"Because my skin is a little lighter and I can’t dance, they call me that. Some of them can’t dance, either.... I could talk the way I talk.... They will say to me, ‘You are so white.’ I tell them, I have two black parents. Do I look white?... I speak a bit more freelance with my friends. Not full sentences. I don’t use big words. They hate it when I do that."
At the Explore Charter School in Brooklyn, there aren't too many white kids.
६३ टिप्पण्या:
Ah America, where Obama wants to continue the trend of encouraging kids to not "act white".
Did I miss the speech where he came out against blacks bullying blacks about "acting white"?
Or was that Bill Cosby having the balls the President doesn't not seem to have evolved at this point?
Racism is common, overt, and acceptable in the black community. They are as at ease with their blatant racist sentiments as any white racists ever were. The difference is that they can lay claim to victim status, and as cultural Marxism has thoroughly poisoned the well of modern American culture they are given free reign.
So lefties, observe and admire your handiwork. You have been busy beavers in your quest to undermine and destroy American culture and your efforts have not been in vain.
Did I miss the speech where he came out against blacks bullying blacks about "acting white"?
Yes, you did. He mentioned the issue in his 2004 keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention. Specifically: Go in -- Go into any inner city neighborhood, and folks will tell you that government alone can’t teach our kids to learn; they know that parents have to teach, that children can’t achieve unless we raise their expectations and turn off the television sets and eradicate the slander that says a black youth with a book is acting white. They know those things.
You can thank me later for this lesson, Brent.
Plus, if there's anyone who exemplifies the idea that getting a first-rate education is the way to get ahead in life, it's Barack Obama. Of course, some of his critics will point to the schools that he went to as proof of his elitism (when they aren't asking for his birth certificate and transcripts, of course) rather than saying that if nothing else, he's providing a good example to minority youth of the benefits of staying in school and succeeding academically, but you can't win with some people.
"I think they would stop calling me white girl if there were white kids... "
Nope - then it would switch to Honky or Cracker.
I'm partial to Cracker, myself. Gave me something I could work with.
My advice? Watch the movie Fight Club. There are no black people in Fight Club, since black people have never seen getting our asses kicked as therapeutic.
It might help,...
So strange... and in New York city of all places.
Plus, if there's anyone who exemplifies the idea that getting a first-rate education is the way to get ahead in life, it's Barack Obama.
True. And yet, as much as blacks love Obama, being a kid like Barack Obama is probably not much fun in this school. In fact, kids like that probably get their asses kicked pretty much nonstop. Ironic, eh?
In fact, kids like that probably get their asses kicked pretty much nonstop. Ironic, eh?
That's the thing. We don't know.
Maguro, you're probably right. Like I said, you can't win with some people. That kind of attitude (to be clear - the kind you're mentioning, not your attitude) is another version of the principle I cited.
Well, we havent come one inch from the days I taught in an historically black college. Forty years and not. One. Fucking. Inch.
You lefty motherfuckers.
Obama is credentialed but there's little evidence he's educated.
The school need more white students and fewer white teachers. WTF?
It's a fricking cargo cult
That is one long article..
3 1/2 years after the new dawn, what could they possibly find to go on so lengthily about?
I bet there is nothing in there about the 2008 promise the selling of Obama hipped and abused.. that would be about finding responsibility..
The article is so lengthy simply because a helpful NYT has to go to the race well.. one more time.. They will even use children.
Sorry but I'm not into reading political pamphlets.
Forget "Dreams From My Father". We have "Nightmares From the President".
somefeller said...
Did I miss the speech where he came out against blacks bullying blacks about "acting white"?
Yes, you did. He mentioned the issue in his 2004 keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention. Specifically: Go in -- Go into any inner city neighborhood, and folks will tell you that government alone can’t teach our kids to learn; they know that parents have to teach, that children can’t achieve unless we raise their expectations and turn off the television sets and eradicate the slander that says a black youth with a book is acting white. They know those things.
You can thank me later for this lesson, Brent.
Wow! 2 whole sentences a whole 8 years ago. That's what I call a powerful message. Some phony folksy thinks he's just devastated Brent, but, in fact, he just made Brent's point.
Actually, I was hoping Little Zero would try to make a point of doing something more than 2 lousy sentences to combat this as POTUS (seriously), but he's too busy trying to set the races against each other for that.
Then again, maybe he really wants a race war.
Plus, if there's anyone who exemplifies the idea that getting a first-rate education is the way to get ahead in life, it's Barack Obama.
We might agree if we had some proof of it. President InterContinental Railroad, who thinks Hawaii is in Asia and is sure they speak Austrian in Vienna, is afraid to release his academic transcripts.
This would never happen in our little town in South Carolina, where we have a brand new (3 years now) charter school.
The reason why may surprise you.
In Brooklyn it is perfectly legal to have nearly all of the students in a new charter school be black.
In South Carolina it is not legal to do this. South Carolina charter schools must get approval of the racial mix of their school from the Office of Civil Rights of the Department of Justice. In our case, the feds will shut the school down if the racial mix desired by the Justice Department is not achieved.
So the school finds a way to meet the test so it can stay open. No charter schools with hardly a white face here.
Very cathartic to kill all the whites. Bu' den where duh welfare come from?
Always wonder what black conservatives think when they read this sort of crap from other conservatives.
So, what's the solution? Getting rid of all white people or if all colors were forced to intermarry until there was no way to tell who was what there would be some other method of determining who the victims are and someone willing to exploit it for gain. It all seems so silly until you realize that almost every horrific evil in the world is an offshoot of racism or something essentially like it.
Always wonder what black conservatives think when they read this sort of crap from other conservatives.
Acting like you want to succeed (acting/talking white) is frowned upon at a black charter school.
Black leaders can cry victim all they want, but many blacks are willing victims of black culture.
I am tired of the complaining; clean up your culture.
You act like trash, you will be treated like trash; I don't care what color of trash you are.
David said...
This would never happen in our little town in South Carolina...
Perhaps Prof. Athouse would like to comment on this issue - the application of particular legal controls and restrictions (DOJ scrutiny of redistricting, etc.) on southern states which had historically been the jurisdictions with Jim Crow laws, etc. etc., etc.
At what point do we reach a lapse of time sufficient to say - we can no longer justify, under equal protection precepts, subjecting people in these states to heavier burdens of federal scrutiny than applies to Alaska or Montana, for example? I lived in Wisconsin for 4 decades, then lived in Georgia for the better part of a decade. During which time there was a significant migration of blacks from northern states to Metro Atlanta. It took me a long time to find anyone who was a lifelong Atlantan, and I was very impressed by the diverse nature of the metro population. The present population is effectively a completely different set of people than those who inspired the Civil Rights Act, etc.
With such rapid growth and turnover, with people moving there from every which place, and with the lapse of time (and life expectancy) taking care of the last of the rabid racists who inspired the disparate treatment of the "southern states", when is it over?
I think they want some white kids cause they're tired of bullying the mochas. Need some fresh meat.
Blacks suffer from dysfunctional third world institutions, all given to them by the left.
"Not full sentences. I don’t use big words. They hate it when I do that."
My pasty-white daughter, in her (pretty much) pasty-white Midwestern high school, told us pretty much the same thing. In particular, the day some kid went off on her for using the word 'neotenic'.
"In the broad resegregation of the nation’s schools that has transpired over recent decades, New York’s public-school system looms as one of the most segregated."
So New York City is like Mississippi - in 1950.
I would rant about the hypocrisy, heartlessness and nimbyism of those cosmopolitan New Yorkers, but I can't get past this outrage:
"After school one Tuesday, 10 students assembled in a classroom to talk about the school and race. The school paid for snacks: Doritos and Oreo cookies, Coke and 7Up."
Pray for the children.
Serving Oreos at a discussion on race sounds like asking for trouble.
It's a Dr. Suess story. "The Sneetches" I think.
I'm white, but I have had a black experience my whole life. My life is not without those relationships. The KKK type of racism is foisted on us by people grounded in a level of ignorance that makes their hate self reinforcing. That dynamic is not absent from the black community.
If racism is a real problem in this country then we have the majority of racists coming from a white background and a higher percentage of racists occurring in the black population. Both do damage. The white problem is being addressed the black problem is being ignored. one causes proportionally more damage than the other.
Oh man you just reminded me to make some crackers.
I got some rosemary specifically for that. Acacia, the woman not the tree, suggested sundried tomato and those were fantastic. So were plain olive oil and dried rosemary crackers. So that got me thinking in a 1 + 1 kind of thinking, real mathematical-like, I could make crackers with sundried tomatoes and fresh rosemary. Except now that fresh rosemary is a week old.
Oh yeah, rubbergluebouncestick.
JayRetread. "the article is fine". Oh, really. What, you dumb fucking liberal, does that mean? The article was fine. I see. Fine in what way? Fine. Your opinion on the topic is that the article is fine. And you watltz in and call us hillbillies and your take is that the article is fine? You are progressive on stilts. A flaming dumbass
Jay - so basically what you're saying is white people are not allowed to discuss issues of race. We're all supposed to STFU right?
somefeller - "somefeller said...
Did I miss the speech where he came out against blacks bullying blacks about "acting white"?
Yes, you did. He mentioned the issue in his 2004 keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention. Specifically: Go in -- Go into any inner city neighborhood, and folks will tell you that government alone can’t teach our kids to learn; they know that parents have to teach, that children can’t achieve unless we raise their expectations and turn off the television sets and eradicate the slander that says a black youth with a book is acting white. They know those things.
You can thank me later for this lesson, Brent."
You forget that after he made that well-received "Purple America" speech he locked it away as inconvenient to his true socialist agenda, advancement by class warfare and divisive victory strategy.
And went with his shared vision of Pelosi America and the America of Po Oppressed Victims of Racism wanting Payback.
And went with the tried and tested Jewish Bolshevik and Alinsky demonization strategy.
1. Bill and Hillary Clinton were racists.
2. Much of White America is like Palin. Bitter clingers.
3. Blame Bush for Everything that goes wrong. Take full credit to Obama for anything that goes right.
4. Romney is a heartless, bullying capitalist Demon!
Paco Wové said...
"Not full sentences. I don’t use big words. They hate it when I do that."
My pasty-white daughter, in her (pretty much) pasty-white Midwestern high school, told us pretty much the same thing. In particular, the day some kid went off on her for using the word 'neotenic'.
My guess is your daughter was not beaten and called a race traitor for saying the word "neotenic".
And you watltz in and call us hillbillies and your take is that the article is fine?
Oh it only hurts if you let it Michael. You're the tough and rugged types I thought? Or maybe you're a effeminate geeky Jonah Goldberg/Rich Lowry/Bill Kristol type conservative, whereby "hillbilly" really is an insult.
Garage. Your thoughts on the topic,as always,are not apparent. Do you have them?
One other thing, the school will likely fail because the attitude of the majority of the kids is oriented towards failure. If working hard and speaking well means that kid is called white girl, well, there ya go! And their parents encourage the nonsense. The politicians do, too, by how they speak. That little girl has to let the crabs pull her down into the barrel to be accepted. Nascent Democrat mindset. Think and speak like we do or else. Stay on the plantation.
Garage is the unofficial blog observer.
My first comment got eaten. Sigh.
My first comment got eaten. Sigh.
You are not the only one.
That school looks like a crappy learning environment. My kids' middle school here in Oceanside pretty much looks like the diversity of the USMC--with a little more latino thrown in. My kids are like the token blonds. Everybody seems to get along for the most part. It must be the proximity of the beach.
I think pretty anything tastes good with sundried tomatoes and fresh rosemary.
Frankly, I've never gotten the whole "cracker" thing. Haven't eaten them in 20 years, they just seem so bland and useless. Much like Joe Biden. I bet he eats a lot of them.
My guess is your daughter was not beaten and called a race traitor for saying the word "neotenic".
True. But there might have been a threat involving lutefisk or kringles.
A friend of mine wrote an entire book on this.
The Boomers deserve credit for trying to get us past racism and then refusing to let it go. I wonder where we would be without them (us).
I imagine that someday we will have computers smart enough and models sophisticated enough to actually run culturally accurate alternative histories. That will be much more possible than running possible forecasts, since the actor and objective inputs for the past will be known.
That will be a fascinating field to study, and unfortunately, I will miss it.
My step daughter attended the local high school, that due to integration is 80% Black in an 80% white neighborhood.
She was constructively kicked off the school paper staff for writing an editorial that exposed the fact that the cheerleader selection excluded any other races but Black. In addition, she was subjected to a flood of racist slurs and attempts at marginalizing her. She decided not to fight it, but to let it stand for what it was. She would be graduating shortly thereafter and had better things to do than tilt at windmills. I reluctantly agreed with her decision. If it wasn't a public school, I would have had no problem at all with it. But it was a public school that she was required to attend.
BTW, my daughter is Hispanic, so I'm told - whatever that means.
We had a Cafe last night..
No so lucky.
I stand corrected - you did a service to the conversation by pointing out that Obama did make statements against such slander.
And I do thank you.
Lem, observe.
Maurice Sendak grew up in Brooklyn but he did not go to a charter school, no, Maurice did not have that privilege so many other more fortunate children have yet he knows what it is like to be the only white child in his class because as a sickly little thing with scant chance of survival he was the only child in his class, and charters were but a dream. So little is known of Sendak's early education that portion is skipped in his biographies. You know what he is famous for and that is all well and good but he happens to be also the author of one of my mostest favoritestest pop-up books in the whole wide world and neighboring planets, a monstrous little thing called, Mommy? Where he carefully avoids the touchy subject of charter schools altogether.
It is a heart-warming tale of an insouciant little sprog who stumbles upon a series of classical monsters naïvely unafraid and innocently baffling them in their own milieus until the final page whereupon they are all drawn together, as good novels do, into one spot and in one outrageous mechanically assembled and precisely organized chaotic heap while the recto leaf fold outfields to another popup where the child finds his mommy -- Morticia. And the whole while you are reading it you are also thinking that child belongs in school, a nicely integrated charter school.
That such a book would be neglected from charter school libraries is unthinkable so I don't even think it.
Written by Arthur Yorinks, illustrated by Sedak, mechanisms by the brilliant Matthew Reinhart. This book is a must have for every pop-up collection, the book retails for sixteen and a half dollars, but Amazon prime customers can have the book in two days for eleven dollars conveniently through the Althouse-Amazon portal. Just do it yourself and do it now, search "Mommy?"
I tried, I read the entire article. And my first and last thought on it was "so" What was the article about? That schools in NYC suck? The grass is always greener? Some of them want more white people some of them fewer? The article was a series of anecdotes about going to school. I mean, structurally it was a well written piece, but I see the same story in the Houses feature in the sunday suppliment.
If you want to stop racism, a good place to start is the census bureau. No more counting blacks, whites, hispanics. white latinos, 1/32 cherokee law professors. Just do away with it. Start there. Work your way down.
Never happen, people have too much money invested in their little racial profiteering schemes. So there it is.
Hey GM...How'd opening weekend go?
Its just like you said Chip..
Words have power.. while I was reading you, a story withing a story from the film Wit with Emma Thomson flashed my pretty little mind.. it was the Thompson character when she was little reading a children's book about a little bunny.. and a new word that little Thomson learned from the story in the book that was also borned out in the illustration.. the word which was up to this moment still escaping me is... soporific.. Alas it was her father helping her read the childrens book.. not her mother.
Weird how in one of the most liberal states, very few white kids go to public schools, at least few go to racially mixed ones. Unexpectedly!
A funny thing happened to me today.. I saw a sign that said Happy Mothers day.. so I thought.. like any normal child would why dont i give one of my mothers a call.
My real mother lives in the Dominican Republic and they have a different mothers day there. So I call my raised mother.. my raising mother.. the mother that raised me?.. la madre que me crio.. thats much better.
So she said Mothers Day was not until today.. The one thing mothers day is about I get wrong.
How strange is that.
Start there. Work your way down.
That's what John Travolta said?
Coincidentally I just happened to get in the mail today Flightplan (2005) with Jodie Foster.
Its about a mother looking for her lost child in a plane.
I'm going to begin watching and hopefully Jodie has enough of that thing she does to compel me watching and not cause me to go to sleep.. superific.
No Cafe yor you.
Wait.. see what Chip just did right there?
El Chip colo un Cafe.. literally.
btw, in case you are wondering.
No concoctions, composites nor compressions.
“The preponderance of evidence shows that attending schools that are diverse has positive effects on children throughout the grades, and it grows over time,” said Roslyn Mickelson, a professor of sociology and public policy at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Thus showing that in this case at least the mechanisms of the scientific method continue to be misunderstood or ignored by scholars of the so-called social sciences.
The preponderance of evidence gathered from the schools and students sampled in the studies correlates with the proposition that students who are educated in a racially diverse environment experience positive effects in their academic achievement and social development throughout the grades, and that the correlation increases over time, though no causal mechanism has yet been suggested or tested. FIFY, Professor Mickelson
Brent at 12:03am: Thank you for your gracious and honest response. I withdraw the last sentence of my initial response to you, as I now see it was unnecessary and jerkish on my part.
The Crack Emcee said... My advice? Watch the movie Fight Club. There are no black people in Fight Club, since black people have never seen getting our asses kicked as therapeutic.
LOL. True, that.
Thanks. It's fun to genuinely laugh out loud.
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