Here's Greta Van Susteren kicking up a storm about Louis C.K. being the headliner at the Radio and Television Correspondents Association Dinner. Apparently, Louis C.K. has said some rather nasty things about a woman named Sarah Palin.
Meanwhile, Gloria Allred thinks Rush Limbaugh should be prosecuted for his ill-received prostitution metaphor.
UPDATE: Louis C.K. pulls out. Now they have a big opportunity to get someone totally inoffensive and bore the pants off everyone. Can I say "pants"? Is that okay in nambypamby America?
८२ टिप्पण्या:
Gloria knows better. A thing called "discovery."
Which reminds me, have we established Ms. Fluke's sexual orientation yet? I continue to ask because if she's what I think she is, contraception doesn't enter into it.
I would prefer it people just didn't act so swooningly offended at strong language. We've all heard it before-- fer chrissake we've all used it before! It is the height of cynicism to turn around and claim grave offense to score political points. And PLEASE, can't somebody make Gloria Allred shut the hell up?
Oh for God's sakes. Gloria Allred. Why do people listen to this woman about anything?
Gloria Allred should be prosecuted for continuing to diminish the world's supply of oxygen.
Gloria Allred's presence in the news reminds me of a Jay Leno joke from some years ago.
Apparently, there was a news item where a lawyer in New Orleans put a topless dancer on the payroll to accompany him on his frequent business trips to Houston. After the firm fired the partner, they tried to sue the dancer to get back her wages. Leno's joke:
"I can not believe that a member of such a respected profession would associate with a lawyer!"
Louis is out.
It is beyond me that Gloria has not been disbarred in California.
If you happen to walk by some mud on the ground, scrape the surface. You'll see Gloria Allred.
Patrick sir. Please elaborate. Is he out as headliner? Out as gay, or what?
The worm has been turning since Monday when the Demos made it clear they wanted their pound of flesh and now it's blown up in their faces.
They gave the Rightosphere a chance to reprise all the vicious things said about Conservative and/or Republican women and to show what hypocrites the Lefties are.
They also gave everyone a chance to get a much better look at Ms Fluck and see her as the shill and fraud she is. It also gave us a chance to see how well-coordinated this has been at the White House level.
Almost Ali said...
Which reminds me, have we established Ms. Fluke's sexual orientation yet? I continue to ask because if she's what I think she is, contraception doesn't enter into it.
Her boyfriend, with whom she is Spring Breaking, is the son of one of CA's biggest Demo donors, so this babe is even better connected than previously imagined.
PS Hopefully, some prosecutor will be stupid enough to listen to Allred. These people don't realize how they're turning Rush into a martyr and a (yes) victim.
Dayum, Louis C.K. has a whole lot o' hate in him.
I wouldn't have thought it, actually. He struck me as a pretty amiable guy when I saw him on "Dinner for Five".
Left versus right, California versus Texas.
What will happen to all the left-wing comedians after all the attention to Limbaugh's "slut" controversy?
Seriously? Comedians like him will keep amping it up like Sullivan did to prove some sort of special immunity. Then, at some unexpected moment, they'll say something really stupid which will make any sane person think--WTF happened to that guy?
Louis CK is the comedian whose Man Crush is Ewan MacGregor, if I'm remembering correctly.
Gloria Allred is just a FOS porno lawyer who is trying to get her name in the papers using a very old obscure law that isn't used.
As for the left comedians, aw man, those motor mouths will just go on spewing their dirt once the attention is off them.
Breitbart's smiling:-)
"Now they have a big opportunity to get someone totally inoffensive and bore the pants off everyone. Can I say "pants"? Is that okay in nambypamby America?"
Pants? Can we say co-ed?
Gloria Allred is just a FOS porno lawyer who is trying to get her name in the papers using a very old obscure law that isn't used.
I just don't see her filing suit, or getting some sympathetic prosecutor to do so.
The big problem for any prosecution is the 1st Amdt. No, not the religion part that started this whole bruhaha, but the free speech part.
The problem with the 1st Amdt. is that this is a political discussion, where its protections are at their greatest. Also, what Rush said is not as bad, in particular as to Ms. Flake, as being portrayed. So, they would have to overcome both that, and that the state pretty well cannot muzzle political speech.
The other problem with going after Rush is that he has plenty of money to fight it, and would. Plus, he could probably get any number of 1st Amdt. attorneys to help out. Allred has not made her career going after sympathetic opponents who have a lot more money than she does, and who would just as happily destroy her for what she has done over time (and, what, pray tell, happened to all of her women, coincidentally from Chicago, who claimed sexual misconduct by Herman Cain?)
Sorry professor. Danger of commenting in real time. Your update had not been posted yet when I started typing my previous comment asking what Patrick had meant. But seriously, do you need a "dirty words" comic in order not to be bored? I don't think you do but you pretty much wrote the update as an either/or proposition.
Black comedians live and die on that colorful language.
omg.. This was all a racist plot by Rush to sensor black comics ;)
The spirit of Breitbart has formed backbones in many Conservatives who used to remain passive. Stay tuned.
I'm bored by the relentless barrage of filthy language "entertainers" think is cute. (Including Rush) I hope that doesn't make me nambypamby, but if it does I prefer it to finding filthy demeaning images and language something to snicker about. Self-described educated people, (the ones who find potty humor cute or cutting edge) need to remind themselves that the least educated and sophisticated people also find it cute.
Apparently Gloria wants Rush to be prosecuted for violating an obscure Florida law..
Aren't there sodomy laws on the books on some states? still?
and if so..
Does Gloria want the laws to be faithfully executed, or is this just a Rush hunt?
I meant to say Rush witch hunt.. but one should not be redundant ;)
Personally my view is that people are far too sensitive about these things. I've been called names before and by close associates who are of an earlier generation where such names were used openly. Did I take offense? Not one bit. I laughed it off and made certain their relatives, friends of mine, understood that it didn't bother me one bit.
The liberals have decided this is the hill they want to die on and so they should. Far too often there has been a double-standard. So now it's time to take -their- standard and shove it where the sun doesn't shine and make it not just painful, but agony.
Every comedian. Every actor. Every show. Every movie. No exceptions, no exemptions, no waivers. Hammer them over and over again. Drive it home and make them bleed.
I fully believe in negative reinforcement. If you do something I don't like and I make life a living misery, a hell on Earth an agony unending. You will learn not to do it again.
Speech is a double edged sword. You can't yell fire in crowded theater without consequences. You can say fire and no one will shut you up, but you better be prepared to pay the piper for that one. It's the same thing here. If Louis C.K., whom by the way I'm a big fan of is being taken to task on his comments about Palin and he backs out, then that is his choice. No one is forcing him to stay or go and as for Sustren, she too has the right to voice her opinion on asking others not to support him. It's called freedom and liberty and it's something a lot of people do not understand. Consequences folks, intended and unintended mean something. So maybe next time, these people will think before they speak if they don't want to get lambasted for their comments.
Alred's attempt at wanting to prosecute Limbaugh for calling Fluke a slut and a prostitute should rightly earn her a disbarment for complete stupidity at this point.
Louis C.K. isn't boring?
The statute Ms. Allred relies on:
...anyone who “speaks of and concerning any woman, married or unmarried, falsely and maliciously imputing to her a want of chastity” is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.
It would seem that Ms. Fluke dealt with the "want of chastity" issue with no help from Mr. Limbaugh.
I'm putting this up there with the "bigot" bullshit about Mormonism - both being pushed by Glenn Reynolds, the same man who said:
Communists are as bad as Nazis, and their defenders and apologists are as bad as Nazis’ defenders, but far more common. When you meet them, show them no respect. They’re evil, stupid, and dishonest. They should not enjoy the consequences of their behavior.
Repeat after me, all bullshit PC artists:
This is a Free Country. You can say what you like - as you feel comfortable saying it.
The opposite of that is Fascism.
I keep telling you, the quackery-obsessed Instapundit is a NewAger.
He's even twisting up Andrew Breitbart's legacy into it now. Shameful,...
"Which reminds me, have we established Ms. Fluke's sexual orientation yet? I continue to ask because if she's what I think she is, contraception doesn't enter into it."
Almost Ali, I love you, but sooner or later, you're going to have to face the fact you're a goddamn moron.
"Which reminds me, have we established Ms. Fluke's sexual orientation yet? I continue to ask because if she's what I think she is, contraception doesn't enter into it"
Almost Ali, I love you, but sooner or later, you're going to have to face the fact you're a goddamn moron.
UPDATE: Louis C.K. pulls out.
Jezz, even a successful comedian can't pay for his own condom?
(Thank you, I'm here all week.)
We can add two more things to the certainty of death and taxes. The far right will say something stupid about sexuality and the far left will totally overreact.
Good. They both damage their cause.
UPDATE: Louis C.K. pulls out.
Santorium smiles.
Thanks EDH for creating a new fun game we can all play along at home.
This is a Free Country. You can say what you like - as you feel comfortable saying it.
I agree Crack. I just don't get the humor part. I think PDS is sort of a code used by like-minded bigots. They go overboard and look like fools--but not to themselves. Sort of like what Garage Mahal must do when he gets together with his biddies--drink beer and seethe at Walker.
Still, I don't know it sells.
His language goes beyond vile into something very close to violence. Hopefully there something in between vile and boring that would do the trick.
Althouse, are you saying you're cool with this?
Here is a sample of what he said about Governor Sarah Palin and you tell me whether any member of the media should sit in the crowd while he speaks to them:
Louis C.K. says of Palin: “her f*** retard making c***” and “the baby that just came out of her f**** disgusting c***.”
To Palin: just “stick your t** in its mouth and shut up.”
And here is more: ”…her f***** retard making c****”
Need more to convince you? Here is what he says on twitter:
“I want to rub my father’s c*** all over Sarah Palin’s fat t***”
By the way, there is more, lots more.
"Can I say "pants"? Is that okay in nambypamby America?
I dunno. Can it be construed as possibly sexist, like co-ed?
"Here is a sample of what he said about Governor Sarah Palin and you tell me whether any member of the media should sit in the crowd while he speaks to them:
Louis C.K. says of Palin: “her f*** retard making c***” and “the baby that just came out of her f**** disgusting c***.”
To Palin: just “stick your t** in its mouth and shut up.”
And here is more: ”…her f***** retard making c****”
Need more to convince you? Here is what he says on twitter:
“I want to rub my father’s c*** all over Sarah Palin’s fat t***”
By the way, there is more, lots more."
Just don't say "co-ed."
THAT's offensive.
Apparently, Ms Fluke has other interesting points of view, one of which is that gender transformations should be free too! Now, that could engender some speculations about what are the permitted observations about a person's gender?
Maybe the best thing is to follow B. Maher's lead, along with Louis C. K.'s lead, and call all women by the most vile and pernicious terms. Or, must a person be a member of a protected class before using Maher's and Louis's sexual terms?
"Protected Class"?
Friggin' comedians!
Hard way to make a living, but hey, someone needs to stand in the wings.
Soon enough we'll think they really HAVE wings.
Only in America.
"Now they have a big opportunity to get someone totally inoffensive and bore the pants off everyone."
Totally inoffensive? That might be impossible, but there are some entertaining mainstream comedians who are neither vulgar nor gratuitously offensive.
Gloria Allred thinks Rush Limbaugh should be prosecuted for his ill-received prostitution metaphor.
Call Gloria Allred to the witness stand.
Q: Ms. Allred, could you tell us please, what do you call a woman who seeks pecuniary benefit in connection with having sex??
Q: A second question, why has the law for years referred to cohabitation as a meretricious relationship, such that contracts between cohabiting couples have been ruled unenforcable?
The problem with the 1st Amdt. is that this is a political discussion, where its protections are at their greatest.
Once upon a time, it was actionable defamation per se to imply the lack of chastity on the part of an unmarried woman. The law was a presumption of chastity.
Now we have an entire federal government mandate that imposes a presumption of non-chastity on every female, a presumption that every female is sexually active, married or not, adult or minor. Even those who have taken religious vows of perpetual virginity or chastity are now presumed by the federal government to be unchaste.
It seems rather incongruous for Ms. Allred and Ms. Fluke to now run and claim the protections of this now-dead presumption of chastity. It was Barack Obama and Kathleen Sebelius who branded her as presumptively unchaste.
The statute Ms. Allred relies on:
...anyone who “speaks of and concerning any woman, married or unmarried, falsely and maliciously imputing to her a want of chastity” is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree
(Having not read the above comments before I commented myself --)
Well, it is conclusively proven that Obama and Sebelious are guilty of about 150 million misdemeanors, having imputed to every woman and girl in America a want of chastity.
Ann, we've learned that not rioting is a failed conservative policy.
I've grown to not care about the feelings of those who look down on me.
"Which reminds me, have we established Ms. Fluke's sexual orientation yet? I continue to ask because if she's what I think she is, contraception doesn't enter into it"
Almost Ali, I love you, but sooner or later, you're going to have to face the fact you're a goddamn moron.
AA says: "Now they have a big opportunity to get someone totally inoffensive and bore the pants off everyone."
That's it? That's the only alternative? Someone offensive or someone boring?
On a related note:
Gingrich: 'Good Christian Belles' Is Anti-Christian
"GULFPORT, Miss. -- Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich says a new ABC television series is evidence that the entertainment industry harbors anti-Christian bias.
Gingrich is criticizing the comedy-drama "GCB," which has also been called "Good Christian Belles."
But Gingrich is referring to the series by the name of the 2009 novel that inspired it, "Good Christian Bitches."
yada yada yada
Indeed, Newt was more likable before he found god. ok, ok, he was never likable! :D
Interesting fixednoise is now all over Maher like flies on shit, since they needed a liberal equivalent to Limbo's daily, childish, misogynist assault on liberal women and someone pointed out several staunch conservatives have appeared on Real Time including Issa, Jack Kingston etc. :o
Indeed, regarding free speech, it's usually (((conservative))) evangelicals who have their panties in a bunch when someone utters profanity and the irony that talk radio is dominated by name calling, potty mouthed conservatives which never seem to bother said evangelicals. :-P
What a tangled web of ad nauseam conservative hypocrisy "we" weave. (3) time married ginrich and (4) time married Limbo notwithstanding.
And the band played on ...
Allred works for the Dem party in California (and other places). Thus, she's not going to be disbarred no matter what she does as long as she makes trouble for republicans.
I'm ambivalent about all this-- and bored, already.
I mean, I get the Breitbartian thing, which is great-- don't let them get away with it, hit back, highlight the hypocrisy. The left (including DNC and Obama) goes after Limbaugh for "slut", the right will go after Maher, HBO, Louis CK (e.g. for things much more despicable said about Palin). But can't we just point out the hypocrisy and move on already?
I know, I know, if they don't feel the pain they won't learn. If we don't "punch back twice as hard" the unveiling of lefty hypocrisy won't get enough media attention for the tactic to succeed. So, if the advertisers pull out of Limbaugh's show, we'll boycott them-- and boycott HBO too. Make them feel the pain.
But it seemed to me Breitbart had a lightness of touch-- a showman's sense of timing and tone and occasion, a trickster's wit-- that the current Breitbartians, grieving his death, and understandably angry, lack. They're going all in, waging a war of tit-for-tat over this "slut" stuff-- and coming off as heavy-handed, leaden, and self-righteous as the insufferable left. Even someone like Instapundit is pushing this hard-- uncharacteristic of him. It's like they're inspired by Breitbart's spirit… but only the righteous indignation, not the sense of humor.
Whoever is winning the battle over "slut", in a way the left wins anyway, since this stupid kerfuffle takes up all the media oxygen, which was their purpose anyway. We're talking about who's more offended and who's more offensive, tsk tsk misogyny and un-PC language. I say, let Rush say "slut", let the comedians (Letterman Maher CK etc.) say their shit. I know, it's Rush who's losing the sponsors, it's Rush they're trying to get off the air, it's Rush whom the POTUS is personally attacking (punching down, an Obama habit): it's asymmetrical warfare, so we have to make it symmetrical.
But geez. I'm a fan of pointing out the hypocrisy, pulling off the mask, making a fool of the left-- the prankful Breitbart mission. But the primordial point of that was ultimately to reveal something true, not propaganda for propaganda's sake. To pull the left's pants down-- insofar as those pants were a *disguise*. I'm not such a fan of becoming a mirror image of the left. Rush is not a martyr figure (no more than Fluke). And Palin is not a damsel in distress.
Like Crack, I say: viva unPC humor. Like Methadras, I happen to be a fan of Louis CK. What he said re Palin was indefensible and loathsome, but IIRC he expressed shame and remorse about it afterward. His TNT show (the 2nd season recently ended) is really great, one of my favorites in recent years. And I like HBO-- lately been watching and enjoying "Luck". What a clown like Maher says, or that silly Palin movie, or what CK (probably drunk) said one time on Twitter… why would any of that make me want to boycott HBO or CK?
I'm just so bored by all this.
Correction, the Louie show is on FX not TNT (I watched it on itunes).
Mutaman said...
Almost Ali, I love you, but sooner or later, you're going to have to face the fact you're a goddamn moron.
And how would my facing such a "fact" improve your situation?
edutcher said...
Her boyfriend, with whom she is Spring Breaking...
Apparently our Ms. Fluke is plugged in everywhere.
If only there was something in between a person who says all those truly disgusting things about a woman and her baby for laughs because they hate her with an irrational hatred that is apparently sanctioned by correspondents and someone who bores the pants off you. Nah.
UPDATE: Louis C.K. pulls out.
And saved $3000.
You used "pulls out" and "pants" in the same paragraph. Nambypamby America disapproves. Gloria Allred considers prosecution, but realizes the "victim" is merely a man and returns to feminist ambulance-chasing.
I don't have a problem with Louie CK being pressured (or feeling pressured) to drop out. Like I said, I'm a fan, but like fellow fan Methadras also said, it's fine for him to take the consequences of saying something so appalling about Palin and her baby: no Correspondents' Dinner for you.
At least, not the same week that Rush's "slut" comment has become a federal case-- made a federal case by those very Correspondents. And by the POTUS, who presumably will be feted (as usual) at that dinner.
Traditionally the POTUS is supposed to be roasted at these things (as Bush was, savagely, by Colbert-- no lighthearted ribbing but a hostile screed) and to give a self-deprecating speech. But last time the most powerful man in the free world instead had (and took) the opportunity to roast and humiliate one of his critics-- Donald Trump. And was applauded for it.
The Correspondents Dinner-- given by and for the top echelon of the MSM, and its weird self-congratulatory "roast" of the POTUS (in Obama's exceptional case, a roast *by* him) is a very particular, special forum. For Louie CK, who's said such despicable things about Palin and her baby, to preside over the Dinner-- on the week of the Palin movie, on the week that the POTUS has once again been personally attacking one of his public critics, for using the word "slut" re Fluke-- would constitute such stratospheric hypocrisy that the word "hypocrisy" hardly suffices.
So I'm fine with that. But if conservatives/ Republicans were campaigning to boycott FX this week (over what CK said once on Twitter long ago)-- like they're doing re Maher/ HBO-- that I would find ridiculous.
Rush may have ruined the poor man's career.
I think Breitbart was on to something when he imitated the left to discredit their methods. Lefties hate hypocrisy.
Black comedians live and die on that colorful language
Geez, someone has never seen Bill Cosby's live performances
(and he's still performing before packed crowds and his routines are still fall-down funny)
Leftwingers complaining about "misogyny" while calling Sarah Palin a "cunt", petard, hoist.
Some assembly required.
Glorai All-Red is a fascist pig.
Yea shiloh it can't be because Good CHristian Bitches is a reflection of the hip, anti-Christian bigotry of the lefties producing the show.
Let's see something REALLY edgy.
Like: Submissive Muslim Bitches.
Disclaimer: I am not Christian, but I recognize bigotry when I see it. The left displays it in spades when it comes to traditional Christians and they are proud of their bigotry, like a Klanner lighting the cross at the Klan rally.
Its the double standard we conservatives object too. Liberals love to feel superior and so much more sophisticated than we conservatives. Which might explain why they voted for an un-American anti-American anti-white socialist/communist for President.
The Florida statute referred to by Ms. Allred is sexist in that it penalizes statements impugning the chastity of a woman, but not those impugning the chastity of a man. By suggesting that it should be used, she is taking the position that it is worse for a woman to be thought of as sexually active than it is for a man to be thought of, and spoken of, as being sexually active.
Why does Ms. Allred believe that in 2012 such a sexual double standard should be enshrined in the law?
poor althouse. first she gets the vapors. now she's bored. I'm sure she'll find the goldilocks zone eventually.
Um, Lewis C.K. is a comedian. Rush is more than just an entertainer--he is a political force on the right.
Say what you want. Just own what you say.
Geez, someone has never seen Bill Cosby's live performances
Or Sinbad or Tyler Perry (although you probably have a problem with the cross dressing) for that matter.
I love how everyone here is accusing lefties of being bigoted and then make bigoted comments about black comedians
1. I love the attempts to distinguish Limbaugh from Maher and Louis C.K. Rush is this and they are that- hilarious.
2. Crack, I love you and I love Glenn Reynolds. Relax, dude!
3. This is Althouse. Of
COURSE you can say "pants". For God's sake, don't say "shorts"!
Freder said: Um, Lewis C.K. is a comedian.
And that makes a difference how, exactly?
Louis C.K. says of Palin: “her f*** retard making c***” and “the baby that just came out of her f**** disgusting c***.”
Yes, hilarious. We should get this guy to headline at a large and politically relevant event, say, the Correspondent's Association Dinner.
Good on Greta.... Self respect can be an awesome thing, especially when shared with another person.
We've almost come full circle. Remember Wanda Sykes wishing death on Rush Limbaugh at the 2009 White House Correspondents Dinner? The correspondents and President Obama laughed and laughed.
Good times.
If the name is Allred
and she is a talking head
when the Republicans are Red
and the Democrats are Blue
As a liberal Democrat through and through
Should she not change her name to Allblue?
yashu- it's the Breitbart people pushing back against the Rush/slut thing?
I didn't think so.
By "Breitbartians" I don't mean the "Breitbart people" literally-- i.e. people at the Bigs, who worked with/ for Breitbart. You're right; as far as I know, they're not the ones behind this pushback.
By "Breitbartians", I just mean people on the right who've been inspired by him and, after his death, have vowed to carry on his mission. And have explicitly invoked his name while pushing back on the Rush/slut thing. So that includes Instapundit as well as more traditional conservative pundits/ bloggers.
That's just been my impression. But in the end it may have less to do with Breitbart's particular influence than the fact that this is all going down so soon after his death. So it's natural that his name would be invoked as a rallying-cry during any pushback against the left right now. Especially involving the media, which was a Breitbart specialty.
Re: Bill Maher, this thread, like many others at Althouse, is a prime example of conservatives living in a bubble!
Much like mittens, Santo and newt.
Let me first say that I find Louis, in the comedy specials I've seen to be hilarious. That being said, he's saying things FAR worse than Limbaugh could have dreamed.
And the whole, it's ok because he's a comedian argument is bull, because he's a comedian making "jokes" in a political venue. That's political. And he was going to be speaking before Washington. In other words, he's inserting himself into the political arena, just like Limbaugh.
Limbaugh has done comedy routines on his show and could argue he's just a radio commentator. What's the difference? If you want to hold him to that standard then hold Louis CK to that standard.
Hold Maher, Letterman, Olbermann and any other douche sack to the same standard. Or shut up about it.
THANK YOU, Christopher! It is right to say exactly what this POS said - not hide it behind some softening term.
It is high time this was called out.
Because it's not just off-color chit-chat, you now have top news organizations spouting this stuff - and even the president using the term "Teabagger."
Then they faint over the term "slut" for Obama's pimped out little trickster, parading in front of the nation's top legislative body, without a real credential to her name.
What's worse, as if you tossed a shiny lure into the water - all the fish follow. All the sheep. Including women who know better.
Luckily, I think they are hoist on their own petard this time.
Remember when comedians were good-natured and for all adult audiences?
I miss Johnny Carson.
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