They liked to show off their bodies, great bodies, well-defined abs... They liked attention....
I am not to blame for being attractive... They are to blame -- for leaving their duty behind.
७ मे, २०१२
"These seem like completely stupid, idiotic people."
"I don't know how Obama had them in his security force."
५६ टिप्पण्या:
Well, his Secret Service advance team was a perfect complement to Obama -- like O, they all seem to be self-absorbed. And also like him, they've chosen a profession where narcissism on that scale is uniquely disqualifying.
Doesn't it go without saying that in security forces of all kinds in every country--military, police, secret service, etc.--one will find many stupid brutes? After all, how else could they justify to themselves the brutality they mete out to others?
(Anecdotally: my younger brother, not a liberal by any stretch, has always complained that the police are bullies, because, as he says, bullies often grow up and want to be police officers so they can be paid to be violent, and he points out that many of the police in his small southern town were "the bad kids and bullies" he knew from first grade on.)
We'd be none the wiser if Elizabeth Warren looked like the Columbian prostitute.
A privileged, overpaid, and over-staffed secretive group with little or no supervision, and we are supposed to be surprised?
There's a bozo in every group. It's too bad so many guys lost their jobs because of one drunken bozo.
A privileged, overpaid, and over-staffed secretive group with little or no supervision, and we are supposed to be surprised?
"Robert Cook said...
Doesn't it go without saying that in security forces of all kinds in every country--military, police, secret service, etc.--one will find many stupid brutes? After all, how else could they justify to themselves the brutality they mete out to others?
Anecdotally: my younger brother, not a liberal by any stretch, has always complained that the police are bullies, because, as he says, bullies often grow up and want to be police officers so they can be paid to be violent, and he points out that many of the police in his small southern town were "the bad kids and bullies" he knew from first grade on.)"
As a conservative, I've seen much the same.
Remember,dogs are domesticated wolves.
"... Doesn't it go without saying that in security forces of all kinds in every country--military, police, secret service, etc.--one will find many stupid brutes? After all, how else could they justify to themselves the brutality they mete out to others?.."
I suppose in your twisted world yes.
My Dad was a cop and wasn't a bully but a decorated officer. You on the other hand are a despicable fucking asshole and its sounds like your brother is one too.
Bullies in enforcement roles are just more obvious than when a librarian is a bully.
The symptom of an illegal president (born British of a British subject father)is that there is no law, since the president is the executor of the laws. As the circle tightens to the putative president himself, the lawlessness increases.
The other Fed law enforcement agencies have made hiring women to break up the boys clubs a priority and have done so to varying degrees. The SS has not done this, it's virtually all boys. But, @ least this SS all boys club is boinking consenting adults and not little boys, like the other infamous all boys clubs. I know..damning w/ faint praise.
Hoosier, a bit touchy, aren't you?Your dad may have been a sterling officer and exemplary human being, but I'm sure he worked with or knew officers who were not. You cannot assume all his colleagues shared his good qualities.
And, you'll note, I did not assert all police officers are bullies or brutes, but merely stated that many are.
I have never seen any reason to think otherwise.
My father wasn’t a cop but I second what Hoosier Daddy said.
"But, @ least this SS all boys club is boinking consenting adults and not little boys, like the other infamous all boys clubs."
-- I was unaware teachers were all boys clubs... oh, wait, you're not talking about areas where it is a larger problem, but rather targeting a particular group you don't like while ignoring a larger amount of suffering elsewhere where it is more inconvenient.
"And, you'll note, I did not assert all police officers are bullies or brutes, but merely stated that many are.
-- How many? Most definitions of many are either a large portion, a majority, or an indeterminate but large quantity. Do you really mean more than 50% of all officers are bullies or brutes? If you really believe that, then you must agree we should reduce the government's power, as if the police force attracts many bullies, what percentage of bullies must the real levers of power attract?
Or, is this like whenever someone scoffs that "Many Xs are Ys" to disparage a large group with impunity while hiding behind the intellectually bankrupt fig leaf of "But I didn't say all!"
"... Hoosier, a bit touchy, aren't you?Your dad may have been a sterling officer and exemplary human being, but I'm sure he worked with or knew officers who were not. You cannot assume all his colleagues shared his good qualities..."
Yes, always a few apples right? But you leveled a broad generalization based upon your fucked up biases and you've done it before. Hell I've known more school teachers and college profoessors who were nothing more than bullies and thugs were empowered through tenure to be that way.
I suppose I could be like you and indict the teaching profession as thugs and bullies but I'm not a flaming jackass.
The woman involved seems likable and appealing. She's just walked into a huge payday. Good for her. Still, I find it hyppocritical for a call girl to take such a disapproving stance when it comes to "indiscreet partying" and showing off your body.....Slim hips and a full bosom don't happen that often in nature. A saner immigration policy would give priority in Jl visas to professionals possessing such rare qualities and skills.
Cookie- your brother sounds like a moron.
I have always found it far easier to avoid the bullies among the law enforcement class than among the criminal class.
Oh well, I've always find generalizing unhealthy. Way too much grease.
-- How many? Most definitions of many are either a large portion, a majority, or an indeterminate but large quantity. Do you really mean more than 50% of all officers are bullies or brutes?
How many is acceptable to you? I mean, bearing in mind that these people have the legal authority to detain you, harass you, search your property, and shoot you in the head if they deem they have a reason to, how many "bad apples" are you willing to tolerate?
Yes, every profession can share stories about their worst members. But how many of these professions are granted the power to use deadly force against you and your neighbors?
The tall and studly look of a bar bouncer must be considered a deterrent factor sought in the SS recruits. But that is seldom a marker of the intelligent fighter, who is usually a shorter wiry guy with the Clint Eastwood look in his eyes.
But most government squads will remainlsiou casted shows picked by the Commanders to impress strangers.
The tall and studly look of a bar bouncer must be considered a deterrent factor sought in the SS recruits. But that is seldom a marker of the intelligent fighter, who is usually a shorter wiry guy with the Clint Eastwood look in his eyes.
But most government squads will remainl casted shows picked by the Commanders to impress strangers.
Narcissists working for a Narcissist.
"Cookie- your brother sounds like a moron."
Well, I have my differences with him, but he is merely stating the facts when he points out that a good number of the local police in his community are men he has known since first grade, and who, he says, were always "bad kids and bullies" throughout the time he has known him.
Given the manifold reports of police brutality throughout the land--and throughout the world--I would say it is reasonable to generalize from his experience and speculate that, globally, such persons are drawn to positions of martial dominance: the military, law enforcement, etc.
"Hell I've known more school teachers and college profoessors who were nothing more than bullies and thugs were empowered through tenure to be that way."
That may be so, but teachers and college professors do not carry weapons and manacles and do not have professional license to detain or physically engage the people they deal with.
There are bullies and brutes in all walks of life, but they are most to be feared and criticized where they have the means and the authority to act on their brute tendencies.
I know 5-6 cops since first grade too and none of those were bullies.
"Given the manifold reports of police brutality throughout the land."
-- How many? How does that compare to the population at large? Oh, I get it. "Many."
Ah, I see Squid replied to Matthew Sablan who was responding to my assertion that "many" police are bullies, and Squid said something very similar to my reply to Hoosier Daddy, namely, that it's the power and license police hold that makes the bullies among them a real problem.
As to how many among the police are bullies, I do not know and do not presume to assert a percentage.
I would say, given their power, even a few are too many, and even granting that that many cops are NOT bullies and brutes, we must also admit that most cops will not openly criticize or "out" those among their peers who are bad. In this way, the supposedly "good" cops do allow the "bad" cops to continue their abuse of their power.
"I know 5-6 cops since first grade too and none of those were bullies."
So, your experience differs.
"As to how many among the police are bullies, I do not know and do not presume to assert a percentage."
-- So, could be 5%, could be 95%. Many. See, this is why I'm saying intellectually honest. Watch as you slide back and try a new defense.
"I would say, given their power, even a few are too many,"
-- How many are a few? You don't even posit to have a real number, or a fact. You're just saying "This problem, with unknown size or scope, no matter its size or scope, is a gigantic problem." Why?
"and even granting that that many cops are NOT bullies and brutes, we must also admit that most cops will not openly criticize or "out" those among their peers who are bad."
-- Really? You know that most won't? Why? Do you assume all cops know all other cops actions? How do you know that these cops can out those among their peers who are bad?
You're making broad, sweeping accusations without bothering to build a foundation. Be less intellectually lazy.
Kudos to your earnest interest in defending the police. Nonetheless, I stand by my perceptions and statements.
The police officer whose handgun class I attended attested to the fact that there are plenty of jerk officers out there. It's also logical that at least some people who seek out a career of police power aren't doing it out of a desire to protect others. Some people just like being powerful. Noting that doesn't disparage the good ones.
I think you guys are being too quick to jump on Robert. He said "many." That doesn't mean "most."
Now if you want to go after him for this bit...
After all, how else could they justify to themselves the brutality they mete out to others?
...I think that's probably justified.
"Now if you want to go after him for this bit...
'After all, how else could they justify to themselves the brutality they mete out to others?'
"...I think that's probably justified."
Freeman, I appreciate your fair-minded statement, but perhaps you misunderstand my comment above. I'm not saying all police mete out brutality, but that the ones who do must be brutes to be able to justify their behavior. The bad cop who casually strided through the ring of seated students protesting tuition hikes in California, spraying them directly in their faces with pepper spray was a sadist who seemed as unconcerned as if he were watering flowers. The cops who indiscriminately tase non-violent citizens, sometimes even when they're already subdued or cuffed, are sadists. If they are not, how can they believe they are serving to "protect and serve" the public?
Face it, they're representative of this Administration.
Thanks for clarifying, Robert.
"... I think you guys are being too quick to jump on Robert. He said "many." That doesn't mean "most.".."
Oh ok, so if I say many young black males are criminals not most and I can point to State and Federal law enforcement stats to prove it that's ok?
Cause I want to get a benchmark on where I can be an asshole like Cook.
Err... Hoosier put it better than I did. Cook was trying to smuggle in many in an attempt to make an argument he didn't have the facts to earn; it was just an empty attack, using his brother's personal experience as a staging ground. There was no reason to let him make it unchallenged.
The problem I have with Cook is that he focuses solely on few bad apples in the military and law enforcement and not on the vast majority who are honorable and serve with distinction. I suppose that's because it feeds his dislike of those professions.
Oh ok, so if I say many young black males are criminals not most and I can point to State and Federal law enforcement stats to prove it that's ok?
Cause I want to get a benchmark on where I can be an asshole like Cook.
That's not analogous. The cop thing doesn't have all the cultural baggage of the race thing.
If you said, "Many professors are arrogant," or "Many government workers are inefficient," or "Many young people are foolish," or something similar, that would be the same sort of thing. And fine.
Hoosier, I get that.
"... That's not analogous. The cop thing doesn't have all the cultural baggage of the race thing..."
Sure its analogous. My bullshit example just pointed out that certain generalizations are ok.
Just look at this comment by Cook.
"As to how many among the police are bullies, I do not know and do not presume to assert a percentage."
In other words he has no idea if his assertions are true but he will stand by then anyway. That's the reasoning of a five year old.
Cookie wouldn't mind it if some of his alleged cop bullies were cracking the heads of the rich guys on Wall Street. That would be fine cause Cookie hates them.
I was a military policeman for a couple of years and have a lot of sympathy for cops. It is a tough, dangerous, difficult job that is best filled by a tough smart guy who can be dangerous if needed (and sometimes you need to make the transition to being dangerous very rapidly).
It is likely that jobs that let you push other people around tend to attract more than their fair share of people who like to push others around.
Cops see the worst of people and tend to get calloused and brutalized by the experience.
It would be nice if we could shed some light on the problem of how to secure protection of the President while according the SS guards a normal private life.
These SS guards presumably had hotel rooms that Colombian housekeepers cleaned, used taxis with Colombian drivers and got their hair cut by Colombian barbers.
Are all those service folks, particularly the housekeepers, vetted by the SS? If not, why would a hooker need to be vetted? A housekeeper would presumably have access to secret documents in the rooms, too.
If security is such a problem in such circumstances, it makes sense for the SS to provide taxi drivers, barbers, housekeepers and hookers for the SS guards in their off-time--persons vetted beforehand, whether locals or Amerikans brought along from the USSA.
It's really very simple: the gummint needs either to provide food & drink, haircuts, transportation, bathrooms and sex for the SS guards or shut its trap about their attempts to satisfy those legitimate and legal bodily needs on the local economy.
My own father served four years overseas in wartime Naval Intelligence. Every night, he slept with my mother, who did not have Secret Clearance. That's how I, unlike the vast majority of my cohort, was lucky enough to grow up Hispanic and sexually un-mutilated.
Anybody got a problem with that?
Oh ok, so if I say many young black males are criminals not most and I can point to State and Federal law enforcement stats to prove it that's ok?
Yes, that's okay because that is true.
If cops are following procedure, it is possible that they don't think in terms of brutality. If procedure requires a cop executing a search warrant to shoot the family dog, is that cop being brutal to the kids in the family who see it happen? He's following procedure, after all.
Search warrants for non-violent crimes are routinely executed by SWAT-style teams of armed, kevlar-sporting cops who invade homes...150 times a day across the country. If that isn't brutal, I don't know what is.
It is possible for a group of decent cops to be part of a more brutal law enforcement agency.
Oh ok, so if I say many young black males are criminals not most and I can point to State and Federal law enforcement stats to prove it that's ok?
Uh, why not? Is it a true statement?
To be consistent, if you have something to back up either your or Cook's statement, why wouldn't you be able to point it out?
Answer: political correctness. It's not PC to look at black males when talking about crime, and it's not PC to look at cops when talking about bullies. PC, however, doesn't render a fact untrue.
" was just an empty attack, using his brother's personal experience as a staging ground."
No, I was using my brother's observation as an example that one does not have to be a liberal or lefty to hold this skeptical view of the police. There are enough commonly reported accounts (and posted videos) of cops being abusive of their authority that one would have to be in willful denial to think a statement that "many cops are stupid brutes" to be in the least controversial.
"Cookie wouldn't mind it if some of his alleged cop bullies were cracking the heads of the rich guys on Wall Street. That would be fine...."
They should be placed under investigation and indicted if evidence of criminality is found, but it would not be appropriate to physically abuse them.
As Thomas Paine said:
“He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.”
Okay, I'll admit I may have been preciptious in asserting that "many" cops are "stupid." I can't really say that as there is not ample public evidence of that as there is of their too-frequent brutality and sadism.
I'll withdraw and apologize for my statement to that extent.
Hoosier, I wish there were enough cops like your dad who would stand up and say, "Let's not shoot the dog," or "Let's do the search when the kids are not home," or "Let's think again about whether we need to use flash bangs."
Too often, by all the evidence, there are not enough cops like him.
Cookie- that was a magnamimous thing you just did. Good for you.
Bullies in enforcement roles are just more obvious than when a librarian is a bully
As a librarian, I'd just like to say, you have no idea.
Anybody got a problem with that?
Yeah, foreskins are icky.
1) That Colombian whore is a pig! Is there a good picture of her somewhere? 'Cause I haven't seen one.
2) jimbino, as a proud Hispanic, what's your take on the truth-to-BS ratio of La Placita's rantings about her john?
3) jimbino, as a proud fag, who cares what your junk looks like? If you're topping, the bottom will take it and like it; if you're the bottom, what has your schvantz got to do with anything?
What's your big deal with circumcision anyway? You like smegma? I assure you circumcision hasn't harmed me a bit, nor my sexual partners. As for you, considering where you dip your wick, a little penile pruning could save your life. You don't strike me as someone who would be over nice about your hygiene, so you need every edge you can get.
Oh, Professor - poll please: Hilda the Hidey Ho: hot or not? With the pic/s of your choice.
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