"You had your chance," [Madison attorney Linda Balisle] wrote Barrett Friday, just about 30 minutes after the Milwaukee mayor and 2010 gubernatorial candidate ended months of speculation by announcing he would run for governor. "We all gave you money. You lost. Now after Kathleen [Falk] has done all the work, a Chicago boss steps in and another Wisconsin woman is dissed."Rahm Emanuel teams up with Barrett to push out the woman?! Remember the accusations about Rahm in relation to women working in the White House? (Ron Suskind's book "Confidence Men" said that "women occupied many of the West Wing’s senior positions, but felt outgunned and outmaneuvered by male colleagues such as former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and [Larry] Summers.")
Balisle, a longtime supporter who first met Falk when the two were students at UW Law School, says in a phone interview that she is disappointed that "after 35 years of [Falk's] boots-on-the-ground-work that has had a real effect on people's lives in Wisconsin, that [Barrett] would feel she's not good enough."
The "boss" she refers to is Chicago mayor and former Obama aide Rahm Emanuel, who recently attended a fundraiser for Barrett in Milwaukee.
Balisle says Falk has been traveling the state since the time of the Capitol protests against Walker's collective bargaining bill, even interviewing those gathering petitions to recall the governor. "All of this before she decided to run," says Balisle. "She didn't want to go on a fool's errand. She made sure she could do the numbers before she put friends and family through this."The woman knows we need the man to appeal to women....
Balisle also posted a "say it isn't so" message on Terese Berceau's Facebook page when she heard the Democratic state lawmaker from Madison might be backing Barrett...
Berceau confirms she is backing Barrett.... Berceau says Barrett has the best chance of appealing to independents.
"Independent women are the gold standard," she says. "We know we need to reach them and know they're critical...."
And we need a Chicagoan to tell Wisconsin what to do. We heard it a year ago at the protests: "Chicago is up in the house!"
On Wisconsin! as Althouse's molehill gets smaller and smaller while she is still preaching to the choir.
Again, if one really wants to help Walker, send him a few bucks rather than comment in this thread as the bottom line, as always, is the bottom line.
solo estoy diciendo
Does Falk not have her birth control!?
'Cause for a minute I was worried that she might not have any.
"State Sen. Jon Erpenbach (D-Middleton), who is also endorsing Barrett, says in his travels around the state he has not found much excitement for a Falk run. Voters are also not that worked up about Barrett, he adds."
It's gonna be like coming down on Christmas day and nothing is under the tree. All that excitment...and nothing in the end.
""Unions, to be honest, did not do Kathleen any favors," says Erpenbach. "This is not just about collective bargaining. It's about cuts to education, cuts to technical schools, the assault on women's health." Falk is opposed to all of that, Erpenbach says, but Walker will be able to paint her as a single-issue candidate."
This is bullshit. It's all the greed of the public union employees, and leftie's radical agendas.
Falk puts herself in harm's way by failing to go in Rahm's way.
I'm afraid when it comes to the behavior of women, guys like Heartiste and the rest of the "game" guys are about right. Sadly.
Women spend their lives chasing after Alpha males while making use of some drab dweebish beta male in the mean time. And the vast majority of us are beta males.
Ironically, as women have been empowered, they have fallen back on rather crude desires when it comes to mate selection, especially among the proles (working class people). Thus the explosion of young women who are now "single moms", who have fathered the fairly low IQ children of players. Since half of personality and IQ are genetic, this doesn't bode well for the future.
It is wrong how the Dem party treats it's female candidates. As a result of this outrage, I plan on voting for Kathleen Falk in the primary.
Keep proven, effective leadership in Madison, VOTE FALK!!!
Team Obama asked Romney to take a position on Walker signing a bill repealing the WI Equal Pay Act behind closed doors today. Over to you Mitt!
Also I'm assuming some more questions will be forthcoming about how closely Romney stands with Walker? This could get good.
Also heard on Twitter that there are 28 people in Wisconsin named Scott Walker. I wonder if any will step up and primary Scott Walker? That might create some confusion on the ballot I bet. And there are no limits to WIGOP shenanigans, it's not like they could really legitimately complain.
Apparently, the War on Women won't be much after Ann Romney tells her story, so the Demos are going a little berserk in the meantime.
And, anyway, I thought it was Zero, more than Tippytoes, than gave da brawds a hard time in the White House.
But, yeah, Demo women are Battered Women and they keep coming back for more.
PS The "molehill" is one of those things that could cost the Demos votes this Fall.
If any of you "beta" conservative males think that this will drive a wedge inbetween Democrats, you are wrong. It will all be ironed out by election day, no worries.
Anti women legislation is another reason to recall Walker and his "minions". Democrats won't ever vote for Walker, independent women have seen what the Wisconsin Legislature and Senate have been up to.
"Democrats won't ever vote for Walker, independent women have seen what the Wisconsin Legislature and Senate have been up to."
You mean preventing teacher layoffs and balancing the budget ?
Yup Democrats are opposed to that.
"AllieOop said...
Anti women legislation is another reason to recall Walker"
And what might that be?
Balisle also needs to be reminded that the goal is not to elect a “progressive woman” as governor (as she stated in her Berceau FB comment), but to unseat Walker (something Berceau seems to get).
Equal Pay for women was a topic on Morning Joe yesterday. Mika Brezinski is moderating a woman's conference for Prez Obama. Mika is dumb as a rock but I still wonder why she works for a show that has almost all men pundits and regulars. Does she not see the humor in her whining about equal pay when her own show uses very very few women guests?
And we need a Chicagoan to tell Wisconsin what to do.
I see the booger eaters aren't bothered by this, but such is the case Wisconsin is well and truly fucked.
A wet kiss from Glenn Grossman
If any of you "beta" conservative males think that this will drive a wedge inbetween Democrats, you are wrong. It will all be ironed out by election day, no worries.
Yeah, I think prole women, low IQ women, "single moms", and some professional women (are we calling teachers "professional"?) will go more for the nonjudgmental and flashy Obama, over the boring 50s good-family man Romney.
Obama is like a guy you hook up with while stoned at a party. Boring old Romney is like a guy that explains you need to live within a budget. I think we know who will win the women's vote.
Mika Brezinski is moderating a woman's conference for Prez Obama ... Does she not see the humor in her whining about equal pay when her own show uses very very few women guests?
So, I take it Morning Joe is a show for aging spinsters to feel like they have a TV family? Silly Mika. I wonder if she has ever interviewed Mrs. Clinton. How very awkward.
AllieOop wrote: Anti women legislation is another reason to recall Walker and his 'minions'.
What about all the filly minions like Kleefisch? Do you want to filet them too?
@AllieOop: Why the ransom note type font in that Senate Bill you linked.?
Is that normal?
Any woman who would vote against basic women's rights doesn't deserve to be Lt. Governor.
How about that Glenn Grothman?! What a guy!
Jeffery, I think you're about right in both your first 2 comments (sadly) and I think you'd find the first few minutes of this Adam Carolla podcast interesting.
"AllieOop said...
A wet kiss from Glenn Grossman"
This all you got? Seriously? this is going to drive independent women to Falk or Barrett?
edutcher said...
Apparently, the War on Women won't be much after Ann Romney tells her story, so the Demos are going a little berserk in the meantime.
Ann Romney is a welcome relief to the permanent scowl we've gotten used to.
Here's another goody
I'm voting for Falk...
I never tire of hearing her lisp.
leslyn said...
If enough people cross over to vote for Falk, Walker will lose his primary!
Why so? Aren't the primary and general on different days?
This Democrat War on Women has really reached a fever pitch.
>>If enough people cross over to vote for Falk, Walker will lose his primary! :)<<
Are you really this stupid? There are five candidates on the Democrat side running for governor, and no one opposing Walker on the Republican side. How exactly is he going to lose when the general election must consist of at least one Democrat and one Republican candidate?
Sounds like a replay of the presidential election. Hillary was the shoe-in, and Barack stopped her chance to make history.
What's really sad is that this is so indicative of the Democrats' addiction to divisive and tribalist victim-politics. What does the primary have to do with the fact that it's a man versus a woman? Do you think the WI Democratic party brass decided "Oh noes, we can't have a *woman* run"? How about the simpler explanation: Barrett is their guy. It's just an insider's game. But shit, they really can't help but turn to the "Oh, we're poor victimized women" trope.
If any of you "beta" conservative males think that this will drive a wedge inbetween Democrats, you are wrong. It will all be ironed out by election day, no worries.
Well duh. It'll get ironed out because it's not serious. At all. It's just another campaign tool. Once the dust settles they'll shake hands and stand strong for the party, confirming that these attacks are cheap and unserious. Doesn't it piss you off that sexism has just become another devalued and meaningless charge?
BTW, nice jab with the beta remark. Do you ever look in the mirror and ask "How can I be for women's rights and gender equality when my first instinct in a political debate is to sexually degrade my opponents?" No?
There are five candidates on the Democrat side running for governor, and no one opposing Walker on the Republican side.
Arthur Kohl-Riggs is going to primary Walker. So he will be on the ballot. (I'm assuming. He only needs 2000 sigs).
Allie... Democrats won't ever vote for Walker, independent women have seen what the Wisconsin Legislature and Senate have been up to.
Yes interdependent women don't care about their jobs, just about hating Walker-boy.
Allie - ever want to give your hate a rest?
Blue@9, relax. My "beta" comment was mocking Jeffrey's upstream@1:13 PM.
"Women spend their lives chasing after Alpha males while making use of some drab dweebish beta male in the mean time. And the vast majority of us are beta males."
>>Arthur Kohl-Riggs is going to primary Walker. So he will be on the ballot. (I'm assuming. He only needs 2000 sigs).<<
And Arthur Kohl-Riggs, whoever he is, will beat Walker in a primary? If he's really running that's good since it guarantees a longer campaign period.
leslyn - maybe you want to rethink your foaming at the mouth hatred of Scott Walker.
Arthur Kohl-Riggs is going to primary Walker.
Is he related to Bobby Riggs?
If he's really running that's good since it guarantees a longer campaign period.
How do you figure? They ain't gonna push the dates further out if both parties, instead of only one, has a primary.
Anywhos...like I said the other day, while I know the odds are loooong it would indeed be funny if so many people on either side crossed over that the general election ended up being Falk vs. Kohl-Riggs.
I still wanna know what happened to the plan to write-in Walker in the Dem-primary. Did they finally figure out there is no way that would work out for 'em?
Alex, still waiting for my answer, did the dog eat your homework? Hmmmm? I didn't forget, are you avoiding answering me?
Pogo has you pegged, a Troll, a beta Troll at that.
relax. My "beta" comment was mocking Jeffrey's upstream@1:13 PM.
Ah, got it. Sorry, my brain tends to tune out when I see a reference to the "game."
Allie - stop trolling. You are new here, I've been posting on this blog for years.
How do you figure? They ain't gonna push the dates further out if both parties, instead of only one, has a primary.<<
Because the GAB states that the recall is on May 8. If there are multiple challengers for any office then it becomes a primary on that date and the recall election is shifted to June 5.
This is exactly the reason "fake Democrats" are running on the Dem side to ensure all the races are primaries and prolong the actual election period.
If any upstate Wisconsin voters even get a whiff of Democratic candidates taking orders from Chicago, that candidate is history. That's just the way things are. Better double-down on cover-up. But that should make any real journalist's job more exciting! WIn-WIn!
FIP Alert!
Pogo doesn't understand the difference between trolling and playing both sides against each other for fun. There is a difference....
Well POGO says you are a TROLL, believe Pogo. :) Pogo is credible, you aren't.
Why is Pogo credible?
Where's your homework Alex? Homework first then I'll engage you, until then I will do as Pogo says and ignore you.
Chickie, Feline Infectious Peritonitis?
Because the GAB states that the recall is on May 8. If there are multiple challengers for any office then it becomes a primary on that date and the recall election is shifted to June 5
Yup, I knows that.
But there is already a primary for the Dems, so I don't understand why also having a primary for the Repubs will make for an even longer campaign period.
Ain't arguing with ya about it, rather just seeing if you know something I don't or if you're just confused. (NTTAWWT, of course...this is a kinda confusing situation, and even more confusing with all the fakes running in the primaries)
More like the leftist "war on Walker".
I'm just curious-- not being from the Badger State, I don't know how to pronounce "Falk" I mean, If "Fluke" is pronounced "fluck", "Falk" is wide open. Flak? Flake? Fake? I'm falked if I know.
AllieOop said...
Chickie, Feline Infectious Peritonitis?
I don't want to put you through the ringer, but no.
Remember lefties - if you get rid of Walker what will you gain? You think that getting a Democrat back in will turn back economic realities? Just look at what's happening in other blue states - Democrat governors and mayors are pounding the SHIT out of the public sector unions, cutting programs and NOT raising taxes. So be VERY careful what you wish for.
@Allie: I guess it's a more polite version of FIB. ;0
The idea that repealing the Equal Pay Enforcement Act has anything to do with women's rights is absurd. It's based on the false idea that the Equal Pay Enforcement Act is Wisconsin's version of the federal Equal Pay Act. It is not. This is just a sham.
More here.
Ohhhh, I thought you were being catty.
Just look at what's happening in other blue states - Democrat governors and mayors are pounding the SHIT out of the public sector unions, cutting programs and NOT raising taxes.
Wisconsin Dems should take a page from more recent political history like Sen. William Proxmire and not from old Fighting Blob. This is not 1912. Fight bloated waste at home and nationwide. Stop proposing unchecked expansion of Government services and entitlements. Deleverage the DNR (Damn Near Russia) or whoever is blocking the use of natural resources. Stop harping about social issues and talk about economic opportunities. And STOP listening to that D.C. hero and his minions in Chicago.
Thanks X, good listen. Now, the interesting thing is that it's not just black community affected now. Charles Murray is pointing out the bottom 1/3 (or something like that) of White folks are now falling in the same boat. I'm seeing more young White kids covered in tats, piercings and body modifications, who by age 22 have a couple kids by different dads.
I assume they will be good life long Democrats (at least the women) since they don't want to be "judged" and they need a Federal Daddy for their kids.
leslyn - in the end it's irrelevant what you think of me or anyone on this blog. Liberalism is dead.
Leslyn, Alex who????
Deleverage the DNR (Damn Near Russia) or whoever is blocking the use of natural resources.
As usual, you guys have it all wrong. Wetlands, water recreation, bird watching, fishing, hunting, etc generates billions in revenue and supports tens of thousands of jobs in Wisconsin. A responsible steward would promote our natural resources, not destroy it by selling it off to out of state interests.
garage - you care more about the birds then human beings.
"I still wanna know what happened to the plan to write-in Walker in the Dem-primary. Did they finally figure out there is no way that would work out for 'em?"
While that would be fun, it would be a pain in the ass to the poll workers who process the ballots.
Much easier to bump up Falk by 5-8 pecent and ensure a union characture on the Dem side.
Keep effective leadership in Madison, VOTE FALK!
chickenlittle said...
Apparently, the War on Women won't be much after Ann Romney tells her story, so the Demos are going a little berserk in the meantime.
Ann Romney is a welcome relief to the permanent scowl we've gotten used to.
Agreed. Another Laura Bush, I think, equally esteemed.
BTW, we learn Dictator Zero went a whole 10 months before asking a woman to golf with him.
Do I detect a War on Women?
PS It's occurred to me Allie Oop might just be another incarnation of Mitichondri-Allie, who left this fair blog for Troop's place.
Since we learn that's invite-only, I guess he got tired of her, too.
Alex is a confused pup ~ please be gentle!
One of the first things I noticed here is conservatives rag on Alex more than libs lol.
Regardless, it's quite redundant! :-P
A responsible steward would promote our natural resources, not destroy it by selling it off to out of state interests.
Conservation, not preservation.
Do you savvy the nuanced prefixed difference? Democrats believe in preservation;* conservatives believe in conservation.
The French word for condom is préservatif which explains a lot--progressives being of the Jacobin persuasion.
Eddutcher, one can love more than one blog at a time ya know. Some commenters have enough blog love to go around. I have a big heart.
Since we learn that's invite-only, I guess he got tired of her, too.
I can't speak for Troop, but I don't think he "tired" of Allie. She's valued over there--I'm sure of it.
"She's valued over there"
One wonders who Althouse values here ... edutcher, fen, jay, alex lol.
ok, ok, anyone who buys Althouse stuff! :)
Thanks you Royal Little Clucker, but I'm afraid Ed is now quite dissapointed.
conservatives believe in conservation.
I know you would like to think that. Maybe a long time ago.
Given the debate last night in Milwaukee by the Dem candidates, who did not attack each other, but Walker, I would say maybe Althouse needs to get out of Madison more often. And Arthur Louis Kohl-Riggs has announced that he will run on the Republican ticket against Walker-- so thing should get interesting.
One wonders who Althouse values here ... edutcher, fen, jay, alex lol.
I believe virtue is its own reward.
I wouldn't worry so much about who Althouse likes as whom she dislikes. I think you have to push pretty hard.
And while we speak of the Democrats' War on Women in Wisconsin, the Demos are showing their appreciation for the fair sex in CT, as well.
AllieOop said...
Eddutcher, one can love more than one blog at a time ya know. Some commenters have enough blog love to go around
And some wear out their welcome and get booted off the ones that are invite-only, so they come crawling back here.
PS Bathtub swabbie is jealous. Althouse doesn't value him.
It's interesting that the fight between Falk and Barrett has quickly been framed in terms of identity- politics -- the male candidate is deemed to be dissing the female candidate just by running for the same nomination. When the Repubs get into these fights, the battle is typically framed by ideology -- who's the more conservative (or moderate, depending on the state) or ( perhaps) the more electable candidate.
Garage: Liberals believe in freedom. I know you would like to think that. Maybe a long time ago.
Bulldozing is progress too. Tearing shit down for the hell of it is progress. Progress is just change. These days, I associate "progressives" with bulldozing for the hell of it. Because they don't "like" established decorum.
A sound defensive move by Wisconsin Republicans would be to run someone in the Democratic primary. That way if significant numbers of Democrats vote for Arthur Louis Kohl-Riggs in the Republican primary, Republicans can nominate their nominee in the Democrats primary.
The thing is that it will be nigh impossible for the Democrats to win in the Republican primary since the only other candidate there will be Walker, meanwhile the Republican in the Democrat's primary might win in a crowded field.
Eddutcher are you calling Chickenlittle a liar at 4:23 PM?! Tsk tsk.
How about you stay on topic and bloviate on the War on Wisconsin Women and how they are your enemy?
Finally someone besides Republicans warring on women. It seemed like such a nasty one sided fight. We expect old pasty faced reactionaries to be anti woman but low and behold even the Dems have a few. Go figure
Seems to me this contretemps is strictly a Wisconsin issue. i am sure the good folks in Wisconsin can sort it out without outside help. Although I will admit it is fun to watch.
I'd answer Allie, if I could figure out what she's talking about, but she probably can't, either.
BTW, I just learned the interesting origin of the term "bulldoze." The term refers to Democrats intimidating black voters in the hotly contested 1876 Presidential election.
Edutcher, have you already forgotten how all liberals are the "enemy", your own words from yesterday evening the Tulip and Grafitti thread?
Ring a bell? Or are you TRYING to forget?
One of my mentors once described bulldozing as a process that gets the job done, but leaves a lot of wreckage in its path.
Breaking News, uh oh
The Cap Times hasn't broken news in a long long time Allie. They mostly break wind these days.
Almost sundown here in memphis--best wishes to my Jewish friends for a wonderful passover.
Well Chickie, those winds just might turn into a tornado, we will have to watch the skies.
Never said anything about Liberals, but we haven't seen one of those since Hubert Humphrey.
@edutcher: I'm not following what Allie's trying to say about liberals here. I was just pointing to the origin of the word.
No problem, chick.
The thread in which Edutcher said some of his fellow Americans were his enemy and the enemy of the US
Ed if you want to back down from your statements in this thread, it's OK .
Maybe she took the stuff they gave to Catherine Lacey.
Guys guys. No reason to argue. This is a 19th post. And as Freder has shown us, it must be a lie. So no worries.
Ah David, are you the one who said he used to just walk in people's houses on cold Wisconsin days?
If that wasn't you, please excuse me.
It was me, Allie. What's your point?
No point, yet.
I remember reading that and thinking WTF?! I grew up in Milwaukee, never heard of such a thing. In my experience growing up in Milwaukee, I'm surprised you didn't get met by a man with a baseball bat, entering a strangers home without invitation.
The thread in which Edutcher said some of his fellow Americans were his enemy and the enemy of the US
If he meant Bill Ayers and Ayers' apologists, I'm inclined to agree. Words like treason have real meaning--they're not just labels.
Ayers' family's money kept him from prosecution--happens all the time. I think that's established fact. It irks me that he has attained such a measure of respectability without any contrition whatsoever. I hope he has/had zero influence on Obama.
Chickie, I agree with his opinion on Ayers, unfortunately he went on to include the liberal commenters that were on that thread on his "enemies" list.
Allie, it was satire. Really.
A long time ago a friend of mine was going to crash at my place after the bars. He missed it by one house, and crashed on my neighbors couch. My neighbor woke him up in the morning and cooked breakfast for the two of them. That was Rhinelander though, about 20 yrs ago.
Your comment was satire David? Oky doky then!
Team Obama asked Romney to take a position on Walker signing a bill repealing the WI Equal Pay Act behind closed doors today. Over to you Mitt!
And why should he? Is he expected to know every bill passed in every state?
If any of you "beta" conservative males think that this will drive a wedge inbetween Democrats, you are wrong. It will all be ironed out by election day, no worries.
Of course. Because Dems have no actual core values.
Any woman who would vote against basic women's rights doesn't deserve to be Lt. Governor.
The rights she opposes...are?
Are you really this stupid?
It's leslyn. I imagine you're not seriously asking.
I'm just curious-- not being from the Badger State, I don't know how to pronounce "Falk"
It's pronounced the same as "moron".
Wouldn't have happened in Milwaukee, even 30 years ago, if he had wandered in Dahmer's apartment he would've been breakfast!
Is the Chicago influence a rerun of the 2010 election?
One of the new laws recently signed makes it illegal for insurance policies that will be sold through the upcoming insurance exchanges (assuming ObamaCare is still around in 2014) from offering any coverage for any abortion procedures unless it is medically needed or the pregnancy is a result of incest/rape.
From what I understand those policies will sold by private companies, no? If so, I'm curious to know if the State has placed any sort of restrictions on other medical procedures that an insurance company in the exchange can offer coverage for, or is it just this one.
Another one of the new laws requires a woman who is getting an abortion to have a private appointment (with no other family members or friends present) with the doctor before the procedure is allowed to take place. Are there any other medical procedures where the State also requires that sort of "alone time" with the doc?
I tried googlin' up some answers to those questions, but it is a rough searchfield to narrow down...
There are no other medical procedures in which a woman is forced to meet with her doctor without a family member or friend present, to be grilled by the doctor who must ask a list of questions dictated by, wait for it...... The Government!
Remember the outcry, "Obamacare" will get inbetween you and your doctor!
It's either great satire or terrible satire if the reader can not recognize it. I choose great. Your opinion may differ.
Leslyn said,
"Correct. [The Equal Pay Enforcement Act] expanded the ability for certain groups (including women) to bring pay discrimination cases to court."
Actually, the act expanded the ability of literally everybody to get compensatory damages in state court for every kind employment discrimination—not just pay discrimination. So if this is war, it is not a war on women; it is a war on everybody.
Purple, Allie:
Since there are no other "medical procedures" whereby one person may choose to kill another, I'm not at all troubled by the state taking a bit of an interest in the proceedings.
garage mahal said...
Team Obama asked Romney to take a position on Walker signing a bill repealing the WI Equal Pay Act behind closed doors today
But what about ______?
There are no other medical procedures in which a woman is forced to meet with her doctor without a family member or friend present, to be grilled by the doctor who must ask a list of questions dictated by, wait for it...... The Government!
Do others require the termination of another living thing? You're aware that a lot of states require spousal consent before a man can get a vasectomy, right?
Considering as he had a bromance with Walker while Mitt was here, it might be something he would want to know, what with Ann taking the stage and all.
So, it's off-limits to mention Obama and his friendships for years. Unfair to mention his self-professed closeness to criminal Jon Corzine.
But anybody Mitt appears at a campaign stop with --- now HE has to explain everything?
Senate Bill 306, now known as 2011 Wisconsin Act 217, requires women seeking abortions to undergo a physical exam.
So, informed consent is now a bad thing. Got it.
"How do you filet a filly??"
Said, about Rebecca Kleefisch, by a female commenter who probably regards herself as a feminist. That image is one of sexual violence.
You compare an adult woman to a juvenile animal. You refer to slicing into her dead (animal) body, prepping her for cooking.
But the woman you revile is conservative, so maybe you didn't notice.
If you think you are a feminist, you are a fake one, really a lefty or a Democrat, and your partisan politics comes first.
Go stand over there will Bill Clinton.
How do you filet a filly??
If you think you are a feminist, you are a fake one, really a lefty or a Democrat, and your partisan politics comes first.
Professor, that is a reason why a lot of younger conservatives discount feminist groups now.
When we were in college, we saw feminist groups TOTALLY change basically all of their views to defend Clinton --- which showed that as annoying as they may have been, they didn't have an actually consistent belief system.
It will harm any group and their ability to be taken seriously. When I saw "sexual harassment" go from "disqualifying thing for a SCOTUS justice" to "no big deal for a President", I lost my ability to take groups like NOW seriously ever again.
damikesc, your ad nauseam, hyperbolic childish sarcasm is duly noted!
And Althouse's hyperbolic disingenuous outrage is noted as well ...
Ann, that comment was not said by a woman, it was said by Chickenlittle, a male at 2:05 PM. I don't believe he was intimating any act of sexual violence, but I should not speak for him, perhaps he can come back and clarify his meaning.
Chickenlittle is a conservative, not a liberal.
It's indisputable, as studies have shown, that a great many women who have had an abortion come to regret or feel badly about it afterwards, so providing for a bit of reflection and consultation ahead of time concerning just what it is they're about is not a “war on women” but rather is pro-women.
Michael McNeil assumes the woman seeking an abortion has not given it enough thought. How paternalistic.
I can't believe you actually believe what you said — “but rather is pro-woman.”
I do believe it — and your inability to believe that I believe it merely reveals either your utter lack of imagination or raw partisanship. Moreover, Roe herself these days agrees with me and not with you.
And it's so (not) harmful to women having to briefly consult with her physician! You should listen to yourself sometime.
Said by a man. [Yawn]
Said by a sexist pig (you).
Michael McNeil assumes the woman seeking an abortion has not given it enough thought. How paternalistic.
I don't assume it, but in some cases it certainly could be true. Having to briefly consult with her physician on this important matter is not an extreme hardship.
What a bullshit comment thread.
Democrats have nothing, nothing to run on, so they invent a "war on women".
And some women are gullible enough to buy into it.
Seriously, are you so gullible that you'll focus on someone paying your $10 monthly hormonal contraceptive bill rather than the looming collapse of the American economy and Governor Walker's heroic effort to stabilize Wisconsin's economy?
How to attract liberal women's votes: "Look!! Squirrel!!"
If there can be a waiting period and background check in order to exercise my clear 2nd Amendment right to bear arms, it is not unreasonable for women be required to have an exam before exercising their penumbra emanated right to an abortion. Both restrictions are invasive and inconvenient. Both could potentially cause harm. I thinks it's reasonable in both cases.
The only difference is politics.
Note that by “Roe” (a legal pseudonym in the Roe v. Wade case) I mean Norma Leah McCorvey (née Nelson).
Note too that I myself am “pro-choice” — at least during the relatively early stages of pregnancy (not with regard to euphemistically-termed “partial-birth abortion”).
"Oh for goodness sake, Althouse, "how do you filet a filly" was A PLAY ON WORDS on CHICKENLITTLE'S comment. Which you'd have recognized were you not humorless."
I saw the joke. That is was a joke is irrelevant to my point.
Would you like me to Google "sexist jokes" for you?
Try making racist jokes out in public and see how far "it was humor" gets you.
Picture a filleted young horse. Picture a woman in a similar condition. Picture a particular named woman in that condition.
Now, is that funny.
Remember when Rush Limbaugh portrayed Sandra Fluke as a prostitute and said we should have sex tapes of her on the internet.
How funny was that?
Now... go on with your explanations about why you are really not a hypocrite.
Alternatively, concede. It might be the better option.
Being a feminist is hard. You have to be consistent. Take the challenge.
Regardless protestations, the general perception out there is that the GOP is conducting a "war on women". Just look at the polls. Now Obama has 50% approval rating on Gallup for no reason other then GOP stupidity.
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