A meta-comment: This poll shows a general problem with voting and polling that is sometimes referred to as Arrow's Theorem. The theorem says that there is no such thing as a fair election when there are more than two candidates.
One problem with multi-candidate elections is that adding or removing a losing candidate might change who wins. Another is that the winner may turn out to be so polarizing that everyone would be better served by a less popular, but more widely acceptable candidate.
I would love to see another version of this poll that would allow readers to vote for as many alternatives as they wanted. The result of a poll expressed that way would show the alternative that the most people are willing to support, as opposed to the alternative that is the favorite of the most.
Oh boy, double hearsay. For someone who is appalled by character assassination and complains about the MSM jumping to conclusions, you sure are willing to propagate criticism of people based on double anonymous hearsay (the girl told her mother who then complained to the principal and the Daily Caller, a biased right-wing site)
X She betrays a fundamental leftist problem: overestimating one's own intelligence
I've been thinking more and more about that, especially with regard to Eric Holder, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama. These people aren't stupid, but they aren't all that bright, and they seem to think they're brilliant.
This is akin to the Rush Limbaugh Media Matters backed sponsorship snafu. To many when dealing in politics it's better to marginalize an opponent than to ask why they think the way they do. This is worse though. There are all sorts of warnings about peer pressure in schools leading children to conform rather than think for themselves. A teacher voicing such an opinion is peer pressure x1000 because it comes not from a peer, but from The Authority figure in the students' non-home lives.
The teacher apologized to the students the day after the parent called the principle. The principle apologized to the parent on the phone when the call was made.
Even if you don't believe any of it, take it as a hypothetical and reverse the polarity. It doesn't change the fact that it's inappropriate.
Here is the statement the teacher made in apologizing: “I am sorry about what I said about the different parties,” Martin allegedly told students. “I am deeply sorry if I offended you in any way. I realized what I said about Republicans was wrong and I shouldn’t have shared that with you guys.”
I'd like to think the teacher was having a bad day when she said it. But maybe it's a pattern with her, in which case she should consider a different field.
We turn over our kids open and unloaded minds to the will and ideologies of the graduates from the least intellectually rigorous curricula at any given university. Education grads are a rare breed. Never have so many ill-educated had so much responsibility and impact on entire generations of people.
Hence....we have teachers with thimble brains, who pledge allegiance to shallow ideologies, and their union local. To hell with the kids.
Oh- if my generalizations are found to be hurtful, and you don't think they apply to you, well....fine. I can assure you, they apply to more than we should be putting up with.
Gee, why don't you read the whole article and find out. The teacher was smart enough not to talk to the DC, because I'm sure they would have twisted whatever she had to say. The school board looked into it and decided and told the DC: "There was an informal discussion about politics between the teacher and students that was not a part of any classroom lesson. There are differing accounts of what may or may not have been said by the participants."
So you've got one mother who says one thing (based on what her daughter told her) and apparently others who recall the incident differently.
Pretty weak tea to use as the basis of a character assasination especially when Althouse has spent the last couple weeks defending poor George Zimmerman.
Does a public school teacher, whose salary is paid out of the public purse, have a right to advocate for or against a political party in the classroom? I believe (could be wrong) there is no law specifically forbidding such speech. Nevertheless it is untoward.
The Democrat Party is the party of government. Is it any wonder a government employee of a government monopoly doesn't much like the other political party?
The teacher was smart enough not to talk to the DC, because I'm sure they would have twisted whatever she had to say.
They're the Daily Caller, Freddie, not CNN.
And if it's all "alleged," as you whine, why on earth did the teacher apologize, saying "I realized what I said about Republicans was wrong",? Was she lying about saying Republicans are stupid? Is her apology a lie? Oh, wait, let me guess what your plan C will be - she was frightened by the Rethuglikkkan teabagger lynch mobs and is apologizing for something she never said, because otherwise those damned dirty apes will come to her school and lynch her.
Nice work, FF. You're certainly in the running to take the Most Ignorant Poster On Althouse crown away from Jeremy / Love / Leslyn / whatever-its-name.
Sounds like somebody needs some diversity training. If you don't know any Republican-Americans, never work with any, don't have any as neighbors, you tend to be a bigot.
Very instructive to the kids with Republican Parents. They will now be a little inoculated to the indoctrination of their future public education. In the end, a good thing for them. Unfortunately, the leftist kids got ripped off by not getting the same teachable moment from their parents afterward.
The worst part is the teachers failure to grasp the other side of the story, instead brushing it off with the "stupid" comment. Because of this, her students are deprived of learning analytic skills which will be necessary to reach informed judgements on their own. Indoctrination is educational malpractice.
That is why hearsay evidence (and this was at least double hearsay) is looked upon with such skepticism by courts.
Certainly, but I asked you to assume the hypothetical. If it's true as reported, is it appropriate? It doesn't matter to the appropriateness what political party is out in the hall voting and which end of the spectrum the teacher is from, does it?
Also she made an insulting remark about the parents of at least some of the students in the class, which earned her the instant and long-lasting resentment of those students. Not the way to go if she wanted to ever teach those students anything at all.
Freder Frederson said... Was she lying about saying Republicans are stupid? Is her apology a lie?
Or was the daughter or the mother lying (or giving them the benefit of the doubt, merely repeating it inaccurately) about the content of the apology.
That is why hearsay evidence (and this was at least double hearsay) is looked upon with such skepticism by courts
Uh. this is a blog. Not a court. So can we take the the thread at its face value? Or.... just for the fun of it lets replace the grade school teacher with , say, "The Daily Kos" where over the top bigoted statements about political opponents are a matter of course.
I think this part is worse: “Democrats do more for the community and schools.”
I mean, hasn't she seen the research on who actually donates and contributes more to charity? It's one thing to call people stupid, it is another to demonstrate that you are too.
Note: Things we must be suspicious about: Teachers saying things that are inconvenient for our side. Things we must not be suspicious about: Any outlandish thing that Republicans allegedly say.
This is technically hearsay. Good thing for the teacher that there are no exceptions that allow us to listen to hearsay. It is a good thing that statements against one's own interests are also protected by hearsay. Particularly good since this one actually could open her up to liability if, say, it is evident that she is harsher on Republican's children because of her bias.
I wonder if the teacher would've been looked into more if instead of allegedly saying this about Republicans it had been about an actual protected class and not a political party.
Combined with the oppo research assignment, VA's schools are not cloaking themselves in glory.
I don't know this teacher, but I do know that most teachers come from the lowest quartile of college graduates. I also know that at least one local college expelled someone from their program for having the audacity to defend corporal punishment in a paper.
The purpose of a public education is to produce compliant citizens.
This episode was educational, just not in the manner the teacher intended.
Come to think of it, some of the students with Democrat parents would have sympathized with their fellow students against the teacher, and the brighter Democrat offspring would have concluded that this teacher is pretty stupid to say something like that in class, so this was just a losing proposition for the teacher all around.
Went with 3, but the real response is, "Teachers shouldn't be indoctrinating school kids as if it was the USSR in '35 or (Godwin alert) Germany in '35".
Freder Frederson said...
Freder, has the teacher denied it?
Gee, why don't you read the whole article and find out. The teacher was smart enough not to talk to the DC, because I'm sure they would have twisted whatever she had to say.
No, no hatred on Freder's side.
The school board looked into it and decided and told the DC: "There was an informal discussion about politics between the teacher and students that was not a part of any classroom lesson. There are differing accounts of what may or may not have been said by the participants."
So you've got one mother who says one thing (based on what her daughter told her) and apparently others who recall the incident differently.
Pretty weak tea to use as the basis of a character assasination especially when Althouse has spent the last couple weeks defending poor George Zimmerman.
From the story:
The student told TheDC that Martin apologized the next day.
And, whether Freder and the rest of the Occupiers here like it or not, the character assassination has been proven to be all on Freder's side.
That she probably won't be fired or disciplined for her actions.
That the students, current and future are being denied a competent education.
That we are paying big bucks not only for her incompetent and biased performance but that we will be on the hook for a lavish retirement for the rest of her miserable life.
I can think of more. But I'm too depressed to continue.
Or was the daughter of the mother lying (or giving them the benefit of the doubt, merely repeating it inaccurately) about the content of the apology.
Ah, I see. The child and / or mother are either ignorant or liars. I guess you have to hold on to whatever fantasy scenario you can cook up to keep hope alive.
I do look forward to you and garbage shrieking SQUIRREL! or, more likely, flushing the whole story down the memory hole if the teacher's original bigotry and subsequent apology are proven to be true.
Classrooms are supposed to encourage students to think. It depends on how this was stated whether it was a shut-down or not. I think it probably was. If it was, the teacher is committing one of the worst classroom sins, that of shutting down discussion and making students feel stupid.
It might be instructive for parents to know that when they complain about what goes on in the classroom they get instant action. Teachers are the first to be shut down. Parents can get almost any result they want if they complain long enough and loud enough. Many liberal parents know this very well, most conservative parents, even if they know it, are reluctant to act on it.
“The district has looked into the alleged statements and could not reach any conclusive findings,” Torre told TheDC in an email. “There was an informal discussion about politics between the teacher and students that was not a part of any classroom lesson. There are differing accounts of what may or may not have been said by the participants.”
-- A conversation is or is not acknowledged. But, there was an informal discussion about politics between the teacher and students. It was not, however, part of any classroom lesson. So, you see, teachers can stop being teachers. Teacher nose on, teacher nose off, I suppose.
Remember when educators were meant to be exemplars all the time?
Anyway, they can't determine what was said or not said, if anything was said, during a discussion that wasn't a classroom lesson -- because there are different accounts.
I wonder: Do the other students recall the conversation the same way, and the only person saying it was not like that is the teacher?
What about the kid mentioned in the story (the disabled one) who started it all? Surely he or she must remember the conversation.
There are avenues here for people to follow-up on if they don't believe the DC's version of events. It's possible it was all a terrible smear, and the teacher, instead of fighting it, has decided instead to be recognized as a bad teacher -- since it won't harm her professionally at all to be a partisan Democrat.
Imagine a teacher saying this about Democrats. They'd be fighting to prove they were not saying anything political because their career would be stunted, if not over.
There might be something here, but just assuming the kid and mom are lying is... hopeful, at best.
Its unprofessional. Remember that long haired scrotey cat that did this back during the Bush administration? He was an English teacher too.
I know its against Federal Law for Fed Employees to do this under the Hatch Act.
And yes, telling the truth about leftists IS a form of character assassination, because it kills off the phony character leftwingers project of themselves by pretending to be for liberty and individual rights, all the while working mightily to accrue all power to the state to rule over every aspect of our lives except for abortion and who you fuck.
I do look forward to you and garbage shrieking SQUIRREL! or, more likely, flushing the whole story down the memory hole if the teacher's original bigotry and subsequent apology are proven to be true.
I'll be honest. I could not care less about this story. If you or Republicans are not dumb, well, then you have nothing to worry about. It only hurts if you let it.
Personally I don't have a problem with teachers having personal opinions expressed in class IF IF IF that teacher has an opinion about what others think, allows others to argue vociferously with her and concludes the discussion with "You need to make your own decisions." The teacher also needs to look for the flaws in their opponent's argument and BOOST their opponent's argument if they flounder. To me, that's part of learning to discuss.
What's wrong with the comment? We teachers say stupid things all the time.
On the other hand, one of the smartest things I say neary every day in the classroom is that Democrats' policies typically lead to the very problems they say they care about fixing and simply spawn more problems for others.
Then I ask if students want me to grade as the Left would have us conduct economic policies. funny thing: none of them ever want me to grade that way. go figure.
In one sentence, Garage refutes the entirety of political correctness, the blight on language his side has foisted on our society for going on thirty years now.
That was a very foolish thing to do. Never do something that puts your boss in a position where s/he has to apologize to the public for your conduct.
Now that there’s blood in the water, from the initial comment and the apology (from the principal) and the non-apology (from the teacher), I suspect that many of parents in this district are going to be on guard for any future comments or actions. I’d hate to have to work at a place where I felt like I was under the microscope but that’s the position she’s in now.
Add to that the fact that her students have heard the story of what she said and how she was forced to apologize. It’s one of the most humiliating things a person can go through and she has to go into a classroom five days a week in front of children who know of this humiliation and have likely lost all respect for her.
In one sentence, Garage refutes the entirety of political correctness, the blight on language his side has foisted on our society for going on thirty years now
Fairfax is one of the richest counties in the US. It is also one of the most liberal. There have been 3 or 4 articles about Fairfax County educators behaving in a despicable partisan manner like this, including this article.
I am not sure why there has been a spike of these reports lately.
Either the liberals are desperate and the indoctrinators are beginning reflect that desperation, or even this liberal bastion is turning conservative and such shenanigans are no longer unquestioningly accepted as the norm.
Either way, it looks bad for the future of liberal ideology.
Nathan: It's simple. There are now friendly media outlets who will report on these events, as opposed to previous, unfriendly or purely national news sources.
-Everything- is being reported more now, from video game news to sports trivia. Because providers can get the news (or gossip) to your digital devices for sweet, sweet advertising profit.
Nathan, you're right about the spike because the Lefties would love to turn VA blue since it went for Zero last time and, I have no doubt, the marching orders have gone out (as Zero himself gave them to national reporters this week) to all the apparachiks.
This, however, as Karl Rove has noted, is in the face of Zero's declining appeal generally and especially among indies.
Doubtful the phenomenon you point out is going to help that.
I am sure that this isn't the only incident like this. My son is member of the Young Conservative Club at his very liberal Dane County High School and the Club made "Don't Tread on Me" t-shirts which the members wear to school. A teacher stopped one kid in the hall who was wearing the t-shirt to tell him that he, and the tea party, were closed minded. There have been other similar incidents too. However, stuff like that is so commonplace in Dane County that no one thinks to complain about it.
@garage, you said: I'll be honest. I could not care less about this story. If you or Republicans are not dumb, well, then you have nothing to worry about. It only hurts if you let it.
First, I appreciate you identifying an honest comment, since you are obviously in a position to know how rare and worthy of highlighting that is among your overall mendacity.
Second, this isn't about hurt feelings. I'm not hurt that she called Republicans stupid. I'm concerned because it is blatant indoctrination. She has power over the students due to her position; as such, stating her opinion as if it were fact intimidates disagreement...even aside from providing an example of demonization as if it were acceptable...
But yeah: I'm not surprised that you don't care at all about indoctrination. Anything that gathers/holds political power for your side is wonderful to you, eh?
She betrays a fundamental leftist problem: overestimating one's own intelligence
Its worse than that. The Left plays this card often because they are insecure about their own intelligence. That's why they identify as liberals - the branding. I know a woman who claims she chose to become a Democrat "because they are smarter". What a disqualifier.
In part I wish it was true, because maybe then we'd get a better quality of lefty troll here. And maybe they wouldn't feel a need to adopt a new sockpuppet everytime they reveals themselves to be idiots.
But yah, looking around at the current crop of libtards that infest this blog, its hard to do anything but laugh at the ignorance of this "teacher".
IN a way, though, I'm glad she's out in the open with her nastiness instead of all this stealth indoctrination. I just saw another TV show (Scandal) that mocks Republicans by name, and I say, fine, don't beat around the bush. Let's have it out!
True dat. But who's hurt? Not me. I expect this sort of foolishness from a government teacher, who tend to be - in my experience - among the most staggeringly imbecilic, cosseted, lockstep, self-entitled, whiny fools gathered anywhere outside the DNC.
I actually encourage this line of thinking. I find the hubris wonderfully encouraging. If you think your opponents are stupid, then you end up like Little Black Jesus' minions, getting their heads served back on a platter by SCOTUS.
The context of this story is perfect. The teacher's (alleged) comments were made on the day of the Republican primary, while Republican voters were at the school to vote. It's one thing to castigate an entire generic group. It's another to insult specific people, and it's hard to argue that is not what the teacher was doing. If she actually said what she non-apologized for maybe saying.
Although there are some good choices in the poll, my first choice is missing. Teachers have no business opining or advocating in the classroom. Their job is to provide factual information, teach skills (including critical thinking skills) and encourage reasoned discussion and debate.
I suppose if she were following the Socratic method, she might have stated the thesis "Republicans are stupid" and then lead the class in efforts to affirm or deny, but the Socratic method and dialectics are probably above her pay grade and, in any event, sixth graders aren't equipped for that particular debate.
Nah, she's just another brain-numbed, cookie-cutter product of the public education apparat. Pray for our children.
A teacher stopped one kid in the hall who was wearing the t-shirt to tell him that he, and the tea party, were closed minded.
I don't understand your complaint. The kid was making an overtly political statement with his shirt. Are only students allowed to have political opinions? Is everybody just supposed to shut up and permit only him to have freedom of speech?
(Now if the teacher had told him to take the shirt off, that would have been a whole other issue.)
Are only students allowed to have political opinions?
I get what you're saying and normally, when comparing two peers, we would say no. However, exam the bigger picture. The teacher is in a position of power, in an institution of teaching (not indoctrinating), in a country that legally compels the overwhelming majority of people to be captive audiences.
You are correct that teachers are allowed to have political opinions too. However, a teacher should not not criticize, belittle, etc. students for having and expressing political opinions in the school place that are contrary to the personal opinions held by the teacher. This particular incident happened during the Wisconsin protests a year ago and my son's school was one of the schools that was closed during the protest because all of the teachers got sick at the same time.
The one part I can agree on the GOP being the "stupid party" is their refusal to go after the Democrats with all fangs bared. They're just too damn nice.
Freder re:"A teacher stopped one kid in the hall who was wearing the t-shirt to tell him that he, and the tea party, were closed minded.
I don't understand your complaint. The kid was making an overtly political statement with his shirt. Are only students allowed to have political opinions? Is everybody just supposed to shut up and permit only him to have freedom of speech?"
The complaint, as has been stated is that teachers have no business making such statements. There has been a long tradition of teachers allowing/encouraging discussion without making judgements that has been trampled by political correctness. (for lack of a better term)
The irony and hypocrisy are so obvious that we haven't mentioned it. I mention it now because you seem to have missed it.
Freder is A-OK with oppressing Republicans in school environments, that's all.
No, I'm not. If a student (and I assume we are talking about high school students) wears a deliberately politically provocative t shirt, then he should expect that he will have to defend his political beliefs against anyone--be it another student, or teacher, administrator or staff--who wants to criticize him. He started the conversation by wearing the shirt.
If he had worn a shirt that said "Rebublicans are stupid" and a teacher called him closed minded, well that should be expected.
For the record, if this mother's version of the events is true, then the teacher is in the wrong and should apologize.
My original point was, and is, that Ann should not rely on hearsay and the Daily Caller to criticize this women, especially since she has gotten so bent out of shape about the treatment of Zimmerman by the press.
Is everybody just supposed to shut up and permit only him to have freedom of speech?
Of course not. But that's not why this incident went national.
The "teacher" failed on two counts:
1) if a teacher is going to talk politics on my dime, she better be giving the other side a fair representation. A good teacher would use that t-shirt slogan as an opportunity to teach him something about politics. "Republicans are Stupid" is an insult directed at the kid and/or his parents. They deserve more than that from a teacher.
2) if you're going to discuss politics with your students at school, you have a duty to know the material. If "Republicans are Stupid" is the best you are capable of, then I would like a refund.
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९५ टिप्पण्या:
It's an opportunity for the class wise guy.
Opportunity is what America is about.
Stupid is as stupid does.
A meta-comment: This poll shows a general problem with voting and polling that is sometimes referred to as Arrow's Theorem. The theorem says that there is no such thing as a fair election when there are more than two candidates.
One problem with multi-candidate elections is that adding or removing a losing candidate might change who wins. Another is that the winner may turn out to be so polarizing that everyone would be better served by a less popular, but more widely acceptable candidate.
I would love to see another version of this poll that would allow readers to vote for as many alternatives as they wanted. The result of a poll expressed that way would show the alternative that the most people are willing to support, as opposed to the alternative that is the favorite of the most.
Her statement indicates a simplistic Weltanschauung. As such, she has no business in the teaching profession.
How about this: "The statement is stupid and untrue."
Oh boy, double hearsay. For someone who is appalled by character assassination and complains about the MSM jumping to conclusions, you sure are willing to propagate criticism of people based on double anonymous hearsay (the girl told her mother who then complained to the principal and the Daily Caller, a biased right-wing site)
Freder, has the teacher denied it?
Republicans ARE stupid. I doubt, however, that she finished by telling the kids that Democrats are even more stupid.
Yeah, what AF said.
X She betrays a fundamental leftist problem: overestimating one's own intelligence
I've been thinking more and more about that, especially with regard to Eric Holder, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama. These people aren't stupid, but they aren't all that bright, and they seem to think they're brilliant.
This is akin to the Rush Limbaugh Media Matters backed sponsorship snafu. To many when dealing in politics it's better to marginalize an opponent than to ask why they think the way they do. This is worse though. There are all sorts of warnings about peer pressure in schools leading children to conform rather than think for themselves. A teacher voicing such an opinion is peer pressure x1000 because it comes not from a peer, but from The Authority figure in the students' non-home lives.
The teacher apologized to the students the day after the parent called the principle. The principle apologized to the parent on the phone when the call was made.
Even if you don't believe any of it, take it as a hypothetical and reverse the polarity. It doesn't change the fact that it's inappropriate.
Here is the statement the teacher made in apologizing: “I am sorry about what I said about the different parties,” Martin allegedly told students. “I am deeply sorry if I offended you in any way. I realized what I said about Republicans was wrong and I shouldn’t have shared that with you guys.”
Try Plan B, Freder.
Republicans ARE stupid. Sadly, Democrats are stupider.
A little simplistic, thinking-wise.
And a non-apology to boot!
I'd like to think the teacher was having a bad day when she said it. But maybe it's a pattern with her, in which case she should consider a different field.
We turn over our kids open and unloaded minds to the will and ideologies of the graduates from the least intellectually rigorous curricula at any given university. Education grads are a rare breed. Never have so many ill-educated had so much responsibility and impact on entire generations of people.
Hence....we have teachers with thimble brains, who pledge allegiance to shallow ideologies, and their union local. To hell with the kids.
Oh- if my generalizations are found to be hurtful, and you don't think they apply to you, well....fine. I can assure you, they apply to more than we should be putting up with.
Freder, has the teacher denied it?
Gee, why don't you read the whole article and find out. The teacher was smart enough not to talk to the DC, because I'm sure they would have twisted whatever she had to say. The school board looked into it and decided and told the DC:
"There was an informal discussion about politics between the teacher and students that was not a part of any classroom lesson. There are differing accounts of what may or may not have been said by the participants."
So you've got one mother who says one thing (based on what her daughter told her) and apparently others who recall the incident differently.
Pretty weak tea to use as the basis of a character assasination especially when Althouse has spent the last couple weeks defending poor George Zimmerman.
Does a public school teacher, whose salary is paid out of the public purse, have a right to advocate for or against a political party in the classroom? I believe (could be wrong) there is no law specifically forbidding such speech. Nevertheless it is untoward.
Try Plan B, Freder.
I guess you missed the key word "allegedly" in that quote. That is what the daughter told the mother the teacher said, who then relayed it to the DC.
That poll left off "all of the above."
Government employees do think spending money on them is smart. They aren't stupid themselves.
"...after the parent called the principle. The principle apologized to the parent..."
nuff said...
The Democrat Party is the party of government. Is it any wonder a government employee of a government monopoly doesn't much like the other political party?
The principle apologized to the parent
Always remember, principal of the school is your pal.
The teacher was smart enough not to talk to the DC, because I'm sure they would have twisted whatever she had to say.
They're the Daily Caller, Freddie, not CNN.
And if it's all "alleged," as you whine, why on earth did the teacher apologize, saying "I realized what I said about Republicans was wrong",? Was she lying about saying Republicans are stupid? Is her apology a lie? Oh, wait, let me guess what your plan C will be - she was frightened by the Rethuglikkkan teabagger lynch mobs and is apologizing for something she never said, because otherwise those damned dirty apes will come to her school and lynch her.
Nice work, FF. You're certainly in the running to take the Most Ignorant Poster On Althouse crown away from Jeremy / Love / Leslyn / whatever-its-name.
All of the above.
* If she's like most people in elementary ed, she's got no room to talk.
what was the context? was the class studying the Civil War?
Sounds like somebody needs some diversity training. If you don't know any Republican-Americans, never work with any, don't have any as neighbors, you tend to be a bigot.
Very instructive to the kids with Republican Parents. They will now be a little inoculated to the indoctrination of their future public education. In the end, a good thing for them. Unfortunately, the leftist kids got ripped off by not getting the same teachable moment from their parents afterward.
If I was a Republican parent, I would thank her.
The worst part is the teachers failure to grasp the other side of the story, instead brushing it off with the "stupid" comment. Because of this, her students are deprived of learning analytic skills which will be necessary to reach informed judgements on their own. Indoctrination is educational malpractice.
All of the above.
Yes. As polls go, this one was pretty hard, as they all apply.
How about:
Like most leftists, she is motivated by hatred, and she is teaching children to be motivated by hatred?
That's the #1 problem with liberalism. It's increasingly just a giant hatred cult.
You really really need an ALL OF THE ABOVE option.
"All of the above" is patently wrong as an answer to the question asked.
None of the above.
Was she lying about saying Republicans are stupid? Is her apology a lie?
Or was the daughter or the mother lying (or giving them the benefit of the doubt, merely repeating it inaccurately) about the content of the apology.
That is why hearsay evidence (and this was at least double hearsay) is looked upon with such skepticism by courts.
Like most leftists, she is motivated by hatred
Yeah, no hatred in this statement.
Freder Frederson said...
I guess you missed the key word "allegedly" in that quote. That is what the daughter told the mother the teacher said, who then relayed it to the DC.
You're all butt-hurt because the agend has been exposed.
Note: the teacher apologized for what she said about Republicans.
Remember goofball, it isn't a fact if you don't believe it.
The party of diversity and open-mindedness reveals itself once again as just the opposite.
Rage on, ragers.
As an inner city public schoolteacher there's not much I can add to "all of the above".
That is why hearsay evidence (and this was at least double hearsay) is looked upon with such skepticism by courts.
Certainly, but I asked you to assume the hypothetical. If it's true as reported, is it appropriate? It doesn't matter to the appropriateness what political party is out in the hall voting and which end of the spectrum the teacher is from, does it?
What if she had said, "Republicans are confused about superlatives"?
Also she made an insulting remark about the parents of at least some of the students in the class, which earned her the instant and long-lasting resentment of those students. Not the way to go if she wanted to ever teach those students anything at all.
Freder Frederson said...
Was she lying about saying Republicans are stupid? Is her apology a lie?
Or was the daughter or the mother lying (or giving them the benefit of the doubt, merely repeating it inaccurately) about the content of the apology.
That is why hearsay evidence (and this was at least double hearsay) is looked upon with such skepticism by courts
Uh. this is a blog. Not a court.
So can we take the the thread at its face value?
Or.... just for the fun of it lets replace the grade school teacher with , say, "The Daily Kos" where over the top bigoted statements about political opponents are a matter of course.
"Always remember, principal of the school is your pal."
I'll have some of what you're smoking!
I think this part is worse: “Democrats do more for the community and schools.”
I mean, hasn't she seen the research on who actually donates and contributes more to charity? It's one thing to call people stupid, it is another to demonstrate that you are too.
Note: Things we must be suspicious about: Teachers saying things that are inconvenient for our side. Things we must not be suspicious about: Any outlandish thing that Republicans allegedly say.
This is technically hearsay. Good thing for the teacher that there are no exceptions that allow us to listen to hearsay. It is a good thing that statements against one's own interests are also protected by hearsay. Particularly good since this one actually could open her up to liability if, say, it is evident that she is harsher on Republican's children because of her bias.
I wonder if the teacher would've been looked into more if instead of allegedly saying this about Republicans it had been about an actual protected class and not a political party.
Combined with the oppo research assignment, VA's schools are not cloaking themselves in glory.
I don't know this teacher, but I do know that most teachers come from the lowest quartile of college graduates. I also know that at least one local college expelled someone from their program for having the audacity to defend corporal punishment in a paper.
The purpose of a public education is to produce compliant citizens.
This episode was educational, just not in the manner the teacher intended.
Some, but not all, of the above.
Come to think of it, some of the students with Democrat parents would have sympathized with their fellow students against the teacher, and the brighter Democrat offspring would have concluded that this teacher is pretty stupid to say something like that in class, so this was just a losing proposition for the teacher all around.
Went with 3, but the real response is, "Teachers shouldn't be indoctrinating school kids as if it was the USSR in '35 or (Godwin alert) Germany in '35".
Freder Frederson said...
Freder, has the teacher denied it?
Gee, why don't you read the whole article and find out. The teacher was smart enough not to talk to the DC, because I'm sure they would have twisted whatever she had to say.
No, no hatred on Freder's side.
The school board looked into it and decided and told the DC:
"There was an informal discussion about politics between the teacher and students that was not a part of any classroom lesson. There are differing accounts of what may or may not have been said by the participants."
So you've got one mother who says one thing (based on what her daughter told her) and apparently others who recall the incident differently.
Pretty weak tea to use as the basis of a character assasination especially when Althouse has spent the last couple weeks defending poor George Zimmerman.
From the story:
The student told TheDC that Martin apologized the next day.
And, whether Freder and the rest of the Occupiers here like it or not, the character assassination has been proven to be all on Freder's side.
Kell Sir Prize!!!!
What's the worst part of that?
That she probably won't be fired or disciplined for her actions.
That the students, current and future are being denied a competent education.
That we are paying big bucks not only for her incompetent and biased performance but that we will be on the hook for a lavish retirement for the rest of her miserable life.
I can think of more. But I'm too depressed to continue.
Or was the daughter of the mother lying (or giving them the benefit of the doubt, merely repeating it inaccurately) about the content of the apology.
Ah, I see. The child and / or mother are either ignorant or liars. I guess you have to hold on to whatever fantasy scenario you can cook up to keep hope alive.
I do look forward to you and garbage shrieking SQUIRREL! or, more likely, flushing the whole story down the memory hole if the teacher's original bigotry and subsequent apology are proven to be true.
I can think of more. But I'm too depressed to continue.
Have you collapsed into a heap of apathy?
Classrooms are supposed to encourage students to think. It depends on how this was stated whether it was a shut-down or not. I think it probably was. If it was, the teacher is committing one of the worst classroom sins, that of shutting down discussion and making students feel stupid.
It might be instructive for parents to know that when they complain about what goes on in the classroom they get instant action. Teachers are the first to be shut down. Parents can get almost any result they want if they complain long enough and loud enough. Many liberal parents know this very well, most conservative parents, even if they know it, are reluctant to act on it.
Let's read between the lines.
“The district has looked into the alleged statements and could not reach any conclusive findings,” Torre told TheDC in an email. “There was an informal discussion about politics between the teacher and students that was not a part of any classroom lesson. There are differing accounts of what may or may not have been said by the participants.”
-- A conversation is or is not acknowledged. But, there was an informal discussion about politics between the teacher and students. It was not, however, part of any classroom lesson. So, you see, teachers can stop being teachers. Teacher nose on, teacher nose off, I suppose.
Remember when educators were meant to be exemplars all the time?
Anyway, they can't determine what was said or not said, if anything was said, during a discussion that wasn't a classroom lesson -- because there are different accounts.
I wonder: Do the other students recall the conversation the same way, and the only person saying it was not like that is the teacher?
What about the kid mentioned in the story (the disabled one) who started it all? Surely he or she must remember the conversation.
There are avenues here for people to follow-up on if they don't believe the DC's version of events. It's possible it was all a terrible smear, and the teacher, instead of fighting it, has decided instead to be recognized as a bad teacher -- since it won't harm her professionally at all to be a partisan Democrat.
Imagine a teacher saying this about Democrats. They'd be fighting to prove they were not saying anything political because their career would be stunted, if not over.
There might be something here, but just assuming the kid and mom are lying is... hopeful, at best.
Its unprofessional. Remember that long haired scrotey cat that did this back during the Bush administration? He was an English teacher too.
I know its against Federal Law for Fed Employees to do this under the Hatch Act.
And yes, telling the truth about leftists IS a form of character assassination, because it kills off the phony character leftwingers project of themselves by pretending to be for liberty and individual rights, all the while working mightily to accrue all power to the state to rule over every aspect of our lives except for abortion and who you fuck.
The teacher should have had her apology posted in the classroom for a week ... so the kids could be reminded that she was wrong.
I do look forward to you and garbage shrieking SQUIRREL! or, more likely, flushing the whole story down the memory hole if the teacher's original bigotry and subsequent apology are proven to be true.
I'll be honest. I could not care less about this story. If you or Republicans are not dumb, well, then you have nothing to worry about. It only hurts if you let it.
"The worst part ..."
"All of the above" won't do ...
Any of the above?
Have you collapsed into a heap of apathy?
Pretty much. The alternative actions are illegal.
What is the worstest part?
Personally I don't have a problem with teachers having personal opinions expressed in class IF IF IF that teacher has an opinion about what others think, allows others to argue vociferously with her and concludes the discussion with "You need to make your own decisions." The teacher also needs to look for the flaws in their opponent's argument and BOOST their opponent's argument if they flounder. To me, that's part of learning to discuss.
This obviously was NOT done.
What's wrong with the comment? We teachers say stupid things all the time.
On the other hand, one of the smartest things I say neary every day in the classroom is that Democrats' policies typically lead to the very problems they say they care about fixing and simply spawn more problems for others.
Then I ask if students want me to grade as the Left would have us conduct economic policies. funny thing: none of them ever want me to grade that way. go figure.
Patrick said...
Republicans ARE stupid. I doubt, however, that she finished by telling the kids that Democrats are even more stupid.
We have a winner.
It only hurts if you let it.
In one sentence, Garage refutes the entirety of political correctness, the blight on language his side has foisted on our society for going on thirty years now.
Good job, Garage.
That was a very foolish thing to do. Never do something that puts your boss in a position where s/he has to apologize to the public for your conduct.
Now that there’s blood in the water, from the initial comment and the apology (from the principal) and the non-apology (from the teacher), I suspect that many of parents in this district are going to be on guard for any future comments or actions. I’d hate to have to work at a place where I felt like I was under the microscope but that’s the position she’s in now.
Add to that the fact that her students have heard the story of what she said and how she was forced to apologize. It’s one of the most humiliating things a person can go through and she has to go into a classroom five days a week in front of children who know of this humiliation and have likely lost all respect for her.
In one sentence, Garage refutes the entirety of political correctness, the blight on language his side has foisted on our society for going on thirty years now
Oh, you'll live. We'll get through this. Promise!
Fairfax is one of the richest counties in the US. It is also one of the most liberal.
There have been 3 or 4 articles about Fairfax County educators behaving in a despicable partisan manner like this, including this article.
I am not sure why there has been a spike of these reports lately.
Either the liberals are desperate and the indoctrinators are beginning reflect that desperation, or even this liberal bastion is turning conservative and such shenanigans are no longer unquestioningly accepted as the norm.
Either way, it looks bad for the future of liberal ideology.
Oh, you'll live. We'll get through this. Promise!
We'd be doing much better at "getting through this" if your peeps could restrain their tyrannical tendencies.
Did you miss the part where I congratulated you?
Nathan: It's simple. There are now friendly media outlets who will report on these events, as opposed to previous, unfriendly or purely national news sources.
-Everything- is being reported more now, from video game news to sports trivia. Because providers can get the news (or gossip) to your digital devices for sweet, sweet advertising profit.
Nathan, you're right about the spike because the Lefties would love to turn VA blue since it went for Zero last time and, I have no doubt, the marching orders have gone out (as Zero himself gave them to national reporters this week) to all the apparachiks.
This, however, as Karl Rove has noted, is in the face of Zero's declining appeal generally and especially among indies.
Doubtful the phenomenon you point out is going to help that.
We'd be doing much better at "getting through this" if your peeps could restrain their tyrannical tendencies
What's tyrannical about calling someone stupid? Happens everyday.
I am sure that this isn't the only incident like this. My son is member of the Young Conservative Club at his very liberal Dane County High School and the Club made "Don't Tread on Me" t-shirts which the members wear to school. A teacher stopped one kid in the hall who was wearing the t-shirt to tell him that he, and the tea party, were closed minded. There have been other similar incidents too. However, stuff like that is so commonplace in Dane County that no one thinks to complain about it.
you said:
I'll be honest. I could not care less about this story. If you or Republicans are not dumb, well, then you have nothing to worry about. It only hurts if you let it.
First, I appreciate you identifying an honest comment, since you are obviously in a position to know how rare and worthy of highlighting that is among your overall mendacity.
Second, this isn't about hurt feelings. I'm not hurt that she called Republicans stupid. I'm concerned because it is blatant indoctrination. She has power over the students due to her position; as such, stating her opinion as if it were fact intimidates disagreement...even aside from providing an example of demonization as if it were acceptable...
But yeah: I'm not surprised that you don't care at all about indoctrination. Anything that gathers/holds political power for your side is wonderful to you, eh?
Ms. Althouse,
"All of the above" is patently wrong as an answer to the question asked.
It is at least theoretically possible that all the options you have given are equally bad.
In that case, "all of the above" could be an accurate answer.
She betrays a fundamental leftist problem: overestimating one's own intelligence
Its worse than that. The Left plays this card often because they are insecure about their own intelligence. That's why they identify as liberals - the branding. I know a woman who claims she chose to become a Democrat "because they are smarter". What a disqualifier.
In part I wish it was true, because maybe then we'd get a better quality of lefty troll here. And maybe they wouldn't feel a need to adopt a new sockpuppet everytime they reveals themselves to be idiots.
But yah, looking around at the current crop of libtards that infest this blog, its hard to do anything but laugh at the ignorance of this "teacher".
IN a way, though, I'm glad she's out in the open with her nastiness instead of all this stealth indoctrination. I just saw another TV show (Scandal) that mocks Republicans by name, and I say, fine, don't beat around the bush. Let's have it out!
It only hurts if you let it.
True dat. But who's hurt? Not me. I expect this sort of foolishness from a government teacher, who tend to be - in my experience - among the most staggeringly imbecilic, cosseted, lockstep, self-entitled, whiny fools gathered anywhere outside the DNC.
I actually encourage this line of thinking. I find the hubris wonderfully encouraging. If you think your opponents are stupid, then you end up like Little Black Jesus' minions, getting their heads served back on a platter by SCOTUS.
The context of this story is perfect. The teacher's (alleged) comments were made on the day of the Republican primary, while Republican voters were at the school to vote. It's one thing to castigate an entire generic group. It's another to insult specific people, and it's hard to argue that is not what the teacher was doing. If she actually said what she non-apologized for maybe saying.
Although there are some good choices in the poll, my first choice is missing. Teachers have no business opining or advocating in the classroom. Their job is to provide factual information, teach skills (including critical thinking skills) and encourage reasoned discussion and debate.
I suppose if she were following the Socratic method, she might have stated the thesis "Republicans are stupid" and then lead the class in efforts to affirm or deny, but the Socratic method and dialectics are probably above her pay grade and, in any event, sixth graders aren't equipped for that particular debate.
Nah, she's just another brain-numbed, cookie-cutter product of the public education apparat. Pray for our children.
A teacher stopped one kid in the hall who was wearing the t-shirt to tell him that he, and the tea party, were closed minded.
I don't understand your complaint. The kid was making an overtly political statement with his shirt. Are only students allowed to have political opinions? Is everybody just supposed to shut up and permit only him to have freedom of speech?
(Now if the teacher had told him to take the shirt off, that would have been a whole other issue.)
Are only students allowed to have political opinions?
I get what you're saying and normally, when comparing two peers, we would say no. However, exam the bigger picture. The teacher is in a position of power, in an institution of teaching (not indoctrinating), in a country that legally compels the overwhelming majority of people to be captive audiences.
Teachers should not have any political opinions at all. No more than they should have religious onions.
Try this instead, Freder. "Moslems are stupid."
Is that not obviously creating a hostile environment that singles out children for their parents choices?
Why not be critical of police or the military?
You are correct that teachers are allowed to have political opinions too. However, a teacher should not not criticize, belittle, etc. students for having and expressing political opinions in the school place that are contrary to the personal opinions held by the teacher. This particular incident happened during the Wisconsin protests a year ago and my son's school was one of the schools that was closed during the protest because all of the teachers got sick at the same time.
"Republicans are the stupid party."
"Democrats are the dishonest paty."
Freder has beclowned himself to a whole new level of clown-dom. Also he might want to start thinking about checking himself into a funny farm.
"Republicans are the stupid party."
"Democrats are the dishonest paty."
The dishonest people don't know how to spell 'party'. How smart can they be?
Synova - it's not bigotry to attack a political party, like it is to attack a religious group. It's because I said so.
Now, now, now.
We can -all- be stupid.
The one part I can agree on the GOP being the "stupid party" is their refusal to go after the Democrats with all fangs bared. They're just too damn nice.
Freder re:"A teacher stopped one kid in the hall who was wearing the t-shirt to tell him that he, and the tea party, were closed minded.
I don't understand your complaint. The kid was making an overtly political statement with his shirt. Are only students allowed to have political opinions? Is everybody just supposed to shut up and permit only him to have freedom of speech?"
The complaint, as has been stated is that teachers have no business making such statements. There has been a long tradition of teachers allowing/encouraging discussion without making judgements that has been trampled by political correctness. (for lack of a better term)
The irony and hypocrisy are so obvious that we haven't mentioned it. I mention it now because you seem to have missed it.
Freder is A-OK with oppressing Republicans in school environments, that's all.
Freder is A-OK with oppressing Republicans in school environments, that's all.
No, I'm not. If a student (and I assume we are talking about high school students) wears a deliberately politically provocative t shirt, then he should expect that he will have to defend his political beliefs against anyone--be it another student, or teacher, administrator or staff--who wants to criticize him. He started the conversation by wearing the shirt.
If he had worn a shirt that said "Rebublicans are stupid" and a teacher called him closed minded, well that should be expected.
Try this instead, Freder. "Moslems are stupid."
For the record, if this mother's version of the events is true, then the teacher is in the wrong and should apologize.
My original point was, and is, that Ann should not rely on hearsay and the Daily Caller to criticize this women, especially since she has gotten so bent out of shape about the treatment of Zimmerman by the press.
Synova: Is that not obviously creating a hostile environment that singles out children for their parents choices?
Why not be critical of police or the military?
Gotta love Freder's flexibility: force-marching captured terrorists is a War Crime, indoctrination of kids by the Party is No Big Deal.
Gee. Its almost like he wants China to win.
Is everybody just supposed to shut up and permit only him to have freedom of speech?
Of course not. But that's not why this incident went national.
The "teacher" failed on two counts:
1) if a teacher is going to talk politics on my dime, she better be giving the other side a fair representation. A good teacher would use that t-shirt slogan as an opportunity to teach him something about politics. "Republicans are Stupid" is an insult directed at the kid and/or his parents. They deserve more than that from a teacher.
2) if you're going to discuss politics with your students at school, you have a duty to know the material. If "Republicans are Stupid" is the best you are capable of, then I would like a refund.
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