१३ मे, २०१२

"Being a person who's committed to truth and living a life where you're not hiding..."

"... it's almost like a cosmic joke to fall in love with someone who's living a big lie."

And it actually is a cosmic joke when you are the lie.

१५ टिप्पण्या:

kjbe म्हणाले...

Unfortunately, she had a lot of liars is role models. It all looked pretty normal to her and, as is all too common, those familial traits we swear we'll never do sometimes catch us.

edutcher म्हणाले...

I have a very hard time believing this woman.

Largely because I thing her idea of "truth" is pretty much what she wants it to be, rather than objective facts.

William म्हणाले...

Her real name is Lisa Jo Druck. Faulkner couldn't have come up with a better name.....It makes one appreciate Marilyn Monroe. She was an airhead, but her life had a kind of tragic grandeur. The saga of Ms. Druck makes one think of events happening first as tragedy then as farce.

Wince म्हणाले...

I thought only Republicans were capable of "living a lie", much less a "big" one about sex.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


I have a very hard time believing this woman.

Largely because I thing her idea of "truth" is pretty much what she wants it to be, rather than objective facts.

You think? A NewAger to her heart.

Why I remember the last time I was forced to break up a marriage, I was laying there with someone else's spouse (who I approached by saying, "Aren't you that guy,...?") and just thinking, "My life would've been so much easier if HE were a person of integrity. I'm going to have to talk that over with my spirit guide,..."

Carol म्हणाले...

"I believe the problems exist before a third party comes into the picture," she told Winfrey.

Haha, how self-serving. She obviously there to console Edwards.

yashu म्हणाले...

Bizarre that she was girlfriend and muse to Jay McInerney.

Recently Bret Easton Ellis tweeted:

Somewhere in the late 1980s I almost found myself in a coked-up threesome with Rielle Hunter in my condo on 13th Street in New York.

Molly Ringwald tweeted back:

I think I know who the 3rd was...

80s Brat Pack overload. Going from decadent Bright Lights Big City & Hollywood milieux to scandalous Washington DC mistress-- that's a character.

And her dad had her beloved horse murdered for insurance money! What a novelistic detail.

If her earlier life was fodder for 80s Brat Pack authors, the full scope of her life so far calls for treatment by someone like Tom Wolfe.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


If her earlier life was fodder for 80s Brat Pack authors, the full scope of her life so far calls for treatment by someone like Tom Wolfe.

Oh, you don't know the half:

Years before RH had ever heard of John Edwards, she was telling people "forces" were at work, allowing her to meet a rich and powerful man who'll make her famous. Considering she was always a determined but ditzy slut, with a propensity for propositioning men and meeting them outside of her clothes, the JE affair was a little more than fate.

Let's just say "Hunter" was a great name for her to choose for herself.

wyo sis म्हणाले...

The story is almost too perfect. If a writer had made it up it couldn't get published because it's too cliche.

cassandra lite म्हणाले...

It's so good that the MSM did their job and pursued Edwards so vigorously when he was running for office. I remember when the LAT, for example, followed him into a Beverly Hills hotel to... Wait, what? The National Enquirer? The Times spiked the story? Are you sure?

yashu म्हणाले...

Haha Crack, amazing.

The New Age stuff is a big reason why I though of Tom Wolfe: there's so much material there to skewer (and put within a larger societal context). This ridiculous woman's life is a microcosm of so many absurd and pathological facets of modern America.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


Haha Crack, amazing.

The New Age stuff is a big reason why I though of Tom Wolfe: there's so much material there to skewer (and put within a larger societal context). This ridiculous woman's life is a microcosm of so many absurd and pathological facets of modern America.

Not from what I hear. Some people *COUGHOUSE* have said nobody cares, and suggested it's just a silly obsession of mine that "most people don't think" about, and more. All quite entertaining.

Now, if you'll excuse me I've got a home to wreck, or someone to rip off, or some votes to collect while demanding no one ask any pesky questions - all in the name of "spirituality" (That last line was added in case there's any "bigots" reading this....)

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em,...

Wilson म्हणाले...

People like Lisa Druck are a dime a dozen. The more important story is John Edwards: why were Democrats so enamored of him, when his phoniness was obvious to any casual observer? Why did the press continue to gush over his wonderful marriage to cancer-stricken Elizabeth, and refuse to investigate rumors about the affair and the love child?

Reporting that story would require honesty and critical self-regard -- two things that are sorely lacking at the Times.

Trashhauler म्हणाले...

Well, as the saying goes, "We must give up all hope of ever having a better past."

Of course, that means you must strive for enough self-awareness to create a better future.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


People like Lisa Druck are a dime a dozen.

So history is littered with Americans who have high-flying political careers, and are in line for high office, throwing that-plus-their-reputations away for an ol' skank with a fetish for psychics and crystal therapy? Really? Name one.

No, I don't think you understand the first thing about the case you're looking at,...