June 21, 2012

Freudian slip of the day.

In the previous post, I was writing about women who need to be "continually push[ed] to value their insights," and it came out as one of those near-homophone typos: "continually push[ed] to value their insides."

Didn't mean to wander over into "Vagina Monologues" territory.


ElPresidenteCastro said...

I stand against homophonia.

traditionalguy said...

This use it or lose it equates vaginas to brains.

Guys know that one. All women are sure we think with the other head on our penis...which is not true on some total eclipse days and everyother Feb. 29th.

So the new woman has to think deeply with her vagina, or her breasts will do in a pinch.

And no more of that cheating by using emotional intelligence and kindness.

Scott said...

If a woman values her insights, perhaps it isn't a good idea to push too hard, especially if her cohort is making a powerful point.

Anonymous said...

Just don't call it a .... oh never mind.

edutcher said...

Actually, Ann, you don't seem a bit like Eve Ensler.

Or Jane Fonda.

traditionalguy said...

So the new woman has to think deeply with her vagina, or her breasts will do in a pinch.

If necessary, most men will be more than glad to lend a hand.

Robert said...

I'm up for it.

Robert said...

I'm up for it.

Patrick said...

I tend to doubt that "Freudian slips" really say much about the "slipper," but lots of them do tend to be funny.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Allie, get your mind out of the sewer.

Meade said...


bagoh20 said...

I won't even come into this sewer of bald humor. I'll just stick to my guns and stand aside in self satisfied detachment. You guys seem to be pounding it out just fine without me poking around in here.

Anonymous said...

Yes Bagoh, keep your nose out of it.

Anonymous said...


Lem Vibe Bandit said...

"continually push[ed] to value their insides."

ricpic said...

Insights from insides do come,
Where else could an insight's home be?
In our deepest bowels do they ferment,
Then erupt: some loud, some stinky.

MadisonMan said...

This is o/t, and I'm sorry.

Hilarious boneheaded move on USOC's part.

The wife (she's on ravelry) told me about this, and my immediate response was: Publicize it. Lawyers are being idiots, what's not to make fun of?

Nichevo said...

test 2, conflicting edits error

Anonymous said...

MM, I enjoyed the comments section in that article, so many perls of wisdom. I love the fierceness of women with " sharp sticks".

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

In Paglia's view, the great civilization we call "Western Culture" is nothing more than social manifestations--in literature, in art, in political and religious institutions--of men's fear of mysterious forces that lurk within the uteruses of women...

Paglia points out that the penis, unlike the vagina, is external, hence visual; it has linearity, "a syntax," and can be measured, compared, assessed. The vagina, on the other hand, is amorphous, lurid in color, impossible to quantify or simulate architecturally...

Nature does not conform to the laws of Man, of Culture; it cannot be contained. Man sees this uncontainable nature in Woman--in the liquids that flow from her genitalia during sex and menstruation, from her breasts after childbirth--and is threatened, even as he is deeply drawn to what he lacks and finds fascinating. On impulse, Man turns toward the sky, toward Apollo, and invests his energy in transcendental logic. But it is all in vain...

The male ego is a sexual persona (the Latin word for mask) that reduplicates itself in phallic monuments and skyscrapers (stairways to the sky, the sun, to Heaven), in religious doctrines that designate women as the servants of men, in plays where "shrews" are to be tamed. By controlling "their women," men are attempting to control "nature," the ultimate representation of POWER. But deep down men know that, like their own penises that shrivel into flaccid strands of flesh once the sexual act has been achieved, their own power is fleeting. So they fight and fight the unwinnable war and Western Culture is the dazzling carnage their havoc has wreaked.

bagoh20 said...

Yea, something is wrong with Blogger. I get "conflicting edits" nearly every time today, and often numerous ones in a row.

ricpic said...

I surrender Paglia
To the power of your internal plumbing;
What are mens' monuments external
'Gainst the deep gnostic bullshit you're humming.

bgates said...

Man sees this uncontainable nature in Woman--in the liquids that flow from her genitalia during sex and menstruation, from her breasts after childbirth--and is threatened

Yes, as a man I find the notion of liquids flowing from genitalia during sex or at other times to be alien and disturbing. And liquid that somehow passes through the skin? Bizarre.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Yea, something is wrong with Blogger. I get "conflicting edits" nearly every time today, and often numerous ones in a row.

It happened to me too. like 4 in a row one time.

Anonymous said...

Bgates, so fluids jettisoned from a penis isn't horrifying to you? Or are all fluids from genitalia disturbing, just wondering.

ricpic said...

I surrender Paglia
To the power of your internal plumbing;
What are mens' monuments external
'Gainst the deep gnostic bullshit you're hustling.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Paglia has insights on a woman's insides.

BarryD said...

So is Paglia's writing a vagina monologue, or a vagina dialogue?

traditionalguy said...

The Romans were into lust. All houses had a huge Phallus outside the gates to boast that they enjoyed life and had a fertile family life.

But Augustus Ceasar ( Julius' adopted step son and the first Emperor after Actium))was a sexual morality pushing politician and he set a higher standard of family life sexual morality like the Mormons do today. He thought it made Rome deserving of conquests and pleased the gods.

But that was for the married women. The men still had entertainment from the servant girls at toga parties. Nightlife at Pompey was never dull and seldom sober.

ricpic said...

Augustus made the trains run on time, or the chariots.. Good man, Augustus.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

I'm so old that I can remember a time when most people could go days, weeks or even months without discussing vagina's. Imagine that!

Anonymous said...

Attia, mother of Octavian sure seemed to have some fun, especially with Mark Antony, but that was in the HBO series, Rome. How much fun she really had back in the ancient day, is anyone's guess.

The Pretentious Ignoramus said...

May I suggest renaming this post "Freudian Slit of the day?"

bgates said...

so fluids jettisoned from a penis isn't horrifying to you?

Sure are. I pee and ejaculate crystals.

Was my last comment really too subtle?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Bgates, my sympathies, crystals in your urine passing through that teeny tiny ureter, yep, that certainly could be horrifying. Ouch. Stay away from carbonated drinks.

I used to feel so bad for older men that I had to catheterize, with those narrowed ureters from an enlarged prostate. So sorry.

bagoh20 said...

"I pee and ejaculate crystals"

Oh, the new age chicks must love you.

KCFleming said...

Freud's first slip

bagoh20 said...

Allie, I'm asking seriously:

Do you think having a job where you have a lot of nonsexual contact with genitals and naked sick people has any effect on your enjoyment when it gets sexual? Do you lose anything, get jaded, accidentally start catheterizing someone in the middle of sex?

OK, that last part was unnecessary, but seriously, I'm curious.

Anonymous said...

Bagoh, in a word, no. Does a Gynecologist enjoy his partner any less? I don't believe so.

After all it's not the genitals, it's the person they happen to be attached to.

bagoh20 said...

I'm sure gynecologists get that question all time, but I don't know any.

I never saw any baby gynecologists running around so I'm thinking it could have an effect on sex drive.

traditionalguy said...

My Freudian slip was that Tiberas was Augustus who was actually his grandfather. Octavian was Augustus. Hail Ceasar!

Because Octavian's adopted dad Juliuis Ceasar was Diefide, the new Augustus was always called the son of god on all coins and monuments.

But the guys in Rome liked worship and the rich patrons and citizens of the empire did it up right in every city of the Empire.

And then along came a Jew called Paul on the Roman Vias who had another Son Of God in mind for worship. That war still goes on today.

bagoh20 said...

"After all it's not the genitals, it's the person they happen to be attached to."

Yea, but you're a woman. I guess men are so sick and insatiable that way that it's not a problem for them either for entirely different reasons.

bagoh20 said...

So the accidental catheterizing never happens either? Just checking. You know - your mind wanders and you start just running on autopilot, maybe start thinking about work to keep arousal under control, and then suddenly he has nightmares and gives up women for life.

Nurses scare me - they know too much - like a ninja or something.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Bagoh, OK, I understand that men are driven by testosterone. Men who have started sex change hormonal therapy report that their sex drive diminished significantly and that it was a relief to them.

Women aren't "driven" hormonally, especially after menopause. I do however think that women continue to enjoy sex, as a pleasurable activity, similar to eating a delicious piece of expensive dark chocolate. Well maybe a bit differently.

Well, unless a urinary catheter is placed in my hand during sex, I'm safe, no accidental catherizations have occured, cross my heart and hope to die.

bagoh20 said...

OK, good to hear. I was wondering because I read a story that said emergency rooms in Lake Country were being barraged with men traumatized in just that way.

It might have been a different Wisconsin.

Anonymous said...

Or maybe a different Nurse Allie, hehe.

Saint Croix said...

Paglia is awesome. So funny.

Saint Croix said...

Sample of Paglia's thought...

• The trauma of the Sixties persuaded me that my generation's egalitarianism was a sentimental error. I now see the hierarchical as both beautiful and necessary. Efficiency liberates; egalitarianism tangles, delays, blocks, deadens.

• If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts.

• Patriarchy, routinely blamed for everything, produced the birth control pill, which did more to free contemporary women than feminism itself.

• If middle class feminists think they conduct their love lives perfectly rationally, without any instinctual influences from biology, they are imbeciles.

• It is woman's destiny to rule men. Not to serve them, flatter them, or hang on them for guidance. Nor to insult them, demean them, or stereotype them as oppressors.

• Let's get rid of Infirmary Feminism, with its bedlam of bellyachers, anorexics, bulimics, depressives, rape victims, and incest survivors. Feminism has become a catch-all vegetable drawer where bunches of clingy sob sisters can store their moldy neuroses.

• Men know they are sexual exiles. They wander the earth seeking satisfaction, craving and despising, never content. There is nothing in that anguished motion for women to envy.

• Serial or sex murder, like fetishism, is a perversion of male intelligence. It is a criminal abstraction, masculine in its deranged egotism and orderliness. It is the asocial equivalent of philosophy, mathematics, and music. There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper.

• It is not male hatred of women but male fear of women that is the great universal.

By God, she provokes. What an amazing professor. Love her.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

St Croix, how about this quote?

"Every man must define himself against his mother. If he does not, he just falls back into her and is swallowed up."

I imagine some men wouldn't find this to be true.

bagoh20 said...

I don't know what that means "defines".

I do think men, subconscious or consciously, ask themselves: I know my mother loves me, but is she happy about it? Does it make her proud, and content?

Mostly I think men often take mothers for granted, thinking more about how they compare to or are seen by their fathers. For a son, mothers are too easy to satisfy. Fathers are the comparison, and impressing them, the goal.

Carnifex said...

Oh, the new age chicks must love you.

I nominate Bagohs for post of the dat.

Carnifex said...

Damn my fat fingers...day, not dat.

Carnifex said...

Ans yes Bagoh, the girls love the fat fingers too,

Carnifex said...

dammit and not ans, I'm just gonna stop now

Anonymous said...

Bagoh, I don't like the idea that anyone is defined by anyone else, even their mother. It gives her too much credit or too much blame. Once the child has become an adult they define themselves.

Ralph L said...

her breasts will do in a pinch
Youu mean, like a mammogram?

Anonymous said...

Wisdom of the Aged

Now don't get mad, dontcha have a sense of humor?

Saint Croix said...

St Croix, how about this quote?

Yeah! Freud's a huge influence on Paglia. She's always talking about sex. (She's like Althouse that way).

"Swallowed up" is vagina talk. We must escape the vagina! No, wait. We got to get back in there! No, wait.

It's the vagina trap.

It's funny that Althouse does not like Paglia because the two of them are so alike.

Saint Croix said...

the two of them are so alike.

Although they are quite different in their styles. Althouse has a streak of royalty about her. She is quite capable of ignoring people. Althouse is above us.

Paglia is a street-fighting bitch who drags 6 foot drag queens into confrontations with anti-porn feminists.

Althouse is very feminine. Paglia is butch as hell. But the two of them make the same arguments and piss off the same people.

Known Unknown said...

I prefer the alternate title "Cooch Talks"

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ken Green said...

It's okay, Anne. If you'd really slipped, you might have said that "Well behaved women don't leave a spot at Princeton"

amba said...


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