"The only time I'm unhappy is if I've done something that hurt the prospects for the success of our effort," he said of his frame of mind, adding that his errors "make me want to kick myself in the seat of my pants."I await the memoir.
"I've had a couple of [gaffes] during the campaign, which have haunted me a little bit, but I'm sure before this is over will haunt me a lot," he said.
By the way, have you heard of the 8 ghosts that haunt "Dreams From My Father"?
४६ टिप्पण्या:
Mr. Romney has doubtless, during job interviews, admitted that he works too hard.
Please do not engage in this attempt to look human. It will only end in mockery and failure.
(And it will only confirm that the ONLY thoughts you ever have are of politics and getting elected. Can't you turn it off for just one second? Must you always be in campaign mode, like Obama?)
The only time I'm unhappy is if I've done something that hurt the prospects for the success of our effort."
Like most cultists:
Always HAPPY!!!!!
This is going to get so ugly,...
"I've had a couple of [gaffes] during the campaign, which have haunted me a little bit, but I'm sure before this is over will haunt me a lot".
Now I'm wondering if he wrote "fuck ups" and edited it to [gaffes].
Mitchell said...
Mr. Romney has doubtless, during job interviews, admitted that he works too hard.
And be one of the few that interviewers later conclude was actually sincere when he said it.
I think it is good for the campaign to admit to a few "ooops" moments like "I like to fire people" might have been said a lot better in these fearful times of joblessness, cutbacks, loss of jobs to China.
Like saying instead: "I believe Americans need the freedom to replace a bad doctor they have or plumber with a better one. Not being assigned to one for lifetime by the local Soviet council."
"I've had a couple of [gaffes] during the campaign, which have haunted me a little bit, but I'm sure before this is over will haunt me a lot".
Now I'm wondering if he wrote "fuck ups" and edited it to [gaffes].
Why would we want to go back to an error prone human after 4 years of perfection?
His feelings seem to be pretty good right now.
Bender said...
Please do not engage in this attempt to look human
divine has worked so well the last 4 years.
He'll never match the Metrosexual in Chief. Drop it, Mitt!
"Feelings" are a highly over-rated girlie thing. Stoics and Spartans understood that, and the Spartans left the girls alone together to share their feelings, saving them for occasional good sex, which is only ruined by feelings.
Obama's married SS Guards in Cartagena had that figured out too.
Even Socrates did not famously say, "The unfeeling life is not worth living."
Like most cultists:
Always HAPPY!!!!!
I'm pretty much always happy. I enjoy my life. Marvel at the beauty of nature. Love my husband. Love my pets. Enjoy the little things in life and try not to let the things that I have no control over cause me much worry.
I have many strong feelings about life and my responsibilities in life including not being a dick about everything. I have no idea if there is a God or an afterlife, but I'm willing to hedge my bets and play nice just in case. I'm not a cultist. Don't go to church and keep an open mind.
Being happy doesn't make you a cultist. You might try to do it sometime.
Here is the text from Romney's iPad; we got it from the top CIO in our CORE (COmmittee to Re-Elect) Team for the POTUS.
Dairy Notes:
- How do I defeat a man who is expected to be on Mt. Rushmore?
- Wish Rick or Newt were my opponents.
- OMG, do I have to still cater to Bob Jones and their ilk on women's rights? How do I get women voters - such as Sandra Fluke - or they will go for Obama?
- How to convince GOP to give me money, so that I do not have to support my campaign, I know I am going to lose.
- How should I get my sons into positions for jobs in the govt.?
- What is with the GOP Senate, why can't the endorse me?
- Why are all these college presidents (including my alma mater, Harvard) totally against me?
- Need to get a Chief Economist, Chief Scientist, Chief Technologist, Chief Diversity Officer, etc for my campaign? Need to consult with George W. on this process?
- Is Karl Rove against me?
- What is with CNN? Why do they hate me?
- What is with MSNBC? Why do they hate me?
- What is with NYT and NPR? Why do they hate me?
- Should I speak french and eat french food? Will this show me as an international?
- I do not think I want Jindal as my VP, he supported the big mouth Perry. Ryan can be a fire-storm. I will have to go with Portman. But, what about his ties to George W. GOP badly needs women leaders (not Palins). If I select Kelly A. or Martinez from NM, will the press refer them to Sarah. Oh no. Am I doomed to be defeated? Must get help from Ann.
Keeping a daily journal of your feelings and reading it months later will open your eyes to strengths and weaknesses in yourself.
Romney impresses me that he does that. There is not much going to get by him this time.
Now back to work on the being real part of personal communications.
I personally want to know there's a thoughtful human being behind the policies. This is good.
""I have to think not only about what I say in a full sentence but what I say in a phrase," he said. "You will be taken out of context, you'll be clipped, and you'll be battered with things you said."
That first sentence is interesting. I'll noodle over that one for a bit.
DBQ said: "Being happy doesn't make you a cultist. You might try to do it sometime."
Crack feels that everyone should share in his misery and self pity and that you'd damned well better share his opinion. Quite the liberal psychology.
Like most cultists:
Always HAPPY!!!!!
In this situation, I think the cult that is most applicable is the Cult of the Politician, wherein members all practice being insincere phonies better suited for selling used cars than governing, even before any other cult.
Wow Jimbino, maybe you need to get in touch with your inner female.
Jimbino, make yourself useful and regale of with tales of you traveling light in Europe.
jimbino said...
"Feelings" are a highly over-rated girlie thing. Stoics and Spartans understood that, and the Spartans left the girls alone together to share their feelings, saving them for occasional good sex, which is only ruined by feelings.
Obama's married SS Guards in Cartagena had that figured out too.
Christ, what drivel!
"Feelings" had nothing to do with it. Hormones, however, had everything to do with it. That, and childish, not to mention criminal, irresponsibility.
The Spartans, who had an adult sense of maturity and discipline and, yes, honor, spent most of their time training and fighting and not that much screwing.
One gets the feeling jimbino knows as little about sex as he does about the Spartans.
Yes, in the case of the SS Guards, feelings had nothing to do with it. That's what made it good sex, along with the mere cash payment and the trick of leaving the feelings for the wifey back at home.
There was nothing criminal about what the SS Guards did, nor was there anything inappropriate or unusual. People get sued by calling the innocent acts of others "criminal."
It's their getting caught that was unusual, as in the cases of Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton and John Edwards.
The Spartan men spent a hell of a lot of time screwing, only it was with other men, and it was fairly compulsory. Women were kept there, of course, for breeding.
jimbino said...
There was nothing criminal about what the SS Guards did, nor was there anything inappropriate or unusual.
The words, "dereliction of duty", ring any bells?
I don't doubt for an instant the Secret Service (not the SS) are bound by such regulations.
The Spartan men spent a hell of a lot of time screwing, only it was with other men, and it was fairly compulsory.
Again, jimbino doesn't know what he's talking about.
The young men had a mentor, but how sexual the relationship was is up for grabs.
He must be thinking of the Athenians.
Or somebody.
No cafe thread, so I'm posting here.
Watch the USS Iowa be towed from San Francisco Bay out under the Golden Gate bridge on the way to San Pedro (Los Angeles), where it's going to be a museum. Live feed is here: http://new.livestream.com/accounts/725962/events/898014
Should be going under the bridge at around 2pm PST.
USS Iowa live feed
edutcher asks,
"The words, dereliction of duty', ring any bells?" To which I respond, "Does 'off-duty' ring any bells?"
Here is a good place for edutcher to start getting an education on Greek Love:
jimbino said...
edutcher asks,
"The words, dereliction of duty', ring any bells?"
To which I respond, "Does 'off-duty' ring any bells?"
Setting up security in a foreign country for the President of the United States, I doubt there is "off-duty".
Again, discipline and maturity.
Apparently, jimbino is one of those wastrel types who thinks nothing is more important than sex and ideas like honor and responsibility are a joke.
Here is a good place for edutcher to start getting an education on Greek Love:
Try something better than Wiki.
I'm going by Victor Davis Hanson, among others.
"I've had a couple of [gaffes] during the campaign, which have haunted me a little bit, but I'm sure before this is over will haunt me a lot,"
I'm surprised no one's noticed the implication of this sentence! He is saying specific gaffes that have already occurred and now seem small will loom "a lot" larger in the future, i.e. that he may lose because of them!
If we're going to place a candidate's every sentence under a microscope, isn't this the headline here? Which gaffes does he have in mind?
Like most cultists:
Always HAPPY!!!!!
I'm happy you would feel free to say such a thing, Crack.
Tickled pink, in fact!
There would be 13 ghosts, but you need to read it with 3-D glasses to see them.
The saddest commentary on American politics is contained in the sentences about how every word a politician says is examined and ridiculed. No wonder people don't want to go into politics and we end up with Obama, Hillary, Mitt, Newt and their clones. No "real" people will go near it.
Mitchell's comment, the first, remains the most apt.
That Romney (or any politician) would reveal (or let be revealed) his personal iDiary musings smacks of calculation, nothing more than a transparent effort to present a false picture of the candidate as a "real person." Yet, fretting over "gaffes" that "haunt him" is patently phony, an expression of false feeling about unspecified, and, in any event, trivial mistakes he has made, that will "hurt their effort."
Can you verbify "journal"?
These quotes are from an interview (with the WSJ/ Peggy Noonan) in which Romney speaks of keeping a journal--- not excerpts from the journal itself.
Referring to keeping a journal. As opposed to, oh, publishing two autobiographical tomes.
Dust Bunny Queen,
I'm pretty much always happy,..you should try it sometimes.
Sure, but that's not Mormon HAPPY with Jazz hands. What's the matter with you? I'm always DBQ and Synova, DBQ and Synova. Whatever - see if I trust you again, you wannabe smug bitch. Fuck off with the rest of the losers if you're gonna be that way.
Crack feels that everyone should share in his misery and self pity and that you'd damned well better share his opinion. Quite the liberal psychology.
At least I'm not a cult apologist. And it's so funny:
Since I can't get with Mormonism, you assholes keep labeling me a liberal in some way - it's happened over and over now - like that's the payback because you DIDN'T KNOW I don't like cults.
It's a very interesting tactic. It seems, conservative or not, I can't trust anyone as long as I'm not onboard with cultism. Why am I not surprised?
You dipshits wanna play-love Romney that much? Wanna play out Election 2008 from the Right this time? Be my guest.
So we have two unwarranted attacks in one thread. Shall we go for three? Anyone? Anyone at all? Preferably someone else who I've never attacked or confronted:
I'm happy you would feel free to say such a thing, Crack.
Tickled pink, in fact!
Well, I'm glad for every one of you cultists and cult lovers. Feel better now that you've all delivered your happiness defense and got that bad ol' Crack in his place? Good - here you fucking morons:
Four Ways Happiness Can Hurt You:
1. Too much happiness can make you less creative—and less safe.
2. Happiness is not suited to every situation.
3. Not all types of happiness are good for you.
4. Pursuing happiness may actually make you unhappy.
As I like to point out, fairly regularly around here, the ability to THINK is what most of you idiots fail in, which is why happiness brings out such a strong reaction in you - you're basically a bunch of drooling retards, more suited to small yellow school busses and helmets, than adults attempting to engage in intelligent conversation. Nobody's happy all the time, and if you are, what do you compare it to? Black guys you attack without reason? (Oh, I'm sorry - I said something against The Space Cult Of His Big Head Highness.) Damn, you people are stupid.
It would nice if you were worthy adversaries to debate with but - really - you constantly reveal yourselves just to be fucking stupid.
But, even worse, without ethics of any kind.
And yes, all by itself, that's really, really depressing,...
I've never been a gratuitously happy person, Crack, and--whether you like it or not, or whether anyone else does--I'm far from stupid (and also from necessarily predictable, plus I'm one who's challenged you, and as I recall it, earlier than most).
No doubt you'd say that you think (and maybe even believe) that I can't think for myself. But I can, you know.
; (
Ah Crack, don't take it so hard, DBQ is just trying to get your attention.
I've never been a gratuitously happy person, Crack, and--whether you like it or not, or whether anyone else does--I'm far from stupid
You're making the same point I just did, you dummy. That being "happy" isn't some end-all be-all, except to cultists, and it's basically stupid people who strive for it.
Just shut up.
Ah Crack, don't take it so hard, DBQ is just trying to get your attention.
When I look at your mouth, all I see is a hole for my dick. So, with my imagination, I wouldn't keep shoving it in front of me if I were you. We called a truce, you and I - or at least declared to leave each other alone - I expect you honor it. If you can't, fuck you:
You know what I've got for you, you cum-sucking mongoloid.
Crack, a sense of humor is a sad thing to lose. I've felt bad for you that all the people here at Althouse, who you so desperately seek the approval of, won't give you what you seek.
You are way out on a limb with your escalating anti cult nonsense.
You have created the cult you so fear. A cult leader of a cult of one. You are also a misogynistic pig. Macho, my ass.
Fuck the truce.
"These quotes are from an interview (with the WSJ/ Peggy Noonan) in which Romney speaks of keeping a journal--- not excerpts from the journal itself.
"Referring to keeping a journal. As opposed to, oh, publishing two autobiographical tomes."
It's double baloney...it's just Romney claiming he has kept a journal and that these are some of the "deep" thoughts he recorded in it.
Fuck the truce.
You silly bitch, you NEVER had it in your mind to keep your word, which is why you've never stopped writing to me. As I keep saying, few of you has ethics worth a shit. You've been a liar from the first day you appeared here, always fighting for the wrong things, and now you've confirmed you have no honor as well.
Do you seriously think I'm surprised?
And I seek legitimacy? Yeah, that's why you're always in my face. Sister, I'm the one that, in the end, everyone agrees with. They may not always like how i say it, but the content is spot-on. The words "Crack is right" are currently only outnumbered on this blog by shameful excuses to explain voting for a Mormon, which these fools spout because they know it's wrong but they're too proud to admit they've backed themselves into a corner.
And if you think I'm bothered or afraid of the women-hating card, you've got another think comin', Smegma Cannon. You are a vile, stinky, dripping, bloody, hormonally-bothered, insecure, over-analyzing, narcissistic, self-indulgent, backstabbing, will-sleep-with-anyone-or-anything, two-girls-and-one-cup starring whore with a couple of milk buckets strapped to her chest. Fuck you, fuck Gloria Steinem, and fuck Mother Nature, Mother Theresa, and even my own mother, the lying bitch.
Keep it up, Allie, life has a weird way of working out,...
Do Butler Burgle Banks?
Wodehouse would be getting a kick out of this. This guy was obviously not on the level of Jeeves, though. Jeeves never would've been caught.
FWIW, I find it more useful to note misfires than bulls'-eyes. One is much more likely to see the logical fallacies (and detect agenda) by doing so.
Love the Wodehouse/Jeeves reference, FTR. Perfect cross-ref.
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