The Obama campaign apparently didn't look backwards into history when selecting its new campaign slogan, "Forward" — a word with a long and rich association with European Marxism.
Many Communist and radical publications and entities throughout the 19th and 20th centuries had the name "Forward!" or its foreign cognates....
The slogan "Forward!" reflected the conviction of European Marxists and radicals that their movements reflected the march of history, which would move forward past capitalism and into socialism and communism.What?! "Forward" is the Wisconsin state motto, and I've heard it used over and over again by politicians. The origin of the motto goes back to 1848 — "a chance encounter in New York City between Gov. Nelson Dewey and Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Edward Ryan."
Dewey asked University of Wisconsin chancellor John Lathrop to design [an official state seal]. Lathrop delivered a sketch inspired by European heraldry that repeated Wisconsin Territory's Latin motto, "Civilitas Successit Barbaruin" ("Civilization Succeeds Barbarism"). Dewey took this to New York to be cast in metal.
While there, he ran into Milwaukee attorney Edward Ryan. Both were plain-spoken, no-nonsense characters and neither of them liked the fancy Lathrop design with its pretentious Latin maxim. So they sat down on the steps of a Wall Street bank and redrew the state's official seal themselves.
Ryan suggested that it repeat New York's motto, "Excelsior," but Dewey refused. They toyed with "Upward" and "Onward" before settling finally on "Forward."By the way, "The Communist Manifesto" was first published in 1848, a cute coincidence, but I doubt it had much to do with the Dewey-Ryan confabulation.
Anyway, if this motto is embarrassing to Obama, he's free to switch it to "Civilization Succeeds Barbarism."
१०६ टिप्पण्या:
The fact that he's a marxist at this point is irrelevant. We know what he is. The fact that he continually tries to hide it in his political policies is what is at the core of why he's was never qualified to hold the office of POTUS to begin with.
That's Mr. Forward to you.
Some time ago, HBO showed a promo for Maher where he said, "Conservatives say they want their country back. Well, I want my country forward".
I recall thinking at the time that, in the direction we're going, forward led over a cliff.
By the way, "The Communist Manifesto" was first published in 1848, a cute coincidence, but I doubt it had much to do with the Dewey-Ryan confabulation.
Correct, but a large influx of German immigrants into Wisconsin were influenced Marx and the continental revolutions of those times: link
Fortunately, my relatives antedated the '48ers.
"Forward he cried from the rear, and the front ranks died!"
It sounds Chinese to me, aka great leap.
Also the fire drills are familiar.
1848 was quite a year. It was called "the springtime of the revolutions" which saw all of continental Europen Monarchies have revolutions that spread to the South American colonies of the European Monarchies.
The Marxists opposed these Bourgeois revolutions that only demanded some reforms and stopped short of the full Marxist march into a Dictatorship of the Proletariat.
The Obama Boys are dedicated to restarting a Springtime of Revolutions everywhere. It is inevitable, since the economy is headed into depression.
The lesson to be learned is that a peaceful accomodation to a crowd of citizens in revolt actually stops Marxism. Ergo we need as many Chief Charles Tubbs as we can find.
I wondered why the Progressives got Tubbs removed from his post. Now I understand it.
It could be coincidence. Forward is a nice slogan. Its ties to socialism/Marxism make it only slightly toxic. I'm sure Obama & Co. doesn't think it's a problem. He's been getting away with being openly Marxist for a long time.
traditionalguy said...
1848 was quite a year.
We also won the Mexican War (tg opposed that one, too), doubling the size of the country.
Most of the people who say, "Forward", want to go backward on that one.
"We also won the Mexican War (tg opposed that one, too), doubling the size of the country.
Most of the people who say, "Forward", want to go backward on that one.
4/30/12 8:56 PM"
Are you referring to La Raza, which would like California back ?
If Wisconsinites followed their motto, they'd be Oregonians. The pussies got tired before they even saw the mountains.
Regardless, its pretty weak all things considered. What have we been doing up to now? Is this a one dimensional world? Time always moves forward. Tell that to the Syrians.
I sense a theme for the Obama campaign:
Saved the economy with TARP
Nobel Peace Prize
Ended the Iraq war
Killed Bin Laden
Pelosi/Reid make and pass Obamacare
No budget for 3 years
Breaks the Presidential golfing record 3 years in a row.
It's like he didn't even have to show up. That's how good he is.
The word that springs to mind upon seeing that slogan is "vacuity", not "Marxism".
Sure, you think "Forward" was a no-brainer.
But they spent weeks arguing the relative merits of:
"You first" and
edutcher...Where do you get your the secret knowledge that I opposed the Mexican War?
It went well and trained a generation of Officers for The War Of Southern Independence...oops, I meant to say The War of the Southern Rebellion.
California was worth it. I would keep Carmel by the Sea and the Salinas Valley's vegetables and, except for a San Diego Enclave, let the rest south of Reagan's Library officially return to Mexico.
"Mission Accomplished" was not available due to copyright.
Well if Obama does decide to change his slogan, he can instead say, "Fore" as in golf.
Lots of permutations there!
I like:
"It was the best of times. I was the worst of times..., but mostly the worse of times."
It has a kind of "feel your pain" ethos to it.
Right wing forever longing for the good old days.
On the one hand, I can see his campaign realizing the communist associations and thinking it great fun to offer it up to the ignorant masses. On the other hand, there are only so many words that connote 'making things better.' (Better in the progressive liberal sense, of course.)
For some time now MSNBC has adopted the slogan "Lean Forward", which gives you some indication of the the Obama-MSNBC axis.
To me, that's indistinguishable from "Bend Over".
"We’re gonna spread happiness
We’re gonna spread freedom
Obama’s gonna change it
Obama’s gonna lead ‘em
We’re gonna change it
And rearrange it
We’re gonna change the world."
Hold on kids. We'll get to all that a little later. Right now I I'm putting here. I need absolute silence, so SHUT UP!
Michael K said...
We also won the Mexican War (tg opposed that one, too), doubling the size of the country.
Most of the people who say, "Forward", want to go backward on that one.
Are you referring to La Raza, which would like California back ?
Them, too, Senor, but I really meant all the guilt-ridden Lefty gringos who tie themselves in knots telling us things like calling someone who enters the country illegally an illegal alien robs them of their humanity and is, surprise!, raaaacisst.
If I look at an Irishman who's here illegally (and there are a good many, we're told) and call him an illegal alien, is that racist?
Especially since I'm half-Irish?
AllieOop said...
Right wing forever longing for the good old days.
When the country worked and was prosperous.
We can't have those days back, now can we?
"Honey, I think we missed our turn back there."
Sweetheart, I know where I am, and I know where I'm going. It's straight ahead. Why don't you just close you eyes and listen to my Ipod. It has all my speeches on it. See, right there is the sign Grand Canyon Viewing Platfoooooooooorrrrr.
Will it help him win Wisconsin?
Further proof -- as if any were needed -- that Illinoisians covet all things Wisconsin -- even the Motto!
The election team that brought you hope and change now reveals to a nation holding its breath...FORWARD!
Kinda like watching a grade B movie, or a spin off from a show that jumped the shark, like "Joanie Loves Chachie".
Only O'bots care, and they are a distinct minority anymore. You got OWS, race baiters, the MSM, and union bosses. I predict a shocking (to the MSM) defeat. Of almost historic proportions.
I was worried as late as last year, but the economy is too effed up to be ignored. Even by the most ardent liberal.
The reaction by non-Wisconsinites to this is very different from the reaction by residents of this beautiful state.
We can't have those days back, now can we?
Progressives only want the 1950's tax structures back (except they don't because more people at the lower end paid then too).
Anyway, if this motto is embarrassing to Obama, he's free to switch it to "Civilization Succeeds Barbarism."
I would love him for it. I love that one. If I were to run for office, which would never happen, that would be my motto.
Forward to where?
I think "Forward" is the perfect slogan for Obama. It perfectly encapsulates the last four years.
"Let's move forward with these plans."
"But do they work?"
"But didn't we try this already?"
"But aren't we breaking things?"
"FORWARD! Forward, damn you! Always forward!"
For some time now MSNBC has adopted the slogan "Lean Forward",
What a goofy mental image.
I believe Captain Smith's last order was: "Forward".
His last word was: "shit!" Followed by some mumbling about a previous captain screwing things up.
Marx taking refuge in London and the Forty-Eighters fleeing on threat of death to the Americas does not make the Forty-Eighters necessarily communist. Das Kapital was written after the Civil War and in large measure it reflects the outcome of that struggle. Capital in the American South was a euphemism for slaves.
Why didn't MSNBC choose "Forward?" That's a lot better than "Lean forward." Whoever picked "Lean forward" should be fired.
All the MSNBC personalities, whoever they are, leaning forward. Are they falling? No, they are suspended at an angle. How much of an angle? Forty five degrees? Less? More? Do they walk like this, in this diagonal world? Or is it not diagonal at all? Are they bent at the waist, heads up, bottoms out, leaning forward in anticipation?
It's just bizarre.
I know Freeman. That's what I see every time I hear it. I imagine Wile E. Coyote and all the MSNBC hosts in a line leaning over a cliff.
I wonder how much they paid some consultant to come up with that?
"We lean a lot to the left, but we can't say that. How about "forward"? Yea, yea, that's the ticket.
I hope to live long enough to see a President adopt "Caaaaaaan You Dig It?" as his campaign slogan.
I was greatly inspired by "Sock it to me?" ~ Richard Nixon
Reminds me of the old song "Please Mr. Custer I Don't Wanna Go"
Forward Ho!
Twirling, always twirling.
Obama's idea of forward is literally blowing in the wind.
California State Motto
Eureka! I found my stash!
Am I the only one who thought this was a parody of the sexism / racism professionals?
God if it's serious it's stupid as all get out.
If it IS parody, brilliant!
Wyoming State Motto
Equal Blight
Forward.. into Obama's Volt.
I don't get it. Now that you have Romney in the pocket you are going to shill for Obama?
Ok everybody.. I have the new Obama motto that has just leaked out..
Al Amerdariz will Crucifydiz.
Its perfect, if I say so myself.
Guaranteed to be as effective as hope and change.
Goldman Sachs, GE, and GM sure moved forward in the profit column, the rest of us, not so much.
Obama's still all hat and no cattle, all slogan and no substance.
He's the Oakland of Presidents, with a motto to match.
Right wing forever longing for the good old days.
Wrong framework.
What a conservative wants is a proven solution. Period.
A progressive wants new approaches to a chronic problems.
Reactionaries pick certain milieus which they find emotionally pleasing and try to force current society into those molds.
Right now politics is driven on both sides by reactionaries; the only real difference is which frame of reference the knees jerk within.
I've got no problem with honest conservatives or honest progressives; I do have problems with cretins who will spout defenses of their "side" when their "side" is selling their purported values down the creek.
Obama doesn't do well when he is the political attacker..
He looks much better when he plays defence.
I Say don't attack him.. attack the policies that are sinking the nation further into an economic miasma.. but don't play into his divide and conquer play book.
My hope is the we quietly show him the door in November.
I dont think people are going to fall for the same gimmick twice.. can they?
Exam question: "Lean Forward" is to "Wide Stance" how?
Leslyn... That Tubbs Conspiracy was no extra charge.
In fact TubbsGate is still in the design stage. Why did this good peace maker agree to vacate the job of crowd control? What does J. Edgar Meade have on him? Has anyone seen his American birth certificate?
Do you want to hear yhe latest ones about Scot Walker? Those are hot sellers this week and will cost you twice the amount that Althouse charges per comment made.
Which reminds me, did you hear the rumor that before the 5 conservative Justices would agree to debate the Arizona immigration enforcement law with her they demanded to see Sonia Sotomayor's papers.
Why waste time on this foolishness?
There are far better ways to critique Obama.
Stick to the important stuff.
Obama's seal is a communist symbolism - new dawn, i.e. communism is a new dawn for the whole of humanity. And if you doubt me look at this communist group:
As for "Forward " publications, it's no secret that majority of these were sponsored by the KGB subversion program, the one in charge of the export of the communist revolution to the West.
However, I don't think 'forward' is a good slogan for Obama. It will be interesting to watch how people can play with it - Forward to bigger government! ... to higher taxes! ... to more Solyndras, etc.
Lean Forward = Bend Over
That's about right.
Fact is, there is no 'forward-thinking' from progressives. Got that Allie? What you apparently believe in terms of your progressivism is nothing more that reconstituted hackneyed failed redistributionist socialism.
Either all men are created equal, or they are not. All men have inalienable rights given by our creator (NOT government), or they do not. And governments derive their power from the consent of the governed, or they do not.
There is NO advance ('forward') beyond these propositions. So, your attempts to nuance and finesse ideas beyond these is a historical about-face, i.e. an attempt to collect power for elites.
Own it.
Mark said...
Right wing forever longing for the good old days.
Wrong framework.
What a conservative wants is a proven solution. Period.
A progressive wants new approaches to a chronic problems.
Actually, the Lefties haven't had a new idea since Roosevelt. When they try to castigate Conservatives by quoting Einstein that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a new result, all they're doing is projecting.
"The fact that he's a marxist at this point is irrelevant."
The "fact" that he's a Marxist is not a fact at all, but the willful lie of those successfully manipulating little minds, and the wishful thinking of those successfully manipulated little minds.
I don't say this in defense of Obama, whom I do not support, but in disdain for those who spread falsehoods and believe foolishness.
"Or like the beta-male with a small penis boasting at every opportunity that he's really hung like a horse."
Cookie won't appreciate that.
Forward is a nice slogan. Its ties to socialism/Marxism make it only slightly toxic. I'm sure Obama & Co. doesn't think it's a problem. He's been getting away with being openly Marxist for a long time.
What I find interesting is that the Democrats feel a need to declare their ideological direction is "forward". If their policies actually moved the country forward, it would be demonstrable. But their policies don't, hence their need to make such an assertion.
Its similar to how the Dems always feel a need to remind us they are "smart". Or like the beta-male with a small penis boasting at every opportunity that he's really hung like a horse.
If Dem policies actually moved us "forward", they wouldn't need to adopt a slogan to prop up that perception. It would be self-evident.
Anyway, if this motto is embarrassing to Obama, he's free to switch it to "Civilization Succeeds Barbarism."
Or, "Move on to Despair!"
/sorry don'ttread, had some edits
Robert Cook: The "fact" that he's a Marxist is not a fact at all, but the willful lie of those successfully manipulating little minds
Its not an unreasonable argument. Obama's foundation is from Marxist prfoessors. The Black Liberation Theology from his church and pastor is marxist. He resdistributionist schemes (along with his energy policy) are marxist.
You're can argue that he's not a Marxist. But to declare that its a flat out lie is dishonest of you.
Robert Cook:The "fact" that he's a Marxist is not a fact at all, but the willful lie of those successfully manipulating little minds
Have you ever considered, RC, that maybe he really wants to be a Marxist but is simply too incompetent to pull it off?
"You're can argue that he's not a Marxist."
But, you would be ignoring some facts.
Frank Marshall Davis. His upbringing. His books, his own words. Thats just for starters.
To say there's no chance he has been steeped in marxist ideas is willful ignorance. I contend one has to be in a perpetual state of ignorance in order to believe this.
Rose-colored glasses are for chickens.
Perhaps he should switch to "Revanche!", or maybe "Peace, Land, and Buffet's Bread!"
Vorwart! Sounds better in the original German. Maybe the Obamajugend at campaign HQ can sing it.
Didn't anyone google this? These people could screw up a one car funeral. And they've proven it, too.
Didn't anyone google this? These people could screw up a one car funeral.
Conservatives need a way to say "SHHHH. NOBODY SAY ANYTHING UNTIL THEY GET ALL THEIR MERCH PRODUCED!!" to each other without Team Obama finding out. I supposed if we circulated codes within copies of the Constitution, there's very little chance anyone in the administration will look into it.
Tread really said;
Fact is, there is no 'forward-thinking' from Tea Pots. Got that Allie? Foam, spittle.
5/1/12 5:49 AM
Backassward! Got it!
I would like to suggest "Mush!"
That's dog-sledder for Forward.
Scott M, I like your thinking. But we'll need to avoid the commerce clause and a few places that have become popular reading lately. We should be able to put the entire Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy Manifesto right in the second amendment without fear of discovery.
Tyrone, good point. Also, "Haw!"
'Move forward'.
Just another cliche' of the left. So if 'forward' is the best they can come up with, this tells us they really have nothing except the march towards central command and control that is in evidence.
Its more vacuous than 'hope', and runs parallel with 'change'.
Sloganeering is a sorry substitute for results that shout 'American'. None of what this group of radicals has forged has any resemblance to a uniquely American ideal. On the contrary, its a roll back. And if you deny, you are ignorant of your history.
Eh, this is what you get when you accuse Romney of using coded KKK phrases in his speeches. The petards for self-hoisting are over there.
Forward.. into Obama's Volt.
A Volt drove down my street yesterday. First time I'd seen one.
The local Power company has charging stations installed at the neighborhood library (and at other places). Care to guess where the money for this install came from?
Stimulus funds! As a stockholder of the local Company, I applaud their initiative.
I suppose it's a good thing Obama didn't choose Maine's Motto (Dirigo -- I lead (!)) or Oklahoma's (Labor Conquers all)
Really no reason to try and slander things I or anyone else here says. The thing is, you can do that, but really, no one believes you.
Liberals lie.
Own it, Allie. Own it.
MadisonMan, those are good, but Trenton, NJ, gets my vote for the most inappropriate slogan: "Trenton makes / the world takes".
We should be able to put the entire Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy Manifesto right in the second amendment without fear of discovery.
We'll all need decoder ring apps.
Most states don't publicize Mottos because they're pretty lame. To be, rather than to seem. She flies with her own wings. Seriously?
Wisconsin has a snappy, crisp motto: Forward!. It's right up there with Crossroads of America -- that is Indiana's.
AllieOop said...
Right wing forever longing for the good old days.
Well, "the right wing" isn't busy running around the country pining for manufacturing jobs and a GM car in every driveway.
But you carry on in your delusions.
They get you through the day.
Bob Dylan said;
Well, I was feelin’ sad and feelin’ blue
I didn’t know what in the world I wus gonna do
Them Communists they wus comin’ around
They wus in the air
They wus on the ground
They wouldn’t gimme no peace . . .
Political slogans are by nature ostentatious propaganda.
Forward however does have a long and direct connection with socialism. "The Great Leap Forward" is but one example, the NYC socialist newspaper The Forward, originating in 1897, is another.
Surely Obama is aware of that.
Wisconsin itself has a long history with socialism (Stalin over Wisconsin: The Making and Unmaking of Militant Unionism, 1900-1950 ), so its use of "Forward" is of a piece.
I am glad that we've gotten beyond the dog days of 5% unemployment and a $4 trillion, deficit? Debt? Some d-word.
So glad we've improved that situation under our new overlords.
Oop thinks that 1962 song is relevant to-day.
Why not tout the lyrics of "Hurricane" when discussing Mr. Zimmerman?
Allie is nostalgic for Milwaukee's Sewer Socialism.
I'm surprised that no one has yet alluded to the more direct historical connection to Socialist/Fascist slogans. "Forward" (Avanti in Italian) was the name of the Italian Socialist Party's newsletter in the 1930s whose long-time editor was none other than one Benito Mussolini, a card-carrying socialist. Either Obama et al are supremely ignorant of history or they don't care--indeed may be proud of the association--as was famously said: "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." There is no little savage irony in the fact that the most fascistic US Administration in history, waist-deep in corporatist crony-capitalism, would associate itself with a slogan used by the mother of all corporatist, Fascist parties.
Paul Krugman assures us that Obama is a moderate. *giggle*
Wisconsin itself has a long history with socialism (Stalin over Wisconsin: The Making and Unmaking of Militant Unionism, 1900-1950 ), so its use of "Forward" is of a piece.
Wisconsin's use of Forward pre-dates Socialism, however.
Like so many things, someone else saw that Wisconsin was doing things right and appropriated a phrase closely related to Wisconsin. You'll notice Socialism does not use Star of the North or Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain.
Oh now you're calling me Oop, Chickie? What's biting you, fleas?
Back to 1962! Another good motto, whatsa matta, you don't like your own home state's motto anymore? Defector?
The left's reliance on creepy clichés and slogans is tiresome.
Whenever I see the Obama symbol I am reminded it's not about our nation, it's all about the one man.
“Progressives” wrap their tired, failed ideologies in brand new wrapping paper. We know what's inside.
"Have you ever considered, RC, that maybe he really wants to be a Marxist but is simply too incompetent to pull it off?"
Not in the least. He has done and said nothing that would suggest he is even a faint-hearted communist.
Those who assert he is some sort of commie--if they are not simply lying in order to make others believe the lie--simply reveal how far to the extreme right they are.
Wisconsin's new motto ought to be "Backwards. And beyond!"
If we don't burn tires in Wisconsin, why, those jobs will go to Alabama!
"Wisconsin's use of Forward pre-dates Socialism, however."
Not at all. Same timeframe, same milieu. the entire Western world was discussing its precepts in those years.
Cook: ...simply reveal how far to the extreme right they are.
...says the guy that is so far out in left field, he's sampling BBQ from the tailgating party...
...while complaining that CNN is a right-wing front...
AllieOop said...
Right wing forever longing for the good old days.
Forward”) was the central organ of the Social Democratic Party of Germany published daily in Berlin from 1891 to 1933 by decision of the party’s Halle Congress, as the successor of Berliner Volksblatt, founded in 1884.
Friedrich Engels and Kurt Tucholsky both wrote for Vorwärts. It backed the Russian Marxist economists and then, after the split in the Party, the Mensheviks. It published articles by Leon Trotsky...
Remember, it isn't a lie if you believe it!
"... Not in the least. He has done and said nothing that would suggest he is even a faint-hearted communist..."
I suggest you read his book. He clearly stated he gravitated to Marxist and radicals in college and his current associations sure seem to mirror those from his past.
If I didn't want to be thought of as a Marxist I wouldn't have mass produced a campaign poster with me striking a Che Gueverra pose.
Just sayin.
As a resident of the most socialist state in the union,(we are actually a Commonwealth) I have no problem stating Zero is a Marxist of the African(continent, not color) type.
What program does Zero support that couldn't come from an Amin dictatorship, or whatever you call the Selazi(sp?) thugocracy? I see a variation of degree, Barry hasn't executed anyone summarily, yet. But truthfully, I want one of you lib's to tell me, what position does he hold that is different?
Redistribution of wealth? Especially into the hands of his buddies.
Greening of the economy? Except where it influences his own life.
Using a secret police to hold down disent? I don't know what else you could call those tattletale sites he introduces every new quarter.
Printing money to monetize the debt? Do you really want to talk about QE 1,2,3,4...
Racial policies? Wanna ask George Zimmerman about his treatment as compared to the New Blank Panther Party? Or the policeman with the Harvard guy(I won't honor him with calling him a professor).
Shall I go on? It's not difficult.
High taxes on your enemies (Have you seen what they've done to the Teaparties as compared to the OWS?)
How any American can defend this guy shows just how far down the rabbithole America has fallen.
Lavish lifestyle for himself...
Surprised people don't like or agree with him...
Still going.
Appointing people to high positions because of affiliation and beliefs, not competence...
Actually Ann - Drudge pushed you over to the Gateway Pundit.
I loved looking into the history of our own state's Miss Forward statue (some think she is on the Capitol Dome but she has been housed in the Wisconsin Historical Society since 1995). I just love the story - a female sculptor - Jean Pond Miner - for the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago.
I'm kind of glad they housed her at the Historical Society so she wasn't abused in the same way so may Capitol ground statues and monuments were last year.
If 'Forward" is your watchword, shouldn't you at least have a goal?
Can't we just fast forward to November?
@Kathy, the one on the top of the Capitol Dome is actually Mrs. Rennebohm, and she's pointing to the location of the next Drug Store.
leslyn said...
Methadras said... "The fact that he's a marxist at this point is irrelevant."
You missed the point. But I think regardless of the facts, this could be exploited as pundit status on Fox.
The fact that I made this statement is directly why I didn't miss the point. He would have had to approve the slogan himself. It didn't occur in a vacuum or otherwise they would be changing it as we speak. They are not. They know what it means, they know how to use marxist propaganda to full effect. They know what they are doing. But as I said prior, it is ultimately irrelevant because Urkle will simply wave his hand in dismissal at such an accusation, while he politically verifies time and time again that he is in action as well as in policy.
Forward to the abyss, lemmings!
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