There was a language gap between the woman, who said she was 24 and declined to give her full name, and the American who sat beside her at the bar and eventually invited her to his room. She agreed, stopped on the way to buy condoms but told him he would have to give her a gift. He asked how much. Not knowing he worked for Mr. Obama but figuring he was well heeled, she said, she told him $800.In the end, though, he offered her $30, a really insulting amount. Hence the scene.
The price alone, she said, indicates she is an escort, not a prostitute. “You have higher rank,” she said. “An escort is someone who a man can take out to dinner. She can dress nicely, wear nice makeup, speak and act like a lady. That’s me.”
UPDATE: Blogger unpublished this post and said "Your content has violated our Illegal activities policy." This post is a link to a New York Times article that quotes and comments on the article. Once again, Blogger has interpreted a report about prostitution as participation in prostitution.
UPDATE 2: Blogger quickly reinstated this post. I appreciate that. But I do hope it improves its crime detection.
६८ टिप्पण्या:
Dumb, times two.
This one's too stupid to be a REAL secret service agent.
Infortunately, incompetence isn't grounds for disciplineing a federal employee. They are gonna be stuck with him.
I saw 'Baby, my cash money' and I thought NOW what kinda stuff does this WH want?
No, as Bernard Shaw observed, we already know what she is.
The price doesn't change that.
We need a photo of this chica to see if the price was right
Great. Not only are Americans immoral, they're cheap. And stupid.
Smart Diplomacy.
I do enjoy how every stock photo the MSM uses of SS personal also includes Obama. He's being associated with the scandal in the public's subconscious. Not fair but too bad. These are the Alinsky Days.
How does the guy not know what her price is? Or that he wasn't going to get away with stiffing her (uh, yeah, no pun intended...really)?
For guys who are trained in risk-assessment, how this group failed so badly is really shocking.
The first report said $47. I thought that only a miserly prick would argue about such a fee. I'm not familiar with the going rates for Colombian hookers, but $800 does seem way too high. I don't blame the agent for putting up a fuss. He has a wife and kids to support and can't be throwing $800 at some escort...This will destroy the Colombian tourist industry. Who wants to go to a third world country where the hookers cost $800.
The irony is that this ended up costing him and his buddies way more than $800. Also interesting was the pimps' cut of $250. Where was he in all of this? Isn't that most of a pimp's value, to make sure that the johns pay?
This story reminds me of the Dems strategery malfunction. Crossed wires caused a short circuit.
What happens when two parties are supposed to be "discrete" and are anything but..
Or is electricity the wrong analogy? I don't know anything about electricity.
In the end, though, he offered her $30, a really insulting amount. Hence the scene.
I hear they're not as tight with a buck at the GSA conferences.
The $800.00 is a negotiation starter.. a trial balloon.. base line budgeting ala US Government.
She asks for an absurd amount so she might have a better chance, she believes, of ending up with a reasonable payment for services rendered.
I will remind some of you to please not use the word 'slut' to describe this woman.. lest we rush into trouble.
The price alone, she said, indicates she is an escort, not a prostitute. “You have higher rank,” she said. “An escort is someone who a man can take out to dinner. She can dress nicely, wear nice makeup, speak and act like a lady. That’s me.”
Isn't it funny how the supposedly oldest profession still doesn't have a handle on the interns?
"“An escort is someone who a man can take out to dinner. She can dress nicely, wear nice makeup, speak and act like a lady. That’s me.”
Real ladies are actually cheaper...on an hourly basis.
The best part about the article was how the New York Times reporter described this person's pimp as just a person who has the job of helping her get customers.
Pimpin' ain't easy. But having the job of helping people connect for sex sure is a nice way to put it. Way to go, NYT! Way to make everybody feel good!
The Obama White House sent out their biggest gun to try and tamp out the growing sex scandal..
Democrat strategerist Hilary Rosen was heard saying..
'Guess what: that woman has never really worked a day in her life'.
Real ladies are actually cheaper… on an hourly basis.
As the saying goes, you don't pay a prostitute (or “escort”) for the sex, you pay her to go away afterwards.
Corollary: you don't pay, then…
As for cooperating with the investigators for the Secret Service who are seeking to interview the prostitutes as well as witnesses from the bar and outside the hotel room, the woman who was involved in the payment dispute said she was not interested in that. She said she was planning to leave Cartagena soon.
Wise Latina.
The US gov already stiffed her two times..
Give Me Tonight
Walking sadly through the park
I hear crying in the darkness
And thought I act like I cannot hear
Their situation is very clear:
A girl who's trying to tell her guy
The time has come that they say: "Good-bye"
And his answer tears my heart apart:
Give me tonight
then if you don't wanna stay
I'll just forget you.
You'll see I'm right you won't get to go away
Love ain't gonna let you.
I heard the whole thing started when Obama suggested his security detail would enjoy "eating some of those tasty Colombian bitches", and they misunderstood.
For those liberals who think men and women are equal, I would not be insulted if offered $30 AND sex. It's another example of the gender pay gap inherent in the system.
I'm trying to think how this "scandal" benefits Obama since that is how its going to be reported/spun anyway.
It shot Trayvon Martin and Hilary Rosen off the top of the headlines.. both were hurting the president.
It exposed how strong the dollar is compared to other currencies..
Obama can now look at Bill Clinton in the eye.. mano a mano.. "my secret service got my back" says Obama.
Lets see what else?
Another beer summit? .. they were drinking foreign vodka.. Putin is our enemy now.. that would not look good.
Can we poll it?
Obama can now claim the stimulus worked.. its exporting jobs overseas.. jobs that could be had by American women right here in US soil..
Ok, we will just leave out that last part.. let the republicans fall for it and then call them for fighting women overseas.
What do the polls say?
For those of you in Wisconsin - pay attention.. What if those SS men had ID's? They would have been compromised that's what*.. Obama would have been compromised.. Let that be a lesson Wisconsin.. ID's are a threat to national security.
Oh, one more thing..
Obama will not sleep escorted until this is solved.
* Hilary Rosen lingo.. for emphasis.
Secret Service agents are dedicated professionals; of course they'll bond with other dedicated professionals.
Oh yes.. I cant believe I left this out..
The professionals were all adults.. they practiced safe sex.
No drugs were found in the room..
It was raining.. its wasn't raining.. the sun was out, it was cloudy, let the polls figure it out.
If the agent is black it favors Obama since Obama is not like that.. Obama's clean cut according to the vice president.
If the agent is white it also favors Obama.. I don't have to spell it out.. Obama has people doing that for him already..
“I tell him, ‘Baby, my cash money,’ ”
and the answer came back..
Give It Away Give It Away Give It Away Now!
SS men did it because they were Never Going To Get It for free here in the states.. and they thought they would get it abroad.
Does this version have a ring of truth? Do you really think an $800 escort would ever receive $800 if she didn't get the money upfront, most likely secured with running a credit card? Sex that is worth $1000 before the act is always worth $50--if that--after. I'm around Althouse's age and I've traveled since the early 70s and the only women/places that didn't take money upfront were scam artists and clip joints. Like the one where a woman sat by you and a round of drinks appeared immediately and it was $15, including a special "champagne" for the lady. Fifteen seconds later another round arrived costing $30. You can see where this goes. See all those guys that look like NFL linebackers milling about? Yeah, that's the customer service staff.
The only part ever left to chance is the tip. And the only time she would ever make a big deal about that was if you made a promise for something not discussed beforehand and she kept her part of the bargain. Capitalism in action.
Blame Bush.
Armstrong and Getty wondered if the Columbian license test was written.
30 bucks might get you a hummer in the parking lot of wal mart. So I hear.
The scam typically goes down this way:
- Man and "escort" agree on price and delivery.
- Services provided.
- Man pays agreed upon amount.
- "Escort" suddenly requests huge bonus and threatens to call police, knowing patron would be highly "motivated" to avoid being exposed.
- Cop shows up to assist escort in debt collection.
- Bonus paid, cop gets commission.
Except in this, SS agent is a cheap SOB.
In the end, though, he offered her $30, a really insulting amount.
Saving taxpayer $$$$$'s!!
Put him in charge of the GSA.
30yearProf said...
This one's too stupid to be a REAL secret service agent.
Infortunately, incompetence isn't grounds for disciplineing a federal employee. They are gonna be stuck with him.
The supervisor is required to provide the facts (in order to preserve the super's clearance) to the DHS clearance Adjudication Staff. Independently they make a determination that the agent is a security risk. The Adjudicator terminates the clearance without outside pressure of any kind and notifies HR and the supervisor.
HR then can terminate because the clearance was a condition of employment.
They dont fire him for being terminally dumb.
they terminate him for not having a clearance
The final Obama Report on this incident will emphasize that condoms were used by all, and feature a PSA demonstration of the proper technique by Joe Biden.
I don't really understand this scandal. A handful of government employees paid women to have sex with them using their own money in a place where it is legal...why are we all clutching our pearls about this?
Still waiting for Tiger Bill Clinton to volunteer as a fact-finder to Colombia. Could even stop at Cuba for some fine cigars. You know, as a service to our country.
I don't really understand this scandal. A handful of government employees paid women to have sex with them using their own money in a place where it is legal...why are we all clutching our pearls about this?
Because these guys were on the job away from home and put themselves into a compromising situation allowing for possible blackmail, coersion, loss of operational security etc. They demonstrated bad judgment and are supposed to have good judgment in protecting POTUS.
Seriously? This is Security 101 stuff.
Having contact with foreign nationals and not reporting it is a security violation. As is having sex with prositutes while you're married - it compromises you and makes you open to blackmail and extortion.
Add to that the unprofessionalism of partying with hookers in a dangerous country run by drug cartels.
Some of the things at risk: The President of the United States.
why are we all clutching our pearls about this?
Oh I see. Your intent is an appeal to conformity. Those of us who are concerned over the safety of POTUS are just old fuddy-duddy squares who never read "The Joy of Sex".
The escort had to BUY CONDOMS???
I smell a PP goldmine. Breast screenings and pills for all!
Subsidized by Me, the US taxpayer.
Still waiting for Tiger Bill Clinton to volunteer as a fact-finder to Colombia.
He's way ahead of you!
Seven Machos said...
The best part about the article was how the New York Times reporter described this person's pimp as just a person who has the job of helping her get customers. Pimpin' ain't easy. But having the job of helping people connect for sex sure is a nice way to put it. Way to go, NYT! Way to make everybody feel good!
Good point. By contrast, what knocked me back was how judgmental the NYT sounded when introducing the woman as "the prostitute" for their interview, which really seems to go beyond what her activity was that night to her worth as a person.
Sitting in her living room wearing a short jean skirt, high-heeled espadrilles and a spandex top with a plunging neckline, the prostitute described how she and another woman were approached by a group of American men at a discotheque.
Jennifer, the honey trap is one of the oldest techniques in spy craft. Also they allowed foreign nationals access to the president's schedule and allowed them to be closer to the person they are trying to protect than should be allowed. They weren't just on a private trip using their personal resources and time.
We won't even mention the shitty behavior in not paying what was bargained for and not providing free birth control at US taxpayer expense... which apparently is some sort of crime these days.
My understanding is that this White House is one big adolescent boy's club and apparently the lack of professionalism and contempt for the working class has even spread to the Secret Service.
He offered $30?? Talk about the Democratic administration's War on Women!
---My understanding is that this White House is one big adolescent boy's club and apparently the lack of professionalism and contempt for the working class has even spread to the Secret Service.----
I thought Buuussshhhh was the frat boy?
Fen said...
Seriously? This is Security 101 stuff.
LOL, Jennifer
Yes, Fen and I are clutching at our pearls again. It doesn't have anything directly do to with the One, or his embarrassment, or reelection.
Fen and I don't like to see Presidents get shot, no matter how bad they are, things can get worse, (e.g. Joe B).
You know for example that there are proven connections between the Taliban and the Columbian Drug Cartels? They do business in Poppies.
It would not be out of the question for a drug addict hooker to approach a checkpoint and say, "hola Innamorata, can I leave this package here while I watch the go shopping? Or can't Pepe and I watch the parade from your roof-top? It's not the first or the last time a guy thought with his d!cq and the mission went FUBAR.
Beyond that, it's conduct unbecoming. It's unprofessional, it's stupid.
I don't understand this idea that a prostitute's fee should reflect her physical attractiveness.
It seems to me you should compensate her for the inconvenience and so having a tiny penis can be a real money saver.
Yes, Fen and I are clutching at our pearls again.
We are very distraught that, not only did the SS go outside of the missionary position, they didn't even pay for the poor woman's birth control.
My understanding was that this was an advon party, not people who were actually protecting the President. And that they hadn't actually revealed themselves as having anything to do with the President.
I'm not saying these men appear particularly bright or at all admirable. Nor do I think they should continue as Secret Service. But, the national gnashing of teeth seems overblown. Seems like a matter for internal review and the excision of a handful of dumbasses.
I know the espionage angle seems very exciting, but I mean really...every serious threat that has ever taken down or come close to taking down a US President was a single nut job crawling out of the woodwork.
My understanding was that this was an advance party, not people who were actually protecting the President
Do you understand what an advance team does? There's not enough distinction to make the point that "well, these guys aren't the actual a-team surrounding POTUS".
In fact, it would be easier to inflitrate an advance team and plant a bio-weapon or IED than taking on POTUS with his detail directly.
every serious threat that has ever taken down or come close to taking down a US President was -
No offense, but I doubt you can know what "every serious threat" has been.
every serious threat that has ever taken down-
Kinda like hijackers, right? They usually just want to take the plane somewhere and maybe ransom the passengers. Stay in your seat and cooperate, all will be well as soon as ----------
every serious threat that has ever taken down or come close to taking down a US President was a single nut job crawling out of the woodwork.
well, let's see:
1. The South American Anarchists that tried to blow up Hoover's train in Argentina, equipped with explosives and his schedule?
2. The Puerto Ricn terrorists that had a gun battle in from of Blair House while going after Truman?
3. The 2 Manson girls that would have plugged Ford if the first had known to put a round into the 45 cal auto chamber? M1911A1. The preferred weapon of you close range shooter. Once is enough
or the second, who fired and missed?
Note 2 of the three groups were Hispanics.
Jennifer said...
My understanding was that this was an advon party, not people who were actually protecting the President. And that they hadn't actually revealed themselves as having anything to do with the President.
Agents, who were part of Obama’s advance security team, were getting down at the Pley Club brothel in Cartagena and bragging to prostitutes we work for Obama" and “we’re here to protect him,” witnesses told ABC News.
4. I left off the 14 Iraqi's that went after GHW Bush at Saddam's orders. 1993, Multiple car bombs found along the route seem "serious" enough to me
I should have been clearer. By "serious threat that has taken down or come close to taking down" I meant actually killed or grievously injured. Hence, taken down or come close to taking down.
Yes, I understand what an advon party does.
Do those of you SO concerned about the implications to national security understand that by publicizing this as far and loud as possible, you are in fact shining a Taliban sized spotlight on the weakness you claim to be so concerned about?
Fire him for being a bigot, sexist cheapskate bureaucrat..w/ a gun.
Jay: Oh. Well, that does change things.
#5. From Wiki
1996: During his visit to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum in Manila in 1996, he was saved shortly before his car was due to drive over a bridge where a bomb had been planted. Clinton was scheduled to visit a local politician in central Manila, when Secret Service officers intercepted a message suggesting that an attack was imminent. A transmission used the words "bridge" and "wedding", a terrorist's code words for assassination. Lewis Merletti, the director of the Secret Service, ordered that the motorcade be re-routed. An intelligence team later discovered that a bomb had been planted under the bridge. Subsequent U.S. investigation into the plot "revealed that it was masterminded by a Saudi terrorist living in Afghanistan named Osama bin Laden".[26]
And, separately, this is what we get for requiring a lifetime of immaculately goody-two-shoes behavior to qualify for what really should be a tactical job. I don't think a man on my husband's team could pass the lifestyle polygraph for secret service and not a one of them is stupid enough to act like this.
Jennifer: Do those of you SO concerned about the implications to national security understand that by publicizing this as far and loud as possible, you are in fact shining a Taliban sized spotlight on the weakness you claim to be so concerned about?
Too funny. First the appeal to conformity, the attempt to shame for "clutching our pearls". Now the concern trolling.
Jennifer, you must really think we are stupid to be influenced by such bullshit. I want to be sure you understand its insulting, so that you don't whine about civility when you are ridiculed here.
Concern trolling? I'm not even minutely concerned there was any danger to the President. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of pretending to be concerned about a hole in security while simultaneously trumpeting that hole as publicly as possible.
*rolls eyes*
Right Jennifer. We shouldn't be talking about a topic that's on the front page of every newspaper in the world. Because Al Queda may be monitoring Althouse.
More likely, MediaMatters.
But's lets pretend you aren't concern trolling. What's your next fallacy? Because I can keep knocking these feeble pitches out of the park all day long.
You can keep trying, anyway.
Why the lull, Jen? Your MediaMatters supervisor still at lunch?
I was pointing out the hypocrisy of pretending to be concerned about a hole in security while simultaneously trumpeting that hole as publicly as possible.
Jen was not alive in 2001?
Let me 'splain... No, there is too much. Let me sum up.
Al Qaeda.. Gitmo.. Afghanistan.. Iraq.. Koran down the toilet.. Koran burning.. Muhammad cartoons, waterboarding.. London Bombing, Madrid train Bombings, The attempt on Bush 41 in Kuwait (I know, I'm going way back with that one).
Take it form me.. there are people who want to harm us that way.. I'm not spelling it out.. dont want the SS on my trail.
If after all that, there is a hole in security.. maybe we are not screaming loud enough..
And if you are implying anybody here wants our president hurt.. shame on you.
sane_voter said...
The irony is that this ended up costing him and his buddies way more than $800.
No shit. Think of what the divorce is gonna cost that guy.
What lull? There was nothing else to respond to that I haven't already. And I've been commenting here a hell of a lot longer than you have, Fen. I don't need to prove my conservative credentials.
“It’s the same, but it’s different,”
I can't help but think Clinton is somehow mixed up in this.
When I read the "cash money" quote,I was wondering if Al Sharpton had a relative there.
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