७ एप्रिल, २०१२

"Tonette taped American #Idol. We are watching it now. I like the 80s music!"

A tweet from Gov. Walker. I'm reading his Twitter thread, looking for some links to material explaining/justifying all that legislation he just signed. In particular, I'd like to know more about the repeal of the 2009 Equal Pay Enforcement Act, which I referred to a couple posts ago.

In the comments there, I was asked to analyze the new law, and I looked around a bit and only found criticism of the change. HuffPo is writing about it. Walker's recall challengers — Kathleen Falk and Tom Barrett — are lambasting him predictably. Eventually, I found something, but not before I got sucked into Walker's fascinatingly banal Twitter feed (which I once compared to "Jim's Journal").

Also in the recent Walker Twitter feed:
Up early for a haircut then out enjoying the beautiful sunshine! What a beautiful day the Lord hath made....

Sadly this is not a good Fri for the #Brewers....

Spent am signing bills in Milwaukee office then off for Good Friday and later for #Brewers Opening Day @ #MillerPark....

I drink several bottles of #cranberry juice each day. Glad our output is up 11% according to USDA...
This is charming... unless you hate the guy, as many do. In which case, I assume you're jeering or beating your head against the wall. He needs to explain these new laws persuasively. His opponents get so far out in front of him. He reminds me of George W. Bush, who seemed to believe that decent people would give him credit for doing the things he believed were right. Meanwhile, his antagonists controlled the narrative.

४० टिप्पण्या:

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

Thank goodness Deandre got sent packing instead of Elise. Especially because that really frosted JLo's cookies. All that woman does is pimp the guys and (try to) tear down the girls. Last year it was Haley, who is younger and hotter than JLo, and that's obviously a problem for her aged-ness, so all JLo did was rage on her. Now it's Elise's turn.

Peter म्हणाले...

I'm curious to know the story behind the cranberry juice.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

Walker drinks several bottles of cranberry juice every day?

I hope they're not 2-liter.

अनामित म्हणाले...


Ignorance is Bliss म्हणाले...

Tonette taped American #Idol.

...I got sucked into Walker's fascinatingly banal Twitter feed...

The banality of #Idol.

Ignorance is Bliss म्हणाले...

From The Departed

Billy Costigan: [to the bartender] Cranberry juice.
Man Glassed in Bar: It's a natural diuretic. My girlfriend drinks it when she's got her period. What, do you got your period?
[Billy grabs an empty glass and smashes it onto the man's head. Mr. French grabs Billy throws him against the wall. Billy tries to go towards the man again and French holds him against the wall. Billy pushes French's hands away]
Billy Costigan: Get your fuckin' hands off me!
Mr. French: [calmly] Hey, hey, hey... do you know me?
Billy Costigan: No, no.
Mr. French: Well, I'm the guy that tells you there are guys you can hit and there's guys you can't. Now, that's not quite a guy you can't hit, but it's almost a guy you can't hit. So I'm gonna make a fuckin' ruling on this right now. You don't fuckin' hit him. You understand?
Billy Costigan: Yeah, excellent. Fine, fine, fine.
Mr. French: I fucking know you. I know your family. You make one more drug deal with that idiot fucking cop-magnet of a cousin of yours and I'll forget your grandmother was so nice to me. I'll cut your fucking nuts off. You understand that?
Billy Costigan: Yeah, yeah, I do.
Mr. French: What are you drinkin'?
Billy Costigan: [embarrassed] A cranberry juice.
Mr. French: What is it, your period?
[to the bartender]
Mr. French: Get him a... cranberry juice.

edutcher म्हणाले...

I have the feeling the Lefties expect him to be twirling his mustache over having screwed "the little people".

Actually, that's Dictator Zero's twat.

Hagar म्हणाले...

Didn't the proponents of the bills explain/justify them when they were presented in the houses of the legislature?

Why would Gov. Walker not sign bills passed by a legislature dominated by his own party absent the Attorney General finding some Constitutional (Fed. or State) or other legal problems with them?

Jeff with one 'f' म्हणाले...

"Meanwhile, his antagonists controlled the narrative."

Possibly Bush's worst failing as a President. Meanwhile the Left is having conniptions that their death-grip on the media and the narrative is no longer completely in effect. Witness the rage at the push-back against the constitutionality of Obamacare, the Trayvon case, slut-gate, etc.

The best part is that the far left are convinced that the MSM are "conservative" and right-leaning.

Phil 314 म्हणाले...

This is charming... unless you hate the guy, as many do. In which case, I assume you're jeering or beating your head against the wall. He needs to explain these new laws persuasively

Doesn't Governor. Walker know there are very smart people, smart, sophisticated people, college professors, lawyers who mean to do him harm! Its a cruel, political world out there and he MUST be smart. He can't blythly repeal laws that will play badly in the media and then prattle on about American Idol and cranberry juice.

And all the while the Professor is out there for Gov. Walker and he doesn't know what it's like to be HER out there for HIM. It is an up-at-dawn, pride-swallowing siege that she will never fully tell him about.

Meade म्हणाले...


HDL. Prostate cancer prevention. Ever heard of them?

Bart Torvik म्हणाले...

For what it's worth, I tried to defend the bill here (and in the process discovered that the main criticisms were made up), and discussed it more here, and here.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Spent am signing bills in Milwaukee office..

I take my criticism in the prev post.. that republicans are all lazy back..

I was wrong.. they are not all lazy.. just some of them.

MadTownGuy म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
MadTownGuy म्हणाले...

Had to take the last one out as I had misattributed it to Barrett - actually it was Doug LaFollette. So here goes again:

LaFollette: "I stood with you, and if you stand with me me, we will send Walker back to the private sector, where maybe he can earn enough money to make his wife happy. What do you think of that?" said La Follette to cheers. . A crude attack on Scott and Tonette Walker. Quelle surprise.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Meade, I don't believe cranberry juice can affect HDL levels.

As for prostate cancer, yes I did read there was a study that cranberry juice might prevent it, but in that case why is Tonette drinking it too, didn't he tweet that they both were drinking it ?

Maybe she has a UTI and he has an enlarged prostate and is worried about prostate cancer? Are we the tiny white people getting into their underwear?!

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

A crude attack on Scott and Tonette Walker

Why is it crude to use Walker's own words?

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

(Link. With audio)

W Wing म्हणाले...

The 2009 law was classic liberal overreach creating an employment environment where any complaint, no matter the merit, would usually garner a quick out of court settlement. Justice was not served because there was never one single case that made it that far under the 2009 law. They all settled out of court. Every single one. Like many laws that overreach it actually had a chilling effect on the employment environment in Wisconsin. Ann would be well qualified to research the actual effects of the 2009 law. Remember...at its core every employer-employee relationship must be consensual and mutually beneficial. Every mandate, regulation and particularly every enticement to litigation may interfere with an employer's desire to hire. Result? Fewer hires, fewer jobs, more unemployment. SB202 takes us all the way back to 2008, when we had about 200,000 more people working in Wisconsin.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

I don't believe cranberry juice can affect HDL levels.

You'd be better off eating dark chocolate.

अनामित म्हणाले...

MadisonMan, mmmm, dark chocolate, now you're talkin' !

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

As Governors go, Scott Walker seems to be one of the best in captivity.

His good points seem to make the Progressives the angriest. How dare he be a good man!

Michael Haz म्हणाले...

Maybe he just likes cranberry juice. Or am I overthinking this?

garage mahal म्हणाले...

These weird anti-women bills sweeping America just aren't explained well is all. Just think, it could be worse!

AlanKH म्हणाले...

If I had the best singing voice in the world, I would not be inclined to compete on American Idol - I'd pick a competition that gives me absolute control over song selection. You can't succeed as a singer without enthusiasm, and I don't know how to fake enthusiasm - a talent absolutely necessary when Idol would dump on me a set of choices with nothing that suits my personality. My only chance at not crashing in flames would be to change the style and tempo to fit my personality. I'd freak out a lot of people during Bee Gees week.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Good catch, Professor. Regarding Dubya's bizarre refusal to get out in front of his opponents and to seize the narrative, that is. You're right that Walker needs to get out ahead of the Madison crowd.

LYNNDH म्हणाले...

I take cranberry capsules to help prevent kidney stones.

pm317 म्हणाले...

Why do these people feel the need to tweet these things? Who cares what he does? or Why do people care? You went there to see if he said anything about the bills he signed but you found this and started reading it. Tools like twitter used in this way are for peeping toms and I can't believe how easily people get sucked into it.

pm317 म्हणाले...

Who the hell is Tonette? And why is being so familiar? Are we supposed to know who she is?

अनामित म्हणाले...

LOL! Tonette is the First Lady of Wisconsin.

pm317 म्हणाले...

Tonette, that is a strange name as in Ponette. Is she French?

अनामित म्हणाले...

Pm317, I haven't a clue, but my daughter had some dealings at the Governors Residence and met her a few times, my daughter said she is a very pleasant, kind person.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

I'm guessing her Dad is Tony, and she's a little Tonette.

AlanKH म्हणाले...

"Tonettes" woudl have been a great name for a 60s singing group.

Carnifex म्हणाले...

I agree with pm317, who cares if you "took a dump at RT@09:45SDGe lol. SMH."

The only people more pathetic than the ones tweeting are the ones reading the tweets.

Maybe I'm being a curmudgeonly old fuck(pardon mt french) but, I don't care.

Hagar म्हणाले...

Tonette is a fairly common girls' name from the very southern tip of Norway. I think they picked it up in the Netherlands in the 17th and 18th centuries, when a lot of people from that area migrated to Holland and some came back.

Hagar म्हणाले...

and I must say, it's a sad thing that the Democrats of Wisconsin now are reduced to making snide remarks about the Governor's wife's given name.

damikesc म्हणाले...

and I must say, it's a sad thing that the Democrats of Wisconsin now are reduced to making snide remarks about the Governor's wife's given name.


They attack his kids, too.

Party o' civility, don't you know? All of this nastiness is CLEARLY Walker's fault.

damikesc म्हणाले...

I call hypocrisy. Republicans do much worse, continually, to FLOTUS.

This, again, is where evidence would help.

SDN म्हणाले...

George Bush's terminal mistake was believing he faced a Loyal Opposition composed of decent Americans.

He didn't.

Know your enemy.