This might be the least anti-gun article I've ever seen in the NYT. I was trying to read between the lines to find the anti-gun message. Maybe the idea is that omission of negativity will itself freak out the NYT readers. Maybe there are some subtle signals that the people who buy pants like this are not our kind. The first person quoted in the article is "Shawn Thompson, 35, who works at an auto dealership in eastern Kentucky, bought two shirts last month from the Woolrich Elite Concealed Carry line." Even before you see the quote, you've got Kentucky and auto dealership. And here's the quote:
“Most of the clothes I used in the past to hide my sidearm looked pretty sloppy and had my girlfriend complaining about my looks,” he wrote [on his blog], adding in an interview, “I’m not James Bond or nothing, but these look pretty nice.”Not... nothing. I suspect that opens up the channels of aversion for the typical NYT reader.
But maybe I'm being too hard on the NYT. This is a news-you-can-use article for concealed carriers. You might just want to buy something from the Woolrich Concealed Carry line
When someone walks down the street in shorts, the bad guy gets a glimmer of fear, wondering: are they packing or not?
५७ टिप्पण्या:
I think the picture of the guy in a white hat is kind of nifty; recalling white hat cowboys. It's actually a really good photo choice/shoot by the NYT.
No, just happy to see you.
From the NYTimes comments: In short Ladies, if you want a real man, find one who is secure in his own mind and doesn't need to add a phallic symbol to his person to prove it. Besides would Jesus carry a weapon ? No Actual Christian ever would.
I laughed out loud. Maybe no actual Christian should use such passive-aggressive means to make his point that he doesn't think well of people different from him.
There seems to be no such thing as a concealed-carry sweater, which is a bit of a shame, since happiness is a warm gun.
When it comes to reactions to what I am packing in my shorts I am more interested in what bad girls have to say.
I am just sexist that way.
The gun isn't to prove someone is secure in his own mind, it is to ensure he is secure in his own person.
This is coming from someone who doesn't carry, and wouldn't even if I knew what I was doing with one.
I read the comments following the NYT article. And was amazed, perhaps shouldnt have been, by the amount of hater and bile directed by NYtimes readers, at those amogst us who choose to carry. Every single liberal-leftist anti-gun argument was used. But, seeing as they are NYTimes readers, I shouldnt have been surprised. Heck, in my city , Ann Arbor, most people would react the same way, seeing as most are liberal, Democratic voters.
Seems like there's a lot more of a need for concealed carry-friendly ladies' clothing. That's one (of several) reason that I can't see myself carrying - where the heck am I going to put it (without dramatically changing my wardrobe)?
I saw a link to concealed carry purses for ladies a while back, Lyssa. But I agree it would be kind of hard to carry concealed in a strappy sun dress!
I don't own a gun, but I am thinking of purchasing a pair just because:
1) They look like they'd be a great pair of summer pants (100% ripstop cotton, loose cut, practical -- look at those pockets!); and
2) It would P.O. all of my vegan, pacifist, anti-gun neighbors.
Though, honestly, something with loads of discrete pockets? That sounds like something anyone with lots of bulky things they like to carry (like hand held game systems, tablets) would like.
Let me guess: Made in China.
where the heck am I going to put it (without dramatically changing my wardrobe)?
Purses have already been mentioned, but there are other options. An inside waistline holster works just as well on a woman as it does on a man although the wider shoulders on a man tend to hide it a little better.
If you wear slacks or pants regularly, consider an ankle holster. It's not the best solution, but it's better than nothing.
Besides would Jesus carry a weapon ? No Actual Christian ever would.
No, no. Of course not. Never. Then again...
"Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -- Luke 22:36
But that was just Jesus talking.
Sign of the times. I think the gun debate is truly lost by the left, with each year of the Obama regime racking up even higher record sales. Anyone bringing up the argument that the 2nd Amdt. is limited to militias is now just opening herself to ridicule. And, similarly, the arguments that the streets are going to run red with blood if concealed carry is allowed. Hasn't happened yet, and is unlikely to, as the last bastions of strict gun control fall to the forces of modernity.
Besides would Jesus carry a weapon?
I would imagine being on constant speaking terms with God, your dad, the omnipotent creator and ruler of universe, would give one an incredible sense of well-being and security. Plus, he went everywhere with 12 peeps, 11 of which were reliable at any given time.
I think guns are beginning to be cool. Living Social had a special on a newbie shooting class, and it sold out in a day! (I'm going.) They previously had a shooting class followed by a martini mixer. Glad the drinking was after the shooting.
Hipsters with guns: disturbing trend?
They make nice stuff. Lots of pockets but still relatively stylish.
I almost bought a Woolrich jacket to replace an old GuideGear hunting jacket I wear on my photography jaunts. I changed my mind and got a Scott e-Vest instead, but in retrospect I think I'd prefer the Woolrich.
Gun sales have gone through the roof since the possibility of Dictator Zero being elected became a reality.
Eventually, someone was going to cater to that market.
PS But can you buy them through the Althouse port?
I suspect that at least on a subconscious level that, yes a criminal planning a mugging would very seriously consider how your dress indicates how dangerous you are to him. This could save a lot of lives if it works. Unfortunately, it will save mostly bad guy lives, since they will be the ones being warned of danger. Those victims looking less dangerous will, like the lame wildebeest, become sustenance for the predators. It's the circle of life.
"Beginning? They're already cool."
Did you ever notice how every action film poster always shows a gun somewhere. It's got to be very close to 100% representation. Sometimes the character is not even a bad ass at all, but he or she will have a gun, meaning: excitement and action.
Another thing in every action film is some form of kung fu moves. Everybody is kung fu fighting. Them cats are fast as lightning.
Inside the waistband and a sturdy belt, as mentioned. Throw on a Tommy Bahama aloha shirt untucked and you are good to go. In the winter, tuck your shirt in and conceal with a down vest in the cold or a pullover sweater. The bad guys know how to surveil an establishment looking for the folks with their backs to the wall facing the door wearing loose clothing. Nothing deters them faster than being checked out by a steady gaze. Pay attention and maintain condition yellow whenever you are out in public. We are in for a long, hot summer.
With the exception of the many pockets, rather like cargo pants, those clothes look perfectly normal. The shirts, vests and jackets are what everyone wears on a regular or casual basis.
subconscious level that, yes a criminal planning a mugging would very seriously consider how your dress indicates how dangerous you are to him.
Woah!!! isn't that profiling?
Next comes comparing your gun with the other guys at work.
I have a feeling you're being sarcastic, but my brother gave me a little 22 ruger the other day and mentioning it at work got a lot of comments and comparisons! (did not bring to work though)
According to my coworkers I need a bigger gun.
They don't come in women's sizes!
Inside the waistband holster and don't tuck your shirt in works for me with a small frame S&W revolver.
Better with heavy shirts or patterned prints as otherwise the outline of your carry piece can be seen if the shirt is pulled tight against it.
Now all I have to do is convince my wife that Hawaiian shirts are suitable apparel.
Throw on a Tommy Bahama aloha shirt untucked and you are good to go.
The Crossfire brand of holsters, which I use daily, is specifically designed to allow tucked-in shirts. When I wear a dress shirt, it's still very hard to tell I have a weapon on.
Carrying tucked in requires extra practice in pulling quickly, but that's just repetition until you get good "muscle memory".
And see, you're going to have to spend some more money.
I haven't spent any money. Both of my guns came from family.
Khakis are the new hoodies for conceal carry types? That's profiling. And profiling is wrong.
Are those concealed carry pants, or are you just happy to see me?
What's with the socks?
A former boss always wore a leather jacket - here in AZ - because he ALWAYS carried. Felt safe in that office. Almost sent him one of the jackets when I first saw this brand a few months ago.
My husband's father and brothers all just got back from a week-long Front Sight training course ( Hoping to get invited next year.
Men got it made. My husband could hide an arsenal in the pockets of his baggy shorts or khakis. Me, everything shows. So it goes in the purse, when I carry. Though purse-carry isn't necessarily "carrying" per se.
We didn't carry any guns into the college bar in Lakeland Fl, but when we came out, it was great my buddy had a S&W .38 in the glove box when the two carjackers appeared with knives. The one guy even stood his ground until my buddy cocked it aiming right between his eyes.
They looked white. The guys, not his eyes.
Unbelievably, , the name of that bar back in 1973 was 'Zimmermans'
We didn't carry any guns into the college bar in Lakeland Fl, but when we came out, it was great my buddy had a S&W .38 in the glove box when the two carjackers appeared with knives. The one guy even stood his ground until my buddy cocked it aiming right between his eyes.
They looked white. The guys, not his eyes.
Unbelievably, , the name of that bar back in 1973 was 'Zimmermans'
Carol; if "everything shows" you have distraction and surprise on your side. My wife shows a little cleavage which distracts most men, and a few women, which would give her time to pull her real weapon out if needed. I suggest a 9mm with a short barrel for most women who can't handle a .40 or .45 cal. I carry a Kimber 10mm (40 cal.) with a long barrel because I am tall. I sincerely hope none of us here ever have to use our defensive tool. Hope for the best and plan for the worst.
where the heck am I going to put it (without dramatically changing my wardrobe)?
You're just thinking about the clothing assuming the same size gun, but you might also consider the size of the gun itself. Some are smaller than others, even specifically designed with the intent that ladies might like to carry in their purses. The smaller size also makes it easier to conceal somewhere on a female body.
You still probably couldn't carry on your ankle if you want to wear jeggings of course. I don't know much about it really, but I'm sure there are more lady-friendly options.
Being a Texas CHL holder I pack my guns under t-shirt in the summer (IWB holster) and a belt-slide holster with windbreaker in the winter.
Yes Woolrich makes those vest but hey anyone who wears them screams, "gun". I want any attacker to know I have a gun ONLY by them seeing the muzzle of it up close and personal.
But here's what I want to know. From the Woolrich description:
What sets this shirt apart are the "breakaway" side vents and falso bottom button, allowing the shirt to be swept up and back for quick access to essential gear on your waist.
So what happens when you snag your shirt on the counter at the coffee shop and half your shirt comes off, revealing your gun? I wouldn't want that to happen. Especially when people who bend over in Costco find themselves suddenly getting arrested even though they did nothing wrong. Except bend over to get something while you have a gun in your pants.
I don't carry a gun anymore. When I was younger, I carried one everywhere I went. I went to bars where everybody knew everyone else had a gun. The joke was that if you didn't have one they'd give you one at the door. There was never any problem in those bars. Everyone was always polite and courteous. I never had a permit. I once called the Wayne County (NC) sheriff's office and asked, “ How I should carry my pistol on a motorcycle. The deputy said to just strap it on. I asked, “Can it be loaded?” He said, “Why would you carry an unloaded gun?” I don't hang out in bars anymore.
In an ironic twist, it may come to pass that you can testify that your attackers yelled Trayvon and get away with flat out murder.
One in Biloxi saturday night.
One in Gainesville swept under the rug.
Lyssa, Shanna:
Correction, Mobile Al, Not Biloxi
I don't carry a gun anymore.
After which an entire paragraph that doesn't tell us why you don't carry anymore.
Scott, I am older now and I avoid places where it might be needed. It's harder to carry legally now than when I was younger. I have one on my night stand. I have bear spray in my car.
Jesus's disciple (St.) Peter carried a sword — that was the nearest thing to a gun in those days. Does he count as a Christian?
Scott, the bear spray doesn't have anything to do with your avatar. I just now noticed what it was. I really do carry bear spray when I am uncertain of safety.
Michael, Jesus told him to sell his cloak and buy a sword. He said that he already had one, and Jesus said that one is enough.
Yes, Jesus did admonish him for it. But still, he had one, and most would count him as a “real” Christian.
Yes Michael, I agree.
ken in sc,
"Scott, I am older now and I avoid places where it might be needed."
That statement makes no sense. You don't carry to go into situations you wouldn't if you weren't carrying, you carry so you can get out of situations you couldn't if you weren't carrying.
"It's harder to carry legally now than when I was younger."
Again, I don't follow. SC is a shall-issue state--albeit one with a far-too-long list of prohibited places (is *that* the issue?)
I always thought people carried because they didn't know where they would need it. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it, and all.
Leslyn: How often are guns used defensively? Not with someone being shot, just successfully used to defend someone. Also, why does his carelessness matter? Just because some people libel and shout fire in crowded buildings doesn't mean all people lose their right to free speech.
That's one (of several) reason that I can't see myself carrying - where the heck am I going to put it (without dramatically changing my wardrobe)?
Try the Flashbang Bra Holster.
We're an open carry state. Best way. You never get effed with when they can see you're carrying.
But nothing will displace situational awareness. Keeping your back to the wall, your eye's open, and your mouth shut will get you through much of life.
Now days I'm older and sneakier. I carry a cane I use as a prop, don't really need it (well sometimes). But there's no "canes not allowed under penalty of law" signs. It's not even a sword cane, it's just a cane. But I've leaned a few moves that I practice (that's the secret). People don't expect an old man with a cane to put up a fight heh heh heh.
PS. If you're afraid to carry a gun in your car, or have children, wasp spray is a good alternative. Shoots a lot further than those little cans of pepper spray, and distance is one of the things to be desired.
PPS. I've had a gun since I could walk, and never had to pull it on anybody. Situational awareness...see?
PPPS. I am actually more worried about people carrying now than before. Before Zero, the people carrying were gun people. Now, soccer moms and stay at home dads are carrying. People who's only experience with guns is the short (very) CCW class they take. I don't trust so many neophites judgement. Someone will foxtrot up, and it will look bad for the rest of us.
It's the New York Times.
No one takes them seriously except retarded, dumb blondes.
It's the newspaper that whitewashed Stalin's crimes. You can't get much lower than that trash.
If you're into pocket carry, check out the 5.11 Covert Cargo pants. They have a zipped pocket behind both regular front pockets that really hide a pistol well. Plus each pocket has 2 smaller mag pockets.
They would be better though if the zipper pulled down instead of up to open the pocket.
They're all I wear anymore.
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