Now its official. Progressive democrats are cannibals.
Now that 4 years later we learned the O enjoyed grill pooch over rice what else might we learn about him? Perhaps we might yet discover who is the real author of his books, how he got a court to unseal an opponents divorce records, his college grades, why he has a CT social security number and many other tid-bits enquiring minds want to know about.
The book has been out for how many years? And no one said anything about it until they went after Romney for animal abuse. Mentioning the canisphagia (is that a word? Google says no. Why not?) is solely a case of "making them live up to their own rules."
So the lefties saying "Oh why are you making such a big deal out of this" as if they don't understand why, is just another faux-stance joke.
In fact, it needs to be pointed out that his mother and Indonesia probably have had a lot more influence on Barack Obama's mind than Kenya and his father that he hardly knew.
Well since Obama doesn't know the difference between the Maldives and Malvinas or that Austrian isn't a language or how to pronounce corpsman or the difference between health and disability insurance I would not mind seeing his college grades. Only to verify that he's this most brilliant President EVAH!!!
Don't we have more important things to worry about than how someone carried a dog in a dog carrier or what someone tasted? I've eaten a number of foods not on the usual American diet. I'd have tasted dog if offered. Much ado about nothing.
Well, how do you know that? Pretty big assumption to make about someone who showboats about dog-eating in his biography. Also, this would be clearly violate the progressive "local food" rule. If you're going to eat a dog, eat a home-grown one. If the dog-dinner wasn't first a pet, that just means that Obama didn't even have the courtesy, the basic human decency, to grow his own dog before he ate it.
Cats for Romney: You needn't eat the dog; just put it on the roof.
If you go to Tahiti they have canteen trucks that park along the wharf in Papeete, sometimes twenty or thirty of them. Most serve crepes, but if you walk all the way to the end of the line there are usually one or two trucks with somebody's bloodhound on a spit, slowly roasting over an open flame.
Why? My impression of the conservative twittering on this is that it consists mostly of exuberant riffing on an anti-Obama joke. (E.g.: "so that's what happened to the Blue Dog Democrats.") Kind of like the twitter riffing on Obama's "Attack Watch."
In a way it is tit for tat-- a "you started it" game: it's seizing on the ridiculousness of an anti-Romney meme, pushed-- twittered-- by Axelrod himself: the "dog on the roof of the car" outrage. And, neutralizing it.
The left, of course, is seizing on the riffing and taking it all too literally and seriously. They're still trying to hit back/ tit for tat/ regain their footing after the Hilary Rosen flap. The Dem spin after that was: oh, this is Republican "faux outrage"! And this is along those lines.
But it's hard to pin that on the right, when (1) the right is just hitting back on memes the *left* has been introducing-- not letting the left get away with it. And in this case it's not outrage so much as laughter-- something ilke a reductio ad absurdum (like Rush likes to engage in).
And (2) Romney himself and his campaign aren't the ones pushing this-- it's conservatives/ Republicans having fun, riffing on twitter. Obama himself and Axelrod et al went on the air to weigh in on l'affaire Rosen-- they obviously took that very seriously. After all, the "war on women" was supposedly dead serious (rolling eyes). I doubt you'll see Romney going on the air to weigh in on l'affaire chien (other than possibly to make a dry joke about it, if asked to comment on it).
Dog is commonly eaten throughout the rest of the world because of 1 over riding concern...hunger. Your Hindu neighbor looks at you the same way when you go to Applebee's.
There are many things to criticize Zero on, what he ate as a child isn't one of them.
I got no problem with people eating dog if they have no problem with me not.
the BC that your President boasted as his own, won't hold up to a forensic examination. Why you people continue to beclown yourselves on this issue is beyond me. Just saying "neener neener neener" is not a defense, or explanation, of the improprieties discovered on the "released BC PDF". That's all you, or Zero has to do to make it all go away, but you, and he, won't because you can't.
(waiting for seven retards to chime in here...because the same applies to him too)
When Zero admits that the BC he released is a forgery, it won't be his fault. He'll throw some nameless underling under the bus. Because, you know, that's what stand up guys do.
This just in. We've got actual, you know, PROBLEMS going on in this country. Let's make sure not to talk about things like the senate again not passing a budget.
On a list of items of why I think Obama is the worst president in the history of the United States, what he ate as a child in a foreign country is pretty damned low on my list.
What he learned, his religious upbringing, attitudes towards western society and how it shaped his current mind set and how it affects his actions is more important.
2008 "To counter opponents’ accusations that he lacks experience in foreign policy, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois often cites his ties to relatives in poor villages in Kenya and the years he spent growing up in Indonesia."
"Eating dog meat, when you were served it by your step-dad, in a country where it was normal food."
Did Obama specify he was served it by his step dad? In the quote I've seen, he just says he was "introduced" to dog "away from the dinner table". He could have been going out of his way to eat dog at a friend's home or something.
And some reporter should ask Obama if he's ever eaten dog as an adult. They'd ask Romney that if he'd admitted eating dog in his youth.
I've eaten squirrel several times. Squirrel sucks.
Yes it does. Squirrels also have warbles. Don't look it up if you want to retain your appetite for anything ever again!
I've cooked and eaten bear, catfish, sturgeon, stripped bass, squid, octopus, clams, abalone, lots of other wild game birds and fish, rattlesnake, porcupine, elk, deer, moose, horse, goat, lamb, and probably have unknowingly eaten cats and dogs too in some oriental dishes. I won't eat insects. Well except for Lobster.
There used to be a place across the river hat served exotic meat. Lion, camel, zebra, whatever you wanted. The desserts were to die for though.
As an aside, squirrel does suck, rabbit too, but BBQ monkey meat, and BBQ alligator gets 2 thumbs up from "Buddy Christ" and me.(with everyone throwing in movie allusions, I thought I'd throw MY hat in the ring)
Obama is dyslexic and thought he was eating God, and therefore had become all-powerful, The One, and could keep the oceans from rising and heal the planet.
The liberal /conservative difference is clearly evident:
The conservative approach is to hold on to your resources, risking them when needed, but smartly still having them afterward.
The liberal approach is to consume your resources and and depend on the next generation to fill in the loss.
I see deep meaning here.
"High school transcripts? I thought we haven't even seen his college transcripts. Am I wrong?
I'm still waiting for some work experience. After being in this job for 3 years, he can now add to his resume that he increased golf link throughput dramatically within his department.
"You should experience 1 exotic food per year, to make yourself happy."
I have personally experienced this when I tried the store brand can of beans instead of the name brand. I saved 30 cents, and yes, I was very happy. Don't shrink from adventure - life is too short.
Pogo, you beat me to it! Obama went to a Catholic grade school for three years, according to Wikipedia. He may simply have been referring to the Eucharist.
it does if you ate dog and your top adviser is trying to make Romney look like a dog abuser in front of dog loving Americans. what kind of dog-eating dumbass opens the door to that?
Kevin wrote: Mentioning the canisphagia (is that a word? Google says no. Why not?) is solely a case of "making them live up to their own rules."
It's not a word because the root are from two different languages, Latin and Greek. When coining such a term it is best to stick to one linguistic source, say Latin-Latin, or Greek-Greek. In this case the word is cynophagia, from the Greek meaning "dog eating". Κύνος (cynus) is also the root for our word cynic. This is said to derive from the antics of Diogenes, history's ultra-nonconformist, who pretended to be a dog for political reasons.
I had to eat crow once when I had wrongly maligned my brother for stealing my catcher's mitt. Turned out I was the one who'd left it at a friend's house. The mitt, not the crow.
Tried to hold my nose so I wouldn't taste it but that didn't really work because then I couldn't breathe.
Crow tastes a little like chicken. Tough nasty rancid chicken. Chicken pot humble pie.
Leslyn: So, being associated to somehow who ate a dog is clearly a lesser offense than eating dog yourself -and bragging about it in your autobiography-.
Though, really, the whole thing is silly. Which, if people would just accept that it is people picking on the most powerful man in the world in a humorous way, it would have all ended last night after the Twitterathon.
"I suspect those of you that hate squirrel didn't soak it long enough in the buttermilk before you fried it."
It was hard enough getting him to sit still in the frying pan. No way I could keep him in that buttermilk bowl. He would bolt as soon as his nuts touched the milk. Then my whole setup would fall out of the tree. I just gave up and went back to my can of beans.
It matters less to me that Zero ate a pup in the Dutch East Indies (when in Rome...) than that he he was very comfortable throwing the woman that raised him, after his own mother dumped him, in the lap of privilege under the bus when it suited his purpose.
Andy R. said...
The birth certificate, the high school transcripts, the video hug with a black man, what he ate in Indonesia at the age of ten...
Aren't conservatives just embarrassed...
When the little fraud can't discern between the Maldives and the Malvinas (not to mention the fact he doesn't even call them their proper name) while claiming he has a graduate level Ivy League education, I am not in the least embarrassed by wanting to see his academic transcripts and his medical records.
As far as I can tell, this fool isn't qualified to be dog catcher.
I have personally experienced this when I tried the store brand can of beans instead of the name brand. I saved 30 cents, and yes, I was very happy. Don't shrink from adventure - life is too short.
This is absolutely the best thing to happen in American politics since Dukakis got into a tank.
This is great fun, I don't think I have had so many laughs in a political theme in a long time (well, maybe since Carter's killer rabbit) and it has made Obama a complete laughing stock.
The best one of all was the Romney campaign aide's response to the picture of Obama in the limousine with Bo, "in hindsight, this is a chilling photo". Absolutely BRILLIANT.
The real beauty, of course, is that the Obama campaign has tried to use animals as an avenue of criticism of Romney and are now blown up by their own bomb. We've been seeing a lot of these "work accidents" lately.
The Democrats are looking completely out of their league the past few weeks. It is obvious they aren't used to getting any "backtalk" from their Republican adversaries and are used to controlling any response by controlling the access to media.
Welcome to the 21st century, Democrats, you don't control the media now. You are taking an absolute beating in social media.
Good luck in Novenber. And Bo ... be careful ... after November, Obama will have a lot more ... flexibility.
1. 4 more years of Obama, 6 dollar a gallon gas and 99% may end up eating dog because 4 dollar a pound peanut butter and 6 dollar a pound hamburger are too expensive.
2. We know why Obama never trusted himself to have a dog for a pet before he became President. They made his mouth water.
3. Seamus was like a government employee. Fed and housed and cared for despite doing little work, "free-riding a la Michelle" on vacations - then crapping all over working Americans and their car.
4. Sad to say, no joke!!! --Some emotionally driven American females..who would have voted against Romney solely due to "the poor Seamus meme" having legs, are now going to vote against "that dog-eater from an exotic foreign country". Now that a counter-meme has been crafted by cunning media savvy people.
We can laugh all we want, about silly dog wars, but that sort of woman is 5% of the national vote demographic. Elections are won and lost on who gets past their simplistic little heads on TV, underneath their velvet painting of dogs and babies with huge weepy eyes - to show who loves pets more.
5. The joke about the economy going to the dogs - those Obama cannot manage to catch and eat - is too obvious.
6. Contrary to rumors, when asked how Bo is doing - Black Messiah has NOT said: "He is a plump and tender pet. I savor Teddy Kennedy's gift.".
Meade said... I had to eat crow once when I had wrongly maligned my brother for stealing my catcher's mitt. Turned out I was the one who'd left it at a friend's house. The mitt, not the crow.
Tried to hold my nose so I wouldn't taste it but that didn't really work because then I couldn't breathe.
Crow tastes a little like chicken. Tough nasty rancid chicken. Chicken pot humble pie
Marinate it overnight in whole milk in the fridge.
Ah, the famous birth certificate! I've been waiting for someone to bring that up. How ironic that uber-myrmidon Andy R. should bring that to our attention. A convincing case has been made that the so-called birth certificate is a forgery created in Adobe Illustrator. In case Andy R. hasn't seen the presentation, here it is:
Nice 3:23 post by Crossroads. Agree, absolutely BRILLIANT to use the demonizing language of the Left in labelling a Axlerod provided pic of nice guy Obama & Bo to demonize Romney = "Chilling, in hindsight".
And props to Yashu for many excellent comments on several threads. She is a quality commentor on Althouse's blog.
Next up??
"Obama's family looked forward to not just dog, but eating the meat of endangered species!!!! (tiger meat).
"Romney out of touch!! Did not know the price of a sixpack of beer in NYC!!"
Rosen and Dunn are sitting in their conference room at SKD Knickerbocker flailing at how to "manage" twitter and slowly coming to the realization that they can't.
Wonder how long it will take the Democrats to try to ban it.
Hold on just a second there Obama defenders. Here we have another example of Obama bragging about just how exotic his life has been in order to make himself seem so "diverse" and "multicultural" in his extended college application essay called "Dreams from my Father". When someone calls him on those details, they're not relevant? Total DS (dogshit).
Here in Texas, I regularly see dogs just hanging out in the back pickups. They're completely unrestrained and exposed to the elements (rain, heat, etc.) I guess all of those dog owners should go to jail?
While I think this whole thing about eating dog is foolish, the larger picture it seems to me is that the Obama machine is losing control of the internet--it is becoming an object of mockery--I do anticipate the administration seeking to gain tighter control of the internet.
@Hoosier - We also ate a lot of the edible plant Spiderwort. Can't stand the sight of it, now. (Actually, after 40+ years, the revulsion has worn off.)
it seems to me is that the Obama machine is losing control of the internet--it is becoming an object of mockery--I do anticipate the administration seeking to gain tighter control of the internet.
This is something that I have said quite some time ago. They can't control the internet and will probably try to shut it down.
Good luck with that.
Obama needs the brain dead youth vote. How much are they going to love Obama when he shuts down their twitter, facebook and other connections.
How much is that dinner in the window? (arf! arf!) The one with the waggley tail How much is that dinner in the window? (arf! arf!) I do hope that doggie's cooked well
It is obvious [the Democrats] aren't used to getting any "backtalk" from their Republican adversaries and are used to controlling any response by controlling the access to media.
Welcome to the 21st century, Democrats, you don't control the media now.
I agree, crosspatch. You know what's funny, ironic-- or just plain cool? During the primaries, many people posited a binary opposition between Romney (the presumptive nominee, the "establishment" candidate) and Palin (the coulda woulda shoulda "conservative" ideal)-- not just ideologically, but in terms of political style. In terms of how they would battle Obama. Staid/ boring/ timid moderate vs. fiery redmeat vim.
But as we've seen, when it comes to quick, sharp, ruthless "backtalk"-- not letting Dem/ left/ MSM framings of issues go uncontested-- administered with vigor and a dose of snarky wit and humor (daring to mock the One), taking full and smart advantage of online social media-- the Romney campaign reminds me quite a bit of Palin. (Another example: Romney's "MSM as vast left-wing conspiracy" remark, said with an obvious chuckle. At once matter-of-factly stating the obvious about liberal bias in the MSM, and mocking Hilary's-- and the Dems' in general-- over-the-top "right-wing-conspiracy" rhetoric.)
I have mixed feelings about Palin, there are things I've come to dislike but still a lot I've always liked about her (I'll always love her for that first speech I heard of hers, her sense of humor and toughness in going after Obama). Well, Palin fans, say what you will about Romney-- but you can't deny that there's a lot about his campaign so far that is positively Palinesque. The Romney campaign has adopted IMO the best part of Palin's political style. Which means, Romney will be reaching out to moderate Dems and independents-- but (if his campaign so far is any indication) he'll also make this *fun* for conservatives and the GOP base.
This is a new campaign paradigm for the GOP. As strange as it may sound, I think Romney's campaign team might have learned a little something from Palin-- and from the online right-wing blogosphere.
If you think that eating dog meat that someone fed you in a foreign country when you were a kid is bad, my own mother opened a can of SPAM and sliced some off and fried it a forced me to eat it or die of starvation and it was so gross my gills slammed shut and I haven't been able to breathe underwater since.
Romney is going to have a lot of people in his campaign from business. These people have been using social media for marketing for years and are sharp at it.
But more importantly, the only reason Obama has the support he has among some of his primary support demographics (e.g. the voters under 30) is not because Obama has such great promise or because it is cool to be an Obama supporter, it is because it was uncool to be anti-Obama.
Once that barrier goes away, once Obama becomes a popular laughingstock on even one single issue, it will be like a dam bursting. His support among those demographics will melt away quickly. Once Obama can be the butt of jokes at the party and once it is OK to point out that he doesn't have a single popular policy victory, the Obama buzz in that community will just stop. It will go dead quiet on Obama.
Obama is already toast. Oh, new polling should be out in a couple of hours showing Obama and Romney tied dead even ... in Pennsylvania.
Yashu wrote: Well, Palin fans, say what you will about Romney-- but you can't deny that there's a lot about his campaign so far that is positively Palinesque.
I agree. I recall tweeting last year my first choice as combination of Romney-Palin or Palin-Romney because the combination would bring together the two factions of establishment and upstart Tea Party.
But don't compare Romney too much to Palin or you're bound to piss-off Cedarford. :)
pmj and EDH--thanks guys--whoever does these Hitler vids should get a pulitzer prize--they are absolutely fantatistic. Thank you both for sharing--one can only wait with moist anticipation for the next one.
Rialby - " Obama bragging about just how exotic his life has been in order to make himself seem so "diverse" and "multicultural" in his extended college application essay called "Dreams from my Father""
================== In fairness to Obama, his initial essay was "Dogs from my Stepfather"..Bill Ayers recommended a rewrite.
@Yashu:This is a new campaign paradigm for the GOP. As strange as it may sound, I think Romney's campaign team might have learned a little something from Palin-- and from the online right-wing blogosphere. -------------
Yes! We're talking about this on another blog about how Republicans have become adept at using social media tools. I would not go as far as giving full credit to Palin but she does excel in rapid response and pithy, catchy word response. The last two weeks' episodes, Rosen and this both caught fire on twitter and the MSM didn't have much to do with it. Good. If they can defeat MSM and Obama at the same time, more power to them. And the big draw is that the R's are having fun doing this.
They're not comparable. Many people - including non-partisans and some conservatives (blogger Prof. Bainbridge for example) - reacted naturally with disgust at the way the Romney family treated their dog and the fact they thought it was a charming story years later.
Pigs are animals with a high intelligence like a dog, but you don't learn something bad about an individual American just because he or she has eaten pig. But if I heard that a candidate had a pet pig that he/she abused, I would think rather badly of the person. Just like if someone has a pet dog and abuses the dog.
To me, how someone treats his or her pet is one of the most revealing things I can learn about a person.
So Obama spent time in his youth in a culture that had practices that are different from mainstream America. He doesn't eat dog today. Does Romney still wear Mormon underwear?
Anyone who has ever seen a tractor trailer load of chickens, or hogs, or cattle going down the interstate at 70MPH would know that it is no different. In fact, if the crate was protected from the wind, the ride would be very comfortable for the animal.
This is an attempt to make something quite innocent sound "horrible" or at the very least "undignified" by not treating the dog as if it were a human being.
My friend AllenS makes a joke with Garage as the butt. If i may take a trip down memory lane, in viet nam at the fire base we had lots of dogs--the troopers loved them, but they did become health hazards--every couple of months I would have them rounded up, thrown in the back and take them down to the Capital ROK division fire base (south Koreans) we would drop them off and tried not to think of what became of them. I suspect AllenS, gruff bastard that he is, probably had a puppy or two in his hootch.
I always said Obama could eat a live puppy on TV and the press would still cover for him.
Little did I know at the time...
Seriously, the Republicans are not starting any of this. Obama is desperate to talk about anything but the issues and all of this stuff just keeps blowing up in his face. We had the crazy condom lady panhandling in front of Congress, then the attacks on Ann Romney for raising her kids and now they are down to the family pet. It just keeps getting more and more hysterical the harder they try.
Obama has been built up into a deity by the press and a deity cannot survive ridicule... which is why so many lefty trolls are making an appearance in this thread over such a trivial issue.
It hurtsss the preciousss it doesss. Mean, nasssty Rethuglicansss.
"Obama has been built up into a deity by the press and a deity cannot survive ridicule"
I noticed that, too. Like yesterday's comment by Michelle Obama that Barack led the country "out of the darkness and into the light". That should have been a face-palm moment for Democrats everywhere.
The President walks into an Indonesian restaurant and asks for an order of dog. When he's finished, the waiter brings him a tab for $250, and says, "You know, we don't get many Presidents in here," and the President says, "Yeah, and at these prices, you're not going to get very many more!"
Anyone who has ever seen a tractor trailer load of chickens, or hogs, or cattle going down the interstate at 70MPH would know that it is no different. In fact, if the crate was protected from the wind, the ride would be very comfortable for the animal.
Exactly. The crate is a comfortable way to travel.
There is nothing wrong with it at all.
Dogs get excited and naturally "let loose" when traveling. We used to have a Chesapeake Retriever that would ride in the back of the truck to go hunting. It would begin farting, in preparation, before we even loaded up. Peeeeuuuuu!! I'd rather have the dog crap on top of the car or in the back of the truck than inside on the upholstery and everyone else......On the way back it and the other dogs would ride balancing on the pile of dead birds......Loving every minute of it.
Every day you see dogs balancing on the top of hay bales in the backs of the vehicles in winter. Peering over the top of the cab or running back and forth from side to side hanging their heads over the side of the truck. Some even jump up on top of the cab and balance like a circus acrobat.
Mostly they are chained so that they can't fall out....but not always since most of the vehicles are 'between' fields and highway.
People who are getting their panties in a wad about the Romney's transporting their dog are just over reacting.
Roger J. said... pmj and EDH--thanks guys--whoever does these Hitler vids should get a pulitzer prize--they are absolutely fantatistic. Thank you both for sharing--one can only wait with moist anticipation for the next one.
===================== Agree. Both spoofs are laugh out loud funny. I predict that they will be widely viewed.
Next up? I hoped those inspired parodyists have secured some stock video of Obama at a backyard bbq holding a bit of as yet unidentified meat in his hands as he glibly interacts with fawning supporters.
Obama .."This delicious bit of dog is another way I am helping save the planet and stop the oceans rise"
Fawning supporter.."Oh, my Black Messiah, I love you so much, but why dog?"
Obama .."Do you realize the carbon footprint a single dog has? Do you condemn the culture of noble 3rd Worlders??"
Fawning supporter..."You are so wise! No, I didn't realize dogs were so bad for Mother Gaia. And I would never condemn any noble 3rd World culture."
Obama..."And dog is quite delicious. Especially marinated in a Muslim spice mix then grilled slow to get the toughness out of old outdoorsy dogs."
re C4s comment--does anyone out there have a sense of how these hitler vids are produced? I know the director of downfall loves them, but apparently the copyright owner does not. Whoever does them has a wonderful sense of humor and can crack them out at lightening speed--on U tube for a small bit of time before the copyright owners get their panties in a bunch.
I am reminded of Umberto Eco's Name of the Rose when a sense of humor was seditious. I am glad to see we have not lost our sense of humor, although it is a bit trying at times.
And C4--I would accuse of you participating in these parodies, except you are an engineer, and as we all know, engineers are bereft of a sense of humor (no offense intended, sir)
AllenS-M48A3 tanks, very spacious, lots of room on the back deck for our beer coolers--Thats why I, and Drill SGT went armor rather than being legs. It was for the Pabst Blue Ribbon. Rucks just couldnt carry it and keep it cold :) Gary owen, Allens
Without lefties here, AllenS and I are reduced to telling war stories--BTW: the difference between a war story and a fairy tale--a fairy tale starts "once upon a time." A war story starts: "this is no shit...."
Come to think of it, and this is no shit, where I spent most of my time, not only were there no dogs, but no women where there either. That happens on most exotic camping trips.
"-does anyone out there have a sense of how these hitler vids are produced? "
I noticed on the Eating Fluffy one that in the description it gives a website to go to to make your own Hitler video.
I wonder how Hitler would feel about these videos. He seemed like the kind of easy-going guy who would appreciate being the butt of a good joke... before having you shot.
Roger J. said... And C4--I would accuse of you participating in these parodies, except you are an engineer, and as we all know, engineers are bereft of a sense of humor (no offense intended, sir)
=================== That prompts me to go all feminist-like in my shock! and outrage! that you DARE accuse engineers of a lack of humor.
Engineers are the height of sophisticated intelligent wit, with their recycling of ancient Monty Python skits, "entropy" & "unobtainium" jokes, and clever digs on "design margin" and "Fukushima Dai Ichi's lack of compatible emergency power adapters"
The problem is that people watching engineers tell such jokes and in semi-orgasm as they recycle old Python skits think the engineers themselves are funnier than their comic material.
They hate that.
While they don't burn down their own neighborhoods if made fun of like blacks do, kill people to show they have a sense of humor as Muslims do over Muslim jokes, or sue someone as lawyers and feminists do over jokes..... Engineers can make life difficult. Be very, very careful about pissing us off. Computers crash? That's us! Wardrobe malfunctions? DEliberate design flaws that engineers do because they want to see women's tits and asses if no one wil laugh at thair jokes!
And C4--I would accuse of you participating in these parodies, except you are an engineer, and as we all know, engineers are bereft of a sense of humor (no offense intended, sir)
I resemble that remark. BSME U. of Alaska '83. I enjoy a friendly jape as much as the next fellow, to be sure.
The jokes have written themselves on this (well there have been some really creative efforts that were spew worthy), but the funniest thing is that some people think Obama eating dog meat is the issue.
This is a really good Alinsky tweaking of Obama's pr lightweights. It'll be interesting to see what line changes he makes.
Expect things to only get more desperate before they get saner.
" Can't I just eat my poodle?" The strangest thing about the dog story - the eating, not the crate - is that this is a ten year old American kid - and he eats dog? I can't imagine my kids at that age eating dog - I think they would run screaming from the room. I think they would have starved first. I am not a birther - I don't think he was born in Kenya, or Indonesia - I think he was born on Mars. He is a pod person.
The issue is that the press isn't doing a fair job. Here in CA, we got the same governor, Moonbeam Jerry Brown, who brought Unions to government jobs here in CA. Why? Because it turns out Meg Whitman's nanny was an illegal. Yes, the nanny lied about it, yes, the Whitmans followed the law, but the media made this into an issue, and she lost the race.
In a fair press, they would drum up all kinds of news here in CA, in which the populace voted recently to make it illegal to eat Horse meat. That would be fair. But I suspect they would only do that if Obama were an R.
Does anyone but me remember the movie "A boy and His Dog" starring a young Don Johnson? The short story was pretty good, the movie, for lack of acting, sets, photography, etc. could have been better, but it did follow the story line better than most.
@Loafing oaf When everyone is having a great time and enjoying themselves there's always that one "special" person who gets all sincere and teary. It makes us all feel so bad we pick up our ball and go home to write "I will not have fun." 100 times. There's no party pooper like a liberal party pooper.
DBQ: People who are getting their panties in a wad about the Romney's transporting their dog are just over reacting.
Except for the PETA fanatics I don't think most people care one way or the other how you move your dog. But if you're desperate for Obama to win another term you'll jump at anything you can get your hands on, including the alleged cruelty of putting your dog carrier on top your car.
I myself and many of my friends often ride in the back of a pickup truck(sans leash). It's common in the hang gliding community. We get on freeways, and drive along 1000ft high cliffs four wheeling, often with dogs right next to us. Life is too short whether you take risks or not. If I knew I was only gonna live 12 - 16 years, I'd eat puppies to get in a pickup and go anywhere anytime. Idiots? Maybe, but it could be worse - you could never do it and die anyway. That would be very unfortunate.
I care. People who leash their dogs into the back of a pick-up truck are idiots.
So what do you suggest?
The dog runs behind the truck?. At even 45 mph that's a bit harsh. Drag the dog in a little sled or trailer behind? Don't leash the dog in the bed of the truck and let it fall out? Because it will eventually.
Never take your dog hunting or on vacation with you? Keep your dog in an itty bitty pen in the backyard and never have interaction with it? Lock it in the house? Yeah that'll be good for both the dog and the furniture. What is the point of having a dog if it doesn't go with you?
What? We aren't talking about a tiny vanity lap or purse sized designer dog. It is an animal that, in the case of my Chessy weighed in at 110 pounds or better.
Don't say in the front of the pick up because I'm not having a farting and crapping 110 pound dog in my lap or even in the seat next to me. Ain't gonna happen.
The dog is in the back of the truck, either on a leash tethered to the middle of the bed, for short trips or in a crate for longer. If you have a car or suv, then on top with the crate facing backwards and frequent rest stops.
No worse than being in the belly of a jet plane and treated like cargo for 12 to 15 hours. The animal knows you are there when you make the stops.
You don't do a marathon trip all at once on the first time either. You work up to it with frequent short trips so the dog knows what is going on and is used to the routine.
Sheesh. Some people act like they've never been around animals.
I never heard of the dog having that problem, but the pilots do. Often you can stay up for hours at a time, even all day when things are good. In competitions, men sometimes wear a condom with a tube attached to the end, and the womens wear adult diapers. This is rarely done though - only for distance records. The oldest pilot in my club is 83 and still flying - without diapers.
A friend at work gave me two racks of baby back ribs today. I just finished using the barbeque to cook them up real nice, and me and my dogs split them even-steven... kinda. Luckily, they don't count real well. I'm stuffed. No pets were harmed for this feast. Real Americans don't eat dogs.
A friend of mine also rescued a hawk with a broken wing, and nursed it back to health. He made a little cradle that so he could strap it to his glider and fly with it right next to him. The bird really seemed to love it.
wyo sis said... @Loafing oaf When everyone is having a great time and enjoying themselves there's always that one "special" person who gets all sincere and teary. It makes us all feel so bad we pick up our ball and go home to write "I will not have fun." 100 times. There's no party pooper like a liberal party pooper.
I don't know what you're talking about. I saw this post by Althouse where she is once again a tool for Instapundit. I pointed out that dog lovers (including conservatives) reacted negatively to the story of how Romney treated his dog, and they reacted that way in a natural way without prompting from propagandists. It wasn't talking points. It wasn't bullshit. It was: What kind of a douchebag treats his dog this way?
This stuff about Obama eating dog meat when he was a child in a country where that was normal is just nonsense from propagandists who think they are clever. What Romney did to his dog SAID SOMETHING ABOUT HIM. It wasn't propaganda. It was dog lovers reacting to how this man treated his dog.
I'd like to see the day when Althouse stopped being Instapundit's tool, but I know the day will never come.
Gene: "Except for the PETA fanatics I don't think most people care one way or the other how you move your dog."
So you don't think how a person treats their dog says anything about them? I think it says A LOT. But you don't think it says anything AT ALL? Only a "PETA fanatic" reads anything into how someone treats their dog?
This conservative is a dog lover with 5 dogs, and who has rescued and adopted out hundreds, and I don't find what Romney did to be a problem, especially considering that if both dogs got to vote, they would most certainly vote for the guy who would take them on vacation rather than kill, gut, skin and eat them.
But it's a different culture, so maybe not. Maybe dogs there like that even better than a vacation.
bagoh20 said... This conservative is a dog lover with 5 dogs, and who has rescued and adopted out hundreds, and I don't find what Romney did to be a problem, especially considering that if both dogs got to vote, they would most certainly vote for the guy who would take them on vacation rather than kill, gut, skin and eat them.
Obama didn't kill, gut, or skin a dog. He was a little boy in a foreign country where eating dog meat was normal and someone served it to him.
Romney was an adult who treated his living dog (a living being that was a member of his family!) in shitty and abusive fashion. That actually says something about him, and what it says is BAD -- which is why the right-wing blogosphere sees that this is a problem and must use some propaganda to counter it.
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२२४ टिप्पण्या:
224 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»The birth certificate, the high school transcripts, the video hug with a black man, what he ate in Indonesia at the age of ten...
Aren't conservatives just embarrassed...
I've had dog. It's not bad.
Now its official. Progressive democrats are cannibals.
Now that 4 years later we learned the O enjoyed grill pooch over rice what else might we learn about him? Perhaps we might yet discover who is the real author of his books, how he got a court to unseal an opponents divorce records, his college grades, why he has a CT social security number and many other tid-bits enquiring minds want to know about.
High school transcripts? I thought we haven't even seen his college transcripts. Am I wrong?
The book has been out for how many years? And no one said anything about it until they went after Romney for animal abuse. Mentioning the canisphagia (is that a word? Google says no. Why not?) is solely a case of "making them live up to their own rules."
So the lefties saying "Oh why are you making such a big deal out of this" as if they don't understand why, is just another faux-stance joke.
Andy R. said...
The birth certificate, the high school transcripts, the video hug with a black man, what he ate in Indonesia at the age of ten...
Aren't conservatives just embarrassed...
Embarrassed about what? It's the lefty shills that are shameless and therefore not embarrassed by pimping for that fool.
Which the dog seemed to like
Oh, except for SHITTING ITSELF and then running away afterwards. But the dog loved it!
And did Obama kill his pet dog and eat it? No. False equivalency morons.
This is going to be a really fun election.
I don't think "Obama eats dogs" is emotional enough. It needs to be: "Obama eats puppies".
Ender, have you ever had a dog? Your comment suggests not.
And if Obama had killed his dog and eaten it, that would not be a false equivalency as well?
In fact, it needs to be pointed out that his mother and Indonesia probably have had a lot more influence on Barack Obama's mind than Kenya and his father that he hardly knew.
Aren't conservatives just embarrassed...
And this from someone who thinks Obama has performed admirably in his job.
Andy R. said...
The birth certificate, the high school transcripts, the video hug with a black man, what he ate in Indonesia at the age of ten...
Aren't conservatives just embarrassed...
Further proof that liberals have absolutely no sense of humor.
Well since Obama doesn't know the difference between the Maldives and Malvinas or that Austrian isn't a language or how to pronounce corpsman or the difference between health and disability insurance I would not mind seeing his college grades. Only to verify that he's this most brilliant President EVAH!!!
Andy; Has Obama released his college transcripts?
I didnt know Mr Obama had some Korean ancestry
Watching faux outrage go right through the woof. -cp
I ate donkey meat in China. It's a bit like corned beef, but sweeter.
You're endangering us. You're endangering our client, the nice lady who paid us in advance before she became a dog.
Dr. Peter Venknan,
Don't we have more important things to worry about than how someone carried a dog in a dog carrier or what someone tasted? I've eaten a number of foods not on the usual American diet. I'd have tasted dog if offered. Much ado about nothing.
It's the economy, stupid, not dogs.
I know a couple dogs I'd love to eat.
I've had three dogs. Not at one sitting, mind you.
That little chihuahua that bit me, for example. I'm thinking tacos.
"And did Obama kill his pet dog and eat it? No."
Well, how do you know that? Pretty big assumption to make about someone who showboats about dog-eating in his biography. Also, this would be clearly violate the progressive "local food" rule. If you're going to eat a dog, eat a home-grown one.
If the dog-dinner wasn't first a pet, that just means that Obama didn't even have the courtesy, the basic human decency, to grow his own dog before he ate it.
Cats for Romney: You needn't eat the dog; just put it on the roof.
I've often wondered exactly what tune it is that Andy R. is whistling as he strolls past the graveyard.
If you go to Tahiti they have canteen trucks that park along the wharf in Papeete, sometimes twenty or thirty of them. Most serve crepes, but if you walk all the way to the end of the line there are usually one or two trucks with somebody's bloodhound on a spit, slowly roasting over an open flame.
Any of you guys read Francis Parkman's "The Oregon Trail"?
Aren't conservatives just embarrassed...
Why? My impression of the conservative twittering on this is that it consists mostly of exuberant riffing on an anti-Obama joke. (E.g.: "so that's what happened to the Blue Dog Democrats.") Kind of like the twitter riffing on Obama's "Attack Watch."
In a way it is tit for tat-- a "you started it" game: it's seizing on the ridiculousness of an anti-Romney meme, pushed-- twittered-- by Axelrod himself: the "dog on the roof of the car" outrage. And, neutralizing it.
The left, of course, is seizing on the riffing and taking it all too literally and seriously. They're still trying to hit back/ tit for tat/ regain their footing after the Hilary Rosen flap. The Dem spin after that was: oh, this is Republican "faux outrage"! And this is along those lines.
But it's hard to pin that on the right, when (1) the right is just hitting back on memes the *left* has been introducing-- not letting the left get away with it. And in this case it's not outrage so much as laughter-- something ilke a reductio ad absurdum (like Rush likes to engage in).
And (2) Romney himself and his campaign aren't the ones pushing this-- it's conservatives/ Republicans having fun, riffing on twitter. Obama himself and Axelrod et al went on the air to weigh in on l'affaire Rosen-- they obviously took that very seriously. After all, the "war on women" was supposedly dead serious (rolling eyes). I doubt you'll see Romney going on the air to weigh in on l'affaire chien (other than possibly to make a dry joke about it, if asked to comment on it).
So, a couple of times we put our border collie in a carrier and flew 12 hours from Frankfurt to L.A. and 12 hours back.
In reality, wasn't that probably harder on the dog than the short ride on the top of the car to Mitt's summer home?
Dog is commonly eaten throughout the rest of the world because of 1 over riding concern...hunger. Your Hindu neighbor looks at you the same way when you go to Applebee's.
There are many things to criticize Zero on, what he ate as a child isn't one of them.
I got no problem with people eating dog if they have no problem with me not.
the BC that your President boasted as his own, won't hold up to a forensic examination. Why you people continue to beclown yourselves on this issue is beyond me. Just saying "neener neener neener" is not a defense, or explanation, of the improprieties discovered on the "released BC PDF". That's all you, or Zero has to do to make it all go away, but you, and he, won't because you can't.
(waiting for seven retards to chime in here...because the same applies to him too)
When Zero admits that the BC he released is a forgery, it won't be his fault. He'll throw some nameless underling under the bus. Because, you know, that's what stand up guys do.
Aren't conservatives just embarrassed...
what for? I'm not the dog eater.
Of course, this dog flap is a distraction from more serious matters, real cause for outrage: like Ted Nugent.
This just in. We've got actual, you know, PROBLEMS going on in this country. Let's make sure not to talk about things like the senate again not passing a budget.
American politics in the 21st century:
Democrat talking point: This Republican molehill is mountainous.
Republican response: Oh? What about that sandhill of yours?
Deep thinker: A pox on both their houses.
Concern troll: Republicans are silly.
So, OK, Andy R, your man spends $5T more than we have, impoverishing an entire young generation by so doing, and he also ate dog meat.
I can give him a pass on the dog meat; I ate dog on my mission in Korea.
But aren't liberals just embarrassed with the spending and impoverishing?
On a list of items of why I think Obama is the worst president in the history of the United States, what he ate as a child in a foreign country is pretty damned low on my list.
What he learned, his religious upbringing, attitudes towards western society and how it shaped his current mind set and how it affects his actions is more important.
Just think of the franchise opportunities and the menu: BBQ pitbull. Golden fried retriever. Chocolate lab. Bichon, lettuce and tomato sandwich. -cp
I've eaten squirrel, so there.
Titus may be upset if the dog were a rare clumber.
yashu said...
Of course, this dog flap is a distraction from more serious matters, real cause for outrage: like Ted Nugent.
Ted Nugent ate feline, IIRC.
"To counter opponents’ accusations that he lacks experience in foreign policy, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois often cites his ties to relatives in poor villages in Kenya and the years he spent growing up in Indonesia."
"He was just a kid when he ate that dog."
Iowahawk has it covered:
"We've got actual, you know, PROBLEMS going on in this country. Let's make sure not to talk about things like the senate again not passing a budget."
Not to worry, Steve. Kent Conrad explain a couple of weeks ago on Fox News Sunday why not passing a budget is actually better than passing a budget.
I've eaten squirrel several times. Squirrel sucks.
My dog shits on all your yards.
"Bring it," says my dog.
Obama you dog-eating bastard, I read your book!
"Eating dog meat, when you were served it by your step-dad, in a country where it was normal food."
Did Obama specify he was served it by his step dad? In the quote I've seen, he just says he was "introduced" to dog "away from the dinner table". He could have been going out of his way to eat dog at a friend's home or something.
And some reporter should ask Obama if he's ever eaten dog as an adult. They'd ask Romney that if he'd admitted eating dog in his youth.
I've eaten squirrel several times. Squirrel sucks.
Yes it does. Squirrels also have warbles. Don't look it up if you want to retain your appetite for anything ever again!
I've cooked and eaten bear, catfish, sturgeon, stripped bass, squid, octopus, clams, abalone, lots of other wild game birds and fish, rattlesnake, porcupine, elk, deer, moose, horse, goat, lamb, and probably have unknowingly eaten cats and dogs too in some oriental dishes. I won't eat insects. Well except for Lobster.
It doesn't matter what Obama ate as a child.
What matters is how crappy a President is NOW.
There used to be a place across the river hat served exotic meat. Lion, camel, zebra, whatever you wanted. The desserts were to die for though.
As an aside, squirrel does suck, rabbit too, but BBQ monkey meat, and BBQ alligator gets 2 thumbs up from "Buddy Christ" and me.(with everyone throwing in movie allusions, I thought I'd throw MY hat in the ring)
I've often wondered exactly what tune it is that Andy R. whistles as he walks past the graveyard.
"Finishing The Hat"
Alinsky is my hero.
A good tactic is one your side enjoys.
And make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.
Now I understand everything.
Obama is dyslexic and thought he was eating God, and therefore had become all-powerful, The One, and could keep the oceans from rising and heal the planet.
DBQ...a woman after my own stomach :-)
You should experience 1 exotic food per year, to make yourself happy. Either with the old stuff, or a new favorite.
The liberal /conservative difference is clearly evident:
The conservative approach is to hold on to your resources, risking them when needed, but smartly still having them afterward.
The liberal approach is to consume your resources and and depend on the next generation to fill in the loss.
I see deep meaning here.
"High school transcripts? I thought we haven't even seen his college transcripts. Am I wrong?
I'm still waiting for some work experience. After being in this job for 3 years, he can now add to his resume that he increased golf link throughput dramatically within his department.
"You should experience 1 exotic food per year, to make yourself happy."
I have personally experienced this when I tried the store brand can of beans instead of the name brand. I saved 30 cents, and yes, I was very happy. Don't shrink from adventure - life is too short.
Pogo, you beat me to it! Obama went to a Catholic grade school for three years, according to Wikipedia. He may simply have been referring to the Eucharist.
I recommend tasty chapulines. Crunchy, tasty well seasoned chapulines.
I've had Ethiopian food.
Dog only knows what was in there.
Dog; tastes like chicken, or not.
It doesn't matter what Obama ate as a child.
it does if you ate dog and your top adviser is trying to make Romney look like a dog abuser in front of dog loving Americans. what kind of dog-eating dumbass opens the door to that?
I don't think "Obama eats dogs" is emotional enough. It needs to be: "Obama eats puppies"
Or "Obama eats unborn puppies that were allowed to die slowly after surviving abortion"
Just like late-term abortion survivors in Illinois!
And did Obama kill his pet dog and eat it? No.
No, that dog wasn't Obama's pet. That dog [insert adorable puppy photo here] never got a chance to be anyone's pet, BECAUSE OBAMA ATE IT!!!
Remember, most serial killers start off killing animals.
Crunchy, tasty well seasoned chapulines
AAAACK!! Insects....uck.
I'd rather eat grilled entranas.
(baby lamb or goat intestines grilled with the milk still inside. Rather like ricotta cheese stuffed sausages.)
Treacher commenter via Iowahawk, let's hope it's not another Bo meets grill.
Kevin wrote:
Mentioning the canisphagia (is that a word? Google says no. Why not?) is solely a case of "making them live up to their own rules."
It's not a word because the root are from two different languages, Latin and Greek. When coining such a term it is best to stick to one linguistic source, say Latin-Latin, or Greek-Greek. In this case the word is cynophagia, from the Greek meaning "dog eating". Κύνος (cynus) is also the root for our word cynic. This is said to derive from the antics of Diogenes, history's ultra-nonconformist, who pretended to be a dog for political reasons.
Titus may be upset if the dog were a rare clumber.
Clumbers taste better well done.
Well this should demonstrate Obama's appeal to the common folks. After all, we've all snacked on a pup or two, haven't we?
I'm trying to think of the marketing angle.
Dog Meat: It's For teh Childrens!
Dog: the other white meat
Dog: It's what's for dinner
Got Dog?
(Cow says:) Eat Mor Puppy
I had to eat crow once when I had wrongly maligned my brother for stealing my catcher's mitt. Turned out I was the one who'd left it at a friend's house. The mitt, not the crow.
Tried to hold my nose so I wouldn't taste it but that didn't really work because then I couldn't breathe.
Crow tastes a little like chicken. Tough nasty rancid chicken. Chicken pot humble pie.
Chicken pot humble pie.
I resemble that remark, Meade.
I gagged copiously.
Leslyn: So, being associated to somehow who ate a dog is clearly a lesser offense than eating dog yourself -and bragging about it in your autobiography-.
Though, really, the whole thing is silly. Which, if people would just accept that it is people picking on the most powerful man in the world in a humorous way, it would have all ended last night after the Twitterathon.
I suspect those of you that hate squirrel didn't soak it long enough in the buttermilk before you fried it.
leslyn said...
He should have thrown a B'day party to Obama along with the dog to bring back memories.
"I suspect those of you that hate squirrel didn't soak it long enough in the buttermilk before you fried it."
It was hard enough getting him to sit still in the frying pan. No way I could keep him in that buttermilk bowl. He would bolt as soon as his nuts touched the milk. Then my whole setup would fall out of the tree. I just gave up and went back to my can of beans.
Apparently, Obama hasn't released any college records. I suspected Andy's inclusion of high school transcipts was a diversion. It was.
You can have my squirrel, Rocketeer.
The Indonesians are not as Muslim as they say they are if they eat unclean dogs.
The eating of the flesh of the animal to get its powers is a religious faith of animists. They want the animal's spirit inside them.
Does that mean that Barack The Dog is running for re-election?
The very concept worries us chicken eaters.
I asked my dog what she thought was worse- to travel in a dog carrier on top of a car, or to be eaten. She just stared at me blankly.
I knew she was right- it's a stupid question.
I've not had dog, but I've had politician. It's not bad. Tastes like chicken. a country where it was normal food.
Wait a minute folks.
Aren't dogs considered unclean in Islam? Isn't Indonesia a Muslim country? Wasn't Barry's stepdad a Muslim? What gives?
I'm serious. I want an explanation
It matters less to me that Zero ate a pup in the Dutch East Indies (when in Rome...) than that he he was very comfortable throwing the woman that raised him, after his own mother dumped him, in the lap of privilege under the bus when it suited his purpose.
Andy R. said...
The birth certificate, the high school transcripts, the video hug with a black man, what he ate in Indonesia at the age of ten...
Aren't conservatives just embarrassed...
When the little fraud can't discern between the Maldives and the Malvinas (not to mention the fact he doesn't even call them their proper name) while claiming he has a graduate level Ivy League education, I am not in the least embarrassed by wanting to see his academic transcripts and his medical records.
As far as I can tell, this fool isn't qualified to be dog catcher.
(but then neither is Hatman)
You can have my squirrel, Rocketeer.
Do I get your sweet taters and greens too?
What's unnerving - especially at night - is that my dog knows what I taste like, and he constantly follows me around. I can't relax.
I have personally experienced this when I tried the store brand can of beans instead of the name brand. I saved 30 cents, and yes, I was very happy. Don't shrink from adventure - life is too short.
ha ha ha ha ha!
This song goes out to Yashu at 12:50PM: Dog Eat Dog
"As far as I can tell, this fool isn't qualified to be dog catcher."
-- Are you saying he didn't hunt it himself?
Do I get your sweet taters and greens too?
You do.
Oh come on, it is nothing but funny to see this dog stuff thrown in Axelrod's face.
-"In retrospect, a chilling photo."
That is pure genius, my friends. Make mockery of the popinjays.
Neither is serious.
However the right isn't outraged (even in a fake manner) about Obama's love of eating dogs, they are merely using it to make fun of him.
That it now serves to blunt the decidedly retarded charges people like Andy R. make about Romney just makes it all the better.
I just read the quote from his book, and Obama as a boy ATE SNAKES.
That explains everything... at least it does if you are an animist.
The ObamaCare takes over Medicine and the symbol for medicine is Caduceas which is the two snakes entertwined on the rod of Asclepius.
This is absolutely the best thing to happen in American politics since Dukakis got into a tank.
This is great fun, I don't think I have had so many laughs in a political theme in a long time (well, maybe since Carter's killer rabbit) and it has made Obama a complete laughing stock.
The best one of all was the Romney campaign aide's response to the picture of Obama in the limousine with Bo, "in hindsight, this is a chilling photo". Absolutely BRILLIANT.
The real beauty, of course, is that the Obama campaign has tried to use animals as an avenue of criticism of Romney and are now blown up by their own bomb. We've been seeing a lot of these "work accidents" lately.
The Democrats are looking completely out of their league the past few weeks. It is obvious they aren't used to getting any "backtalk" from their Republican adversaries and are used to controlling any response by controlling the access to media.
Welcome to the 21st century, Democrats, you don't control the media now. You are taking an absolute beating in social media.
Good luck in Novenber. And Bo ... be careful ... after November, Obama will have a lot more ... flexibility.
I've had snake. It's not bad.
We caught and ate a snake on a survival outing in Boy Scouts. Started the fire with my friend's eye glasses.
Andy R. said...
The birth certificate, the high school transcripts, the video hug with a black man, what he ate in Indonesia at the age of ten...
Aren't conservatives just embarrassed...
No. I'm amazed that you're not.
Perhaps we might yet discover who is the real author of his books,
Bill Ayers
1. 4 more years of Obama, 6 dollar a gallon gas and 99% may end up eating dog because 4 dollar a pound peanut butter and 6 dollar a pound hamburger are too expensive.
2. We know why Obama never trusted himself to have a dog for a pet before he became President.
They made his mouth water.
3. Seamus was like a government employee. Fed and housed and cared for despite doing little work, "free-riding a la Michelle" on vacations - then crapping all over working Americans and their car.
4. Sad to say, no joke!!! --Some emotionally driven American females..who would have voted against Romney solely due to "the poor Seamus meme" having legs, are now going to vote against "that dog-eater from an exotic foreign country". Now that a counter-meme has been crafted by cunning media savvy people.
We can laugh all we want, about silly dog wars, but that sort of woman is 5% of the national vote demographic. Elections are won and lost on who gets past their simplistic little heads on TV, underneath their velvet painting of dogs and babies with huge weepy eyes - to show who loves pets more.
5. The joke about the economy going to the dogs - those Obama cannot manage to catch and eat - is too obvious.
6. Contrary to rumors, when asked how Bo is doing - Black Messiah has NOT said: "He is a plump and tender pet. I savor Teddy Kennedy's gift.".
Meade said...
I had to eat crow once when I had wrongly maligned my brother for stealing my catcher's mitt. Turned out I was the one who'd left it at a friend's house. The mitt, not the crow.
Tried to hold my nose so I wouldn't taste it but that didn't really work because then I couldn't breathe.
Crow tastes a little like chicken. Tough nasty rancid chicken. Chicken pot humble pie
Marinate it overnight in whole milk in the fridge.
Haha, chickenlittle, that's great! Wasn't aware of the canine connection.
Maybee, I agree. Fehrnstrom's tweet-- "In retrospect, a chilling photo"-- was stealthy killer LOL.
Two questions:
1.) How is a wind shielded dog crate on a station wagon roof worse than one of those horse transport tow trailers?
2.) Don't dogs poop in transport crates no matter the mode of transportation?
askewhatguy wrote:
The birth certificate...
Ah, the famous birth certificate! I've been waiting for someone to bring that up. How ironic that uber-myrmidon Andy R. should bring that to our attention. A convincing case has been made that the so-called birth certificate is a forgery created in Adobe Illustrator. In case Andy R. hasn't seen the presentation, here it is:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
edutcher wrote:
As far as I can tell, this fool [Obama] isn't qualified to be dog catcher.
Though he'd like to be.
"Good luck in Novenber. And Bo ... be careful ... after November, Obama will have a lot more ... flexibility."
+1. Nice.
Nice 3:23 post by Crossroads.
Agree, absolutely BRILLIANT to use the demonizing language of the Left in labelling a Axlerod provided pic of nice guy Obama & Bo to demonize Romney = "Chilling, in hindsight".
And props to Yashu for many excellent comments on several threads. She is a quality commentor on Althouse's blog.
Next up??
"Obama's family looked forward to not just dog, but eating the meat of endangered species!!!! (tiger meat).
"Romney out of touch!! Did not know the price of a sixpack of beer in NYC!!"
Rosen and Dunn are sitting in their conference room at SKD Knickerbocker flailing at how to "manage" twitter and slowly coming to the realization that they can't.
Wonder how long it will take the Democrats to try to ban it.
Hold on just a second there Obama defenders. Here we have another example of Obama bragging about just how exotic his life has been in order to make himself seem so "diverse" and "multicultural" in his extended college application essay called "Dreams from my Father". When someone calls him on those details, they're not relevant? Total DS (dogshit).
Here in Texas, I regularly see dogs just hanging out in the back pickups. They're completely unrestrained and exposed to the elements (rain, heat, etc.) I guess all of those dog owners should go to jail?
from the dailycaller:
Dreams from My Schnauzer
This just shows the left has absolutely no sense of humor.
And of course hypocrisy is a virtue for them...
"... We caught and ate a snake on a survival outing in Boy Scouts..."
Seriously? Honest to God so did I at a Boy Scout camp in Michigan while doing a 2 day survival course.
Camp Owasippe I think it was.
Let's try that again
While I think this whole thing about eating dog is foolish, the larger picture it seems to me is that the Obama machine is losing control of the internet--it is becoming an object of mockery--I do anticipate the administration seeking to gain tighter control of the internet.
@Hoosier - We also ate a lot of the edible plant Spiderwort. Can't stand the sight of it, now. (Actually, after 40+ years, the revulsion has worn off.)
This is significant, because even some of the mainstream media is now laughing at Obama.
That demonstrates that he is toast more than anything else I've seen so far.
For 3.5 years, no one on the left or the media could see anything funny or humorous about Obama. He was their Lord, above ridicule.
Now, though, they are laughing at him, in stress relief from 3.5 years of trying to defend him.
This is the beginning of the walkback.
Talking dogs against Obama
it seems to me is that the Obama machine is losing control of the internet--it is becoming an object of mockery--I do anticipate the administration seeking to gain tighter control of the internet.
This is something that I have said quite some time ago. They can't control the internet and will probably try to shut it down.
Good luck with that.
Obama needs the brain dead youth vote. How much are they going to love Obama when he shuts down their twitter, facebook and other connections.
Obama family cookbook
50 Ways to Wok Your Dog
This can be fun.
New Obama Theme song for 2012
How much is that dinner in the window? (arf! arf!)
The one with the waggley tail
How much is that dinner in the window? (arf! arf!)
I do hope that doggie's cooked well
It is obvious [the Democrats] aren't used to getting any "backtalk" from their Republican adversaries and are used to controlling any response by controlling the access to media.
Welcome to the 21st century, Democrats, you don't control the media now.
I agree, crosspatch. You know what's funny, ironic-- or just plain cool? During the primaries, many people posited a binary opposition between Romney (the presumptive nominee, the "establishment" candidate) and Palin (the coulda woulda shoulda "conservative" ideal)-- not just ideologically, but in terms of political style. In terms of how they would battle Obama. Staid/ boring/ timid moderate vs. fiery redmeat vim.
But as we've seen, when it comes to quick, sharp, ruthless "backtalk"-- not letting Dem/ left/ MSM framings of issues go uncontested-- administered with vigor and a dose of snarky wit and humor (daring to mock the One), taking full and smart advantage of online social media-- the Romney campaign reminds me quite a bit of Palin. (Another example: Romney's "MSM as vast left-wing conspiracy" remark, said with an obvious chuckle. At once matter-of-factly stating the obvious about liberal bias in the MSM, and mocking Hilary's-- and the Dems' in general-- over-the-top "right-wing-conspiracy" rhetoric.)
I have mixed feelings about Palin, there are things I've come to dislike but still a lot I've always liked about her (I'll always love her for that first speech I heard of hers, her sense of humor and toughness in going after Obama). Well, Palin fans, say what you will about Romney-- but you can't deny that there's a lot about his campaign so far that is positively Palinesque. The Romney campaign has adopted IMO the best part of Palin's political style. Which means, Romney will be reaching out to moderate Dems and independents-- but (if his campaign so far is any indication) he'll also make this *fun* for conservatives and the GOP base.
This is a new campaign paradigm for the GOP. As strange as it may sound, I think Romney's campaign team might have learned a little something from Palin-- and from the online right-wing blogosphere.
If you think that eating dog meat that someone fed you in a foreign country when you were a kid is bad, my own mother opened a can of SPAM and sliced some off and fried it a forced me to eat it or die of starvation and it was so gross my gills slammed shut and I haven't been able to breathe underwater since.
Romney is going to have a lot of people in his campaign from business. These people have been using social media for marketing for years and are sharp at it.
But more importantly, the only reason Obama has the support he has among some of his primary support demographics (e.g. the voters under 30) is not because Obama has such great promise or because it is cool to be an Obama supporter, it is because it was uncool to be anti-Obama.
Once that barrier goes away, once Obama becomes a popular laughingstock on even one single issue, it will be like a dam bursting. His support among those demographics will melt away quickly. Once Obama can be the butt of jokes at the party and once it is OK to point out that he doesn't have a single popular policy victory, the Obama buzz in that community will just stop. It will go dead quiet on Obama.
Obama is already toast. Oh, new polling should be out in a couple of hours showing Obama and Romney tied dead even ... in Pennsylvania.
this whole dog thing cries out for a hitler video--where is the person who can craft this.
Hitler FInds Out Romney Strapped His Dog to the Car Roof
@Roger J: you ask they give
Obama is now referring to Romney putting the dog on the roof as Meals on Wheels. #ObamaDogRecipes
Great Danishes #ObamaDogRecipes
RinTinTin DinDin #ObamaDogRecipes
And a zillion more. Bwhahahaha.
I bet Obama and Michelle are just steaming right now. Hope it isn't Bo.
Yashu wrote: Well, Palin fans, say what you will about Romney-- but you can't deny that there's a lot about his campaign so far that is positively Palinesque.
I agree. I recall tweeting last year my first choice as combination of Romney-Palin or Palin-Romney because the combination would bring together the two factions of establishment and upstart Tea Party.
But don't compare Romney too much to Palin or you're bound to piss-off Cedarford. :)
pmj and EDH--thanks guys--whoever does these Hitler vids should get a pulitzer prize--they are absolutely fantatistic. Thank you both for sharing--one can only wait with moist anticipation for the next one.
Rialby - " Obama bragging about just how exotic his life has been in order to make himself seem so "diverse" and "multicultural" in his extended college application essay called "Dreams from my Father""
In fairness to Obama, his initial essay was "Dogs from my Stepfather"..Bill Ayers recommended a rewrite.
one can only suspect there are a reinforced battalion of writers who can generate a Hitler vid in less than 30 minutues. These guys are great.
@Yashu:This is a new campaign paradigm for the GOP. As strange as it may sound, I think Romney's campaign team might have learned a little something from Palin-- and from the online right-wing blogosphere.
Yes! We're talking about this on another blog about how Republicans have become adept at using social media tools. I would not go as far as giving full credit to Palin but she does excel in rapid response and pithy, catchy word response. The last two weeks' episodes, Rosen and this both caught fire on twitter and the MSM didn't have much to do with it. Good. If they can defeat MSM and Obama at the same time, more power to them. And the big draw is that the R's are having fun doing this.
Two Indonesians are sitting at a table eating dinner, when one says to the other:
"So, what do you think"
And, the other says:
"Tastes like Shamus."
They're not comparable. Many people - including non-partisans and some conservatives (blogger Prof. Bainbridge for example) - reacted naturally with disgust at the way the Romney family treated their dog and the fact they thought it was a charming story years later.
Pigs are animals with a high intelligence like a dog, but you don't learn something bad about an individual American just because he or she has eaten pig. But if I heard that a candidate had a pet pig that he/she abused, I would think rather badly of the person. Just like if someone has a pet dog and abuses the dog.
To me, how someone treats his or her pet is one of the most revealing things I can learn about a person.
So Obama spent time in his youth in a culture that had practices that are different from mainstream America. He doesn't eat dog today. Does Romney still wear Mormon underwear?
Bless Iowahawk and 'Jim''Treacher'.
Hilarious and fearless.
Eating dog meat, when you were served it by your step-dad, in a country where it was normal food...
is as Indonesian as puppy pie.
I'd be willing to bet that if Obama ate garage's black lab dog, he'd say something like this:
"Well, it was a lot more tender than the others that I ate."
Garage: "Thanks, man."
Anyone who has ever seen a tractor trailer load of chickens, or hogs, or cattle going down the interstate at 70MPH would know that it is no different. In fact, if the crate was protected from the wind, the ride would be very comfortable for the animal.
This is an attempt to make something quite innocent sound "horrible" or at the very least "undignified" by not treating the dog as if it were a human being.
MOST people see right through that crap.
My friend AllenS makes a joke with Garage as the butt. If i may take a trip down memory lane, in viet nam at the fire base we had lots of dogs--the troopers loved them, but they did become health hazards--every couple of months I would have them rounded up, thrown in the back and take them down to the Capital ROK division fire base (south Koreans) we would drop them off and tried not to think of what became of them. I suspect AllenS, gruff bastard that he is, probably had a puppy or two in his hootch.
I always said Obama could eat a live puppy on TV and the press would still cover for him.
Little did I know at the time...
Seriously, the Republicans are not starting any of this. Obama is desperate to talk about anything but the issues and all of this stuff just keeps blowing up in his face. We had the crazy condom lady panhandling in front of Congress, then the attacks on Ann Romney for raising her kids and now they are down to the family pet. It just keeps getting more and more hysterical the harder they try.
Obama has been built up into a deity by the press and a deity cannot survive ridicule... which is why so many lefty trolls are making an appearance in this thread over such a trivial issue.
It hurtsss the preciousss it doesss. Mean, nasssty Rethuglicansss.
Thanks (aw shucks) for the compliment, Cedarford.
And heh, chickenlittle, maybe Cedarford won't scorn me (avowed Mittbot) too much for giving Palin a little (well deserved) love.
"Obama has been built up into a deity by the press and a deity cannot survive ridicule"
I noticed that, too. Like yesterday's comment by Michelle Obama that Barack led the country "out of the darkness and into the light". That should have been a face-palm moment for Democrats everywhere.
The President walks into an Indonesian restaurant and asks for an order of dog. When he's finished, the waiter brings him a tab for $250, and says, "You know, we don't get many Presidents in here," and the President says, "Yeah, and at these prices, you're not going to get very many more!"
How much sillier is this election going to get?
Anyone who has ever seen a tractor trailer load of chickens, or hogs, or cattle going down the interstate at 70MPH would know that it is no different. In fact, if the crate was protected from the wind, the ride would be very comfortable for the animal.
Exactly. The crate is a comfortable way to travel.
There is nothing wrong with it at all.
Dogs get excited and naturally "let loose" when traveling. We used to have a Chesapeake Retriever that would ride in the back of the truck to go hunting. It would begin farting, in preparation, before we even loaded up. Peeeeuuuuu!! I'd rather have the dog crap on top of the car or in the back of the truck than inside on the upholstery and everyone else......On the way back it and the other dogs would ride balancing on the pile of dead birds......Loving every minute of it.
Every day you see dogs balancing on the top of hay bales in the backs of the vehicles in winter. Peering over the top of the cab or running back and forth from side to side hanging their heads over the side of the truck. Some even jump up on top of the cab and balance like a circus acrobat.
Mostly they are chained so that they can't fall out....but not always since most of the vehicles are 'between' fields and highway.
People who are getting their panties in a wad about the Romney's transporting their dog are just over reacting.
Damn--have all our lefties abandoned this thread? conspicuous by their absence it seems to me.
Roger, we had no dogs in the hootch. We didn't stay long enough in one place to settle down and domesticate anything.
that was the trouble with airborne troopers--no sense of place :) In the 69th armor, we had our mobile home parks :)
Roger J. said...
pmj and EDH--thanks guys--whoever does these Hitler vids should get a pulitzer prize--they are absolutely fantatistic. Thank you both for sharing--one can only wait with moist anticipation for the next one.
Both spoofs are laugh out loud funny. I predict that they will be widely viewed.
Next up? I hoped those inspired parodyists have secured some stock video of Obama at a backyard bbq holding a bit of as yet unidentified meat in his hands as he glibly interacts with fawning supporters.
Obama .."This delicious bit of dog is another way I am helping save the planet and stop the oceans rise"
Fawning supporter.."Oh, my Black Messiah, I love you so much, but why dog?"
Obama .."Do you realize the carbon footprint a single dog has? Do you condemn the culture of noble 3rd Worlders??"
Fawning supporter..."You are so wise! No, I didn't realize dogs were so bad for Mother Gaia. And I would never condemn any noble 3rd World culture."
Obama..."And dog is quite delicious. Especially marinated in a Muslim spice mix then grilled slow to get the toughness out of old outdoorsy dogs."
re C4s comment--does anyone out there have a sense of how these hitler vids are produced? I know the director of downfall loves them, but apparently the copyright owner does not. Whoever does them has a wonderful sense of humor and can crack them out at lightening speed--on U tube for a small bit of time before the copyright owners get their panties in a bunch.
I am reminded of Umberto Eco's Name of the Rose when a sense of humor was seditious. I am glad to see we have not lost our sense of humor, although it is a bit trying at times.
And C4--I would accuse of you participating in these parodies, except you are an engineer, and as we all know, engineers are bereft of a sense of humor (no offense intended, sir)
So how soon before people start barking during Obama's speeches?
Airborne > mobile home parks = ruck sack.
AllenS-M48A3 tanks, very spacious, lots of room on the back deck for our beer coolers--Thats why I, and Drill SGT went armor rather than being legs. It was for the Pabst Blue Ribbon. Rucks just couldnt carry it and keep it cold :)
Gary owen, Allens
Roger J. said...
Damn--have all our lefties abandoned this thread? conspicuous by their absence it seems to me.
Perhaps all the lefties were garage mahal sock puppets. Since he's away, so are they. :)
They're all checking on their dogs.
Can't be too careful.
Without lefties here, AllenS and I are reduced to telling war stories--BTW: the difference between a war story and a fairy tale--a fairy tale starts "once upon a time." A war story starts: "this is no shit...."
Come to think of it, and this is no shit, where I spent most of my time, not only were there no dogs, but no women where there either. That happens on most exotic camping trips.
Hi! Up pops a lefty, right on cue. That Hitler video was actually pretty funny.
Uh oh, the three stooges scenario, I better vamoose.
"-does anyone out there have a sense of how these hitler vids are produced? "
I noticed on the Eating Fluffy one that in the description it gives a website to go to to make your own Hitler video.
I wonder how Hitler would feel about these videos. He seemed like the kind of easy-going guy who would appreciate being the butt of a good joke... before having you shot.
Ja, don't mess with Germans.
Roger J. said...
And C4--I would accuse of you participating in these parodies, except you are an engineer, and as we all know, engineers are bereft of a sense of humor (no offense intended, sir)
That prompts me to go all feminist-like in my shock! and outrage! that you DARE accuse engineers of a lack of humor.
Engineers are the height of sophisticated intelligent wit, with their recycling of ancient Monty Python skits, "entropy" & "unobtainium" jokes, and clever digs on "design margin" and "Fukushima Dai Ichi's lack of compatible emergency power adapters"
The problem is that people watching engineers tell such jokes and in semi-orgasm as they recycle old Python skits think the engineers themselves are funnier than their comic material.
They hate that.
While they don't burn down their own neighborhoods if made fun of like blacks do, kill people to show they have a sense of humor as Muslims do over Muslim jokes, or sue someone as lawyers and feminists do over jokes.....
Engineers can make life difficult. Be very, very careful about pissing us off. Computers crash? That's us! Wardrobe malfunctions? DEliberate design flaws that engineers do because they want to see women's tits and asses if no one wil laugh at thair jokes!
Roger J. said...
And C4--I would accuse of you participating in these parodies, except you are an engineer, and as we all know, engineers are bereft of a sense of humor (no offense intended, sir)
I resemble that remark. BSME U. of Alaska '83. I enjoy a friendly jape as much as the next fellow, to be sure.
Obama ate Romney's dog! OMG!
The jokes have written themselves on this (well there have been some really creative efforts that were spew worthy), but the funniest thing is that some people think Obama eating dog meat is the issue.
This is a really good Alinsky tweaking of Obama's pr lightweights. It'll be interesting to see what line changes he makes.
Expect things to only get more desperate before they get saner.
Isn't this just David Axelrod nodding to his insiders at SNL for a Romney is so mean he puts his dog on the roof of the car skit?
you betcha.
" Can't I just eat my poodle?"
The strangest thing about the dog story - the eating, not the crate - is that this is a ten year old American kid - and he eats dog? I can't imagine my kids at that age eating dog - I think they would run screaming from the room. I think they would have starved first. I am not a birther - I don't think he was born in Kenya, or Indonesia - I think he was born on Mars. He is a pod person.
The issue is that the press isn't doing a fair job. Here in CA, we got the same governor, Moonbeam Jerry Brown, who brought Unions to government jobs here in CA. Why? Because it turns out Meg Whitman's nanny was an illegal. Yes, the nanny lied about it, yes, the Whitmans followed the law, but the media made this into an issue, and she lost the race.
In a fair press, they would drum up all kinds of news here in CA, in which the populace voted recently to make it illegal to eat Horse meat. That would be fair. But I suspect they would only do that if Obama were an R.
What a delicious controversy.
Slick Willie's advice to Obama was: "Just tell them you didn't inhale."
"this is a ten year old American kid - and he eats dog?"
Yeah, that is kinda weird.
Ring Ring...ring ring...
"DC Humane Society. How may I help you?"
"This is the David Axlerod. The president is in need of a new dog, so we thought to contact you"
"We'd be pleased to help the president Mr. Axlerod, how big a dog is he looking for?"
"Enough to feed a family of four"
Bada Bing!
Does anyone but me remember the movie "A boy and His Dog" starring a young Don Johnson? The short story was pretty good, the movie, for lack of acting, sets, photography, etc. could have been better, but it did follow the story line better than most.
Great fun was had by almost all here. Here's some more: Dogs Against Obama.
@Loafing oaf
When everyone is having a great time and enjoying themselves there's always that one "special" person who gets all sincere and teary.
It makes us all feel so bad we pick up our ball and go home to write "I will not have fun." 100 times.
There's no party pooper like a liberal party pooper.
Wasn't me! I had fun, honestly I did.
Obama may have chewed a little dog meat but, just as Clinton didn't inhale, Obama didn't swallow. Or so I'm told.
DBQ: People who are getting their panties in a wad about the Romney's transporting their dog are just over reacting.
Except for the PETA fanatics I don't think most people care one way or the other how you move your dog. But if you're desperate for Obama to win another term you'll jump at anything you can get your hands on, including the alleged cruelty of putting your dog carrier on top your car.
Laugh all you want. If Obama gets another 4 years, we'll all be eyeballing Rover during the Food Riots of 2014
Except for the PETA fanatics I don't think most people care one way or the other how you move your dog.
I care. People who leash their dogs into the back of a pick-up truck are idiots.
Did Romney do that? I haven't followed the story.
A dog carrier on top of a car, which the dog seemed to like,
Oh. Big woop. Is this what the libtards are indignant about today?
I myself and many of my friends often ride in the back of a pickup truck(sans leash). It's common in the hang gliding community. We get on freeways, and drive along 1000ft high cliffs four wheeling, often with dogs right next to us. Life is too short whether you take risks or not. If I knew I was only gonna live 12 - 16 years, I'd eat puppies to get in a pickup and go anywhere anytime. Idiots? Maybe, but it could be worse - you could never do it and die anyway. That would be very unfortunate.
I care. People who leash their dogs into the back of a pick-up truck are idiots.
So what do you suggest?
The dog runs behind the truck?. At even 45 mph that's a bit harsh. Drag the dog in a little sled or trailer behind? Don't leash the dog in the bed of the truck and let it fall out? Because it will eventually.
Never take your dog hunting or on vacation with you? Keep your dog in an itty bitty pen in the backyard and never have interaction with it? Lock it in the house? Yeah that'll be good for both the dog and the furniture. What is the point of having a dog if it doesn't go with you?
What? We aren't talking about a tiny vanity lap or purse sized designer dog. It is an animal that, in the case of my Chessy weighed in at 110 pounds or better.
Don't say in the front of the pick up because I'm not having a farting and crapping 110 pound dog in my lap or even in the seat next to me. Ain't gonna happen.
The dog is in the back of the truck, either on a leash tethered to the middle of the bed, for short trips or in a crate for longer. If you have a car or suv, then on top with the crate facing backwards and frequent rest stops.
No worse than being in the belly of a jet plane and treated like cargo for 12 to 15 hours. The animal knows you are there when you make the stops.
You don't do a marathon trip all at once on the first time either. You work up to it with frequent short trips so the dog knows what is going on and is used to the routine.
Sheesh. Some people act like they've never been around animals.
Life is too short Bagoh, enjoy the rides and enjoy the wind in your face, just don't drool too much. And remember to remove leash before gliding.
Obama caught in the act of devouring a live puppy.
This is a real picture of a real atrocity. No kidding! Honest to goodness!
This is from way back in the early days. We pioneered the sport together.
Dogs can fly.
I yield to DBQ. I am the idiot for not thinking it through.
I guess I have this irrational fear that the dog is going to go flying and get his neck snapped. Or dragged/bounced along the side of the car.
Wow! I wonder does the dog ever get terrified and um, let loose?
Kind of like what Romney's dog did on top of the car ;)?
I never heard of the dog having that problem, but the pilots do. Often you can stay up for hours at a time, even all day when things are good. In competitions, men sometimes wear a condom with a tube attached to the end, and the womens wear adult diapers. This is rarely done though - only for distance records. The oldest pilot in my club is 83 and still flying - without diapers.
A friend at work gave me two racks of baby back ribs today. I just finished using the barbeque to cook them up real nice, and me and my dogs split them even-steven... kinda. Luckily, they don't count real well. I'm stuffed. No pets were harmed for this feast. Real Americans don't eat dogs.
A friend of mine also rescued a hawk with a broken wing, and nursed it back to health. He made a little cradle that so he could strap it to his glider and fly with it right next to him. The bird really seemed to love it.
Bagoh, aptly called a condom catheter, much less uncomfortable than the real thing.
Those ribs sound like they are worth drooling over.
I imagine birds would enjoy the experience immensely!
I have another video I'm gonna post on the new cafe post.
If I had a dog it would look like the one Obama ate.
"Poor little fella, he probably kept up with you for a mile or so."
--National Lampoon's "Vacation".
"If I had a dog it would look like the one Obama ate."
wyo sis said...
@Loafing oaf
When everyone is having a great time and enjoying themselves there's always that one "special" person who gets all sincere and teary.
It makes us all feel so bad we pick up our ball and go home to write "I will not have fun." 100 times.
There's no party pooper like a liberal party pooper.
I don't know what you're talking about. I saw this post by Althouse where she is once again a tool for Instapundit. I pointed out that dog lovers (including conservatives) reacted negatively to the story of how Romney treated his dog, and they reacted that way in a natural way without prompting from propagandists. It wasn't talking points. It wasn't bullshit. It was: What kind of a douchebag treats his dog this way?
This stuff about Obama eating dog meat when he was a child in a country where that was normal is just nonsense from propagandists who think they are clever. What Romney did to his dog SAID SOMETHING ABOUT HIM. It wasn't propaganda. It was dog lovers reacting to how this man treated his dog.
I'd like to see the day when Althouse stopped being Instapundit's tool, but I know the day will never come.
Gene: "Except for the PETA fanatics I don't think most people care one way or the other how you move your dog."
So you don't think how a person treats their dog says anything about them? I think it says A LOT. But you don't think it says anything AT ALL? Only a "PETA fanatic" reads anything into how someone treats their dog?
Well Oaf,
This conservative is a dog lover with 5 dogs, and who has rescued and adopted out hundreds, and I don't find what Romney did to be a problem, especially considering that if both dogs got to vote, they would most certainly vote for the guy who would take them on vacation rather than kill, gut, skin and eat them.
But it's a different culture, so maybe not. Maybe dogs there like that even better than a vacation.
bagoh20 said...
This conservative is a dog lover with 5 dogs, and who has rescued and adopted out hundreds, and I don't find what Romney did to be a problem, especially considering that if both dogs got to vote, they would most certainly vote for the guy who would take them on vacation rather than kill, gut, skin and eat them.
Obama didn't kill, gut, or skin a dog. He was a little boy in a foreign country where eating dog meat was normal and someone served it to him.
Romney was an adult who treated his living dog (a living being that was a member of his family!) in shitty and abusive fashion. That actually says something about him, and what it says is BAD -- which is why the right-wing blogosphere sees that this is a problem and must use some propaganda to counter it.
Loafing: Romney was an adult who treated his living dog (a living being that was a member of his family!) in shitty and abusive fashion.
Oh please. What bullshit.
why the right-wing blogosphere sees that this is a problem and must use some propaganda to counter it.
You take yourself too seriously. Grasping at anything to reverse the freefall Team Obama has been in the last week.
No one really cares that Romney put his dog on a carrier on top of his car. Not even you. And most think its weird and funny that Obama ate a dog.
He was a little boy in a foreign country where eating dog meat was normal
Lots of things are "normal" in the 3rd world. It would have been "normal" for Obama to have stoned some girls for showing too much skin...
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