(The quote, at the first link, begins at about 3 minutes.)
Schabow is the guy with the YouTube series "Video a Day Until the Walker Recall," — which included a song called "The War Against Milwaukee and Madison — and who, on recall election night, emoted lengthily on camera
I think we were pretty nice to Schabow. Is "lambasted" fair? In the new video, he goes on to talk about the radio talk-show guy Charlie Sykes directing people to his video and some truly mean homophobic-style comments that he got because of that. Thanks for not connecting my blog to that kind of thing.
I don't know if Adam Schabow realizes it, but Althouse has been a gay-friendly blog since its inception in January 2004 and some of its most notable commenters over the years have been gay guys. (I don't think the lesbians like me so much — a political thing? — but there's been at least one great lesbian commenter.)
Schabow has a blog site here, but he's only got 2 posts, a week apart, and they simply contain his videos, which look like they are going to be weekly, so it's not really what I'd call a blog, not that I have an objection to videographers setting up an attractive blog shell to display their videos. The first video is the one at the first link in this post. The second one, which went up today is called "Vaginas, Shitty Job Numbers and Shitty Pet Owners"... so it seems he's moving on from his period of mourning the democracy that Scott Walker murdered.
Scroll to 10:20 to see Billy the Dog.
३९ टिप्पण्या:
This guys 15 minutes were up 14 minutes ago.
"...I don't think the lesbians like me so much — a political thing? — but there's been at least one great lesbian commenter..."
I think we should all pitch in to make the site more lesbian-friendly.
Well, good for him that he's starting a blog and working hard at creating a persona.
But 10 minutes is too long, Shab. Blogs are quick bits, not long rants without, er, pants.
Maggie's Farm categorizes Althouse as Eclectic.
Good call IMHO.
I agree that it's too long.
He should break his rants -- if that's what he's doing -- into small vignettes. 2 or 3 minutes on Vaginas, 2 or 3 minutes on Shitty Job Numbers, 2 or 3 minutes on shitty dog owners.
Adam has the same format problem I complain about as regards PJ Media.
If I wanted to *watch* a political conversation, I would tune into one of the many round tables on television.
I prefer not to because it makes me a captured audience, having to patiently wait as the speaker plods through his presentation. Same reason I don't bother with Blogging Heads.
Its boring dull and slow.
I prefer to read about politics, not watch. More freedom for the audience. I can skim, cut-n-paste segments to analyze and share, etc.
So sorry Adam, but your platform is outdated by about 20 years. And moving it to the web is like attaching a rotary phone to a DSL line.
Where is Titus anyway?
Beginning today, I intend to recruit friendly lesbians to visit and comment at Althouse.
should add I have the same issues with video content Insty links too. His promotion blurb may interest me, but as soon as I click on the link and realize I have to sit through a video talk, I exit the link and find something I can actually sink my teeth into.
I don't claim to speak for all lesbians, but an overwhelming majority of the lesbians sitting in my cubicle find you likeable enough.
Actually, we were pretty shitty to him. At least I was.
I hope he comes back here to comment from time to time; we need more liberal commenters. Not many can bear to stick around and defend the indefensible; most have fled with their tails between their legs in the last 6 months or so.
This guy seems like he'd be able to stick around and have an intelligent conversation.
I prefer to read about politics, not watch.
Me too. And when I watch the news, I'm conistantly bored by the talking heads conversation and wanting to click over to read about the scrolly stuff at the bottom. It's an excercise in frustration.
If your video is over 3 minutes long, I'm not watching it. Just as a general rule.
I am a libertarian Homersexual. Woo-hoo!
The Althouse blog is cool because it's not an echo chamber. I don't comment on legal stuff, but there are usually other pies I can stick my finger in. Hang around here for awhile. You'll enjoy it.
Criticism: The blogress has a short memory. Blogger had (and has) a serious administration problem, where a Google admin can arbitrarily ban you without recourse for reinstatement, and in the process block your access to Gmail and calendar, and stop your Android phone from updating. Althouse was going to move the blog to a self-hosted platform (a good thing) but eventually lost interest in doing it. Bummer. Those of us who are aware of Google's admin issues are more than a little creeped out by Blogger. Google be evil.
In case Adam happens to drop by this thread, I urge him to read Tim Groseclose's book on media bias.
Bottom line: Media bias is real, and it's spectacular.
I even forgot it was vid and re-clicked Ann's link.
Meh. Video. Not sitting through 10 minutes to get to his point. I can read Belmont Club, Powerline, Malkin, Althouse and TalkLeft in that amount of time. And still have enough left over to make lunch.
By internet standards the commenting here is generally respectful, but that's a very low standard. I'm impressed that he can take the criticism which was not all fair or respectful, and accept it and even give us some props (deserved or not). I hope he and others like him come here to comment too.
A bit of advice though is: don't let your emotions get hitched to whether or not the public and especially the politicians give you what you want. That's just asking for misery. Expect to be outside, to not get your way and keep working for what makes sense, not what you feel would be nice, but what works. We can all work together on that if we are willing to look at the facts.
but Althouse has been a gay-friendly blog since its inception
AA had a secret team of operatives go three levels down within a dream to make this a gay friendly blog.
I don't think the lesbians like me so much — a political thing? — but there's been at least one great lesbian commenter.)
Yashu! She's awesome.
Come back Adam, we need more liberal and independent voices. I'll be in your corner. You and Andy can tag team.
Yashu is a lesbian? Well gezuntheit to her!
I want to know what this guy has against Alaska and Hawaii?
I see no reason to hold punches with this guy. His videos are consistently nasty regarding those that differ in opinion...they're racist, stupid, etc.
@TosaGuy--My theory is that he decided at the last minute that he needed a patriotic backdrop but had no idea where to buy a flag, so he asked his mom for one.
All she could find in her attic was a 48-star one she inherited from her parents. She'd burned all the others over time during assorted Madison protests.
I thought the lesbian comment was directed at me.
And if we are gonna define everybody by sexual preference, then Peter should get a call out and I support his passion even more than gay rights.
I do miss Beth.
Saint Croix: Care to introduce me to your friend? I know Lars would vote in favor.
I know, I know, I know...my videos are too long. It's something I struggle with. When I was doing them daily while leading up to the recall election, I was required to shorten them up due to me having a job, a home, a life, a spouse that wants me to help with things. What a nag. Just kidding.
Now that I post them weekly, there is so much that I want to say, it's hard for me to edit myself down, as well as the information that I believe to be important. So when I think it needs to be longer, I'm going to keep them longer, when I can shorten them down, then I will. But I think you will all be glad to know that next week's video will be shorter and will be a topic that is bashing Tom Barret and United Wisconsin.
As I stated in the beginning of the "Vagina, Shitty Job Numbers and Shitty Pet Owners" video (which is long, but I really hope you watch as it discusses the GOP's forced transvaginal probing legislation, Representative Brown getting kicked out of the floor for saying the word "Vagina", Wisconsin having the worst job loss in the nation once again and our friend Billy who was a dog we were going to adopt, but his shitty owner claimed him after 8 days missing. Anyway, sorry for the shameless plug. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cpq8OlgWVK8 ), I posted on Facebook what topic I should discuss, listing them all. A police officer I know commented "Let it all out!". How could I not take the advice of a cop?
Facebook Group Page Here - http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/392453897460373/
I meant what I said about Althouse. I like this blog and I have been visiting it now that I am aware of it. In fact, I'm quite positive that there will be posts that I read here that will inspire my own video response.
As for the videos themselves, I try to be fair and try to be entertaining, but to some, of course, it just will not work. It would be weird if it did. So of course, I'm going to come off to some as stupid, or boring or snarky or (insert your own negative adjective here). That's OK. I'm a big boy and can take it. So don't throw any punches, I don't plan to.
As I stated in the "Liberal Bias Myth Busted" video...I don't like Moveon.org. I don't read it. I used to until I noticed they were conveniently leaving facts out that I knew to be true. I am not sheep and do not need to be coddled.
I believe this site, while conservative, or perhaps more libertarian than conservative, tries it's best to post interesting and unique stories and to be as fair as it can be, although I can't say that it's completely fair, but I'll touch on that another day. Anyway, I'm rambling, much like my videos, but the point is, that Althouse posts are a nice jumping offpoint to start an intelligent and thought-provoking discussion.
So you will see me around in the comments section, whether you like it or not.
I think that is all I have for now. I've got a job I need to get back to.
Oh yeah, as for the flag, yes, it's a 48 star flag and yes, I do have something against Alaska and Hawaii.
Adam Schabow
I know, I know, I know...my videos are too long. It's something I struggle with. When I was recording them daily for the recall election, I was required to shorten them up due to me having a job, a home, a life, a spouse that wants me to help with things. What a nag. Just kidding.
Now that I post them weekly, there is so much that I want to say, it's hard for me to edit myself down, as well as the information. However, sometimes, it’s just going to be longer, if I have more to say. But I think you will all be glad to know that next week's video will be shorter and will be a topic that is bashing Tom Barret and United Wisconsin.
As I stated in the beginning of the "Vagina, Shitty Job Numbers and Shitty Pet Owners" video (which is long, but I really hope you watch as it discusses the GOP's forced transvaginal probing legislation, Representative Brown getting kicked out of the floor for saying the word "Vagina", Wisconsin having the worst job loss in the nation once again and our friend Billy who was a dog we were going to adopt, but his shitty owner claimed him after 8 days missing. Anyway, sorry for the shameless plug. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cpq8OlgWVK8 ), I posted on Facebook what topic I should discuss, listing them all. A police officer I know commented "Let it all out!". How could I not take the advice of a cop?
Facebook Group Page Here - http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/392453897460373/
I meant what I said about Althouse. I like this blog and I have been visiting it since I have become aware of it. In fact, I'm quite positive that there will be posts that I read here that will inspire my own video response.
As for the videos themselves, I try to be fair and try to be entertaining, but to some, of course, it just will not click with them. It would be weird if it did. So of course, I'm going to come off to some as stupid, or boring or snarky or (insert your own negative adjective here). That's OK. I'm a big boy and can take it. So don't throw any punches, I don't plan to.
As I stated in the Liberal Bias Myth Busted video...I don't like Moveon.org. I don't read it. I used to until I noticed they were conveniently leaving facts out that I knew to be true. I believe this, Althouse, while conservative, or perhaps more libertarian than conservative, tries it's best to post interesting and unique stories. It's a nice jumping point to start an intelligent and thought-provoking discussion. I can’t say that I believe it to be completely fair, but that is for another day, as I need to get back to work.
But you will see me roaming around in the comments section, annoying the hell out of you all. I plan to stick around.
I hope you all have a wonderful Monday.
Oh yeah, as for the flag, yes, it's a 48 star flag and yes, I do have something against Alaska and Hawaii.
Adam Schabow
perhaps more libertarian than conservative
Kudos for sticking your neck out. Either you've got a decent sack on you, or you simply don't have anything better to do. Either way, Kudos-worthy.
Two quick things. First, do you write out what you're going to say and then read through it...aloud? Reading through it visually is not the same as doing it verbally, where your mind will insert inflections and tangents when you least expect it. Coming from a broadcast background, we would always read it aloud to ourselves and, if possible one or two other people before going live with something.
Secondly, what is your threshold for democracy dying in terms of the amount of money the victor spends? If the victor outspends the loser by 3-to-1, does that constitute dead democracy? Or does it have to be higher?
Just fucking with you, dude.
Saint Croix: Care to introduce me to your friend? I know Lars would vote in favor.
I don't know her, she's an internet buddy. I know a little. She's a Republican in San Francisco. She's a Buddhist. She claims she has no sense of humor but she laughs at my shit. She never has a stupid post, not once that I've seen. Very smart, very humble, very tolerant. I always enjoy reading what she has to say. Fun chick.
She never has a stupid post...
In that case, she's probably not posting enough.
Just for clarification, Adam's not gay...I'm his girlfriend of more than 3 years.
Normally I keep a polite distance from Adam's politically based projects. I find it necessary in order to maintain domestic harmony. Our politics don't necessarily align AND I'm far more hot tempered than he is AND I keep a shotgun under the bed, 'nuff said. However, I did feel I was the best voice to set the record straight (sorry, pun intended).
On a completely separate note, after reading the comments here if there is going to be a lesbian roundup I'm in. We can borrow chaps, whips and cowboy hats from the leather queens. If everything goes perfectly we might be able to start a stampede right down State St. and up Bascom to the Law School. YeeHaw!
Having seen such miracles, I could die a happy woman.
And lastly, because of the links on Althouse to Adam's videos I found out my father is a regular reader of the blog, which is a further breach of my normal boundaries. So I would like to say for the record, Dad, I do not want you participating in the lesbian corral.
Our politics don't necessarily align AND I'm far more hot tempered than he is AND I keep a shotgun under the bed...
But are you to Adam's right or his left? Gotta know that if you're hot-tempered and fully armed.
While Adam is no Ben Stein, he is boring in a far more interesting and dynamic way than that Harvard prof, Roberto Unger, whom Althouse featured yesterday. I would recommend Adam try to become a little more obsessive and focussed in his presentations. At some points, he appears sane and reasonable. That's not the affect he should be aiming for. I think that if he spent the next five months detailing how the media is giving Romney a free ride and persecuting Obama he could really build viewership. The bit about the dog with the faux black accent is comedy gold, the kind of thing that leaves HR administrators in stitches. However, such comic touches detract from the high purpose of the rest of the video and can profitably be dumped. Instead I would recommend an exposition of how he tries to redirect the erotic energies of the groupies that his heavy metal band attracts towards working for Obama's reelection. ....Ben Stein is not getting any younger. Hollywood needs stale, new faces and voices to carry on in his tradition.
"Just for clarification, Adam's not gay...I'm his girlfriend of more than 3 years."
In the video, he refers to his "spouse" named "Martha." I took that to mean he was married to a female.
But I never assume! I've always been bad at guessing who's gay and who isn't. There are certain styles of gestures and speech that people think of as seeming gay, but many gay guys don't have them and some non-gay guys do. It's part of human diversity.
So Adam has a spouse and a girlfriend?
Maybe he should've kept a lower profile.
I say spouse (which technically means significant other) because we live together, own a house and basically are a married couple. To call her my girlfriend, just doesn't have the proper weight to it...and while we are engaged, I hate using the word "fiance"...so there we go. Martha thought how Ann wrote this blog being a gay friendly that she was assuming I was gay (not there is anything wrong with it). Alot of people assume I'm gay...sometimes I just go with it.
As for ScottM, I never said democracy died. That was another guy. His name is "Mike" and "Vinnie" depending on what talk show he is calling. I love the guy, but he was emotional when he said, much like I was when I rambled on during election night. With that being said, I will say that money, wherever it comes from, does dampen the true discussions we should be having. I'm for public funded campaigns...I plan to cover that sometime during one of my videos.
Crap...there was one other thing I wanted to say. Ann stated that my blog isn't really a blog and that it only has two videos. That really isn't completely accurate.
I write for Dane101.com, was the editor for Brewcity101.com and a film critic for short-lived paper "The Wisconsinite", so I wanted a place to also link some of the articles that I'm more proud of onto one website. I also wanted a place to put other videos as well, including all the Walker videos. But Ann is right, I only realy plan to post the videos on the home page once a week.
Ok, now I'm done.
Thanks for letting me get that out of the way as well!
Adam Schabow
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