
In case you missed what's been happening for the last 30 years, "not caring" is now the highest form of bigotry in the United States. It's pretty much the only remaining form of bigotry, as far as I can tell.
As evidence, I submit Andy R's relentless effots to add the "LOOK AT MEEEEEE!!!!!!" Amendment to the Constitution.
Andy R wrote-
25%! This is a particularly dumb view from the right. The idea that homosexuality must be kept private because sexuality - ew gross - without taking into account the way that straight people are constantly revealing their heterosexuality.
For goodness sake, Andy R, people who call themselves gay have kids all the time.
If Larry King announced that he was gay, I wouldn't be surprised.
And Dan Rather went to every hot spot from South Vietnam to Afghanistan.
Which is a lot more than his War Blogging critics can say.
I was a war-blogger who criticized Dan Rather, and I went to southwest Asia 4 times, to fight and put my life at risk.
So I guess you are full of crap, again?
Or, at the very least, what right do you have to criticize those who criticized Dan Rather, unless you, yourself went to fight and risk blood in Iraq or Afghanistan?
You realize, don't you, that by making time in a war zone a prerequisite for criticizing anyone, that you are self-identifying as the worst kind of hypocrite?
Why are all of you participating?"
Because she hasn't posted on much else today and I'm stuck on the computer.
I do care, as in I'm tired of, the modern predilection of "look at me!" "look at me!".
And I'm sick and tired of being called a bigot.
For goodness sake, Andy R, people who call themselves gay have kids all the time.
If Larry King announced that he was gay, I wouldn't be surprised.
What are you talking about? The Larry King thing was about his wives, not his kids.
Alright, this is just getting silly at this point.
Bagoh said,
"I don't recall edutcher ever telling "The Blond" was a woman. We just assumed, since he never gave us any disgusting details. That's a tell."
7/2/12 2:17 PM
Yeah, Bagoh's not an idiot he is a genius!
Six or seven years ago Anderson Cooper's sexuality was still something people gossiped and speculated about. But within the last three years, I thought it was clear that he had already come out. I'm not sure why, it could have been all his "tea-bagger" jokes or his co-hosting new year's eve specials with Kathy Griffin, or any number of other things. Needless to say, I was surprised that anyone considered this news.
Consequently, I had to go with choice six here. If that hadn't been an option, though, I would have gone with choice number one, since it really shouldn't matter.
What are you talking about? The Larry King thing was about his wives, not his kids.
So gay men can't have female wives or ex-wives? Jeez you are a bigot, Andy R.
"If that hadn't been an option, though, I would have gone with choice number one, since it really shouldn't matter."
No, no. Andy's already schooled us that choosing #1 is anti-gay. Bet you didn't even know you were a bigot.
I went with balanced. People pestering you about your sexualty sometimes requires a FYI statement.
Being a douchebag doesn't somehow disclaim you from revealing what millions already know and simply do not care. The idea that he's being somehow courageous about this is absurd. All of his giggling and tittering on-air like a little girl notwithstanding.
Too bad he has to be stoned to death when Sharia Law kicks in.
My Muslim guide (handler) assures me that "Ms. Cooper" has been moved to the end of the stoning line.
Praise Allah for small favors.
"Sharia Law"
Sounds like the name of a country singer.
"Yeah, Bagoh's not an idiot he is a genius!"
See, that's how they refuse to accept me for what I am, for the way God made me. They sent me to school and then college, all in an attempt to force the idiot right out of me. It didn't work. I wanted it to. Oh how I wanted that. Nobody would choose to be an idiot. It makes life much harder, but I just couldn't become something I was not. There are a lot of us, some in your family, maybe your accountant, or your dentist and definitely your lawyer. We are people too.
By the way, let's all remember our recent debate over Don't Ask Don't Tell when many people, including some here, argued that if a gay person came out, or was outed, this was a major problem and they must be immediately kicked out of the army. We couldn't date relax this policy because all the gays must be kept in the closer under threat of punishment.
And now, when someone comes out, it's all "who cares?" It's good to see how much progress you all are making.
Bagoh said,
"See, that's how they refuse to accept me for what I am, for the way God made me. They sent me to school and then college, all in an attempt to force the idiot right out of me. It didn't work. I wanted it to. Oh how I wanted that. Nobody would choose to be an idiot. It makes life much harder, but I just couldn't become something I was not. There are a lot of us, some in your family, maybe your accountant, or your dentist and definitely your lawyer. We are people too."
7/2/12 3:46 PM
No not my little lawyer, she had the idiot beat out of her in law school, I think it may have been Althouse herself who did it. Thank you Ann.
Anderson Cooper isn't in the military.
Personally, I have no opinion about gays in the military because I'm not in a position to assess the military's claims that it's detrimental to moral or whatever they claim.
The great thing about Cooper is that he doesn't need to shave...
Who's next? Ryan Braun, Aaron Rodgers? That would take some courage and would be much more newsworthy. Sport is the last frontier and there will be real nastiness.
Who's next?
Andrew Dice Clay
Original Mike said...
Anderson Cooper isn't in the military.
Personally, I have no opinion about gays in the military because I'm not in a position to assess the military's claims that it's detrimental to moral or whatever they claim.
You may want to check some of Rowan Scarborough's old columns at the Washington Times.
He's the only one that's reported on the aftermath of DADT.
bagoh, LOL!
For the minor amount of gays in society - 2-3% - they sure get a lot of exposure, don't they?
As for Coop: who the fark cares? There are so many more important issues out there than whether he's a pitcher or a catcher.
And the post about Andy's use of 'tea-bagging' does deserve push-back, especially now.
Gay people haven't been in the closet since Stonewall.
Many of those evil, greedy, oppressive Fortune 500 companies progressive love to hate offer domestic partner benefits for gay employees. I know IBM did when I quit working there in the mid '90s. Offering benefits to partners of gay employees seems like a strange way for the mostly straight IBM management and Board of Directors to keep its gay employees in the closet.
People who say straights want gays to stay in the closet remind me of race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson who want to pretend the last 50 years never happened.
And if you really want to see that gays are out, go to NYC and watch a Gay Pride parade. You'll see nearly naked hunky macho men - in Speedos, chaps, leather, whatever - riding on parade floats french kissing each other with pink boas around their neck. Or floats with women simulating doing another woman with a strap-on. You'll see lots of dildos flopping around. Cross-dressers. You name it. It all goes.
Hardly in the closet. They could not be more out. More open. More flamboyant. Or more vulgar.
My guess is that it is THAT kind of behavior that has slowed widespread normalization of the gay movement. Those events portray gays as people who want to stick their thumb in the eye of the norms and values of mainstream culture. And because some of those images make it on the TV news and newspapers, that's all that some straight people may know about gays.
Which is too bad. Because I lived in the Village for about two years during grad school at NYU, and during that time the most outrageous public display of homosexual affection I can recall while walking down the sidewalk or hanging out in Washington Square Park was two people of the same gender holding hands, or linking arms, or an arm around each other's waist. I'm not sure I can recall seeing two people of the same gender kiss in public, except at the parade.
But it's the vulgar images from the parade environment that make the news and shape perceptions. I think that has set the normalization of gays back until very recently.
tempest in a teapot; next thing people will be telling me that Rachel Maddux is gay--
If Anderson Cooper is so "proud" he is gay, why did he wait until he had gray hair to make this announcement?
Andy's whining seems an awful lot like he's trying to convince himself that he's really okay when he knows that he isn't.
The bigot he's always going on about is himself, but not in the obvious, anti-Christian way.
I don't give a shit about Cooper's orientation. Cooper obviously has a problem with it as evidenced by his use of a homosexual practice to vilify the members of the Tea party. I find him a slimey SOB for doing so, but that's his problem to deal with, not mine. He doesn't get sympathy or victim status or special consideration for being a slimey SOB because he's gay.
I don't give a shit about Andy Cap's orientation either. Capper obviously has a problem with it as evidenced by his constant insensate and incessant whining about not being accepted when it has been obvious from the first that no one here gives a shit about capper's orientation or ever has. I find him a boring waste of time for doing so and his inability to comprehend that it's his sophomoric commenting style that causes people too dismiss him out of hand rather sad. But that's his his problem to deal with, not mine. He doesn't get sympathy or victim status or special consideration for being a sophomoric jerk because he's gay.
So while there are critical differences between Cooper's and capper's approaches to expressing their wholly owned problems with being gay, I think I can accept them equally in terms or their orientation. But they are both assholes and would be assholes no matter what their orientation.
"Andy's whining seems an awful lot like he's trying to convince himself that he's really okay when he knows that he isn't."
I don't believe that. I do believe he derives some emotional benefit from feeling persecuted.
Cooper handled the matter appropriately and with dignity....I just read the Wiki biography of Wittgenstein. Wittgenstein was born wealthy, became a war hero and was one of the most influential thinkers of his time. For all that he was acutely unhappy all his days. He was gay and could never absorb that part of himself into his consciousness. He rejected his wealth and his Judaism, but, despite many efforts, he could not transcend his sexual identity. Perhaps if he had accepted his homosexuality, his life wouldn't have been such a misery.....When you read of the unhappy lives of men like Alan Turing and John Cheever, it seems to me that a certain amount of sunlight is all to the good. Let gay men practice banal sex. Anderson Cooper has made his identity explicit and banal......That said, I don't know if Anderson Cooper is a particularly honest or fair reporter on gay issues. I don't watch him that much, but the New Yorker article claims that he got some important facts wrong on the Rutgers' suicide case. I get the sense that he reports gay issues with the same kind of neutrality that Al Sharpton reports on black/white conflicts.
@phx - I think you're right, but most people repress it better.
Cooper in 2006: ""I understand why people might be interested [in my sexual preferences]. But I just don’t talk about my personal life. It’s a decision I made a long time ago, before I ever even knew anyone would be interested in my personal life. The whole thing about being a reporter is that you're supposed to be an observer and to be able to adapt with any group you’re in, and I don’t want to do anything that threatens that."
Ok, he changed his opinion. He's entitled to. Unfortunately now we are going to get the real bullshit, about why Cooper felt his opinion needed to change.
Cooper is smart, well educated, has been willing to work hard, take risks and do unconventional things. He seems to be trying to be fair and thoughtful. He comes from a background of incredible privilege (Vanderbilt family, Yale, New York-Ivy League Power-Social network). Yet he made a lot of his chops without help from that group.
So why is his news show so boring and crappy? First of all, he's not charismatic. But you can do good news without charisma--it might help not to have it. (See Chris Wallace.) Then he does stupid stuff like the tea bagging gigglefest? No charisma, no gravitas, no consistence.
But mostly I blame CNN, the boring unimaginative rascals. CNN has taken two potentially good journalists, Cooper and Blitzer, and turned them into cold pea soup.
You need another choice: "Why am I supposed to give a rats ass?"
"That someone here understands that or agrees with it gives me some solace."
And what, exactly, did you mean by that? (kidding)
Andy, some day your straw man is going to catch fire and burn your ass good. But it will be worth the pain, because life without a straw man is better after all.
David, a reality check; Wolf baby didn't need CNN to turn him into cold pea-soup. Cold pea-soup is what fills Blitzer's skull--always has been that way. You saw/see POTENTIAL?? Better hie yourself over to the nearest optomitrist..
AAaand this is important why?
How many times can someone come out? Did he come out then go back in? I thought he came out a couple of years ago. It's not like he is obvious or anything. Who really cares? Who really watches him?
Who knew gayness was one of Andy R's hot buttons? I'm glad all his letter writing to Anderson Cooper finally paid off:
"Hon. You're a role model. You need to do this. Please. Come out already! Stop being a self-hating queer. It's people like you that keep 21st century American homosexuals in the gulags. There is a holocaust going on in this country as we speak and YOU'RE THE CAUSE OF IT! We are an oppressed group of second-class citizens. No, more like third or fourth class. Right behind the Californian Brown Minnow. At least THEY HAVE RIGHTS enough to BLOCK CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS. They'd bulldoze right over any gay in their path. Fourth. class.
P.S. I'll bring Tina if you bring the lightbulbs. See ya saturday!
P.P.S. Forget Saturday. This incandescent ban is a total drag. You ever try smoking meth out of a compact fluorescent? Draaaag."
Sexuality should be private. Not secret... Private.
It's not the same thing.
And no, I don't have double standards. I'm not the least adverse to, "Hi, I'm Joe, this is my *whatever*, Stanley." "Hi, I'm Sally, this is Marge, and these are our kids."
Those are the normal things that heterosexuals do when they're supposedly pushing their sexuality in everyone's faces. It's not pushing, it's normal.
If I'm not being personally introduced to someone's partner or family and if I'm *not* a potential lover, what possible need do I have to know anyone's preferences? It's gets to be something else that's a bit like a demand that random strangers participate. Why should they?
If it was a work place and a heterosexual man making sure I needed to know what he preferred, it would be completely inappropriate.
When is he coming out with the news that the real source of his otherness is the fact that he's old money?
Let gay men practice banal sex.
Don't you mean "anal sex?"
Bothering to read some of Andy R's posts for a change, it struck me that he's stuck in the concrete stage of cognitive development. This is why he sees everything in black and white and doesn't grasp the more abstract references made by many of the commenters here.
Take pity on the poor boy. He's developmentally disabled.
Synova said...Those are the normal things that heterosexuals do when they're supposedly pushing their sexuality in everyone's faces. It's not pushing, it's normal.
Yes. And therein lies the whole problem with SSM. The question of normalcy. What Andy Capp and his ilk would have us believe is that they want the same 'right' to marriage as heterosexuals. That is nonsense. The 'rights' that are conferred by heterosexual marriage can be satisfied by civil unions.
What Andy wants is not to exercise any right, but to construct a veneer of normalcy and legitimacy for same sex relationships. He thinks SSM provides that. It doesn't and never will because same sex unions are not historically, socially, or culturally considered normal or legitimate in any comparison to hetero unions. Never will be no matter how many politicians pander to the concept to garner votes. Because same sex unions are not biologically or racially normal and people know that at a visceral level.
About as surprising as Ellen or Rosie coming out.... everyone already knew.
Will he turn his show into a "I'm so gay" show like Ellen and Rosie did? I don't think it will matter because nobody is watching anyway.
Will the GLBT crowd of 3% suddenly boost his ratings? I seriously doubt it.
"What Andy wants is not to exercise any right, but to construct a veneer of normalcy and legitimacy for same sex relationships."
That is what Andy wants; isn't it? This isn't the same as Pookie's: "he's trying to convince himself that he's really okay when he knows that he isn't.". It is "OK", but it's not "normal" as implicitly defined by the 95%. Unfortunately, that's just the way it is. He'd be happier if he just understood that.
Because same sex unions are not biologically or racially normal and people know that at a visceral level.
"Visceral" derives from "viscera", which usually refers to the lower digestive organs, specifically the intestines. In other words, something one claims to "know" at a "visceral level" is just a big turd being squeezed out with the rest of the shit.
People worth listening to are not forming their ideas in their colons, like "B" here.
I don't even really want to hear about your children, or your family while at work. I do not want to know and I don't want to think about it. Just SHUT UP about your personal life and do your job.
HOWEVER,if you can't remain neutral or impartial in your job, as a newscaster or journalist, because of your sexuality (homosexual, bi sexual or straight) or your religion (Muslim, Christian, Jew) then you need to QUIT and get another job.
This. The news business really took a turn for the worse when they decided people reading copy were somehow celebrities in their own right. We should call them "news readers" or "news presenters" like they do in the UK.
After Cooper's slurs on the Tea Party his sexual orientation was an open secret to the handful of people who watch his show.
Jay said...
If Anderson Cooper is so "proud" he is gay, why did he wait until he had gray hair to make this announcement?
Cause he's crazy like a silver fox.
phx said...
I don't believe that. I do believe he derives some emotional benefit from feeling persecuted.
Oh that's true of everyone. If it's not emotional benefit from feeling persecuted, it's from feeling offended, or feeling sorry for ourselves. They're all exactly the same in that they come from self-importance. I don't know who's immune to that. I know a lot of people who believe they're immune.
I'm rubbing my index finger onto my thumb. You know what that is I'm doing? Playing the worlds smallest violin.
Are you under the impression that you answered my point? A visceral reaction simply means a gut reaction. You need to post less and read more.
So..address my observation. It's my belief that same sex relationships are neither normal nor legitimate biologically or culturally and that fact has nothing to do with accepting gays or the gay lifestyle and the concepts should not be conflated.
SSM is an attempt to apply a veneer of normalcy and legitimacy, a facade, to same sex relationships and people who have no issues with being gay or the gay lifestyle react to SSM negatively because they damn well viscerally KNOW, which has nothing to do with shit or colons, that it s neither normal nor biologically or culturally legitimate.
Andy's, real problem in a nutshell (and maybe yours also), is that he desperately wants the victim status that gays once legitimately had but can no longer claim. Society accepts gays, gay lifestyles and, despite Andy Capp's vapors, the ubiquitous bigotry of the past against gays simply is not there any longer.
I can't be an Olympian athlete. I wasn't born a natural athlete nor did or do I choose to work to overcome that fact. Who the fuck am I to insist that the rules be changed - that the institution be changed - just so I can claim to be what I'm not.
Palladian, thanks for revealing what B stands for, bowell. LMAO.
'funny' how many people flock to comment that they "don't care" about someone being gay, isn't it? they also flock to the voting booths and make calls for constitutional amendments to deny their fellow gay citizens things like marriage equality...because they "don't care"?
if there's a news story about gay people or, perhaps, a gay character in a movie or on tv, they will complain about having it "shoved down their throats" (cough) and start spouting off about religion and 'sin'...because they "don't care"?
gay kids are bullied and beaten right under the gaze of school officials who don't intercede, they get disowned by their families and, throughout their lives, they are demonized by churches and politicians. in over half of the states in the union, people can, legally, be denied employment and housing if they are gay...is that because people "don't care" ?
i dunno...seems to me that there are an awful lot of people who seem to "care" an awful lot.
it is not suprising that it is meaningful to other gay folks when someone, particularly someone who is in the public eye, comes out.
It's my belief that same sex relationships are neither normal nor legitimate biologically...
Biological legitimacy. LOL.
Original Mike: "It is OK", but it's not "normal" as implicitly defined by the 95%."
I think it depends on what we mean by "OK". It's not something we should prohibit, but it's certainly a psychological disorder to be compelled to use one's reproductive system in an inherently non-reproductive way.
Andy isn't gay.
Gay people are interestiing.
Ah, Palladian, you figure same sex relationships are biologically legitimate? For how many generations? The answer is none. It's a dead end for the species, and so biologically illegitimate. LOL all you wish, but it does not change the fact that every generation of gays is a biological dead end. The genesis of every generation of gay-oriented partners is entirely and totally dependent upon the previous generation of hetero-oriented partners.
And so are any kids a SSM adopts or fosters.
Oh, and stalking me again, are you Taffy Apple Bottom, you vacuous fabulist?
BTW, those 'many' conservatives you claimed to know as friends and who you claim spell 'gay' ('many' of your conservative friends according to your fantasy) because they can't bring themselves to say the word in front of their kids...have you asked them how they feel about SSM ?
Also, you might not want to laugh your ass off. Unless the floor is concrete, your ass is likely to go right through when it hits. 'bowell' included.
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