"... a ‘roided has-been adulterous sex-harrasser movie star to step up to the guvship like the pukes did in CA."
Wound-licking — over the impending Wisconsin recall election — in the comments at Firedoglake.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
६४ टिप्पण्या:
""Too bad the dems are such pathetic whipped (or complicit) losers they didn’t even have a ‘roided has-been adulterous sex-harrasser movie star to step up to the guvship like the pukes did in CA."
Maybe it's wrong to love the suffering of others --- but that post is MUSIC.
Hey, boys, if you're going to shoot a guy, make certain you kill him.
Thanks for the laugh! Today's news was generally depressing, 'meh' at best. This, however, puts the sun and the moon back in the sky.
Are we sure that's not garage guest whining at another site?
If only Roman Polanski didn't have an arrest warrent out for him on this side of the Atlantic.
I would like to see it happen sometime, somewhere, that a Democrat would get elected as a staunch reforming leftist and then go 100% the opposite direction after getting elected, giving the opposing party everything it ever wanted and more, because that's what the Governator did in Californy.
The great conservative reformer we elected to change things left office by pushing and signing into law the only cap and trade bill in the country, which will further devastate jobs and business here without having one drop of effect on pollution or greenhouse gasses. In fact, it will probably increase both by moving that industry to China where no controls exist at all. Then that pollution drifts quietly back across the Pacific to California. Simultaneously, the state with the highest energy costs will artificially raise them dramatically more over a fantasy of bad science.
Another freaking genius tried his hand at government.
Reading through those comments put a big smile on my face.
Except this comment: Elections are not the answer. We are just going to have to find other ways to enact “recalls”
Love that civility.
Are we sure that's not garage guest whining at another site?
Anybody seen garage around here recently? I know he still tweets sporadically
Who knew that so many Dems really are pro-corruption when it comes to politics?
It should be obvious to any thinking person that the public employee unions and their wholly owned political party, the Democrats, were fleecing the taxpayers. Yet here we have Democrats like those at FDL bemoaning the end of their graft.
...‘roided has-been adulterous sex-harrasser movie star ...
What? And get in John Edwards' light?
I have to admit I got a huge kick out of that thread. They are blaming everyone from the D?NC, to Barrett to Russ freakin Feingold. Lovely comment from some fellow calling him/herself "Box Fetish" at 2:18.
Elections are not the answer. We are just going to have to find other ways to enact “recalls”
Some other commenter said they should follow the advice of a pretend president from TV.
Reality based indeed.
I love the smell of schaudenfreude in the afternoon.
Except this comment: Elections are not the answer. We are just going to have to find other ways to enact “recalls”
It's the Rush thing all over again. If the "wrong" person has listeners, we must shut them down. If the 'wrong' person gets elected, recall them. If that doesn't work, ?
Such classy academics over there.
Haz probably wouldn't have beaten me to that quote if I'd managed to post it in the correct thread!
I don't put much stock in such statements as they are either from 20 year olds showing off, or impotent raging 65 year olds, longing for the days when hippies mattered.
Bagoh, Schwarzenegger started off okay and had real success early on but got sandbagged at the polls when he backed a bunch of mild reform propositions. He never recovered and his unpopularity probably contributed to the Whitman defeat in 2008. California elected Jerry Brown, for God's sake, Jerry Brown! What chance does even the terminator have against such industrial strength stupid?
Schwarzenegger was never a great political genius but, in all fairness, it's hard to be the great reformer in a state that is nearly exclusively run by unions, community organizers, and their hired bureaucrats.
California: Open Primaries, Open Borders, Closed Minds.
"longing for the days when hippies mattered."
There was a time when hippies mattered?
Also, consider the fact that the only Republican who could get elected to the governorship in California is a famous actor who campaigns on TV talk shows.
There was a time when hippies mattered?
Only if you let the hippies tell the story.
Sure are a lot of "Eeyores" making comments at that site.
And they might lose the recall because they didn't select the Progressive recall and this is all part of a conservative plan that started with taking over local government and too many WI people are being fooled by the Republican message?
Oops, meant "progressive candidate", not recall
You're reading FDL now?
Man. Seriously. Take a break or something.
It's not worth it. It can't possibly be worth it.
(It is, though, admittedly amusing to see "elections are not the answer".
Which is clearly insurrectionist, crypto/pseudo-fascist rhetoric, right?)
I know nothing about the folks who did this poll: http://weaskamerica.com/2012/05/24/turnout/
But it is fun to note that it has Walker down by 3 points.
In union households.
Elections are not the answer. We are just going to have to find other ways to enact “recalls”
That guy is a Walker moby plant 'fo sho.
Why would a single union household vote for Scott Walker. It's like a Jew voting for Hitler.
Fronting commenters other than her own, the professor is giving us a faceless slap ;)
Firedoglake tears are so tasty. I like them with goat cheese, sliced apples, and an Alsatian white, nicely chilled.
All true Amartel, but he didn't need the job, the money, or the fame. Even if badly beaten, he just needed the courage to stay in the fight, because in the end, the original Arnold has been proven right, and the later turncoat one has become a disgrace exactly because he quickly and completely collapsed like a "girly man".
It was so exciting when he first came in and appeared ready to do what would have saved the state from where it is now.
The voters did let him down big time, but if he had just stuck it out, we would have eventually voted in some reforms.
Brown got elected primarily because of the bullshit illegal alien housekeeper thing, pimped by the lovely Gloria Allred.
California voters are stupid, but if given enough chances and the truth, I think we can save ourselves.
Ha Ha, Just kidding. We're stupid as a surf bum toking a blunt to ease the pain of pounding into the sand.
I have a business here with nearly 100 employees and I just want out, but I can't move 100 families. I just wish my fellow Californians would wise up. PLEASE! I don't want to leave.
technically, we Californians didn't know he was adulterous until after he left office.
And, again, let me repeat my suggestion about using California in Walker ads as a model of what Barrett wants for Wisconsin.
"Even if badly beaten, he just needed the courage to stay in the fight, because in the end, the original Arnold has been proven right, and the later turncoat one has become a disgrace exactly because he quickly and completely collapsed like a "girly man".
It was so exciting when he first came in and appeared ready to do what would have saved the state from where it is now.
The voters did let him down big time, but if he had just stuck it out, we would have eventually voted in some reforms."
Yes! All of this. He totally folded, gave up. Arnold's problem is that while he looks like a tough guy, he really, at his core, just wants to be liked and invited to the best parties.
He gave it all one big fight, lost, then gave up for 6 years.
I have alot of friends like that - libtards who can't get through the day without proselytizing their politics. I keep my mouth shut to keep the peace, but am really going to enjoy their despair the day after elections.
Alex said...
Why would a single union household vote for Scott Walker. It's like a Jew voting for Hitler.
The Jews certainly did not vote for Hitler.
So perhaps, just perhaps Alex, you might be missing something about what is going on in Wisconsin?
I know it's tough when the facts do not fit your preconceptions.
Why would a single union household vote for Scott Walker
Because they don't like being forced to pay Union dues.
"Arnold's problem is that while he looks like a tough guy, he really, at his core, just wants to be liked and invited to the best parties."
So stipulated, but who else could have been elected Republican governor of California at that time?
Why would a single union household vote for Scott Walker. It's like a Jew voting for Hitler.
Walker kept them employed rather than mass firing thousands as would've been required if the reforms didn't happen.
So, there's that difference and all.
Ha Ha, Just kidding. We're stupid as a surf bum toking a blunt to ease the pain of pounding into the sand.
I always thought the problem was that placed like LA, SF, et al were so mind-numbingly moronic that it overshadowed the vast majority of the rest of the state.
"Alex said...
Why would a single union household vote for Scott Walker. It's like a Jew voting for Hitler.
The Jews certainly did not vote for Hitler.
Maybe there are a few "union households" tired of unemployment. Those would be the non-government unions, of course.
Miners as opposed to whiners.
"he didn't need the job, the money, or the fame."
Which is why it was rather astounding that he ran in the first place. Yeah, sure, it was an ego thing. He'd already done everything else. Obviously, that was his vulnerability, his ego. That's where he got hit. I'm not contradicting that Arnold was not a good pol, he wasn't. It's just that laying it all at his feet is grossly unfair. The California Republican Party is so demoralized and the people of California so entirely programmed by Big Government that governing as a Republican was an impossible task from the get. This is not going to change until the voters really start to feel the hurt. I live up in the Bay Area and evidence of economic decline is ignored. No one is really hurting (yet) and if they are it's not publicized unless it helps the bureaucracy. The Bureaucracy abides. They're still pretending to build a giant stupid useless train (of course) in order to accrue more money to move around for themselves.
I definitely don't want to leave the beautiful golden state either but I can't afford to live next door to idiots forever.
"So stipulated, but who else could have been elected Republican governor of California at that time?"
First off, this wasn't who Arnold was his first year. First year Arnold would have been great to see continue.
Second, a huge part of the problem in California is the state Republican party which seems entirely happy being a permanent minority party. So, you're totally right. Gerrymandering and everything else means that primaries only give us very divisive candidates. So, Arnold really was the best hope for California in that election, in that he really, politically, is a moderate.
The complaint isn't that he had bad ideas, or was wrong, the complaint is much more personal. He didn't have any fight in him.
Nobody's won anything yet.
I know it's tough when the facts do not fit your preconceptions.
it's Thursday dude. what did you expect?
That was a great comment from the FireDoglake commenter. Succint bitter and emotional with no wasted words.
" It's just that laying it all at his feet is grossly unfair. The California Republican Party is so demoralized and the people of California so entirely programmed by Big Government that governing as a Republican was an impossible task from the get. "
Arnold had a real chance to turn things around. His handling of the reforms was,however, a disaster. He called a special election instead of waiting for the primary in June (The special election was in November). This guaranteed a low turnout plus the teachers' union complained about the cost of the election (!)
They went all out to beat him, which may have surprised him since the reforms were so modest (a delay in tenure for new teachers, etc). What the hell is tenure doing as a right for first grade teachers !!!
Anyway, he may have been too optimistic they would let him win. When he lost, he just collapsed, hiring a left wing chief of staff, etc. This is a risk with actors. Reagan, even, wasn't completely free of it. They want to be liked.
Nobody's won anything yet.
Sure they have. No need even to vote!
Anybody seen garage around here recently?
It's fishing season.
The right is likely to get two big wins in the next 30 days:
1) Walker will win handily in WI; and 2) the SCOTUS is likely to (at least partially) dismantle Obamacare.
I can't wait for the spin from the losers. "We stopped Walker in his tracks." "Just wait till all those mad liberals vote against SCOTUS." Etc.
adulterous sex-harrasser
Because there are none of those in the Democratic party or anything!
"Sure they have. No need even to vote!"
Voter suppression! My vote is being suppressed!
Do you ever get embarrassed with all of this "Rah, Rah, Republicans! Boo, Boo, Democrats!" that you post on a daily basis?
Pretty pathetic if you ask me.
You seem to lack self-awareness. Look in the mirror if you want to see boring, mindless partisanship. Althouse has consistently been against the recall as a event, which is not necessary partisan.
chickelit said...
Are we sure that's not garage guest whining at another site?
Anybody seen garage around here recently? I know he still tweets sporadically
Filling out absentee ballots like lottery cards.
MadisonMan said...
Nobody's won anything yet.
Sure they have. No need even to vote!
Holy crap! Not you too!
Firedoglake? Isn't that the site that had Cheney indicted about 14x?
"Voter suppression! My vote is being suppressed!"
Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Who knew sour grapes could be so sweet.
Firedogswamp is where every "Republipuke" in the history of history has been indicted, tried, found guilty, frog-marched to the gallows, and hanged by the neck until dead, dead, dead. Pitchforks, torches, and bad naughty sweary words are NOT optional.
"The great conservative reformer we elected to change things left office by pushing and signing into law the only cap and trade bill in the country, which will further devastate jobs and business here without having one drop of effect on pollution or greenhouse gasses. In fact, it will probably increase both by moving that industry to China where no controls exist at all. Then that pollution drifts quietly back across the Pacific to California. Simultaneously, the state with the highest energy costs will artificially raise them dramatically more over a fantasy of bad science."
I just wanted to repeat that most excellent post.
Governator sex-harrass was for all intents, a democrat.
Wisconsin has no roided out ex-movie star perv cheese head?
Garage hardest hit.
"Elections are not the answer. We are just going to have to find other ways to enact “recalls”"
This is what democracy doesn't look like.
I'm still concerned about the 200,000 new voter registrations since the beginning of 2011. Probably not a lot of Republicans or honest-to-goodness independents in that group. Worst is, it's probably (technically) legal, but in my view it could be a case of gaming the system.
Wound licking, followed by the loss, and then OUTRAGE that big business Republican money can "buy" elections in the good state of Wisconsin.
As it gets closer to the election, can't you just envision Obama on NBC Nightly News at the Wisconsin State Capital, surrounded by spillover crowds of anarchists, college kids, union goons and Wisconsin teachers posing as the angry, disappearing middle class in the heartland of America.
"Has-been" seems a bit harsh.
Wisconsin has no roided out ex-movie star perv cheese head?
Willem Dafoe is from Appleton, although he's not fond of admitting it. Don't know if he has any of the other qualifications, though -- he doesn't seem especially pervy or roided out.
Even if badly beaten, he just needed the courage to stay in the fight, because in the end, the original Arnold has been proven right, and the later turncoat one has become a disgrace exactly because he quickly and completely collapsed like a "girly man
The governor doesn't have much influence over the budget beyond a restricted line item veto. The actual hard decisions have to be made in the legislature. They put off the day of reckoning as long as possible by furiously issuing bonds, but now that there's no other choice they're going to have to deal with the state pension system.
More than half the people in CA either work for the state or they collect more in benefits than they pay in taxes. That's a situation almost guaranteed to lead to bankruptcy in the long run.
"Mr. D said...
Wisconsin has no roided out ex-movie star perv cheese head?
Willem Dafoe is from Appleton, although he's not fond of admitting it. Don't know if he has any of the other qualifications, though -- he doesn't seem especially pervy or roided out."
Did you see The Boondock Saints?
I liked this quote better:
If you really want to blame someone, blame Feingold and/or Kohl. Walker has millions in lie-filled ads pounding the airwaves 24:7 here. In contrast you see around 1 Barrett ad per day, if that. And to be honest, Barret’s ads are terrible. Falk’s ads were even worse and she would be losing right now by double digits if she had won the nomination.
The reality of the situation is that Feingold, Kohl, and Barret’s campaign could obviously give two shits whether or not Walker loses, and it shows.
Oh, and after we find out that the turnout for the 18-29 demographic is around 20% you can blame them too.
Elections are not the answer. We are just going to have to find other ways to enact “recalls”
I wonder what that last part meant????
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