You see what's going on there, don't you? Why would our Democratic President do some high-profile hobnobbing with the Republican Governor that Democrats have targeted with protests and a recall effort for the past year, even as the recall election is still pending?
I'd say Barack Obama is looking down the road to November, making some predictions and hedging his bets. He doesn't want to be bogged down with seeming connections to the most belligerent and left-wing elements of his party. He wants to stand separate and independent, and ready to be loved by one and all throughout the lovely swing state of Wisconsin. A walk with Walker is a fine readjustment to the political center. Well played, Mr. President!
Obama wants the recall effort to fail, no?
१६५ टिप्पण्या:
Maybe Walker can share some insights into making tough decisions that are required in order to reduce budget deficits.
And then of course Obama can laugh them off...
Walker's shown fortitude in standing up to the union thugs. Unfortunately, I don't think he has the stones to tell the SCOAMF to screw because that he has better things to do than be part of some useless campaign photo-op.
It would be worth it just to watch the thin-skinned, coke-addled teleprompter baby throw a hissy fit.
I think Obama just wants to induce another Repub gov to wag a finger at him. It's about all he's got left.
If you can't beat them, then co-opt them.
It sort of worked for the GOP on the Tea Party.
But I fear that this tactic could cause Garage to suffer mental breakdown.
We should be nice to Garage while he sorts out things in his mind. No loud noises or criticisms for a while.
Yeah, I agree. Well played. And this is exactly the sort of thing one should admire when voting for a Presidential candidate. Phony opportunistic bullshit. Completely at odds with their actual record.
Fooling anyone?
It's protocol.
Bet you anything he does that little I'm-giving-you-the-finger-but-I'm-too-much-of-a-gutless-punk-to-do-it-to-your-face thing.
I predict he will come and stab Walker in the back, metaphorically speaking.
The comments on the article go full moon bat right away.
These people really are so emotionally invested in Walker being arrested...
I wonder why the president keeps asking for photo ops with governors he insults in his speeches. Brewer, Walker... next he'll be asking for one with the Supreme Court.
Obama with Walker? Hahahaha!
Meade we need you there to film it cause the guy in the crowd that spontaneously combusts will be garage.
Should be interesting to watch.
Which protesters will overplay their hand?
Only well played if you believe that people are stupid enough to fall for it. Maybe they are.
On another note, won't it alienate the many thousands who are working for a Walker recall? I hope so. I hope they are so disenchanted that they stay home in November. I'm not naive enough to think they will ever switch and pull an "R" lever, but maybe, just maybe they'll shrug, pop open a beer, and not bother to go to the polls. Not the prettiest way to win, but hey, I'll take it!
This marriage of convenience is a glorious slap in the face to two groups who have lost sight of strategy and are making decisions based on emotions: Wisconsin Democrats and primary-voting Republicans.
Garage should be along at any minute shrieking "SQUIRREL!"
What makes anyone think that Obama wants to be associated or photographed with a corrupt little turd like Walker?
Interesting factoid: Walker is being represented by a Chicago law firm working on his involvement with the John Doe investigation, which is the same law firm where Barack Obama met Michelle Obama. Cute huh?
Easy answer: The Recall effort was done to grab at union money. They part with their money, easily, when they think they can dress up a mob.
But some of the things they've bought didn't turn out so well. (Look up Code Pink. And, the Occupiers. Where you're looking at 1% of the world's crazies.)
But if you work in advertising. Or for any local media, you're floating in union money! For you then, it's a "bail-out."
While Obama wants to start showing his electability cards.
Politics. Those insiders sure make interesting decisions.
And, Wiscon is one of the 13 toss-up states. Obama doesn't have to win everyone's heart. He's just focused on winning over all of those who will be willing to cast their ballots for him, in 2012.
Walker should meet the President with presents: Maybe some Koch Industries brochures, and an autographed Althouse Blog poster for Legal Blog of the Year, and a prepaid weekend stay at the Clock Tower Resort and conference Center in Rockford, Illinois.
Making friends and influencing people all over the Mid-west.
"What makes anyone think that Obama wants to be associated or photographed with a corrupt little turd like Walker?"
Because the president is doing a public appearance with him. If the president doesn't want to appear with someone, he doesn't. Sort of like he sends some visitors through the back door past the White House trash and others through the front. He won, you know.
Or it could be that, when a President visits a state, common courtesy suggests that you allow the sitting Governor of that state an opportunity to meet you.
Perfect timing, Pianoman. Bravo.
I hope Walker channels my governor, Rick Perry, and refuses to meet with him. If he meets with Obama, he is letting himself in for the sitting-in-the-front-row-at-Obama's-speech-and-getting-insulted-in-a-venue-where-he-can't-respond treatment that Obama gave the Supreme Court, Paul Ryan, and others.
Rick Perry would have been sitting there when Obama made his "joke" about the border being more secure than ever, and Republicans wanting a moat with alligators on the border. But, he declined the invitation, to his credit.
Walker should think twice about this, and git while the gittin's good.
Pianoman said...
Garage should be along at any minute shrieking "SQUIRREL!"
2/14/12 11:30 AM
Wow, did you call it.
I'm assuming garage is the commenter over on that Web site saying Walker is going to be put in jail...
"Obama wants the recall effort to fail, no?"
I think he'd prefer the recall not be happening at all, but given that it is, I'd guess he'd think Walker losing would pump up his base and put a more pliant governor in place.
My question is; Why would Walker do this appearance? Not out of animus, but Obama's policies are so misguided, why would Walker want anything to do with Obama?
Not many years ago, this would have been perceived as mere protocol, as edutcher says.
Couldn't that be a vector here? It's obviously some kind of vector, given Obama's silly appearance with Jan Brewer recently. Maybe not a strong vector. But it has some force, no? Could Obama be just acting as POTUS, and Walker as GOTSOW?
Does anyone belive Obama knows what MMaster Lock manufactures?
VW: jokes
"... Cute huh?.."
"What makes anyone think that Obama wants to be associated or photographed with a corrupt little turd like Walker?"
The fact that he's doing it.
Obama is the chief LEO in the country. Perhaps he'll slap the manacles on Walker and frogmarch him to Leavenworth.
(bow) Thank you, thank you.
(Didn't we all know it was coming?)
Well played, Mr. President!
There you go again, playing the Marilyn Monroe.
is there a 'Obama the boyfriend' tag on this?
Remember when Obama came to town and Feingold wasn't going to appear with him. Then he changed his mind and did. Then he lost the election?
Maybe he will have a tiff with Walker in the airport like he does with female republican governors..
garage said...
What makes anyone think that Obama wants to be associated or photographed with a corrupt little turd like Walker?
I wonder if POTUS would want to be seen anywhere near garage mahal?
garage is the gift that just keeps on giving.
So not appearing with Obama = Losing an election?
Or changing one's mind? Walker can't back out now! Look what happened to Feingold!
Or it could be that, when a President visits a state, common courtesy suggests that you allow the sitting Governor of that state an opportunity to meet you.
He's been in WI since Walker was governor, if memory serves.
I agree that this is a strange bedfellows type of story, but isn't it normal for Governors to meet Presidents when they fly to their state?
How can a Governor say I'm too busy to meet with the President?
I'm not at all sure how "well-played" this is. I don't believe anyone who doesn't already support Barry is going to be fooled by this. On the other hand, I do believe that even more of Barry's supporters will be turned-off by the image of Walker and Barry together, thereby sucking even more support away from his hopes for a second term.
Walker had better not point a finger at His Excellency Barack I. That would be an unforgivable insult to The Presidency, and racist to boot.
Pres. Obama knows he can't campaign in the state without at least acknowledging the proverbial elephant in the room, so better to do it well in advance of the recall election...and better to do it at the Master Lock facilities where they're both taking credit for 'insourcing' jobs.
Walker isn't on the ballot in November, which is always going to be the President's top concern.
So there are folks who still think his speeches and photo-ops actually mean something?
Send me their e-mail addresses; I understand many of them have just won a million dollar lottery in Belgium.
The optics are all that count. The MSM (a/k/a the Obama Campaign) will write the captions and make up the stories.
Just being in the photos with Walker is a subliminal message that The President is so powerful that rebels like Walker will submit in his presence.
Obama wants to be seen as those Mountains that contribute to the energy around them. Bow down Walker!
Once again, Obama is reaching across the aisle ie doing his job. Hopefully Walker won't be rude and sarcastic like Althouse's flock and Jan Brewer.
Obama is being political knowing Walker is absolutely gonna be on his best behavior given his current predicament. Rock and a hard place indeed.
And yes, it might help Walker given WI's job growth is currently stagnate to receding!
Shiloh -- is this before or after he uses a speech to attack the governor? Maybe, like with Brewer, he'll just stand by while his followers savaged her as a racist monster.
That sort of reaching across the aisle? Because he won?
"How can a Governor say I'm too busy to meet with the President?"
Channeling Dave Ramsey: "NO!!!"
Hey Shiloh, since Obama is slashing NASA, maybe you should change your avatar to a high speed choo choo or a foodstamp.
How can a Governor say I'm too busy to meet with the President?
He (@GovWalker) could tweet, today: "Sick today. Got the same thing Alex had @ end of last week. Upset stomach."
Matthew, Brewer is not a racist monster, just your average, common variety, conservative racist.
Maybe Walker will bring the koch boys along for support! :-P
"... "How can a Governor say I'm too busy to meet with the President?..."
I'm too busy to meet with the President.
It sounds better in the original Wisconsin.
The president is making a visit to a state and that state's governor will appear with him. I dont see why this is a big deal, even though they are members of different political parties.
This is just like when everyone claps at the beginning of the State of the Union, even though half the chamber doesnt agree with the president. Its the respect for the office of the president.
"... Sick today. Got the same thing Alex had @ end of last week. Upset stomach.".."
I heard its easy to get fake doctors notes in Wisconsin.
Maybe Obama wants to arrest Walker the same way he took out bin Laden?
Walker should make himself unavailable. Governors who agree to photo ops with Obama lose their elections.
Obama went to New Jersey numerous times for photo ops with Corzine and Corzine lost. He went to Massachusettes to give Martha Coakley a photo op, she lost. He got his picture taken with Virginia's governor, Tim Kaine, who went on to lose to Bob McDonnnel.
Bad move by Walker.
Walker should make himself unavailable. Governors who agree to photo ops with Obama lose their elections.
Obama went to New Jersey numerous times for photo ops with Corzine and Corzine lost. He went to Massachusettes to give Martha Coakley a photo op, she lost. He got his picture taken with Virginia's governor, Tim Kaine, who went on to lose to Bob McDonnnel.
Bad move by Walker.
Obama made all of those photo ops as campaign visits for each of those people.
Walker really doesnt have a choice, IMO. Obama is visiting a business in Milwaukee that is expanding and adding jobs. Walker has labeled himself as a pro-jobs governor. If Walker doesnt show up, he will just be labeled in the liberal media as a partisan hack who doesnt want to appear with the president because he disagrees with him.
Maybe it's just common courtesy on both their parts. It would just be so exhausting to try to fix all gestures into some choregraphed rain dance. Whether the meeting goes badly or smoothly, both sides will see it as a vindication in their belief in whatever fine, brave man they believe in.....Myself, I would hope that both men are sufficiently decent to spontaneously perform courteous acts, or at least bluff it.
I'm pretty sure every one knows where Walker and Obama stand regarding each other. An appearance together cannot, except in the most unfair of political ads, be taken of any sort of mutual endorsement. It would be unseemly for one to snub the other. Both the President and the Governor merit the respect of the other, if only for their offices.
"... Obama went to New Jersey numerous times for photo ops with Corzine and Corzine lost. He went to Massachusettes to give Martha Coakley a photo op, she lost. He got his picture taken with Virginia's governor, Tim Kaine, who went on to lose to Bob McDonnnel.."
Weren't those all Democrats though? This might actually turn into a landslide for Walker.
Corzine campaigned for Meg Whitman in CA. ok, ok, Whitman spending a small fortune notwithstanding, she would have lost regardless of Christie lol.
Which again begs the rhetorical question. Will cheney/bush be "allowed" :-P to appear at the Rep convention in Tampa? :D
The Governor should wear a V Mask to Obama's photo-op.
Last year, President Obama claimed credit for his federal pay freeze as an example of his own courageous leadership. But later, without taking a careful look at Wisconsin Act 10, he accused Governor Walker of conducting “an assault on unions.”
Now, Obama will have the opportunity to apologize face-to-face to Walker in front of the UAW unionized workers at Master Lock. Walker will be able to graciously accept his apology and respectfully offer the President advice on how an executive can make the difficult but necessary choices that lead to balanced budgets and creating an economic climate which lures manufacturing businesses - and jobs - back to the USA.
Oops! Christie not Corzine.
I want some of whatever Meade's drinking.
Here you go, Patrick - it's my new homebrew. I call it Pollyanna Porter. Perfect for any beer summit.
Oh sure, Meade, that's *exactly* what's going to happen.
Nothing like a Summit (Great Northern) Porter.
Obama does for Democrat office-seekers what Sports Illustrated does for sports teams.
It sounds better in the original Wisconsin.
Thank you for not putting an "eh?" at the end.
It is true though, that like many other companies, Milwaukee-based Master Lock has had to manage in a climate of social unrest and labor strife... communist China.
Looks to be a pretty good rally starting to form @ the Rotunda. A persistent bunch.
Garage et al: Give us a report of what the underside of the bus looks like. It looks like the smartest president ever has decided that he will trim his losses in the Midwest knowing he will get your vote no matter what.
garage mahal said...
Looks to be a pretty good rally starting to form @ the Rotunda. A persistent bunch.
Yes, persistently stupid.
How did all the protesting of the Budget Repair Bill turn out for them?
How did all the screeching and hysteria that Prosser "choked" another justice work out for them?
Not a good deal for Walker.
I'm surprised Obama's coming; he doesn't even speak Wisconsian.
Hey shiloh - it's amazing how much rudeness President Obama has to put up with from Republicans. Remember Joe Wilson?
Garage et al: Give us a report of what the underside of the bus looks like. It looks like the smartest president ever has decided that he will trim his losses in the Midwest knowing he will get your vote no matter what.
Trim his losses? His approval rating in Wisconsin is higher than the national average, and leads Romney by 8%
"... Sick today. Got the same thing Alex had @ end of last week. Upset stomach.".."
I heard its easy to get fake doctors notes in Wisconsin.
I was thinking, Ferris Bueller.
No way is this going to go well. B. Hussein is going to try to embarrass Walker.
Garage: I am sure you are right. Why else would he come to Wisconsin than to alienate the huge supporters of the move to recall the very man with whom the President wishes to meet. I am sure you are right about how the President wishes to show solidarity with the vast group who do not support Walker by appearing with Walker. Quite right. My bad.
I don't like Obama and I don't like what he is doing to our country. That socialist/communist third world like dictator president gets no credit from me for anything, especially for playing politics. We all know that is what democrats do best.
By November, he'll be speaking at Tea Party rallies and will replace Biden with Palin.
It looks like the reason for the Althouse's vote for Obama (to clarify things) is gonna be thrown under the bus too.
Anybody who falls for this is a sucker for things like "getting along" pragmatism and civility. The fence sitters who can fall off with the slightest breeze of mediocrity and schmooze, gleefully open the city gate because the enemy brought a lovely wooden horse thingy.
You ask how a Governor can say I'm too busy to meet with the President?
"Sorry, I'm getting my hair done."
wv: rabless -- what we are when the protestors finally go away.
Well played? What is this, a tennis match? The last time I looked, it was a battle for the heart and soul of our nation.
"How can a Governor say I'm too busy to meet with the President?"
If Obama is passing up golf to meet with you, you better be there, unless they are going golfing which would explain this much better.
Obama holds the record 3 years running now for Presidential golf. He needs to put that record firmly out of reach for future Presidents - legacy.
"Well played? What is this, a tennis match? The last time I looked, it was a battle for the heart and soul of our nation."
I'm more of a jaded onlooker. My only passion is cruel neutrality.
Garage: I am sure you are right. Why else would he come to Wisconsin than to alienate the huge supporters of the move to recall the very man with whom the President wishes to meet.
He's coming to Wisconsin to visit Master Lock, whom he addressed in his SOTU speech as a model of American manufacturing. Master Lock is the only stop here.
I'm more of a jaded onlooker. My only passion is cruel neutrality.
Yeah right, which is why you predicted Walker is going to win the recall election. Very neutral!
You all are looking at this Obama/Walker event from the wrong perspective.
Wisconsin is in play. The polls show that Walker will win the re-call, that a Republican will win election to the Senate, and that Obama may not carry Wisconsin.
Obama wants some of Walker's popularity to rub off on himself in order to improve his chances of winning in Wisconsin.
So this week Obama announced that he wants federal employees to pay more for their benefits, even though there has been no negotion with AFSCME regarding this change. You know, Walker-like.
How better to gain a few points in your standing among undecided Wisconsin voters than to bask in Walker's glow after doing (partly) what Walker did one year ago?
Waiting for the Wisconsin Union heads to essplode.
Where's the "civility bullshit" tag?
Or is that to just always be assumed, henceforth?
Looks to me like Haz has been tipping one or two of my Pollyanna Pale Ales too. Cheers!
Have you seen the MSNBC commercials they play all day with various hosts delivering what are nothing short of free political ads?
Chris Mathews says we need to have everyone paying their fair share of taxes. I'd love to ask him how fair a share it is to be paying zero as do nearly half of us.
I've watched that network quite a bit recently, and it is far more biased than Fox. And Al Sharpton is terrible at TV. He's a terrible person too, but that doesn't have to make him so bad at TV.
I can't believe they couldn't find another better Black person, which I'm convinced is his reason for being there, since the network was getting a lot of criticism for not having any color in their line up.
I intend to be 100% positive and supportive of our President from here on out. I'm a real patriot.
"Wisconsin is in play."
I don't know if that's true or not, but Obama is not playing 3D chess, he's just trying to get re-elected. Positing these Machiavellian stratagems to explain a photo-op is giving him way too much credit.
wv: modine. You'd have to be Matthew Modine to still believe Obama's some sort of genius.
If the Tea Party can continue to scare Obama this much, maybe we won't have to fire him. He might just mature like most people into a conservative. Now it's gonna take a little longer than most, he was born and raised a Marxist, and spent far too much time in a university, but he's a bright guy and can start to learn stuff now, right?
Cheers, Meade!
Next round's on me!
Wisconsin is in play. The polls show that Walker will win the re-call, that a Republican will win election to the Senate, and that Obama may not carry Wisconsin.
I'd love to see what polls you're looking at. Maybe on a web poll on Syke's blog?
".. but he's a bright guy and can start to learn stuff now, right?.."
Wait,, are you being serious?
I'd love to see what polls you're looking at. Maybe on a web poll on Syke's blog?
Let's play another round of gotcha poll statistics--Wisconsin's at play.
Obama hob nobs with Walker while the base mourns.
Well played indeed.
The base is voting for him no matter what.. so to appear as far from them while denying them a cathartic Diana like moment.. its priceless.
Its not like you can fund raise the dead.. a crisis/event we are not yet prepared to do.. the things we thought we could not do before.
I'd love to see what polls you're looking at. Maybe on a web poll on Syke's blog?
I'm sure you would like to see the polling data I have seen, and I'm equally sure that your aren't going to.
Just keep wishing for that unicorn.
Ann, please stop calling any democrat, democratic. The party isn't named the democratic party is it? They are the democrat party and there is nothing democratic about them.
Sure Haz, anything you say.
It won't be long before you never even heard of Scott Walker.
Maybe Walker should pre-empt POTUS as he gets off the plane with the same kind of greeting that POTUS gave to Brewer in AZ.
Or is POTUS going to do to Walker what he did to Brewer, and attempt to make him look bad.
Walker has a few thing he could teach POTUS about budgets, that's for sure.
wv apeca
I'd like to take apeca at the play book on this one.
@ Chris 11:32
Or it could be that, when a President visits a state, common courtesy suggests that you allow the sitting Governor of that state an opportunity to meet you.
Little naive there, Chris.
This is Obama. And he Won.
Master Lock is thriving!! Why would a lock making company be thriving in these times of peace and harmony? Why the need for locks?
Well, it is reported that our smartest president ever will be popping over to congratulate himself for their success with the evil Gov.
Do occupiers use the locks to lock themselves to the railings of the Capitol, of their house? So confusing, Wisc.
What color is the sky in Garage's world?
I just love his Jimmy Stewart tone in all this. He's just so gosh-darned impressed by all these persistent...paid union lackeys.
I think it's like this. Internal WH polls show Wisconsin in play. He wouldn't set foot in the state in 2012 if it wasn't.
Internal polls also have bad news for Garage's pretty dream. It's not happening. So he's looking past that, and trying to associate himself with Walker to disarm the GOP base (hence the lovely Darcy's "well played." Because it quite possibly is, although it's premature to judge in my opinion.)
At worst, Obama looks a little craven. Bowing down to the guy who's about to bitch-slap his friends.
At best, it's triangulation, which will run up his victory totals against a right-wing loser like Santorum if he gets the nomination.
Whitney Huston's mother is reported to have used the word "inappropriate".. as the deciding factor, not to have a memorial at the bigger Newark venue.
I'm wondering what context could have produced that choice of characterization.. where as it was not in the case of Michael Jackson.
Is it possible they were approached by the Obama campaign?
Or is it possible that Whitney's mother thought the Michael's memorial "inappropriate"?
Which is more likely?
@ Hoosier
It's bagHO2.
You know --the guy with the dogs, someone else's liver, and a really funny sense of humor.
Snicker with him.
Internal polls also have bad news for Garage's pretty dream. It's not happening.
So now we're talking about secret polls! The polls the public can't see, but John Stodder and Haz can!
Walker can barely show his face in Wisconsin, he won't publicly campaign in Wisconsin [outside of TV ads], he couldn't campaign publicly for any of the recall senators last summer, but Obama and Axelrod calculate that appearing publicly with Walker helps them?
I have fucking seriously heard it all now. You guys are too much.
"Sorry, I'm getting my hair done."
wrt to the Governor, that's too easy.
"How can a Governor say I'm too busy to meet with the President?"
In the dim recesses of my brain I do think this has happened ... to this president even.
Mmm. Anyone else get a familiar flash?
Mmm. Anyone else get a familiar flash?
I got nuthin' but a bright shiny visual: link
wv = partihos [LOL!]
In the dim recesses of my brain I do think this has happened ... to this president even.
I seem remember Bush 41 turned him down for something to do with 9/11.
garage, did you read the story? Belief, opinion, faith, don't enter into this. Obama is seeing Walker and will be photographed with him. That's a fact.
I was obviously speculating about the internal polls. But it's an educated guess. If Walker was really as much of a pariah outside a narrow group as you claim, why would Obama be doing this? He wouldn't be, is the answer, because an appearance with Obama can be peddled by Walker as a kind of endorsement. Obama wouldn't give him that if he thought it could be decisive. Apparently, he realizes (internal polls?) that it won't be decisive. However, apparently, (internal polls?), Obama thinks he gets something out of appearing with Walker.
What does Walker get out of it? He gets to fuck with your mind, Garage. Your mind, and the rest of the dump-Walker coterie. And that's priceless.
Walker can barely show his face in Wisconsin...
Garage lives in a fantasy world.
Scott Walker makes appearances in Wisconsin at least three times every week, sometimes more often. Read his twitter stream.
He also goes to the barber, the grocery store, church, bowling with friends, his children's athletic events, and most other places people go. In warm weather he rides his Harley between Wauwatosa and Madison.
It is your mistake, Garage, to believe that the screaming, insulting, threatening yayhoos that follow Walker around in Madison represent how normal Wisconsinites feel about Walker.
Having been with him, I can tell you that for every one idiot who shouts out some nonesense, twenty or more people ask to shake his hand, wish him well, thank him for all he is doing, and tell him that his family remains in their prayers.
Madison is not Wisconsin. They are two entirely different places.
JAL I think you're thinking about one of the senators from Missouri, who last year wouldn't appear in public with Obama when he toured Missouri.
By the way, Garage, do you remember reading about Obama insisting that Kathleen Falk appear with him at Master Lock? You know, so Obama can full throw his support behind her candidacy?
Yeah, me neither. You'd have to be blind or a progressive not to see the message.
Well, it wasn't someone like the hockey player.
Or the SCOTUS Justices...
In those cases the 'party' was in DC.
I remember snorting when I saw it.
But. I most likely am muddled.
Madison is not Wisconsin. They are two entirely different places.
Madison should get out and mingle more.
hey chic -- do you have a few extra of those around? Contact me and I'll tell you where you can send them.
Use prepaid Priority. Flat rate. You get a discount and tracking is free.
By the way, Garage, do you remember reading about Obama insisting that Kathleen Falk appear with him at Master Lock?
Why would Obama meet with Falk?
Obama didn't insist to meet with Walker, unless you have more secret stuff you can't share.
Obama didn't insist to meet with Walker, unless you have more secret stuff you can't share.
Koch-fueled paranoia garage. Seek help before it's too late.
Koch-fueled paranoia garage. Seek help before it's too late.
Maybe I missed it. Did you read anything you can share with us that would even hint that Obama "insisted" to meet with Walker? That it was even his idea to meet with Walker? If Obama DID want to meet with Walker, to somehow [internal polls?!] improve his standing in the state, why not just schedule a visit to Wisconsin instead of an afterthought on his way to Master Lock? He announced the trip way ahead of the announcement that Walker was going to greet him on the tarmac.
So Garage is suggesting that the President does not want to meet with Walker, but was forced into into it by his incompetence.
OK, I can see that?
"Why would Obama meet with Falk?"
You mean he wouldn't? Why? What's wrong with Falk?
What's wrong with Falk?
She supports all kinds of special "rights" for state workers that Obama refuses to provide to federal employees.
"What's wrong with Falk?"
Nothing. She isn't the governor however.
She isn't the governor however.
Neither was Barrett when Obama photo-oped with him at his campaign rally at UW Madison during the last governor election. Maybe Falk should be glad not to be seen with him?
chwyfyiNeither was Barrett when Obama photo-oped with him at his campaign rally at UW Madison during the last governor election.
Barrett was the nominee though. So why didn't Obama meet with Falk, and Vinehout? Probably because they haven't been nominated.
Why is that all right wingers always make believe that Falk is the only one running, or will run?
On this issue, garage is kind of like a celebrity stalker who believes that everything David Letterman/Madonna/Jodie Foster does confirms that they love him and want him to break into their house.
Walker is really unpopular and going to lose, OKAY? And Obama didn't REALLY want to see him. It just happened, OKAY, but it doesn't mean anything. And why do you think it means anything if he doesn't meet with Falk? It would be, like, totally inappropriate, OKAY? But as for Walker, if you don't that he's washed up, OKAY, then you're crazy, OKAY? He's not even important. He's a nobody. See, I can ignore him, so should you, OKAY?
Obama has a history of offering invitations to his opponents (otherwise known as "our enemies," per his infamous speech to an Hispanic group) to appear with him in public, whereupon he publicly attacks and humiliates them. Given the symbolic and substantive importance of the Wisconsin union battles, I will be very surprised if he does not take the opportunity to slam Walker and the "war on the unions." My guess is that Walker is appearing with Obama out of respect for the office and basic decency, and that he will be rewarded with poublic excoriation by the Excoriator-in-Chief. Obama will no doubt see it as a "teachable moment," he having so very much to teach us all.
Speaking of Falk:
MADISON (WKOW) -- The president of the Wisconsin Education Association Council said her group deviated from its past practice of polling members on election recommendations when it recommended Kathleen Falk in an expected recall election of Governor Walker.
Oh well, why care about what the rank & file union members think, right?
He announced the trip way ahead of the announcement that Walker was going to greet him on the tarmac.
Well, except for the fact he will meet Obama and accompany the president for a tour of a Master Lock factory.
Walker, who is the target of a recall effort that is likely to put him on the ballot to defend his seat this fall, responded with a few digs at Obama during his CPAC speech.
Walker recalled being asked about Obama’s criticisms at a news conference and responding that the president “must know that the vast majority of federal employees do not have collective bargaining for wages and benefits.”
Furthermore, Walker continued, Obama “must know that the average federal employee pays 28% for their health insurance premium which is double what I’m asking for from state and local government employees in Wisconsin. Because I’m sure the president of the United States is not getting his talking points from the big government union bosses in Washington.”
Of course the leftists are squealing pretending Obama is going to "put him in his place"
Obama is capable of no such thing.
Walker is really unpopular and going to lose, OKAY? And Obama didn't REALLY want to see him. It just happened, OKAY, but it doesn't mean anything. And why do you think it means anything if he doesn't meet with Falk? It would be, like, totally inappropriate, OKAY? But as for Walker, if you don't that he's washed up, OKAY, then you're crazy, OKAY? He's not even important. He's a nobody. See, I can ignore him, so should you, OKAY?
Actually I've never said any of that. Ever. I just said you do not know what the fuck you're talking about. And you clearly don't. Did you even know there are two declared Dem candidates that want to challenge Walker? You didn't, did you?
"Did you even know there are two declared Dem candidates that want to challenge Walker?"
I didn't, because nobody cares who is gonna lose to Walker in an election that accomplishes nothing but spending money and letting some children vent their anger at losing the real election. How appropriate of the Dems to spend money for nothing. That's the message it sends - congrats.
I didn't,
Of course you didn't, but that won't stop you from talking about it.
I will be very surprised if he does not take the opportunity to slam Walker and the "war on the unions."
I could sort of see him doing that, but I would assume his more experienced aides would tell him that it would be beneath the dignity of his office, and a turn-off to most voters. I don't think he got the better of his dust-up with the governor of Arizona, even though I think she exploited it for personal gain. And his confronting the SCOTUS in the SOTU a few years ago was, I think, generally considered to have been out of line.
When Obama does things like this, I think it's just self-medication. Does Walker bug him as much as Brewer obviously does?
As for Garage... c'mon man. Have a sense of humor about yourself. You're a maniac on this Walker recall thing. I was just exaggerating your tendency to see this recall issue from such a dogmatic perspective. You're the one who said we soon wouldn't even remember Walker's name, and seemed to be in denial about the very story that launched this post. It was amusing.
As for Garage... c'mon man. Have a sense of humor about yourself.
Garage is as severe as they come.
I can't remember what his obsession was prior to Walker derangement syndrome. I'm tempted to go back and look. I recall him having mild PDS and BDS but the severity of this latest malady is unprecedented.
Obama is an opportunist. Perhaps all politicians are. However, he had demonstrated an extraordinary willingness to expose himself to scrutiny. Of course, it helps that the people (e.g. journalists, academics, civil servants) who are principally capable of influencing perception, have thus far been willing to protect him.
In light of his confrontation with the Catholic church, and his other efforts to explicitly or incidentally expose corruptive influences, his appearance in Wisconsin will be to support Walker's imposed constraint on the illegal fourth branch of government that is the public unions.
He is either a Conservative plant or he is a chaotic factor designed to perturb and destabilize the system.
Garage is as severe as they come.
I can't remember what his obsession was prior to Walker derangement syndrome. I'm tempted to go back and look. I recall him having mild PDS and BDS but the severity of this latest malady is unprecedented.
It's so severe I comment on a right wing blog about it!
But thousands of comments roll by here that are on the opposite end of my worldview, and I don't cry about it. Why do you?
But thousands of comments roll by here that are on the opposite end of my worldview, and I don't cry about it.
Right. Normally you don't. But on this topic, I hate to tell you, you sort of do. It's been a surprise. Usually you make a pretty good case for whatever your POV happens to be. On this topic, you seem... edgy.
garage - we're worried for your soul.
Obama wants the recall effort to fail, no?
Not necessarily. Sometimes he just shows up to harangue somebody in a situation where they can't harangue back.
Anyway, I don't think whether Obama wants the recall to fail or secretly prays for its success matters very much. I think it will fail no matter what Obama wants or doesn't want.
The governors aren't in the president's chain-of-command. It's normal for governors, of whatever party, to be in opposition to the Federal government in principle. It's adversarial. That's the way it ought to be in the tug-of-war between state and federal authority.
Everyone *ought* to be civil but when I hear about Obama scolding Brewer or something, I wonder if he just doesn't understand.
BTW, when the governor of LA was in conflict with Bush (when he didn't send help she didn't officially ask for after Katrina), I sided with Bush, but I never fussed that she was disrespectful and ought to respect the president. (Just thought I'd head off that charge of hypocrisy ahead of time.)
Trim his losses? His approval rating in Wisconsin is higher than the national average, and leads Romney by 8%
And the margin of error is what 5%?
Yep. That glass is half full.
What percentage of Wisconsin voters are catholic?
I have it on good authority that Gov Walker will not be joining Pres Obama tomorrow. Stomach flu.
Apparently Walker is going to greet at Mitchell, then bail on the Master Lock tour. Not healthy enough for a long day of traveling to Mke, press, and uh, questions.
Why would you expect Walker, or any random Democrat governor, to play tag-along with the President for an entire day, garage?
We really need to get this recall election rolling and settled. Having it at the same time as the primary in Wisconsin, Tuesday, April 3, 2012 would save taxpayers a lot of money.
@Meade - I agree. The Dems should cut out the middle man (woman?) and simply run WEAC exec Mary Bell against Walker. That way she could wake up every morning and tell herself what to do.
----Why would Obama meet with Falk?
Because she is now the titular head of the Democratic party in Wisconsin in addition to being the Union's 'bestes bought pol'. And you know she'll stay bought.
Legal? Who knows. Bought? fer shure
Yeah, Haz, and when she gets up and goes to brush her teeth, she could look in the mirror and chant to herself, "This is what democracy looks like."
Beware Obama's history of using other politicos - especially those his loyal supporters despise - as political props. For example, State of the Union with the Supreme Court & his so-called budget speech with Paul Ryan.
Obama loves to lecture a captive audience.
"Throw 'em under the bus" is a Obama motto!
And thus the 'belligerent and left-wing elements' in Wisconsin have to go!
But don't fret... Obama is the one that will go, in November. He is just to ham handed and tone deaf to what is really going on in America (and the world for that matter.)
Obama is being political knowing Walker is absolutely gonna be on his best behavior given his current predicament. Rock and a hard place indeed.
Really? I've met Governor Walker once, shook his hand, and offered him my resume. He struck me as a serious, good man, one who is always on good behavior. Not the sort of fellow to make off hand remarks which will cause others grief or consternation.
Let President 0bama try his guest-as-captive-audience-to-ridicule trick on Governor Walker. There's future campaign ad: 0bama said this, but the truth is..., etc.
I'm sure 0bama would love the recall to succeed, but really doesn't care. American socialist have been playing a long game. They have figured out how to tap into government money, for example money going to ACORN and Planned Parenthood, so they have a source of resupply. Conservatives must spend their own money, which is limited. The socialist-progressive-democrats are willing to wage war on as many fronts as possible, to wear down the opponents. They just won't stop.
See that Washington has passed same-sex marriage through the legislature? States have referendums against same-sex marriage, which prevent it, and then legislatures by pass the will of the people. The left doesn't quit, and doesn't take no for an answer. In the same way, I had a recent email exchange with a fellow from Indiana. He had worked for the State of Indiana in the Treasurers' Office. Seems voters had wanted some sort of roll back on property taxes. They had gotten it, but then the legislature raised income taxes and gave extra money to the now cash starved communities. Communities short for cash because their property taxes had been curtailed. The legislature just figured the people were fools, and they, the legislature, knew better, and would circumvent the choices of the people.
I feel kind of sorry for Master Lock. The President has a bit of a black thumb with businesses. He gives a shout out and the company goes under. Solyndra, that company Ener1 mentioned in the SOTU - went bankrupt right after... Lightsquared isn't doing so well either after the FCC has denied its waivers. Spectrum interferes with GPS and GPS wins.
wv: mistole
Re: a governor not showing up to greet President Obama. Happened in Alaska in November of '09.
A stop was made by AF1 to fuel up at Elmendorf AFB. The Pres. was enroute to China but used the fuel stop to greeted troops. Gov. Parnell was scheduled to be there, but at the last minute the President's schedule changed and Parnell elected to keep a previously made commitment rather than change his schedule accordingly. Newly elected Dem. Senator Begich was there, so was the Lt. Gov., but there was still an outcry of "snubbery" from the local left when Parnell didn't show.
Here's the rundown from the Juneau Empire:
Master Lock is gonna be another Caterpillar for the President.
What percentage of Wisconsin voters are catholic?
Good question.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 59% of likely Catholic voters nationwide at least somewhat disapprove of the president’s job performance, while 40% at least somewhat approve. But the passion’s on the side of those who don’t like the job he’s doing: 44% Strongly Disapprove versus 19% who Strongly Approve.
Fifty-four percent (54%) of Catholics voted for Obama in November 2008. However, Republican hopeful Mitt Romney currently leads the president among Catholic voters by a 52% to 35% margin.
simply run WEAC exec Mary Bell against Walker
She wouldn't take the pay cut to be governor.
Walker should greet him with a brass band and a ticker tape parade - go WAY over-the-top with the pomp and circumstance.
The irony will be apparent.
Under no circumstances should he duck it - or be alone with Obama, where cameras do not record every whisper Obama makes. No more 'we don't know what went on' like happened in Arizona. When Obama makes his 'your mama wears army boots' remark designed to induce the finger wag - let it be public. Every indrawn breath.
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