May 3, 2012

Who is this woman?

Genevieve Cook, who at 25, had an 18-month affair with the 22-year-old Barack Obama.
The two bonded quickly, [writes David Maraniss in "Barack Obama: The Story"]: “She kept a journal, as he did, and thought of herself as an observer, as he did, and brooded about her identity, as he did, and had an energetic, independent, and at times exasperating mother, as he did, and burned with an idealism to right the wrongs of the world, as he did.”...

• “The sexual warmth is definitely there—but the rest of it has sharp edges. . . Tho he speaks sweet words and can be open and trusting, there is also that coolness—and I begin to have an inkling of some things about him that could get to me.”

• “Barack—still intrigues me, but so much going on beneath the surface, out of reach. Guarded, controlled.”

... “When she told him that she loved him, his response was not “I love you, too” but “thank you”—as though he appreciated that someone loved him.”

... “I guess I hoped time would change things and he’d let go and ‘fall in love’ with me. Now, at this point, I’m left wondering if Barack’s reserve, etc. is not just the time in his life, but, after all, emotional scarring that will make it difficult for him to get involved even after he’s sorted his life through with age and experience.”

Early in their relationship, Obama told Cook (who was white) about his “perfect ideal woman” — whom Cook imagined would be “very strong, very upright, a fighter, a laugher, well-­experienced — a black woman I keep seeing her as.”
By the way, in his book "Dreams From My Father," Obama writes of being openly critical of a black man with a white girlfriend:
Tim was not a conscious brother. Tim wore argyle sweaters and pressed jeans and talked like Beaver Cleaver. He planned to major in business. His white girlfriend was probably waiting for him up in his room, listening to country music. He was happy as a clam, and I wanted nothing more than for him to go away. I got up, walked with him down the hall to my room, gave him the assignment he needed. As soon as I got back to Reggie’s room, I somehow felt obliged to explain.

“Tim’s a trip, ain’t he,” I said, shaking my head. “Should change his name from Tim to Tom.”
ADDED: I get the feeling that the hostility expressed toward "Tim" was displaced hostility toward himself. It's very sad if he resisted loving Genevieve because she was white. Don't you think Genevieve resembles Obama's mother, who was white? Imagine being a heterosexual man and feeling that you weren't supposed to be attracted to a woman who reminds you of your mother. There's this alternate never-to-be-written Obama search-for-identity book titled "Dreams From My Mother."


Chip S. said...

Is that a photo or a composite sketch?

Icepick said...

“Tim’s a trip, ain’t he,” I said, shaking my head. “Should change his name from Tim to Tom.”

Good to see that Obama doesn't just hate "typical white people" but that he also hates blacks that don't act black enough. Yes he can!

Icepick said...

Maybe that's why Obama identifies with Trayvon Martin so much. But if Trayvon had been wearing argyle socks Obama wouldn't care if his dumb-assed Uncle Tom butt had gotten shot....

Matt Sablan said...

Change from Tim to Tom? Composite girlfriends?

... Wow. No one really read that book until the whole dog eating thing, have they? How does such a charged, racial (not necessarily racist) statement not get picked up anywhere until years later?

I kind of want to buy the book and read it now to see what other gems we're missing.

kcom said...

Because we all know your skin color determines what clothing you're allowed to wear. The biggest racists in the room are the ones "fighting" racism. They pigeonhole everyone based on skin color and don't let people decide for themselves who they want to be ...and how they want to dress ...and what to major in ...and how to speak ...and what their political beliefs are...and a million other things that have no relation to skin color but are somehow required of people with a certain skin color.

rehajm said...

Obama and Cook in a relationship when they were fairly young- the sex was good, but he was distant for her. Love- she got to a place that he didn't, she hoped he'd meet her there in time. She tries to justify how he doesn't meet her in that place...I don't think any of this is revealing about Obama the man. All pretty ordinary. Now if he told her to fix his dinner, or something...same with Tim- white girlfriend is less telling than other aspects. His Cosby sweaters, his blue jeans, his speech. He's too white for Obama. It's not a statement of disapproval of white women. but Obama has NO right to be critical of another man's jeans...

Icepick said...

Where did Obama pick up the "ain't" word as part of his common usage? Was that when he was being raised by his white grandparents in Hawaii or in Indonesia between wiener dogs? Did he start saying it when he transformed from Barry Soetoro to Barack (Don't call me Hussein) Obama?

Scott M said...

There's this alternate never-to-be-written Obama search-for-identity book titled "Dreams From My Mother."

Sorry. Kenyen men don't write books to honor their mothers. It's a cultural thing.

chickelit said...

She looks a little like the character "Pink" in "Dazed And Confused"?


Very androgynous hairstyles in those days. You shoulda seen me.

Matt Sablan said...

Instead of thank you, he should have said, "I know." That was ultra cool. Obama was just trying to be just as cool before he even knew how cool it would be.

Zakn said...


Scott M said...

“The sexual warmth is definitely there—but the rest of it has sharp edges. . . Tho he speaks sweet words and can be open and trusting, there is also that coolness—and I begin to have an inkling of some things about him that could get to me.”

Somewhere in the East Wing, Michelle's rumbling bass could be heard yelling, "Oh, no she di'n't!"

Ipso Fatso said...

It figures that she is looking left.

Scott M said...

She's actually looking to her right.

Sue D'Nhym said...

Obama's racist. Shocking.

AllenS said...

Michelle is going to be taking a very long and expensive vacation shortly.

Icepick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
William R. Hamblen said...

"... Imagine being a heterosexual man and feeling that you weren't supposed to be attracted to a woman who reminds you of your mother. ..."

Isn't it a truism that "women marry men like their fathers" and "men marry woman like their mothers"? At least some do.

Icepick said...

Michelle is going to be taking a very long and expensive vacation shortly.

Yeah, but she was going to do that anyway. That's totally a dog bites man story....

Anonymous said...

Barry just lost a ton of black women votes. They really don't like it when their men go vanilla. At least that's what I've seen in the movies . . .

Christopher in MA said...

Who is this woman?

A beard.

X said...

country music loving girlfriend: what's his deal?

Tim: he thinks he's black. He should change his name from Barry to Barack.

Comanche Voter said...

I don't know about the picture. She looks 1/32nd Cherokee to me.

Tim said...

"Tim" is just about the most perfect name, ever.

One strains to think of a better name, yet still fails to do so.

Barack wishes his name was Tim.

Hell. Everyone wishes their name was Tim.

But not everyone is quite so lucky to have parents smart enough to name their sons Tim.

I suppose that means my taxes will go up.

Oh well. A small price to pay for such fortune.

Scott M said...

They really don't like it when their men go vanilla.

At. All.

BarrySanders20 said...

I thought that was the lead singer from Journey.

It's continuing the return to 2008 theme:

Don't stop believin'
Hold on to the fee-ee-eelling

Scott M said...

Don't stop believin'
Hold on to the fee-ee-eelling

"I love that song. And I love when amateurs sing it." - Adam West

Icepick said...

"Tim" is just about the most perfect name, ever.

One strains to think of a better name, yet still fails to do so.

Do you know much that is hidden?

Brian Brown said...

She talked about how Obama walked around his bedroom bare-chested, dressed in a blue and white sarong while working on a New York Times crossword puzzle…

Obama and Cook would date for a year. He was 22 and she was 25 when they met.

Cook said when she told Obama she loved him, he responded: “Thank you.”

What a great guy this Obama is!

Scott M said...

Do you know much that is hidden?


wyo sis said...

All that talk about how it's sooooo important to "vet" the Republican candidates. Finally four years later we begin to find out rather ordinary, but strangely unknown things about Obama.
How is it that these things have never been known before? It's not so much that the things we're finding out are uncommon, but that they are so common.
For a man with so many strong opinions from on high about how others should conduct their lives we find he's very lenient with himself. He's an ordinary man after all, not at all the messiah we've been looking for.
Now we mush embrace his commonness. Now that he's tumbled down from on high. Strangely parallel to the fallen God. The narrative continues.

Tim said...

Icepick said...

"Tim" is just about the most perfect name, ever.

One strains to think of a better name, yet still fails to do so.

Do you know much that is hidden?"


pm317 said...

He is one angry man, inside.. just like his wife who is angry on the outside as well.

Freeman Hunt said...

“The sexual warmth is definitely there...

Gross. Why is this in print? Is there any privacy anymore? I feel like I walked in on the President in the bathroom. News is so stupid. Now we're to hear about some old college girlfriend the President has probably all but forgotten by now?

Was his not falling in love with her a result of overwrought racial consciousness? I think the most likely scenario was that of the "He's Just Not That Into You" variety.

Sofa King said...

Instead of thank you, he should have said, "I know." That was ultra cool. Obama was just trying to be just as cool before he even knew how cool it would be.

No, "ultra cool" is saying "I know" and then immediately being frozen in carbonite.

Joe Schmoe said...

Amen, wyo sis. Whatever vetting went on in 2008 was kept under wraps. Looks like we're on the verge of Breitbart's goal: vet Obama this time around. Quite a few trickles lately coming out about Barry's arrogance and aloofness, to put it nicely. Keep chipping away at that dike.

Joe Schmoe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John henry said...

But what about Obama's boyfriends? (NTTATWWT)

I keep reading rumors that he is gay. That Reggie Love leaving was not so much a firing as a breakup.

There was a picture of Obama in shorts a year or two back and his legs looked like toothpicks. The dude is seriously anorexic from the look of it. AIDS?

Joe Schmoe said...

BarrySanders20: I thought that was the lead singer from Journey.

Hilarious. She does look like Steve Perry.

An exerpt from the article:
The young couple spent a lot of time cooking: He loved to make ginger beef and tuna-fish sandwiches made the way his grandfather had taught him

Oh boy. I'll leave aside the sloppy writing that makes you think that the sandwiches are made with both ginger beef AND tuna fish; disgusting.

The big question is just what exactly was in that 'ginger beef'? Genevieve must've thrown up in her mouth when she heard about Barry's predilection for dog.

Carl Vero said...

The girlfriend's sexual encounters with the young Obama is, peculiarly, described as “(the) warmth is definitely there”. One gets the notion of a meatloaf languishing limpidly after coming late to the party. No heat, no passion, but for himself. A composite character.

pm317 said...

Gross. Why is this in print? Is there any privacy anymore? I feel like I walked in on the President in the bathroom. News is so stupid. Now we're to hear about some old college girlfriend the President has probably all but forgotten by now?

Well, it is not gross for who look at him as the boyfriend. Like Judith Warner who printed her 'gross' sexual fantasies with him in NYT. His minions are trying to generate the same kind of magic with women now. Maybe with white women in particular this time. Black women are already in the bag, thanks to his wife.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Once you go half-black, you never go half-back.

Joe Schmoe said...

Freeman, I share your revulsion, but for a guy with such an opaque background, I'll take it. 4 years into his presidency and we're just starting to learn a little bit about the man behind the myth.

In addition to elections, we need to do some behavioral interviewing on our next candidates.

Beta Rube said...

I thought she denied having a long term relationship with Barrry, which led to the "composite" explanation.

Icepick said...


Bear crotch.

I'm Full of Soup said...

He wore a Sarong?

I Callahan said...

Who is this woman?

First thought that popped in my head? Andy R, without the hat.

Known Unknown said...

Keep chipping away at that dike.

That's no way to talk about a girl with that kind of haircut!

FedkaTheConvict said...

Looks like an Instagram photo.

Ipso Fatso said...

I wonder if he had any black girlfriends before Michelle?

Richard Dolan said...

OK. So Obama is a clinical narcissist with conflicted views about race, rooted in unresolved conflicts with his parents, that caused him to hold himself aloof even while in the midst of ostensibly intimate relationships during early adulthood. Maybe he worked it all out in the intervening 30 years; maybe he didn't (for sure that's true about the narcissism, still on full display after all these years).

We're not interested in him because of any of that. He's the president, and what matters is how he conducts his office. It's better to stick with that than to get all caught up in someone else's psycho-drama, even if he is the president.

edutcher said...

Hmmm, so much to consider here.

His "perfect ideal woman" (Moochelle?) and "being openly critical of a black man with a white girlfriend" seem to bring out his inner racist and his outer hypocrite.

He's half white, but he hates white people.

"When she told him that she loved him, his response was not 'I love you, too' but 'thank you'", I got the feeling he was indulging his narcissism, "Yes, thank you for seeing my complete Wonderfulness as I do".

Ann Althouse said...

Don't you think Genevieve resembles Obama's mother, who was white?

I think Stanley Ann Dunham was prettier, more delicately featured. This girl, as Callahan observes, looks a bit more masculine.

MayBee said...

I thought that was the lead singer from Journey.

My guess is that is the reason for the "thank you" rather than the "I love you too".

I'm with Freeman, though. I don't need to hear about the historical degree of sexual warmth of the current President.

pm317 said...

He's half white, but he hates white people.

Because he looks black and is treated like black by the society at large. He has found the perfect vent for his anger and dissatisfaction. He now thinks he is doing the majority whites in this country a favor in that it erases their white guilt complex having elected him. See, he gave them a chance at redemption.

Hoosier Daddy said...

My intial reaction to the picture was a woman who does not the smell of a man.

Scott M said...

My intial reaction to the picture was a woman who does not the smell of a man.


You wanna take another pass at that one, sparky?

The Crack Emcee said...


The biggest racists in the room are the ones "fighting" racism. They pigeonhole everyone based on skin color and don't let people decide for themselves who they want to be ...and how they want to dress ...and what to major in ...and how to speak ...and what their political beliefs are...and a million other things that have no relation to skin color but are somehow required of people with a certain skin color.

Welcome to my world,...

The Crack Emcee said...


I thought that was the lead singer from Journey.

My first thought as well,...

crosspatch said...

"I get the feeling that the hostility expressed toward "Tim" was displaced hostility toward himself."

Self-loathing is a rather typical pattern of people with left-wing politics. They are themselves "bad" so therefore their country is "bad", their culture is "bad", their language is "bad", their religion is "bad", their traditions are "bad", etc.

Chip Ahoy said...

She looks like the Statue of Liberty to me. Who I understand was Bartholdi's mother. I'd rather see transcripts.

So I can compare them to my own.

I do show my own here and there. Twice I did because as it happened through reorganizing things they were there with other things piled up in the presence of a dismissive person, and then I went, "hey, would you like to see my transcripts?" Twice this happened. Pulled the light blue folder from the pile, and handed it. They look at the grades first which surprise them because I'm generally fairly silly in real life and that's how I like it, then they look at the classes to see if they were serious and remark on them. In both cases the dismissiveness ceased. And it spread a little bit I noticed, a respect for mah authoritah, because they're big mouths and didn't keep what they saw to themselves.

The Crack Emcee said...

wyo sis,

All that talk about how it's sooooo important to "vet" the Republican candidates. Finally four years later we begin to find out rather ordinary, but strangely unknown things about Obama.

How is it that these things have never been known before? It's not so much that the things we're finding out are uncommon, but that they are so common.
For a man with so many strong opinions from on high about how others should conduct their lives we find he's very lenient with himself. He's an ordinary man after all, not at all the messiah we've been looking for.

Now we mush embrace his commonness. Now that he's tumbled down from on high. Strangely parallel to the fallen God. The narrative continues.

And now they're doing the same thing, for Romney, in order to get rid of Barack. It'd be comical if it wasn't so horrible to watch - and if there wasn't this spoken and unspoken insistence that others play dumb, too.

They are seeing what they want to see, and nothing more.

How about you, Sis - playing the game or what?

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Wow. No one really read that book until the whole dog eating thing, have they? How does such a charged, racial (not necessarily racist) statement not get picked up anywhere until years later?.."

I did after the whole Wright bruhaha and pretty much confirmed my opinion that he was nothing more than a dyed in the wool Marxist who held a helluva lot of bitterness toward white people.

But even when Obama himself puts this stuff down in paper, people will pretend that's not what it says. That goes well beyond party loyalty and straight to Jim Jones cult of personality.

Amartel said...

Urkel dissed Carlton!

Hagar said...

I think I am glad I do not know any of these people.

The Crack Emcee said...

Hoosier Daddy,

But even when Obama himself puts this stuff down in paper, people will pretend that's not what it says. That goes well beyond party loyalty and straight to Jim Jones cult of personality.

O.K., that's it - I've had enough. How DARE you, Sir? Lumping all these fine folks in with cultism, are you mad?

People made a perfectly "rational" decision in electing Barry - Ann said so - and, as soon as they elect the guy from the planet Kolab, all of our country's problems will be over.


I swear, if nothing else, cultism has GOT to be the most entertainingly informative subject of study I've EVER encountered in my entire life.

5 to 1, baby, 1 to 5,....

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... My intial reaction to the picture was a woman who does not the smell of a man.


You wanna take another pass at that one, sparky?"

Does not LIKE...

Goddam phone keypad. Ruined a perfect SNL line.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... “Tim’s a trip, ain’t he,” I said, shaking my head. “Should change his name from Tim to Tom.”.."

Yeah, a real post racial healer that Obama.

Although I bet the MSM would have covered this stuff if they could spare the time from dumpster diving in Wasilla and speculating on who Trigs real mom was.

C R Krieger said...

Hagar said...
I think I am glad I do not know any of these people.

Hagar said it.

Did we really need this at this point?  Can we get back to the economy and Keynes v Hayek?

Regards  —  Cliff

The Crack Emcee said...

Hoosier Daddy,

But even when Obama himself puts this stuff down in paper, people will pretend that's not what it says. That goes well beyond party loyalty and straight to Jim Jones cult of personality.

Considering Romney's from the planet Kolab, and thinks Jesus is returning to rule from Missouri, I'd say going "well beyond party loyalty and straight to Jim Jones cult of personality" is catching on. What do you say, Hoosier, since you seem to see it on the Left? We can ask about it without being bigots, you know - just as we're all racists if we delve too deeply into Barack's bullshit:

Is the Right infected now or not?

Geoff Matthews said...


It isn't AIDS. He's a smoker. Smoker's are thinner. QED

Dust Bunny Queen said...

None of this really matters. Arguing about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. Distraction after distraction from the real issues.

Anyone with a bit of common sense knows who and what Obama is> If you think that Romney is going to save us you are deluded. The best Romney can do is slow down the slide into the abyss.....maybe. It will take balls, guts and courage to make the real decision and moves to get us out of this mess. I don't see anyone out there willing to make the hard choices.

Here is what matters---> Buy more guns, lots of ammo and stockpile everything you can, because if Obama is elected again, it is going to be very very bad and long time to recover.

David said...

Lots of guys marry women who consciously or unconsciously are reminiscent to them of mommy. It ain't a good thing, much of the time.

Barack is a lot better of (politically) with Michelle. He is a man made for politics, not for love, though it's perfectly possible that he loves Michelle, whatever love means to him. Michelle is a lot more stable and practical that O's mother was.

The Crack Emcee said...

Dust Bunny Queen,

None of this really matters.

Cultism does. Until the people of this country understand the thought process they've been manipulated into - and that that's what's happened - we're bound to keep repeating the same mistakes until we destroy ourselves. Comprehending it, or even mentioning it, is frowned upon because it implicates US as much as our leaders (who every wants as a convenient scapegoat, though they elected them) but dealing with that matters more than anything else in my opinion.

Funny how so many come to their senses AFTER disaster strikes, isn't it? So the capacity to understand reality is there already, but they merely don't want to deal with it. Apocalyptic thinking - which even Glenn Reynolds is pumping (whatta guy!) is so much more attractive ("Buy more guns, lots of ammo and stockpile everything you can,….") ANYTHING but dealing directly with the problems of our delusional thought process, now, when it's manageable. It's all the same shit, leading to the same place, to deliver the same results:

Denial, destruction, and death.

I can only hope - as we argue amongst ourselves - we'll hit a little speed bump, that'll rattle us enough we come to our senses and ask where we're going, before we blow a tire and can't get away at all, but that, too, is mostly wishful thinkng. I talk to supposedly-smart people online, every day, and it does no good. They see what they want to see. That's the problem.

But, looking on the bright side, you'll get to kill them one day.

Problem solved.

wyo sis said...

As we rattle down the potholed road to doom we clearly need to stop and play the game of "your guy did it too." Yeah, that's the ticket.
The way out of the pothole is not all that clean, but you have to start somewhere. When you're going down the wrong road the fastest way to get to the right direction is to turn around. It means covering the same ground for awhile, but eventually you get back to the fork in the road.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Considering Romney's from the planet Kolab, and thinks Jesus is returning to rule from Missouri, I'd say going "well beyond party loyalty and straight to Jim Jones cult of personality" is catching on..."

Is it? Is there a mass conversion to Mormonism that I'm not aware of?

n.n said...

Enquiring minds want to know. It must be a progressive boredom, which would explain this late, yet timely, revelation.

Oclarki said...

Robert Cook is Obama's love child?

Amartel said...

"I think I am glad I do not know any of these people."

Amen to that. I knew a lot of these people in college (1986 grad) and they were insipid and insufferable. Could not get the hell out of college fast enough.

Obsessing about the many unknowns and unknowables about Romney will drive you nuts. Here's the thing, conservatives don't elect a grand poobah, a rock star, a celebrity. That's for other people, and it's always a mistake because nobody's perfect and the cover up will get you in the end. Conservatives elect a president, and a lot of other officeholders as well. Focus down the ticket if you're Anyone But Romney. Down ticket is where change is going to happen.

wyo sis said...

If you think the choice is Anybody but Obama vs Anybody but Romney Amartel is correct. Focus down the ticket. Who do you want to fill cabinet posts, judicial appointments, tie braking votes in the Senate, presidential orders and so on. If you think Obama's been getting it right go ahead and vote for him, but if you think he's taking us down the wrong road voting for anyone but the Republican nominee is a vote for Obama.
Purity is great, but we never get purity, we only get OK for now. Too bad if you don't like it. It's not going to change for this election and it won't ever change if we don't work from both directions. Up from the grassroots and down from OK for now.

Cedarford said...

If Barack had married Genieveve -or any other white piece of trim out getting their young jungle love days taken care of by a black dude - he wouldn't be President today.

Scott M said...
They really don't like it when their men go vanilla.

At. All.

True, but black racists gave him a pass when he "went back to black". As the OJ Jury proved, black male dalliances with white pussy give way to tribal loyalty and skin color when a "persecuted" black man runs for office against white or faces a verdict.

William said...

The Freudian claim is that men marry a woman as much like their mother as they can stand. His ultimate rejection of this woman may have been precisely because of her resemblance to his mother. He had a complicated childhood that must have bred a lot of resentment. I haven't read his book, but the guess here is that a lot of that resentment was unconsciously directed towards his mother. His father took a walk, but his mother was the one who chose a man who took a walk. So it was all her fault. That's not fair, but that's the way a child would apportion blame......Obama has a very Rubrik cube of an identity. I don't suppose he'll ever figure it out, no matter how much he twists and turns the squares....... His racial identity is the square root of minus one. You can give it a value to make the equation balance, but it's ultimately a fiction. On the other hand, he is the POTUS so however invented his identity, he was able to sell the patent on it for a considerable premium.

Deb said...

"The Freudian claim is that men marry a woman as much like their mother as they can stand."

OMG, I hope that's not true. I hope the operative phrase is "as they can stand".

BarryD said...

Since he exploited his African half (apparently the descendent of a Kenyan slave trader, but I digress), now, in his next book, he can exploit the Irish half. "Portrait of the Narcissist as a Young Man." Should be a shoe-in for the bestseller list.

Donna B. said...

I'm not going to criticize Obama for saying "Thank you" to her declaration of love. What was he supposed to say if he didn't love her?

There's so many actions and words of his to criticize -- why do it to a moment that was probably a kindness and didn't involve a lie.

NotClauswitz said...

Sure her name isn't "Julia"?

Mark said...

Comanche Voter said...
I don't know about the picture. She looks 1/32nd Cherokee to me.

LOL. I wish there was a like button on Althouse comments!

Jane said...

So glad for a husband who has faithfully loved me for 18 years, who sought me out and pursued me until I caught him, and who never acted like this to anyone in his life.

I dated someone cold like that once - breaking up made me so physically sick I almost felt like dying. But a year later, I realized what an unfeeling liberal idiot he really was.

This kind of explains a lot about what my feelings have always been about Mr. Obama - he's always seemed like a cold, unfeeling, lying, immature, teenagerish technocrat. A man without a chest.

Freeman Hunt said...

I'm not going to criticize Obama for saying "Thank you" to her declaration of love. What was he supposed to say if he didn't love her?

There's so many actions and words of his to criticize -- why do it to a moment that was probably a kindness and didn't involve a lie.

I agree. The lie would have been easy and is probably the more common thing. It also would have been worse.

geoffb said...

In this picture from back then, she looks more like a certain neighbor when she was that age .

The Crack Emcee said...

Wow - lots of my posts have disappeared.

As Dylan would say, "I'm not there,..."

Break The Terror said...

Wow, Althouse. You find a new Merlot? Seems from this post that you've got a special kind of idiot drunk going on.

locomotivebreath1901 said...

Young Baraka was quite the bigot. It's no wonder he grew up to be 'Pres. Divisive.'

Q said...

“Should change his name from Tim to Tom.”

Racist In Chief.

Of course I'm sure that Tim, or Tom, is just "a composite of different characters" and is not supposed to be taken literally.

Q said...

I'm not going to criticize Obama for saying "Thank you" to her declaration of love. What was he supposed to say if he didn't love her?

"I don't love you" seems like the obvious candidate if you wanted to keep things short and to the point, as "thank you" does. The alternative is to sit down and discuss your feelings with the person in question, which boils down to letting her/him down gently.

At least this is how normal people handle such situations.

The trouble with "Thank you" is the implicit "I love me too" which comes with it.

Unknown said...

I have a question: Why is the fact that these two people referred to as "an affair?"

Unless I am missing some vital piece of information, the term affair implies that one of them was married and at the time, neither were married.

Just saying, they dated.

Polaris said...

Creepy conclusion

Rose said...

The guys at Hillbuzz are very adamant that Obama is gay. It's hard to read the 'revelations' of his 'composite' girlfriends and not wonder how much longer til the truth comes out. 'Cause this whole tale is just "off." And the timing is suspicious. Like everything this guy does, when the hairs on the back of your neck go up, or you find yourself quoting Andy Rooney "Didja ever wonder....?"

What effect it will have... oddly, I think it will hurt Michelle's image most of all, as the carefully cultivated image of the loving family will be destroyed.

RigelDog said...

He is not a nice man. And what the hell is wrong with country music?

Methadras said...

Chris Jenner?

Swen said...

"I love you."

"Thank you. I love me too."

Tina Trent said...

James Frey is our president.

joeyess said...

what does Obama's underpants smell like, Ann?

Tarzan said...

I dated someone cold like that once - breaking up made me so physically sick I almost felt like dying. But a year later, I realized what an unfeeling liberal idiot he really was.

Sometims they're unfeeling idiots, and sometimes they're just really confused as to how to nicely/politely extricate themselves from a relationship that is perhaps toxic and not at all to their liking. This comes accross as 'cold' to the other party that has its entire self identity wrapped up in The Relationship.

Your situation may have been different of course. I've been on both sides of that wretched equation. Yuck and yuck again.

The tough lesson is that there is no way to end those relationships nicely. Burn down the farm and walk away.

Halloween Jack said...

Don't you think Genevieve resembles Obama's mother, who was white?

Not really, no.

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