The official margin of victory for Van Hollen was 9,071 votes, a difference of 0.4 percent. In Dane County, Falk received 11,850 votes fewer than Doyle; had she simply run even with him on her home turf, she would have won the race.
“Those were folks pissed off that she challenged Lautenschlager,” said [Joe Winike, a former state Democratic chairman who is neutral in the Barrett-Falk race]. “So you could make an argument that the leftist base that refused to vote for Kathleen cost her the election.”In the recall primary, being from Dane County (that is, Madison and the surrounding area) is characterized as a negative, because people around the state see Madison as a big lefty enclave. So many anti-Walkerites gravitate to Tom Barrett (the Milwaukee mayor), who seems more detached from the protests that led to the recall... which seems to undermine the whole idea of the recall. In fact, the Barrett ads I've seen talk about how he's the one that can make things normal again. But what's abnormal is a recall.
ADDED: Looking forward to seeing Scott Walker and Tom Barrett debate over who should be governor? Wait no more. It's right here:
३५ टिप्पण्या:
Was just talking to a friend in Rhinelander, and he thinks Walker is going to lose. I talk to other people and they think he'll win. It will all be about turnout.
Going to be close. Exciting!
Republicans, for their part, have communicated their desire to face Falk, with the GOP’s state Senate leader even suggesting that members of his party might participate in the Democratic primary on her behalf.
The Rick Santorum Democrats
Payback, it's a bitch.
Being from Madison is similar to being from Philadelphia in PA, although big is the larger animosity, as the western burbs tend to be more Conservative than the city.
WI is really becoming an obsession with the Lefties, isn't it?
He can "make things normal" by restoring the Democrats to power. Because Republicans have better things to do than endless street theater.
The Democrats do this on a national scale as well. You don't want the streets filled with anti-war, anti-torture protests? Then put us in power and the street people will disappear. Not because the wars or the torture have disappeared, but just because we're in charge.
What is this, exactly, if not extortion?
Never mind campaign-finance and equal-time laws; these guys are in violation of RICO.
Purely unscientific of course, but one of the old timers I talk to at the local watering hole told me he will definitely now vote against Walker. A few months ago he didn't like the idea of the recall at all. Seems to be a slight shift against Walker lately.
Well, Ann, speaking of Wisconsin, I see I've beaten you to this story at the New York Times, 'Wisconsin Vote Is First Shot in Wider Union War'.
@garage--Have you considered the possibility that the old timer finally found a way to get you to stop ranting about Scott Walker?
@garage--Have you considered the possibility that the old timer finally found a way to get you to stop ranting about Scott Walker?
I don't rant about Walker. So no.
In that case, your old buddy must be a heavy drinker. If he doesn't like recalls in general, he shouldn't vote in a way that rewards recalls.
If Walker loses, I'd say your insane asylum of a state can expect about an election a year.
Garage has so far run into two people voting for Walker. But we Walker supporters can take heart. We don't know for sure that the two people were not in fact just the same one person two different times. If so, breathe a sigh of relief. I think our boy can still squeak through.
Just curious, did he give a reason?
Donald Douglas said;
Well, Ann, speaking of Wisconsin, I see I've beaten you to this story at the New York Times, 'Wisconsin Vote Is First Shot in Wider Union War'.
4/29/12 11:21 AM
Looks like Citizens United is an equal opportunity enabler. Strange too how a Federal Court Judge cited Citizens United in his ruling which overturned two key provisions of the collective bargaining law in Wisconsin.
It just goes to show you, be careful of what you wish for, you just may get it.
Federal Court strikes down parts of collective bargaining law
Not really. An ad came on one of the TV's at the bar and he just went on a mini rant about the budget for MGSD, which is looking at 1.9 million dollar deficit for the next year's budget. Same district we're in. I think his point was that these school districts were left holding their dicks after all the cuts from the legislature and Walker.
I don't remember Althouse blogging about WaPo's Charles Lane February 3 column about the Wisconsin recall election. I did a quick scan of the posts under your tag "Wisconsin recall" and I did not see that you blogged about it (I may have missed it though).
However, if you did not read his column when it was originally published, it is worth your time to read it now.
When a center-left opinion shaper like Charles Lane is willing to tell it like it is - that if Walker is successfully recalled -- that is tantamount to the citizens of Wisconsin ceding their sovereignty to the public unions:
Like I said before, if they strike down Walker he shall become more powerful then they could possibly imagine.
Scott Walker IS Obi-Won Kenobi.
So let's get it straight. Old timer and union folks are voting to recall Walker. Ummkay.
"garage mahal said...
Not really. An ad came on one of the TV's at the bar and he just went on a mini rant about the budget for MGSD, which is looking at 1.9 million dollar deficit for the next year's budget. Same district we're in. I think his point was that these school districts were left holding their dicks after all the cuts from the legislature and Walker."
What garage doesn't ever say about Monona Grove School District is that they had structural deficits before Walker, and knew they were going to have them before Walker. As a matter of fact the deficit this year is less...yes less...than was projected for 2012 in their 2009 study.
So quit being a lying POS garage and just admit you have a mismanaged school district.
I don't think garage is lying.
I find it completely credible that the anti-Walker ranks include old drunks who don't understand the first thing about state or school-district finances.
I've been talking to a friend of mine in Eagle old timer. he was all for Falk, but now he's gone pretty much all-in for Walker.
I sense the trend away from Walker among old-timers may be reversing.
I find it completely credible that the anti-Walker ranks include old drunks who don't understand the first thing about state or school-district finances.
Roger doesn't drink. He's a dead eye billards player though. Amusing again seeing you weigh in on Wisconsin matters you know absolutely nothing about. As if you would know what's going on in my school district.
Well, if Roger's an ace billiards player, then I guess that makes his views on public finances definitive.
And you're right--there's absolutely no way for anyone outside of your silly little state to have any knowledge at all about its financial situation. I mean, without having the Wisconsin State Journal delivered to my door, where in the world would I be able to find any information at all?
If only someone would invent some way for people to use their computers to get access to stuff published in newspapers around the world!
You sure set me straight. Ouch!
Well, if Roger's an ace billiards player, then I guess that makes his views on public finances definitive
I doubt he gives a shit what you think one way or the other. We were talking about whether they will go with a referendum. It's either that or a one million cut each year for five. That's the latest on the MGSD budget situation.
As of September 1, 2011, 108 Wisconsin districts have reported approving contracts with educational staff that incorporate the measures of the 2011-2013 budget. Seventy-four districts have reported the estimated savings from these policy changes.
In districts that include over 319,000 of the state’s public school students there have been
savings of over $162 million dollars. That comes out to $507.92 per student. If this estimate were applied to all 881,886 students in the state, this would create a fiscal benefit of nearly $448 million.
I'm willing to bet that MGSD isn't using the tools made available to them through Act 10. Even a liberal enclave like Shorewood was able to save over $500,000 buy simply switching providers.
Healthcare Provider Swap Saves Shorewood Schools $537,000
School officials dropped Wisconsin Education Association Trust as its employee health care provider Tuesday, saving Shorewood schools an estimated $537,000 in the 2012-13 school year.
A one-year contract with Wisconsin Counties Association Group Health Trust goes into effect on July 1. WCA was chosen from among four other providers.
WCA Trust is a subsidiary of an association with the same name, that provides local governments coverage from reputable private sector companies, according to its website.
Business Manager Mark Boehlke said district employees will not see any changes in their plans other than the amount they pay per month. Annual premiums will fall by $114 for single coverage and $206 for family coverage.
"It's the same plan design, it's the same network," Boehlke said.
The district did stick with WEA Trust for dental coverage. The district's premium decreases 4.1 percent, or $8,858, from this year. Employees will also see a reduction in their premiums under the new plan on July 1.
WEA is a nonprofit insurance organization created by the Wisconsin Education Association Council, the state's largest teachers union.
"garage mahal said...
We were talking about whether they will go with a referendum. It's either that or a one million cut each year for five. That's the latest on the MGSD budget situation."
It's a situation that has existed since 2009. Well before Walker. The estimated deficit for 2012 was over $2 million. You should be thanking Walker's Act 10 that allowed MGSD to save $1 million, or you would really be fucked.
Funny, I don't recall all these school board sob stories when Doyle was slashing hundreds of millions from education. And this was after raiding funds and receiving billions in federal stimulus.
Well, the federal spigot has run dry. Neither Walker, Barrett or Falk can turn it back on. Wisconsin property taxes are already among the highest in the land and the private sector is barely limping along. Since Wisconsin has no authority to print its own currency, any idea that education spending is going back to the good old days is sheer fantasy no matter the outcome of recall elections.
You should be thanking Walker's Act 10 that allowed MGSD to save $1 million, or you would really be fucked.
The budget cuts were larger than the savings. Those are just the facts.
Allie's link is interesting. If Walker survives the recall he will have to go all the way and include all public sector unions.
So while the annual re-certification ruling means that in theory the unions don't need annual votes to justify their existance it isn't the victory the pro-union side makes it out to be. Public sector employees under the ruling can choose not to pay dues. And how many will do so when they don't have to?
--And how many will do so when they don't have to?
It depends on how many legs Lefty breaks.
Just like the administrator said 'you crucify the first five men you encounter and you don't have trouble managing the town'
"garage mahal said...
The budget cuts were larger than the savings. Those are just the facts."
Bullshit. Monona Grove has been "balancing" their budget with Federal stimulus money. You have a huge deficit problem regardless. You have declining enrollment. Now suck it up and admit it garage, this $1.2 million deficit is not because of Act 10.
Has anybody started working on the next recall yet, or are they waiting to see who wins this one?
I can only report on my small area of Wisconsin, but there is only one recall Walker sign that I've seen and probably 100 pro-Walker signs, including the one in my front yard. This includes trips from Star Prairie, north to St. Croix Falls, Balsam Lake, and south to Hudson.
I have the feeling that a lot of those who signed the original recall are having second thoughts. This is just an uneducated guess.
The WI Dems look more and more like Monty Python's Flying Circus every day.
Yesterday for example, Tom "John Cleese" Barrett criticized Governer Walker for the so-called War On Women, all the while standing next to his most recent endorsee, Jim Palmer of the Wisconsin Police Professional Association.
Except... Palmer’s wife says “Jim has engaged in aggressive, physical contact with me in the past, and has received anger management for those actions. However, he still cannot control his temper."
Here's a link to the news article.
You cannot make this stuff up.
Well, this morning's NPR talk show callers were running 80-90 percent against Scott Walker.
But perhaps that says more about NPR than about Wisconsin?
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