Translation: Democrats are Democrats.
Am I being unfair? Of course, they found women who say they are/were Republicans/independents....
The sudden return of the “culture wars” over the rights of women and their place in society has resulted, the women said, in a distinct change in mood in the past several weeks....Some women!
After the talk show host Rush Limbaugh denounced a Georgetown University law student as a “slut” and a “prostitute” for her advocacy of insurance coverage of contraception, some women were critical of Mr. Romney’s tepid response.
“Everybody is so busy telling us how we should act in the bedroom, they’re letting the country fall through the cracks,” said Fran Kelley, a retired public school worker in Seattle who voted for Senator John McCain over Mr. Obama in the 2008 election. Of the Republican candidates this year, she added, “They’re nothing but hatemongers trying to control everyone, saying, ‘Live as I live.’ ”Of course, Democrats started the conversation, but it was a good conversation to start if the goal was to get some Republicans to say some things that could be used against them. Fortunately, Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate who is going to be the nominee, had the sense not to say much. He was "tepid." Good! We don't want the government in our bedroom, so we don't need a passionate President. Let him stay in his office and coolly and calmly do his job, which shouldn't have anything to do with sex. He's not our boyfriend.
She continued, “If Republicans would stop all this ridiculous talk about contraception, I’d consider voting in November.”
Man, I loathe this pandering to women! Don't treat us like we're stupid. Don't act like we need your special protection. Don't buy us things.
२०५ टिप्पण्या:
205 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»She is a Democrat who didn't vote for Obama in 20008 because she's racist.
Now she has to vote based on who she wants in her bedroom. The black man or the Mormon. It's a quandary.
Apparently, women are quite fickle.
Yea, those silly women with no mental capacity to think through the actual process and voted for Obama in 2008.
Those women that are so easily tricked by the pandering.
Those women that will trade freedom for security and get neither.
L'Affaire Fluck has blown up massively for the Demos, and now all they've got left is the Gray Lady, which will now preach to the choir.
What did Romney think of his church’s role in fomenting opposition to same-sex marriage in California? What does he think of feminist criticism of the church hierarchy. As a Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints bishop (a lay pastor in his ward, or local church), Romney was confronted in the 1980s by a robust feminist LDS community in Boston. The LDS church has a history of anti-feminist activism, particularly opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970s. Dissenters, including feminists, have been subject to discipline and even excommunication.
According to a recent article in the Washington Post, when Romney was selected as bishop in 1981, the activities of the Boston-area feminists were under intense scrutiny and pressure by the all-male LDS hierarchy in Salt Lake City. A group of Mormon women in Boston published a journal, Exponent II, named after an early 20th century newspaper of Mormon suffragists. Romney was installed as bishop to quiet what former Exponent II president Barbara Tayl0r said Romney believed were “just a bunch of bored, unhappy housewives trying to stir up trouble.”
While his harsh counseling of a pregnant woman facing a medical complication that she shouldn’t have an abortion is probably the best-known incident from this period, there were other issues.
A 2008 piece by Salt Lake Tribune writer Peggy Fletcher Stack described the Boston women’s discontent with Romney’s refusal, initially, to recognize that there was domestic abuse of women within the church, and his general willingness to carry out the hierarchy’s orthodoxy, although the church’s structure obviously leaves little or no room for rebellion.
Taylor and others in the Boston community nonetheless described a tiny evolution by Romney to at least recognize some of their objections, even as real structural change is impossible in the face of the church’s non-democratic structure. But Romney has never discussed how he dealt with these issues as bishop or later as president of the Boston stake (the larger geographical area that encompasses the wards), and how he, as bishop or as stake president, addressed the women’s protests against the church patriarchy.
Defend it and/or explain - if it's still going on and Romney was Bishop - why it's not your responsibility to ask about it.
Show of hands: Who would like to pay higher premiums so that Ms. Fluke can have 3000 dollars’ worth of free contraception?
Or maybe, if the government can take over heath care through insurance, we can pay higher taxes to get the job done for Ms. Fluke?
Come on evil cranky stuffy old GOP, stop steeling my lady parts.
I'm so glad Stephanopoulos got this ball rolling. It's a win-win for the democrats.
What they're missing is just how completely the DEMOCRATS HAVE inserted themselves right into their bedrooms.
They have embraced big brother/big government to such an extent... what has happened to the boomers? Looking for mommy and daddy in The Man.
In CA: Incoming UC Students May Be Asked To Declare Their Sexual Orientation (in the name of inclusion)
"When even casual sex requires a state welfare program, you’re pretty much done for." Mary Steyn, National Review Online The Fluke Charade
"It shouldn’t be “important enough” at $1,000 a year either, or $10,000 for that matter. What we’re really embroiled in here is a very old argument, made possible by conceding the foundational principle of socialism: some people’s needs are important enough to over-ride other people’s rights.
Once that door has been cracked open, and the concept of “inalienable rights” derived from an authority higher than the State has been discarded, all else is negotiation." John Hayward at Human Events Freedom is forged from responsibility
The Georgetown 3L has become the poster "child" for the strong, independent, fearless Woman?
"I can afford Georgetown, I can't afford the pill!"
"Take care of me, Barack!"
This becomes more Orewellian everyday!
Be careful how you use the word "pandering." It seems to be the easy way out of an uncomfortable position among politicians. As an example, Newt Gingrich has been accused by both parties of pandering for proposing actions designed to lower commodity-based gasoline prices to $2.50 per gallon with an increase in oil and gas drilling and the encouragement of carbon-based energy solutions.
Mitt covered up well: “I’m not going to come here and pander to you and say here’s what your gasoline price will be if I do all those things,” Romney continued. “But I can tell you this: If we develop that energy here in the United States, we’ll help hold prices down, we’ll also keep the money here in the United States, creating jobs here instead of outside the United States.”
Gee Whiz - that sounds just like Newt'as proposal without a target price - but it cannot be since that too would be pandering.
Ann Romney addressed this in her introduction for Mitt on Tuesday.
Women, she said, vote based on jobs and the economy. As if women are people!
Obama said something similar in his press conference, but at his fundraiser he continued to press the idea that the GOP doesn't want women to have access to healthcare. It's actually funny, because in the same speech he said women need equal pay for equal jobs AND women get more free stuff with him as president.
Treating women as if they are stupid apparently works.
Do you ever get the sense that the more powerful people get, the more foolish they become? You’re not the only one. Four university professors thought the same thing, and they devised a test to find out if it’s really true. It is, they concluded.
That is, they found that power dependably breeds overconfidence, and overconfidence dependably leads to bad decisions.
Four follow-up experiments confirmed and expanded the results. The researchers came to a disturbing conclusion:
Not only do overconfident people tend to acquire roles that afford power . . . but the subjective sense of power brought on by these roles causes people to become further overconfident. . . . Helping the powerful safely escape this perilous aspect of power is not only in the interest of power holders, but is also in the interest of all who are daily impacted by their decisions.
What can you do? One answer, apparently, is to humiliate the powerful. The fifth and final experiment the four conducted found that the tie between power and overconfidence “was eliminated when the powerful were made to feel incompetent.
Ann you are really going through some contortions to be contrarian on this. Careful you don't hurt yourself.
1) There is no conspiracy to pander to women. Or I didn't get the memo.
2) Rush Limbaugh and his defenders have simply crossed a line of basic social decency. They have been repudiated by nearly all except Lushbo's hard core followers and apologists. (cough).
These 98 advertisers do not want their carefully nurtured brands associated with this belligerent sexist. It's bad for business.
Spin all you want, but you spin away from reality.
Rush Limgaugh is the leader of the Republican Party. He terrifies Republican office holders and has brought them to heel, on bended knee, time and time again.
The Possum Republicans. David Brooks gets it right for once.
The new Republican coalition: extremists and cowards.
I loathe this pandering to women! Don't treat us like we're stupid.
Soap opera women are 40% of the population.
Not a majority, but enough to support the news business, and enough to swing elections.
Hence the cooperation of MSM and the left. It's a business deal.
Oops, soap opera women are 20% of the population, 40% of women.
America's PRAVDA is getting desperate.
Rose said...
What they're missing is just how completely the DEMOCRATS HAVE inserted themselves right into their bedrooms.
For years, the Lefties screamed, "The Republicans/Christers want to invade your bedroom", as they were doing it themselves.
All Republicans may have done was argue for established values. The Demos demanded everyone fall in with their changes.
AlphaLiberal said...
1) There is no conspiracy to pander to women. Or I didn't get the memo.
Old Navy saying: There's always one that never gets the word.
2) Rush Limbaugh and his defenders have simply crossed a line of basic social decency.
Two words:
Two more:
Another two:
Rush Limgaugh is the leader of the Republican Party.
At what time did he replace Reince Priebus?
Or Milton?
Or McConnell?
Or Boehner?
Alpha's right. He never gets the memo.
:" Don't buy us things."
But buy other stuff on Amazon by linking through this web site!
And flowers are still ok.
Centrist women want the princess to go back to the enchanted world.
I can see that.. Its very likely Romney has friends there.
I haven't read the article but I'm guessing this is about immigration.
Best line from the article:
"A rally for women’s rights in San Diego on Thursday drew Jessica Lopez, 27, a registered independent who said she voted for President George W. Bush in 2004."
How big was the rally? It doesn't say. So 8-10 people at most. What a groundswell!
And as far as it not being a conspiracy, there was an article in the Toronto Star yesterday, not even a US paper, that's almost exactly the same in content and style. So reporters in two different papers and different countries on two consecutive days got the exact same idea for a story and found all sorts of 'regular' people to back up their point of view and say the exact same thing.
On the evidence a substantial portion of the female population IS stupid.
Look at how many women are too stupid to see through the ridiculous "war on women" narrative.
Mark Steyn had an interesting comment:
...the most basic issue here is not religious morality, individual liberty or fiscal responsibility. It's that a society in which middle-age children of privilege testify before the most powerful figures in the land to demand state-enforced funding for their sex lives at a time when their government owes more money than anyone has ever owed in the history of the planet is quite simply nuts.
Interesting, Robert.
If you are registered as an Independent in California, you can't vote in GOP primaries (or at least haven't been able to in prior years). So she isn't too too into Republican politics.
AlphaLiberal said...
Ann you are really going through some contortions to be contrarian on this. Careful you don't hurt yourself.
1) There is no conspiracy to pander to women. Or I didn't get the memo.
Heck, the title of the previously linked NYT story?
White House Works to Shape Debate Over Health Law
WASHINGTON — The White House has begun an aggressive campaign to use approaching Supreme Court arguments on the new health care law as a moment to build support for the measure seen as President Obama’s signature legislative achievement, hoping to shape public opinion on an issue at the center of the battle for the White House and Congress.
On Wednesday, White House officials summoned dozens of leaders of nonprofit organizations that strongly back the health law to help them coordinate plans for a prayer vigil, press conferences and other events outside the court when justices hear arguments for three days beginning March 26.
The advocates and officials mapped out a strategy to call attention to tangible benefits of the law, like increased insurance coverage for young adults. Sensitive to the idea that they were encouraging demonstrations, White House officials denied that they were trying to gin up support by encouraging rallies outside the Supreme Court, just a stone’s throw from Congress on Capitol Hill. They said a main purpose of this week’s meeting, in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building adjacent to the White House, was to give the various groups a chance to learn of the plans.
For months, Democrats in Congress and progressive groups have urged the White House to make a more forceful defense of the health care law, which is denounced almost daily by Republican lawmakers and presidential candidates.
Administration officials said that they would much prefer to focus on job creation and the need for clean energy at the moment and that the court arguments were forcing health care to the forefront. But they appear to have decided that they cannot risk allowing the court proceedings to unfold without making sure that backers of the sweeping overhaul will be prominent and outspoken.
Sure "they would much prefer to focus on job creation and the need for clean energy".
Fortunately, Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate who is going to be the nominee, had the sense not to say much.
Yes! The Professor's infatuation with Willard is now official. Thank you, Professor, for joining Club Willard!
Willard's advisors have instructed Willard to say as little as possible. It's hard for a candidate to be "flexible" on the issues if he's forced to take positions and make statements.
He was "tepid."
That's Willard!
We don't need a passionate President.
Romneybot reporting for duty!
*borg borg borg borg*
Most words in English have more than one meaning.
Eg. 'Don we now our gay apparel'
Those two words everyone is up in arms about can be seen to mean:
1. One who has more than the conventional amount of sex (implied by $1000/yr)
2. One who demands payment from others for one's own sexual activities. (you pay so I can have worry-free sex)
The analogy is a stretch, but I've seem worse examples. (e.g. 'A war on women')
On the evidence a substantial portion of the female population IS stupid.
Look at how many women are too stupid to see through the ridiculous "war on women" narrative.
That's the trump card right there. It beats Althouse's hand.
GOP: Women are stupid.
'Tired of pandering' Thanks. Janis Joplin got it wrong. The heard on the street reason for her death was that she was deliberatley overdosed on heroin by a black lover (speaking of gray ties). The song should have been sung 'Freedom is just another word for having a good massuh.'
GOP: Women are stupid.
And we know these are Republicans, how?
They could all be Libertarians, Independents (y'know, the people the Demos are losing badly), Greens, Communists, Fabian Socialists...
I like Steyn's coin of phrase - "Republic of Paperwork".
Independent women...what a horrible thought! Poor Santorum. He will really feel sick now.
The left are pandering to the day-time-TV-watching crowd. Democrats think women are stupid and they pander to them out of desperation.
Why? Because Rush screwed up!
"Oops, soap opera women are 20% of the population, 40% of women."
Where did you find this information? What percentage of the population are soap opera men?
Centrist women sometimes get lost in left field
Lucky for us Meade came out of right field ;)
Democrats are working feverishly to associate both Rush Limbaugh's crudeness and Rick Santorum's obsession with sex with Mitt Romney. You know they're flailing when they've failed repeatedly to get him to say something they can use against him, that they have to resort to the "he failed to denounce" allegation, which is what this article essentially is trying to set up. I think we'll be hearing a lot of that this week.
Of course, we do have the non-RINOs like Rush and Santorum to thank for this distraction. Such an obvious, stupid mistake to play into Democrats' hands like this. But that's what makes me a RINO, I guess. I just want to win the election so we can save the economy and dump Obamacare. I don't care about private sex acts. Damn, I'm such a wimp!
Fabian was a socialist?
Speaking of soap opera..
Is it true that Bo and Hope are getting back together?
I don't buy it. This is just a pro-Obama puff piece. Further inquiry will most likely show that the "GOP women" they interviewed are long time Democrats or Dem supporters who decline to state party.
@John Stoddard That's the deal. RINOs like you and Romney have two enemies to contend with.
So while Dems may be flailing and working feverishly as you say, they are getting help. I think everyone can count on the Dems getting that kind of help all the way through November.
IMO the RINOs actually climbed into bed with these guys to begin with.
EDH said...
Fabian was a socialist?
Only in Hollyweird. When he went back to South Philly, he didn't talk about it.
We definitely need to ban corporations from speaking about politics so that that everyone can get their political news solely from impartial, unbiased paragons of journalistic integrity like the New York Times.
Don't forget the help of non-RINO George Stephanopolous.
Althouse, Don't get angry at the panderers. They only do it because it works. Isn't that more painfully obvious right now. Women are the problem, not those trying to win their votes.
"Am I being unfair? Of course, they found women who say they are/were Republicans/independents...."
I'm not sure unfair is the right word. You might be discounting political movement on the ground that some polls are tracking.
The Tea Party won two years ago by almost erasing the gender gap. In the last two months those gains have been erased, according to some polls.
What will happen in the election? Dunno. Too early to tell and too many variables. But if the polls show a lasting trend, and if that trend continues, the GOP will loose the Presidential election, not get the Senate, and loose about 10-15 seats in the House.
Here's the irony -- feminist activists are all about getting men to take responsibility for children -- either through enforcing child support orders or having dads who are married to the mothers of their children share the child care work. But on contraception they've conceded the point. The message is, "it is OUR responsibility as women to use drugs or devices that reduce the risk of pregnancy. This is unfair, so society as a whole must be forced to share the cost through health insurance, government programs, etc."
And (some of) you keep arguing about this contraception thing as if that's what people really want to talk about this election year. It's a losing issue, at the least it's sure not a winning issue, and they can't lay off it.
Good on Romney for keeping on task. But he can't silence the voices of Real Republicans, the Pure Republicans.
Ok, let's pretend you could convince these pander-susceptible women that in fact they are being pandered to, and are suckers for it, because it's not a truthful situation, as in, the GOP doesn't care about your sex life unless you want others to pay for it.
Now, do you think that realization would change their vote? No, because they still want us to buy them something, and of course still respect them as well.
There is nothing so overpoweringly attractive as a woman with a libertarian perspective. I could probably marry one sight unseen. OK, I would need at least a non-cubist sketch of her.
And (some of) you keep arguing about this contraception thing as if that's what people really want to talk about this election year. It's a losing issue, at the least it's sure not a winning issue, and they can't lay off it.
Yeah, I wish Obama could quit the issue. But he's desperate.
“They’re nothing but hatemongers trying to control everyone, saying, ‘Live as I live.’ ”
There is a black man in the white house.. gays are openly serving in the military.. gays are marring each other in some states..
What is this.. s word talking about?
I believe what makes the entire conversation so gross is because of Rush.
He is physically absolutely horrible and no one would have sex with him unless being paid.
He is fat, totally ugly facial features, bald, and just fucking nasty.
If he wasn't so physically ugly he would be winning, but he isn't, because he is fat AND really ugly. He could lose weight and he would still be really ugly.
Yeah, I wish Obama could quit the issue. But he's desperate.
For sure. But he's getting a lot of help. Rick Santorum is either frighteningly undisciplined or is actively trying to help Obama (with an eye toward regrouping for a 2016 race as King Shit of the social conservatives, but this time with a more robust campaign structure, which he doesn't have now.) And Limbaugh, of course, far from being the "leader" of anything, is desperate to save his own skin. He looks like a prophet if this issue ends up proving him right that Romney couldn't win. A year from now, he'll be braying that it was because Romney was a RINO. But the truth will be, it's because social conservatives like him were willing to sacrifice the economy for four more years in hopes that things would get so bad, the GOP could nominate a nutjob like Santorum or Bachmann in 2016 and the dittoheads would finally get their political wish.
Seriously, I'm beginning to think this is what's going on. Social conservatives, who were sidelined during the Tea Party explosion, are on a mission to rule or ruin now. And the NYT is only too glad to give them a platform.
It's a losing issue, at the least it's sure not a winning issue, and they can't lay off it.
The Demos, that is. They started it and now it's blown up in their faces.
Good on Romney for keeping on task. But he can't silence the voices of Real Republicans, the Pure Republicans.
Man, I loathe this pandering to women!
Why? It seemed to be working with you for a while.
So there's a pandering-to-women gap. Hmm.
Maybe Mitt should start wearing grey ties.
I've Been Losing You..
Obama the boyfriend..
More "Romney failed to denounce" stories:
Nice post, Professor.
Regards — Cliff
Democrats are working feverishly to associate both Rush Limbaugh's crudeness and Rick Santorum's obsession with sex with Mitt Romney.
You're going to see more and more frank anti-Mormon rhetoric. " They fought gay marriage in California!!","they want women at home, having babies and keeping quiet" etc.
Lifting up a huge enormous fold of fat to unveil the pee pee is just not sexy.
I guess, from this post, that Republican women prefer Mitt to pander?
Great news. We get to dismiss or mock things ugly people say.
Because they're ugly.
But pretty people on the other hand...well, they must be smarter. Because they're pretty.
I think I like pretty things best.
This rainbow is pretty.
Oh, look a unicorn.
Rush Limbaugh is the leader of the Republican Party. He terrifies Republican office holders and has brought them to heel, on bended knee, time and time again.
AL is again spouting DNC talking points propaganda. "The" leader? Who elected him?
The reason that this is an obvious talking point is that we have heard it too many times in the last couple of weeks from people who routinely read their DNC and White House talking points faxes and emails. All those MSM talking heads, etc.
So, why the narrative that AL is trying to push here? Because it allows them to tar the entire Republican party and establishment to what one unelected member said. One out of tens of millions of members.
Why don't they ask the real leaders of the party, like the Speaker of the House, Senate Minority Leader, governors, or leading Presidential candidates? Or, the previous Presidential or VP candidates? What most would consider the real leaders of the party. I would suggest the reason is that they wouldn't get the response they like. Rather, they would likely get something like what Romney has said. And, that doesn't work for the narrative that they, and AL, want to push.
"Man, I loathe this pandering to women!"
They do it, unfortunately, because it works.
I'm a Republican, raised (but not convinced) Catholic, and don't give a a hoot about the Church's position on anything. But I do care about religious freedom and separation of church and state.
I cared when I was a youthful Democrat and I still care now that I'm a thoughtful Republican.
The smart politicians (and talk show hosts) stay out of this thicket. Leave it to the Bishops.
Yea, those silly women with no mental capacity to think through the actual process and voted for Obama in 2008.
Those women that are so easily tricked by the pandering.
Those women that will trade freedom for security and get neither.
If you object to paying for their birth control then you're a hatemonger but still they want us to stay out of their bedrooms.
One reason the Demos are scared.
Looks like a recession in Red China.
Maybe we'll think of today as the Good Old Days.
GOP is losing the psy op war.
Once again I find myself ashamed of my own sex/gender.Too many women are fooled by the feminists into going along with women being victims & therefore entitled to special 'rights' For goodness sake,grow up women. If you want to be treated equally, stop sniveling and asking for special treatment.I tell all my young male friends & relatives find out how your girlfriends feel about feminism and if they are of the feminist mindset,run for the hills.
If the Republicans are losing, why are women abandoning GodZero?
No, you're not unfair.
In 2008, I repeatedly heard glib politicians stating "My wife is a republican, and she's voting for Obama!"
When he only won by 5% of the popular vote I realized it was bullshit.
So.. women want to breakup with the GOP because Obama is willing to pay for their pill.
What are we men getting from Romney?
Does he have any friends at Pfizer?
I want my Viagra.. and Romney is going to give it to me!
A modest proposal.
From the Viagra Common Questions page.
If you have prescription coverage that includes oral ED treatments, it's the cost of your co-pay. For people without prescription drug coverage, the exact price is determined by the pharmacy.
Viagra comes with oral treatment?
Who says Bill Clinton wasn't a great president?
I saw the movie Game Change last night and I came away from it feeling really sad for Sarah Palin.
I thought the movie was incredible but terribly sad.
Julianne Moore was fab, natch, but what Sarah Palin went through was devastating.
I am shocked she is still standing.
I would of disappeared forever.
Shame on Mccain's staffers.
Let's see -- Ann trotted up yesterday with her camera to Meade and told him that a silly girl had threatened her. Now she doesn't want special protection. Make up your mind, already.
"When he only won by 5% of the popular vote I realized it was bullshit."
McCain would have won if not for a gender gap.
And he performed much better with Latinos then any of the current candidates are polling. It would be a smart political move for a Republican candidate to, say, support the Dream Act.
Kind of related....just turned my radio on. Last night I had on Public Radio to listen to a music program. Right now it is a news/commentary program.
Does it bother anyone that government radio has a jihad against Rush Limbaugh. Left or right, isn't there something wrong with government run media trying to shut down the opposition media?
Would a Madison liberal want a George Bush run/taxpayer funded radio working hard to get CBS news off the air?
You always here that much of higher education isn't about learning facts, but it is learning critic thought.
But I wonder if most of our collegiants aren't getting that.
We have "free birth control = good".
We don't have "who is going to pay for it?", or more importantly, "what else can the gov't do to control our lives if they get this large and powerful?"
"Our special fourth vow, made in a solemn and sacred ceremony and binding on us in conscience and in the laws of the Church, is at the heart of our identity as a religious community, and is a profound expression of the religious and spiritual commitment of each of our Sisters. This new rule pays no heed to our right to live according to our vows. Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act each of us will be required by law to obtain health insurance, or face fines. Since this HHS mandate will require every insurer to include abortion-inducing drugs, sterilization, and artificial contraception, we will not be able to obtain any coverage that is free from those “services,” and we will be forced to pay for them directly. Since we are neither employers, nor employees, of any religious institution, we cannot even take advantage of the “religious exemption” contained in the new regulations or the “compromise.”
As a result, this mandate would coerce each and every individual Sister of Life to betray her religious vows. We will be forced to pay for “services” that attack human life and deny the truth and beauty of human sexuality. This would directly contradict our special religious vow to “to protect and enhance the sacredness of human life,” and go against everything we believe in and have devoted our lives to. To us, it would be comparable to a law requiring a spouse to violate their marriage vows — an unthinkable intrusion upon a sacred promise.
This mandate is an offensive and dangerous infringement upon the natural and Constitutional rights of American citizens. The only just solution to this infringement of rights is to rescind the HHS rule. We call upon members of Congress and the Executive Branch to reverse this decision as soon as possible, and we invite our fellow citizens to join with us in prayer and fasting that our Nation may be protected from this great threat against liberty."
Forcing nuns to cover birth control or be fined for the woman's vote?
Does the Obama Administration have any idea what they are imposing?
I'm assuming yes.
titus, I wonder if we can compare what Sarah Palin went through to what people like Jackie Robinson did.
Have you ever seen such an effort to destroy someone stictly because of race or gender in modern times? Say post MLK?
Chuck66 said...
Kind of related....just turned my radio on. Last night I had on Public Radio to listen to a music program. Right now it is a news/commentary program.
Does it bother anyone that government radio has a jihad against Rush Limbaugh. Left or right, isn't there something wrong with government run media trying to shut down the opposition media?
It does, but it's the way the Lefties operate. They wouldn't be where they are without centralized media.
That said, decentralized media is killing them, which is why L'Affaire Fluck has turned into such a mess for them.
edubutcher, Public Radio, that means gov't funded radio of the Obama administration, called for Rush Limbaugh to be taken off the air. They gave info on gettign a list of advertisors so Obama administration activists can try to pressure advertistors to abandon the Limbaugh show.
I thought the left was wacky with their anti-Bush conspiracy theories, but geesh, if Bush had done this, I would have to side with the left.
I wonder if we can compare what Sarah Palin went through to what people like Jackie Robinson did.
Oh, it really would amuse me if you'd try! :D
The Democrat re-election machine "GOP War on Women" - crafted by clever people like Axlerod and Anita Dunn and dutifully parrotted as the "Narrative Du Jour" by liberals and progressive Jews running the mainstream media and "cultural organs the media interviews" - might have some traction if Saint Tor'um is the GOP nominee.
But he won't be.
Romney comes off to most people as a decent guy concerned with the economy, not foisting his morality on women or any other people though him getting control of the levers of power.
So the "GOP War on Women" will get little traction.
The real war is going to be by women that decide that 5.00 a gallon gas, 30% increase in food prices, no jobs --is more important than the 30-year old daughter of a wealthy California democrat donor getting free taxpayer-provided birth control pills.
Unless the nominee is Rick Santorum ..
Willard, lets compare.
Robinson = "Nixxer"
Palin = "cunt" "dumb twat" "mother I'd like to rape"
Robinson = water melons rolled at him.
Palin = Media demanding and getting 25,000 emails so they could go on a fishing expedition to try to find something to destroy her with
Robinson = Not able to stay at many hotels
Palin = banned from most college campuses
Should we go on?
Well, buy us things. But make it NICE things. Buying us birth control just makes it seem like you only want us for sex.
I actually like Sarah Palin. I am a fag and don't generally agree with some of her positions, but I like her.
I find her interesting, fucking hot, and a star.
She is very unusual for a politician and that makes her extraordinary.
And I would do Woody Harrelson playing Steve Schmidt-he gave me a total hardon.
I would do Nicole Wallace too-she's hot and bitchy-I like that.
Man, I loathe this pandering to women! Don't treat us like we're stupid.
Obama thinks you and all the other women who voted for him as stupid.
There is no need to turn 50 shades of gray over the standard tactics of the Ruling Class (Democ**t or GOP). This is who they are; this is what they do.
"I find her interesting, fucking hot, and a star.
She is very unusual for a politician and that makes her extraordinary."
If Titus says that, then we get a good idea of why the Democrats went into a frenzy trying to destroy her.
I call bullshit on Ms. Kelley. She's a retired public school worker. She lives in King County where,if you don't vote Democrat, they stand you in the public square, rip the buttons off your 'uniform coat" and then put you in the stocks to shame you.
She "claims" she voted for McCain over Obama in 2008. She probably also claims that she's got title to the Seattle Space Needle and the Tacoma Narrows Bridge and if I want, she can give me a deal if I take both of them.
Then she slips into Seattle Dem lib speak--and gives the whole farce away. The GOP candidates are "hate mongers" who have "ridiculous" talk about contraception.
Didn't her mother teach her not to lie?
"Man, I loathe this pandering to women! Don't treat us like we're stupid."
I am giving you free birth control pills, you ungrateful bitch. What else to you girls want?
Mike, I first noticed this in 2000. It usually is in letters to the editor: "I always voted Republican, but cannot vote for this guy".
Well, that crazy internet. Its easy to do a search on who gave money to which candidates, and even find things like public statements. More often then not, when someone says "I always have voted Republican, but cannot vote for x", the person has never voted Republican.
When are they going to start talking about the War Against Men? Unfair divorce laws and child custody practices, 60% of college graduates are women, more women in law school and medical school. In the sciences and technical areas where men are still the majority, they're demanding programs for increases in women there, too. Schools from top to bottom treat males with negative bias.
Men suffer disproportionally from unemployment. Men are 13 times more likely to be killed on the job and 3 times more likely to be murdered. (But, we have a Violence Against Women Act.) Men are constantly and unfairly blamed for societal problems. Breast cancer research gets twice the money per case for research as prostate cancer. Men have no reproductive choice rights and are routinely forced to financially support children that aren't theirs.
The argument isn't about a war on women. It's about catering to women, and near complete apathy towards men.
Rush is an abomination to the NPR announcers.
They have made a good career out of a carefully worded and soft spoken narrative of politics taken from the 1980s that affirms the views of the genteel and educated white folks as if nothing has changed.They will give a nod to some Bill Buckley type GOP guys presenting a surprisingly fair balance between those views.
Along came Rush who is a highly talented communicator of inside politics who exposes NPR's world view to be a weak silliness for the ladies of both sexes.
They really, really hate Limbaugh... and they cannot help themselves: Damn that boastful ranting windbag who commits the greatest sin that he usually gets it right.
Man, I loathe this pandering to women!
...except if men do not do so, they are viewed as being "hostile" to women.
That a demand for free contraception could be a big winning issue for Obama indicates that pandering to women is unbelievably effective.
Rush Limgaugh is the leader of the Republican Party.
He donates a million to the party? Hosts fundraisers?
Then what are you talking about?
There is no conspiracy to pander to women. Or I didn't get the memo.
Alpha, they only give the memo to the people who have enough of an original thought to realize the idea might be stupid.
Fortunately, you are as true a believer as can exist. I can only imagine how much of a fight you raised to name your first born "DNC".
You know they're flailing when they've failed repeatedly to get him to say something they can use against him, that they have to resort to the "he failed to denounce" allegation, which is what this article essentially is trying to set up. I think we'll be hearing a lot of that this week.
No joke. Is he supposed to apologize for anything any conservative says? How would he have time to do anything if he is spending his time apologizing for random people?
Does it bother anyone that government radio has a jihad against Rush Limbaugh. Left or right, isn't there something wrong with government run media trying to shut down the opposition media?
Well, yes, but I'm markedly less ecstatic that there is such a thing AS government-run media period.
Of the Republican candidates this year, she added, “They’re nothing but hatemongers trying to control everyone, saying, ‘Live as I live.’ ”
As opposed to the current occupant of the White House who runs around the country saying Jesus wants us to pay higher taxes and forced a health care "reform bill" containing all sorts of mandates, fees, taxes, and regulations, on a public who didn't want it.
I would advise against Obama giving women pandas.
They're a delicate and difficult species and a steady source of fresh bamboo can get expensive.
Palin = banned from most college campuses
Because of her poor SAT scores? o_O
Most implies more than half, at least. Please provide the names of the institutions that have banned Palin from their campuses so I can check your math.
Thank you, and have a super day! :)
Disenchanted evening
You will meet a stanger
Pandas are basically raccoons.
Give them garbage cans and they're happy.
Mike and Chuck66,
Yes, I'm betting those are "Concerned Christian Conservatives" (as Ace of Spades dubbed them in 2008).
And we'll see loads more mobying and astroturfing during the general election. Ugh.
On the other hand, once the primaries are over, I expect we'll see a dropoff in the number of genuine "true conservatives" who are currently so anti-Romney they do half the left's mobying/ astroturfing work for them.
dutifully parrotted as the "Narrative Du Jour" by liberals and progressive Jews running the mainstream media
Oh hey, I think the surefire way to turn this around in favor of the GOP is to have Cedarford hit the airwaves to talk about Jews. Yeah, that should do it!
The current hot memes:
* Women on alert - Republicans are messing with your vagina
* Rush Limbaugh is the head of the GOP
* Romney is an evil Mormon, ooga boogah!
And this is why I don't go to baby showers.
You never know when someone from the NYT's will show up.
Spare me a groan.
At least the NYT's displayed this article in its proper place.
New York City Style
By the way, Romney did play this one well.
What the Dems were hoping for was a one-two punch (or at least one of 2 outcomes):
1) They tie Romney to Gingrich and Santorum, embroil him in the anti-contraception/ war on women BS brouhaha
2) They force Romney to disavow and denounce Rush-- which would turn off and anger the conservative base (already somewhat ambivalent about Romney), thereby hurting him in the primaries or alienating conservatives from him in the general.
As Axelrod's disappointment (and the lameness of this article's tepid criticism of Romney's tepidness) evinces, Romney steered clear of both prongs of this trap.
Man, I loathe this pandering to women! Don't treat us like we're stupid.
Then don't read Democrat house organ publications like the NYT, ChiTrub, WaPo, or Boston Globe.
I don't think the tone is that women are stupid; the tone of this piece and others like it is propagandist with the inference that women and minorities just need to shut up and vote as they're told.
I clicked through the Globe recently to read up on my beloved Red Sox, and they were already spinning furiously for Lizzie Warren in her Senate campaign against Scott Brown. There were other passive-aggressive shots at Repubs, but I couldn't stand to read them. Please read Jeff Jacoby of the Globe if you ever get a chance; he is the only voice of reason in that paper and a damn good writer.
From now until November it's going to be pro-Democrat stuff all the time from those shills. For the GOP, it's like the rebel X-wing fighters attacking the Death Star in the original Star Wars. Lots of extraneous flak being thrown at them; they just need to stay on target and not be distracted, even if Biggs has to make the ultimate sacrifice in the process.
Erratum: I didn't mean to write "tie Romney to Gingrich and Santorum" but rather "tie Romney to Limbaugh and Santorum".
Willard, lets compare.
Robinson = "Nixxer"
Palin = "cunt" "dumb twat" "mother I'd like to rape"
Robinson = water melons rolled at him.
Palin = Media demanding and getting 25,000 emails so they could go on a fishing expedition to try to find something to destroy her with
Robinson = Not able to stay at many hotels
Palin = banned from most college campuses
I think we should add another name to your list of "pioneers"... Rush Limbaugh!
Robinson = "Nixxer"
Rush = "Blowhard," "Big Fat Idiot," "Drug Addict," "Flush Blimpwhore," "Lush Eightball," etc...
Robinson = water melons rolled at him.
Rush = doughnuts rolled at him
Robinson = Not able to stay at many hotels
Rush = Not able to fit in standard size airline seats
Should we go on?
We should, we should! :D
POLITICS...where we aim to rub you the wrong way, or massage you where it hurts.
More often then not, when someone says "I always have voted Republican, but cannot vote for x", the person has never voted Republican.
I guess I should say here that I have never voted for a Republican candidate for President. So if someone named Jess turns up later and claims to have always voted for Republicans up until this one, that Jess is not me.
I know that you all have been on the edges of your respective seats waiting for me to clarify this for you.
Sometimes we can get a two-fer.
"War on Women"!
See what I mean?
“Mark Steyn had an interesting comment:”
Which made me wonder…
Where is that giddy Wisconsin undergrad (I think she was) who led the video tour of the occupied Capitol last year? Surely she has something to add this debate.
"1) There is no conspiracy to pander to women. Or I didn't get the memo."
In order to be a conspiracy doesn't it have to be furtive, under-the-table stuff?
I don't see anything at all conspiracy-like about the fact that a laundry list of "women" things are mandated to be entirely free, including breast pumps, while life saving medicine that is not specifically for women is under the ordinary co-pay rules.
Where is the conspiracy? It's a blatant purchase.
Gotta love the NYT's.
They got your number, sisters and brothers.
"2) Rush Limbaugh and his defenders have simply crossed a line of basic social decency. They have been repudiated by nearly all except Lushbo's hard core followers and apologists. (cough)."
Rush's crossing of the line of social decency has been denounced and it is increasingly clear that it's not about his rudeness at all, it's about defying Fluke and her handlers. If you point out that Fluke has no accomplishments but was asked to relate personal sob stories while in possession of a vagina, it doesn't matter if you're decent about it or not.
"Decency" is nothing less than cheerful agreement.
And that's not going to happen.
Would have imagined it harder to get YOUR number, Synova?
Apparently not.
Disappointed that you followed the bouncing ball away from the constitutional issue, Synova.
But hey!
We're like "family" here.
We go where the conversation takes us.
I agree there is no conspiracy to buy the women's vote. It's very blatant and open since the 1970s.
What's amazing to me regarding these Democrat women is how low their price is.
With this new information about pandas being raccoons and the the thing about bamboo being bogus and pandas settling for garbage I must now change my opinion to being for pandaring to women because that would solve two problems at once.
One thing I'll grant Maher, he's an intelligent guy. If only he used it for generally picking at the power structure instead of giving $1 million to Obama's Super PAC.
So apparently the Rush boycott is hitting Hannity and Beck. Essentially the liberals have turned Rush into the "Axis of Evil" where you are either with him or against him. I thought liberals hated that kind of black & white distinction when Bush did it.
bamboo being bogus..
Now that you mention that.. aren't bimbos also sluts.. or maybe a little slutty.
I'm remembering the term bimbo eruption as coined by a Clinton staffer..
If Rush had said bimbo he would have gotten a pass.. slut was just too offensive.
Or maybe in Rush's mind, Fluke could not be a bimbo since she is not a blond.
This is all academic now.
The Constitutional issue is important, but it's not the only issue.
There is the Constitutional one, that says freedom of religion is a first amendment guarantee so the Catholic Church should be excused from being forced to provide insurance for non-life-saving things that violate their conscience.
There is also the freedom and liberty issue of government growth and overreach, even for those who don't have a legitimate religious gripe. Simply put, if the government can force us to purchase what the government feels we must purchase, there is no limit to what government can compel.
There's the simple economic argument over how we can justify adding more entitlements, one way or another, to a depressed economy. (And no, taking away the co-pay on contraceptive pills in a culture where contraception is ubiquitous does not reduce either abortions or live-births.)
The others don't take away the insult to women, who are not chosen to "testify" on the basis of accomplishments but on the basis of their lady-parts. If we are more important for our lady-parts than our accomplishments, who is it warring against women?
Because this issue is so stupid in so many ways, let me lower the bar--if Ms. Fluck were Mr:
"Dude--blue balls are crippling. Buy me rubbers, buy me hookers, buy me pizza, buy me beer, buy me PS2's. What the fluck?"
----the GOP will loose the Presidential election, not get the Senate, and loose about 10-15 seats in the House.---
I take sophisticated political predictions more seriously when they do not contain stupid spelling errors.
Here's mine. Obama goes down to 300 electoral vote loss because of Catholics and other Christian's backlash against his assault on religious freedom. The Republicans gain the Senate, because they only have to win 10 out of 23.
What's amazing to me regarding these Democrat women is how low their price is.
So they're not sluts, they're whores?
I denounce myself...
"The Constitutional issue is important, but it's not the only issue."
Course not.
We here on Althouse like to know how you "FEEL"!
Christians have no business using the law to force religion on people, and the government should not be forcing religious institutions to do things that go against their core beliefs. Why is this so fucking complicated?
I think about 70% of Althouse commenters are severely Christian. They just can't fathom the idea that anyone disbelieves in their Jesus Christ.
POLITICS...where we aim to rub you the wrong way, or massage you where it hurts.
Not going to ask you to "Pick One", Synova.
Wouldn't be fair.
Unless I was a NYT's reporter at "baby" shower.
"Don't treat us like we're stupid. Don't act like we need your special protection."
Oh dear. I'm afraid the response to these pretty much writes itself.
"There is no conspiracy to pander to women. Or I didn't get the memo."
I realize that this may be almost too horrible to contemplate, but perhaps you just aren't important enough to get the memo, AL, seeing that you're just another faceless cog in the Media Matters 50-cent army.
Least it wouldn't be fair when we're all going to that OTHER fair.
The one with the Midway?
Rush's dick penetrating your cooch.
Is there any image more repulsive?
Rush's dick penetrating your cooch.
Is there any image more repulsive?
Why are you conjuring it? Why are you sharing it?
Here's something I didn't pick up on in the older "cover my pills" debate but now see quite clearly: the protests against health insurance policies that covered viagra but not contraception were based on a real, underlying prejudice: old people, especially old men, are "icky" and don't deserve to have their sex-related medical ailments remedied. Fat people are also "icky" apparently (though RL is no longer fat).
No, Titus.
Can't think!
One thing worse than that?
ALS maybe?
Let's us contemplate Rushs dick.
It is probably small, limited pubes, and has a hard time working.
Rush's cock.
Sad, very sad.
tits and Rush's cock,
Titus, you're a gay man and visuals mean a lot to men. To women, that the individual is powerful means a lot more, so maybe coitus with Rush wouldn't be so gross.
When the Tower Commission was active in the 80's my offices were right next door to the Tower Commission's in the New Executive Office Building. Every time I stood at the urinal next to John Tower my thought was always the same: "Oh my God in heaven -- this lizard is a ladies man?"
Well, yes he was.
"Why are you conjuring it? Why are you sharing it?"
Titus' shtick is to try to be childish and disgusting.
There is NO WAY I want to think about Steven Hawkins in my bed.
Rush climbing on top of you and mounting you.
He is sweating, natch, he can barely get his hog hard, and he is gross, and his fat folds are pulsating and likely in cardiac arrest. He pulls his fat folds up to unveil his small hog.
Picture it and cry.
Rush having sex. Now you know why he has had a million wives and no children
He snores, mechanically.
No rolling this man over.
And what might we talk about in the morning?
Rush pounding your pussy.
Picture it.
It is totally horrible, no mater what money is involved.
He is fat and gross and extremely unattractive.
we conservatives need a better looking spokes model.
because it is really all a about looks.
Wow, I am totally amazed,slut is considered derogatory. I can do better:
I would just like counter the "Centrist women are disenchanted with conservatives" meme by suggesting that we conservatives are disenchanted with centrist women as well, and we actually have real reasons rather than fabricated ones.
You vote with your heart and not you head. You vote to prevent being delegated to "barefoot and pregnant" or to "keep the government out of your bedroom", or some other boogie man. And although you will deny it, many of you ignore more serious issues to vote for the more physically attractive man.
Sure, not all of you, but Obama got a lot of votes because he would make a better boyfriend. We men have our problems, but other than Andy, we don't fall for that crap.
This is why I now support Mitt. We just have to infiltrate the Obama campaign and find out how they do that pants crease that even bowls over some men.
With that on the dashing Mitt we can't lose. And, maybe we can get him to sport a tattoo for the campaign. That would sew it up until 2016 when then Dems nominate Clooney to be our first gay President. Trust me, he really does hate when I say that.
Rush's cock.
Rush's cock penetrating you.
He might just hate when you say anything stupid?
Rush knows what you say is true, as does his wife. That's why he had to work so hard to get rich and be lovable in ways we can only imagine. I think that in person he has some magical attraction that would sweep even you off your feet, awakening in the morning to the shame, but helpless to undo it.
Stay away for your own good, don't even get close to the devastating gravitational force that is El Rushbo.
Love it when Titus worries about our sex lives.
That was a long "I" in "sex lives".
And the weekend even shorter.
Penny said...
I'm sorry dear, I was deep in thought about Titus and Rush.
You have my full attention now........ no wait their back and now with Rosie O'Donnell and Chaz Bono.
I know I promised to try and listen better when we're together, but the mind wanders with such vivid imagery being provided, and we all know how much we wanted to think about this. Thanks Titus.
Lynn Leseth? That looks more like Larry Leseth.
Instapundit has a post up about a sex-strike, or something. Yes, a "Sex Strike for Contraception."
The mind does boggle.
So liberated ladies are going to with-hold sex until they make their point?
Oh wow, *that* is going to show those sexual prudes!
Can you imagine the spectacle of tens of thousdands (well, tens, maybe) of women who engaged in contracepted, non-reproductive sex yesterday, announcing to their men that *today* they're not giving out again until women have access to contraceptives?
The brilliance of the educated class of my gender knows no bounds.
"Here's mine. Obama goes down to 300 electoral vote loss because of Catholics and other Christian's backlash against his assault on religious freedom. The Republicans gain the Senate, because they only have to win 10 out of 23."
I'll put you down to a landslide win for Romney and The House going to the Senate. What's great about this is we don't have to guess. We'll see what happens in November. As a stats junkie I'll be reading Nate Silver and having a glorious time no matter who wins.
The women I know who would fall for this "GOP war on women" stuff, were never going to vote against Obama. I don't believe independent women, such as myself, or Republican women will base their vote on which party will give them free birth control pills.
But a word of caution to conservative men; don't fall into this trap of stating that "women are a problem". This type of talk is just what libs want you to keep saying, since it certainly can alienate some women who might otherwise vote GOP. You guys do sometimes shoot yourselves in the foot, like when you joke about wanting to take away our right to vote. That's so funny.... Not. (Not necessarily at this blog, but I've seen such talk among conservative men elsewhere.)
In other words, don't believe all the nonsense that the NYT prints about how "women" think. We don't all think alike- we are as individual as men. And we are not stupid. For instance, at least the women who vote for Dems are getting something out of it. What do the men who vote Dem get? A continuation of anti-male bias. How smart is that?
"What do the men who vote Dem get?"
A sex strike.
And they probably welcome it.
But I must ask you conservative women to not let these beta men off the hook. If a liberal man tries to seduce you call him a traitor and send him packing.
"I know I promised to try and listen better when we're together."
And good for you, Bago!
Just a bit of a quibble here, though.
You didn't promise me, Penny, anything, and we, Bago and Penny, aren't together.
I'll bust your nuts, honey.
What I won't do, is bust your fantasies.
Sucker for fairy tales!
But the women?
They're at WAR!
BTW - I take back the bit about joking about taking away women's right to vote. Adult women should be able to take a joke. It's the guys who come across as serious about it that can be off-putting.
Generally with themselves, though more often with each other.
Republicans, time to invade America's vaginas!!!
Yo, YOU!
If you don't like it like that?
Tell me exactly where and when and how I need to put your penis...
In me, honey.
This is how Penny spends her time.
Ever think of getting a hobby, Penny?
It's the weekend, Ritmo.
And I'm a centrist.
You're a fruit loop; political "affiliation" is really not the issue when it comes to the insane. So thanks, but no thanks, for the vainglorious station self-identification broadcast. You hardly speak for most, let alone all "centrists", whatever that label means.
Now once again, please keep out of the other ladies' vaginas; stop poking around in places you haven't been invited into. It's creepy beyond words.
Centress too!
If your GPS is out of whack...
May I suggest you whack it a bit more?
Oh yes, we know. You are quite comfortable residing in that "central" location, just above the G-spot or so.
Why can't you keep your fingers in your own vagina? Is it really that difficult?
"G" spot?
Unless you have something better to offer?
Have Penny and Titus ever been seen in the same place at the same time? Just wondering.
Don't "wonder".
Make it happen, Rosen!
Meanwhile, in some poll or another Romney or Santorum or one of those guys or both, it doesn't matter right now, 48% approval over Obama's 43% approval. Just outside the margin of error, but still significnt.
It looks like that no matter what Obama does from now to November,.....oh. hell. there's nothing he can do to save his administration save pulling a giant Chicago style election over the whole country. Something I'm sure his progressive base is more than willing to do judging by their recent activities.
Damn--I must have wandered on to a porno site--I thought I was on a law professor's blog
they forgot to say she was a rock ribbed republican public school worker.
Ever notice how the NYT calls Republicans who adopt Democrat positions "moderates?" But Democrats who adopt Republican positions are extremists.
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