April 11, 2012

"I want a little black girl to stand up in the front of her classroom and read a poem by her favorite poet and I want that poet to be me."

Says Jasmine Mans, a University of Wisconsin junior who was just named one of Glamour Magazine’s Top 10 College Women:
After a video of Mans’ performing a poem criticizing Nicki Minaj received nearly 475,000 views, she steadily gained fame through appearances on HBO’s “Brave New Voices,” Black Entertainment Television, billboard.com and Broadway.
Here's that video. And here are the rest of her videos.


MadisonMan said...

Why shouldn't a little white girl (or boy of any race) also find her poetry compelling? Wouldn't that also expand her base and potential income sources?

She's probably just relating things to her own past IMO -- how she was a little black girl liking poetry -- but college should be all about growth and expansion.

Good for her for being recognized, however. Go Bucky!

Salamandyr said...

I guess it's too much to ask that she write for all girls rather than just little black ones, but other than that, I think it's an honorable goal.

Ann Althouse said...

She's a poet, so she uses specific and concrete images, not all-inclusive generalities. Here the image is of a young version of herself.

Why not complain that she's got the little girl in front of the classroom? Why can't the girl read poems in the playground or at home?

It's a picture. It has a look.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I found the clapping and rooting too distracting.

But on an interesting note.. in hip hop circles this poetry is considered hate.. hating.. promoting.. Rush Limbaugh.. Ozzie Guillen.. Derv..

What’s that I heard you say?

TMink said...

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

Keep dreaming brother, keep dreaming.


Michael said...

I am sure this will be taken as a racist comment, but Jasmine is a terrible poet. I pray that she is never anyone's favorite poet.

Lyle said...

She's not much different from Nicki Minaj really. She wants to get renown too... just not having to jiggle her ass as much. She'll talk about her pubes and show some flesh too though.

ricpic said...

My name is Tanywana
An' here is what I say,
Evahbody racisss
Who do not kiss my A.

MadisonMan said...

Visualize this specific and concrete image that I dictate, rather than one that I suggest and that you fill in to be most appropriate and engaging to you.

Sounds like the poetry of a control freak.

edutcher said...

If she wants black kids to get interested in poetry (and literature, generally), good on her.

If it's just another exercise in ego, well, it still may do some good.

mariner said...

People like Jasmine Mans are obsessed with race, but it's all the non-black people who are racists.

TMink said...

mariner, you are on a roll today!

Your comment reminds me of a joke my dad told about a man who went to a psychiatrist and took a Rorschach. To every image the man blushed, hung his head, and almost whispered "They are doing it" as his response to the cards.

After he was finished the psychiatrist said "I have found your problem. You are obsessed with sex."

The patient was insulted and incensed. "Me obsessed with sex? YOU are the one with all the dirty pictures!"


bgates said...

She's a poet, so she uses specific and concrete images, not all-inclusive generalities. Here the image is of a young version of herself.

I used to think
when I was young I was
too smart for kids my age
too stupid to know how to say hello
afraid of not hearing anything in the dark
more alone in a crowd than by myself
but I was wrong
I was just a white boy

Amartel said...

Blah blah blah blah me.

Fen said...

I want a little white girl to stand up in the front of her classroom and read a poem by her favorite poet and I want that poet to be me. - White Entertainment Television.

Fen said...

Sorry, I just wanted to see how racist that looked if your changed it from the PC-protected-race. Thanks.

paul a'barge said...


Why didn't she write a poem criticizing Tawana Brawley?

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Sounds very "passionate."